Media information Aluminium industry shows good development in volumes Volume development of German aluminium sector positive / results mixed Düsseldorf, 8 October 2014 – German aluminium producers and processors sensed an economic upswing in the first half of 2014. From January to July 2014, the period for which the latest figures are available, output rose in almost all stages of production. “The reasons for this rise are to be found in the generally favourable economic situation and the good demand from key sectors,” reported Christian Wellner, Executive Director of Düsseldorf-based Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA), at a press conference held during the ALUMINIUM 2014 trade fair in Düsseldorf. According to Christian Wellner, uncertainty with regards future development may have increased but expectations for the current financial year are cautiously optimistic despite all the crises. The sector is expecting the ALUMINIUM 2014 trade fair to stimulate demand further. Primary aluminium production still good The development in the first stage of production, the production of aluminium, was mixed. From January to July 2014 some 663,300 tonnes of raw aluminium were produced in Germany, which is a rise of 2.9 per cent on the corresponding period a year earlier. The production of raw aluminium during this period comprised 303,500 tonnes of primary aluminium and 359,800 tonnes of recycled aluminium. The production of primary aluminium was up 9.7 per cent year-on-year whereas the production of recycled aluminium was slightly lower, down 2.2 per cent. Semis producers report solid volume growth The first seven months of 2014 resulted in a solid rise in production for the 35 German aluminium semis producers compared with the corresponding months a year earlier. Some 16,000 people are employed at the 48 German semis plants. The companies produce rolled products (sheet, strip, plate), extruded products (profiles, rod and bar, tube), wire and forgings. So far this year, production volumes for rolled products and extrusions have also shown a positive trend. German production of semi-finished aluminium products during the period January to July 2014 totalled 1.52 million tonnes. This was a rise of 2.3 per cent year-on-year. 1/4 Media information The aluminium rolling mills account for the largest share of aluminium semis production. During the period January to July 2014, the producers of rolled aluminium products reported a small rise in production of 1.1 per cent to 1,157,700 tonnes (corresponding period in 2013: 1,144,800 tonnes). The largest customers for rolled aluminium semis are the automotive industry together with the markets for packaging and industrial applications (mechanical engineering and electrical engineering), which together account for almost three quarters of total demand. The remaining demand comes from the building industry, traders and other end users. German aluminium extruders were also able to increase their production during first seven months of 2014: up 6.7 per cent though, and thus significantly more than the rollers. Production totalled 344,700 tonnes (January-July 2013: 323,200 tonnes). The extruders supply an extremely wide range of niche markets. The demands on technical expertise, individual advice and help with product development are greater there but so too is the added value. There are currently 82 extrusion presses operating in Germany. The most important markets for profiles are the building sector (25%), the transport sector (30%) and mechanical engineering (13%). The good level of demand from the transport sector and the building sector will continue to support the positive development of the extrusion business. Further development As expected, the economic environment for the aluminium industry was favourable in the first half of 2014, particularly in the transport sector. According to Christian Wellner there is so far no indication of any deviation from this positive underlying trend. “The companies engaged in the German aluminium industry have positioned themselves well in recent years and have managed to maintain or even increase their market shares,” he continued. “The fact that the economic situation has again improved is leading to further volume growth. In addition, the fact that use of aluminium will increase in many key industries in the medium to long term, especially in the transport sector, is also having a positive effect. But there is still also considerable potential for aluminium products in other sectors. Growth prospects therefore continue to be favourable. Aluminium production in Germany in the second half of 2014 should therefore be near the level for the corresponding period last year.” Despite the recent stable upward trend, further development of the aluminium industry in Germany remains uncertain given the higher cost burdens and strong competitive pressure. The companies’ earnings situation is mixed. 2/4 Media information ALUMINIUM 2014: the sector’s leading exhibition The German aluminium industry is expecting the ALUMINIUM 2014 trade fair to stimulate demand further. “The ALUMINIUM is the leading exhibition for the aluminium industry and since being held for the first time 17 years ago it has developed into the largest platform for our sector worldwide,” said Christian Wellner. “Furthermore, it also offers the German aluminium industry the opportunity to demonstrate to its customers its innovative capabilities and competitiveness.” Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie is co-initiator and conceptual partner of the ALUMINIUM fair. Together with the trade fair organiser, Reed Exhibitions, GDA is organising the conference to be held in parallel to ALUMINIUM 2014. Under the motto ‘Aluminium Material for the Future’ presentations are planned in the Plant and Equipment, Automotive, Surface, Recycling Technologies and Aluminium Markets fields. The contributors are well-known and practical speakers from industries that produce, process and use aluminium internationally. About GDA: Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA) is headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, and was established in 1992 in Dresden. It is an association of aluminium companies engaged in the production of raw aluminium or aluminium products, also in combination with other materials. The trade association represents the interests of 96 per cent of what is an efficient German aluminium industry. Your contact: Georg Grumm Information and Communications Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. Tel.: (+49) 2 11 - 47 96 160 Fax: (+49) 2 11 - 47 96 408 Email: [email protected] 3/4 Media information Production data for the German aluminium industry January-July 2014 January-July Product 2013 Tonnes Primary aluminium 276,700 Recycled aluminium Total raw aluminium Rolled products Extruded products Other Total aluminium semis Tonnes Change year-on-year 303,500 9.7% 367,700 359,800 -2.2% 644,400 663,300 2.9% 1,144,800 1,157,700 1.1% 323,200 344,700 6.7% 12,800 13,000 2.0% 1,480,800 1,515,400 2.3% Source: GDA. 4/4
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