Issue 2 // Autumn 2013 Issue 2 // Autumn 2013 A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the Trustees, Chair, Chief Executive and all colleagues within the central support team A word from Ian Lane and Helen Clegg Director of Secondary Academies and Director of Primary Academies Developing a partnership of successful academies We are delighted to be part of the Northern Education Trust and to be joining the organisation at such an exciting time in its development. Thank you to everyone for making us feel so welcome. Having the opportunity to work with so many talented school leaders and specialists in their field is a privilege. Our greatest resource by far is you, and in our collective ability to support one another. No school, irrespective of the challenges it faces, is unable to bring something to the table – that seed of an idea or touch of magic that may help to change a child’s life. The more we can assist in unlocking potential in all our schools and as a collective, the more we will make happen. There are some brilliant examples of collaborative working and school-to-school support already going on across the Trust and with associates and other partners! We are keen to learn from this and go further. Feedback wanted We would like to receive your views and thoughts on the Trust as we continually strive for improvement. We would also like views on: – -A Trust wide incentive scheme for students -Staff event, is it something that you would like to do, who, where and when? e: t: (0191) 280 4738 Hitting the headlines We have had a number of stories in the media. To read more go to Case studies Ian Lane and Helen Clegg-Hood We will, of course, embrace the many challenges of the new curriculum and accountability regimes but together we will also foster a love of learning, helping to ensure that our young people achieve academically, going on to live fulfilling lives, able and confident enough to help re-shape tomorrow’s world and make it an even better place to grow up in. Ian Lane e: [email protected] m: 07546 906 335 Helen Clegg – Hood e: [email protected] m: 07803 205 196 There are six case studies which have been circulated and very well received by all. They are available via pdf. e: [email protected]. The intention is to develop five more for this academic year. Student feedback boxes installed at The Blyth Academy Comments are wide ranging, offering another vehicle to get involved and put thoughts forward. To purchase a feedback box at your school, contact Katy Ross e: katy.ross@ Northern Education Trust Newsletter // 1 Issue 2 // Autumn 2013 Announcements Principal appointments Northern Education Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of two new Principals to join Northern Education Trust academy family: Updates from the Central Team Thomas Hepburn Lesley Craig will take up her appointment in January 2014 Operations Have you ordered your customised pop up banners, large photographs of your site and students, banners to suspend from ceilings? Several designs are available to customise with your own photographs, all have proved to be very popular. If you would like to order yours contact Katy Ross t: (0191) 280 4738 e: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR Update Jude Telford Human Resources Director The focus for last term was consultation with unions nationally through the Trust JCC on our pay and appraisal policies. The consultation period has now ended but there are still ongoing discussions with the unions. your observations/comments as they will all feed into the consultation process. The next JCC is scheduled for 16th December. Grangefield Shelagh Potter has been appointed as Interim Principal until August 2015 Over the coming year there is much work to be done in setting up consistent HR systems and processes across the Trust. Please let me know of any concerns you may have in terms of HR so that the service provided can be improved. I have received good reports on the use of our new Occupational Health provider, Health Assured. It is really beneficial to be kept informed. m: 07976 044 539 e: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Governors’ Update Two academies are beginning their own self assessment against the national quality mark for effective governance. Let me know if any other Governing Body would like to begin this process. Staff and Governors of academies are finding it to be beneficial to their understanding of what makes their academy tick. m: 07889 545 238 e: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finance Update Gareth Edmunds Director of Finance Financial Regulations have been approved by the Trust Board, on the 31st October, and were shared in a meeting at York with Business Managers in November. Financial Regulations will be shared with Academies throughout the Trust. t: (0191) 280 4273 e: gareth.edmunds@ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Data Collection We’ve been pulling together historical data for all Trust schools using data from DfE Performance tables and information gathered from schools over the summer. We’re also finalising arrangements for the first termly data collection in January Conversion news This term we are consulting on the following HR policies; Grievance, Discipline, Health and Well Being, Social Networking and Dignity at Work. These polices have all been circulated to academy Principals. Please let me have New appointments to the central team HR Advisor - Jess Worthington Property Manager - John Black Corporate Accountant - Gary Lee Director of Secondary Academies Ian Lane Director of Primary Academies Helen Clegg-Hood OBE. See Trust profile document for further details www. Grangefield and Norton Primary will convert on 1st January 2014 Kirk Balk Community College – 1st April 2014 Launch news on official openings Frederick Nattrass 26th September North Shore 2nd October Oak tree 18th November New buildings Grangefield: A new school building is getting underway for handover in July 2015. North Shore and Kearsley have moved into their new buildings. 2014. We’re extremely keen to involve school data leads, not only to facilitate the flow of data to the Trust but also to share best practice across schools using the tremendous range of knowledge and expertise out there to maximum effect. t: (0191) 280 4738 m: 07546 906 335 e: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Property Update John Black joined the team in November and is currently visiting all academies. Aura has been appointed to provide health and safety advice and will provide termly newsletters highlighting health and safety issues in the school environment. [email protected] t: (0191) 280 4738 e: [email protected] Northern Education Trust Newsletter // 2 Issue 2 // Autumn 2013 What our young people are saying... The behaviour of the children has changed a lot since Mr Richards has become Principal. We’ve got higher standards in learning and the children’s levels are reaching their targets. The Leadership team is trying as hard as they can to find easier ways for children to learn. So far we are making progress. Mount Pellon Primary Academy I would like this academy, Thomas Hepburn Community Academy, to be one of the best academies in Gateshead. The academy that every parent wants to send their child to. I would like there to be more opportunities for students. I can see the academy making improvements already. The teaching and pupil behaviour has already improved. There is a new system of consequences. When the pupils get rewarded for things they do in class this encourages every pupil to be the best they can be. Finally, more opportunities for the pupils who do the right thing all the time, by rewarding them with good things. William, Year 9, Thomas Hepburn Ryecroft is special because we have very special teachers and they are friendly. I really enjoyed going to Wales and Skegness because Mr Johnson got a funny hat from a shop in Scarborough. We have Ryecrofts’ Got Talent. I get to school on the walking bus and I get to sit next to my best friend. On a Friday at 2:00 we have Golden Time and it is really fun. We have different support teachers and they help you when you’re stuck. We have a super learning day, we have friendship day and we do different things such as helping the little ones. At Ryecroft we had a World War 2 day and it was really fun. I can’t wait for another day at Ryecroft. It really helps me get ready for secondary school. Toni- Leigh, Year 6 I am looking forward to us becoming an academy because it will be exciting to come to school and feel different and ready to start the day. We think it will also help the school to make more progress. That will make the students and their parents a lot happier! I am especially looking forward to the new start. But what makes me even happier is the thought that Northern Education Trust is helping us; they are from the same part of the country as us. They understand us. Many students in Hartlepool that don’t attend Dyke House wonder what exactly being a Northern Education Trust Academy entails and how, as students, we personally benefit from this. In truth, I feel that the difference in us as a whole identity is very subtle however the impact on individual student education can be massive. One way it directly affects student life is through the development of education and its delivery. Through becoming an academy, staff are able to share experiences within the Northern Education Trust, which ultimately improves the quality of our education. With a quality education, we are more likely to have more options whether in further education or entering employment; it all leads to us being attractive to employers within what is currently a competitive world to thrive in. An increase in funds coupled with our desire to create a 6th form has meant that, as a school, more aspirational visits have been offered to places such as Oxford and Cambridge. I have found these visits, alongside our changing aspirational focus invaluable to planning future pathways and aspiring to apply to such places. Head girl, Dyke House Kacey, Year 5, Abbey Park Northern Education Trust Newsletter // 3 Issue 2 // Autumn 2013 What our young people are saying... Kearsley Academy students are greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The calm surrounding of the new facilities allows for both students and teachers to feel at home when learning and teaching. We feel that our minds are constantly broadened and stretched by the constant challenges set by teachers. This incurs in a very high standard of work within the perfect balance of professionalism and friendliness. Since September 2013 the huge leap that children within the academy have taken is a reminder of how much we have progressed and how proud we are. This year we gained the Best GCSE Results Ever in the history of Kearsley Academy or the predecessor school. We know that the academy strives to achieve only the very best and its high standards mean we get the best education we could possibly get to ‘prepare for the future.’ Our keenness to work and progress often extends into our after school enrichment opportunities. Ultimately we feel lucky and happy to be at Kearsley Academy! Kaine, aged 14, year 10 and Oliver, aged 14, year 10, Student Council Behaviour has changed. It is better. We take matters more seriously. We have new school rules. We have new rewards. We feel safe. We learn better. We have more teachers in class. We know what our topics are. We now have to write joined up all the time. When we read 10 times we get a prize. PE is much better now we all have Mrs. Coates. When we became an academy Mrs Davison said in assembly it would be a “little bit different but a chance to do things a lot better” and it is! We have all got a matching PE kit, we love it and we like the way our rainbow logo has changed so it stands out more. We do loads of exciting things especially outside in the woods and gardens. The iPads are great and now the WI-FI works really well so we can share our ideas and look at each other’s work on the Apple TV’s. Our teachers are great and we like the way each year group has an entitlement and non-negotiables to work on over the year – in year 5 we are looking at “Performance” we know now what artists and sports people have to do to always improve their work! It’s great that our teachers can make our learning exciting by listening to what is interesting to us! Our parents like the new entrance signs and the new gate. Olivia, Shakira, Shannon, Amy, Jodie and Lucas, year 5 Hilton Primary Academy School Council is much better. It does much more. We have our own budget. We bought some playground bins. The boys can’t have the MACA all the time to play football. We have been inspecting how tidy the school is. It is getting better. There are more clubs Fantastic Friday is better. Everybody gets to do the activities like art, Zumba and drama. We have new signs. We are in the newspaper more. People know who we are. By Cole, Tayreem, Katie, Morgan and Jessica, years 4 to 6 Merlin Top Primary Academy Northern Education Trust Newsletter // 4 Issue 2 // Autumn 2013 Classes curry favour with staff and pupils Staff and students of North Shore Academy have been developing their cooking skills in a brand new venture; Curry Club. Teams comprising of a member of staff and one student are given the same ingredients with instruction from Mr Prout, who enjoys cooking in his spare time but is actually a member of the maths department. Then, it’s down to them to create the best tasting curry within 90 minutes. The club has proven to be so popular that there is now a waiting list with both students and staff waiting to produce wonderful curries from around the world. Mrs Wilson, the club coordinator, said, ‘I can’t believe how popular it is. The students really enjoy working with staff and competition is fierce to create the best flavours. Everyone is learning new skills and Mr Prout is doing a fantastic job, coming up with a different curry each week.’ Hola from Kearsley Kearsley Academy invited children from nearby St Stephen’s CE School to mark European Languages day and develop an interest in learning another language, which has huge benefits for children. Karen Greenwood, teacher at Kearsley Academy, said: “European Languages Day aims to raise public awareness of the languages used in Europe, to promote cultural and linguistic diversity and to encourage people, schoolchildren and adults to learn languages.” Research has shown that maths and verbal SAT scores climb higher with each additional year of foreign language study, which means that the longer you study a foreign language, the stronger your skills become to succeed in school. This year Kearsley had its first ever Spanish GCSE option group. Youngsters gave the day the thumbs up. Daisy, aged 10, said: “When we went to Kearsley Academy we didn’t know any Spanish at all, but by the end, we could say and write sentences in Spanish. We had a great time.” Macey aged 10 added: “I learnt Spanish. The best part was when we wrote our name and three other facts about me. I love European languages.” Lewis aged 10 said: “When I went to Kearsley Academy, I learnt Spanish. I learnt numbers and some names of places. Miss Greenwood was amazing.” National competition with TES now LIVE Will the whippet George the dog Paws-ative results in Reading Research from the US and Kent showed that reading to an animal was less stressful for children than reading to an adult. Mount Pellon Primary Academy has recruited George the dog, and at The Ferns Academy, Will the whippet, has joined the team. They are helping to raise the profile of reading. The children love them! The current competition to win a standalone classroom or an £80,000 contribution to a rooftop extension is open to all UK primary, secondary and special schools and entrants must simply submit no more than 300 words explaining why they deserve to win the new learning space. Enter the competition at Staff team building Staff at The Ferns experienced a whole new way of working together with an exciting opportunity to do some team buildinggreat fun and a resounding success. In the next issue... What is your Student Council doing? For the next issue Spring 2014 could your Student Council let us know what they are doing in their Northern Education Trust academy, using 180 words and a picture or graphic. Statements to be received by Spring half term please. Contact internal communications: e: [email protected] m: 07889 545 238 For more information or to discuss any of the points raised, please contact Roger Alston, Chief Executive or Les Walton, Chairman of Northern Education Trust. Cobalt Business Exchange, Cobalt Park Way, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE28 9NZ, UK t: +44 (0)191 280 4738 e: [email protected] Northern Education Trust Newsletter // 5
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