COMMON COUNCIL MEETING SUN PRAIRIE COMMON COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 EAST MAIN STREET SUN PRAIRIE, WI 53590 TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of Common Council Minutes of July 15, 2014 Approval of Common Council Minutes of July 22, 2014 4. BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT Bills presented for payment are represented in one warrant totaling: $821,688.02. 5. PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS AND REMONSTRANCES A. Citizens Appearance/Public Comment B. Regular Operator's Licenses 6. BUSINESS OF THE MAYOR A. Report of the Mayor B. Proclamation: Recognizing the Sun Prairie Boys Baseball Team C. Proclamation: Recognizing the Sound of Sun Prairie 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1. Resolution authorizing the renewal of the Youth Center Lease Agreement with the Sun Prairie Area School District. (Resolution attached in regard to same) 2. Resolution to approve an application for a “Class B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License from GNF Management LLC for Monk’s Bar and Grill, 2832 Prairie Lakes Dr. (Resolution attached in regard to same) 3. Resolution authorizing submittal of a grant application for the purpose of funding urban and community forestry projects or urban forestry catastrophic storm projects. (Resolution attached in regard to same) 4. Resolution approving an application from Sun Prairie Lions Club for a Temporary or Transient Special Event Permit for the Blues Fest on September 13, 2014, along with a Class “B” Retailer’s License to sell fermented beverages in conjunction with the event. (Resolution attached in regard to same) 5. Ordinance repealing and recreating Section 10.16.080 – Parking of Vehicles Over Ten Thousand Pounds or Twenty Two Feet restricted. (Ordinance attached in regard to same) 3 6. Resolution authorizing a budget amendment for professional services relating to the creation of TIF 11. (Resolution attached in regard to same) B. FINANCE COMMITTEE 1. Resolution approving a Cash Handling Policy. (Resolution attached in regard to same) 2. Resolution authorizing a budget amendment in the amount of $134,610.00 for the purchase of salt and contracted services for 2014. (Resolution attached in regard to same) C. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 1. Resolution approving a budget amendment to increase the funding amount for the Liberty Square Stormwater Improvements. (Materials to be distributed) 2. Resolution approving the partial release of an existing sanitary sewer easement at 360 S. Legacy Way. (Materials to be distributed) 8. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS/REFERRED ITEMS A. File #12,034 - Postponed from the July 8, 2014 Common Council Meeting Resolution approving a memorandum of understanding with Town of Burke with respect to cost sharing for the reconstruction of County Hwy C. (Resolution attached in regards to same) B. File #12,054 - Tabled from the July 22, 2014 Common Council Meeting Resolution approving a Development Agreement with Inform Product Development, Inc, for land Purchase and development of Lot 49 Sun Prairie Business Park 5th Addition. (Resolution attached in regards to same) 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Please note that, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. For additional information or to request this service, contact the City Clerk’s Office, 300 East Main Street, Sun Prairie WI 53590 (608) 837-2511 NOTE: It is possible that members of and a possible quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information; no action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice. 4 SUN PRAIRIE COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN 53590 JULY 15, 2014 Mayor Freund was present and presided over the Common Council Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 300 East Main Street. Alderpersons present: Alderpersons absent: Staff present: Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske, Weber None Administrator, Aaron Oppenheimer City Attorney, Mark Leonard Deputy City Clerk, Arrin Linzenmeyer Director of Administrative Services, Connie Dekemper Engineering Director, Daryl Severson Planning Director, Scott Kugler Police Chief, Scott Faust Public Works Director, Lee Igl 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Freund led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting from July 8, 2014. Seconded by Ald. Hutkowski. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 4. BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT Ald. Hutkowski made a motion to approve the warrants totaling $1,504,365.43. Seconded by Ald. Guyant. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 5. PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS AND REMONSTRANCES. A. Citizen’s Appearance/Public Comment - None B. Regular Operator’s License – Ald. Weber made a motion to approve the Regular Operator’s licenses as follows: • • • • • • B14-272 B14-273 B14-274 B14-275 B14-276 B14-277 Doyle, Shanahan T Elifritz, Annika A Stoker, Matt T Phillips, Amy R Stubbendick, Kevin W Allen, Bret W Burracho's The Nitty Gritty The Nitty Gritty Buck and Honey's Lost Court Coffee Bar & Grill Buck and Honey's Seconded by Ald. Hutkowski. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None 5 ABSTAIN: None 6. BUSINESS OF THE MAYOR A. Report of the Mayor – The Mayor recognized the recent Bacon, Brew & BBQ event, which he felt was a success. B. Presentation of 10-year service recognition award to Alderman Zachary Weber - Mayor Freund recognized Ald. Weber on his years of service to the City. 7. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 12,041 Scott Kugler, on behalf of the Joint Extraterritorial Zoning Commission, entered the following report pertaining to an Ordinance approving an amendment of the Sun Prairie - Town of Windsor ETJ Area Official Extraterritorial Zoning Map rezoning a 1/2 acre remnant of property located at the back of the property at 6265 Winding Way (LOT 64 Terrace Park) from Agriculture 35-acre to Estate Residential. OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, July 8, the Joint Extraterritorial Zoning Committee held a public hearing to consider a request by the Town of Windsor to rezone a ½ acre remnant of property located at the back of the property at 6265 Winding Way, Town of Windsor. JOINT EXTRATERRITORIAL ZONING COMMITTEE FINDINGS: The Committee reviewed the request and found that it complies with all applicable regulations. TOWN OF WINDSOR RECOMMENDATION: The rezone was approved by the Town Plan Commission on April 22, 2014. The Town Board approved the rezone at their May 15, 2014 meeting. JOINT EXTRATERRITORIAL ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: After carefully reviewing the request and after making its findings, the Committee voted to recommend that the City Council approve the request to rezone. An ordinance is attached. Ald. Hutkowski made a motion to approve Ordinance #568; an amendment of the Sun Prairie - Town of Windsor ETJ Area Official Extraterritorial Zoning Map rezoning a 1/2 acre remnant of property located at the back of the property at 6265 Winding Way (LOT 64 Terrace Park) from Agriculture 35-acre to Estate Residential. Petitioner: TOWN OF WINDSOR - W1405-01 Second by Ald. Frank. AYE: NAY: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: None Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske None None B. PLANNING COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 12,042 Ald. Fassbender, on behalf of the Planning Commission, entered the following report pertaining to a Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 2,055 square foot Dunkin Donuts with a drive-thru facility (In-Vehicle Sales and Service Use) on the same lot as Dorn Hardware at 926 Windsor Street. OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, July 8, the Plan Commission held a public hearing to consider a request by TJK Design Build, Inc. for approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) that would allow the construction of Dunkin Donuts with a drive-thru at 926 Windsor Street. PLAN COMMISSION FINDINGS: The Plan Commission found that the request for approval of the CUP complies with the requirements of the City of Sun Prairie’s Zoning Ordinance and other applicable plans and regulations. PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: After carefully reviewing the request and after making its findings, the Plan Commission voted to recommend that the City Council conditionally approve the requested CUP with the removal of condition #11 and the addition of a condition requiring stone on the angled wall on the west elevation. 6 Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve Resolution 14/115, a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 2,055 square foot Dunkin Donuts with a drive-thru facility (In-Vehicle Sales and Service Use) on the same lot as Dorn Hardware at 926 Windsor Street. Petitioner: TJK DESIGN BUILD, INC. - PC14-2151 Seconded by Ald. Hutkowski. The following registrations were in support and available to answer questions: Jeremy Alsaker, 220 Kay Drive, Waunakee,WI, on behalf of Dunkin Doughnuts John Bieno, 634 West Main Street, Madison, WI, on behalf of TJK Design Build Thomas Dorn, 926 Windsor Street, Sun Prairie, WI, on behalf of Dorn True Value Ald. Gage stated she was excited about this addition, and questioned if the increase in traffic in this lot was looked at. Kugler stated they didn’t do a full traffic study, but it was looked at extensively. He stated the Planning Commission had concerns about stop signs and traffic control in that area as well. Kugler stated that all the backing up that may happen will happen on private property, rather than on public streets. He stated he thought the traffic would be evenly spread out. Ald. Gage stated her concern on Davison was there would be bottle neck of people leaving McDonald’s and Dunkin Doughnuts at the same time. Ald. Fassbender stated the last week he voted “no” at Plan Commission, and stated there was too much, with too little in this area. He stated deliveries weren’t even considered last week. He stated there are 22 seats in the facility, with only seven parking stalls. He stated there hasn’t been enough thought in this area and he would be voting against this. He stated this building will be a real disaster in this location. Ald. Guyant thanked Ald. Fassbender and stated he is in that area several times a week and has a difficult time in that area. He questioned if a traffic study was done after the building was built, could anything be done. He stated he would be voting “no” as well. Ald. Weber questioned the applicants and indicated he thought they were also looking at another area. Alsaker stated they were looking at another location on Hwy C as well, and indicated why they chose this location. Ald. Weber questioned if this did go through, if Dorn Hardware was still in compliance with parking. Kugler stated the Dollar Store was actually on a different parcel, and Dorn was still in compliance. Kugler stated one of the issues that came out was the parking in the back. It was determined that would be used for employees. Kugler stated the sales that take place along the road by Davison Drive would be removed. Ald. Weber pointed out, that this is what we want. It’s a commercial area and doesn’t affect the residential area. He stated any parking congestion would take place on private property and suspected the property owners would work it out. He stated he felt this area could really use a spark, since the area hasn’t had any new construction in several years. Ald. Polenske questioned the traffic study that was discussed and the traffic lights in that area. Kugler explained the lane configurations and the lights and also the stop signs in that area. Ald. Polenske stated she originally had concerns, but felt there was a good opportunity to get in the correct lane after you’ve exited. She stated she would be voting in favor of the request. Ald. Fassbender stated the parking that was referenced wasn’t always on private property. McDonald’s patrons are sometimes backed up all the way to the intersection. He stated after the construction, they are going to realize they are making a mistake. Ald. Frank questioned Kugler on the traffic lanes when you exit onto Davison Drive. Kugler confirmed that wasn’t his call. Ald. Guyant stated he goes into that area several times a week, and is often backed up. 7 Mayor Freund pointed out that the time of day they were looking at was 6am – 9:30am. He stated the impact on traffic in terms of the lunch rush wouldn’t be affected too much. He thanked the applicants for making the changes to the exterior. He stated it’s a way to create density on that parcel and he stated this was a positive for this parcel. John Bieno, TJK Design Build, stated that most of the people were already using that area, not coming from out of town. He also stated Dorn has agreed to remove the outside displays. Jeremy Alsaker, stated they have thought very hard about the parking, the deliveries, snow removal, traffic analysis. He stated all parking of cars will stack on private parking areas. He stated most of the employees will be parking in the back. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Frank, Gage, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: Fassbender, Guyant ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,043 Ald. Fassbender, on behalf of the Planning Commission, entered the following report pertaining to a Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow an accessory building of over 1,000 SF (A 1,200 SF detached garage) on property located in the Suburban Residential (SR-4) Zoning District at 226 South Street. OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, July 8, the Plan Commission held a public hearing to consider a request by John Otto for approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the applicant to build a 1,200 square foot detached garage at 226 South Street. PLAN COMMISSION FINDINGS: The Plan Commission found that the request for approval of the CUP complies with the requirements of the City of Sun Prairie’s Zoning Ordinance and other applicable plans and regulations. PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: After carefully reviewing the request and after making its findings, the Plan Commission voted to recommend that the City Council conditionally approve the requested CUP. Ald. Fassbender made a motion to approve Resolution 14/116, a Conditional Use Permit to allow an accessory building of over 1,000 SF (A 1,200 SF detached garage) on property located in the Suburban Residential (SR-4) Zoning District at 226 South Street. Petitioner: JOHN W. OTTO - PC14-2165 Seconded by Ald. Polenske. Ald. Fassbender stated there was some discussion regarding the size of the walls. Kugler confirmed the standards that were required. Ald. Weber stated he was supportive of this request; and verified the applicant was aware of the requirements. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,044 Ald. Fassbender, on behalf of the Planning Commission, entered the following report pertaining to an ordinance approving an amendment of the approved General Development Plan for Golden Meadows to change the allowable land use from Institutional to Commercial for property located at 2602 S. City Station Drive. 8 OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, July 9, the Plan Commission held a public hearing to consider a request by Loeder Oil Company for approval of an amendment to the approved General Development Plan (GDP) for Golden Meadows to change the allowable land use for property located at 2602 S. City Station Drive. PLAN COMMISSION FINDINGS: The Plan Commission found that the request for approval of the GDP amendment complies with the requirements of the City of Sun Prairie’s Zoning Ordinance and other applicable plans and regulations provided the conditions of approval listed in the attached ordinance are met in full by the applicant. PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: After carefully reviewing the request and after making its findings, the Plan Commission voted to recommend that the City Council conditionally approve the requested GDP amendment. An ordinance is attached. Ald. Fassbender made a motion to approve Ordinance #569, an amendment of the approved General Development Plan for Golden Meadows to change the allowable land use from Institutional to Commercial for property located at 2602 S. City Station Drive. Petitioner: LOEDER OIL COMPANY - PC14-2167 Seconded by Ald. Polenske. Ald. Fassbender questioned the application and if they were consolidating two lots together. Kugler confirmed he wasn’t sure how many lots it would be split into. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,045 Ald. Fassbender, on behalf of the Planning Commission, entered the following report pertaining to a resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit to operate a Bed and Breakfast establishment along with staff residence on property located in the Business District Redevelopment Overlay District at 114 W. Main Street. OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, July 8, the Plan Commission held a public hearing to consider a request by 114 W. Main Street, LLC for approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a bed and breakfast establishment on property located at 114 W. Main Street. PLAN COMMISSION FINDINGS: The Plan Commission found that the request for approval of the CUP complies with the requirements of the City of Sun Prairie’s Zoning Ordinance and other applicable plans and regulations. PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: After carefully reviewing the request and after making its findings, the Plan Commission voted to recommend that the City Council conditionally approve the requested CUP. Ald. Fassbender made a motion to approve Resolution 14/117, a Conditional Use Permit to operate a Bed and Breakfast establishment along with staff residence on property located in the Business District Redevelopment Overlay District at 114 W. Main Street. Petitioner: 114 W. MAIN STREET, LLC - PC14-2170 Seconded by Ald. Gage. The following registrants were in support and available to answer questions: David Baehr, 2616 Happy Valley Road, on behalf of Baehr Operations Tony Hudzinksi, 1349 N. Thompson Road, on behalf of Ski’s Saloon 9 Ald. Guyant questioned the parking agreement that is referenced. He questioned if there was adequate parking. Kugler stated there was plenty of parking; and stated they’d like to have it in writing in case the two lots were sold separately. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,046 Ald. Fassbender, on behalf of the Planning Commission, entered the following report pertaining to a resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit to operate a beer garden with outdoor dining and a take-out restaurant on property located in the Business District Redevelopment Overlay District at 100 and 104 W. Main Street. OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, July 8, the Plan Commission held a public hearing to consider a request by Hudlewski Investments, LLC for approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a beer garden with outdoor dining and a take-out restaurant on property located at 100 and 104 W. Main Street. PLAN COMMISSION FINDINGS: The Plan Commission found that the request for approval of the CUP complies with the requirements of the City of Sun Prairie’s Zoning Ordinance and other applicable plans and regulations. PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: After carefully reviewing the request and after making its findings, the Plan Commission voted to recommend that the City Council conditionally approve the requested CUP. Ald. Fassbender made a motion to approve Resolution 14/118, a Conditional Use Permit to operate a beer garden with outdoor dining and a take-out restaurant on property located in the Business District Redevelopment Overlay District at 100 and 104 W. Main Street. Petitioner: HUDLEWSKI INVESTMENTS, LLC - PC14-2171 Seconded by Ald. Gage. The following registrants were in support and available to answer questions: David Baehr, 2616 Happy Valley Road, on behalf of Baehr Operations Tony Hudzinksi, 1349 N. Thompson Road, on behalf of Ski’s Saloon Ald. Fassbender stated there was a lot of discussion at the Planning Commission. But this was an exciting addition and would add to the downtown. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: Hutkowski ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,047 Ald. Fassbender, on behalf of the Planning Commission, entered the following report pertaining to a resolution approving a Precise Implementation Plan to allow the development of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and night drop box along with an associated drive aisle at 326 S. Grand Avenue. OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, July 8, the Plan Commission held a public meeting to consider a request by Starion Financial for approval of a Precise Implementation Plan to construct an automated teller machine (ATM) and associated drive aisle on property located at 326 S. Grand Avenue. 10 PLAN COMMISSION FINDINGS: The Plan Commission found that the request for approval of the PIP complies with all the zoning requirements and other applicable plans and regulations provided the conditions of approval listed in the attached resolution are met in full by the applicant. PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: After carefully reviewing the request and after making its findings, the Plan Commission voted to recommend that the City Council conditionally approve the requested PIP. Ald. Fassbender made a motion to approve Resolution 14/119, a Precise Implementation Plan to allow the development of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and night drop box along with an associated drive aisle at 326 S. Grand Avenue. Petitioner: STARION FINANCIAL - PC14-2168 Seconded by Ald. Frank. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: Hutkowski ABSTAIN: None C. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FILE NUMBER 12,048 Ald. Polenske, on behalf of the Committee of the Whole, entered the following report pertaining to a Resolution authorizing the construction of two pickle ball and courts at Wyndham Hills Park and a budget amendment in the amount of $23,000 to provide funding for the project. This evening the Committee of the Whole met to consider a recommendation from staff to move forward with construction of two pickle ball courts. In the 2014 Park Fund Budget, the Recreation Department allocated $30,000 for the construction of two pickle ball courts in Wyndham Hills Park. In June 2014, the department solicited bids to complete the project. Two qualified bids were received. Contractor Payne & Dolan, Inc. Munson, Inc. Bid $ 53,000.00 $ 65,996.00 Due to the difference between the budgeted amount and the low bid, staff recommends the following budget amendment be made to the Parks Fund budget for the additional payment of the new pickle ball court this year: Parks Fund Increase Fund Balance Applied Increase Park Improvements $23,000 $23,000 After careful review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council authorize staff to move forward with the pickle ball court project and also authorize the requested budget amendment. Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve Resolution 14/120; authorizing the construction of two pickle ball courts at Wyndham Hills Park and a budget amendment in the amount of $23,000 to provide funding for the project, with an amendment to include awarding the project to the low bidder, Payne & Dolan. Seconded by Ald. Guyant. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 11 FILE NUMBER 12,049 Ald. Polenske, on behalf of the Committee of the Whole, entered the following report pertaining to a Resolution approving CivicPlus as consultant for Development of City Website and to authorize budget amendments to provide prerequisite funding for the project. On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 the Committee of the Whole met to discuss approval of CivicPlus as the consultant for development of the City website and to consider budget amendments to provide prerequisite funding for the project. In April, 2014 the City Council authorized administration to distribute a request for proposals (RFP) for consultant services for the purpose of designing a new website. The City received twelve proposals from web development firms. After reviewing the proposals and participating in an onsite demonstration, the City’s website committee determined that CivicPlus provided the best benefit for the City. CivicPlus estimates that it will take approximately six months to develop and implement the new website. CivicPlus provides a three-year payment option at no additional cost to the City. The development cost as well as the annual maintenance expense would require a funding commitment of $23,096 per year for the first three years. After three years, the City would only be obligated to fund the annual maintenance charge of $7,324. Funding for the website will come from budget amendments from six different sources in 2014. The next two years of payments will be included in the appropriate budget. Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve Resolution 14/121; approving CivicPlus as consultant for Development of City Website and to authorize budget amendments to provide prerequisite funding for the project. Seconded by Ald. Gage. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,050 Ald. Polenske, on behalf of the Committee of the Whole, entered the following report pertaining to a resolution approving an application for a Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License from Liberty Square Station, LLC, dba Liberty Square Station, 1354 N. Bird Street - Lakhbir Singh, agent. On Tuesday, July 8, 2014, the Committee of the Whole held a public hearing to consider an application for a Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License from Liberty Square Station, LLC, dba Liberty Square Station, 1354 N. Bird Street - Lakhbir Singh, agent. The public hearing opened at 5:38 p.m. The public hearing closed at 5:39 p.m. The appropriate departments have conducted the required inspections and investigations. They have noted that there is nothing in the investigations or inspections at this time to prohibit the issuance of the license. The applicant will be required to pay a proration of the fees once the license is approved by the Common Council and prior to the issuance of said license. Staff recommends that this application be approved with the contingencies noted in the attached Resolution. 1. The owner must provide proof of access or ownership of the building. 2. The appropriate fees must be paid at the time of issuance. 3. The agent shall provide proof of completion of the Beverage Servers Training Course. 4. The applicant shall provide a copy of their Sellers Permit. 5. The applicant shall provide a copy of their final Health Department inspection/approval. 6. The owner shall provide proof of an Occupancy Permit from the Building Department. 7. The owner shall comply with all requirements as set forth by the Building Code. 8. The owner shall comply with all requirements as set forth by the Fire Code. 9. The owner shall comply with Planning requirements with the labeling of a handicap parking stall and screening of a dumpster. 10. The owner shall comply with all State, County and City ordinances, laws, and policies. After careful review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the license with the contingencies noted. Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve Resolution 14/122; an application for a Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License from Liberty Square Station, LLC, dba Liberty Square Station, 1354 N. Bird Street - Lakhbir Singh, agent. 12 Seconded by Ald. Hutkowski. The following registrant was in support and available to answer questions Lakhbir Singh, 3050 Saddle Brook Trail, Sun Prairie, WI, on behalf of Liberty Square Gas Station Ald. Weber requested from staff that the actual application be included in the packet in the future. Ald. Fassbender questioned if the license was changing, it was confirmed it was the same as the last license holder. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,051 Ald. Polenske, on behalf of the Committee of the Whole, entered the following report pertaining to a resolution approving an application from VFW Post 9362 for a Temporary Class “B” Retailers License to sell fermented malt beverages in conjunction with the Sweet Corn Festival at Angell Park August 14-17, 2014. On Tuesday, July 1, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider approval of an application from VFW Post 9362 for a Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License for the sale of fermented malt beverages at the Sweet Corn Festival, August 14-17, 2014, at Angell Park. The application has been reviewed by the appropriate departments. All comments are included in the Report of the City Clerk. After careful review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the application with the contingencies and exemptions noted in the staff report and the attached Resolution, including allowing fermented malt beverages to be sold in 12 oz. cans which are opened by the server. Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve Resolution 14/123; an application from VFW Post 9362 for a Temporary Class “B” Retailers License to sell fermented malt beverages in conjunction with the Sweet Corn Festival at Angell Park August 14-17, 2014. Seconded by Ald. Weber. Ald. Weber pointed out a typo, and wanted to make sure an amendment didn’t need to be made based on the process. Attorney Leonard stated he didn’t see a need for the process to change. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None FILE NUMBER 12,052 Ald. Polenske, on behalf of the Committee of the Whole, entered the following report pertaining to a resolution approving an application from the Chamber of Commerce for a Transient or Temporary Special Event Permit and Carnival License for the Sweet Corn Festival at Angell Park August 14-17, 2014. On Tuesday, July 1, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider approval of an application from the Sun Prairie Chamber of Commerce for a Transient or Temporary Special Event and Carnival License for the Sweet Corn Festival, August 14-17, 2014, at Angell Park. The application has been reviewed by the appropriate departments. All comments and recommendations are included in the Report of the City Clerk. After careful review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the application with the contingencies as noted in the Report of the City Clerk, and in the attached Resolution. 13 Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve Resolution 14/124; an application from the Chamber of Commerce for a Transient or Temporary Special Event Permit and Carnival License for the Sweet Corn Festival at Angell Park August 14-17, 2014. Seconded by Ald. Hutkowski. Ald. Weber questioned the Police Department’s ability to charge back the Chamber for services. Ald. Polenske stated the Police Chief stated at a previous meeting that they would be present at the event. Ald. Weber stated he just wanted to make sure it was consistent with all the events. Mayor Freund stated he felt it should be consistent as well. Oppenheimer stated they were keeping track of costs and expenses incurred by each event. Ald. Weber requested that after each event, they be forwarded that information regarding costs. Ald. Fassbender confirmed that basically the only charge backs were in regards to liquor. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: AYE: Weber, Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 8. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS/REFERRED ITEMS FILE NUMBER 12,034 - Postponed from the July 8, 2014 Common Council Meeting – Resolution approving the Dane County Highway design concept and cost sharing proposal for the reconstruction of CTH C between STH 19 and Egre Road. 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Ald. Hutkowski to adjourn the meeting at 8:06pm, seconded by Ald. Frank. Motion passed unanimously by acclamation. I hereby certify that the foregoing was action of the Common Council on the 15th day of July, 2014. Jonathan Freund, Mayor ________________________________________ Arrin Linzenmeyer, Deputy City Clerk ________________________________________ Diane Hermann-Brown, City Clerk Minutes approved as distributed at the August 5, 2014 Council meeting. Published: August 15, 2014 14 -SUN PRAIRIE COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN 53590 JULY 22, 2014 Mayor Freund was present and presided over the Common Council Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:19 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 300 East Main Street. Alderpersons present: Alderpersons absent: Staff present: Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske, Weber None Administrator, Aaron Oppenheimer City Attorney, Mark Leonard City Clerk, Diane Hermann-Brown Planning Director, Scott Kugler Neil Stechschulte, Economic Development Director 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Freund led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 4. BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT 5. PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS AND REMONSTRANCES. A. Citizen’s Appearance/Public Comment - None 6. BUSINESS OF THE MAYOR A. Report of the Mayor – the Mayor encouraged everyone to attend the Taste of Sun Prairie on the upcoming weekend. 7. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FILE NUMBER 12,053 Ald. Polenske, on behalf of the Committee of the Whole, entered the following report pertaining to an ordinance repealing and recreating Section 2.08.110 – Special Meetings. On Tuesday, July 15, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider approving an ordinance repealing and recreating Section 2.08.110 – Special Meetings. The revision is to permit notice of Special Common Council meetings to be sent by electronic mail to each member of the Council, in addition to the current options of delivery to him or her personally, or left at his or her usual place of abode. After review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the ordinance as presented. Ald. Polenske made a motion to approve Ordinance #570; repealing and recreating Section 2.08.110 – Special Meetings. Seconded by Ald. Hutkowski. Ald. Guyant clarified that this will negate the officers having to hand deliver Special Meeting notices. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: Aye: Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske, Weber Nay: None Absent: None Abstain: None 15 The following individual was available to answer questions to the next agenda items: Dave Glusick, 999 Fourier Drive, Madison: representing Vierbicher. FILE NUMBER 12,054 A development agreement with Inform Product Development, Inc, for land purchase and development of Lot 49 Sun Prairie Business Park 5th Addition. Neil Stechschulte stated there were a number of changes that were requested which should be finalized within the week. He stated staff was requesting the item to be “tabled” and placed on an upcoming agenda. Ald. Weber made a motion to “table” the Development Agreement with Inform Product Development, Inc, for land purchase and development of Lot 49 Sun Prairie Business Park 5th Addition. Seconded by Ald. Frank. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: Aye: Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske, Weber Nay: None Absent: None Abstain: None B. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Hutkowski moved to approve a consent agenda for the following three items. Second by Weber. Motion by Ald. Fassbender to approve the following three Development Agreements. Seconded by Ald. Frank. FILE NUMBER 12,055 Resolution 14/126; approving the Development Agreement for Ironwood Estates Phase 1 & 2. FILE NUMBER 12,056 Resolution 14/125; approving the Development Agreement for Smith’s Crossing Phase 6. FILE NUMBER 12,057 Resolution 14/127; approving the Development Agreement for Smith’s Crossing Phase 12. Motion passed upon roll call of the following vote: Aye: Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Hutkowski, Polenske, Weber Nay: None Absent: None Abstain: None 8. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS/REFERRED ITEMS FILE NUMBER 12,034 - Postponed from the July 8, 2014 Common Council Meeting – Resolution approving the Dane County Highway design concept and cost sharing proposal for the reconstruction of CTH C between STH 19 and Egre Road. No action taken 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Ald. Hutkowski to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 pm, seconded by Ald. Frank. Motion passed unanimously by acclamation. 16 I hereby certify that the foregoing was action of the Common Council on the 22nd day of July, 2014. Jonathan Freund, Mayor ________________________________________ Diane Hermann-Brown, City Clerk Minutes approved as distributed at the August 5, 2014 Council meeting. Published: August 15, 2014 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Council Licensing Listing Lic No. Name Business Regular Operator's License(s) B14-278 B14-279 B14-280 B14-281 B14-282 B14-283 Johnson, Charles M.J. Cannon, Yolanda E Ives, Lori L Jessberger, Kenneth P Latendresse, Katelyn M Kugler, Christine M Buck and Honey's Kelley Williamson Mobil Prairie Athletic Club Pit Stop Pub Ski's Saloon Prairie Athletic Club Thursday, July 31, 2014 Page 1 of 1 41 WHEREAS, The Sound of Sun Prairie has established a history of great accomplishments and endeavors, since 1972 when they were formed; and WHEREAS, The Sound of Sun Prairie obtained the 2014 Mid-American Competing Band Director’s Association (MACBDA) Grand Champions; they also won other first and second place awards in competition during the season. The Sound also obtained caption awards during the season for Best Music Performance, Best Music General Effect, Best Color Guard, Best Percussion, and Best Front Line; and WHEREAS, the members of the directing staff, the countless parents and volunteers working with the students of The Sound of Sun Prairie have unselfishly given their time and themselves for the purpose of supporting this quest for this group of High School students, providing them this positive adventure and learning experience; and WHEREAS, The Sound of Sun Prairie is further recognized for their efforts to benefit the Sunshine Place by raising over $2,000 in their “Gives Back” carwash which was conducted in four locations on a cold and stormy day; and WHEREAS, the students have proven their everlasting dedication to their fellow band members, their school, their community, and their love of music and have demonstrated their ability to work together and succeed; and FURTHERMORE, the students have represented the Sun Prairie community in a most exemplary manner and have proven to be positive ambassadors for the City of Sun Prairie across the mid-west and Canada. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jonathan Freund, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor, do hereby officially congratulate THE SOUND OF SUN PRAIRIE for another successful season, and thank the members for representing the City in such a positive manner. I call upon all the citizens of our City to join me in saluting and congratulating the members and staff of the Sun Prairie High School SOUND OF SUN PRAIRIE. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Sun Prairie to be affixed on this the 5th day of August, 2014. Jonathan Freund Mayor 42 WHEREAS, the Sun Prairie High School Cardinal Boys Baseball Team has achieved great accomplishments during the 2013-2014 High School year. The Team has achieved the ultimate goal of becoming the WIAA Division I State Baseball Champions for the third year in a row; and WHEREAS, the greatness of the Sun Prairie High School Baseball Team is due in large measure to the willingness of the team, coaching staff, parents and volunteers who have worked together to achieve an ultimate objective by unselfishly giving of their time and of themselves for the purpose of supporting this quest for this group of High School students providing them a positive adventure and learning experience; and WHEREAS, the team members and coaches displayed a tremendous amount of hard work, teamwork, and talent in their efforts to achieve this goal with hardwork and dedication and commendable perseverance which are admiral qualities for their lives on and off the baseball diamond; and WHEREAS, the team members have proven their everlasting dedication to their fellow team members and school, as well as demonstrating their ability to work together and succeed. The team members have represented the Sun Prairie community in a most exemplary manner and their championship has made the State of Wisconsin, very proud! NOW THEREFORE, I, Jonathan Freund, Mayor of the City of Sun Prairie, do hereby offer the highest congratulations to the Sun Prairie High School Boys Baseball Team members and coaches for this distinguished accomplishment of being the State Champions. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Sun Prairie to be affixed on this the 5th day of August 2014. Jonathan Freund, Mayor 43 July 16, 2014 To: Mayor and City Council From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Alan Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber SUBJECT: YOUTH CENTER LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT On Tuesday, July 15, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider renewing the lease agreement with the Sun Prairie Area School District for use of the Youth Center located in the former middle school, 160 South Street. The site is used by the YMCA for their after school programs. The City’s involvement is through the Youth & Families Commission. The lease is for the 20142015 school year, and is a continuation of the agreement that is currently in force. There is no charge for rent. After review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council authorize renewal of the agreement. Aye: Weber(1) Hutkowski(2) Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Polenske Nay: None 2014 0805 lease with school district for youth center 45 CITY OF SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF THE YOUTH CENTER LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE SUN PRAIRIE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File No: Res No: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider renewing the lease agreement with the Sun Prairie Area School District for use of the Youth Center located in the former middle school. The site is used by the YMCA for their after school programs; and WHEREAS, the City involvement is through the Youth & Families Commission. The lease is for the 2014-2015 school year, and is a continuation of the agreement that is currently in force. There is no charge for rent; and WHEREAS, after review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council authorize renewal of the agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby authorizes the renewal of the lease agreement. APPROVED: _________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August ___, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August, 2014, and was submitted for signatures on the day of August, 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 46 July 30, 2014 To: Mayor and City Council From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Al Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber SUBJECT: “CLASS B” FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE AND INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MONK’S BAR AND GRILL On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole held a public hearing to consider an application for a “Class B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License from GNF Management LLC for Monk’s Bar and Grill, 2832 Prairie Lakes Dr. The public hearing opened at 5:31 p.m. The public hearing closed at 5:32 p.m. The appropriate departments have conducted the required inspections and investigations and recommend the approval of the licenses with the conditions noted in the staff report. After careful review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the application with the contingencies noted in attached Resolution. The appropriate prorated fees must be paid at the time of issuance. This will be a Reserve "Class B" License which will require the $10,000 payment at the time the license is issued. 3. The agent shall provide proof of completion of the Beverage Servers Training Course. 4. The applicant must provide proof of access or ownership of the building. 5. The applicant shall work with the Police Department and resolve any Security Plan or other operation issues. 6. The applicant shall provide proof of Department of Health Inspection compliance. 7. The applicant shall comply with Building Code requirements as set forth by the Building Inspector. 8. The applicant shall comply with Fire Code requirements as set forth by the Fire Inspector. 9. The applicant shall comply with Planning Division requirements. 10. The applicant shall comply with all State, County and City Ordinances, laws, and policies. 1. 2. Aye: Nay: Absent: Guyant(1) Gage(2) Fassbender, Hutkowski, Polenske, Frank None Weber 2014 0805 Monk’s “Class B” Fermented Malt Beverage License and Intoxicating Liquor License 47 48 49 50 51 City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin A RESOLUTION APPROVING A “CLASS B” FERMENTED MALT AND INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MONK’S BAR AND GRILL, LOCATED AT 2832 PRAIRIE LAKES DRIVE Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File Number: Resolution No: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole held a public hearing to consider an application for a “Class B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for: GNF MANAGEMENT, LLC MONK’S BAR AND GRILL 2832 PRAIRIE LAKES DRIVE AGENT: GREGORY FRANKOV WHEREAS, the Public Hearing opened at 5:31 pm, and closed at 5:32pm. There was no one wishing to speak; and WHEREAS, the appropriate departments have conducted the required inspections and investigations and recommend the approval of the licenses with the conditions noted in the staff report; and WHEREAS, after careful review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the “Class B” Intoxicating Beverage and Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage License for Monk’s Bar and Grill, 2832 Prairie Lakes Drive, with the contingencies recommended by staff: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The appropriate prorated fees must be paid at the time of issuance. This will be a Reserve “Class B” License which will require the $10,000 payment at the time the license is issued. The agent shall provide proof of completion of the Beverage Servers Training Course. The applicant must provide proof of access or ownership of the building. The applicant shall work with the Police Department and resolve any Security Plan or other operation issues. The applicant shall provide proof of Department of Health Inspection compliance. The applicant shall comply with Building Code requirements as set forth by the Building Inspector. The applicant shall comply with Fire Code requirements as set forth by the Fire Inspector. The applicant shall comply with Planning Division requirements. • A Zoning Permit shall be obtained through the City’s Planning Division. In addition to the submittal of a completed application form and a filing fee, plans for the restaurant shall be filed for staff approval as an addendum to the previously approved PIP prior to any work commencing on the restaurant improvements. • The applicant shall provide a statement indicating that more than 50% of the anticipated revenues from the facility are expected to come from the sale of food and other non-alcoholic products. If more than 50% of the revenues are to come from alcohol sales then the outdoor seating area would be classified as a beer garden and subject to different fencing/enclosure requirements that have not been approved for the front of this building. 10. The applicant shall comply with all State, County and City Ordinances, Laws, and Policies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby approves the a “Class B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Monk’s Bar and Grill, 2832 Prairie Lakes Drive, agent Gregory Frankov. APPROVED: 52 __________________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August ___, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August, 2014, and was submitted for signatures on the ____day of August, 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 53 July 30, 2014 To: Mayor and City Council Members From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Al Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber SUBJECT: GRANT APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR FUNDING URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY PROJECTS OR URBAN FORESTRY CATASTROPHIC STORM PROJECTS On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider approving submittal of an application requesting financial assistance for the purpose of funding urban and community forestry projects or urban forestry catastrophic storm projects. On June 18, 2014 the city of Sun Prairie was hit by high winds and torrential rains. During this event, Sun Prairie had a multitude of trees and power lines knocked down and blocking city streets. The clean-up for the event is still occurring. The DNR is offering a grant to cover the labor cost of tree and limb removal, stump grinding and the future cost of tree replacement, along with equipment we used, rented and purchased, and contracted services. The grant range is from $4,000 to $50,000 and staff is showing eligible expenses over $52,000. A Resolution is required to authorize a representative from the City of Sun Prairie to file the urban forestry grant application on behalf of the applicant. The representative must be an official or employee of the municipality. The Committee moved to authorize Aaron Oppenheimer, City Administrator, to act on its behalf to submit an application to the Department of Natural Resources for financial assistance, sign the necessary documents, and submit a final report. Aye: Weber(1) Hutkowski(2) Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Guyant, Polenske Nay: None 2014 0805 forestry grant application 54 CITY OF SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE APPLYING FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR FUNDING URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY PROJECTS OR URBAN FORESTRY CATASTROPHIC STORM PROJECTS Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File No: Res No: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider approving submittal of an application requesting financial assistance under s. 20.370, Wis. Stats., Chapter NR 47, Wis. Admin. Code, for the purpose of funding urban and community forestry projects or urban forestry catastrophic storm projects; and WHEREAS, a Resolution is required to authorize a representative from the City of Sun Prairie to file the urban forestry grant application on behalf of the grant applicant. The representative must be an official or employee of the municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby authorizes Aaron Oppenheimer, City Administrator, to act on its behalf to submit an application to the Department of Natural Resources for financial assistance under s. 20.370, Wis. Stats., Chapter NR 47, Wis. Admin. Code; sign necessary documents; and submit a final report. APPROVED: _________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August ___, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing Resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August, 2014, and was submitted for signatures on the day of August, 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 55 July 30, 2014 To: Mayor and City Council From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Alan Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR TRANSIENT OR TEMORARY SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT AND TEMPORARY CLASS “B” RETAILER’S LICENSE FOR BLUES FEST On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider approval of an application from the Sun Prairie Lions Club for a Temporary Class Retailer’s License to Sell Fermented Malt and Wine Beverages in conjunction with an application for a Transient or Temporary Special Event Permit for the Blues Fest at Angell Park on Saturday, September 13, 2014. The application has been reviewed by EMS, the Fire Department and the Police Department. All comments are included in the attached Report of the City Clerk. After careful review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the application with the contingencies and exceptions noted in the Report of the City Clerk. 1. A single four-foot snow fence is allowed around the consumption area that adjoins the permanent fencing at the location. 2. Fermented malt beverages may be sold in 12 or 16 oz. cans which are opened by the server. 3. Wine coolers may be sold in plastic bottles with the caps removed by the server. 4. The sale of bottles of wine may be allowed contingent upon the Police Department working with the Lion’s Club to work out details of that request. In addition, the applicant will provide, at their expense, two off-duty City law enforcement officers from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The cost of the officer’s time will be billed to the organizers of the event. Aye: Weber(1) Hutkowski(2) Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Polenske Nay: Guyant 2014 0805 temporary or transient special event permit and temp class B for Blues Fest 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TEMPORARY CLASS “B”/”CLASS B” RETAIL LICENSE TO SELL FERMENTED MALT AND WINE BEVERAGES, ALONG WITH A TRANSIENT/TEMPORARY SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FOR THE ANNUAL SUN PRAIRIE BLUES FESTIVAL BEING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File Number: Resolution No.: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, an application for a Temporary Class “B” / “Class B” Retail License to sell fermented malt and wine beverages and a Transient/Temporary Special Event Permit have been filed with the City Clerk for: SUN PRAIRIE LIONS CLUB SUN PRAIRIE BLUES FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 WHEREAS, the necessary inspections and investigations have been completed. It is recommended that a Temporary Class ”B”/ “Class B” Retailer’s License and a Temporary Special Event Permit be approved with the following contingencies as noted by City staff: Hours The permit will be for September 13, 2014 - Set up of event 7:00am to 12:00am - Actual start of event – 11:00am to 10:30pm - Alcohol sales at event 11:00am to 10:00pm Alcohol Being Served - Wine will be sold in one liter bottles and will be poured into a plastic serving container. - Wine will be sold in one liter bottles and will be poured into a plastic serving pitchers. - Fermented Malt Beverages sold by the can which has been opened by the server. - Wine Coolers sold in plastic bottles, with the caps removed by the server. - No other types of alcohol will be allowed to be served/consumed at the event. - Customers are not allowed to leave the designated Sales or Consumption area with open containers of alcohol. - A single 4’ around the festival area, with a controlled point of ingress and egress in accordance with the attached site plan Alcohol License Posted The alcohol license shall be posted and viewable at the point of sale. Alcohol Sales/Off Premise Consumption The applicant understands that unopened bottle sales for off premise consumption - must be sold in the original package and there is no limit on the volume purchased. S.S. 125.51(10) allows sale by the glass or in the original container; a person sampling a wine may then purchase a sealed bottle/case for off premises consumption, from the retailer, should he/she decide to do so. Any fermented malt or wine beverages on the premises at the end of the event is the retailer's and may not be returned to the winery/wholesaler; consignment sales are prohibited under s. 125.69(4))b.2. Amplified sound or music There will be amplified music/bands during hours of operation contained in the Serving/Consumption Area as noted on the attached site plan. 66 Fire Safety 1. Ensure emergency vehicle access to all active areas of event (including large fire apparatus). a. Do not block fire hydrants, fire lanes or sprinkler system intake valves. 2. In enclosed or access controlled areas (audience area for band/beer sales area)-ensure that there is adequate emergency exiting based on size of enclosed area/anticipated crowd size. 3. In enclosed or access controlled areas (audience area for band/beer sales area)-ensure that there is adequate emergency exiting based on size of enclosed area/anticipated crowd size. a. General formula to determine capacity (occupant load) in open seating assembly area: Total Square footage of enclosed area divided by 15sqft/person. b. Occupant load will determine number of emergency exits needed 4. Ensure staff knows, understands and follows emergency plans. 5. Fire extinguishers will be located in each food stand (if used). tent/trailer that has a possible source of ignition, and also by the main exit area of the tent. 6. Food service may be under a tent, grills or other open flame cooking devices may not (They can be adjacent to tent but not directly underneath). a. Warming units (Nesco cookers, hot dog rollers, etc...) may be under tent if no open flame is used 7. Portable (gas powered) generators may not be operated inside of tents. a. If a portable generator is underneath a roof or weather protective area, no more than two sides may be enclosed. b. No public access to generator or fuel. 8. Electrical circuits are not to be overloaded. a. All electrical work should be reviewed and approved of by licensed electrician b. Limit use of extension cords/power strips/multi-plugs 9. All amplifiers, lights, mixing boards or any other equipment used during event shall be used in accordance with their listed use, and manufacturer’s recommendations. This includes cooking equipment/any other equipment used during event. 10. NO pyrotechnics are to be used as part of a performance or demonstration unless specific written permission has been granted by the Fire Department. Food Vending It will be the responsibility of the applicant/participants to secure the appropriate food vending permit/inspections from the Department of Health. Insurance The applicant will provide a certificate of insurance coverage for this event as required by the Finance Director holding the city harmless. Licensed Bartender 1. The applicant understands a City of Sun Prairie Licensed Bartender/Operator is required in the Serving/ Consumption area at all times. 2. The licensed operator will be responsible for all sales and consumption requirements at the event. 3. A licensed operators will supervise individuals at each point of sale, for the purpose of determining whether each person who attempts to purchase alcohol is of the legal drinking age or older and to supervise the sale of the alcohol. On Ground Security - Two uniformed officers will staff the event from 5:30pm to 10:30pm, at the organizer’s expense. - Security will be supplemented with designated event volunteers during the event. - The applicant will work with the Police, Fire and EMS Departments to implement communication, access, security, safety and emergency response during the event. Parking of vehicles (spectator and event) Organizers will park vehicles related to this event in such a manner as to allow emergency vehicles to gain access to all areas open to the public during the event. Purchasing of Alcohol The applicant understands that fermented malt beverages must be purchased from a licensed distributor, if purchasing wine/beer out of state; it must be purchased from a wholesaler in accordance to State Statutes. Refuse and Recycling The applicant will be responsible for the containment of refuse/recycling materials. 67 Restrooms/Sanitation It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide portable restrooms and sanitation stations as designated by the Building Inspector and Department of Health. Signage required – minimum signage requirements as follows: Posted at the: Serving Consumption Perimeter Area Area of Area “No Alcohol Beverages Beyond This Point” XX “No alcohol beverage Carry-in’s Allowed” XX “Anyone purchasing or consuming alcohol XX must have their identification verified and receives a wristband.” “No smoking” signs posted at the main entrance and focal points of any structure and combustible fuel area Underage Persons - Persons entering the Sales/Consumption Area will have their identity/age verified. - Persons of legal alcohol consumption age will receive a wristband after their ID is verified. - No persons under the legal drinking age will be assisting in the sale or distribution of fermented malt beverages at any point of sale. Other items Applicant will comply with all provisions of Federal, State, County and City laws/ordinances/policies Number of Signs 4-6 3-6 5-10 5-10 APPROVED: _________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August ___, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August, 2014, and was submitted for signatures on the ____day of August, 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 68 July 23, 2014 To: Mayor and City Council Members From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Al Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber SUBJECT: ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SECTION SECTION 10.16.080 – PARKING OF VEHICLES OVER TEN THOUSAND POUNDS OR SIXTEEN FEET RESTRICTED On Tuesday, July 22, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider approving an ordinance repealing and recreating Section 10.16.080 – Parking of Vehicles Over Ten Thousand Pounds or Sixteen Feet Restricted. The revision increases the length of vehicles that are permitted to park on city strees from 16 feet to 22 feet. After review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the ordinance as presented. Aye: Frank(1) Guyant(2) Fassbender, Gage, Hutkowski, Polenske, Weber Nay: None 2014 0603 Ord 10.16.080 parking of vehicles on streets City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin Presented: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SECTION 10.16.080 PARKING OF VEHICLES OVER TEN THOUSAND POUNDS OR SIXTEEN TWENTY-TWO FEET RESTRICTED Adopted: Publication: File Number: Ordinance No.: ORDINANCE The Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 10.16.080 is hereby repealed and recreated as follows: (Additions are noted by underline, deletions are noted by overstrike.) Section 10.16.080 Parking of vehicles over ten thousand pounds or sixteen twenty-two feet restricted. A. No person owning or having control of any truck, trailer, truck power unit, tractor, bus or recreation vehicle, or any other vehicle or combination of vehicles, in excess of ten thousand (10,000) pounds gross weight, or over sixteen (16) twenty-two (22) feet in length, or having an enclosed area of a height of more than eight feet from the roadway, shall park same upon any street, avenue or public way in the city except upon those streets within a business district as defined by Section 340.01, Wisconsin Statutes, between the hours of six p.m. and seven a.m. One hour parking will be allowed between seven a.m. and six p.m. The provisions of this subsection shall not be deemed to prohibit the lawful parking of such equipment upon any street, avenue or public way in the city for the actual loading or unloading of goods, wares or merchandise, providing, however, the "loading" and "unloading," as used in this section, shall be limited to the actual time consumed in such operation. The common council may, however, designate specific truck parking zones. B. Any vehicle unlawfully parked under subsection A of this section may be removed from the street by order of the chief of police, and the expense of so moving and storing such vehicle shall be paid by the operator or owner of such vehicle as a forfeiture in addition to the penalties hereinafter prescribed. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication as provided by law. APPROVED: _____________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: ___________________ Date Signed: __________________ This is to certify that the foregoing ordinance was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the ________ day of ____________________, 2014, and was submitted for signatures on the ________ day of ____________________, 2014. ____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 70 July 30, 2014 To: Mayor and City Council From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Alan Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber RE: BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATING TO THE CREATION OF TIF 11 On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider a budget amendment for professional services relating to the creation of TIF 11. Due to a variety of economic factors and actions by private owners, the valuation of TIF 10 has dropped to a point where creation of positive TIF increment that could be used to fund projects is not currently financially viable. To address this issue and allow the City to be in a position to utilize TIF to assist in the redevelopment of the Main Street corridor, staff is recommending creating TIF 11 on an identical boundary as TIF 10, and closing TIF 10 early. This will allow the City to reset the base value and maximize the number of years available to make expenditures and generate revenue. Staff is recommending that a budget amendment to the Economic Development Department budget in the amount of $12,150 be approved ($9,500 in Professional Services costs related to contracting with Ehler’s, and $2,650 to cover TIF related Wisconsin Department of Revenue filing fees). This will allow for covering anticipated expenses related to the creation of TIF 11 in 2014, which will eventually be reimbursed by TIF 11 when adequate revenues are available in the TIF. After careful review and consideration, the Committee of the Whole moved to recommend that City Council authorize the budget amendment in the amount of $12,150. General Fund Increase Economic Development – Professional Services Decrease Finance – Contingency (This may be recovered from TIF #11 once created) $12,150 $12,150 Aye: Hutkowski(1) Frank(2) Fassbender, Gage, Guyant, Polenske, Weber Nay: None 2014 0805 TIF budget amendment 71 CITY OF SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATING TO THE CREATION OF TIF 11 Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File No: Res No: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to consider a budget amendment for professional services relating to the creation of TIF 11; and WHEREAS, due to a variety of economic factors and actions by private owners, the valuation of TIF 10 has dropped to a point where creation of positive TIF increment that could be used to fund projects is not currently financially viable; and WHEREAS, to address this issue and allow the City to be in a position to utilize TIF to assist in the redevelopment of the Main Street corridor, staff is recommending creating TIF 11 on an identical boundary as TIF 10, and closing TIF 10 early. This will allow the City to reset the base value and maximize the number of years available to make expenditures and generate revenue; and WHEREAS, staff is recommending that a budget amendment to the Economic Development Department budget in the amount of $12,150 be approved ($9,500 in Professional Services costs related to contracting with Ehler’s, and $2,650 to cover TIF related Wisconsin Department of Revenue filing fees). This will allow for covering anticipated expenses related to the creation of TIF 11 in 2014, which will eventually be reimbursed by TIF 11 when adequate revenues are available in the TIF. General Fund Increase Economic Development – Professional Services Decrease Finance – Contingency (This may be recovered from TIF #11 once created) $12,150 $12,150 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby authorizes a budget amendment for professional services relating to the creation of TIF 11. APPROVED: _________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August ___, 2014 73 This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August, 2014, and was submitted for signatures on the day of August, 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk -2- 74 July 23, 2014 To: Honorable Mayor and Common Council From: Finance Committee Members, Finance Committee: Russell Fassbender George Frank Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber RE: CASH HANDLING POLICY On Tuesday, July 22, 2014, the Finance Committee met to consider a Cash Handling Policy. The policy has been written for city-wide cash collection sites including the first and second floor of City Hall, Parks and Recreation Department, Family Aquatic Center, and a review of the current policies at the Police Department. The Finance Department intends to make visits to all of the cash collection sites to write customized procedures for each site, with the exception of the Police Department given that they have policies in place already. It is the intent of the Finance Department to make annual site visits to review the procedures at each site. After careful review and consideration, the Finance Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the Cash Handling Policy. Aye: Fassbender(1) Frank(2) Hutkowski, Polenske Nay: None Absent: Weber 2014 0805 cash handling policy 75 City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin Presented: August 5, 2014 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CASH HANDLING POLICY Adopted: August 5, 2014 File Number: Resolution No.: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, the Finance Committee met to consider a Cash Handling Policy; and WHEREAS, the policy has been written for city-wide cash collection sites including the first and second floor of City Hall, Parks and Recreation Department, Family Aquatic Center, and a review of the current policies at the Police Department; and WHEREAS, the Finance Department intends to make visits to all of the cash collection sites to write customized procedures for each site, with the exception of the Police Department given that they have policies in place already. It is the intent of the Finance Department to make annual site visits to review the procedures at each site; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby approves the Cash Handling Policy. APPROVED: _________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August _____, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing Resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August 2014 and was submitted for signatures on the ______day of August 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 77 City of Sun Prairie Cash Handling Policy Title: Cash Handling Policy Policy Source: Finance Committee Application: Financial Management Indexed as: Cash Handling Policy Creation Date: July 22, 2014 Revision Date: Total Pages: 5 1. General Policy and Purpose This policy pertains to all officials or managers responsible for managing City of Sun Prairie cash receipts; all employees who are entrusted with the receipt, deposit and reconciliation of cash for City-related activities. To prevent mishandling of City funds and to safeguard and protect employees from inappropriate charges of mishandling funds. b. To clearly define employee responsibilities in the cash handling process. c. Included in the definition of cash are the following: coin, currency, checks, money orders, credit cards, electronic funds transfers, and all cash equivalents. a. All funds received on behalf of the City of Sun Prairie must be deposited at the finance office, 300 E. Main St, Second Floor, in accordance with procedures set up herein. This includes, but is not limited to, proceeds received from sales, services, gifts, grants, contracts, prizes, awards, raffles, fines, permits, rewards, licenses, tickets, refunds and rebates. Proceeds will not be netted against expenses before deposit. All proceeds must be deposited in the Finance Office. Expenses associated with generating the proceeds must be incurred according to established City purchasing policy and procedure. Any noncompliance will be considered a serious violation of City policy and will be dealt with accordingly. 2. The Finance Department approves and designates areas which regularly receive cash as “cash collection points”. Before collection begins, department managers requesting status as a cash collection point must submit a request to the Finance Office that includes: a. Reason(s) why cash collection point is needed. b. A list of those positions involved with the cash collection point, a description of their duties, and how separation of duties will be maintained. c. Whether there is a need for a change advance. d. A description of the reconciliation process, including frequency of reconciliation. e. A description of the process for safeguarding cash until it is deposited. f. A schedule of how often cash deposits will be made. 3. All departments and other entities which collect cash, whether on a casual basis or as a cash collection point must follow the cash handling procedures set forth below. 78 Departments not complying with approved procedures may lose the privilege to serve as a cash collection point. 4. The Finance Department will conduct periodic reviews of cash handling procedures and must approve any changes to the procedures. 5. City personnel may not use checking or other bank accounts for depositing city cash unless approved by the Finance Director. 79 Procedures for Cash Collection Points 1. All cash received must be recorded through a cash register (Computer with Munis cash receipting, Activenet or other appropriate software) when one is available, or the customer must be presented a pre-numbered receipt form with a duplicate record being retained by the receiving department. All numbered receipts must be accounted for, including voided receipts. Approved pre-numbered receipts are available at the Finance Department Office. 2. The cash collection point must maintain a clear separation of duties. An individual should not have responsibility for more than one of the cash handling components: collecting, depositing and reconciling. 3. The funds received must be reconciled to the cash register (Munis Report/Activenet Report) or to the pre-numbered receipts at the end of the day or at the end of each shift. Cash must be reconciled separately from checks/credit cards by comparing actual cash received to the cash total from the Munis Report or to the sum of the cash sales from the manual receipts. 4. All checks, cash and credit card receipts must be protected by using a cash register, safe or other secure place until they are deposited. A secure area for processing and safeguarding funds received is to be provided and restricted to authorized personnel. 5. Checks must be made payable to the City of Sun Prairie and must be endorsed promptly with a restrictive endorsement stamp payable to The City of Sun Prairie. The endorsement stamps should be ordered through the Finance Department Office. 6. Checks or credit card transactions will not be cashed or written for more than the amount of purchase. 7. Cash Collections of more than $500.00 must be deposited to the Finance Department Office within 24 hours, and amounts less than $500.00 are recommended to be deposited daily but must be deposited no less than twice per week. 8. All funds must be deposited intact, and not intermingled or substituted with other funds. 9. Refunds or expenditures must be paid through the appropriate budget with a City generated check. Instructions Opening Cash Collection Site 1. A calculator tape of the cash bank must be initialed, dated and placed in the cash drawer. Cash received in person 1. A receipt must be issued for each payment received. At a minimum, manual pre-numbered receipts must include the date, mode of payment (cash, check or credit card), and the identification of the department and the person issuing the receipt. Machine generated receipts must contain similar information. 80 2. All checks must be endorsed immediately with a restrictive endorsement stamp payable to The City of Sun Prairie. 3. All voided transactions are to be approved and initialed by the area supervisor and processed by the finance department. 4. Only one cashier is allowed access to a cash register or cash drawer during a single shift. 5. Cash must be kept in a safe or a secure place until it is taken to the Finance Department. 6. If a batch contains more than $500.00 in cash, the batch (drawer) should be closed out and placed in the safe leaving the starting bank. A calculator tape of the new bank should be placed in the cash drawer. Cash received through the Mail 1. All checks must be endorsed with a restrictive endorsement stamp. All receipts of coin or currency must be listed in a log. 2. If the cash is not credited directly into the appropriate account or receipted through a cash register, a list of the checks, credit card transactions and or cash should be prepared in duplicate. The list should include the customer's name, amount received, and check number. One copy should be kept in the area and the other should accompany the batches to the Finance Department’s Office. 3. Cash must be stored in a safe or other secure place until it is deposited. This includes a locked room with restricted access. Balancing of Cash Receipts 1. All funds collected must be balanced daily, by mode of payment, by comparing the total of the cash, checks and credit cards to the cash register totals, to the pre-numbered receipts totals and to the totals of the money received by mail. 2. Over/short amounts must be separately recorded, and investigated and resolved to the extent possible. 3. A calculator tape of the closing bank should include the initials and date of the person closing the cash drawer. The receipt should be included with the bank and stored in a safe or secure place. Preparation of Cash Receipts to Finance 1. Checks must be made payable to The City of Sun Prairie. A calculator tape of the checks should be included with the checks bundled together. 2. Attach a copy of the "Transmittal Batch" showing transaction totals for credit card receipts 3. The daily receipts must be delivered to the Finance Department's office 4. Locking deposit bags are available at the Finance Department's office. 81 Pre-Numbered Receipts Pre-numbered receipts will be issued by the Finance Department's office and a log will be maintained that will include the number(s) of the receipts, and the date and name of the person receiving the receipts. The issuing unit should retain one copy of all voided receipts and send one copy to the Finance Department's office. Exceptions The Finance Director must approve exceptions to these procedures. For example, in cases where there is not enough staff available to maintain complete separation of duties, an alternate process to safeguard City funds must be established and approved by the Finance Director. Requests for exceptions to these procedures must be submitted to the Finance Director in writing. Record Retention All cash receipts and related documents must be maintained in accordance with record retention schedules. Cash register tapes, deposit slips, credit card receipts, copies of manual cash receipts, etc. should be kept for six years. Definitions Cash: coin, currency, checks, and credit card transactions. Cash collection point: a department or other entity that handles cash on a regular basis. 82 July 23, 2014 To: Honorable Mayor and Common Council From: Finance Committee Members, Finance Committee: Russell Fassbender George Frank Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber RE: BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR SALT PURCHASE AND CONTRACTED SERVICES On Tuesday, July 22, 2014, the Finance Committee met to consider a budget amendment for the purchase of salt and contracted services for 2014. At this time, the 2014 operating supplies and contractual services for the snow and ice budget is over-extended by $41,980. The 2014 budget initiative requested an additional $35,000 for contracted services and but was funded for $23,000. At this time, staff recommends a buget amendment in the amount of $134,610 to fulfill the 2014 budget needs. General Fund Increase DPW Snow and Ice – Operating Supplies Increase DPW Snow and Ice – Contractual Services Decrease Finance – Contingency $ 73,090 $ 61,520 $134,610 After careful review and consideration, the Finance Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the budget amendment as recommended. Aye: Fassbender(1) Frank(2) Hutkowski, Polenske Nay: None Absent: Weber 2014 0805 budget amendment for salt and contracted services 83 CITY OF SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SALT AND CONTRACTED SERVICES Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File No: Res No: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, the Finance Committee met to consider a budget amendment for the purchase of salt and contracted services for 2014; and WHEREAS, at this time, the 2014 operating supplies and contractual services for the snow and ice budget is over-extended by $41,980. The 2014 budget initiative requested an additional $35,000 for contracted services, and was funded for $23,000; and WHEREAS, at this time, staff recommends a budget amendment in the amount of $134,610 to fulfill the 2014 budget needs. General Fund Increase DPW Snow and Ice – Operating Supplies Increase DPW Snow and Ice – Contractual Services Decrease Finance – Contingency $ 73,090 $ 61,520 $134,610 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby authorizes a budget amendment in the amount of $134,610 for the purchase of salt and contracted services. APPROVED: ________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August ___, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August, 2014, and was submitted for signatures on the day of August, 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 84 July 30, 2014 From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Alan Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH TOWN OF BURKE WITH RESPECT TO RECONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY HWY. C On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to discuss a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Sun Prairie and the Town of Burke with respect to cost sharing for the reconstruction of County Hwy. C. Per the MOU, the City will fund the Town of Burke’s portion of the curb and gutter and bike lanes. The remaining costs for the Town’s portion of the project will be funded by the City with reimbursement from the Town over a period of two years. After review and consideration, the Committee moved to recommend that City Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding with respect to cost sharing for the project. Aye: Guyant (1) Hutkowski (2), Fassbender, Frank, Gage, Polenske, Weber Nay: None 2014 0805 County Hwy. C reconstruction 85 City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin RESOLUTION APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH TOWN OF BURKE WITH RESPECT TO COST SHARING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY HWY. C Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File Number: Resolution No.: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met to discuss a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Sun Prairie and the Town of Burke with respect to cost sharing for the reconstruction of County Hwy. C.; and WHEREAS, per the MOU, the City will fund the Town of Burke’s portion of the curb and gutter and bike lanes. The remaining costs for the Town’s portion of the project will be funded by the City with reimbursement from the Town over a period of two years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby approves the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Sun Prairie and the Town of Burke with respect to cost sharing for the reconstruction of County Hwy. C. APPROVED: _________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August , 2014 Date Signed: August ______, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August 2014 and was submitted for signatures on the _____day of August 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 July 17, 2014 To: Mayor and City Council Members From: ________________________________________ Mary Polenske, Council President Members, Committee of the Whole: Russell Fassbender George Frank Andrea Gage Al Guyant Hariah Hutkowski Mary Polenske Zachary Weber SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR LAND PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT WITH INFORM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT On Tuesday, May 27, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met in closed session to consider negotiating with InForm Product Development for the purchase of Lot 49 in the Business Park. The Committee approved a Memorandum of Understanding containing the primary elements of an agreement with InForm Product Development regarding the purchase. The subsequent Development Agreement is attached for approval by City Council. 2014 0805 InForm Development Agreement 94 City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin RESOLUTION APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH INFORM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR LAND PURCHASE AND DEVELOMENT Presented: August 5, 2014 Adopted: August 5, 2014 File Number: Resolution No.: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, the Committee of the Whole met in closed session to consider negotiating with InForm Product Development, Inc. for the purchase of Lot 49 Sun Prairie Business Park, 5th Addition; and WHEREAS, the Committee approved a Memorandum of Understanding containing the primary elements of an agreement with InForm Product Development, Inc., regarding the purchase. The Development Agreement is in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is made and entered into this 5th day of August, 2014, by and between True North LLC., a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer", InForm Product Development, Inc., “InForm”, and the City of Sun Prairie, hereinafter referred to as the "City", a Municipal corporation located at Sun Prairie, Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, the Developer, a private for-profit company currently located at 700 Wilburn Road, desires to purchase Lot 49, Sun Prairie Business Park, 5th Addition, City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, (hereinafter, “Property”) for the purposes of building a new corporate headquarters with an estimated cost of construction of at least $2 Million, (hereinafter, “Project”) for InForm; and WHEREAS, the Developer has indicated that it is unable to proceed without additional economic assistance from the City; and WHEREAS, the City believes that the further development of the Property is in the best interests of the City and that the Project will provide valuable economic development within the Sun Prairie Business Park; and WHEREAS, the Developer intends to create 24 new high wage jobs by January 1, 2026 if the Project is completed; and WHEREAS, the City and Developer desire to set forth in writing the terms and conditions under which Developer has agreed to develop and maintain the Project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie, Dane County, Wisconsin, hereby approves the Development Agreement with InForm Product Development, Inc. for the land purchase and development of Lot 49 Sun Prairie Business Park, 5th Addition. 95 APPROVED: _________________________________ Jonathan Freund, Mayor Date Approved: August 5, 2014 Date Signed: August ____, 2014 This is to certify that the foregoing Resolution was approved by the Common Council of the City of Sun Prairie at a meeting held on the 5th day of August 2014 and was submitted for signatures on the ______day of August 2014. _____________________________________________ Diane J. Hermann-Brown, City Clerk 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
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