Tile~ ItO~~~·~~~ ~I" LOCAL MAN PROMOTED I voL 1v, No. 28. JUNE 18, 1959 • $1.00 A YEAR TEN CENTS HIRLEY KAYE PRESENTS THE SHELLEY PLAYERS IN "GIGI" Lt. Col. Howard R. Gmelch, Assistant G-4 at Headquarters of the New York Army National Guard iD. Albany, has been promoted to the rank of colonel, Commanding General of the New York Army National Guard, announced today. He is also assigned as the Officer in Charge and Control of the Washington Avenue Armory in Albany .. Colonel Gmelch, an overseas veteran of World War II, has FOURTH SEASON OF BROADWAY'S BEST PLAYS WILL OPEN AT AREA THEATRE ON SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 20 The Shelley Players get under way in theil\ 4th season with "Gigi" "'n June 20. Starting with the light comedy which gave Audrey Hepburn her start in 1951, the company plans a series of ten plays which range from serious drama to an old fashioned melodrama. June 20th also heralds the served a total of 17 years in the opening at the theatre of the Army and in the New York Nafirst art show of the 11Village tional Guard. He was comm.isFour." The "Four" are Clover sioned a captain in the Field ArMikol, Ed Becker, Joe Todak tillery of the New York National and Harold Laynor all of Delmar GWlrd in April, 1947, promoted whose paintings start off a series to major in July of 1948 and enShirley Kaye of three exhibits to be hung in vanced to the rank of lieutenant ----------------1 the theatre during the summer. colonel in July, 1952. He is a bat intelligence officer. He Five years ago the spot that graduate of the Field Artillery enlisted as a private in 1942, now holds the Shelley Players was School, the Adjutant General's was commissioned a second lieua quiet farm. Today it is a School and the Command and tenant in the same year, probusy bustfing place where the General Staff College. Other moted to first lieutenant the foldesigning of sets, the rehearsing Army schools he attended in- lowing year and was discharged of scenes, the hammering of clude Ordnance, Engineer, Quar- with the rank of captain in 1946. scenery builders, and the whirl termaster, Armor, and the USAF Before being assigned to· the State of getting ready for the '59 seaColonel Gmelch served in the Headquarters Staff, he served as son is in full swing. In the European Theatre of Operations II Corps Artillery Operations and middle of the whirl is Shelley during World War II as a com- Training Officer. Kaye, the producer, founder, ~_.,,..,,"::-:~;1'1 and originator of the whole idea. When she and her husband moved into the lovely farmhouse that tops a small hill she shortly decided that the land and barn must be used.. Not being of a haying and plowing mind she started a day camp. It was not long before she mused upon the fact that full use was not being made of the barn and surrouridding buildings., Late afternoons and evenings they were empty. Being an actress herself the logical answer was a summer theatre added to the camp and so she dovetailed a theatre in the scheme of activities. Today a professional company of actors, who have been working in television and off broadway shows during the winter, are Shown pinning his new eagles on Colonel Howard R. Gmelch of Delmar, are gathered for the season. Inhis wife, Doris, and Brigadier General Charles G. Stevenson, right, Adjutant eluding the director and assistant General of New York ond Vice Chief of Stoff to the Governor at ceremonies during the eighth annual m·ditory ball held at the Washington Avenue Armory director, and experienced back in Albany recently. stage technicians and actors and --- actresses there are 22 memhers of the company, plus 8 apprentices. This group will remain all summer rotating leading part:sG The apprentices who get a well rounded know-how of the theatre from June to August 30 take small parts in the major plays and will put on childrens plays this year. These plays will be their own doing from acting to costumes, lights and sceneryG If they need added characters in the cast the professional actors will help out with small parts but otherwise it is the apprentices show. The company all eat at "Sardi's" which is a garage made over into a dining hall, and there are served breakfast, lunch and supper. To give an idea of the job thi; enfolds forty quarts of milk a day are consumed and a dozen large jars oi instant coffee lasts about 2 weeks. Members of last year's audience will find a change for their comfort when they attend this yearo In the theatre the seating section has been raised and sloped during the winter and theatre seats now take the place of the less comfortable chairs of last season. Running a play a week from June 20 to August 30 the Shelley Players concentrate on recent Broadway plays. This sUmmer schedule includes, beside "Gigi, 11 "Picnic," "The Potting Shed, 11 "Life With Father," "The Class Menagerie," "Mousetrap" and the melodrama "Gold in the Hilb. " Grand Union Prize Winners Recent winners in Grand UnionEmpire's "Around the World 11 travel contest were: Mrs. K.lVI.. Farr, 174Adams Place, and Mrs. John Rabetzof 537 Sibley Place, Delmar, andMrs. GeorgeNatole, 13 Thorndale Road, Slingerlands. PAGE 2- June T H E 18, 1959 5 Alice Carr, 97 Winne Road, Delmar, ·.has been awarded a $3200 four-year scholarship to the College of Mount Saint Vincent in New York City, by the Capital District Alumnae Chapter. Miss Carr is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Carr, Jr. She is a senior at the Academy of the Holy Nome where she is editor of the school paper, member of the National Honor Soci~ty and is the recipient of a New York State Regents Scholarship. In the picture, Miss Cori discusses college octi.vities with, left to right, Miss Nina Rose, Mrs. Milton Mills, Ill, and Mrs. Walter Moore of the Scholarship Committee. ' ALBERT (AL) The Hairdresser Formerly at the DELAWARE PLAZA IF YOU DO NOT HEAT YOUR HOME WITH NATURAL would be happy to serve his many friends and clients at his new position at GAS, THIS WILL INTEREST YOU! FOUNTAIN BEAUTY SALON Present heating system giving you trouble? 11 NORTH PEARL STREET, ALBANY PHONE 3-3632 EVENING APPOINTMENTS INVITED Then let us tell you about the modern way to heat your home - the NATURAL GAS way. HEY, KIDS! Niagara Mohawk Gas Heat - Costs less to install. - Costs less to maintain. .... Costs less to operate.. Why not give Dad a treat on Father's Day?? Stop at Phone today 5-2211 4--5121 STONEWELL and buy him a MAN-SIZE Hamburger NIAGARA AND THAT'S NOT ALL WE SERVE EITHER! Dinners - Luncheon·s - Breakfasts - Take Outs Open 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m • • \ so /urn/ wor!rin!l... so low cost! STONEWELL RESTAURANT Cor. Voorheesville & New Scotland Rd. (We're on the road to Thacher Park) New Scotlcnd SPOTLIGHT June 18, 1959- PAGE 3 Our Readers include the people who live in: Delmar Slingerlands New Scot Iand Westerlo Glenmont Feura Bush Union vi lie Normansville . . . fiEEXES For Ill)! Elsmere Voorheesville New Salem Rensselaerville Von Wies Point Clarksville South Bethlehem Meads Corners Selkirk DAD will be TICKLED pink with these Wash-and-Wear $2.98 SPORTS SHIRTS from BRIN'S Lawson Lake Bethlehem Center South ·! A 4-H Club charter has been awarded to the Delmar Stitch and Club by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Reading the letter from the State Cooperative Extension Service are, left to right, Barbara Schruck, Vice Presi· dent; Sandy Rogers, Secretary; Roberta Watson, Reporter; and Mary Ann Mc('nrthy, Troacurcr. Strawberry Festival ********** • fc Slingerland's Volunteer Fire Department's annual strawberry +: festival will be Wednesday, June +: 24 at the Slingerland's firehouse. J( Everybody welcome. J( Vacation Church School • • • • The First Reformed Church of J( Bethlehem and the Glenrtlont ¥ Community Church are presenting Daily Vacation Church School at the First Reformed Church ¥ July 6-17 daily 9 a.m. until noon. ·. 1"he school is for all +c childre:n· of the Cedar Hill, Sel- +c kirk, Van Wies Point and Glen- +c mont Are""s. Buses will run. Children must be registered by June 11 as materials must be purchased ahead of time. To register, kindly call :Mrs. Edwin Plass. Conservation Camp Boys between 13 and 16 who would like to go to conservation camp for a week in July, and whose father are members of the Elsmere Rod and Gun Club, are asked to contact Harry Glastetter in Glenmont immediately. TENNIS EQUIPMENT HOOD'S P.F. SHOES - BALLS RACQUETS BADMINTON SETS , 561 Delaware Ave. BENNETT S Phone 9-1862 • One of the largest selections in the Capitol District symbolize~ the family's esteem for father . Life insurance.and plenty of it exemplifies his esteem for the family. See - BUTLER and BROWN, Inc. 252 DELAWARE AVENUE DELMAR, NEW YORK 9-4581 Surprise someone far away TELEPHONE TODAY It costs so little •.. near or far. For example: DELMAR TO SYRACUSE - 50¢ For the first 3 minutes, Station to Station, every night after 6 and all day Sunday. Plus 10% -tax. ¥'f.¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ MACHINE RENTAL SERVICE Dacron and Dacron B! ends Wash-and Wear Sizes 30-42 Floor Sanders, Edgers, Polishers. Electric HCPnd Tools Rent from us and receive a discount on your finishing products DressSiacks $6.98 Open Thurs. & Fri. BERRY BROTHERS AND DUTCH BOY PAINT ;~;:;2-4235 , . HANSEN'S PAINT STORE 213 QUAIL STREET, ALBANY Department Store, Inc. Corner Second & Del aware Aves THE PAGE 4- June 18, 1959 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Pickup~and TRUCK SEATS REPAIRED LAWN CHAIRS RECOVERED Delivery Taylor & Vadney, Inc. 303 Central Ave. Hours: Mon. B~S. SPOTLIGHT BOB'S AUTO TOP SHOP 325 Delaware Avenue, Delmar 4-9183 Tues. thru Sat. 8-9 IF SUCCESS TO YOU MEANS A.. B. Work - own boss, diversified situations Reward - financial: Potential: $8,000 to c. Interesting field - meeting - doing many things • • • Then consider a SHELL SERVICE STATION adiacent to large Shopping Center CALL 62-6403 ' Accounting at Albany Business ColWilliam Paju, Instructor in IBM Machine lege, explains the wiring of an IBM control panel to students Dorothy Ryan Waterman and Charles Waterman from Watervliet. DR. WARREN COXE WINS CAMERA CLUB TROPHY FOR BEST COLOR SLIDE OF THE YEAR Dr. Warren Coxe was awarded 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - the Delmar Camera Club's "Co- exhibitors Adolph Kohnert of AI or Sl 1.d e o f th e y ear ,, tr oph y at menia, N.Y., and Mrs. Min Sapier of Brooklyn. the annual banquet, Tuesday, June 9. The winning slide was Officers for the coming year of a columbine in delicate pas- are: Frank Gardinier, president; tel coloring. James Kelly, Secretary- TreaFrank Gardinier's "The Be- surer. The first fall meeting ginning" was selected for the will be Tuesday, September 8 "Print of the Year" trophy fer at Stephen's Episcopal Church, EVENINGS- CALL MR. MCCARTHY- 9-4131 black and white photography. Delmar. Areaphotographers are Judging was international salon invited to attend. THE VERY BEST STEAKBURGER Be Proud of Your Gift . Give Quality Sterling IN TOWN . • . One•third pound Steakburger on a toasted bun, served with crisp Lettuce and Tomato slices. ,~PHON£ -~ RATES GIVEN ON REQUEST 2551 ONLY 75C TOLL Helderberg Nursing Home "Our Home Is Your Home" GATE SLINGERLANDS WEST BERNE, N. Y. MISS NORMA FLESH, f'rop. THE June 18, 1959 - PAGE 5 SPOTLIGHT Shirley Kaye Presents z the shelley players By Jonny Borne A very SPECIAL SPOTUGHT ORCHID, to Shirley Kaye, the. proprietor of the Shelley Pl••ve•rsl This year is the .fourth big seaBOX OFFICE OPEN! son for the Shelley Players, and Call ROckwe115-2025for reser- Sb.irley-H.aye J1as certainly l'ined vations" All-orchestra seats at up ten weeks of wonderful shows. $2.20 ond $1.65. If you still have last week 1s Spotlight lying around the house clip out the summer schedule (on· page 9), and save it. On SatSoturday & Sunday urday, June 20th, the opening show of the season, will be the comedy play "Gigi. 11 So if you want to be a first nighter, and Tuesday thru Sundoy see a wonderful show, put this date on your must list. • • The youthful beatuy, Susan Kohner, currently topcast in "Imitation of Life," is the only Americanborn actress in Hollywood able to dub her role in three foreign languages. She co-starswithHoProduction Directed by Garrison Sher- ward Keel, John Saxon, Martha wood. No performances on Monday or Hyer, and Herbert Lom in the Tuesday. Special Discounts to theatre new movie "The Big Fisherparties. Convenient ticket ag<ooc;;.,, I man" • .LouisJordan joiruFrank IUD IARN SUMMER THEATRE New Scotland, N. Y. How to Get Further with Father on His Day •• JUNE 20 and 21 June; 24 thru GIG I 0. S. Pulman Delaware Plaza WestQate Music Bar - Westgate Ctr. Van Curler Music· Co. _ 110 State St. Subscribe to the Spotlight tod '·' GRANDPA IS VERY MUCH IN THE GIFTING PICTURE, TOO! Shhh! Dad's "expecting" . . . something to wear, as his Father's Day gift . . . preferably from our always.smart selectionsl · Sinatra, Shirley MacLaine and Maurice Chevalier in 20th-Fox's "Can-Can" cast. • • With the flurry of interest in gangsterism on the screen, Warner Brothers have a head start with the big- VAN, THE GARDENER, SAYS 'OUR EARLY SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE IS NOW ON!' 25~ off on Roses, Shrubs, Evergreens, Peat Moss and other Garden Supplies VAN ALLEN FARMS Route 9·W- 2 Miles South of Bethlehem .Center- R0'7-9101 Dodge - Plymouth - Dodge Trucks - Simca Dependable USED CARS Foreign Car Sales • Service Auta Lease Plan 500 Car Parking- Day and Night One lloci From Sfcrte and rearl FOUR CORNERS, DELMAR PliON E 9-4511 PAGE 6 -June 18, 1959 T H E gest collection of gangsters of them all in "The FBI Story, 11 to be released this fall. • Special note to all you kiddies (from 6 to 60)o Walt Disney's latest live-action feature "Darby O'Gill and the Little Peo- ple, will be coming very soon at the Palace Theatre. Watch for it! • • . Jane Wyman is returning to the screen in two new pictUl'eS "Holiday for Lovers, 11 11 and "Pollyanna," now in production. • On the Legit Side11 Sweet Bird of Youth," is an enormously; exciting play, starRemember: In order to have a ring Paul Newman, Geraldine notice of club or organization Page and Sidney Blackmer. activity in the Spotlight, we Paulls performance, in the me1 need it one week in advance. 1 vie "The Young Philadelphians, 11 could put him in the Oscar race ---------------1 for 1959. • • Best L. P. Album of the week is on the M. G. M. labelo It's "101 Strings and Joni," with Joni james. • • Dear S. A.; To settle the dispute between you and your neighbor. Grace Kelly did win an Oscar. It was back in 1954for her role in "The Country Girlo " Thank you for your card. • • Write any questions you want, answered to Jonny Borne, in care of the Spotlight, Delmar, N.Y . • oUntil next week, that's SHOW BIZ. • • Plastic Garment Bags -usefu I home accessory or dangerous hazard? A STATEMENT OF TEMPORARY POLICY by KILLIP LAUNDERING COMPANY Experience shows that practically every great industrial innovation encounters certain unforeseen roadblocks. Do you know that when the first horseless carriages were introduced early in the century they were condemned by many as a pub-lic menace? Some people even went so far as to insist on municipal ordinances denying the automobiles the use of the public roads. Now, because a few isolated cases of baby suffocation which have been widely publicized, we, and the dry cleaning industry_ as a whole, are caught in an impasse. A short time ago American industry made available to us one of the most novel protective plastics ever to emerge from the chemical laboratory. The delicate film is chemically inert, hence has found wide application not only for packaging foodstuffs, but also as a protective covering for dry-cleaned garments. The crystal clear transparency makes it ideal for that purpose. But unfortunately, the delicate plastic film possesses certain electrostatic properties. If carelessly left within reach of a small infant, the child might innocently cover its face with the material and, on inhalation, shut off respiration. That's the "big hazard." Yet the valued plastic garment bag is actually no m·ore of a menace than would be sharp tools, insecticides or dangerous medicinals. The "danger " is paten tial only if a child's mother or nurse fails to place them out of the reach of little children. Killip Laundering Company has been delivering dry-cleaned garments in the transparent plastic bags for many months. All of our customers have welcomed them enthusiastically. However, because of the widespread furore and alarm over isolated cases of suffocation, we have to make a definite decision -whether to continue or discontinue plastic bags. While the reported fatalities have been greatly magnified, we have to recognize that the suffocation of even a single child is one case too many. Accordingly, in deference to families where there are small children, wisdom seems to dictate that our policy should be to revert to the use of the conventional paper bag we have used for so many years. This will be only a temporary policy because we are assured by both the film manufacturers and ihe bag makers themselves·that they arealready hard at work to produce a "safe" protective bag that will embody all the good features of the transparent cover we are temporarily abandoning. As quickly as this new "safe" covering is perfected, Killip will be the first to make it available to its customers. We shall be most grateful to our friends for their patience during the transition. Meanwhile, many customers who insist on receiving their dry-cleaned garments in a plastic film cover will be cheerfully accommodated if they will make known their wishes to our routemen or notify our office. SPOTLIGHT Appointments Made To Nursery School Teaching Staff Mrs. Sydney Archer of Wisconsin Avenue, Delmar, and Mrs. George F. Cox of McGuffy Lane, will join the staff of the TriVillage Nursery School next fall. Mrs. Archer who was the original director of the school in the early formative years returns as director-teacher for the coming year. Mrs. Cox for the past year a permanent substitute on the nursery school staff has been appointed assistant teacher for the four year olds. Mrso Archer attended Goddard College in Vermont and Teachers College, Columbia University, where she received a B.S. degree in education. During the war she taught in the nursery school at the New York City Chelsea Children's Center set up by the Mayor's Committee for Wartime Care of Children. Preschool PTA 1s at School 16 in Albany and at Hamagrael were formed with her assistance, and she was a member of the 1958 Citizens' Committee to study Elementary School Building needs at the request of the Bethlehem Central School District Board of Education. The mother of three children she has organized neighborhood playgroups wherever she and her family happened to be living. For the past year she has been director of the Hamagrael Playschool, a group which she was instrumental in setting up. Mrs. Archer is a member of the National Association for Nursery Education. The annual meeting of the TriVillage Nursery School corpora(Continued on Page 9) OflffiflR LIQUOR STORf Four Corners KU.LIP LAUNDERING COMPANY Delmar Pete lr. Kaye ]onee CALL 9-1725 We Deliver T H E S P 0 T L I G H T June 18, 1959- PAGE 7 There's Always Somethin' Cookin' at Dennie's Drive-In Diner "Food Fit to Eat" New Scotland Rd., New Salem Sally& Frank Denmark RO 5-2008 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Telephone Exchange 72 Delaware Avenue 24-hour Service 9-3524 Congratulations from Bill Myers, 9 Winding Road, Delmar, a 'junior at Bethlehem Senior High School has been crowned N. Y.S. Junior Skeet Champion for the second year in a rOw, with a score of 95 out 100. The State shoot was held at Syracuse, N.Y., May 31. Go To The CHURCH Of Your Choice This Sun day - With Dod! Some of the other shoots he has won are: Governor 1s Cup from Albany, Fairfax County, Bull Run Open, Westover Air Force Base and Eastern States Open,. where he shot 99 x 100 to win his class plus Junior Championship. At the Eastern States Open there was a field of 85 shooters. some of the best in the country. Only four other shooters beat his score with a perfect 100 x 100. Bill has trophies from Massachuesetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Virginia. He is a member of Watervliet Fish and Game Club where he practices his skeet shooting. He has many perfect scores on the pt'actice field. His other sports are golf and hunting. WOODRIDGE FARMS , ~ A..,.~ ~' Graduates! this miniature LaneSweetheartChest is yours if you are graduating from BETHLEHEM CENTRAL·HIGH Just come in and tell our Receptionist that you would like your free gift -no obligation! ~C., ~ Route 9-W, Glenmont John Geurtze, Prop. 4-8903 and 62-2146 Give yourself alift TELEPHONE TODAY It costs S9 little ... near or far. For example: DELMAR TO BUFFALO - 154 For the first 3 minutes, Station to Station, every night after 6 and all day Sunday. Plus 10%tax. We wanted you to know how proud we are of you all. We've watched you growing up through your school years. Now you are ready to take your place as adult citizen·s in this ·community. We think this is very important. That'·s why we would like you to accept this gift from us. It's yours for keeps . " . with our best wishes! JOHN B. HAUF, INC.. THE PAGE 8 -June 18, 1959 LETTER Girls Scouts Get Awards Puerto Rican Vacation! HALF PRICE SALEH ALL TROPICAL FISH Patricia McGrath, daughter of Troop 305, Girl Scouts, under Mr. and :Mrs. James McGrath of the leadership of Mrs. Willis Delmar, is in Puerto Rico for a Comstock, Jr. and Mh. Merle TELEPHONE 9-3309 summer vacation. Oliver held their Court of ACor. Lincoln & Dela. Aves. =====~=====::l wards at their third birthday party on Jnne 9 at the Glenmont FULLER'S PET SHOP ___________ G d , Fat her s Day- ra uation ElementarySchoolat7,30 p.m. Parents and friends were invited. Greeting Cards for All Occasions by DELMAR NEWS & cARD sH0 p c0 rners relief it is to me to know that my fears of a pack of wild dogs ing to know that both the Spotlight and the Bethlehem authorities are willing to take time and trouble to allay even the smalllest fears .of one resident. Sincerely, Private Lessons Children or Adults All Sizes of Film Velvet Ice Cream 4 The Spotlight: My sincere thanks for the attention you gave my letter (concerning the wild dogs) in a recent issue. You'll never know what a great ------------1 were unfounded. Being a fairly recent newcomer to this comTENNIS munity, it is certainly hearten- Communion Picnic Supplies SPOTLIGHT Don Camp A Reader Editor"s Note: We oppreciote the Tennis Pro 9 kind words • • • but no one has proven thot there ore NO wild dogs 10 46 I~~~~~-~~~~~~i,;;:n~~~~~iueiN··i·~·~:ei:toi';~~t~:.'I.::~:~~eo~~~:.::..·~ De Imar I J2 TOP Years' Experience , ... -·~-,..- 1 BODY REPAIR WORK VETS GARAGE ,._,- I I Accessories for / Outdoor Living '-..., / I \ Gn / 'lis 0 ~0~ / ~o I --.. . ._ BARBECUE DEMONSTRATION SATURDAy I JUNE 20 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Sample the "COOKING MAGIC" of 300 Delaware Ave,, Delmar Phone 9-986 or 9-617 A IJ1Jek4 BAR-B-Q KETTLE COVER TV, WASHERS DR,YERS DISHWASHERS " Factory Engineered _, Replacement Parts~ E. F. MUZZEY, Jr. D , SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS The ''secret 11 is the Cover & Dampers 0 Chonncf ro Antennas lnsfallcd for As Low As 575.95 .Call 9-3419 Office 24-Hour Service Spore Rood, Delmar R. D. " HILCHIE'S HARDWARE 9-394! ELSMERE AT THE LIGHT FREE DELIVERY THE SPOTLIGHT June 18, 1959- r------------1'1 Nursery School Gifts in Leather (Continued from Page 6) tion will be held on Monday, Luggage June 15, at 8 p.m. at the BethHandbags lehem Center School building on Route 9-W at Feura Bush Road. Briefcases At this time the newly appointed Umbrellas members of the 1959-60 execu:.. Belts tive committee will be _intro1 duced. They are Mrs. Kenneth. Frasure, Chairman; Mrs. Ja,mes W. Michaels, co-chairman; Mrs. Kent D. Miller, secretary; and Mrs. James McKee, Jr.• , tte asurer. The program following the business meeting will feature Gilts for: Mrs. Dorotha M. Conklin of the FATHERS' DAY Bureau of Child Development and Parent Education in the State GRADUATION Education Department. Her topic CITY & COUNTY Savings Bank UPTOWN OFFICE 301 New Scotfand Ave., CITY & 1 WEDDINGS will be 11 Reading readiness as it PAGE 9 COUNTY is the NEAREST, MOST CONVENIENT. Savings Bank to the Tri-Village Area • A Friendly, Neighborly Bank Office • Complete Savings Bank Service • Plenty of Free Parking Space pertains to the nursery school Mon.. , Thurs., Fri. - 9 to 8:30 Tues., Wed., Sat, - 9 to 5:30 222 Washingto~ Ave., Albany 62 child. 11 . Appointment of head teacher andassistantteacherfor the three ~i~~~PiHjO[N~E~~i-TJ~?il~ii~·~· year will old groups for next year be announced at a later date. Strawberry Festival Scheduled At St. Stephen's Church We come to the aid of every party with top quality catering serv- A Strawberry Festival will be held at St. Stephen's Church on Elsmere Avenue, Saturday, June June 20 fromS:OO p.m. until all are served. In addition to the usual strawberries, ice cream and short cake; hamburgs, coffee and cold soft drinks will be served. Festival is open to all. MEMBER FECERA.L CEPOSJT INSURANCE CORPORATION -tfBII.iL.QiN& ~~~-fl What would you like to know about improving Have You Visited Our your home? ice. Get our estimates. Thrift Shop KAYE'S DELICATESSEN Sandwich Shops 72 N •. Pearl St. 53 Beaver St. Tel. 62-07-98 Tel. 6-9662 Albany, N.Y. 30 I New Scotland Ave. I 00 State St., Albany, N. Y. * FREE ESTIMATES * FREE PLAN BOOKS Kenwood Braille Thrift Shap 221 La,k Street Albany *DO-IT-YOURSELF ADVICE *FINANCING ARRANGED * ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE *LUMBER CUT TO SIZE EVERY PART OF YOUR JOB TF WE DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT TN, STOCK, 1 Greenwood Lane, Slingerlands· 21 Elm Avenue, Delmar .• •·••·•• 9-4494 ., 9-2805 ' -{iATIONWIDE : g ...,,., ••.,..-" Mutual Insurance Ca . Mutual fire Insurance Co. Life Insurance Co. Home OffiCe- Columbus, 0 : PAGE 10- June 18, 1959 THE SPOTLIGHT Summer Church School use the new, convenient, dignified way to borrow money Commercial Bank CHECK·CREDIT YOU CAN BUY WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT, WHERE YOU WANT. (dj"~a-/ 1 Dignified . . . your name is distinc- Life Insurance protedion ... at small tively printed on all checks. • cost. Monthly statement . . . indicating checks paid, balance due, interest and available credit. Repay by mail . . . or in person at any of our conveniently located Offices. A continuing credit ... as you repay, the money becomes available again for your use. •. dfP Available to everyone ... age 21 and over. ffi1~~mttartr~ POST,RAIL Individual as well as joint accounts for husband and wife. Obtain an application at your nearest National Commercial Bank Office or fill in and mail the coupon below. <..·. .- This schedule shows how the amount of credit is determined. Use any payment between $20. and $490; multiply by twelve. That will be your amount of credit. Monthly Payment $ 20 $ 50 $ 75 $100 $400 Maximum Credit Amount of Credit $ 240 1- YOUDON'T HAVE TOBEACUSTOMERTO-I I USE THIS NEW SERVICE I FENCE ln-1/ it yourseH COMMERCIAL BANK CHECK-CREDIT I $1,200 $4,800 I Ngme.. 1 Addren .. L City ._ _ _--····~·-··=····~·State ...~ _ _ I COMMERCIAL BANK CHECK-CREDIT, {Pieose Print) THE NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY DELMAR BRANCH ELSMERE BRANCH Delaware Plaza . re....-a.,. · MAeR\0 IThe National Commerei!ll Bank and Trust Co. I P. 0. B"OX 748 SP I N. Y. I ALBANY, PLEASE SEND ME AN APPLICATION FOR $ 600 $ 900 $5,000 ~}~ Low cost·prefabricated Private ... your checks look like all others. SEND FOR YOUR APPLICATION- TODAY! Use this handy chart to help you select the amount of your credit The Delmar Pre sbyte.rian Church will hold a Vacation Church School in the Masonic Temple June 22 through July 1, The sessions will be held daily from '9 to 11:30 a, m, All children from four years through sixth grade are welcome. The program will include Bible Study, handcraft, music, drama, recreation and refreshments~ The registration fee is one dollar for each child. Transportation can be arranged for those who have no cars. The staff will include Mrs. Lamar Carreon, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Samuel Hazelton, Mrs. Robert St. John and Mrs.. William B. Howells. Teachers included Miss Jessie Abell, Mrs. Ross Beyer, Mrs. Joan Gochee, Mrs. Charles Lee, Mrs. Fred Enge 11, Mrs. Orville Ruid and Mrs. Robert Showalter. Transportation will be arranged by Mrs. Richard Cooper. The Jr. High Fellowship will assist in serving refreshments and with the games and crafts. 343 Delaware Avenue MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 29 Offices Serving Northeastern New York J BEAUTIFIES PROTECTS·EMCLOSES Comes in 10 ft. sections, 2, 3 and 4 rail styles-all ready to slide into place. Made of natural Chestnut and creosoted for longer life. All posts have non-split heavy galvanized staple anchor installed to prevent checking. Come in today and see a sample section on display. FREE ESTIMATE LAGRANGE FENCE INCORPORATED TEL. 62-0910 RENSSELAER THE SPOTLIGHT JUNE SPECIAL Triple Track Aluminum Combination . WINOOWS Top Quality - Low Prices Fully Guaranteed Taylor Aluminum Products Call 9-3947 *GENERAL REPAIRING *Excellent Carpentry - If you need me ••• CALL ••• ELMER L. HILL PO 8-2388 June 18, 1959 - PAGE 11 LETTER Dear Sir: While at first glance there may .be no connection between the letter from Mrs. leRoy Cooke on page 11 of your June 11th issue, deploring the fact that watchers of the Memorial Day Parade did not salute the flag of the United States as it passed and the report by Abbie Utz on page 12 of the same issue regarding "World Literature" and "Business English" as taught at BCHS, a little reflection on the matter will show the latter is directly responsible for the condition lvtrs. Cooke deplores. The people responsible for destroying learning in our--public: schools base their teaching on the hypothesis that if you love your own Country you must, of necessity, hate all others. Nothing could be further from the truth but it provides a short, Quickly Cut to Your Specifications snappy slogan for destroying love of their own Country in our children. PLYWOOD BETHLEHEM LUMBER Co. N.Y.S. Official Inspection Center L&H Broke & Front End Service 100 Adams Street, Delmar 9-3083 9-3083 Comp.lete Brake & Front End Service for Trucks - Cars soMETftiNG NEW! Complete BOO'f' fENDER REP~\RS All Cars & Trucks For ~Loucks, Body Man g 0 wana BRAKE DRUM TURNING Wheel Alignment Wheel Balancing Guaranteed Work - Reasonable Rates Emergency Service Leonard Price ~ RESTAURANT 2~WARE PLAZA · ===== DELMAR COMPLETE DINNER SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK! THURSDAY NIGHT $2.50 BOILED HAM AND CABBAGE OR BRISKET OF CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE WITH BOILED POTATO. FRIDAY NIGHT FRESH MAINE LOBSTER A LA NEWBURG. ---------SATURDAY NIGHT--------4:30 To 10~00 MINUTE STEAK WITH O'BRIEN POTATOES AND FRENCH FRIED ONION RINGS. SUNDAY $3.95 $3.95 From 12-9 FEURA BUSH GLENMONT At the intersection of Route 32 and 144 PHONE 62-2335 ELSMERIAN ===== FAMILY STYLE DINNERS MON,DAY NIGHT CHOPPED SI,RLOIN STEAK, FRENCH FRIED ONION RINGS. -------TUESDAY NIGHT THE BEST SMORGASBORD IN UPSTATE N. Y. WEDNESDAY NIGHT-----BRAISED SHORT RIBS OF BEEF JARDINERE $2.95 $2.50 Also many other items on our menu to choose from. Plenty of free parking. There is, of course, no objection to the children or adults of the community sharing with the rest of us their opinions and experiences in other lands but when, as reported by Mrs. Utz, this process becomes a part of the curriculum in our school and is based on the fallacious reasoning set forth above, the process becomes political action for ''World Government'' disguised as "public education." Also, please remember that in the auditorium of our High School, the banner depicting the "Web of World Collectivism" (United Nations Flag) shares the place of honor with the flag of honor With the flag of the Republic of the United States of America. Do you wonder no one salutes our flag when it passes? I wish to thank you for the opportunity of taking my place publicly on the side of Mrs. STUDLER'S GARAGE 243 DELAWARE AVENUE Now Featuring NEW SPRING SPECIALS ON GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING *WHEEL ALIGNMENT & BALANCING *ENGINE TUNE-UP *IGNITION WORK *AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS *COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR Cooke.R Very truly yours Ruth H. Lunderman The most economical medium to employ:Spotl ight Clossifieds Open 24 Hours A Day 24-Hour Tow Service PHONE .9-923 PAGE 12 - June 18, 1959 THE LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED CONVERTIBLE TOPS White & Black Vinyl Pickup-ond Delivery $59.50 BENNETT GUN WORI<S up BOB'S AUTO TOP SHOP 561 325 Delaware Avenue, Delmar Tfovelogue: The most economical medium SARATOGA BATTLEFIELD to employ: Spotlight Clossifieds The fields where men fought and died have long sounded a compelling call to summer '===============!.!=;=============:\travelers. During 1959 s"Year 1 aooD FOOD .. FULL COURSE Luncheons & Dinners -CLOSED MONDAYS- Lun.cheon: 12 to 2 Dinner: 5 to 8 * k R T urnpl e estaurant i< ALL LEGAL BEVERAGES 0 Route 20, Guilderland, N.Y.- 4% Miles from Albany SPOTLIGHT of HistorY," says the New York State !)epartment of Commerce, many tourists will visit the best known battlefield of the Ameri~an ReY;olutiOn - Saratoga. Now a historical park, the Saratoga Battlefield covers four square miles bordering the Hudson River about twelve miles east of Saratoga Springs. North-South Route 32 cuts through the park, from Bemis Heights to Schuylerville (Old Saratoga), scene of British Burgoyne 1s surrender on October 17, 1777. The park is undergoing a developmentoperation, part of the Mission 66 program of the Nationa! Park Service. Whencom- ~ FOWLER'S LIQUOR STORE SEE GEORGE OR HARRY FOR BETTER SPIRITS Parking right in front of the store ••• ond don't forget: WE DELIVER - OUR NEW LOCATION El smereact~the~Light - Corner of Delaware & Elsmere Avenues PHONE 9-2613 WOODRIDGE FARMS TREAT DAD! For Father's Day Our famous - BARBECUED CHICKEN willhave an eight-mile loop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TII site pleted, by 1966, the Saratoga of paved roads, a new visiter Route 9~W, Glenmont John Geurtze, Prop. center and nine interpretive staPhones: 4-8903 and 62-2146 CONN 0 ISSEUR GALLERY tions. The present visitor center [------....;_....;__:.._:.::._..:.;...:,:_ An interesting collection of Reproductions awaits your visit. Quaint Early American Windsors, Captain •s Chairs, and Hutch Tables. Beautiful sofas, Love seats and Chairs. Lovely tables of solid mahogany. A most comprehensive collection of fabrics and a charming collection of lamps. You will enjoy a visit to Con• noisseur Gallery. PLAN TO DO IT SOON! Always High Grade Never High Priced! 750 Delaware Ave,, Delmar Phone 9-5382 ~iii~~-~ Engine Tune-up *Front End Alignment is at the blockhouse near the Neilson Farmhouse. It is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Saratoga park also provides free tours of the battlefield from mid-June to Labor Day. Unscheduled and informal, the tours begin at various times, generally whenever visitor traffic warrants them. BRIN'S HOUSEWARES DuPont LUCITE ACRYLIC Peel Proof House Paint Open Thurs. & Fri. ,.;~;:;2-4235 HOUSEWARES Corner Second & Delaware Aves SUCCESSFUL men with small businesses(ond large ones, tOo!) use theSpotlightBUSINESS SER~ VICE. THE June SPOTLIGHT 18, 1959 - PAGE 13 Bethlehem Babe Ruth League Awards Permanent Trophy To Hand Dandy Cleaners Teams Bethlehem Babe Ruth League held a picnic for new players and their parents at the Junior High School last Saturday, June 13. As a part of the program, a permanent trophy was presented to James McGrath, sponsor of the Handy Dandy Cleaners team. The trophy, presented by AI Steere, 1958 Club President, was awarded for winning the league championship for three consecutive years: 1956-57-58. HANDY CHECKLIST of BAKERY TREATS! 0 Strcnvberry Rhubarb REFLECTION? An alert community wi II express itself through the "Let• ters" co'lumns of its local publication. In those columns the reader can find what his next door neighbor thinks, what he approves and also his "beefs.'' Every week our response from readers grows both in quality and quantity as our neighbors find the Spotlight columns an outlet for their writing. .... 69-e 0 Orange Sheet Cake 0 eSpecial White YOUR Pi<'! 0 Canadian Oat Bread ...... 22c 4·;c 0 Cheese Cake .... 25c 0 • Hom Seed Rolls ...... 69c Italian Bread 0 • ....... 24c s~e::d D Lemon Meringue Pie 27c 0 e .......... 69c English Muffins 1"61 0 Cherry Layer ...... 25c ...... 54c ----------~------------------------------~-------~· 29c ........ 69c: 0 Gold Creme Cups 0 Bronx Rye (unsliced) Umalt~d 0 25c 25c 54c Bread 0 Chocolate Loyer e 0 Family Sandwich 24e • 0 e Cracked Wheat Bread ....... 25e ....... 39c 0 Oatmeal Ccok.ies 0 8 O!d Stur!Jridge 100% .. 28c: Whole Wheat ..... 39c 0 Orange o~iffon Cake ------------------------------------~------------..... 26c: . 79c 0 • Hot Dog Rolls . ZSc Bread ...... 17c O • Whole Wh(O'ot Bread ... 0 Maple Walnut Loyer 0 e Hamburg Ralls ·o Sandwich e ...... 26c ...... 36c Old Fashioned Crullers ..... 29c Bread . 25c: 0 . 54c 0 Honey Pecan Coffee Ring ..... 54c -------------------------------------·------------Q Pumpsrnickle ....... 25c 69c Rye Bread . 29c 39c . 25c 35c 0 Pineapple Layer 0 0 e e Hard Seed Rolls Dinner Rolls 0 California Cheese Cake ....... 54c ....... 25c ....... 33c ....... 69c ------------------------------------------------69c 0 Streusel Buns ... 36c . 35c ....... 59c 0 e Rye (plain or seed) 0 Applesauce Crullers 25c 25c 0 Pound 0 e Coke Butter Rolls ocorn Sticks 0 Poppy Seed S.reod 59c ........ 33c ...... 22c ...... 25c_ --------------------------------------------------0 G!azed Donuts ....... 34c . 58c 0 CHOCOLATE RING CAKE ........... , .. 69c 0 Orange Streusel Buns. .36c 0 e French Bread 0 Butter Parkerhouse Rolls 23c . 33c 0 Chocolate Chip Cookies ....... 0 Lemon Layer Sesame Seed Butter & Egg Ralls .. .. ·o 54c 54c 33c ' 29c, -----------------------------------~---------·-··-·-··' e Indicate& ltema •••ttable ever., da., fhe above a not a complete '1St 'ot avail· ab.. lterns For further rnformatton 15k W"our rovteman or· caU the· b!lkery. Sat"rday, June 20 REMEMBER DAD! FATHER'S DAY CAKE $).29 Two·layer chocolate cake With chocolate ~Ud:Je lc!na en ten ..,.,d sides, t:ecorated in wfrite and insC"ribed ".DAD" WATCH 'F~EDOIE F~EIHOFEq' WRG1- TV WEEKDAYS 5:45-6:00 THE PAGE 14 -June 18, 1959 PERMANENT WAVES SPOTLIGHT HAIRSTYLISTS Phone: 2-1758 Starting at $12.50 :Crestwood Shopping Center 16 Picotte Drive We specialize in all types of hair color• Albany, N.Y. ing. Fashionable Hair Designs "Individually Personalized" Open MOn. thru Sat. The Spotlight is ALWAYS in· terested in local pictures, es· pecially those taken by so .. called Amateur Photographers. If, and when, you take a pic· ture of a local event, a local person ••• in fact, any local picture, bring it to our office. .,._ Repair Ralph Allen, the Firestone D~aler at Eau Gallie, .Florida, sent us this picture which dates back to about 1924. You'll have to supply the names .. DOlT NOW! SEE .. Your Home With Our FHA MODERNIZATION LOAN 'MICHAEL A 9-3702 Re-Seeding WE CAN HELP YOU FINANCE • A MODERNIZED KITCHEN • GARAGE OR GARAGE DOORS No- MtYtlgage, ~ f?ppw;ment fJMOJ7(jed {}/(, nwnfitfy 1PitmJ welt wi1IWv !l{){jj(, iltJJiim& 1011 Phones: POplar • A NEW ROOF OR ROOF REPAIRS • INSULATION • SIDING • PAINTING AND DECORATING • MODERN HEATING • PLUMBING REPAIRS • ADDITIONAL ROOMS • SCREENS OR STORM SASH • NEW BATHROOM • NEW FLOORS And many other improvements of 7he MECHANICS and FARMERS SAVINGS BANK OF ALBANY 47 State Street ••• Facing Green Streer MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FRANK Jewelers Cor. Steuben THE SPOTLIGHT June To smash that ball across the net You need the protein you will get from Me CARROLL'S CORNED BEEF MC CARROLL'S SUPER MARKET SINCE 1921 272 Second Ave,, Albany The CORNED BEEF PALACE by Abbie Utz Tomorrow is officially the last day of this school year. My but we can about remember 18, 1959 - PAGE 15 RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! ffiHBnOUH HOUSf Of BlfTS what revelry takes over on this 366 Delaware Avenue, Albany - Corner of Marshall Street closing day. Of course, the (Look for the White Picket Fence) teachers have to return the following week to grade exams and ALL ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT COST! get all records in order. • • but the keen edge of excitement course through the entire com- * Best Grade of Milk Glass, Candlewick and Cape Cod Crystal munity, along with the voices *California and Imported Pottery of happy children, and gay youth. * Bone China Awards come fast and heavy at * Wall Brackets and Scones this particular time too: We 1ve learned that Jeanie My*Dog & Horse Figures ron of Marlboro Road, Delmar and daughter of LaVerne and AI _MANY MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS _ Myron, has made the Dean's List at Syracuse University, Sale Starts Friday, June 19 at 6 P.M. and continues all day where she has completed her Saturday until 9 P.M. sophomore ye~. ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; Barb a r a Westfall Go~on, daughter of the Arthur Westfalls of Maywood Road, Delmar, has received a bachelor of science degree inBusiness Administration from Beaver College. She is a BCHS graduate too. Three Delmar young people have received degrees from Rochester University this past weekend: Alan S. Whiting of Adams Street, with a master of arts degree in Education. He had .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·· 3BIG REASONS('> for heating your home with oil IT'S SAFE (v~) IT'S CHEAP (v~) IT'S SURE (v~) When you move When a new baby arrives . Or when you announce your engagement ••• Your Welcome Wagon Hostess will call with a basket of gifts ••• and friendly greetings from our religious, civic and busi· ness leaders. When the occasion arises, Phones: 9-4324 or 9-3129 125 Pianos & Organs at Brown's PIANO & ORGAN MART 1047 Central Av., Albmy Tri ... Cities" Largest GIVE US A TRY/ (You'll be very pleased) OASIS PIZZA HOUSE 1146 New Scot/one/ Roacl at Normanski/1 Creek When you heat your home "'with ail, you enjoy advantages provided by no other form of fuel. First, you have the peace-of-mind that comes with the knowledge that your heating unit is safe. Second, oil costs so little. Third, you are assured a steady. reliable level of heat no !l"'atter how law the temperature drops! Call us far Atlantic's famous triJJ.le-refined heating oil. It now has a new additive that helps prevent formation of sludge. *ALL ITALIAN FOODS * ALL SIZE PIZZA CaiiS-1433 No charge for carry-out service REDMOND & BRAMLEY OIL COMPANY, Inc. THE PAGE 16- June 18, 1959 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE BY THE WAY (Cont'd) And Costs You A Lot of Money You Can Always Be Sure Of HAVE THAT SEPTIC TANK CLEANED NOW! An Exceptional Dinner -AT POPULAR- BARTlE'S RESTAURANT & COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1 Mil• South of Ravena Bethlehem Cesspool and Septic Tank Cleaners (New Complete Systems) 24·hour Service Coli Collect o• Delm.,. 9-2179 *A CHOICE VARIETY OF YOUR FAVORITE DlSHES TO CHOOSE FROM! -MAKE YOUR- * 11 RESERVATIONS EARLY FOR A GALA DINNER" CALL .lESS OR MARGARET POWELL At RAVENA 7·1141 MemiMr Din.rs' Club Moms Dads • • • and Grads EVERYBODY ... in the Tri-Village Area will find our new branch ot 405 DELAWARE AVENUE so convenient! his bachelor 1f: degree from the University of Vermont. Sam Klafter, of Delaware Avenue, was awarded a bachelor of science degree in General Education. And Dorothy Weber of Cherry Avenue, got her bachelor of science degree wtih distinction in Elementary Education. Four more men from Delmar and one from Slingerlands were just graduated from Colgate Universityo (They were among the 321) They all received bachelor degrees. • George B. Condit of Delmar, Bob Shapiro of Harrison Avenue, Fred Wilson of Darroch Road, Leo Ryan, Jr. of Elsmere, and Ed McEwan of Heldervale, Slingerlands. Ryan graduated cum laude with honors in physics and all five attended BCHS and went on to do outstanding things while in school. Of course we 1re well aware of Dick 'Lindquist of Euclid Avenue, Elsmere who was awarded a doctor of medicine degree at Duke 107th commencement and Judy Mayberry of Delmar Place, who was graduated from St. Lawrence University, re.ceiving a degree of bachelor of science. She too has done outstanding work while a.t school. Then there 1s SusanKlingamon of Roweland Avenue, and Anne Phinney of Herrick Avenue, Elsmere, both among the 433 who were • • • • • von Bank's TV SERVICE 4-5887 Quality. Responsibility, Honesty LADY BETTY ENRICHED BREAD MILLION DOLLAR RECIPE SPOTLIGHT First Trust is proud to add a 6th office to its growing family ... the new Delaware Avenue Branch. We cordially invite you to visit our new home. Here, as in all our other offices, you can enjoy the advantages of convenient. "one-stop" banking. Make First Trust, the family bank, your bank. • Savings ~ccounts • Regular & Special Checking Accounts • Charge Accounts • Personal Money Orders • HOme Improvement Loans SPOTLIGHT Bank-by..Mail Trust Services Travelers Checks Vacation Clubs Thrift Clubs Telephone Number 9-4949 Address: 395 Kenwood Avenue 4 Corners, Delmar •FIBRE RUGS DEL TOX 9' SPECIAL Main Office: State and Broadway Colonie Branch: 1160 Central Ave. West End Branch: 581 Central Ave. South End Branch: 135 So. Pearl St. Washington Avenue Branch: 252 Washington Avenue ••• and 405 Delaware Avenue X 12' $17.95 All Qualities & Sizes Available {!ati {/ppet(/. --------1 1 lb. 4 oz 52 SHERIDAN AVE. ALBANY - PHONE 5-3418 2Sc THE June 18, 1959 - PAGE 17 SPOTLIGHT BY THE WAY {Cont'd) graduated from Oberlin College, in Ohio. Susan with a bachelor of arts degree in goyernment and was graduated magna cum laude! While Ann received her bachelor of arts in Philosophy. Then in visiting with Mrs. Glenn Spacht of Cherry A venue, Delmar we learned of her son Tom 1s Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Amsterdam in Holland. He sails August 14 and will carry on with his major in Organ. He too was a graduate of Oberlin, going on to Syracuse to receive his Master's this June commencement. Between degrees he spent two years in the army serving as assistant PostChaplain at Fort Monmouth, Va. For his outstanding service there he has received a government citation! We wish him well and BASEBALL Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work 90 ADAMS STREET, DELMAR PHONE 9-1664 TRY THE NEW MINUTE MAN 590 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY An .::J::nterior :Ceoorator'? Luxury or necessity? A necessity if you can't afford mistakes. A necessity if your money must buy the utmost rn comfort, utility and beauty. at the price you wish to pay. A necessity if you want your home to express you and not a high pressure salesman. A necessity if you wish to plan a home in its entirety and then proceed to carry out the plan over a period of years. A necessity if you want to be sure that what you plan will be fulvlled. M A V FA R N C. 4 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY, e Phone N. V. S-5264 r--------------------------------, GO RAMBLER 25.29 MILES PER GALLON with automatic transmiSsion .. Rambler American topped all cars, all classes. 1959 Mob1lgas Economy Run. Oil 1 55 Madison Avenue, Albany SHOES - BATS - BALLS Home Serviee on: Sparkling Mixes GLOVES - HATS - MASKS & True Fruit Flavors- Also Beer 561 Delaware Ave. and Ale BENNETT'S Phone 9-1862 Free Home Delivery Phone 5-3713, a bon voyage. • • A very interesting and outstanding event is being scheduled for the Class of 1939 of the Bethlehem Central School, who will be holding their 20th reunion at Crooked Lake Hotel on June 27th. Arrangements, including the publication of a new year book are under the direction of Alyce and Lindsay M~ Boutelle of Lyons Avenue, Mrs. Betty Geurtze of Woodridge Road, and Mrs. Carl Brown of Delmar. A coffee hour will be held at the ]Wlior Hi School Saturday afternoon in order that the 'Grads' may see the new addition to their Alma Mater. Incidently members of the class who have not already made reservations are urged to contact Mrs. Boutelle immediately. The Class of 1 39 would be happy to welcome anyformerBCHS graduates as part of the group following the banquet. This class of 1939 was the first class to enter the present Junior Hi building after its completion and therefOl'e the first class to graduate after having completed 7th NEED A FAST CAR WASH? MADISON BEVERAGE CO. EQUIPMENT I •1aasl Suggested delivered price Kenosha. Wis .. for 2-door sedan below. Stale. local faxes. if any. 1 utomahc transmisSion and optional eQuipment, extra. Drive the economy king. Get most miles per gallon, lowest first cost, lowest maintenance, highest resale in the field. Fuil family room. Easiest to turn, park. Automatic transmission or overdrive. Airliner reclining seats. New /ow-cost air conditioning available. See your Rambler dealer. 1 I UPSTATE RAMBLER, INC. ROUTE 9-W : SELKIRK, N.Y. ~--------------------------------~ GE 18- June 18, 1959 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - , I D E L M A R PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rev. George H. Phelps. ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH Delaware Avenue, Delmar - Msgr. Sunday Services are held in the Raymond F. Rooney, Delmar Masonic Temple, KenWood SUNDAY MASSES (In the Church) Church Avenue and Adams Street 7, 8, 9, 10& II (In the SUNDAY9:15 a,m. Worship and Church School through grade 6. Nursery care for children under three, 10:15 Jr.. High class in the Temple 10:30 Sr. High class, 240 Kenwood 4:30 Jr. High Fellowship in the Temple 6:30 Sr. High Fellowship at 19 Harrison Avenue 8:00 Adult Bible Survey Class Calen~ar meets in various homes CLARKSVILLE THE COMMUNITY CHURCH, Rev. Charles W, Smith, pastor, The Adult Discussion Group meets the first Sunday of each month at 6 Stratton Pl. MONDAY-7:45 Choir rehearsal in the Temple BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN Ch••eh Cor. Shn and Murray Aves - Rev. Harold W, Scheibert, Pas tor. Phones: 9-4328 and 9-2 885. Church School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11 a.m. 9, 10 & 12 Auditorium) noon. WEEKDAY MASSES: 6:45 & 7:30. SATURDAY MASSES: 8 & 9. ST. STEPHENS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Elsmere Ave., DelmarRev. Charles H. Kaulfuss. SUNDAY SUMMER SCHEDULE: 8:00a.m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist and Sermon. DELMAR REFORMED CHURCH Delaware Avenue - Rev. Dr. LeRoy C. Brandt. SUNDAY: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Rev. james R. SUNDAY: 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship; 8:30 a.m, Early Worship Service. 9;45 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. q:OO a.m. Worship Service 7:00 1"4tn. Young People Kenwood Avenue, Delmar. -\Rev. Arthur P. White and Robert Loggie. THE METHODIST CHURCH, So. Sunday: 10 a..m. Divine Worship. Bethlehem. FIRST Rev. W. I. Cosman. METHODIST CHURCH, UNIONVILLE REFORMED Chu.ch Classified Advertising RATES 10¢ per word for each insertion; $1 minimum, payable in advance. Advertisements must be received on Thursday ONE WEEK prior to publi· cation. CALL 9-4949 or stop in with cash and written order at our convenient office: 4 Corners, Delmar. BUSINESS SERVICE ASH & TRASH REMOVAL ASH & trash removal; no charge for bundled newspapers. 9-1287, Charles DeGrush, 441 Kenwood Avenue, Delmar, New York. LEARN to drive, Albany Driving Academy. NYS Licensed driving instructors. Call 9-4817, Ed and June Vanderwerken, for info rma lion. Pick-ups in TriVillage area. 0 CARPENTRY REMODELING-All types of carpenter work. l-L A. Ertel, 9-1048. Ed_Hehre, 9-1198. 0 SUNDAYSDelaware Tumpike, Unionville Rev. Louis H. Chisman. SUNDAY: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School; 11:00a.O'I. Worship Service CLASSIFIEDS AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL COMMUNITY METHODIST Chy.ch, SUNDAY: Slingerlands, Rhodes. SPOTLIGHT 9:45 a.m. Church School; 11 a.m. Moming Worship; 7 p.m. Youth Fellowship. CHURCH ELECTRICAL WORK Bethlehem-Selkirk, Rev. Theodore W. Luidens, minister. ALL types electrical work. FIRST REFORMED Call 9-4381. NORMANSVILLE C 0 M M UNITY SUNDAY: CHURCH, C, Emory Weeks, Pastar 9:45 a.m. Sunday School FAMILY PICNICS JERUSALEM REFORMED CHURCH, 11:00 a.m.. Worship Service PICNIC and swimming for a family SUNDAY: Feura Bush - Rev. Arthur P. Hom~ 7:30p.m. Youth Fellowship only $1.50, LESS than swimming 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, Childre n berg, Pastor. and Adults · WEDNESDAY: alone at most pools or beaches. SUNDAY-9:30a.m. Sunday School; 11 a.m. Worship Service 2:15p.m. Released Time Class Completely chlorinated pool for 10:30 a.m. Worship Service; 7 7:30p.m. Evening Fellowship Hou r 7:00 p.m. Junior Choir YOUR protection. Price includes p.m. Youth Fellowship. 8:00p.m. Senior Choir use of fireplace AND athletic eWEDNESDAY: MONTHLY-8 p.m. Ladies' Guild, 7:30 p.m. Hymn Sing followed b y Thursday: 7:30 _p.m. Bible Study, quipment for any outdoor game. 1st Monday; 2 p.m. Ladies' Aid Evenings and Sundays, by ap· Adult Bible Class pointment. Call 9-2464 for comSociety, last Thursday; 8 P·t;J· FRIDAY: Sunday School Teachers & Offi- 7:15p.m. Youth Fellowship. plete information. Onesquethaw Reformed Church cers meeting, last Tuesday; 8 Rev, Arthur Hamberg, FUNERAL DIRECTORS p.m. Consistory Meeting, last SATURDAY: SUNDAY: Monday. 1 p.m. Choir practice. In Time of Heed, Coli 11 a.m. Sunday School 8 p.m. Capital City Rescue Mi912 Noon Worship Service TEBBUTT'S SONS M. sion, 2nd week each month. NEW SCOTLAND P1!ESBYTERI· 12 Colvin 176 State AN CHURCH, Rev. Homer B. Silvernail. Alb. 89-0116 GLENMONT COMMUNITY Ch"'e h CAMP PINNACLE. Via Thacher Alb. 3-2179 SUNDAY: 9:30a.m. Church School (Reformed), Weiser Street, Glen Park and Beaver Darn Road or Suto 420 Kenwood for all ages; 11 a.m. Worship; mont - Rev. Harvey W. Noordsy Road or Route 15 7. • Delmar 9-2212 5 p.m. Sr. &Jr. Youth Fellowship Pas tor. 6-7710. Services: (Public invited) 11 Elm Street (No charge) SUNDAY: Nassau 8-1231 10 a,m. Worship Service; nursery Sunday: 11 a,m., 4 p.m., 7:30p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Meetings for different age groups. care for children under 3, Delmar. Over 107 Years of 11:10a,m. S(lnday School; classe s Daily: 11 a.m. and 7:30p.m. SUNDAY-11:00 a.m. Church Distinguished Funeral Service for children 3 years of age and (June 20--August 30. Directed by Service & Sunday School. older, including a. class for a• Trustees of Albany Bible Institute, Masonic Temple, Kenwood Ave. GENERAL REPAIRING dults, Churches may arrange for Church TESTIMONIAL MEETINGS: Every CHIMNEYS, new roofs, gutters, THURSDAY: Picnics on grounds. Thursday at 8 p.m. repairing and painting. 3-1604. 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal. 0 READING ROOM: 388 Kenwood Avenue. Hours: 10 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH OF GRADING to 12 Noon daily except Sunday; VOORHEESVILLE, Rev. Walte SUBSCRIBE TO THE SPOTLIGHT GRADING, front end loading, top 2 to 4 p.m. daily except Saturday Taylor, Pastor. soil, fill, gravel,. manure, rotoand Sunday. All are welcome. SUNDAY: tilling. A. H. Airey. 5-8991, 0 Benefit Food Sole 9:45 a.m. Sunday School SPOTLIGHT MASON WORK 9:45a.m.. Adult Bible Class Be sure not to miss the Food 11:00 a.m. Worship Service BRICK and block, sidewalks, at Saturday, 20th Sale, June 11:00 a.m. Pre-schooler nursery floors and chimneys. Free escare the Empire at the 'Four Corners. timates. 9-1294. 0 5:30p.m. Jr. High Youth Fellow It is for the b_enefit of St. ship The most economical medium Thomas' School Girls' Basket 6:30p.m. Sr. High Youth-Fellow ball team. shlp to em p lo y :Sp otli g ht Classilieds - w. . ' . . SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT CLASSIFIEDS HELP WANTED MALE :====~~~~~~~=====/==~~;;~~~;;;~~';~~;:==/DIRECT writing mutual company wishes to expand in Albany area. Salary, expenses and bonus earnings plan plus full COf!~• pany benefits will be offered to qualified licensed casualty and fire insurance men. Write Box 109, Delmar, stating qualifiestions for a confidential intef'o> repairs. Drive point wells. Hall &. Co. Inc., Delmar, N, Y. Phone 9-2233. 0 MOWER bar, right hand, for gatden tractor, 48-inch, $30, 9-4229. FREEZER, upright, almost 18 cu. ft. 9-3712. 28 Fl.A.N!5BURG, painting con.tracto•c. RO 5-2712, Voorhees0 new,0 ~v;i~ew~-~~~~~~~~~~s;~9~~ 1 2 DOES your water heater need replacing? If so, call for free es-timates. 9-4873. DELUXE water ski outfit, comcared for in my plete, used once, $25. 9-3656. by the day, 9-5545, TWO Bahma lounges, $30 BABY sitter or companion, reo two end tables, $10; one sponsible woman, evenings or table, $10; table model TV, weekends. Own car. Call after Ravena 8-6772. 6. 2-7254. Monday. ReSWIMMING pool, dk;;•;:,~·size, 22-foot transportation. deep. seasons.ROckwell ;;::,~~'~jJJ_:~~~~"'""",.;;;-n..-..c.----able. Used Call two evenings. Guaranteed service of TV sets, radios and other items in the electronics field, 9-647, 25 Brookman Avenue, Elsmere. 0 SEWING & ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONS and sewing. Buess, 9-1270. M. 0 TOOL RENTAL FLOOR sanders, edgers and polishers, also wax and fmishes. 1957 Detroiter two-bedroom, long air conditioned, living carpet. 9-1544. SUBSCRIBE TO THE $1.50. SPOTLIGHT $2.00. THE SPOTLIGHT Delmar, New York Please enter my subscription to the Spotlight for a period of 1 year 1-----"=='-'-'===--- 5-2662. JACOBSEN power motor, 18"' DELMAR - Large room, private bath. New home. 9-3527. wheel, Reasonable. ROckwell l==~~~]]~~~~ff~====l 5-2256. BENDIX automatic washer, $35; Bendix automatic dryer, $35, PASTOR desires lower flat, two or three bedrooms, $60. Has two 89-2331. chUdren. 9-3646. BABY items: Carriage with seat; FOUR-room apartment, heated, bathinette; bottle wanner; Babyfirst floor, vicinity Four Comers. Tends; scales; swings; apartment 9-5306. size washer. 9-3780, 2 years 3 (Chock ONE) lenclose$1 $1.50 (C;,cle ONE) Date Name Address DELUXE Lady Kenmore gas with oven rotisserie, used Bartley's 9-3190. 8 months. 54 Clair Drive, Delmar. RENT rug shampoo machine, floor EXAKTA camera F2·biotar autosander, floor polisher, wallpaper steamer, hand sanders, 62-4235, Erin's Housewares. 0 $295. 50 lb. hunting bow $45. Smith-Coroo.a deluxe portable years old $85. Call ev:enings, 9-700. FINEST quality loam. Rototilling. 9-3823, J. W. Michaels Co,, o m~ mower, excellent, $35; Pine commode, chest_ desk, 5-4474. FLEETWOOD 18'' chain saw, excellent condition. $75. FairTREE REMOVAL banks platform scales, $40. 12' sliding boattl, $10. Briggs-StratTREE removal. 9-3702 or RO ton 2'n hp. engine $25. Drag. 7-34 7& Mike Essex. scraper, RO 7-3808. -====:J'gi~~ffiQ;]::@'['[==== 114-foot Thompsm boat, trailer, $250, 9-1517. room set_ refrigerator, movers of furniture and applifibre rugs, 9-4450, ances, with care at a price you ANTIQUE mahogany dining room can afford, 9-3557, sideboard, mahogany and glass china closet, Call RO 5-2000, LIGHT trucking and rubbish and odd jobs. Al: 9-5549. Snuffy: WHlTEHOUSE runabout starting 2-8683. 28 $549; sale Scott Atwater 10 hp. $2 19, Jlh hp. $179; special cushion $3. 45, French Bait Tackle, 838 Broadway, Rensselaer. 30 - DICK LEONARDO - Experienced DINING '58 Cadillac $4395 '57 Buick White Coupe In exc;allant condltiDn, PDWer equipment. A real buy. $2195 light flrMn and wfllfa Roadmutar Hardtop Coupa. All powar. l!xcal· lent conditc••~·~·_ _ __ '55 Cadillac $1895 '57 Cadillac Two-tone blua 4-door Sedan, A very flna car with lots of miles •head. $3395 light green Convertible Coupe, Black top. Grllln and whlta leather In· terior. All power. Ready to go. '57 Imperial $3095 '57 Ford V·8 $1895 ANTlQUES, glassware, China, bottles, jugs in good condition.. Driftwood, 9-5537. 0 FRENCH - Furniture upholster- ing, Repairing, refinishing. We like to restore antique furniture to its original state. Dial 4-0633, UNIONVILLE-Wooded lot_ view. 100x200 ft. 9-2072, nice 28 WALLPAPERS PR&TRIM, washable, sun tested CAMP-Speculator Lake, pleasant, wallpaper 59¢ a roll. Bartley's. $50 per week. Call weekdays. 9-3190. . 0 62-3745. Whlla Crown 4-door Hardtop. With all powar, New premium white waU tlrn. Low mlleega. A real beauty. Dark gnen Country Sedan. f.pauanger Station Wagon. Stand.ud transmission. A·l condition, ALL CARS INDOORS IN OUR SHOWROOM John D. Wendell, Inc. Afbon) Coaaty't Only Authotl:rad Cadillac Deal• 450 CENTRAL AVE. 2·3318 THE SPOTLIG AGE 20 -June 18, 1959 Mr. and Mrs. William I.ewanick (Continued from Page 17) of Cedar Hill, Selkirk. She was through 12th grades in the new crowned in a celebration held at Y THE WAY building. And also this was the first class to graduate after Hamilton Bookhout became Principal. Down Ravena way at St. Patrick's Church was the setting of the marriage of Louise Belle Newkirk to Cornelius Gilbert Goes. Louise is the daughter of Mrs. Alfred Newkirk of Selkirk and the bridegroom 1s parents are Mr. and :Mrs. Cornelius J. Goes of Cedar Hill. After a trip to Canada, they will reside in Feura Bush. Interesting too was the recent crowning of the Queen of Mildred Elley. The Queen was Diane Lewanick, daughter of NOW a tea and entertainment by the students held at the SheratonTenEyck Hotel~ Don't want to neglect Robert E. McNary of McCormack Road, Slingerlands, who has been named to the director 1s honor list at Russell Sage Evening College for the Spring semester just ended. Congratulations also to Mr. Fred Peters of Delmar, who was recently: made president of National Savings Bank. Since January he has served as executive vice-president, but began his banking career in 1923 as a clerk and messenger • Call for this de))endable heatina team NOW! . 20-minutes FREE PARKING 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for our customers in our new parking lot on James St. south of Maiden Lane • PREMIUM GRADE HEATING OIL • PREMIUM SERVICE -~ !lf"'"f:"" FURNACE~ INST:~~LED GE AND SERVICED BY OUR'~FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE MEN. WILLIAM McEWAN COAL & OIL CO. SINCE 1863 4-1211 26 Clinton Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 4-12(' HUDSON COAL Enjoy free parking while yon bank at our Main Office. GE OIL FURNACES Just drive east on Maiden Lane, tom sooth on james Street. Ql 'ON l~Wlad OIYd DRIVE-IN THE TELLER AND PARKING AREA AT CENTRAL AVENUE BRANCH 339 Central Avenue, at Quail Street State Bank of Albany Chartered. JRfH Member F•d•ral D•posit lns\lronu Corporalion 3~V l.SOd "S . n a1o~ ~1ns YORK OIL BURN
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