Michael Tree's DAVID COLLINS SB Bulletin, Wilton, CV beat the Barlow Junior V a r - . shy by a score of 54-45. Bethel j A son. their second child February 24, 1965 jumped out to a 27-13 lead; and second boy. was born to at the half. This lead wasj Mr. and Mrs. Edward Collins built up on the outside shoot-1 of Little Boston Lane in Nor...„ ng of Campbell and Shaw, j v. Three Wilton giriSBarlow came back in the sec- I walk Hospital on Feb. 16. He graduates of Wilton ' j * . has been named David Croweil r -i r ^* ci iMj'f wi *") a h*ilf Com~ ' ar.d is the brother of William. School, were cited for ^ p r e s s ' a n d n a r r o w e d ' t h e score 17 months. His grasdparents demic distinction for th* *. to 36-32 but couldn't overare Mr " a n d Mrs."Frederickisemester of the academic r*. Redding - Georgetown i Barlow Defeats i with great elan. A fire in the ! eld-fashioned pot-bellied store w v P aa rr e* One) C ° ! (Continued frnntlnu**! From From P Om (Continued From Page One) blazed, merrily and helped to enhance the 18th century at~ i imake the score 16-11. The gold. If it has a label, the mosphere. Girls to be invested in t h e : Party last Thursday. Feb. IS. j Barlow fast break then, all of label co:nes off." Between customers, we asked j junior Girl Scouts on March: by the Women's Guild of^ the j a sudden, generated into high A year after the opening of Tree about his p r e - ! i a r e Patricia Taillon. Cyn- \ First Church of Christ. Con-j g^.^— Li ear — 0.y d— Arrington put in The Country Emporium Mr. Emporium days. thia Jason. Leslie Hawes and! gregational. has announced j a f a s t b r e a k ! a v . u p NMck Tree was "talked into opening "I was born in Virginia." Ann Trinkhaus. Also o n j that the affair was largely a t - j Baiad sank a free throw for a restaurant." So popular was he said, "and came to New March 1 34 girls will receive ] tended and is considered a \ Bethel: Clark put in Academic Honors Eleanor Roosevelt Hilly Burgers places like the Hotel Edison j M r s . ' J o n n W e p r e k of High-1 J ' j ^ J S " S ^ a ^ d o ^ a - ! a two-pointer to give Barlow j points: Campbell had 8. Bar« « « — / * ° free throws; low was led by Fred Myers (TV.lly huraers in ease vou and the BUtmore. Then I j t a l M l Avenue. Gecr S etown to S n s o ^ c o r K t ^ 1 sZ.lb v with 14 points. are ever wcnderir.s what to opened a flower shop — my ; i e a der of the group, assisted; . h-tt'es ^ - e l s nai> kegs '! o v M o u a n d a o a s k e t The varsity box score: order at the Country Empori- mother had a small shop In; b y M r s . N i c hoias Rahai. L m b o o DOIM which can be-i Waterman made the score; urn. are the most delectable Roanoke - and for 15 years; __ . . . !I Dbamboo . a m _ . ^poles „ . ^ , .which „. _can . . ! ; L .be ^ ij 24-18. Horrigan dribbled by Barlow (66) , . . , . . , "Ideas for Lenten Meals"!' -"* cut up. cushions, artificial j h, . inventions involving chopped that's what 1 did. But it was Pis. V and sheeting. Wendy ! « ™» ™* drove right down | G will be suggested by home! flowers skey ev i0r a u eas beef, cottage cheese, duly very hard work with long ! "the 16 from i Pritcha-d Mrs. J a v Williams \ « >' lay-up.! Horrigan mrs and I got tired of it. demonstration experts bread and something magical 8 2-5 IS L ? u Sheffer a r e ' t h e people Setesak put In a basket after Clark which Mr. Tree does to the I'd had a summer place in j the Connecticut Light a ™ of gettlng an to 11 I offensive rebound.. Setesak 5 0-2 10 concoction which turns it into B?thel for about 18 years and i Power Company at the March 0 c ' Horrigan again put in a lay- j Quandt s 3 0-0 nectar and ambrosia.' when the idea to start a conn- j 2nd meeting of St. Patrick's CD EC * ESTIMATE 10 5 0-1 Mrs. John Cleghorn of the up. this time on a fast break, j Arrington rKfcfc • ROAD TEST Our talk with Mr. Tree was , try store hit in e . Redding j Church Women's Guild at .» I At the half, the score was; Freeman 4 0-0 Field Service Committee sug interrupted several times as seemed like a good place to 18:15 in the Boys Club. 1 Day Service j Myers 1 0-0 2 gests that anyone who would j 0 " " 1 0 customers, even on the cold do it " Easy Terms 3 1 first half Barlow! Totals At Monday night's meeting like to invite the exchange; In the 4-10 66 bleak winter day on which we ; The Country Emporium i s j of the Georgetown Volunteer I students to family dinner or j hit on 60 per cent of its shots, j visited the store, came in to open seven days a week except Bethel ( 4 1 ) .Company, committee chairmer to family outings call her. ; Bethel put in 35 per cent of j look around, buy a few items during the snow-blown months < ; F Pts. I were chosen for the Carnival. ; its attempts from the floor. . . . . and a Network of Stations from from his stock which is soi of January and February when 4 •> 0-0 Babcock ! Chairman for the Carnival is ; Biff Clark started out the Coast to Coast Backs Up our available vast that he doesn't know who! it's closed Mondays. During 4 2-2 10 Hull Louis Sabilla. and co-chairj third quarter with a free : many items he has. or order the summer Mr. Tree has five 2 1 0-2 man is James Connely. Others (Continued From Page One) | l h r o w ' B%1™ ™me down the Hunt 2 f lunch which Mr. Tree cooked or six people helping him to MOU 6 on the committee are Albert ! floor and had five straight • NO TRANSMISSION PROBLEM T O O SMALL. 3 1 1-3 Mecozzi and Arthur and George size when it was approved by j shots, all lay-ups. and missed Waterman Campbell 3 1-5 • PERSONAL ATTENTION T O YOUR CAR NEEDS. 7 Boete. No date has as yet \ the Planning Commission in i them all. Babcock. however. Baiad 3 1-2 7 • FACTORY TRAINED & EXPERIENCED PERSONNQ, been set for the Carnival: December. I t is located off; put in a jump shot and Hull Burns 1 0-0 2 last summer it was in August..; Mountain Road and will con- \ added U\o free throws. This Totals 17 7-16 41 ... . . isist of 33 home sites, all two j cut the Barlow lead down to Tr 10 30 42 66 Mrs. Arthur Howard chair- j ^ ^ ^ Qr l a r g e r , n s i z e 31_22 B ; f f c l a r ! c s a n k R l o n g | P h o n e : NELS R O B I N S O N 8 IS 28 41 man ot the uessert - i a r a , o t h e r J a n u a r y p r o p e r t y t r a n s - | jump shot, and Norm Quandt i Bethel 838-4783 — After H o u r s C a l l 762-7701 run the Emporium and in the fers follow: iadded a fast break jump shot j 25 Years Automotive Experience in this Area winter three attractive women j William C. Istvan to Donald j to make ' h e score 35-22. j Keep your face in the sun- \ 536 West Ave. (Enter a t Arch St. or Lyons PL). Norwaft bake bread, paint chairs for! Sorensen. 3.264 acres and j Campbell sank a long j u m p ; shine and you cannot see thei the restaurant andthe do Emporithe 101 i Route buildings, 53 and jjump ; shot, and on a ; shadow. - - Helen Keller shot Biff and Clark a freehit throw. things that keeps 107,corner Jan. Route 4. Leonard J. and Anna Pal-1 Baiad and Babcock then comum buzzing. ceski to Marjorie J. Rickel.! °ined for four points. Clark Sunday Brunch 2.098 acres on Great Oak Lane, j hit a jump shot from the right Mr. Tree's agile mind is full j j 5_ j hand base line, and Lloyd Arof plans for his store, one of a n Lillie B. Costello to Gordon i rington. on a fast break, added which is to get a beer and wine license and serve Sunday E. and Emily L. Borth. 2.54 i a jump shot. The third quarbrunch with blinis in sour acres. Gallows Hill Road, Jan. j ter ended with Barlow ahead 42-28 cream and a split of cham- 7. Richard Holzhausen t o In the fourth quarter Barpagne, all at a moderate price. Gateway Shopping Center, WILTON "We've made some money in Joseph and Virginia Seeley. low really poured it on Bethel, 762-5566 the store." he admits, "but 0.70 of a n acre and buildings. outscoring them 24 to 13. In | 242 East Avenue. EAST NORWALK the first four minutes Barlow Black Rock Turnpike. J a n . 25. we've plowed it all back. We're S38-2324 Poppy Cannon White to outscored Bethel 12-2. Norm WALTER "Walt" WERNER "Bill" The one on top Is a world famous legend. off the beaten path, thank McDougald. 6.002 Quandt started the quarter off Tha oris below it Is the same legend redesigned into an all new station heavens, so we don't get Cornelius wagon. tourists. We have the nicest acres on Seventy Acres Road. with a lay-up on a rebound, i Bruce Freeman added two J a n . 27. It has the deluxe Interior appointments and comfortable rida ol a fino customers in the world." straight jump shots from the \ passenger car . . . carries six big adults plus more luggage and equipThe Umpawaug Company to Two of those nice customers ment than you can imagine. It's powered by Am 'lea's only automotiveRobert L. and Elaine Schnei- base line, while Arrington put overhead cam engine, the high torque Tornado OHC . . . offers optional came all the way from New der. 2.576 acres. Chestnut in a fast break lay-up. Hull j York every other Sunday all extras such as automatic transmission, independent front suspension, Woods and Topstone Roads. scored Bethel's first two points i power steering and power brakes. But the all new Wagoneor is really a summer and Mr. Tree h a s of the quarter after three min- j 'Jeep' vehicle at heart. such faith in the people who Jan. 29. utes and four seconds had I C. Boyd Harris and Kathcrinc deal with him that often as The 'Jeep' Wagoneer goes up sleep hills, over rough rugged terrain' C gone by. Biff continued Bar- j K. Miller, executors to William •nd through snow and mud that leave other cars helpless. And around not when he's busy in the slippery turns that cause lishtailing and skidding, it hugs the road with kitchen he'll tell a customer and Cynthia G. Eady. three low's murderous pace with a j tap-in and a fast break laytraditional 'Jeep' traction. to go to the cash register a n d acres, more or less and buildings. Umpawaug Road. J a n . 30- up. This made the score at j The big reason is 4-whecl "Drivepower."* All four wheels are power make his own change. 54-30. Campbell put in three: wheels instead of it--; two. Take a demonstration drive soon. You've) Farm Fresh Making our way out past points for Bethel, but Arrinc- | never driven a car that can do the things this one can. the counters loaded with ton. f n still another fast J C KAISER Jeep CORPORATION calico cats filled with balsam, break, trapped in a missed j discover d-wheel "OS.VfPOlVf/?'* salad servers, brass corkscrews, shot. Horrigan put in a driv- • JSJiJl. N E W *eXE13I»* A V A G O X E E R pewter mugs, and other items ing lay-up and two free i Cut U p o r S p l i t . 3 3 c l b . Dr. Francis G. Cornell of • " D n v t v o w t r " is W i g o n f t r station wagon's new, too numerous to see. let alone throws to make the score 60- j Educational Services Inc. of Imarovecj *nd t u c l u s W * 4 - w h c c l d'tv* »y**t*m. mention, we promised our33. Huil put a rebound in for; Boneles selves that we'd return to Mr. White plains. N.Y.. met in cx- Bethel, but Barlow came back j | Tree's "country Emporium' to!ccutive session with the Board with four straight c points.; browse around a n d maybe °* Education Thursday night. Fc I have another dillv-burger and i b - 18 to present to the board! Setesak put in a rebound and Route #7 Georgetown, Conn. a slice of warm pecan pie. ! a preliminary oral report of Horrigan put in a lay-up on Regular Ground ithe study his firm is conduct a fast break. The game ended Ung for the town. with the score 66-41. Educational Services is surIn the second half Barlow : veying pupil population, educa- made 49 per cent of its shots. • tional facilities and organiza- Bethel could only make 30 t i o n and preparing projections per cent. From the charity of population and building j jt-jpe Barlow sank 40 per Special wholesale prices on all BEEF: Special Discounts on all volume Freeze! ; programs. Dr. Cornell sought j c c n t . Bethel made 42 per cent Order Combinations . . . For example: • reactions of board members i 0 f its free throws. B.irlow had four men i n : Thursday night to some of the j 10 l b s . Sirloin S t e a k s j problems which "nave come u p ! double figures. Biff Clark led 50 l b s of MEATS 10 lbs. Chuck, groum and the study. His final! all scorers with 18 points. ; during 10 l b s . C h u c k S t e a k s 21 pkss. of : written report will be presented i Horrigan had 16. and Setesak 12 pkgs. Peas and FROZEN VEGETABLES ; to the board sometime after | a n ( j Arrington cac'n pumped 10 l b s . I.oin F o r k for only 12 pkgs. French Frie March I. i home 10. The only Bethel 10 l b s . Beef F a t t i e s I player in double figure.-- was (Seabrook Farms' You've got to love what's: Huil. who bad 10 points. lovable, and h2lc what's h a l r Ask Berlin B r o s , a b o u t t h e i r R e g u l a r F r e e z e r P L A N a n d e a s y financing! J.V. Game ablc. It takes brains to sec < Varsity' Bethel Junior The the difference. —Robert Frost | LOWEST COMPETITIVE PRICES Danbury Firm IRONCLAD LIFETIME GUARANTEE E-2 AAMC0 TRANSMISSIONS Berlin Bros. Markets improved Consultant Meets With School Board STEAK Round-Up SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE 79 lb. Fryers & Broilers whoe l 29lb. SIRLOIN ROAST 89lb. 10 lbs. CHUCK $4.98 GEORGETOWN MOTORS, Inc. CALLING ALL FREEZER OWNERS! $33.75 final winter clearance DRESSES • SUITS No question is so difficult to answer as t h a t to which the answer Is obvious. —George Bernard Shaw STOP Interest on Your interest on Your Interest on I Qui iiiierSSi f I i q i ^ s ;? \ <• ;>r. W e ' r e Uic only h a n k iu New C a n a a n t h a t p a \ s i n t c r o t y o u r N I V ; : : ; - ^ ;ii Use r.-A*. nf i . -»u\ iiu<.c monuK-. NEW CANAAN SAVINGS BANK A COOI) FAKT OF SO MAW GOOD THINGS Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com on
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