Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) Market Update Q1 2014 News 6th ILS Round Table in Monte Carlo hosted by Munich Re Save the Date To discuss the state and future of the ILS market 15 September 2014 10.00 a.m.–11.00 a.m. The Fairmont Hotel Room Sale D’Or II Rendez-Vous de Septembre, Monte Carlo Join us on this exciting and informative event, with a mixed panel of major representatives from the ILS community sharing their individual views on issuance activity, key developments in ILS structures, pricing, cat modeling and ILS portfolio management, and specific topics raised by the audience. Please visit also our website for more information: Market Review Outstanding capacity provided by cat bonds shrinks due to overhang of maturities After growing by more than $3.5bn in 2013 due to continued capital inflows, the ILS market has lost some momentum during the first quarter of 2014, when maturities of $2.1bn exceeded new issuances of $1.5bn. Of the capital returned to investors by expiring bonds, $785m came from bonds providing retrocession cover for reinsurers, which for the most part were not renewed. In addition, some primary insurers went ahead during Q4 2013 to preemptively renew cat bonds maturing in Q1 2014. As a result, the market’s total size in terms of outstanding capacity decreased from $19.1bn at the end of 2013 to $18.6bn on March 31, 2014. ILS Market In- and Outflows ($m)* 1,876 19,147 2,072 1,535 1,449 2,998 1,031 15,620 18,610 614 346 2,540 285 Outstanding Maturities Issuances Year-end 2012 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Year-end 2013 Q1 2014 2014 YTD * Excluding mortality transactions; cat bonds with Euro-denomination were converted into $-amounts using the exchange rate on the respective day of issuance Aside from Munich Re’s Queen Street IX Re, Aetna’s new issuance from the Vitality Re health securitization program, and Tokio Marine’s Kizuna Re II, all other cat bonds placed during the first quarter came from primary insurers buying protection for US nat cat risks. Chubb and State Farm underlined their position as repeat sponsors in the market with large-sized issuances out of their East Lane Re and Merna Re cat bond programs, respectively, while American Strategic and General American each tapped the ILS market for the first time. In addition, the market continued to see some private “club deal” transactions, namely Tokio Millenium’s Omamori Re and Cincinnati Financial’s Skyline Re 2014, which renewed an expiring cover. Notably, all US cat bonds (aside from Merna Re V) included coverage for Severe Thunderstorm, some on a per occurrence basis and others as an annual aggregate structure. Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 1 Market Review Placement environment with upsized transactions and pricing below initial guidance persists through first quarter of 2014 The ongoing inflow of capital in 2013 saw a placement environment in which many sponsors were able to upsize their cat bond volumes and lock in pricing at or below the low end of initial price guidance. With significant maturities during Q1 2014 leading to a strong need for reinvestment among cat funds, it comes as no surprise that issuances during the last three months were again oversubscribed, allowing sponsors to upsize bond volume beyond initially targeted capacity and/or push risk spreads below initial guidance. Pricing and Volume of ILS Issuances in 2014 YTD 800 700 600 500 400 100 2 Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 Riverfront Re Merna Re V Kizuna Re II Class B Kizuna Re II Class A Gator Re East Lane Re VI 0 Vitality Re V Class A High (bps) Initial Spread Guidance – Low (bps) Final Risk Spread (bps) 200 Queen Street IX Re Issuance Volume ($m) Initial Spread Guidance – 300 Vitality Re V Class B Initial Volume Guidance ($m) Market Review Despite the downturn in overall outstanding capacity due to an excess of maturities, Q1 2014 is the busiest first quarter in the history of the ILS market, as total issuance of $1,535m slightly outpaced the so far highest Q1 issuance of $1,493m in 2012. Q1 ILS Issuance Volume ($m)* 1,800 1,600 1,535 1,493 1,400 1,200 1,015 1,000 800 600 Final Issuance Volume 661 650 550 575 400 Initial Volume Guidance 1,245 1,163 350 731 400 200 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 * Excluding mortality transactions; cat bonds with Euro-denomination were converted into $-amounts using the exchange rate on the respective day of issuance Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 3 Market Outlook Sponsors expected to catch up on issuances in the second quarter Maturities of $1.4bn during the second quarter point to a strong deal pipeline during the coming months. Furthermore, Munich Re expects some sponsors with nonrenewed first quarter maturities to catch up on their cat bond issuance during the second quarter. Overall issuance for Q2 2014 should therefore lie north of $2bn. Looking ahead to year-end 2014 we expect several issuances from mainly US insurers, as the bulk of maturities in the first quarter of 2015 are scheduled for the beginning of January and many sponsors will attempt to lock in their protection prior to the corresponding maturity. Upcoming Cat Bond Maturities ($m)* Expected loss (%) 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 US Wind 430 US Earthquake 150 US Multi-peril 1,970 Multi-peril/-region123 Europe Wind 347 Japan Earthquake 300 Health150 Total 3,470 US Wind 400 US Multi-peril 250 Multi-peril/-region765 Europe Wind 67 US Wind 1,184 Multi-peril/-region229 US Earthquake Europe Wind Japan Wind 150 150 160 US Earthquake 200 Multi-peril/-region150 Total1,413 Total 460 Total US Multi-peril Health Multi-peril Multi-region Europe Wind US Wind US Earthquake 350 Japan EQ/Wind * Cat bonds with Euro-denomination were converted into $-amounts using the exchange rate on the respective day of issuance 4 Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 Total 1,482 Market Outlook Funds expected to experience a downturn in capital inflows if rates remain at current levels Current traded yields in the secondary market indicate ongoing favorable conditions for both US and non-US perils, with the latter benefitting from the continued need for diversification among dedicated cat funds. For instance, secondary trading currently implies a 275 basis point return requirement from investors for a Japan Earthquake bond with a 100-year return period. Cat Bond Pricing Forecast* Risk spread (bps) 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 US Wind 300 US Earthquake 200 Japan EQ/Wind Europe Wind Other Non-US 100 0 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 Expected loss (%) * Fitted curves based on implied yields of recent secondary market risk trades, seasonally adjusted where applicable That said, many funds have been able to attract further capital from end investors thanks to the performance of ILS investments from the years 2010–2012, which were priced at higher rates than recent issuances. With these bonds generating mark-tomarket gains over the last two years as yields tightened substantially, cat funds were able to show increased portfolio values to attract further capital from end investors. A look at upcoming maturities on page 4 reveals that the majority of these bonds are set to expire during the first half of 2015, which will lead to a deterioration in forward performance for cat funds and likely induce a reduction in new capital inflows to the market and a corresponding adjustment of rates. Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 5 Market Outlook Sponsors seek to save on transaction costs Aside from moving from synthetic, non-indemnity covers towards customized indemnity-based transactions over the last few years, the market is recently experiencing a push towards more cost-efficient structuring processes. In an effort to reduce transaction expenses associated with ILS issuances, many sponsors have successfully tested investor a ppetite for unrated cat bonds, including Munich Re with its latest Queen Street and Queen City transactions. As a result, 67% of total issuance in 2014 YTD has come from unrated transactions. We expect sponsors to continue pushing for improved cost structures during 2015, with potential implications for fee levels of cat bond service providers. Rated vs. Unrated Cat Bond Issuances % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 S&P 20 Moody’s 10 Unrated 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD * Excluding Mortality transactions; cat bonds with Euro-denomination were converted into $-amounts using the exchange rate on the respective day of issuance 6 Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 Market Factsheet Cat Bond Risk Spreads (Indexed)* % 200 2,0 180 160 140 1,5 120 100 29. Jun 12 28. Sep 12 31. Dez 12 29. Mrz 13 28. Jun 13 30. Sep 13 27. Dez 13 31 Mar. 2014 30. Mrz 12 31 Dec. 2013 31. Dez 11 30 Sep. 2013 0 0,0 30 Jun. 2013 Cat Bond Market Total 20 31 Mar. 2013 Japan EQ/Wind 40 0,5 31 Dec. 2012 Europe Wind 30 Sep. 2012 Multi-peril Multi-region 60 30 Jun. 2012 US Multi-peril 80 31 Mar. 2012 US Earthquake 31 Dec. 2011 US Wind 1,0 21. Mrz 14 * Based on spreads derived from secondary market trades Non-Life ILS Issuance Split % 100 90 80 70 60 Hybrid Parametric 50 40 30 Modeled Loss 20 Industry Loss 10 Indemnity 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 7 Market Factsheet ILS Issuances 2014 YTD Q1 2014 Transaction Size ($m) Covered Perils Trigger Coverage Structure Pricing (bps) Exp. Loss (%) Issuance Maturity Skyline Re Ltd. 2014 Series 2014-1 Class A Cincinnati Insurance 100 US Earthquake, Severe Thunderstorm Indemnity Per Occurrence & Annual Aggregate MMF + 1400 - January 18, 2014 January 18, 2017 Vitality Re V Ltd. Series 2014 Class A Aetna 140 Health Medical Benefit Ratio Annual Aggregate MMF + 175 0.01 MMF + 250 0.21 January 24, 2014 January 19, 2017 Series 2014 Class B 60 Omamori Re Tokio Millenium 25 US Named Storm, Severe Thunderstorm Indemnity – – – January 2014 – Queen Street IX Re Ltd. Munich Re 100 US Named Storm, Australia Cyclone PCS/ Modeled Loss Per Occurrence MMF + 550 2.92 February 26, 2014 June 8, 2017 Gator Re Ltd. Series 2014-1 Class A American Strategic 200 US Named Storm, Severe Thunderstorm Indemnity Per Occurrence & Annual Aggregate MMF + 650 1.12 March 10, 2014 January 9, 2017 East Lane Re VI Ltd. Series 2014-1 Class A Chubb 270 US Named Storm, US Earthquake, Severe Thunderstorm & Winter Storm Indemnity Per Occurrence MMF + 275 0.89 March 7, 2014 March 14, 2018 Kizuna Re II Ltd. Series 2014-1 Class A Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire 200 Japan Earthquake Indemnity Per Occurrence MMF + 225 0.37 March 14, 2014 April 5, 2018 MMF + 250 0.78 Merna Re V Ltd. State Farm 300 US Earthquake Indemnity Per Occurrence MMF + 200 0.4 March 31, 2014 April 7, 2017 Riverfront Re Ltd. General American 95 US Named Storm, US Earthquake, Severe Thunderstorm & Winter Storm Indemnity Per Occurrence MMF + 400 1.34 March 31, 2014 January 6, 2017 Series 2014-1 Class B 8 Cedant Munich Re ILS Market Update Q1 2014 45 Risk Trading Unit Munich Reinsurance Company Königinstrasse 107 80802 München Germany Dr. Andreas Müller Head of Origination, Distribution, ILS Investments Tel.: +49 89 38 91-92 94 [email protected] Dr. Steffen Hinss Manager Origination Tel.: +49 89 38 91-49 19 [email protected] Daniel Stadtmüller Manager Origination Tel.: +49 89 38 91-47 03 [email protected] Dr. Christian Heigl Chief Actuary Tel.: +49 89 38 91-95 19 [email protected] Natalie Kraus Manager Origination Tel.: +49 89 38 91-94 97 [email protected] Dr. Robert Herde Manager Distribution Tel.: +49 89 38 91-51 19 [email protected] Bernd Günther Actuary Tel.: +49 89 38 91-52 24 [email protected] Sebastian Vogel Actuary Tel.: +49 89 38 91-29 83 [email protected] Marius Müller Manager ILS Investments Tel.: +49 89 38 91-35 64 [email protected] Disclaimer Munich Re Group is not a legal, tax or accounting advisor and makes no representations as to the accuracy of any data or information gathered or prepared by Munich Re Group or advis ors hereunder. Your company should therefore consult with its own tax, legal or other advisors and make its own independent analysis and investigation of the proposed transaction, as well as the financial, legal, accounting and tax consequences thereof, the creditworthiness of the parties involved and all other matters related to the transaction prior to its own independent decision whether or not to enter into any agreements in connection with the transaction. This analysis and proposal contains indicative terms for discussion purposes only. Munich Re Group gives no assurance that any transaction will be consummated on the basis of these indicative terms and no specific issuer is obliged to issue any security or instrument on such indicative terms. This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell or any solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to enter into any transaction on such indicative terms. The data and analysis does not assure that securities can be issued at certain terms and conditions. All terms and conditions are subject to a mutually agreed engagement letter. This document is not intended to provide the sole basis for any evaluation by you of a transaction, security or instrument and you agree that the merits or suitability of any such transaction, security or instrument to your particular situation will be independently determined by you including consideration of the legal, tax accounting, regulatory, financial and other related aspects thereof. In particular, Munich Re Group owes no duty to you to exercise any judgement on your behalf as to the merits or suitability of any transaction, security or instrument. The information contained herein is provided to you on a strictly confidential basis and you agree that it may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise distributed by you (other than to your professional advisors) without prior written consent. © 2014 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Königinstrasse 107, 80802 München, Germany
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