News Number 27 - April 2014 Focus on… CRM achievements Spotlight on… Railway, Petrochemical New layouts Frédéric DOURLHES Technical Sales Representative/ Purchasing Manager 1 2 Editorial « In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance.” so says a certain H. Jackson Brown. It is a great challenge to be at the same time robust and light. Robust to face difficulties and requirements and light to be permanently able to adapt. Because as we all know, flexibility is part of our everyday life... As you will read in this newsletter, we are re-organizing our business premises and the layouts of the factory are ongoing. This is necessary due to the growth of our business. We are also improving training and updating the qualifications of our workforce to keep in line with our clients demands. Moreover, this News edition highlights the achievements of some of our talented collaborators. Today, a qualified and motivated workforce is a rare commodity. Therefore, I am fully aware of the value of CRM's workforce. Our engagement in being competitive is for everybody and, for some, has been going on for 15 years! CRM quality CRM latest news Focus on… New layouts CRM is continuing to re-organize its methods of production due to the strong demand of our clients. Before the next expansions, the changes to the layout of our workshops and offices should optimize the existing space. The following activities have moved: Honing Internal Store Adjustment To mark the 15th anniversary of CRM, we shared the moment together discreetly in the sunshine and with pride: a true moment of sharing our values. The newcomers in CRM have well understood the first of our values: “Customer’s Satisfaction”. Martine PAÏS Next on page 2 3 3 4 News CONCEPTION • REALISATIONS ATIONS • MECANIQUES Focus on… (next) The new layouts also involved to dispose of “old” machines : CIMOF Honing Machine H400 for Milling JOTES Grinding Machine CRM achievements Spotlight on… Frédéric DOURLHES CRM already 15 years Technical Sales Representative/ Purchasing Manager F rédéric joined our teams in 2007 as a buyer. Since then, the Purchasing Department has been strengthened (4 people nowadays) and Frédéric has become Head of Department. He is generally involved in the negotiations of annual contracts, in the management of material availability at our suppliers, in the creation of safety stocks in order to decrease our production cycles and therefore improve customers’ satisfaction. a second complementary function: Technical Sales Representative. Frédéric's role is therefore crucial in all our negotiations. By his side: Commercial Activity: Marie-Caroline DAL, Commercial Assistant News CONCEPTION • REALISATIONS ATIONS • MECANIQUES Thanks to his skills and personal involvement, he has been offered Purchasing Activity: Julia RAVANEL, Purchasing Assistant Thierry OLIVIER and Gilles CADET, Buyers Quality Number 27 - April 2014 NF EN 15085 certification renewal Following the audit day of 18th March, the Welding Institute, certification body, has expressed a favorable opinion for the renewal of CRM certification according to welding standard EN 15085 Class 1 CPA. After the decision of the Certification Commission in late April, a copy of the approval certificate will be available on request, to Laetitia Barthelemy, Quality Manager, and on the website NF EN 15085 IWT Qualification (International Welding Technologist) Congratulations to Benoît Surelle, welding coordinator, already IWS qualified (see CRM News 26) who has also passed IWT qualification! CRM now has two IWT holders: Benoît Surelle and Jerome WAS. Railway This assembly, mechanically-welded according to the requirements of NF EN 15085 Class 1 welding standard, is made of two steel 16MND5 die-forged parts and one E235 steel tube. Dimensions: “Arbre Creux” Length : 1400 mm Tube Ø : 260 mm Weight : 160 kg Petrochemical Made from forged, this part is composed of two parts machined in turning and milling and then treated by zinc phosphating. Dimensions: Ø 340 mm Length : 170 mm Weight : 70 kg Casing Hanger News CONCEPTION • REALISATIONS ATIONS • MECANIQUES b Dates for your Diary : CRM latest news CRM welcomes our new team members Outsourcing Office Daphné JOLIMOY 7 to 13 April 2014 th th As part of its new participation in the Industry Week, CRM is organizing 3 events: - Job dating on Wednesday 9th April, in Albi -A ttendance to CRIJ (Information Center for Youth) on Thursday 10th April in Toulouse - Presentation of CRM. An insight of CRM and its work to 2 BTS classes at the Lycee Rascol in Albi on Friday 11th April 2014. 2 nd and 9th May 2014 CRM shuts down for May bank holiday week-ends. Outsourcing Assistant Milling Kévin CORACIN Milling Operator Adjustment Frédéric THOMAS Adjuster 21st and 22nd May 2014 CRM is taking part in a Business Convention on added value mechanical skills in Paris Orly. 30th May 2014 CRM shuts down for Ascension bank holiday week-end. 9th June 2014 CRM is open on “Solidarity Day” News CONCEPTION • REALISATIONS ATIONS • MECANIQUES Ultrasound COFREND Level 2 Congratulations to Jerome WAS who has just passed Ultrasound COFREND Level 2. With this qualification to inspect welds capability, CRM increases furthermore its surface and volumetric inspection range. Publishing Manager : Martine PAÏS Design and implementation : Audrey DELAGNES, Pictures : CRM, Studio 9 CAD & Printing : Atelier Graphique Saint-Jean - CRM - La Grillatié - BP 30 - 81 400 CARMAUX - France Tél. +33 (0)5 63 80 25 32 - Fax : +33 (0)5 63 80 25 33 E-mail : [email protected]
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