MARCH O’Gorman Junior High School NEWSLETTER Sioux Falls, SD March 2014 O Gorman Junior High School Newsletter From the Principal’s Desk Lent is such a special time in the Catholic Church. Lent is viewed by Catholics as an opportunity for "spiritual self improvement" because with quiet prayer, fasting, and acts of charity, God provides us an opportunity to have the Holy Spirit speak through us. Let this season of reflection allow us all to become closer with Christ. May God bless us all on our Lenten journey. Mr. Wade Charron, Principal Loving God, we give you thanks and praise for the great love and new life You have given us in Your Son, Jesus. Help us to celebrate Easter every day by the love we show each other. Amen. Upcoming Events March 4—OGJH Music Tour (Show Choir and Jazz Band) to Elementary Schools March 5 –Ash Wednesday Mass at 1:15 PM; Up with People Presentations in PE and Geography classes. March 6--Seventh Grade Health Screenings March 7—First Friday Mass in OGJH Chapel at 7:30 AM; End of 3rd Quarter (0 Infraction/Detention Dress Down Day) March 14—Students for Life—7:30 AM; “Best of Show” for Show Choir at Washington High School March 19—Lenten Reconciliation (No Mass) March 20—No School—Teacher InService March 21—No School—Vacation Day March 24—OGJH Track Begins March 25— Final Show Choir Concert at OGHS Performing Arts Center: 7:00 PM Please join us for Mass every Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. Lent at OGJH: “In Christ We Come Together” Lent is a time of prayer, penance, and good works in preparation for Easter. The O’Gorman Junior High Lenten Committee will be using the theme, “In Christ We Come Together,” and will focus on almsgiving and prayer. Almsgiving Our service project will be supporting families who are in need of help within the city of Sioux Falls. We will be collecting paper goods (paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex), cleaning supplies, and diaper wipes. Prayer The OGJH staff and students will each have a prayer partner(s) to pray for during Lent. Students will receive labels that shows who they will be praying for (1 staff member, 1 student) that will be placed in the student’s planners. The students will have opportunities to pray for their prayer partners during Lent. In addition, we will have daily, all-school prayer in the gym prior to dismissing for homeroom in the morning. March: Middle Level Education Month Other than from birth to age three, ten to fifteen year-olds are experiencing the most rapid, significant changes of their lives—changes that are physical, social, emotional, and cognitive in nature. March has been designated as Middle Level Education Month. This month of recognition provides us with an extra opportunity to thank our faith community and to understand the importance of this time in your child’s life. Together with you, our parents, it is our hope and desire that we make a positive impact in all areas of your child’s life. Thank you for all of your cooperation of making your child’s middle school years a successful experience. 1 Looking Ahead @ Your Library April is School Library Month and the O’Gorman Jr High library is looking forward to a great month of discovery. The theme this year is “Lives Change @ your library”. In keeping with this theme our school library will have on display various books and resources pertaining to careers, discoveries and inventions. Students can read and learn how simple questions asked through the years led to major life changing discoveries. Through activities requiring hands on experiences and website research as well as library books, students will explore ways to solve problems and to answer questions they have. These items will be displayed and available throughout the month of April in the library. Toward the end of the month we will host the second annual “Edible Book Festival”. This event inspires students and staff to make edible art that has something to do with books. These items can be decorated cakes or cupcakes, vegetables depicting scenes from a book or a title, whatever the imagination dreams up. Join the fun as we explore, discover and create @ your library. Look for more detailed information in the April Newsletter. Promoting Positive Peer Relations It is extremely important to O’Gorman Junior High that students feel comfortable and safe in our school. Promoting positive peer relations will always be an on-going education with the students. We continue to educate the students on the different aspects of peer relations (getting along with others, reporting an issue to teachers/administration/guidance counselor, the essential role of the bystander, etc.) as the year progresses. Our Community Building Rules are paramount in building positive relationships among our students. The rules are as follows: 1. We will treat all students with respect. 2. We will help students who are not being treated with respect. 3. We will work to include students who are left out. 4. We will tell an adult if we know that someone is not being treated with respect. We will continue to use a variety of ways to educate our students on the importance of positive peer relations. We strongly believe it is important that students hear us consistently talking about peer relations. The more they hear the messages at home and at school, the more they will understand the importance of this issue. If incidents do occur, students/parents should report such incidents to Administration and/or the Guidance Counselor and we will do our best to thoroughly investigate the matter. Stay Up-to-Date with Your Child’s Technology The cooperation between home and school is critical to helping to promote the proper use of technologies among our students. An effective site to stay up-todate on the latest in digital/social media is March Virtue: FORGIVENESS Accepting and understanding when others make mistakes 2 Health Screening (7th Grade Only)—Thursday, March 6 The annual 7th grade health screening will take place Thursday, March 6 during the school day. Nurses from Augustana College and Avera will be performing the tests. The following areas will be screened: vision, blood pressure, teeth/glands, and scoliosis. You will be notified by school personnel if any irregularities are found. THANK YOU Thank you to all of our volunteers and donors who have helped in so many ways. Mark and Kelly Stearns Michael and Donna Edwards Chad and Beth Bornhoft Joe and Kristen Zueger David and Kathryn Sorenson Dan and Katie Fritz Kevin and Mary Wilson Thank you to all parents who provided lunch for Parent/Teacher Conferences! Music Notes March Wish List * Batteries * Cough drops * Coke/Sprite * Pencils * Erasers Congratulations to Stephen Osterberg who was selected to participate in the All-City Middle School Jazz Band. Stephen, who plays bass guitar, is currently having rehearsals and will present a concert with the Augustana Jazz Band on Tuesday, March 25. Also, Congratulations to Adam Catangui and Allison Crain for a job well-done representing OGJH at the SD Junior Honor Choir in Rapid City on January 24-25. Band and Choir Dates for March: • February 28 and March 1: Middle School All-State Band in Pierre • March 4: Innovation/Jazz Band Elementary Tour • March 14: Innovation Competition, WHS “Best of Show” • March 25: Innovation final show choir concert 3 O’Gorman Junior High Track and Field Information As the calendar turns to March, everyone is anticipating the arrival of spring. With the arrival of spring, the activity for most OGJH students will be track. We want to encourage our students to participate in track this spring. The nice thing about track is it offers something for everyone. There are events for kids who can run fast, as well as for kids who can run far. We also have the high jump and long jump, as well as the shot put and discus. As a coaching staff, we do not dwell too much on having the best run, jump, or throw at the track meet. We care about setting a performance to start the year and improve during the season. If you did that, then you can consider your year a success. Our goal for all athletes is to learn about track, the benefits of track to their everyday lives, and enjoying their time in the sport. Track practice will begin with an organizational meeting on Monday, March 24th at 3:40 in the gymnasium for all athletes. We will meet with all interested 7th and 8th graders and issue them a lock and a shirt. The plan is to be done with this meeting by 4:30. Our first actual practice will be scheduled for Tuesday, the 25th. Our practices are usually completed by 4:45. Some days we may run later when we work on our specialties events: long jump, high jumps, handoffs, etc. We generally do not practice on Fridays, but early in the season we plan on practicing due to the fact we lose some days to weather. As far as cancelling practice because of weather, we do the best we can with the information we have. Unexpected cancellations will be announced before lunch. With as many kids as we usually get out for track, and the limited space in our facility, it is very difficult if not impossible to have all students practice inside on bad weather days. We expect all of our kids to have cold weather gear available each and every day. This includes a sweatshirt, sweatpants, stocking cap, and gloves. For runners, it is important that they have a good pair of running shoes. By having these items, we are still able to get outside and get something accomplished even if the day is cool. We will use the 32 degree mark as a guideline as to whether practice will be held or not. It is possible that we could keep a certain group of kids and work out inside the gym. (i.e. all 8th graders, all 7th graders, all boys, or all girls) The following people are helping with OGJH track this spring: Blake Bradfield, Meghan Boyle, BJ Keppen, Ross Kruse, Crystal Richter, Sue Sommervold and Jason Van Engen. They all want the best for your son or daughter and will coach your child to not only improve in their event but to become better people. 4 O’Gorman Junior High Track and Field Information Continued…. Track Meets O’Gorman will bus all athletes to the Track meet or Field meet. We will not bus the athletes back to OGJH so expect to pick up your son or daughter from the meet. As soon as your son or daughter is done competing for the day, you may take them home from the meet. As coaches, we are in charge of running the meet. That means we will do the timing for running events and record the heights and length of the field events. Therefore, it is important that your child knows when and where they are competing and at what time. We will always have an informational meeting the day before the meet to discuss their events and we will always hang the schedule and events by the locker room doors. If your son or daughter is planning on participating in track this spring, we as a staff would appreciate knowing about any conflicts that would preclude them from participating on these dates. As a coach, we spend many hours planning what events our athletes will participate in and if they are involved in relays, who and in what order they will be running. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. O'Gorman JH Track Schedule 2014 Date Apr.8 Apr.9 Apr.15 Apr.16 Apr.23 Apr.24 Apr.29 Apr. 30 May 6 May 8 Day Tues. Wed. Tues. Wed. Wed. Thurs. Tues. Wed. Tues. Thurs. Schools Participating Edison/Whittier/Brandon Edison/Whittier/Brandon Axtel/Whittier/Brandon Axtel/Whittier/Brandon Memorial/Axtel Memorial/Axtel City Field Events City Field Rain Date City Track Meet City Track Rain Date Location Howard Wood (HWF) 8@E, 7@W HWF 8@OG, 7@AP 8@AP, 7@OG HWF 8@HWF, 7@AP 8@HWF, 7@AP HWF HWF Start time 4:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:30PM 4:30 PM As far as practice is concerned for the month of March, you can expect for us to practice the 25TH - 28TH and 31st, weather permitting. We will include a schedule for the months of April and May in the April newsletter. For any questions please feel free to email Coach Keppen at [email protected] The staff is looking forward to a fun and exciting year. RUN FAST AND TURN LEFT! March 2013 Sun Mon 23 Tue 24 Informational Meeting 30 Wed 25 Practice 3:304:45 31 Practice 3:304:45 Thu 26 Practice 3:304:45 1 Practice 3:304:45 27 Practice 3:304:45 2 Practice 3:304:45 Fri 28 29 Practice 3:304:45 3 Practice 3:304:45 Sat 4 5 Practice 3:304:45 5 MARCH 2014 O’GORMAN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LUNCH MENU S MON TUE BECAUSE OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS MENUS MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. 3 4 HOT DOG ON BUN OR FISH FILET SANDWICH WALKING TACO OR MEATBALL SUB WED THU FRI 5 6 7 FRENCH TOAST STICKS OR CHEESE OMELET BREAKFAST POTATOES STRING CHEESE STEAMED CARROTS BAKED BEANS 10 TANGARINE CHICKEN AND FRIED RICE OR HOT HAM AND CHEESE STEAMED BROCCOLI 17 BAKED SHAMROCK CHICKEN NUGGETS OR CHEESE RAVIOLI STEAMED BROCCOLI 24 HAMBURGER ON BUN OR QUESADILLA POTATO SMILES 11 MINI CORN DOGS OR SLOPPY JOE ON BUN STEAMED GREEN BEANS 18 NACHO GRANDE OR PRETZEL SANDWICH REFRIED BEANS 25 MINI CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES OR BISCUIT & GRAVY BREAKFAST POTATOES SMOKIES MILK IS SERVED WITH EVERY MEAL. A VARIETY OF FRESH AND CANNED FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES ARE AVAILABLE EVERYDAY. CHICKEN TENDERS OR BAKED BEEF FINGERS MASHED POTATOES GRAVY CORN DINNER ROLL 12 13 HOMEMADE CHICKEN SOFTSHELL TACO ALFREDO OR OR GLAZED BBQ RIB SUB SANDWICH SANDWICH STEAMED CARROTS 19 PIZZA RANCH PEPPERONI PIZZA OR COOKS CHOICE CHEESE PIZZA OR TUNA MELT STEAMED PEAS 14 BAKED FISH SHAPES OR GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH BLACK BEANS 20 FRENCH FRIES 21 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL STEAMED CARROTS 26 MEATBALLS WITH ROTINI PASTA AND SPAGHETTI SAUCE OR FOOTLONG ON BUN STEAMED CARROTS 27 28 BAKED BREADED MOZZERELLA CHICKEN PATTY ON CHEESE STICKS BUN WITH SAUCE OR OR BREADED PORK CHOP SHRIMP POPPERS MASHED POTATOES GRAVY, CORN STEAMED BROCCOLI In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6135 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. S MARCH 2014 ELEMENTARY & JUNIOR HIGH GLUTEN FREE LUNCH MENU S MON TUE WED THU FRI 4 5 6 7 BECAUSE OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS MENUS MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. 3 HOT DOG ON BUN PEARS BAKED BEANS MILK 10 WALKING TACO SHREDDED LETTUCE APPLESAUCE CARROTS MILK CHCIKEN NUGGETS MASHED POTATOES CORN PEACHES SLICE OF BREAD MILK CHEESE PIZZA APPLE TOSSED SALAD CELERY STICKS MILK 12 13 HOMEMADE CHICKEN SOFTSHELL TACO ALFREDO SHREDDED LETTUCE PINEAPPLE BANANA CARROTS BLACK BEANS MILK MILK 14 17 18 GRILLED CHICKEN NACHO GRANDE SLICE OF BREAD SHREDDED LETTUCE MASHED POTATOES PEARS CORN REFRIED BEANS PEACHES MILK MILK 19 21 24 HAMBURGER ON BUN ROSY APPLESAUCE POTATO SMILES MILK 26 TANGARINE CHICKEN FRIED RICE MANDARIN ORANGES BROCCOLI MILK 11 MINI CORN DOGS MIXED FRUIT GREEN BEANS MILK FRENCH TOAST STICKS POTATOES STRING CHEESE JUICE MILK 25 PANCAKES POTATOES SMOKIES JUICE MILK PEPPERONI PIZZA ORANGE SMILES TOSSED SALAD CELERY STICKS MILK MEATBALL WITH ROTINI PASTA AND SAUCE MIXED FRUIT CARROTS MILK 20 NO SCHOOL 27 BAKED CHICKEN NUGGETS APPLE BABY CARROTS WITH DIP MILK CHEESE PIZZA GRAPES FRENCH FRIES MILK NO SCHOOL 28 CHEESE PIZZA APPLE BROCCOLI WITH DIP MILK In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6135 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. S Superintendent · Admissions · Development · Personnel · Alumni · Business Office · Foundation 336-6241 575-3358 336-6354 575-3350 575-3360 March 2014 Sign-up for Shamrock Run and the Leprechaun Fun Run! We have started building a new website for the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools! The first of four phases is complete so check it out by going to 335-6557 575-3343 O’GORMAN HIGH SCHOOL SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA “JUST SING IT” CHOIR COMPETITION SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2014 O’Gorman High Lorang Theatre 9:00 am - Awards begin at 4:00 pm $6.00 All Day Pass Participating Choirs: Waukee A Cappella Choir, Iowa Pipestone Area Schools Concert Choir Roosevelt High School Concert Choir, First Ladies & Presidents Men Castlewood Concert Choir Freeman Mixed Chorus Washington High School Concert Choir Mitchell High School Black Concert Choir Gold Concert Choir Freshmen Mixed Chorus Women’s Chorus 3201 S. Kiwanis Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Great Plains Lutheran Celebration Choir, Watertown Phone: 605-575-3327 E-mail: [email protected] Sioux Falls Catholic Schools O’Gorman Junior High 3100 West. 41st St. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Phone (605) 988-0546 Fax (605) 336-9839 E-mail [email protected] Website O’Gorman Junior High School Sioux Falls Catholic School Corporation O’Gorman Junior High School 3100 W. 41st Street Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Address Service Requested . Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 841 Sioux Falls, SD 6
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