Queensland Government Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 367] Friday 24 October 2014 (B[FUUF#BDL*TTVFT$VSSFOU 4OVIEWPREVIOUSYEARSOFALL'AZETTESPLEASE VISITWEBSITEAT XXXRMEHPWBVQVCMJDBUJPOT #LICKON0UBLICATIONS #LICKON#ATEGORIES #LICKONTHEYEARFROMTHELISTOF'AZETTE CATEGORIESIE'AZETTES #LICKONTHEMONTHREQUIRED #LICKONTHEWEEKREQUIRED /NTHEDOWNLOADPAGEFORTHEWEEK REQUIREDPRESS$OWNLOAD 3HOULDYOUHAVEANYPROBLEMSPLEASE CONTACTUSGAZETTE HPWQLDGOVAU XXXRMEHPWBVQVCMJDBUJPOT ISSN 0155-9370 [181] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 367] ISSN 0155-9370 Wednesday 22 October 2014 Queensland Constitution of Queensland 2001 PROCLAMATION I, JOHN DANIEL MURRAY MUIR, Judge, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Queensland, acting under section 41 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001 , having previously taken the prescribed oaths, have today assumed the administration of the Government of the State as Acting Governor because His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor, has assumed the administration of the Government of the Commonwealth. [L.S.] JOHN DANIEL MURRAY MUIR Acting Governor Signed and sealed on 22 October 2014. By Command Campbell Newman God Save the Queen ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. Made by the Acting Governor on 22 October 2014. Published in an Extraordinary Government Gazette on 22 October 2014. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. © The State of Queensland 2014 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 22 October 2014 [No. 39 182 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 39 This page has been left blank intentionally [22 October 2014 [183] Queensland Government Gazette Natural Resources and Mines PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 367] Friday 24 October 2014 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No 08) 2014 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No 08) 2014 Land taken [s.15C(5) of the Act] 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by Bundaberg Regional Council for road purposes and vests in Bundaberg Regional Council for an estate in fee simple on and from 24 October 2014. SCHEDULE 6RXWK5HJLRQ%XQGDEHUJ2I¿FH Land Taken Lot 25 on SP259464 (to be registered in the Land Registry), area 4238 m2, part of Title Reference 13110123, parish of Barolin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ENDNOTES Made by the Governor in Council on 23 October 2014. Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. File Reference: CBD/124703 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Electricity Act 1994 Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993 TAKING OF NATIVE TITLE RIGHTS AND INTERESTS AND RESOURCE INTERESTS NOTICE (No 01) 2014 [S.9 OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND ACT 1967, ELECTRICITY ACT 1994, S.24MD OF THE NATIVE TITLE ACT 1993 (COMMONWEALTH) AND S.144 OF THE NATIVE TITLE (QUEENSLAND) ACT 1993] Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Native Title Rights and Interests and Resource Interests Notice (No 01) 2014. Native Title Rights and Interests Taken 2. The native title rights and interests, if any, in the land and waters described in Schedule 1 are taken on behalf of Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited ACN 078 849 233 for electrical works purposes and purposes incidental thereto on and from 24 October 2014. Resource Interests Taken and Extinguished 3. The resource interests described in Schedule 2 are taken on behalf of Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited ACN 078 849 233 for electrical works purposes and purposes ISSN 0155-9370 [No. 40 incidental thereto on and from 24 October 2014. 4. The resource interests described in Schedule 2 are partially extinguished by excluding the land described in Schedule 1 from the land the subject of the interest. SCHEDULE 1 6RXWK5HJLRQ5RPD2I¿FH Land Volumetric Lot 10 on SP262435, footprint 9.953 ha, volume 2.9858 x 107m3, unallocated State land, whole of Title Reference 47041891, parish of Pony Hills. SCHEDULE 2 6RXWK5HJLRQ5RPD2I¿FH Resource Interest Petroleum Lease 204 and all other mining tenement interests (as GH¿QHGLQWKHMinerals Resources Act 1989), petroleum interests DVGH¿QHGLQWKHPetroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004$FWSHWUROHXPLQWHUHVWVDVGH¿QHGLQWKHPetroleum Act 1923JHRWKHUPDOLQWHUHVWVDVGH¿QHGLQWKHGeothermal Energy Act 2010DQG*+*LQWHUHVWVDVGH¿QHGLQWKHGreenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009). ENDNOTES Made by the Governor in Council on 23 October 2014. Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 5. File Reference – 079/0000408 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE BY THE MINISTER (No 19) 2014 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice by the Minister (No 19) 2014. Land taken [s.9(7) of the Act] 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by Moreton Bay Regional Council for road purposes and vests in Moreton Bay Regional Council for an estate in fee simple on and from 24 October 2014. SCHEDULE 6RXWK5HJLRQ&DERROWXUH2I¿FH Land Taken Land Acquisition Area in Lot 12 on RP198600 and shown on drawing 14-074-901 (deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines), approximate area 1.1592 ha, part of Title Reference 17455235, parish of Redcliffe. 079/0000603 1. 2. 3. 4. 184 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 40 Land Acquisition Area in Lot 2 on RP866786 and shown on drawing 14-074-900 (deposited in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines) approximate area 4122 m2, part of Title Reference 50032481, parish of Redcliffe. 079/0000605 ENDNOTES Made by the Minister on 15 October 2014. Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines Acts Interpretation Act 1954 Land Act 1994 REPEALING PART OF AN OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE (No 03) 2014 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Repealing Part of an Objection to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 03) 2014. Repeal of part of a notice [s.24AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 and s.100 of the Land Act 1994] 2. The Objections to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 38) 2014 published in the Gazette on 26 September 2014 at pages 81-82 insofar as such relates to SCHEDULE 9 only (temporarily closing an area of road in the parish of Sophia, North Region, &DLUQV2I¿FHLVUHSHDOHG 1. 2. 3. 4. ENDNOTES Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 4. File Reference – 2009/004912 Land Act 1994 OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE (No 42) 2014 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Objections to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 42) 2014. Application for road closure [s.100 of the Act] 2. Applications have been made for the permanent and temporary closure of the roads mentioned in the Schedule. Objections 3.(1) An objection (in writing) to a proposed road closure mentioned in the Schedule may be lodged with the Executive Director, Department RI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG0LQHVDWWKHUHJLRQDORI¿FHIRUWKHUHJLRQLQ which the road is situated. (2) Latest day for lodgement of objections is 4 December 2014. (3) Any objections received may be viewed by other parties interested in the proposed road closure under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009. If you lodge an objection, please include in your objection letter whether you would like to be consulted if this issue becomes the subject of an access request under the Right to Information Act 2009. Plans 4. Inspection of the plans of the proposed road closures may be made atD WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG0LQHV2I¿FHVDW Brisbane, Warwick and Cairns; and E WKH /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW 2I¿FHV RI %ULVEDQH &LW\ 6RXWKHUQ Downs Regional and Cairns Regional; for a particular plan in that district or that local government area. SCHEDULE PERMANENT CLOSURE 6RXWK5HJLRQ%ULVEDQH2I¿FH 1 An area of about 158 m2 being part of Hall Street adjoining Lot 1 on RP20006 (parish of Enoggera, locality of Alderley) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 14/215. (2014/007578) 6RXWK5HJLRQ:DUZLFN2I¿FH 2 An area of about 1140 m2 being the road separating Lot 94 on RP31029 from Lots 170 and 171 on RP31029 (parish of Rosenthal, locality of Morgan Park) and shown as road to be closed permanently 1. 2. 3. [24 October 2014 on Drawing DD2014/080. (2014/006619) 3 An area of about 357 m2 being the road abutting Lot 15 on CP905800 (parish of Warwick, locality of Warwick) and shown as road to be closed permanently on Drawing DD2014/081. (2014/007301) TEMPORARY CLOSURE 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH 4 An area of about 4075 m2 being part of the unnamed road abutting Lot 21 on SP188698 (parish of Sophia, locality of Aloomba) and shown as plan of Lot A, proposed temporary road closure on Drawing TSV2014-42. (2009/004912) ENDNOTES Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. Land Act 1994 REOPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED ROAD NOTICE (No 29) 2014 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Reopening of Temporarily Closed Road Notice (No 29) 2014. Reopening temporarily closed road [s.107 of the Act] 2. It is declared that the areas of land comprised in the former Road Licences mentioned in Schedules 1 to 3 are reopened as road. SCHEDULE 1 1RUWK5HJLRQ,QQLVIDLO2I¿FH An area of about 7.285 ha being the road intersecting Lot 401 on NR2150, being the land contained within former Road Licence No. 26/3187, (parish of Hull). (2014/004959) SCHEDULE 2 1RUWK5HJLRQ,QQLVIDLO2I¿FH An area of about 1.010 ha abutting Lot 8 on SP222257, being the land contained within former Road Licence No. 0/211346, (parish of Rockingham). (2014/006320) SCHEDULE 3 1RUWK5HJLRQ7RZQVYLOOH2I¿FH An area of about 1030 m2 being part of Green Street adjoining Lot 17 on RP704993 and shown as Lot 1 on AP22321, being part of the land contained within former Road Licence No. 26/7501, (parish of Johnstone). (2012/07025) 1. 2. 3. ENDNOTES Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. Land Act 1994 TEMPORARY CLOSING OF ROADS NOTICE (No 17) 2014 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Temporary Closing of Roads Notice (No 17) 2014. Roads to be temporarily closed [s.98 of the Act] 2. The road described in the Schedule is temporarily closed. SCHEDULE 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH An area of about 6780 m2 now established as Lot R on AP21266 (parish of Trinity, locality of Wrights Creek) in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (2010/008110) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. ENDNOTES Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. © The State of Queensland 2014 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 24 October 2014 [185] Queensland Government Gazette Transport and Main Roads PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 367] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 24 October 2014 [No. 41 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 2779) 2014 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2779) 2014. Land to be taken [s.15D(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Following agreement in writing, the land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes, as from 24 October 2014, and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple. SCHEDULE Land Taken County of Canning, Parish of Durundur -an area of 430 square metres being Lot 2 on SP269017 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of land contained in Title Reference: 50929462. Sunshine Coast Region Maleny – Stanley River Road 510/2023; 495/7335 ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Made by the Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads on 9 October 2014. Published in the Gazette on 24 October 2014. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. © The State of Queensland 2014 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 24 October 2014 186 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 41 This page has been left blank intentionally [24 October 2014 [187] Queensland Government Gazette Local Government PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 367] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 24 October 2014 [No. 42 Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Sustainable Planning Act 2009 IPSWICH CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE ADOPTION OF PLANNING SCHEME MAJOR AMENDMENT PACKAGE 02/2014 PUBLIC NOTICE NORTH BURNETT REGIONAL PLANNING SCHEME POLICIES Notice is given under section 117 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 that on 14 October 2014, Ipswich City Council resolved to adopt amendments to the Planning Scheme for the City of Ipswich. The planning scheme amendments will have effect on and from 27 October 2014. The purpose and general effects of the planning scheme amendments are to limit an Auxiliary Unit to a maximum of 50m2 gross floor area and one bedroom by changing the definitions of Auxiliary Unit and Dual Occupancy in Schedule 1 – Dictionary. Pursuant to Part 5, Division 1 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and Statutory Guideline 2/14 Stage 3, Step 5 notice is hereby given that: North Burnett Regional Council • adopted the North Burnett Regional Planning Scheme Policies on 24 June 2014 • has set the commencement date of the new policies as 3 November 2014 Copies of the planning scheme are available for inspection and purchase at the Planning and Development Counter, Ipswich City Council Administration Building, 45 Roderick Street, Ipswich from 27 October 2014, and are also available on Council’s website at www.ipswichplanning.com.au/planning-documents/ planning-scheme The new policies are as follows— A copy of the planning scheme amendments is also available for inspection at the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, in the Planning Information Area, 63 George Street, Brisbane from 27 October 2014. • • The standards for stormwater drainage, roads (excepting State-controlled roads), sewerage and water supply) Agricultural land To protect Agricultural land classification (ALC) Class A and Class B • Jim Lindsay CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Information local government may request Stating for particular applications the likely information Council will ask for • Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Design and construction standards for non-trunk infrastructure works Landscaping Circumstances in which information about landscaping may be required, standards applying to landscaping, acceptable and unacceptable species for landscaping PUBLIC NOTICE NORTH BURNETT REGIONAL PLANNING SCHEME Pursuant to Part 5, Division 1 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and Statutory Guideline 2/14 Stage 4, Step 10 notice is hereby given that: • North Burnett Regional Council • adopted the North Burnett Regional Planning Scheme on 21 October 2014 • has set the commencement date of the new scheme as 3 November 2014 • A copy of the planning scheme policies are available for: For information – 1300 696 272 – inspection and purchase in Council Administrative Offices A copy of the North Burnett Regional Planning Scheme is available for: – inspection and purchase in Council Administrative Offices – inspection only at www.northburnett.qld.gov.au – inspection only at www.northburnett.qld.gov.au MJ Pitt CEO Third party advice or comment Detailing when Council may request non-statutory advice from external agencies Building form for the Centre Zone Details on built form for Centre Zone For information – 1300 696 272 MJ Pitt CEO 188 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 42 [24 October 2014 2VFFOTMBOE1VCMJD)PMJEBZPO 'SJEBZUI/PWFNCFS (-FBEFST4VNNJU 4HE',EADERS3UMMITPUBLICHOLIDAYISAONEOFFHOLIDAYIN"RISBANE #ITY#OUNCILAREATOASSISTWITHEASINGSECURITYCONCERNSANDTRAFFIC CONGESTIONWHILSTTHE'SUMMITISBEINGHELDIN"RISBANEONTHE WEEKENDOFTHETHANDTHOF.OVEMBER $UETOTHE&RIDAY0UBLIC(OLIDAYTHE1UEENSLAND'OVERNMENT'AZETTE WILLBEPUBLISHEDANDRELEASEDON4HURSDAYAFTERNOONOF TH.OVEMBER 46#.*44*0/%&"%-*/&4 7BDBODJFT"QQPJOUNFOUT1BSU*** %MAILSUBMISSIONSTO HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV BEFORECLOSEOFBUSINESS .POEBZUI/PWFNCFS 0AYMENTSTOBEMADEBY CLOSEOFBUSINESS4UESDAYTH.OVEMBER (FOFSBMBOE-PDBM(PWFSONFOU(B[FUUF %MAILSUBMISSIONSTO HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV BEFORENOON 5VFTEBZUI/PWFNCFS 0AYMENTSTOBEMADEBY CLOSEOFBUSINESS4UESDAYTH.OVEMBER )FYOUHAVEQUERIESREGARDINGTHISMATTER PLEASECONTACTTHE'AZETTE4EAM HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV © The State of Queensland 2014 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 24 October 2014 [189] Queensland Government Gazette General PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 367] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 24 October 2014 [No. 43 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 22 October 2014 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21(5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Commissioner for Declarations. Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Katrina GUSMEROLI Donald Victor GYNTHER Maxine Minnie HAY Glen Michael HIGGS Jamie Anne HOLLAND Adam Clarence MASSEY David Anthony MCEVOY David Alexander MCMAHON Natalie Helen MITCHELL Valerie Gail NOTHLING Melinda Jane ROSE Jenna Bernice TOLCHER Patricia VARLEY Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 22 October 2014 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 23 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has resigned as a Commissioner for Declarations. Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Brian HARRIS William Joseph OXENHAM Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 22 October 2014 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21(5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Miriam Rose AIREY Rebecca Clare ATKINS Raymond BESWICK Gregory James CHIPPENDALE Sharon Maureen CROXFORD Katherine Veronica DUNLOP Wendy Kaye GLASS Abby Lea HARRISON Barry JOHNSON Deborah Lorraine LEWIS Laura LOCKWOOD Peter Anthony NOONAN Karen Michelle RAY Hai Van TRAN Darren William TUMMON Jean-Pierre Markus TURSCHWELL Kristin Jean TYLER Kristen Jenna WIDELEWSKI Ellen Joanne WILKINSON Kimberley Jane WILLIAMSON 190 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 [24 October 2014 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 22 October 2014 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 23 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has resigned as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Kevin James DERGES Emily MATTHYS Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 24 October 2014 His Excellency the Governor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council, has approved– (a) the appointment by Commission under the District Court of Queensland Act 1967 of His Honour Judge Paul Edward Smith as Judge Administrator of the District Court of Queensland on and from 24 October 2014; and (b) the appointment by Commission under the Constitution of Queensland 2001 of each of the undermentioned persons as a Judge of the District Court of Queensland on and from the date of commencement shownName Date of commencement Dean Patrick Morzone QC 27 October 2014 Michael John Francis Burnett 3 November 2014 Helen Patricia Bowskill QC 10 November 2014 Suzanne Catherine Sheridan 24 November 2014 JARROD BLEIJIE MP Gloria Dawn THOMPSON 24 October 2014] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 191 NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF ADVERTISED VACANCIES The following appointments to various positions have been made in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Act 2008 . NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF APPOINTMENTS PART I A public service officer, tenured general employee or a tenured public sector employee of a public sector unit listed in schedule 1 of Public Service Regulation 2008 who wishes to appeal against a promotion listed in Part 1 must give a written Appeal Notice within 21 days following gazettal of the promotion to – Industrial Registrar Industrial Registry Email: [email protected] Web Address: www.qirc.qld.gov.au for Appeal Notice For general enquiries prior to lodgement of an appeal: Contact PSC Advisory Service 1300 038 472 or email [email protected] APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs 140168/14 Administration Officer, Community and Date of duty Tetuira, Maianna Personal Histories, Corporate Client Services, Brisbane (AO3) Administrative Officer, Community and Personal Histories, Corporate and Client Services, Brisbane (AO2) Arts Queensland AQ 506/14 Manager – Arts Business Services, Arts Business Services, Arts Business Performance and Infrastructure, Brisbane (AO6) 14-10-2014 Ospina, Carolina Senior Arts Business Services Officer, Arts Business Services, Arts Business Performance and Infrastructure, Brisbane (AO4) Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 141838/14 Manager, Disability and Community Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Nundah (AO8) Date of duty Erskine-Wyse, Kathryn Team Leader, Oxley Service Access Team, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Oxley (A07) Education, Training and Employment CO 20181/14 Manager, Training System Information, 13-10-2014 Kettle, Christopher Performance Monitoring and Reporting Unit, Corporate Strategy and Performance Branch, Corporate Services Division, Brisbane (AO8) Manager, Training System Information, Performance Monitoring and Reporting Unit, Corporate Strategy and Performance Branch, Corporate Services Division, Brisbane (AO7) Housing and Public Works 140421/14 Operations Manager, Statewide Operations, Building and Asset Services, Building Services and Works Division, Cairns (AO6) Date of duty Pavey, Wayne Supervisor, Building and Asset Services, Building Services and Works Division, Cairns (OO6) 140421/14 Operations Manager, Statewide Operations, Building and Asset Services, Building Services and Works Division, Cairns (AO6) Date of duty Tenni, Gregory Principal Supervisor, Building and Asset Services, Building Services and Works Division, Cairns (OO8) 192 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 [24 October 2014 APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Date of duty Robertson, Gary Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) 140421/14 Operations Manager, Statewide Operations, Building and Asset Services, Building Services and Works Division, Cairns (AO6) Senior Supervisor, Building and Asset Services, Building Services and Works Division, Cairns (OO7) 143263/14 Manager, Housing Appeals and Review, Date of duty Bolton, Wayne Murray Principal Appeals and Complaints Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO8) Officer, Housing Appeals and Review, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO7) Justice and Attorney-General 140265/14 Senior Correspondence Officer, Office Date of duty Hodgman, Justine of the Director-General, Brisbane (AO6) Executive Assistant, Office of the Assistant Director-General (SPLS), Brisbane (AO3) 138333/14 Executive Officer, Office of the Assistant Date of duty Duce, Fiona Director-General, Corporate Services, Brisbane – CBD (AO6) Deputy Registrar, Sunshine Coast and Western Queensland, Regional Operations, Queensland Courts Service, Justice Service, Caboolture (AO4) 109518/14 Program Delivery Officer Level 2, Townsville Correctional Complex, Custodial Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Townsville (PO3) Date of duty Mossman, Emma Program Delivery Officer Level 1, Townsville Correctional Complex, Custodial Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Townsville (PO2) 136159/14 Senior Case Manager, South Coast Region, Probation and Parole, Queensland Corrective Services, Logan City (PO3) Date of duty Stone, Amelia Case Manager, South Coast Region, Probation and Parole, Queensland Corrective Services, Southport (PO2) 135893/14 Regional Manager, Southern Region, Regional Services Branch, Compliance Division, Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation, Gold Coast (AO7) Date of duty Forden, Tony Principal Compliance Officer, South Region, Regional Services Branch, Compliance Division, Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation, Gold Coast (AO6) 136159/14 Senior Case Manager, South Coast Region, Probation and Parole, Queensland Corrective Services, Logan City (PO3) Date of duty Latif, Saima Case Manager, South Coast Region, Probation and Parole, Queensland Corrective Services, Logan City (PO2) 145388/14 Assistant Manager Sentence Management, Sentence Management Services, Specialist Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Maryborough (AO5) Date of duty Roscow, Jason Sentence Planning Coordinator, Sentence Management Services, Specialist Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Maryborough (AO4) 25978/13 Shift Supervisor, Brisbane Youth Detention Centre, Youth Justice Services, Wacol (OO6) Date of duty Turner, John Section Supervisor, Brisbane Youth Detention Centre, Youth Justice Services, Wacol (OO5) 17494/14 Principal Lawyer, Workplace Law team, Date of duty Cornes, Rachel Ellen Public Law Branch, Crown Law, Brisbane (PO6) Senior Lawyer, Workplace Law 2, Public Law Branch, Crown Law, Brisbane (PO5) 141910/14 Ethical Consultant, Ethical Standards Unit, Office of the Director General, Brisbane (AO7) Senior Advisor, Ethical Standards, Human Resources and Ethical Standards, Corporate Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Brisbane (AO6) Date of duty Homan, Natalie Jane 24 October 2014] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 193 APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) Office of the Health Ombudsman OHO 44/14 Investigations Officer, Investigation 20-10-2014 Armstrong, Emma Team 2, Investigations, Brisbane (AO5) Jade Laura Enquiry Officer, Reg and Preliminary Assessment, Office of the Queensland Ombudsman, Brisbane (AO3) Public Safety Business Agency * 113013/14 Injury Management Advisor, Injury Management, Safety and Wellbeing, Human Resources, Brisbane (AO5) 09-10-2014 Fogarty, John Thomas Health Coach, Health and Safety, Safety and Wellbeing, Human Resources, Brisbane (PO2) 139255/14 Date of duty Potter, Hayley Contracts Officer, State Alarm Management Command, Operations Business and Strategy, Public Safety Business Agency, Albion (AO4) Correspondence Officer, Finance Services, Business Services, Public Safety Business Agency, Brisbane (AO3) * This vacancy was previously advertised under Queensland Police Service. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services 139452/14 Chief Superintendent, Queensland Fire 12-09-2014 Dwyer, Michael and Emergency Services, Brisbane Employment Location (FCHIEF) Superintendent, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Brisbane Employment Location (FSUP) 139452/14 Chief Superintendent, Queensland Fire 12-09-2014 Smith, Stephen and Emergency Services, Brisbane Employment Location (FCHIEF) Superintendent, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Brisbane Employment Location (FSUP) 139452/14 Chief Superintendent, Queensland Fire 12-09-2014 Walsh, Kevin and Emergency Services, Brisbane Employment Location (FCHIEF) Superintendent, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Brisbane Employment Location (FSUP) 139565/14 Business Development Officer, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Kedron Park (AO5) 03-10-2014 Maher, Nathan System Support Officer, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Business System Communication (AO4) Queensland Health MHRT 142833 Hearings Coordinator, Hearings Coordination Team, Mental Health Review Tribunal, Brisbane (AO4) 29-09-2014 Matautia, Roselani Hearing Support Officer, Hearings Coordination Team, Mental Health Review Tribunal, Brisbane (AO3) 140300/14 Officer in Charge, Local Ambulance Service Network, Metro South, Queensland Ambulance Service, Balmoral (ASTN2) 29-09-2014 Morris, Camron Paramedic, Local Ambulance Service Network, Metro South, Queensland Ambulance Service, Cleveland (APARA) 119933/14 Officer in Charge, Local Ambulance Service Network, Sunshine Coast, Queensland Ambulance Service, Cooroy (ASTN2) 25-09-2014 Williams, Danielle Paramedic, Local Ambulance Service Network, Sunshine Coast, Queensland Ambulance Service, Kawana (APARA) 139177/14 Senior Operations Supervisor, Local 03-10-2014 Cross, Dianne Ambulance Service Network, Sunshine Coast, Queensland Ambulance Service, Caloundra (ASTN4) Operations Supervisor, Local Ambulance Service Network, Sunshine Coast, Queensland Ambulance Service, Caloundra (ASTN4) 13249/14 Senior Educator, Continuing Education, Date of duty O’Connell, Renae Education/Clinical Programs, Capability and Development, Queensland Ambulance Service, Whyte Island (ASTN4) Clinical Support Officer, Local Ambulance Service Network, Metro South, Queensland Ambulance Service, South Brisbane (ASTN1) 194 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 [24 October 2014 NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF APPOINTMENTS PART II Appointments have been approved to the undermentioned vacancies. Appeals do not lie against these appointments. APPOINTMENTS PART II - NON-APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Residential Tenancies Authority * RTA 06/14 Rental Bond Services Officer, Claims, Rental Bond Services, Brisbane (AO3) Date of duty Brooker, Leah * Temporary to permanent appointment. 2VFFOTMBOE1VCMJD)PMJEBZPO 'SJEBZUI/PWFNCFS (-FBEFST4VNNJU 4HE',EADERS3UMMITPUBLICHOLIDAYISAONEOFFHOLIDAYIN"RISBANE #ITY#OUNCILAREATOASSISTWITHEASINGSECURITYCONCERNSANDTRAFFIC CONGESTIONWHILSTTHE'SUMMITISBEINGHELDIN"RISBANEONTHE WEEKENDOFTHETHANDTHOF.OVEMBER $UETOTHE&RIDAY0UBLIC(OLIDAYTHE1UEENSLAND'OVERNMENT'AZETTE WILLBEPUBLISHEDANDRELEASEDON4HURSDAYAFTERNOONOF TH.OVEMBER 46#.*44*0/%&"%-*/&4 7BDBODJFT"QQPJOUNFOUT1BSU*** %MAILSUBMISSIONSTO HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV BEFORECLOSEOFBUSINESS .POEBZUI/PWFNCFS 0AYMENTSTOBEMADEBY CLOSEOFBUSINESS4UESDAYTH.OVEMBER (FOFSBMBOE-PDBM(PWFSONFOU(B[FUUF %MAILSUBMISSIONSTO HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV BEFORENOON 5VFTEBZUI/PWFNCFS 0AYMENTSTOBEMADEBY CLOSEOFBUSINESS4UESDAYTH.OVEMBER )FYOUHAVEQUERIESREGARDINGTHISMATTER PLEASECONTACTTHE'AZETTE4EAM HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV 24 October 2014] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 195 Government and Public Notices In the Gazettes as from 1 July 2013 includes 2.4% CPI increase New Price GST Total Extraordinary Gazette - Full Page Text Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) per page $ 227.77 $ 22.78 $ 250.55 Professional Register and Lists Gazettes Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) 0-50 pages $ 135.52 $ 13.55 $ 149.07 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) 51+ pages $ 115.42 $ 11.54 $ 126.96 Environment and Resource Management Gazette AND Transport and Main Roads Gazette Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) per page $ 143.79 $ 14.38 $ 158.17 Local Government Gazette Formatted electronic files or E-mail (must be compatible) Full page text $ 227.77 $ 22.78 $ 250.55 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (that require formatting to make compatible) Full page text $ 264.06 $ 26.41 $ 290.47 Single column, all copy to set $ 2.42 $ 0.24 $ 2.66 Double column, all to set $ 4.90 $ 0.49 $ 5.39 Single column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 0.88 $ 0.09 $ 0.97 Double column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 1.78 $ 0.18 $ 1.96 Vacancies Gazette is no longer published - Appointment Notices now appear within the General Gazette General Gazette - Full Page Text Formatted electronic files or E-mail (must be compatible) $ 227.77 $ 22.78 $ 250.55 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (that require formatting to make compatible) $ 264.06 $ 26.41 $ 290.47 General Gazette - Per MM text Single column, all copy to set $ 2.42 $ 0.24 $ 2.66 Double column, all to set $ 4.90 $ 0.49 $ 5.39 Single column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 0.88 $ 0.09 $ 0.97 Double column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 1.78 $ 0.18 $ 1.96 General Gazette - Appointment Notices Part I (Appealable) and Part II (Non-Appealable) Appointments - Part I & Part II 2 lines $ 44.28 $ 4.43 $ 48.71 3 lines $ 61.99 $ 6.20 $ 68.19 4 lines $ 79.70 $ 7.97 $ 87.67 5 lines $ 92.98 $ 9.30 $ 102.28 6 lines $ 110.69 $ 11.07 $ 121.76 7 lines $ 123.97 $ 12.40 $ 136.37 8 lines $ 137.25 $ 13.73 $ 150.98 9 lines $ 150.54 $ 15.05 $ 165.59 Submission Deadlines: Departmental Appointment Submissions - Part I & Part II before 12 noon on Tuesday General Gazette Submissions before 12 noon on Wednesday Local Government Gazette Submissions before 12 noon on Wednesday Extraordinary Gazette Submissions any day of the week For more information regarding Gazette notices, please email [email protected] Prices are GST inclusive unless otherwise stated. 196 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 SCHOOL ENROLMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (School EMP) In accordance with Chapter 8, Part 3 Section 170, of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 , School EMPs have been prepared by the Regional Directors of the Metropolitan, North Coast and South East regions, as delegates of the Chief Executive. Region: School: Metropolitan Brisbane Central State School (Updated) Calamvale Community College (Updated) Stretton State College (Updated) West End State School (Updated) Region: School: North Coast Morayfield State School (Updated) Narangba State School (Updated) Region: School: South East Fernvale State School (Updated) Wellington Point State High School (New) Copies of School EMPs are available for public inspection, without charge, during normal business hours at the department’s head office, and accessible on the department’s website at http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/catchment. Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing Brisbane, 23 October 2014 His Excellency the Acting Governor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the provisions of the Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 and the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 , has repealed the previously declared events outlined in Schedule 1 and has declared the major sports facility events, outlined in Schedule 2, as declared events for the periods indicated: SCHEDULE 1 Major Sports Facility Event Declared Period Major Sports Facility A-League - Round 9 Brisbane Roar vs Newcastle Jets A-League - Round 12 Brisbane Roar vs Western Sydney Wanderers 03 December 2014 2:00pm – 11:00pm Brisbane Stadium 19 December 2014 2:00pm - 11:00pm Brisbane Stadium A-League - Round 14 Brisbane Roar vs Sydney FC A-League - Round 16 Brisbane Roar vs Wellington Phoenix 30 December 2014 2:00pm - 11:00pm 01 February 2015 9:00am - 6:00pm Brisbane Stadium Brisbane Stadium A-League - Round 19 Brisbane Roar vs Melbourne Victory A-League - Round 21 Brisbane Roar vs Western Sydney Wanderers 20 February 2015 2:00pm - 11:00pm Brisbane Stadium A-League - Round 23 Brisbane Roar vs Wellington Phoenix A-League - Round 25 Brisbane Roar vs Central Coast Mariners A-League - Round 27 Brisbane Roar vs Melbourne Victory 8 March 2015 11:00am - 8:00pm Brisbane Stadium 22 March 2015 11:00am - 8:00pm Brisbane Stadium 2 April 2015 1:30pm - 10:30pm Brisbane Stadium 18 April 2015 2:30pm - 11:30pm Brisbane Stadium SCHEDULE 2 Major Sports Facility Event Declared Period A-League - Round 11 19 December 2014 Brisbane Roar vs 2:00pm - 11:00pm Western Sydney Wanderers Major Sports Facility Brisbane Stadium [24 October 2014 A-League - Round 13 Brisbane Roar vs Sydney FC A-League - Round 15 Brisbane Roar vs Wellington Phoenix 30 December 2014 2:00pm - 11:00pm 2 February 2015 2:00pm - 11:00pm Brisbane Stadium Brisbane Stadium A-League - Round 18 Brisbane Roar vs Melbourne Victory A-League - Round 20 Brisbane Roar vs Western Sydney Wanderers 20 February 2015 2:00pm - 11:00pm Brisbane Stadium 8 March 2015 11:00am - 8:00pm Brisbane Stadium 22 March 2015 11:00am - 8:00pm Brisbane Stadium 2 April 2015 1:30pm - 10:30pm Brisbane Stadium 18 April 2015 2:30pm - 11:30pm Brisbane Stadium 24 April 2015 2:00pm – 11:00pm Brisbane Stadium A-League - Round 22 Brisbane Roar vs Wellington Phoenix A-League - Round 24 Brisbane Roar vs Central Coast Mariners A-League - Round 26 Brisbane Roar vs Melbourne Victory A-League - Round 27 Brisbane Roar vs Newcastle Jets Steve Dickson MP Minister for National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing Mental Health Act 2000 DECLARATION - AUTHORISED MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE Department of Health This declaration is made under section 497 of the Mental Health Act 2000 and declares a change to the Administrator of the West Moreton Authorised Mental Health Service from the Clinical Director, West Moreton Authorised Mental Health Service to Executive Director Mental Health and Specialised Services, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service. Dr William Kingswell Director of Mental Health 15 October 2014 Authorised Mental Health Service West Moreton Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Executive Director Mental Health and Specialised Services, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service Queensland Heritage Act 1992 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE PROTECTION Heritage Register Decision Under the provisions of s.54 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 , the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection gives public notice that on 10 October 2014 the Queensland Heritage Council entered in the Queensland Heritage Register the following State Heritage Places: HRN 602838 Indooroopilly Thomas Park Bougainvillea Gardens Harts Road HRN 602839 Morayfield Morayfield State School 196-230 Morayfield Road HRN 602840 Mutdapilly Mutdapilly State School 4 Mutdapilly-Churchbank Weir Road HRN 602841 Petrie Petrie State School 42 Dayboro Road (Brisbane Woodford Road) HRN 602842 Aramac Aramac State School 69 Porter Street 24 October 2014] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 NOTIFICATION OF FORMS APPROVED UNDER SECTION 150 OF THE FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES COMMISSION ACT 2008 On the 21st day of October, 2014, the following forms have been approved by the Commissioner of the Family Responsibilities Commission under section 150 of the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008 (the Act). Section of the Act Form under which the No forms are required Form Title 40 1, v 4 School Attendance Notice 40 2, v 4 School Attendance Notice External Schools 41 3, v 4 School Enrolment Notice 42 4, v 4 Notice About Child Safety and Welfare Matters 44 5, v 4 Tenancy Breach Notice 43 6, v 3 Magistrates Court Offence Notice 43 7, v 3 Magistrates Court Offence Notice – External Courts AVAILABILITY OF FORMS Copies of the forms are available from the Family Responsibilities Commission Registry, Phone 4057 3870. APPROVED FORMS UNDER THE MINERAL RESOURCES ACT 1989, PETROLEUM AND GAS (PRODUCTION AND SAFETY) ACT 2004 Commencement The following forms upon approval by the Executive Director, Mineral and Coal Operations and Executive Director Petroleum and Gas, Department of Natural Resources and Mines will take effect from 20 October 2014. Forms approved The following forms for approval: Form No. Version Form Name No. MMOL-11 1 Application for a prospecting permit MMOL-12 1 Application for a mineral development licence MMOL-13 1 Application for a mining claim MMOL-14 1 Application for a mining lease MMOL-15 1 Application for a petroleum lease Forms revoked The following forms are required to be revoked: Form No. Version Form Name No. MRA-01 6 Application for parcel prospecting permit MRA-02 6 Application for district prospecting permit MRA-03 10 Application for mining claim MRA-08 9 Application for mineral development licence MRA-15 9 Application for mining lease PL-01A 8 Application for ATP related petroleum lease PL-01AA 8 Application for petroleum lease by or jointly with coal or oil shale mining tenement holder Availability of forms These forms are available from: • MyMinesOnline system (where available) • The Mining, exploration and petroleum page on the Department’s website at www.business.qld.gov.au/industry/mining or • Mineral, coal, petroleum hubs and Service Training and Regulatory support team. 197 Recommendation 1. Approve the forms listed above and attached pursuant to section 416A of the Mineral Resources Act 1989 and section 858 of the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act); 2. Revoke the forms listed above which will be replaced by the above; 3. Authorise that pursuant to section 58(5) of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 , approval of the forms be notified in the Queensland Government Gazette. APPROVED Under delegation Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) (Chief Executive) Delegation (No. 1) 2014 Mineral Resources Delegation (No. 1) 2014 Luke Croton Executive Director Mineral and Coal Operations Department of Natural Resources and Mines 16 October 2014 Dermot Tiernan Executive Director Petroleum and Gas Operations Department of Natural Resources and Mines 16 October 2014 Local Government Regulation 2012 (Chapter 4 Pt 12 Subdivision 2) REDLAND CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL LAND FOR OVERDUE RATES This schedule sets forth the description of lands that on the 25th June 2014, the Redland City Council resolved to sell for overdue rates. This is to serve as Notice that the undermentioned land will be sold by the Redland City Council for overdue rates by Public Auction unless the rates, charges and interest plus all expenses incurred for the sale be paid in full prior to the auction commencing. Description of land Location Lot 143 RP 131830 2 Baracoota Street Macleay Island QLD 4184 Lot 64 RP 130253 Vol 14635227 32 Camena Street Macleay Island QLD 4184 Lot 29 RP 127628 Vol 14588082 23 Channel Street Russell Island QLD 4184 Lot 96 RP 131828 98 Kate Street Macleay Island QLD 4184 Lot 189 RP 118722 47 Lea-weena Avenue Russell Island QLD 4184 Vol 14246008 Lot 55 RP 124180 107 Perulpa Drive Lamb Island QLD 4184 Lot 145 RP 124698 16 Scenic Drive Russell Island QLD 4184 Vol 14504059 Lot 191 RP 131830 12 Warama Street Macleay Island QLD 4184 Vol 14702040 Lot 266 RP 123819 38 Woomera Street Russell Island QLD 4184 Vol 14464210 198 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 43 [24 October 2014 CONTENTS (Gazettes No. 39-43—pp. 181-198) Page APPOINTMENTS .................................................................189-194 Constitution of Queensland District Court of Queensland Act Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act Public Service Act NOTICES / BYLAWS / DECLARATIONS / STATUTES.......................................................................... 196 Acts Interpretation Act Education (General Provisions) Act Major Sports Facilities Act Mental Health Act Queensland Heritage Act NOTIFICATION OF FORMS .......................................................... 197 Family Responsibilities Commission Act Mineral Resources Act Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act Statutory Instruments Act Bills Assented to.......................................................NIL THIS WEEK ADVERTISEMENTS..................................................................... 197 Local Government Act Extraordinary Gazette (Premier and Cabinet)......................181-182 Natural Resources and Mines Gazette................................183-184 Transport / Main Roads Gazette.........................................185-186 Local Government Gazette .................................................187-188 General Gazette .................................................................189-197 © The State of Queensland 2014 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 24 October 2014
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