MEESEVA User Manual-Sanction of Incentives (ITC)

Sanction of Incentives (ITC) request is applied by the citizen through the Meeseva
centers.. This request can be accessed by the Department and processed. The processing steps
and screens are provided below.
Category Type
Documents Required
1) Application Form
2) Department Application Form
120 Working days
Note: The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory requirement of documents. # Indicates Optional.
Note: - This service is 3 Step Process. The Process flow as mentioned below.
1. In case of Fresh Application Routed as Below
Procedure for Processing the Request at Department End: SEC End:
Incentives” service from Application Processing. It has been depicted
1) Select “Sanction off Incentives
in figure 1.
Figure 1: Sanction of Incentives Process link under Application Processing
2) After selection of “Sanction
Sanction of Incentives
Incentives” link, processing window will be displayed. It has
been depicted in figure 2.
Figure 2: Processing window in Sanction Of Incentives
request screen
Select From date and To
o date by using calendar controls as depicted in figure 3.
Note: - Here, to date must be prior to Current date.
Figure 3: S
Selection of dates in processing window
4) Select “Incentive
Incentive Applied For (either 25% Power subsidy/ conversion to industrial power
tariff/100%/50% stamp duty refund/ Recruitment assistance/ 50% exhibition rental refund/
Tire 2/3 location anchor company Incent
ive/ Reimbursement patent filling cost/
Reimbursement of quality certification expenditure/ Declaration of It Park status/ specific
incentives for SC/St/women Entrepreneurs/ Allotment of land
)” from Application type down
list as depicted in figure 4.
NOTE: - Here I am selecting Application Type as ““25% Power Subsidy”
Figure 4: Selection of Incentive Applied For in Processing window
5) Select “Request Status (either All/Not Viewed/Open, Forwarded to JD.. Forwarded to MRO
etc...)” from request status SEC p d
down list as depicted in figure 5.
NOTE: - Here, At First the Request is in “Not Viewed” Status. Here I am selecting “Not
viewed” request.
Figure 5:: Selection of status in processing window
Click “Get Details” button to display requests as depicted in figure 6.
Figure 6:: Get Details button in Processing window
7) All “Not Viewed” Requests are displayed
displayed. Select the Request which need to be processed
as depicted in figure 7.
Figure 7:: Request selection in processing window
8) After selection of the request,
equest, request details page will be displayed as depicted in figure 8.
Figure 8:: Request details page of Sanction Of Incentives
9) SEC Selects Forward to JD Radio button, Enter his/her Remarks and Click
ick Forward to
JD Button depicted in figure 9.
Figure 9: Remarks in Sanction Of Incentives request details Page
Note: - Forwarded to JD Message displayed. Now Request is at JD End.
JD End:
1) Select “Sanction
Sanction Of Incentives ” service from Application Processing. It has been depicted
in figure 1.
Figure 1: Sanction Of Incentives Process link under Application Processing
2) After selection of “Sanction
Sanction Of Incentives
Incentives”” link, processing window will be displayed. It has
been depicted in figure 2.
Figure 2: Processing window in Sanction Of Incentives request screen
Select From date and To date by using calendar controls as depicted in figure 3.
Note: - Here, to date must be prior to Current date.
Figure 3: Selection of dates in processing window
4) Select “Incentive
Incentive Applied For (either 25% Power subsidy/ conversion to industrial power
tariff/100%/50% stamp duty refund/ Recruitment assistance/ 50% exhibition rental refund/
Tire 2/3 location anchor company Incentive/ Reimbursement patent filling cost/
Reimbursement of quality certification expendit
ure/ Declaration of It Park status/ specific
incentives for SC/St/women Entrepreneurs/ Allotment of land
)” from Application type down
list as depicted in figure 4.
NOTE: - Here I am selecting Application Type as ““25% Power Subsidy”
Figure 4
4: Status Selection in processing window
5) Select “Request Status (either All/Not Viewed/Open, Forwarded to JD. Forwarded to MRO
etc...)” from request status SEC p down list as depicted in figure 5.
NOTE: - Here, At First the Request is in ““Forwarded by Secretary” Status.
atus. Here I am
selecting “Forwarded
Forwarded by Secretary
Secretary” request.
Figure 5:: Selection of Type of License in Processing window
6) Click “Get Details”” button to display requests as depicted in figure 6.
Figure 6:: Get Details button in Processing window
7) All “Forwarded
Forwarded by Secretary” Requests are displayed. Select the Request which need to
be processed as depicted in figure 7
Figure 7:: Request selection in processing window
8) After selection of the request, Request details page will be displayed as depicted in figure
Figure 8:: Request details page of Sanction Of Incentives
9) JD Downloads Verify the Documents as depicted in figure 9.
Figure 9:: Documents Verification in Sanction Of Incentives Request Screen
Note: - After downloading all Verification/Proceeding documents, JD Conduct field level enquiry
Note: - If JD wants any additional details then, he/she sends SMS to Citizen by using Send SMS
to Applicant.
10) JD Upload Report, Enter Remarks based on Enquiry and Click Forward to Secretary
button as depicted in figure10.
Figure 10:: Remarks in Sanction Of Incentives request details Page
Note: - Forwarded to SEC Message displayed. Now Request is at SEC End.
SEC End:
1) Now Secretary login into Meese with his/her credentials and select the request same as
2) Now Request is in Forwarded by JD Status
3) Secretary Download and Verify Attached Documents and JD Report as depicted in
figure 1.
Figure 1: Documents in Sanction Of Incentives Request details Page
Note: - If Secretary wants any additional details then, he/she sends SMS to Citizen by using
Send SMS to Applicant.
4) After Verification, Secretary Take Action either Approve or Reject as depicted in figure 2.
Note: - Based on Collector action (either Approve/Reject), status (either Approved or Rejected)
is generated.
Figure 2: Action Taken in Sanction Of Incentives
request details Page
5) If Secretary wants to Approve the Request then, he/ she selects Approve Radio button
and Upload Proceedings as depicted in figure 3.
Figure 3: Action Taken in Sanction Of Incentives
request details Page
6) Now Secretary Enter Sanction Years and Sanction Amount as depicted in figure 4.
Figure 4:: Service Specific details in Sanction Of Incentives request details Page
7) Now Secretary Enter Remarks and Click ““Sign” button as depicted in figure 5.
Figure 5:: Remarks in Sanction Of Incentives
request details Page
8) After clicking on “Sign”” button, Certificate window will be displayed
splayed as depicted in figure
Figure 6: Certificate window
9) Click “OK”” button on Cert
Certificate as depicted in figure 7.
Figure 7: “OK” button selection in Certificate window
10) After clicking on “OK”” button, private exchange key popup will generated as depicted in
following figure.
11) Now clicking on “OK”” button as depicted in following figure.
12) After clicking on “OK”” button ““Sanction of Incentives Memo”” is generated as depicted in
following figure.
Note: - Now the Request is in Approved status.
Note: - After Approved/Rejected, Customer Received Message. Like you are Request is
Approved/ Rejected.
13) Once the request is approved by Collector, then Sanction Of Incentives Certificate will
be dispatched through courier from franchisee to the citizen’s address if Delivery Type is
Speed Post Local/Non Local.
14) If Delivery Type Is Manual, then citizen collect the Sanction Of Incentives Memo from
franchisee where he/she applied
Note: 1. Above Process flow is for 25% Power subsidy and conversion to industrial power tariff
Services. Memo is Output for These 2 Services.
2. SO Need to Update GO Number and Upload GO Copy in his Login for Remaining
(100%/50% stamp duty refund/ Recruitment assista
nce/ 50% exhibition rental refund/
Tire 2/3 location anchor company Incentive/ Reimbursement patent filling cost/
Reimbursement of quality certification expenditure
expenditure/ Declaration of It Park status/
status specific
incentives for SC/St/women Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs/ Allotment of land)) Services. G.O. is Output
for Remaining Services.