544856 ACC0010.1177/2048872614544856European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular CareYayehd et al. research-article2014 EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY ® Original scientific paper Role of primary care physicians in treating patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction located in remote areas (from the REseau Nord-Alpin des Urgences [RENAU], Network) European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 1–10 © The European Society of Cardiology 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/2048872614544856 acc.sagepub.com Komlavi Yayehd1,2, Cécile Ricard1, François-Xavier Ageron1, Léna Buscaglia1, Dominique Savary1, Bernard Audema3, Diane Lacroix1, Manuela Barthes3, Patrick Joubert3, Gaël Gheno1, and Loic Belle1, for the RENAU-RESURCOR study investigators Abstract Background: European guidelines for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) encourage healthcare networks to increase rates of, and decrease delays to, reperfusion. We examined the impact of training primary care physicians (PCPs) to use equipment for pre-hospital management of STEMI patients in remote areas. Methods and results: A network for cardiac emergencies was set up in the French Northern Alps in 2002 and a registry of STEMI patients has been kept since. In 2005, 24 local volunteer PCPs were trained and equipped with electrocardiograms, fibrinolysis kits, and automated external defibrillators to deal with cardiac emergencies in remote areas (>30-minute ambulance travelling time). In this study, when the central call dispatcher received a telephone call from a patient in a remote area reporting chest pain with a high probability of STEMI, the dispatcher sent a mobile intensive care unit (MICU) with an emergency physician on board and asked the local PCP, if available, to manage the patient while awaiting arrival of the MICU. Patients in whom the diagnosis of STEMI was confirmed were taken by MICU to an interventional cardiology hospital. We report on patients who received care from a PCP before arrival of the MICU. Between 2005 and 2010, 4,015 patients were enrolled in the registry; 180 patients were located in a remote area, of whom 140 were in an area covered by a participating PCP. Of the 62 patients attended by a PCP before MICU arrival, 27 received thrombolysis and eight patients with ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation were shocked with an automated external defibrillator by the PCP. Mean times from telephone call to thrombolysis were shorter when the patient was attended by a PCP (45.0 ± 25.5 vs 62.4 ± 23.4 min without intervention; p = 0.003). STEMI diagnosis without contraindication to thrombolysis was confirmed in 26 of 27 patients treated as such by PCPs and 1 patient was diagnosed with a Tako-Tsubo syndrome. Conclusion: PCP care of STEMI patients located in isolated areas appears efficient, with high rates of resuscitation and thrombolysis and a shorter delay to reperfusion. Keywords ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, primary care physician, thrombolysis Received: 11 May 2014; Accepted: 4 July 2014 1Hospital of Annecy, France Teaching Hospital of Campus, Lomé, Togo 3Médecins de Montagne, Chambéry, France 2University Corresponding author: Loic Belle, Department of Cardiology, CHR Annecy, 1 avenue de l’hôpital 74370 Metz-Tessy, France. Email: [email protected] Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 2 European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care Introduction Timely diagnosis and early reperfusion therapy is recommended in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) to minimize the risk of adverse outcomes.1,2 Although primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the preferred reperfusion strategy, fibrinolysis offers an alternative, particularly in settings where primary PCI cannot be performed within the recommended timeframe.1,2 In France, the emergency medical system (EMS) comprises a medical emergency dispatching centre in each administrative department (500,000 to 1 million inhabitants) with a nationwide telephone number (15) and mobile intensive care units (MICUs) affiliated with each hospital and staffed by emergency physicians. In the emergency situation, the population is encouraged to dial 15 and the dispatching centre sends a MICU, when required. The establishment of the EMS has led to reductions in the delay to reperfusion for STEMI.3 For patients located in remote areas (especially tourists in mountain resorts), however, early MICU management remains challenging. The purpose of this study is to report our findings from a study involving STEMI patients located in remote areas in Haute-Savoie and managed through a regional emergency cardiac network. Methods We analysed the data from patients with acute STEMI enrolled in an ongoing regional prospective registry in the Northern Alps in France. The rationale for and methods used have been detailed previously.4–7 The Northern Alps encompasses three French administrative departments (or counties; Isère, Savoie, and HauteSavoie) covering 15,000 km2, with an estimated population of 1,860,000 but with wide seasonal variations due to tourism. The Haute-Savoie department covers high mountainous areas and has approximately 700,000 inhabitants. Five hospitals are located in this department (St-Julien-enGenevois, Annemasse, Sallanches, Thonon, Annecy), all of which have a MICU, and 1 (Annecy) has catheterization laboratory facilities. Patients in Haute-Savoie also have access to the catheterization laboratory facilities in two neighbouring hospitals, located in Geneva and Grenoble (Figure 1). Figure 1. Map (and detail) showing locations of hospitals and primary care physician offices and available facilities. MICU = mobile intensive care unit. Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 3 Yayehd et al. The RESeau des URgences CORonaires (RESURCOR) network is a coordinated regional system of care for patients with cardiac emergencies, as a part of the REseau NordAlpin des Urgences (RENAU) network started in October 2002 in the Northern Alps for the management of emergencies in the Northern French Alps. RESURCOR involves all 15 acute care hospitals (including 3 PCI centres) in this region, along with three EMS call centres and 12 centres with MICUs affiliated with the hospitals. The aim of the RESURCOR network is to provide prompt diagnosis and reduce delays to initiating recommended treatments in medical emergencies, particularly in acute STEMI. Twenty-four PCPs in 12 medical offices have been involved in RESURCOR since 2005. These PCPs are trained and equipped by the EMS to deal with cardiac emergencies through the provision of electrocardiogram (ECG) machines and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) (Figure 1). Nineteen of the PCPs were also trained and equipped to administer pre-hospital fibrinolysis. All physicians (including the PCPs) involved in the RESURCOR network were invited to meetings where the overall policy of the network and the recommendations for timely reperfusion therapy were presented and discussed. As part of the RESURCOR network, a triage algorithm and set of treatment protocols for coronary reperfusion were established according to published guidelines1,2 and available resources, and were approved by representatives of the EMS call centres, MICUs, emergency departments, coronary care units, and coronary interventional staff. The triage algorithm and treatment protocols were disseminated through pocket cards and booklets and are available at a dedicated website (www.renau.org). The recommendations are reviewed and updated annually according to the most recent published evidence. The triage algorithm recommends that physicians at EMS call centres dispatch a MICU when they receive a call from a patient with symptoms suggestive of acute myocardial infarction starting within the previous 12 hours.7 MICUs are staffed by emergency or critical care physicians who can administer pre-hospital fibrinolysis and/or activate the closest catheterization laboratory on route for primary PCI, depending on anticipated delays in initiating reperfusion. The network recommends direct admission to a PCI centre irrespective of the administration and type of reperfusion therapy. When the central call dispatcher receives a telephone call from a patient located in a remote area who reports chest pain with a high probability of STEMI, the dispatcher asks the local PCP, if available, to attend the patient while awaiting arrival of the MICU. If the diagnosis of STEMI is confirmed, helicopter transportation to the PCI hospital can be requested subject to availability, weather conditions, and visibility.4 In the RESURCOR registry, data were collected prospectively on the clinical baseline characteristics, time to reperfusion therapy, and coronary angiography findings in patients with STEMI. Fibrinolysis was considered to have been given by a PCP if a record to this effect was included in the patient’s medical record and if the injection of drug had been done before arrival of the MICU. Additional data were recorded retrospectively from hospital clinical files in patients treated by a PCP. The data collection methods, verification procedures, accuracy, and primary outcomes have been reported in detail elsewhere.5,6,8,9 In this analysis, data from patients located in remote areas (> 30-minute delay between telephone call to the EMS and arrival of the ambulance; ‘remote group’) were compared with data from patients located close to a hospital ( 30-minute delay; ‘local group’). Second, in remote areas, data from patients who received a PCP intervention were compared with data from patients who did not receive a PCP intervention. Categorical variables are expressed as counts and percentages and comparisons made with the chi-squared test. Continuous variables are described with means and standard deviations and comparisons made with Student’s t test. Time variables were log-transformed. For all tests, statistical significance were set at p < 0.05. The data were analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 (IBM Corp, NY). Results Between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2010, 4,015 consecutive patients were enrolled in the RESURCOR registry. The patient flow chart is shown in Figure 2. In 1,357 of these patients, STEMI had occurred in the department of Haute-Savoie; 431 of these patients were admitted direct to the emergency department and 926 were treated in a MICU. Of the 926 patients, 180 were in a remote area (140 in an area with a participating PCP) and 730 were in a local area; data were missing for 16 patients. Sixty-two patients were treated by a participating PCP, 52 of whom were equipped to administer fibrinolytic therapy. The baseline characteristics, management, and delays to treatment for patients located in remote and local areas are given in Table 1. Patients in the remote group were younger than those in local group and a greater proportion experienced a cardiac arrest as the initial presentation. More patients in the remote group were treated with pre-hospital fibrinolysis and transported to hospital by helicopter, and the delays from telephone call to MICU arrival, to receipt of pre-hospital reperfusion, and to hospital admission were longer. Other clinical characteristics were similar between the two groups. None of the patients in the two groups were treated with hospital fibrinolysis. The characteristics and management of patients in the remote group are given in Table 2, according to whether they received an intervention from a PCP while awaiting arrival of the MICU. Of the 74 patients who did not receive a PCP intervention, 31 were in an area not covered by a PCP, and 43 patients were in an area covered by a PCP but Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 4 European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 4015 patients enrolled in the RESURCOR registry from 2005 to 2010 2658 patients located outside Haute-Savoie 1357 patients located in Haute-Savoie 431 patients with no intervention by MICU 926 patients with intervention by MICU 730 patients located locally + 16 with missing data 180 patients located in a remote area 31 patients located in a remote area not covered by a PCP + 9 with missing data 140 patients located in a remote area covered by PCP 74 patients located in a remote area with no PCP + 44 with missing data 43 patients with no PCP intervention + 35 with missing data 62 patients with PCP intervention 9 patients with PCP with no fibrinolysis facilities + 1 with missing data 52 patients with PCP with fibrinolysis facilities intervention Figure 2. Flow chart of study population. MICU = mobile intensive care unit; PCP = primary care physician; RESURCOR = RESeau des URgences CORonaires. who was unavailable to attend the patient. Baseline clinical characteristics were well matched between the two groups, with the exception of cardiogenic shock, which was more frequent in the group attended by a PCP. In the PCP-intervention group, 27 of 62 patients (43.5%) were treated with fibrinolysis before arrival of the MICU and 17 were treated with fibrinolysis by the MICU onboard physician. After admission to hospital, 17 patients underwent primary PCI and 1 patient did not receive any reperfusion therapy within 12 hours of symptom onset. The time from telephone call to the EMS to receipt of fibrinolysis was reduced by an average of 17 minutes in the group attended by a PCP (45.05 ± 25.5 vs 62.3 ± 25.9 minutes, p = 0.003) (Table 2). The in-hospital characteristics, management, and outcomes of patients in the remote group who received a PCP intervention before MICU arrival are shown in Table 3. All 62 patients were admitted direct by the MICUs to hospitals with catheterization laboratory facilities and underwent coronary angiography, 35 on admission (17 primary PCI and 18 angiograms after suspected failed fibrinolysis) and 27 during the hospital stay. The final diagnosis was STEMI in 59 of 62 cases; other diagnoses were Tako-Tsubo syndrome, myopericarditis, and left bundle branch block with non-STEMI as a final diagnosis. All patients experienced a rise in troponin concentration, with a local threshold value for detecting myocardial infarction >0.3 ng/L. Cardiologists confirmed the indication for fibrinolysis in all 27 patients (26 with a final diagnosis of STEMI and one with TakoTsubo syndrome) who received PCP-administered prehospital fibrinolysis. Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 5 Yayehd et al. Table 1. Baseline characteristics, management, and delays to treatment in STEMI patients located in remote and local areas. Factor Remote area (n=180) Local area (n=730) P value Age, mean ± SD, years Men, n (%) Medical history, n (%) Unstable angina <1 week before STEMI* Angina pectoris Percutaneous coronary intervention Coronary artery bypass Initial presentation, n (%) Cardiogenic shock Anterior location of STEMI Non-anterior location of STEMI Left bundle branch block Large infarction† Cardiac arrest as initial presentation Management, n (%) Helicopter transportation Fibrinolysis (pre- or in-hospital) Prehospital fibrinolysis Fibrinolysis given by the primary care physician‡ Direct transfer to PCI hospital Primary PCI Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor§ Emergent coronary angiography after fibrinolysis Emergency PCI after fibrinolysis Delay, mean ± SD, minutes Symptom onset to call to EMS Call to MICU arrival Call to fibrinolysis (pre- or in-hospital) Call to fibrinolysis (prehospital fibrinolysis) Call to hospital admission (for patients on fibrinolysis)¶ Call to hospital admission for sheath insertion (primary PCI)** 61.0 ± 12.6 147 (82) 63.1 ± 13.4 567 (78) 0.05 0.24 48 (27) 22 (12) 15 (8) 2 (1,1) 228 (31) 109 (15) 72 (10) 20 (2,7) 0.23 0.36 0.54 0.28 6 (3) 67 (37) 105 (62) 6 (3) 88 (49) 15 (8) 24 (3) 300 (41) 391 (57) 18 (2) 344 (47) 34 (5) 0.96 0.37 0.21 0.44 0.62 0.05 69 (39) 117 (65) 114 (63) 27 (15) 165 (92) 60 (34) 65 (37) 74 (63) 44 (38) 58 (8,1) 398 (55) 379 (52) 0 (0) 650 (89) 300 (41) 271 (38) 253 (64) 175 (44) <0.001 0.009 0.006 – 0.30 0.06 0.89 0.95 0.22 106.5 ± 124.0 32.0 ± 17.9 55.5 ± 26.7 54.2 ± 24.5 136.6 ± 52.9 99.0 ± 123.5 13.6 ± 19.5 50.4 ± 24.9 47.8 ± 20.2 112.4 ± 39.6 0.07 <0.001 0.06 0.01 <0.001 143.5 ± 61.9 120.1 ± 77.8 <0.001 EMS = emergency medical system; MICU = mobile intensive care unit; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention, SD = standard deviation; STEMI = ST-elevation myocardial infarction. *Data missing for 26 patients. †ST elevation in 5 leads for anterior myocardial infarction or mirror in 3 precordial leads for inferior myocardial infarction. ‡Data missing for 17 patients. §Data missing for 8 patients. ¶Delay calculated for 103/117 patients in remote areas and for 369/398 patients in local areas. **Delay calculated for 57/60 patients in remote areas and for 287/300 patients in local areas. Out of 180 (38%) patients in the remote group, 69 were transported to hospital by helicopter (Table 4). We observed no differences in delays to MICU arrival, receipt of fibrinolytic therapy, or hospital admission for those transported to hospital by helicopter versus by road. Among the 60 patients who underwent primary PCI, the time from telephone call to admission for primary PCI was significantly shorter in the patients transported by helicopter (p = 0.04). Forty-nine of the 926 patients had a cardiac arrest before first medical or paramedical (fire brigade) contact, of which 13 out of 49 were located in a remote area covered by a PCP. The first medical contact was with a PCP in eight of these patients, six of whom received an electric shock from an AED by the PCP; 5 of these patients were discharged alive from hospital (Figure 3). Five patients had a cardiac arrest after the first medical/paramedical contact, two after arrival of the PCP (but before arrival of the MICU); both of these patients received an electric shock administered by the PCP, one of whom was discharged alive from hospital. Discussion In this prospective registry performed in the French Northern Alps, one-fifth of the patients with STEMI Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 6 European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care Table 2. Baseline characteristics, management, and delays to treatment in patients in the remote areas, according to PCP intervention before MICU arrival. Factor Year of enrolment 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Age, mean ± SD, years Men, n (%) Unstable angina <1 week before STEMI* History of angina pectoris History of percutaneous coronary intervention History of coronary artery bypass Initial presentation, n (%) Cardiogenic shock Anterior location of STEMI Non-anterior location of STEMI Left bundle branch block Large infarction† Cardiac arrest Management, n (%) Helicopter transportation, Fibrinolysis (pre- or in-hospital) Prehospital fibrinolysis Fibrinolysis given by the primary care physician Direct transfer to PCI hospital Primary PCI Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor Emergent coronary angiography after fibrinolysis Emergency PCI after fibrinolysis Delay, mean ± SD, minutes Symptom onset to call to EMS Call to MICU arrival Call to fibrinolysis (pre- or in-hospital) Call to fibrinolysis (pre-hospital fibrinolysis) Call to hospital admission (for patients on fibrinolysis)‡ Call to hospital admission for sheath insertion§ Intervention from PCP (n=62) No intervention from PCP (n=74) P value 11 (18) 6 (10) 5 (8) 13 (21) 13 (21) 13 (21) 58.7 ± 12.9 49 (79) 16 (26) 7 (12) 6 (10) 1 (1) 11 (15) 11 (15) 17 (23) 6 (8) 15 (20) 14 (19) 61.7 ± 11.9 60 (81) 19 (26) 11 (15) 6 (8) 1 (1) 0.16 0.76 0.99 0.56 0.72 1.00 5 (8) 22 (36) 37 (60) 2 (3) 32 (53) 8 (13) 0 30 (42) 40 (55) 2 (3) 34 (46) 5 (7) 0.02 0.59 0.50 0.99 0.45 0.53 30 (50) 44 (71) 44 (71) 27 (44) 55 (89) 17 (28) 46 (78) 27 (61) 18 (41) 27 (37) 45 (61) 43 (58) 0 (0) 69 (93) 28 (39) 54 (74) 25 (56) 13 (29) 0.13 0.17 0.12 106.6 ± 114.2 29.5 ± 18.9 45.0 ± 25.5 45.0 ± 25.5 136.3 ± 63.9 90.8 ± 131.2 33.1 ± 17.4 62.3 ± 25.9 62.4 ± 23.4 137.5 ± 41.9 0.08 0.11 0.003 0.003 0.71 145.1 ± 84.9 145 ± 52.3 0.58 0.35 0.22 0.59 0.58 0.23 EMS = emergency medical system; MICU = mobile intensive care unit; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention; SD = standard deviation; STEMI = ST-elevation myocardial infarction. *Data missing for 6 patients. †ST elevation in 5 leads for anterior myocardial infarction or mirror in 3 precordial leads for inferior myocardial infarction. ‡Delay calculated for 38/44 patients in PCP group and 39/45 in no-PCP group. §Delay calculated for all 17 patients in PCP group and for 25/28 in no-PCP group. managed by a MICU were located in isolated areas. Most (78%) of these patients were in areas covered by a PCP trained and equipped to provide pre-hospital treatment for STEMI; however, only 44% of the patients were actually treated by a PCP while awaiting arrival of the MICU. The diagnoses made by PCPs appear reliable and safe, with 95% of the initial STEMI diagnoses being confirmed subsequently, along with all 27 indications for fibrinolytic therapy. Intervention by a PCP also significantly reduced the delay from telephone call to receipt of fibrinolysis, by an average of 17 minutes. For patients located in remote areas, who experienced long delays between the initial telephone call to the emergency services and the arrival of the MICU, the time to initiation of fibrinolysis was shorter in Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 7 Yayehd et al. Table 3. In-hospital information: STEMI patients managed by PCPs in remote areas.* Factor MICU location, n (%) Annecy Annemasse Sallanches Thonon Missing data Hospital admission, n (%) Annecy Genève Grenoble Infarct-related artery at coronary angiography, n (%) Thrombosis (TIMI 0–1 flow) Stenosis Spontaneous dissection Normal Infarct-related artery, n (%) Left main Left anterior descending Right coronary Circumflex None Final diagnosis, n (%) STEMI Myopericarditis NSTEMI (left bundle branch block) Tako-Tsubo syndrome Maximum troponin concentration, mean ± SD, ng/L Revascularization, n (%) None Coronary artery bypass graft PCI In-hospital death, n (%) All patients treated by PCPs (n=62) Patients treated by PCPs able to give prehospital fibrinolysis (n=52) 28 (45) 2 (3) 21 (34) 10 (16) 1 (2) 26 (50) 2 (4) 13 (25) 10 (19) 1 (2) 51 (82) 9 (15) 2 (3) 43 (83) 8 (15) 1 (2) 29 (47) 30 (48) 1 (2) 2 (3) 24 (46) 25 (48) 1 (2) 2 (4) 3 (5) 23 (37) 26 (42) 8 (13) 2 (3) 2 (4) 21 (40) 22 (42) 5 (10) 2 (4) 59 (95) 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2) 97.5 ± 97.7 49 (94) 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2) 84.6 ± 85.7 8 (13) 3 (5) 51 (82) 2 (4) 8 (15) 2 (4) 42 (81) 3 (5) EMS = emergency medical system; MICU = mobile intensive care unit; NSTEMI = non-ST elevation myocardial infarction; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention; PCP = primary care physician; SD = standard deviation; STEMI = ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Table 4. Delays to treatment in STEMI patients in remote areas according to mode of transportation to hospital. Time, mean ± SD* Transportation by helicopter (n=69) Transportation by road (n=107) P value Symptom onset to call to EMS Call to MICU arrival Call to fibrinolysis Call to admission to hospital† Call to admission for primary PCI‡ 106.2 ± 122.8 31.9 ± 18.8 58.2 ± 30.0 144.4 ± 68.2 126.5 ± 40.6 103.8 ± 120.3 32.0 ± 17.2 54.4 ± 25.4 132.9 ± 43.2 158.9 ± 75.3 0.79 0.87 0.97 0.42 0.04 EMS = emergency medical service; MICU = mobile intensive care unit; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention; SD = standard deviation. *Data missing for 4 patients. †Delay calculated for 111/117 patients with fibrinolysis. ‡Delay calculated for 56/60 patients with primary PCI. Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 8 European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 926 pa!ents enrolled in the RESURCOR registry in the Haute-Savoie with interven!on of MICU 49 pa!ents with cardiac arrest as ini!al clinical presenta!on 15 pa!ents located in a remote area 13 pa!ents located in a remote area covered by a PCP 5 pa!ents with no PCP interven!on 8 pa!ents with PCP interven!on 6 electric shocks delivered by PCP 2 electric shocks delivered by firefighters/paramedics before PCP arrival 5 pa!ents alive 2 pa!ents alive Figure 3. Patients with cardiac arrest as the initial presentation. PCP = primary care physician; RESURCOR = RESeau des URgences CORonaires. those treated by a PCP compared with those not treated by a PCP. The benefit of early intervention by a PCP in acute STEMI was also demonstrated by the early treatment of cardiac arrest, with electric shocks delivered by PCPs in 8 patients. However, one area for improvement is the rate of fibrinolytic therapy and the delay to perform that therapy: 27 patients received fibrinolysis but only two of the other 35 patients treated by PCP with STEMI had contraindications to this therapy, and were therefore candidates for prehospital fibrinolysis. A gain of a mean of 17 minutes for starting fibrinolysis could seem short10 and may be reduced further in the future. Delays in transportation to hospital (and the performance of PCI) were longer for patients in remote than in local areas. Treatment by a PCP (versus no treatment by a PCP) did not lead to a reduction in the transportation time for patients in remote areas. Thus, while treatment by a PCP did not decrease transportation delay (caused by the remote location), it did reduce the time to initiation of fibrinolysis. Transportation by helicopter did not decrease delay to MICU arrival because this mode of transport was generally chosen after confirmation of the diagnosis, by either the PCP or the MICU team (arriving by road). The delay to hospital admission was numerically but not statistically significantly lower in patients transported to hospital by helicopter, most likely because of a lack of power (n=176 patients). However, helicopter transfer did reduce significantly the delay from telephone call to primary PCI (Table 4). Reducing the delay to starting fibrinolytic therapy in eligible patients with STEMI remains challenging. An analysis of studies in which 6,434 patients were randomized to pre-hospital or in-hospital thrombolysis showed a large reduction (17%; odds ratio 0.83; 95% CI 0.70–0.98) in allcause hospital mortality with pre-hospital treatment.11 For this purpose, the French pre-hospital EMS was established, with an emergency physician on board the MICU.12,13 Studies of pre-hospital care with fibrinolytic therapy administered by paramedics have been reported elsewhere, including: Senegal,14 the United States,15 Canada,15–17 Spain,18 Sweden,19 New Zealand,20 India,21 and the United Kingdom.22,23 A case has even been reported of fibrinolysis performed by a nurse on board a cruise ship.24 In France, pre-hospital organizations do not address the management Downloaded from acc.sagepub.com at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) on August 18, 2014 9 Yayehd et al. of patients located in remote or inaccessible areas. Such situations require the involvement of medical or paramedic systems, as has been reported in two other settings. The first, from Scotland, involved the Grampian Region Early Anisteplase Trial (GREAT), performed in 146 patients with STEMI with 30 or more minutes of travelling time to hospital, and treated with fibrinolysis by general practitioners. The authors reported a shorter call-to-needle time for fibrinolysis performed by general practitioners versus inhospital fibrinolysis, which translated to improved survival at 1 year (83% vs 73%; p < 0.05).25 The second report – the Donegal Area Rapid Treatment Study (DARTS) – from Ireland, also showed that pre-hospital thrombolysis reduced call-to-needle times for patients living remotely from the hospital.26 The 2004 New Zealand guidelines included a strong recommendation to allow general practitioners to start fibrinolysis treatment,26 but no reports on this approach appear to have been published. The pre-hospital system in France, with an emergency physician on board the MICU, is already well established and has reduced delays to starting fibrinolytic therapy in STEMI.27 Our experience, where PCPs are trained and equipped to provide pre-hospital thrombolysis before the arrival of the MICU, shows that the delay to initiating reperfusion therapy in this population can be reduced further, especially for patients located in remote regions. The practice of early fibrinolysis could be encouraged by the results of the recent Strategic Reperfusion Early After Myocardial Infarction (STREAM) study, which reported a non-inferior rate of the composite outcome of death, cardiogenic shock, congestive heart failure, or reinfarction at 30 days in patients treated by prompt fibrinolysis and direct transfer to PCI centres for emergency rescue or early coronary angiography when compared with patients treated with primary PCI alone.28 Immediate transfer to a PCI centre following fibrinolysis performed in a non-PCI centre is encouraged by the results from the NORwegian randomized study on DIstrict treatment of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NORDISTEMI), which reported a significant reduction in the composite 12-month end point of death, reinfarction, or stroke in patients immediately and systematically transferred for PCI compared with patients transferred for PCI only when fibrinolysis failed.29 The practice of fibrinolysis may also be encouraged by the high rate of patients with a delay of more than 120 minutes to reach the catheterization laboratory who are then candidates for fibrinolysis.1 Indeed, in the French Registry on Acute ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction 2010 (FAST-MI 2010), the median time from first medical contact to performance of primary PCI was 110 minutes.30 Moreover, from our registry of 6,169 patients with STEMI enrolled between 2002 and 2011, 556 of 2,244 (25%) patients treated with primary PCI without a contraindication to fibrinolysis had a delay from first medical contact to artery puncture greater than 120 minutes (data not published). The results from several registries of local and national STEMI networks confirm that major delays persist in a significant proportion of patients (7%– 25%) despite the presence of well-established STEMI networks, and are associated with an increase in early and late mortality.31 Limitations This retrospective observational study is limited by the constraints of such an analysis. Important data were not collected, such as cardiovascular risk factors and hemodynamic status. However, only limited data were collected in an effort to improve the completeness of data capture. The original aim of the ongoing RESURCOR registry was to provide physicians with feedback on clinical practice with the aim of improving quality of care, and was not specifically designed to answer research questions. Our sample population is relatively small, and our data on time to fibrinolysis and would need to be confirmed in a larger study. Conclusion In our experience, the treatment of patients with STEMI by primary care physicians – general practitioners trained and equipped to face the emergency situation – in remote areas allows reliable early and rapid administration of fibrinolysis and, when required, resuscitation. Acknowledgements We thank the primary care physicians involved in this study: Dr Yann Hurry (Argentière), Dr Bernard Audema, Dr Jean-Mark Bertrand, Dr Marc-Hervé Binet, Dr Diane Lacroix (Avoriaz), Dr Manuella Barthes, Dr Patrick Joubert (Flaine), Dr Nicolas Berthier (Grand-Bornand), Dr Jean-Paul Marcou (La Chapelle D’abondance), Dr Jean-Baptiste Delay, Dr Jean-Noël Giraud, Dr Antoine Pecheur, Dr Florent Retailleau (La Clusaz), Dr JeanPierre Schmitt (Les Contamines), Dr Jacques Riegel (Lullin), Dr Patrick Benier, Dr Jean-Marc Maniglier, Dr Dominique Lamy, (Megève), Dr Thierry Audiard, Dr Jean-Paul Dupoux-Cabiac (Praz sur Arly), Dr Philippe Bour, Dr Olivier Bretton, Dr Régis Vansteeger (Samoens), Dr Michel Delporte (Saint Jean D’aulps). Sophie Rushton-Smith, PhD, provided editorial assistance and was funded by the authors. Conflict of interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. 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