s s a l c r e t s a M Join the community at www.3dartistonline.com Rainer Duda offers an t lis ge an ev ch te X iF se Claris ove their workflow pr im n ca ts tis ar w ho to insight in are using this exciting softw Add materials and textures to your art With the right textures and effects, we can add a sinister, almost dystopian feel to our buildings Clarisse iFX’s materials system works in a similar way to other 3D applications. Create a new context and import the textures via File>Import>Texture>Map File. After that, create a material by right-clicking on an empty spot in the browser and go to New>Material, where there are several materials available to choose. Once a material is selected, there are two ways to assign textures. One is in the Attribute editor, which you can access by clicking the checkerboard icon, or by using the Material editor, which can be opened by changing the editor type. Tutorial files: • Any necessary assets • Tutorial video and screenshots Insert the disc for in-depth video tutorial Building blocks with a modular intermediate level Build detailed structures with Clarisse iFX Learn how to create complex sci-fi structures using a simple suite of 3D tools The main aim of this tutorial is to use Clarisse iFX to build detailed structures within a reasonable timeframe with only a moderate amount of work. Sometimes artists waste time by spending it on asset refinement, putting hours into carving out detail in their assets, but in a professional production environment there’s simply not enough time for this. By using Clarisse iFX and a procedural object-based workflow, artists can create very detailed structures within minutes, while also leaving a lot of room for modularity. We will start by looking at some great-looking, modular 3D pieces for a science fiction building, preparing them with correct pivot positions and finally 76 l 3DArtist exporting them to Clarisse iFX. It’s important to be aware of the two categories of pieces that we need – pieces to build the actual core buildings and some for decorations. We’ll also need to find out which pivot positions will work the best. Inside the application we will first import the assets and assign the materials plus corresponding textures. After this we will build a special base – a template – which will be filled later on with the 3D building pieces, including some decorations. This template basically consists of a special Point Array setup. The Point Arrays and 3D pieces are inputs for a special tool called Scatterer. We’ll dig deep into the Scatterer functionality and explore how to perfectly use this advanced tool to build modular buildings. To take advantage of the procedural object-based workflow, the core buildings – known as objects in Clarisse terminology – will be used as a base for another Scattering action, but this time based on a Point Cloud. At this stage we’ll learn how to use a Point Cloud in combination with the Scatterer to place decorations around the buildings for a more detailed structure. This system can be adapted for use in a variety of projects. After the buildings are done it’s time to tackle the process of generating a final image in Clarisse iFX using a function called Image View. Therefore, our last task will be to build a solid base for the final image. We’ll cover the correct lighting setup, consisting of a Distant Light and Global Illumination. In addition, we’ll place a camera and jump right into Image View to work directly on the final image using Clarisse’s brute force ray tracer. Create various shapes and decorations used to add to the sci-fi feel of the scene Create detailed and modular objects 01 Choose your assets 01 First jump into 3ds Max and create modular assets using simple shapes. It’s really important to keep the correct height in mind. We will work with reference boxes of between 100 and 200m. This reference is highly important when you want to add your own assets. If there are any uneven 02 numbers then it will be a pain to set up the system correctly. Therefore, in the Create pane we will use only standard primitives, such as boxes and cylinders. To give these simple assets a nice shape, use only modifiers like Extrude, Inset and Connect followed by a chamfer. To save modelling time, all assets are available with the issue. 02 Correct anchors for working modularity It isn’t just the correct dimensions that matter when you’re working with a modular asset system. It’s really important to understand the correct pivot position to plug the assets seamlessly together. Before exporting all the assets, we need to place them centred on the grid, except for the ground decorations. The pivot must be centred at the origin. To do this, select all meshes, go to the Hierarchy pane, select Affect Pivot Only and use the Standard Translation tool to bring the pivot to the origin. Now we can export the mesh as an OBJ file by going to File>Export Selected. 3DArtist l 77 s s a l c r e t s a M Join the community at www.3dartistonline.com object will be created. The next step will be to select each individual asset and hide it. With selected objects we’ll need to untick the Display Visible box in the Attribute editor under the Display tab. The last step is to rename the Combiner – in this project I renamed mine to Fundament. A Combiner can hold as many assets as you could possibly want, regardless of its complexity. 06 Move onto the next part 03 03 Open the files in Clarisse 04 05 06 We need to bring all the assets into Clarisse iFX, but before we do that it’s time to swap to the 3D viewport. In the upper-left corner we need to tell the Editor field that we want the 3D view. Now create a new folder – referred to as context in Clarisse – in the browser on the lower-left corner by a right-clicking on Project and activating New, then Context. We should call this context scifi_building, then add four more contexts inside called Ground, Middle, Top and Deco respectively. Now import the corresponding assets without materials into each context by clicking File>Import>Geometry. 04 Keep your workspace clean and manageable By default every asset that rests in an active folder will be displayed in the 3D viewport, which can sometimes be annoying. To avoid overwhelming your viewport, assets can be hidden. To hide an asset, take a look inside the Attribute editor. There’s a section called Display and if the box is ticked for Display Visible, an object is visible. Another function which will save you time involves jumping to the selected object in the 3D viewport view. This function can be activated by using the icon in the upper-left corner of the viewport. 05 Create a solid base 07 78 l 3DArtist We’re now ready to build our first modular part – the base. Let’s jump into the Ground context and create a new object called Combiner. Do this by selecting all assets and right-clicking in the empty explorer space. Under New, press Combiner and the To build the second part, go into the Middle context, select the Generator mesh, plus the Support mesh, which holds the rings. Like before, apply a Combiner object to both meshes and then hide them once more. Now we can use the empty middle part without the generator equipment and build a living area after we’ve copied it to the Deco context. Inside the Deco context apply another Combiner to the middle building plus the Window Support mesh and call it Livingarea. To keep the scene clear, hide both single assets. On both Combiners we will need to set the Translate values to 0. 07 Piece the parts together At this point we will need to add two new objects to continue, a Point Array and a Scatterer. Like the Combiner, both are located in the Creation menu, with the Point Array under Geometry. The Point Array will provide us with anchor points to place the living areas. Select the Point Array and in the Attribute editor under the Geometry section, set the Y-size to 140m. In addition, set the Count field to 5 points. Last but not least, go right to the top of the Attribute editor and set the Y-Translate field to a value of 82m. Light customisation for a better look The basic light setup placed in the Clarisse iFX scene is okay, but you can add to the look and feel of the light by using a special texture instead of a simple Light Color. First of all, you must add a Procedural Fractal Noise texture, which is located in the menu under New>Texture>Procedural. Now it’s time to put it in action. After the Distant light is selected, take a look at the Lighting Region inside the Attribute editor. In the line named Color, click on the checkerboard icon and select the Procedural Fractal texture. 08 08 Use the Scatterer Now that our anchors are set the Scatterer can take over and place the living room asset on each point. To do this, select the Scatterer and in the Attribute editor under Scattering tell it that the geometry support, which is where it should place objects, will be our Point Array. It also needs to know what it will be scattering. So, add the Livingarea Combiner into the Geometry field below the Scatter Input mode. At this stage we can hide both the Livingarea Combiner and the Point Array. Only the middle asset and the Scatterer will be visible, which we need to combine and rename to Livingarea_complete. 09 Tidy up your scene and workspace Our Livingarea_complete Combiner isn’t ready yet as we have to adjust the pivot position again. Sometimes the Combiner creates a new pivot position, which is centred to the object. Select the Combiner, go into the Attribute editor and set the Translate Y in Kinematics to 0 and the Point Translate Offset under Advanced Kinematics to 0 as well. The pivot will be at the origin once more. Our last step is to combine the top parts, so jump into the Top context and combine the actual Top section plus the Support mesh for the windows and call it Top. 10 Set up final anchors To finalise the modular system, create a new context named Final_bits. Take all of the final assets from their respective folders and copy them into this context. The idea is to keep the Fundament and the Top piece static and the middle ones modular. Hide the living room asset plus the generator. For the Top piece, add a Y translation of 800m. Let’s add another Point Array, starting at the height of 400m (Kinematics>Translate Y). Under Geometry in the Attribute editor, add the numbers 3 for the Y-count and 400m in Y-size. 09 Pay attention to the measurements 10 When you are working with a building blocks system like this it’s important to keep the correct measurements in mind, in particular the different unit systems inside applications. If you are using Maya from Autodesk, you can be sure that one of their standard units is equal to one metre in Clarisse. If you are using 3ds Max, however, it’s a different unit system. Before you start modelling in 3ds Max, make sure you take a look at how the units are set under Customise, then activate the metric system for the System Units Setup. 11 11 Let the system do its job To bring in the promised modularity, create another Scatterer and rename it to Modular_assets. In the Attribute editor under Geometry Support, assign our Point Array and under Geometry add the missing assets, the former being the generator piece and the latter being the living room asset. By default, the Scatterer works with a randomised placement method. At this point we’re done with our modular building system. To render the scene, drag and drop the three files (Fundament, Top and the Scatterer) to the scene context and adjust the camera with the Standard Transformation tools. 12 Add final effects Now we can add a Distant light and a GI object. Both are located in the create menu under the Light section (New>Light). Using the Transformation tools, which can be accessed on the Menu bar on the left, position the light so that it shines on the building. To render the scene, change from the 3D view to the Image view in the upper-left corner of the viewport. Drag the image from the image browser to the viewport and in the Attribute editor switch the resolution of the output image to 720p. • Did you know? • All tutorial files can also be downloaded from: www.3dartistonline.com/files 12 3DArtist l 79
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