Further information: InsQtute of Biological Sciences (ISB) Faculty of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • ISB Academic Day • Annual General Mee4ng • Gene4c Night • Career talk • Gene4cs Club Interac4on Day • Trip and Visita4on • Student exchange programme RESEARCH FIELDS
9 10 11 12 13 1 Prof Dr Rofina Yasmin Othman [BSc (Surrey), MSc (UM),PhD (E.Anglia)] 2 Prof Dr Norzulaani Khalid [BSc (UM), PhD (NoS)] 3 Prof Dr Zulqarnain Hj Mohamed [BSc (UM), PhD (Aberd)] 4 Prof Dr Jennifer Ann Harikrishna [BSc (Surrey), PhD (Cranfield)] 5 Prof Madya Dr Noor Hasima A.K. Nagoor Pitchai [BSc (UM), MSc (UM), PhD (Edin)] 6 Prof Madya Subha Bahssu [BSc (BioMed.Sc) (Hon), PhD (UPM)] 7 Prof Madya Ng Ching Ching (Programme Coordinator) [BSc (UM), MSc (Osaka), PhD (Osaka)] 8 Dr Chan Kok Gan [BSc (UM), LLM( Staffordshire), MSc (UM), PhD (UM)] 9 Dr Ea Chee Kwee [BSc (TTU), PhD (Texas)] 10 Dr Nazia Abdul Majid [Bsc (UM), PhD (NewCastle)] 11 Dr Syarifah Aisyafaznim Bt Sayed Abdul Rahman [BSc (UM), PhD (UM)] 12 Dr Yeoh Suat Hui [BSc(UM), PhD (ANU)] 13 Dr Lim Yat Yuen [BSc (UM), PhD (Adelaide)] Pure and Applied Plant Molecular Biology Research • Molecular Pharming • Crop Improvement Genomics and Molecular Breeding Gene9c • Improved Stocks • Marker Development Protein Interac9on Research • Pathogen-­‐host Interac4on (animal & plant) • Drug Discovery RNAi Molecular Microbiology • Bacterial Quorum Sensing Human Medical and Cancer Research • Molecular and Func4onal Cancer studies • Genomic Screening of Hereditary Diseases and Cancer Further information:
Ins9tute of Biological Sciences (ISB) Faculty of Science University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Tel: +603-­‐7967 4208/4118 | Fax: +603-­‐7967 4178 Website: h\p://fs.um.edu.my Email: [email protected] INTRODUCTION
The honours degree in Gene4cs, the first in Malaysia, was formally introduced in 1966. This well-­‐established programme offers various courses pertaining to the fast advancing field of gene4cs, covering topics ranging from fundamental gene4cs to the latest techniques employed in molecular biology, gene4c engineering and biotechnology. As students progress in the programme, they will acquire an extensive and prac4cal knowledge of genome analysis, applica4ons of recombinant DNA technology and biotechnology. Students will also be exposed to current ethical, legal and social issues and concerns on the u4lisa4on of gene4c informa4on and technology. The programme also offers a wide range of opportuni4es for postgraduate training by research in various labs in the fields of plant biotechnology, genomics, gene regula4on studies and medical biotechnology. All academic members in this programme are ac4ve researchers and have links to other ins4tu4ons worldwide. These include Research collabora4on with University of Leicester, University of Manchester, John Innes Center UK, RIKEN JAPAN, Na4onal Ins4tute of Infec4ous Diseases Japan, The Interna4onal Banana Crop Improvement Consor4um, University of California LA and many more. This programme is a major in Gene4cs and Molecular Biology. Upon gradua4on, candidates will be conferred with Bachelor of Science degree. PROGRAMME GOAL
• Produce graduates which possess strong basic knowledge in Gene4cs and Molecular Biology to be applied to various fields and who can contribute to the development of the na4on and to sustainable human and environmental development in an ethical and professional manner. • Produce graduates skilled in commonly used molecular biology techniques who are able to design and develop research in the field of gene4cs, molecular biology and related areas, for example biotechnology. • Produce graduates in Gene4cs and Molecular Biology that are highly qualified, broadminded, and possess the knowledge and skills required to join the life science and biotechnology industries, including agricultural, medical, fishery, industrial and pharmaceu4cal sectors, and are capable of developing and implemen4ng various projects. • Produce graduates in the field of Gene4cs and Molecular Biology that are highly compe44ve for con4nued learning to an advanced degree level in the field of life sciences in ins4tu4ons of higher learning worldwide. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
Jobs related to the life sciences • Postgraduate level (MSc or PhD) for further studies • Execu4ve or management posi4ons in industry • Careers in research companies or teaching universi4es FACULTY CORE COURSES
• Biosta4s4cs • Introduc4on to Science and Technology Studies Compulsory Courses of Level 1: • Life Processes • Cell Biology • Organisms Biology • Popula4on Biology • Biology Prac4cal Compulsory Courses of Level 2: • Fundamentals of Microbial Processes • Cytogene4cs • Microbial Gene4cs • Recombinant DNA Technology • Bioinforma4cs and Phylogene4cs • Evolu4onary Gene4cs • Popula4on Gene4cs • Quan4ta4ve Gene4cs • Basic Gene4cs • Molecular Gene4cs • Immunology Compulsory Courses of Level 3: • Advanced Gene4cs • Cell & Molecular Biology • Developmental Gene4cs • Molecular Biology of Plants • Human Gene4cs • Advanced Immunology • Current Topics in Gene4cs & Molecular Biology • Gene4cs & Molecular Biology Projects Elec9ve Courses: • Gene4c Resources & Conserva4on • Plant and Animal Gene4cs • Gene4c Manipula4on of Plants & Animals • Applica4on of Recombinant DNA Technology • Instrumenta4on • Alga Biotechnology • Cancer & Tumorigenesis • Industrial Training