B enenden C hapel J anuary M arch Wednesday 8 Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Sunday 2 Whole School Service 7.30pm in the Hall Friday 10 Bread 8.00pm in the Clarke Room Wednesday 5 Ash Wednesday Eucharist 8.20am in the Chapel Sunday 12 School Service Service of Welcome for Samantha Price 6.30pm in the Hall Wednesday 15 Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Friday 17 Bread 8.00pm in the Clarke Room Sunday 19 School Service 6.30pm in the Hall Wednesday 22 Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Wednesday 29 Mass 7.15pm in the Chapel Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel F ebruary Sunday 2 School Service 9.15am at St George's, Benenden Wednesday 5 Eucharist 8.20pm in the Chapel Friday 7 Bread 8.00pm in the Clarke Room Sunday 9 Whole School Eucharist 7.30pm in the Hall Wednesday 12 Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Wednesday 26 Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Friday 28 Bread 8.00pm in the Clarke Room Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Friday 7 Bread 8.00pm in the Clarke Room Sunday 9 School Service 6.30pm in the Hall Wednesday 12 Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Friday 14 Bread 8.00pm in the Clarke Room Sunday 16 Voluntary Service 6.15pm in the Chapel Wednesday 19 Compline and Cocoa 8.20pm in the Chapel Friday 21 Bread 8.00pm in the Clarke Room Sunday 23 Whole School Service 7.30pm in the Hall Chaplain: Mr Craig Huxley Catholic Students may attend Catholic Church at 9.00am on Sundays. Please tell Mrs Wyles and Pippa Bull by the previous Friday. 10 January 17 January 7February 28 February 7March 14 March 21 March The Chapel is always open for private prayer and is a place of quiet away from the rush of school life. Please write prayers in the prayer book (to the left of the altar). These should remain anonymous and the Chaplain will read them and pray for you. Parents’ Prayer Group: Parents are invited to meet together to pray for the School. The meeting this term will be on Friday 14 February at 2.30pm in the Chapel. Please contact Mr Huxley (01580 240592) or [email protected] if you would like more information, or to tell him you will be attending. Alternatively, if you would like to receive a termly prayer letter please contact the Chaplain. S pring T erm 2014 S ervices Bread: Bread is a group to which everyone is welcome. It explores different aspects of Christian belief. We will meet at 8.00pm on the following Friday evenings. Meetings include a variety of lively speakers, games and cakes! It is an excellent way to end a busy week, relax and have fun! Bible Study Groups. Sixth Form and V-UV groups meet during the week to study the bible together and grow as Christians. There is a friendly atmosphere and plenty of encouragement, tlc and cake! Look out for details of when and where each group will meet. Ash Wednesday Mass 7.30pm at Benenden Catholic Chapel Someone to talk to. The Chaplain is always available to talk to students and staff. Just drop by his study (C1 – next to the Chapel), write him an email ([email protected]), call his extension (6723) or catch him in the corridor to find a time to meet. Tea with the Chaplain! Mr Huxley invites students to tea on Mondays at 4.00pm in the Maridor Room as follows: 20 January 27 January 3 February 10 February 24 February 3 March 10 March 17 March 24 March IVY IVZ UIVX UIVY UIVZ LVV LVW LVX LVY Catholic Student Tea. Mrs Wyles and Mr Huxley invite Catholic students to tea as follows: 20 January 24 February 4.00pm 4.00pm Maridor Room Maridor Room Supper with the Chaplain! Mr Huxley invites students to supper on Wednesdays at 6.30pm in the Maridor Room as follows: 22 29 5 12 26 5 12 19 January January February February February March March March Beeches VI1 Elms VI1 Limes VI1 Oaks VI1 Beeches VI2 Elms VI2 Oaks VI2 Limes VI2
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