Industrial Facilities Model (IFM) Brochure

Today’s global economy has created a wealth of high-value industrial facilities,
an increasingly high proportion of which are located in regions at risk to
earthquakes or hurricanes. The RMS® Industrial Facilities Model incorporates
the unique physical and operational characteristics of industrial facilities in
estimating facility vulnerability, and calculating the estimated financial risk
from building, contents, and business interruption losses for a comprehensive
set of facility types worldwide.
Industrial Facilities
S tat e - o f -t h e - A rt I n d u s t r i a l Fac i l i t i e s M o d e l
The RMS Industrial Facilities Model combines the latest global research on industrial facility performance with
extensive RMS experience in analyzing and investigating industrial losses from earthquakes and hurricanes, and
consultations with major worldwide industrial insurers, resulting in a model that is consistent with the levels of
data and the types of issues encountered by industrial underwriters.
The model is calibrated against insured loss data from industrial underwriters as well as engineering damage
data from recent events. This detailed and exhaustive review provides insight into the vulnerability of critical
components of industrial facilities, and the high percentage of value associated with contents (machinery,
equipment, and stock), a feature unique to industrial facilities. The model includes a comprehensive set of
industrial facility types and a full range of construction classes based on the predominant structure types found
in each country.
C o m p o n e n t - B a s e d Vu l n e r a b i l i t y D e v e l o p m e n t
An industrial facility consists of many integrated components and processes. Successful operation of a system
or facility depends on the performance of its critical components. RMS employs a systems-reliability approach
to develop vulnerability functions for each facility type and peril.
In this approach, separate vulnerability functions are developed for buildings and contents for every critical
component present at each industrial
facility occupancy. The component-
weighted according to their relative
Chemical Processing Equipment
values to arrive at overall building
and contents vulnerability functions
Damage Ratio
level vulnerability functions are then
Mechanical Equipment Pumps
Substation Power Generators
for each facility type. Within a country,
Overall Chemical Processing Facility
Wind Speed / Earthquake Intensity
also developed to take into account
local construction practices and code
Component-based vulnerability development for structures within a chemical
processing facility
B u s i n e s s I n t e r r u p t i o n b y F a c i l i t y Ty p e
In the Industrial Facilities Model, business interruption estimates consider the impact of building, machinery,
and equipment damage, as well as expected modes of component failure. Business interruption downtime
values are calibrated using data on operational disruption following past earthquakes and hurricanes, including
paid business interruption claims.
a given wind speed or ground shaking intensity, or estimates of business interruption impacts may differ due to
the nature of industrial operations, equipment housed at the facility, or impact of off-site lifelines on the facility.
R e l at i v e Da m ag e a n d L o s s Pot e n t i a l
for both earthquake and hurricane
perils, as well as the ability to specify
construction class information and
allows for improved estimates of loss
Ratio to General Industrial
vulnerabilities of different occupancies
Fossil Fuel
Pulp and Paper
Outdoor Chemical Processing
Food & Beverage
ATC 38 - General Industrial
potential, resulting in more effective
In addition, the model can be
Return Period
used to refine overall portfolio loss
estimates. For example, loss estimates
Relative earthquake risk by occupancy type
for heavy industrial occupancies are
typically lower than those obtained using general commercial lines vulnerability functions. Similarly, transmission
and distribution loss estimates are typically higher for hurricane, reflecting the greater susceptibility of these
facilities to wind damage.
E a rt h qu a k e a n d H u r r i c a n e I m pac t s on I n du s t r i a l Fac i l i t i e s
Ear thquake Damage to Heavy Manufacturing Facilities
Due to their high relative value, the vulnerability of contents is key
to assessing loss potential for industrial facilities. This maintenance
building collapsed, causing significant damage to railway cars housed
at the facility, which represented a majority of the total loss.
Hurricane Damage to Light Industrial Manufacturing Facilities
Hurricane winds may cause relatively minor structural damage, but
result in significant contents damage due to water entering the facility.
This built-up roof experienced membrane lifting and peeling. Water
through the roof openings damaged the facility contents, and operations
were shut down for approximately two weeks.
Source: FEMA
C o m p r e h e n s i v e R e s e a r c h f o r Vu l n e r a b i l i t y D e v e l o p m e n t
RMS conducted detailed research of critical components and their performance in earthquakes and hurricanes
for each facility type. The resulting vulnerability functions differentiate damageability for both structures and
contents based on facility type and predominant construction class. An example of the development process
for the refinery facility type is shown below.
Study Facility Process and Critical Components
Detailed investigation of refinery processes and loss experience confirm the critical components that contribute
most to capital loss, production loss, fire risk, and hazardous substance release
Q u a n t i f y R e l a t i v e Va l u e s o f A l l F a c i l i t y C o m p o n e n t s
Site-specific investigations, literature review, and underwriter
input are used to quantify relative values of structures and
contents associated with each refinery component
Study Perfor mance and Claims Data
for Each Component
Based on a study of over 30 earthquake and hurricane
event reports and a review of industrial claims data,
specific failure modes for critical components and resulting
Mode 1
loss estimates are calculated for structures, contents, and
Mode 2
business interruption
C r e a t e F a c i l i t y Vu l n e r a b i l i t y F u n c t i o n s B a s e d o n R e l a t i v e Va l u e s o f
Refinery structure and contents vulnerability curves and business interruption estimates are developed for
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Default (unknown)
Windspeed/Earthquake Intensity
Damage Ratio
default (unknown) construction class and for other predominant classes in each geographic region
Model Specs
P e r i l s C ov e r e d a n d G e o g r a p h i c S c op e
 Earthquake: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, the Caribbean, Chile,
China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guam, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the U.K, the U.S., Venezuela
 Hurricane: Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Caribbean, Denmark, France, Germany, Guam, Ireland, Japan,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K., the U.S.
F a c i l i t y Ty p e s C o v e r e d
 Heavy industrial: mining, cement mills, steel mills, pulp and paper, glass plant, general
 Chemical processing: primarily outdoor, primarily indoor
 Light industrial: electronics, pharmaceutical, biomedical, semiconductor, general assembly, general manufacturing,
technological risk
 Petrochemical: oil refineries, pipelines, pipeline below ground, tank farms
 Electric power generation: fossil fuel plants (various sizes), hydroelectric plants, co-generation plants (various sizes)
 Electric power: transmission and distribution lines, substations, nuclear power plants, wind farms
 Natural gas facilities
 Food and beverage
 Data processing/telecommunications
 Communications
 Ports and harbor facilities
 Dams, reservoirs only, water/sewage treatment plants, mechanical
C on s t ru c t i on C l a s s e s
Choice of construction classes is dependent on the predominant structure types in each country (e.g., unknown,
light metal, unreinforced masonry wall, reinforced concrete, nonductile concrete, reinforced masonry, steel
frame, tilt-up, for facilities in the U.S.)
S e c o n d a ry M o d i f i e r s
 Earthquake: construction quality, equipment anchoring and bracing, structural upgrade/retrofit, business
interruption (BI) preparedness and BI redundancy
 Hurricane: construction quality, outdoor equipment anchorage and protection, contents vulnerability to water damage
S p e c i a l Fe at u r e s
 Component-based vulnerability functions
 Separate vulnerability functions for structure and contents (machinery, equipment, and stock) for each facility
type and construction class
 Region-specific vulnerabilities to account for differing construction practices and code requirements
 Calibration and validation based on event reconnaissance, site-specific risk evaluations, and industrial facilities claims data
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