India Vacation Demand self attested color photograph Client Application Form No. To Be Filled By Sales Representative Premotion Partner PP Cord 1. Client Details Name : Mr./ Mrs./ Ms.: Date of Birth : D D M M Y Y Y If married, Marriage Anniversary Unmarried: Marital Status: Married Other Student House Wife Retired Salaried Occupation: Self Emploed Female: Gender: Male Y D D M M Y Y Y Y Address : Pin Code. State: Fixed Line No: Mobile No: Email id: 2. Scheme Details Gold Service Silve Puls Service Member Ship Name: Silve Service Registration Fee: (WE DO NOT ACCEPT CASH) 3. Payment Detail Mode Of Payment : Cheque: Others: Credit/ Debit Card: Demand Draft : If Other than specify: Branch: Bank Name: Date Amount: Cheque/DD/Card No: 4. Beneficiaries Detail Name : Mr./ Mrs./Ms.: Gender: Maie Date Of Birth: Occupation : Self Employed Marital Status : Married : Salaried Unmarried: Retired House Wife Female : Other Student If married, Marriage Anninversary D D Address: City: Mobile No: Pin Code: State: Fixed Line No: M M Y Y Y Y Terms & conditions 1.The India Vacation demand club (IVD CLUB) is a product of India Vacation demand club of open for all the in individuals (Indian) and Corporates for the membership 2. Use of India Vacation demand club((IVD CLUB). Membership card the acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned on the brochures and every (if any) 3. The value mentioned in the package Voucher are precieved value only 4. Membership fee is not refundable . 5. The product benefits mentioned in the brochure is indicate and is likely to be changed any time without any intimation and forfeit the membership fees & there will be no refund. 6. The memberships term (validation period) shall be of twelve (12) months from the date of issue 7. In the event the card is lost, the member must immediately inform the hot line / service number available on the reverse of the brochure the new card will be issued in 7 working days since the missing / lost information received and after payment of Rs. 300/- However no dublicate vouchers / coupons will be issued incase they are lost or misplaced and special packages or during events 8. All reservation are subject to available of space, membership benefits. vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other reduction promotions and special packages or during events 9. India vacation demand club(IVD CLUB) reserves the right to add, modify, withdraw or delete any of the rules term and conditions, duration of the program, participating members with or without any prior notice. All decisions in this regard are final and binding on the member of the club 10. All participating establishments are independently liable / responsible for the quality of products / services or otherwise provided by them under this program. India vacation demand club card no be liable in any manner whatsover for any loss / damages / claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods or services availed by the cardholder under the program 11.Fraud or abuse concerning India vacation demand club(IVD CLUB) membership or membership card is subject to appropriate administrative and / or legal action by legal action by jurisdiction of the state, including termination of membership. 12. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions mentioned on the brochures and every voucher (if any) 13. The benefits available to India vacation demand club(IVD CLUB). members shall be given on the rack rated/ printed rate means a standard for the various products offered and does not include any other discounts, packages or promotion 14. By signing this form member is hereby authorizing the officials of India vacation demand club(IVD CLUB) to update the Member about the promotions by telephonic calls, short message services 15. (SMS) and mailer despite of the fact that the member’s contact number is registered with NDNC (National Don Not Call Directory of TRAI / Govt of india) 16. Cancellation will be accepted only within 7 days from the date of issue of card and in this case the member shall not be allowed to utilize any of the vouchers or services listed brochure 17. Any disputes arising out of this programme / package shall Be decided by the sole arbinator to be appointed by the india vacation demand club(IVD CLUB). The place of arbitration shall be Delhi. 18. If any customer could not taken the services in one year period from the date of issue of the policy of india vacation demand club(IVD CLUB) plan, which is mentioned in the broushers/vouchers, in that condition amount will be forfeited by the company. Declaration I..................................................................... hereby confirm that the important information / benfits in relation to the product being purchased by me have provided and explained to me. Further to this, I hereby declare that I have also gone through the sales material / audiovisuals / IVR (English / Hindi) and I have fully understood the product features and significance of the proposed contract on basis of all the information provided. I have understood the details required in the application form and I have answered them truthfully and correctly. Signature of application........................................ 1. The having validity term of.........................................and annual Membership fee of Rs......................... 2. I/We have throughly understood my eligibility for the benefit(s), as explained to me chosen membership plan 3. The gift redemption and member conciliation process have been properly explained to me 4. I / We have properly understood the product are not connected any loan or insurance company and other departments 5. I / We have not been offered any Bonus /Rebate (which does not constitute as the standard part of India vacation demand club benefits) while have been made by the company or its employee or representatives 6. I / We confirm that there are no other verbal / written promises or any other assurance not mentioned in the India vacation demand club rules that have been made by the company or its employee or representatives 7. The following documents have been submitted by me : ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... NB : I /We have read and understood the terms and conditions relating to the Members plan, applied for, Name of Applicant.......................................... Signature of Application............................ We are open for your queries, suggestion: Please contact us at : 7827054405 WE DO NOT ACCEPT CASH Date : ...................
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