INW PCP GG Meeting_13 October 2014

Inner North West Primary Care Partnership
Governance Group Meeting
Monday, 13 October 2014
Inner North West Melbourne Medicare Local
1.30pm – 3.30pm
INWMML Health Pathways presented by Janelle Devereux, Manager Service
Development and Integration.
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Present and apologies
Barry Hahn, Moreland City Council (Chair)
Chris Carter, Inner North West Melbourne Medicare Local
Dean Griggs, City of Melbourne
Emma Fitzsimon, INW PCP Acting Executive Officer
Katherine Utry, Department of Health
Nigel Fidgeon, Merri Community Health Service
Qui Ma, Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association
Robyn Gregory, Women’s Health West
Bronwyn Davies, Royal District Nursing Service
Daryl Oehm, Victorian Transcultural Mental Health
Fiona McCormack, Melbourne Health Community Partnerships
Jason Rostant, cohealth
Kirsten Rodgers, St Vincent’s Hospital
Tony McCosker, St Mary’s House of Welcome
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes from the 11 August 2014 meeting were accepted.
4. Conflict of Interest
Chris Carter declared a potential conflict of interest in relation to item 10.2 of the
agenda as INWMML will be seeking to submit a bid for a Primary Health Network.
5. Correspondence In
Moved: Chris Carter
Seconded : Robyn Gregory
6.1 Presentations 2014
Carried forward
6.2 Update on Statewide PCP
Strategic Directions
Emma Fitzsimon advised:
Susan Rennie has been appointed to the Statewide Strategic Manager position at
0.6 EFT for 6 months and will be reviewing the governance structure of Victorian
Grant Hamilton’s role has been divided amongst five PCP Executive Officers for
the interim and this will be reviewed in February 2015
The Advocacy Working Group has developed lobby packs to assist EO’s in their
discussions with politicians leading up to the state election. The pack contains a cover
letter, a PCP communiqué, examples of local case studies and a document listing over
800 agencies that have memberships with statewide PCPs.
Action: Barry Hahn and Emma Fitzsimon
will draft a strategy to help guide INW
PCP discussions with politicians. The
draft will be circulated to the
Governance Group for feedback.
6. Business Arising
6.3 Governance Group LGA Vacancy
Action: Prior to each meeting decide
who is strategically best placed to attend
these meetings with Barry and Emma.
Action: Emma Fitzsimon to develop a
proposed list of politicians to visit.
Emma advised there are three marginal seats in the inner north west catchment;
Brunswick, Melbourne and Richmond that the INW PCP could target. Barry Hahn asked
the Governance Group if they supported this approach to meet with politicians and
asked if there were any other politicians that we should be targeting. Robyn Gregory
suggested members of the Upper House could also be approached. Barry commented
that other PCP’s in the region may be planning to visit these members and suggested
having discussions with the NWMR PCP’s about who they intended to target. Robyn
suggested that the focus of the discussions should be guided by the current INW PCP
strategic plan.
The Local Government vacancy was filled by City of Melbourne and the nominee is
Dean Griggs.
7. Budget 2013-2014 & Report YTD
7.1 2014/15 YTD Budget Report
Emma Fitzsimon tabled the August year to date budget report.
Robyn Gregory queried the variance in Special Projects of $22K. Emma explained the
variance was due to:
unspent funds rolled over from 2013/14
there was no project coordinator during the July-August period where projects
were on hold.
$67K of the special project funds are Department of Health auspice funds which
they have recently started to spend.
7.2 2014/15 Budget
7.2.1 Breakdown and Trend of Revenue
Streams for 2013/14 and 2014/15
2014/15 YTD Budget Report
8. Medicare Local Developments
9. Department of Health Update – NWMR
Emma Fitzsimon tabled the third draft 2014/15 budget report and advised:
There is a CPI adjustment of 3%
Income has decreased due to:
o Completion of the Closing the Health Gap project
o the Department of Health Immunisation Project completion
o Statewide Executive Officer position ceasing.
Expenditure decreased due to projects being completed- Closing the Health Gap
The 2014/15 budget has a projected total income of $811,321, expenditure
$556,555 and surplus of $254,766.
INW PCP have received Koolin Balit funding for 12 months. North East PCP is
holding the funds for the NWMR region project and a meeting is scheduled on
Wednesday to determine the funds allocation for each PCP. INW PCP will be
employing a project coordinator at 0.6 eft for this project.
The INW PCP website is currently being updated
Statewide PCP membership fees increased this financial year
Emma Fitzsimon tabled the final draft 2014/15 budget notes including the breakdown
and trend of revenue streams.
Decision: That the revised 2014/15
budget be adopted.
Moved: Nigel Fidgeon
Seconded : Robyn Gregory
Chris Carter provided the following updates:
INWMML will be putting in a bid for a PHN and are undertaking discussions with
their partners. COAG met on Friday, so there may be an announcement on the PHN
boundaries soon.
Releasing suite of products and processes soon.
Completed a community information forum for Type 2 diabetes
Finalised information sheets for i-immunise for vaccine refusers
Running a citizen’s jury information session soon.
Katherine Utry provided the following updates:
Population Health short course taking place next week.
Mental Health and AOD recommissioning – first phase has been completed. Now
need to embed and operationalise. Maintaining a close eye on any issues that may
No indication on what Phase 2 will look like. Sector consultations have not finished
as yet. Recommendations will inform Phase 2.
HACC transition process – waiting on word from Commonwealth
Election – caretaker period begins on Tuesday 4 November at 6 pm.
10. New Business
10.1 NWMR PCP EO PHN discussions
Emma provided an update on the meetings she has attended (to date) regarding the
forming of PHN’s.
The 4 PCP EO’s in the NWMR have been having discussions regarding the
extent to which PCP’s could contribute to a PHN. The 4 EO’s decided to take
a proactive approach and commenced discussions with DH and ML’s. The
PHNs are likely to cover a larger region (NW) and the NWMR PCPs feel they
are well placed to collectively address local catchment issues across the
region. There are some concerns regarding further fragmentation and
duplication of the service system. The focus of discussions to date has been
around how PCP’s can add value to a PHN bid.
The PCP EOs recently met with Steve Ballard and Iain Butterworth from the
NWMR Department of Health to get some direction from DH regarding PCP
involvement in a PHN. They recommended that PCP’s take a proactive
approach and explore all opportunities.
The NMR PCP EOs invited all NWMR Medicare Locals to attend a meeting last
month. The Northern ML and SW ML were in attendance at this meeting.
The 4 EO’s met with the INW MML last week
MNRWMML contacted the 4 PCP EO’s and has scheduled a meeting at the end
of the month.
10.2 (Draft) INW PCP Position
Statement – PHN submissions
Chris Carter left the meeting for this discussion due to a potential conflict of interest.
Barry Hahn said there are two questions for the Governance Group:
1. Should the INW PCP as an entity, under the leadership of the Governance Group
take a position in potentially supporting funding bids for PHNs?
2. What is our role in making material available to member agencies on the
assumption individual agencies will be approached to support bids for a PHN?
It was discussed that due to the level of potential conflict of interest between member
agencies and the PCP, the PCP it was suggested that it would not be appropriate for the
PCP to support individual bids for PHN funding. It was agreed that it is not possible for
the PCP to facilitate a process that could take all the range of potential conflicts of
interest into account. However the INW PCP could provide member agencies with
resources that they can choose to use when making a decision to support or not
support a bid.
Motion: INW PCP will not be supporting
individual bids for a PHN.
Moved: Nigel Fidgeon
Seconded: Dean Griggs
Motion: INW PCP will explore the
possibility of providing member agencies
with resources and principles that they
can use to assist their decision making in
supporting or not supporting PHNs.
Moved: Dean Griggs
Seconded: Nigel Fidgeon
Emma Fitzsimon asked the Governance Group what the process should be if INW PCP
were approached to form a bid for a PHN. It was agreed to consider this question if it
Jason Rostant provided the following suggested guiding principles by email prior to this
community and consumer involvement in governance and decision making
inclusion of SDOH as well as an equity focus
multi-disciplinary focus
population health analysis, systems-approach
inter-sectoral collaboration and multi-agency partnerships
Action: Emma Fitzsimon to amend the
Position Statement on PHN submissions
based on discussions today and
feedback from Jason Rostant and send
out the draft for comments.
Action: Emma Fitzsimon to draft a letter
template for member agencies.
Barry Hahn advised that we should be mindful that the specifications for PHN’s are
likely to be very prescriptive, particularly around the governance structure and we
should consider this when refining the guiding principles.
10.3 Review of Governance Policies
Robyn Gregory suggested that the Governance Group policy review process should
include evidence that the policies/procedures are being used and include some sort of
audit process, particularly in relation to the delegations policy. Nigel Fidgeon advised
that Merri’s financial auditing process includes a detailed process for auditing the INW
PCP financial position.
Emma Fitzsimon queried whether the Finance Committee should oversee the risk
management framework considering the current environment and requested that the
Finance Sub-committee become the Finance & Risk Sub –committee. It was agreed that
it made sense that the INW PCP risk management framework could be overseen by the
Finance Committee as well.
Foreshadowed motion:
The Governance Group looked at the
process for surveillance and auditing of
the policies and reviewed the wording in
the policies. It was AGREED that risk
management framework should be
overseen by the Finance Committee,
and proposed that the Finance Subcommittee should become the Finance
and Risk Sub-committee
Nigel Fidgeon said the Delegations Authority should be referred to the Finance
Committee as the current delegation policy is not aligned with Merri policy/procedure.
The Finance Committee will discuss this at the next meeting in December and then
present back to the Governance Group.
Nigel recommended that the ‘Governing Approach’ policy should just be called
‘Governance’. This was agreed to.
Due to Dean Griggs departure from the meeting at 2.45 pm, there was no longer a
quorum to adopt the changes to the policies.
10.4 EO Performance Review
Action: Agenda Resolution and Decision
of Governance Policies for the next
Barry Hahn advised he will contact Robyn Gregory and Daryl Oehm to coordinate the
EO performance review.
11. Executive Officer Report
Emma Fitzsimon advised she is firming up a time to meet with Steve Ballard to discuss
the NWMR Family Violence identifying and responding proposal.
INW PCP launched the Closing the Health Gap resources on its website and a working
group has been established to plan a launch in the coming weeks.
12. Other Business
Katherine Utry advised the Services Connect Partnerships have been announced and
the Hume Moreland Services Connect Partnership is led by Kildonan UnitingCare.
13. Next Meeting
Monday, 8 December 2014.
Meeting closed at 3.30pm