505271- Sea Point and Moullie Point IRR Final

Date of Comms
Means of
Kindle quote the above-mentiones reference number (16/3/1/1/A7/24/3049/13) in any future correspondence in respect of the application.
Departmetn of
The Department reserves the right to revise initial comments and rerquest further information based on the information received
Agriculture( A S Roux)
This request has been acknowledged.
Water Resource Management
Department of Water
Affairs (T. Mmachaka)
The Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning
(DEA&DP): Land Management Region 2 has acknowledged
Kindly note that due to the fact that the proposed acitvity is in close proximity to the sea, it requires an authorisation in terms of the National Environmental Act: receipt of the Environmental Authorisation application and issued a
Integrated Coastal Management Act (NEM: ICMA) Act No. 28 of 2008). The comptent authority to issue an authorization for the proposed activity is
project reference no. and therefore can be considered as the
Department of Environmental Affairs Branch: Oceans & Coasts . Please contact Ms. Natasha Baijnath Pillay at 021 -819 2456 for further information
Competent Authoirity. The Oceans & Coasts Department will be
included in the process and will have the opportunity to comment of
the Final Basic Assessment Report.
Residents have seen the success of the outdoor gym, wonder whether a second one might be useful at the other end of the promenade neaar the pools. Not
sure if I have covered the pavilion, but the slabs, tiles on the walkway need redoing. Some patterened brickwork on pathways to look more interesting.
I&AP (Derek Sauter)
I&AP (Jane Meyer Moullie Point ratepayers
Ms J Meyer has noted that she would like to participate in this Basic Assessment
This request has been acknowledged.
1. This project is of major metropolitan significance and should receive wide public support – please indicate broad estimate of costs and source of funding.
2. During construction, the rerouting of the pedestrian promenade walkway requires detailed planning – previous temporary diversions of the walkway have
been substandard, narrow and inadequate.
3. During construction, on-street parking for residents, visitors, weekend visitors and all users of the promenade must be maintained – in Mouille Point this is
particularly limited and the siting of parking for construction vehicles and site management areas must be pre-planned to avoid the use of this parking.
I&AP (Neil Schwartz.)
CoCT is aware of the popularity of the outdoor gym and the
suggestion to establish a second gym is noted. The pavilion area
does not form part of this project's scope. The less the brickwork
on the pathways are patterned, the easier it is to maintain.
1. Funding is sourced from the City per phase (i.e. construction
work on Mouille point Sea wall). A broad estimate of the total
amount of funding for the project in its entireity is unknown at this
2. This reccomendation will be addressed with the appointed
Contractor during the constrcution phase of the project,
3. This reccomendation will be addressed with the appointed
Contractor, it is foreseen that the Contractor's site camp will have
its own designated parking bays for construction vehicles.
4. Re the parking area adjacent to the natural beach at Mouille Point, more information is required as to the final level of this parking, materials to be used,
lighting and security, access off Beach Road, pedestrian access through this area, the interface with the natural beach and the treatment of the zone between 4. The detail design (i.e. materials and levels to be utilised for this
parking area) must still be finalised. The design will be discussed at
the parking area and the Hotel School parking area
the next Ward 54 meeting, and any members of the public are
more than welcome to participate in this discussion.
5. The report mentions that the project entails various upgrades, signage, shade structures , low seating walls and importantly, “ creating walkways between the
Beach Road sidewalk and the Promenade”, yet Table 1, page 9 of CEMPr (April 2014) does not make provision for a landscape architect as part of the Project
Team. I have not reviewed all documentation in detail, but if such input is omitted from the initial conceptualisation of the project and the implementation
thereof, it would be a major limitation. Planning, design and costing of elements such as lighting, signage, hard and soft landscaping, benches, low-wall seating,
viewing platforms, etc. should be integrated with engineering requirements at the commencement of the project. In short, a detailed integrated landscaping
masterplan must be part of this project.
6. The coastline and the spatial quality of the land area between Beach Road and the promenade vary over the length of the study area. What provision has
been made for responding to the different characteristics of the promenade and how it is used seasonally, week days/ weekends, etc.?
5. The City of Cape Town Project Manager is a qualified
Landscape Architect and as such, will provide valuable technical
design input into the Master Plan. In addition, Civil, Coastal and
Structural Engineers have been appointed as part of the project
6. This project's main objective is to upgrade the quality of the
existing promenade and not incurr a change in current landuses.
Cognisance will be taken of the various landuses over the extent of
the promenade during the upgrade process.
Heritage Western Cape
(Mr Zwelibanzi Shiceka)
A Notice of Intent (NID) application must be submitted to Heritage Western Cape.
A Heritage Specialist will complete a NID and submit to HWC.
Cape Nature (Rhett
The study area for the proposed upgrade has been transformed for centuries and therefore there is no terrestrial biodiversity of conservation importance
remaining. The promenade is located in close proximity to the coastline however and therefore is at risk from rising sea levels and storm surge events. In
general however, the proposal will result in an improvement to the current condition, and there will be a positive impact in the Mouille Point beach area, where The dune restoration will be undertaken by an appropriately
there will be provision of boardwalks and planting of the dunes with indigenous dune vegetation. This will reduce coastal erosion and degradation in this area.
qualified specialist with experience in coastal dune restoration.
The dune restoration should be undertaken by an appropriately qualified specialist with experience with coastal dune restoration. CapeNature reserves the right
to revise initial comments and request further information based on any additional information that may be received.