Bone Growth after A BY J. T. H. WAYNE Al)out 1783, of a youmig John pig. University Humster Whets the placed pig msew matter beitig imsterposed in the niammy years the mechanism subject i)elieved that all growth, and that skeletal growth. The svidetmed the diaphyses of of bomse lonsg epiphyses-or fiat botmes. Lacroix After were of bomse after true fusiots by mioted that tissue skeletoti growth beets at the fusion solidly down fusion in fused all children and time firm this lomsgitudinsal botme bridge resulted. bonme bridge became growth Haas of the determimse imifer foumid but in young that at ansd against this the inmtervelstiots experinsetital mean one or there As growth They of two was theory, of to of amiimmsals. things insterstitial : cit het’ growth of intrimssic year, Haas, “fusions the time of was firm”. spine coistinsued, accommodate itself that certaimm they to the eireintmmfmnsiotis its was firm in the spinmous processes. the growimsg forces of the bodies. the grafted in almost area exploratiotms, Therefore, when under growth in letmgth. after perfortssitmg spinse roentgenograms, of sacrifice, performmsed lateral miterthat its every instammce the to concluded lengthening no serial of elongated vertebrae. defimsite he had the when was ins periosteunms isesv observations arose the apparemmt lemsgthehiimmg it would puppies, tsot.ed that just as soon as the fusion there was no yielding in the fused Spine to experiments, the grow’tlm plate. statmces, transplamsted bomie is capable 0mm the other hamsd, in the same Hos’ever, and denyimsg experimental plane, Bisgard and Musselman ots the spines of young goats and reported a have prohiferatiomi-as for or another 1947, of whereas immthe argunsetsts a fortsm its mmmi(roseopy cartilages, of arguments intact”. nornsal its length hyalimme-cartilage spume, at one amid proliferation-as of beets lotsgitudinal in the grow’th epiphyseal through survey all by Havers Hellstaohius alid subject, place was w’ere has Cloptotm pam’t l)otie its 1930, that as shot eloligated of l)onie took of growth of boise. roemmtgetmography has the aim authority of the Policard its time diaphysis not old. grow’th of itmterstitial especially as occurs spine broke ins the Ots the body fusion ensitmemit apart slaughtered, bommes are the argument seemed settled, Various investigators reported in the area fusiots as picture. segmensts If this the just the that As that: “The structure botse growth remains However, inches believe fibrous-tissue a careful two anmd was to 1929, takes through fused hotses dimensiotss coiscluded confuse the shot Haten New grow’nm interstitial in type of AND (‘ONNECTI(’UT interstices of the of lotmgitudimial bomse opitmion, its other the ammy sonse study him sO-(alled Kortmew majority lead literature. of the this all defeisded isave led its the parts HAVEN, of Medicine, fully itmches of This was two comstroversial MARYLAND, NIW School still For apart. BALTIMORE, M.D., of Surgery, Divisions o,f Orthopaedic Surgery. Univer&ity School of Medicine, Baltimore, Yale and Fusion SURVEY M.D., SOUTHWICK, the Departments Johns Hopkina Pros’s CLINICAL JOHNSON, 0. Spine the the aiminsal or other nsost was lie could altmsost fully all of his ways to logically growls, there was gemmerally solid fusions amid that grow’th had I)eems sotmsewhat suppresseol at sonse time. He noted that. whets the markers were attached to time graft, there was based iso on separatiots two dogs of the markers. However, this imsiportant oi)s(’rvatioms was only. 1396 Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY GR0\vrH BONE ( )delhetg-.Johmssotm AFTE1t perfot’tms(’ol 14 S1’INF spimm(’ 1397 FUSION fusiotis rahlnts, on 1)111 tioteol gtos5 I )5(’il(ht it Ii is ses a t a I mis( )st (‘\‘(‘t’\’ i t5 t el’sj)a(’e I le (‘01 5 (‘1 1t( le( 1 1ha I I Ise gt’ )wt ii i t let mgtlm l I hiP 51)1 1 I(’ i t I I h1(’s(’ a 1 1i 11511 Is I ) )k la,(’e at I hese ( I(l((t s. I I )\\(V(’t’, t hi(’s(’ . \VC1’e (‘ii t S 1(111 lv ol I lets(’(’, granms. its (‘hil(lt’els t lie itls (1himmieal .Jomnes, atid tmoted thst&t fimsditsgs solid soli(1 report Hisser the Immu(’is fusioit s Rt(’ ill 115 its(hi(ILt(?d finsiots tistiss 1 It )fI (‘1 5 \\I I hiese ill ItJ)l)ILF(’mstlV 1)t’O\’(’Ol gettimtg ( mnot lots \I55 tail to thmtov (‘xp(’rilsmelsls s, (l(’fe(’t )V i( )115 w’ith ettt’tilage, amid gross often a I nine amsumials spitle are as )tn(Iit ionss (1(’scril time (‘onntrol of tIme ftnsioms is elomngated :trea I)Iflt( hoslies 10. fronms verts’h)ral vitls gm)\vthm .. ws’rs’ utnsls’r tIns tmiass of .. Iraticis, (10(5 tise 42-A, NO. 8, DECEMBER 1980 Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 bool’ atsd Measured 2Itenate Measured A4ea 8 :. )s’sI ia’re . FIG. Tsvo atmd Hisser O(’(ltF. vem’t(’l)ral . 10)1 )sh’asitrs’nmsenits of t lie ison’nmsal vs’rt(’h)ral in(’hm(Ie(I vithmins time fusionm \oul(I l)e tms:uh’ plats’ 1 to vs’rt(’I)ral Ph:tIs’ 4 annd fronmm vert(’h)ral l)late 7 to vo’rteh)ral l)lats’ 10. :\I (‘asurenm(’nmt S of t his’ nsornsal )sterior s’lenmetnt s, t his’ is’(Iicl(s, \‘5)ttld be I15a(.i(’ its a sinmiilar fa&liiotn betves’ns poinmts ..l ansd B and between l)OiIitS (‘ anmd 1) onm the pedicles. VOL. h t hose of the (lifh(’mmltV js is illmlst n’at(’d. ‘Tins’ P mit s 5Sf rs’fs’rensrs’ ars’ tii(’ censts’rs of tise Isdies s)f tIne ss’venst Ii :unsl nsint ii t inoracis’ vs’rt s’l irac. Ni t s’ that four vertebral 1)ltt(’s are ils(’hin(Is’(I ins t ins’ (‘olnt rol :)r(’a Imeinsg Immeasul’(’d. 2. 13v t lie nmmetiis)(I of Ilalli s’k, 1t’anm(’is, :nnn I .h ons’s, if t he fusionm ars’a 5’Xt(’tids’(I fronms t his’ ts’nnt In t ho in:scic t) I I lie t hird litlmmbar verts’h u’:t, t lie 1)00115 of ns’fs’rsno’s’ for time Isi(’asttt’(’Imis’tst 5)1 tims’ ls’tsgthm of tIne mino1s’ fusion mvould I e vcrteI)ral plate I :snns 1 en’t shr:n I 5’) 5(’(! spitme-fusioti Ihtilock, otses. expem’itmu’tmtal grovth v(’n’teh)ras’ Is’:tSUI’eniU’lst vit timem’efot’e, lit roenstgetso- atsiismals. cotsftnsitsg that (‘l,’ (‘Otsll)l(’t cotsmpat’able s(’areely light oti 1110!l)rol)lelss because youtsg vs’rt.s’i)ra. \Is’asurs’nmms’tmt. of I. (‘a \i I V Its getset’al, fusiotss. I. ittt nssct in( )( I t Inc (‘(‘nnt(rs ot t Inc cnt ci )ral I)O(hi(s stol timid-l)Oinsts of t ins’ l)c(ii(’l(s (l(’ 1151(1 as l)OiIstS of r(’f(’r(’ts(’(’ for all nis(’aitmr(’tnm(’nnt 5. his S V() t.’ti&l v(’n’t(’h)ra(’ of I Inc fused anets \v(’r( tn(’V(n itn(’llt(.Ie(I in atn nmm(’asitr(’nms(’tnt. Tints, if ths(’ fusionn (‘Xt(’ls(le(l fn’onmm t ln(’ tenst is I im()ra(’i(’ I ( ) 1 Inc t imin’ I linnishar v(’rt(’i)ra, thse (Iistannc(’ bet w(’etn t h(’ c(’nnt(’n I )f t ims’ (‘leV(’tnt 11 timortt(’ic v(’t’tei)n’a 015(1 the ((‘Inter I )f t hse 55(011(1 lunmsbar v(’rt(’I ra voul( I be nm’asinr’ 1. SilmmilarlV, if I hm(’ fmnsiots extensded onne segtmsets( farther dovts to this’ foinrtls lutmibar vertebra, this distanice 1)(t (‘(‘ti tine cennter of tins’ lsd\ of t he (‘IeV(’Iitisthsoras’ic:tti(Itimat. of tue tisird linnimbar vs’rtebra vomnld I e ils(’5I as ref(’r(’ts(’e l)oilnt S ( Sf nims’asinretmmennt I f l)seuslart Isrosis m:ss f )ilti( I l)s’t 555 I his’ I slit hi annd elevetit hi thnoras’is’ v(’rts’I )ras’, ann :tltennn:nt e nmm(’asur(’nsetlt. osilsl hs’ 115551. SmtS(’s’ t ho’ ns’st it mt 0 In 1 )f t he (liss’ask’(l area its 1his’ uper 1)5)11 0 )11 ( )f I his lssIv of tii(’ first linnmmbar hod is I)rOt)aI)lY 5(IiliVaIennt I ) t Iss’ s’nns’r )as’hsnlmennt 5)1 t his inifs’ni 1’ stnrfas’s ( )f I lie I imird hsnnsml air vert(’l)n’a mnnto I his’ :o Ijas’slnt. i I 1 1s’rvs’rt(’h)ral 5 liss’, I lie shist anns’s I )st mvs’s’t n I Ins esn nI ral l)5)itmt of thns’ i)s)5I\ of tine fit’st lutmmh)an’ to the (‘(Istral 1)oitst of tIme bosly of tine third hittnmbar rtsImn:s (‘0111(1 be 1155(1 as ant :Llt(’I’tlat(’ tims’:tsut’etsisnnt Finnallv, if 1 ins’ fusion (‘xts’ts(lesl sIovnm 5)115’ liii ins’ s(’gnn(’tnt. t 5 ) 1 Ins fifth lunmml ar vsrt el )n’a , Ism(’:nsi 115tmmsnts (‘0(1151bs’ Imia(I(’its tine N5155C fasisiotn frotss tins rs’tnter (of this’ (‘ls’V(’tmtlI or t’,(’Iftis tisOra(’ic or fronsm t his ce’nster of I Iss’ first 5)1’ ss’s’otnsl htnsmbar body sh 5I1 15) thss’ cs’tmter of t his bod s)f tine fourth hinnimhan \\his’nsevs’r I)oSsiI)ls’, (Iis(’aS(’(l inss’d as 1)5)itits of refen’enscs’ for j Oitm oI(’tmiotsst ral)lo’ itt betiditig IsmetimOds of 1 measurement. 1398 3. T. H. JOHNSON AND W. 0. SOUTHWICK 2-A FIG. Fle. 2-B Hot’tntgennogransis of Case C. C., otm mvhmotmmani Albee fusionn was l)s’rforlmse(I, s’xts.nn(Iinsg frons tine tiurd to tim fifth lunmibar vertebra. Pscudartimrosis betweeni the third :mnn(l fourth lunmsbar vertebrae aI)IXan’ed six nmsontiss after olxrationm atn(! ws’ still visible ott a roentgetiogranms made on Mmiv 4, 1951, four years after operatiotm (Fig. 2-A). l)espite 150 treatnisetit of ansy kinnd, thmis I)sell(lart.lmrosis was l)ridge(l by boise, May 9, 1952, five years after operatioti (Fig. 2-B). (‘Oni(llnd(’d that this was possible I I alloc k aisd assoei ates carefully that. fusions 1iseso’ tue foutsd l)Osteri5)t’ fom’ yoittig ill imm all tttiol associates ol)l)Os(’d niade categori(’ally l)otse spimme after immimsimal time of the occur cansimot. cireunmstamsces of by thmrougls time and the paper by gradual grafts on Friedman bent, tuberculosis area fusions mssass surgical also even the tsoted when of the follow-imp ‘‘ ( adult. life. ammo! amstel’R)r fiisdiisgs of least the elmatiges fused h 1i, paraspihsal in segmemst, state(I He the then, s(’oliotic mdl or was developed not. mmrecemit explained of tIme spinse. that betmdinmg is overcorre(’ted to straigistennsg of sustaimmed of deficiemit ins the at’ea growl ()delben’g-,Joistsson Isummiani heitsgs. iii spine fused its lemsgtim of time s’ho1e portiotms but I Ise 1 he 1(15(1 of oily st of b’omvth imsehes grafts observed a negative of but fused curve a localized : pseudarthrosis restored imssmature repeated Ponseti that l)e itito botls its diseussitig growths Miller prinssary tlsese proved earlier if the t lie ittcrease raised and ; Friedimsani, w’hich itt em’ni tlmat of Albee solidly Laekutss ‘Oti tn’unsk extetit Time “ cases of apparemstly oeeasiommally and the : o’ommfusimsg questioim, will tms(Ier wrote its scoliosis, fusioms miot observed except bemsdimtg for lie had aiiol statcol tunt Isors follow-up fusioms, Another to timese 1)tiSeti its followed ii of omse amid omse-hmalf a lomsg-termmi timat i)ridg(’ a. lotsg-t atmol rioted, time average grovth being being tht’ee-qsnarters of atn itich’’. (otsmpletely were gromvt \‘eFtO’bt’tto’. l)reSetstO’(l \\.ILS m’hso also who cotititsttc(l mm chmildnemt I ubei’ctnlosis the l)iologi(’al plasticity of l)Olse. roen t gemmogm’a Isis of lift ccii 11 i bbs of t he childremm pa.tiemits of time fuseol eletsmetsts ( ‘levelatsol fusiomis perforlned \\‘(‘t’O’ autlmoms I)ecause mmm(’asureol After or spine givimsg fusioms way time extent that is of the balaisre time conspensatory curves. loss occurs; fusion, absemsee literatitre, of but of correction oftets atsv throughout the pseudartimn’osis, as exploratiotss. that correctioti appareistly spine, solid. noted THE Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 its seohiosis that JOURNAL Hallock : “ OF was and Forward DONE oftens Jones, bending AND JOINT lost ins an with SURGERY 1400 J. T. H. JOHNSON AND W. 0. SOUTHWICK Case S. S. , tuhs’rs’ulosis of this’ siitse itsvolvinng time t.velftis timoracic :511(1 first lunmhar vertebras’. ( )n Jutme 20, 193 1 , a nmmassive Hibbs fission, usinmg i)anmk boise, was l)(’rfs)rI(’(1 fronms tIme zsint.h timoracic to time timir(I litnibar vertebra. 1’xplorations of the grtmft. with repair of l)SetldartiirosiS betweeni the eleventh anmd tw(’lftlm tlsoracic vertebrae was carried out on .Janmimarv 9, 1952. (its \Iav 21 , 1952, the fusion was re’-(’xl)ls)rs’(I :115(1 fomumd to be solid throughout its whole (‘xt(’Imt. Roentgeniogranmss ))f the spinn’ were OI)tailsed at least otice a year, frsins 1952 to 1958. The l)est were those ma(Ie 015 l)eccnmber 16, 1952, whenm the patienst was five years of age (Fig. 4-A), aimd 5)15 Aitgitst 9. 1958, win(’ns the (‘imild as ten 1515(1 a half (Fig. 4-B). Noto’ tinat. 501555’ straigimteniinsg of this’ kypisosis isad s)s’(’ltrr(’(l (Iltritng this interval of five anmd a half years. t’sitmg tlsese roenmt gs’nmogranims, we deternsinmed the inmcrease1inheight of t iso’ fus.esl ansd the imnifinss’d nns)rnmal verto’h)ra(’, (‘nssployitsg first our method anmd timen that of Hallock, IEratn(’is, anal Jon(’s. 1’). our tsiethsod tue fuss’d area (the six tmtm(lafliaged epipisyseal l)latcs) betweeli ths(’ t(’tmth tinor:u’ie ati(l sscOti(l ltmtmshar vs’rts’hrae inscrease(I as follows: 12, 16, 52 I )istatnre betmveetn Immid-bo(lies J)istance betweens Imii(1-pe(Iicles :tniol time unfused sacral vertei)rae area (six iincnease(l uimdamaged as follows: e)i)hiyseal 6 . 9 clii. 7.2 cm. 1)lates) between 7, 9, 58 time 12,16/52 Itnerease (lid’ cent 7 . 5 (‘tim. 9 7.9 cnmm. 10 third lunmhasr anmd this’ 7, 9, 55 Inicreas(’ ( per cent 8 . 7 cm. 30 8.0 ens. 33 By the Franmcis, and Jones, vertebrae, Imseasured fronmm t lie top of the nilmtlm thot’acic to tise h)ottom of the eleventh thoracic vertebra alm(l from time top Of tine se(’Oii(l lumbar to tise l)Ottofl1 of the third lunmihar vertebra., illcreased 1(5 follows: 12 16/52 7/9/58 Inicrease (per cermt ‘I’9 to ‘FL 1 4.7 ens. 5.6 ‘nmm. 1k.) L2 to L; 4 . 0 ens. 4 . 9 (‘1mm. 22 anid time unfusesi hmealthiv vertebrae, nseasured frons time top of tine fourth lunmmhan veltebra ts tins’ hottons of the first sacral vertel)ra, iflcrease(l 1(5 follows: 144 to Si 6.0 cm. 8.0 (‘Iii. 33 (per (‘dm1 Similarly, by their metho(l, time total fusion area, immeasured 1)0th fronmm the top of time ninth thoracic to the bottonmm of time tisird lumbar vertebra anmd fronm time superior marginm of time pedicle of the nintls tlsora(’ic to the inmferior margin of the pedicle of time third lunmbar vertebra, iimcrease(1 as follows: Distance i)etweeis 1)istaisce between nmet.ho(1 mid-bo(Iies mid-pedicles of Hallork, first 6 . 7 cm. 6.0 cm. tIsefused healthy 12/16/52 Bodies, Pedicles, T9 to L3 T9 to L3 12 . 0 cm. 13 . 7 ens. 12.2 13.5 TIlE Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 Inscrease 7/9/58 cm. JOURNAL OF BONE cnm. AND (rer cenmt) 14 11 JOINT SURGERY 1400 J. T. H. JOHNSON AND W. 0. SOUTHWICK Case S. S. , tuhs’rs’ulosis of this’ siitse itsvolvinng time t.velftis timoracic :511(1 first lunmhar vertebras’. ( )n Jutme 20, 193 1 , a nmmassive Hibbs fission, usinmg i)anmk boise, was l)(’rfs)rI(’(1 fronms tIme zsint.h timoracic to time timir(I litnibar vertebra. 1’xplorations of the grtmft. with repair of l)SetldartiirosiS betweeni the eleventh anmd tw(’lftlm tlsoracic vertebrae was carried out on .Janmimarv 9, 1952. (its \Iav 21 , 1952, the fusion was re’-(’xl)ls)rs’(I :115(1 fomumd to be solid throughout its whole (‘xt(’Imt. Roentgeniogranmss ))f the spinn’ were OI)tailsed at least otice a year, frsins 1952 to 1958. The l)est were those ma(Ie 015 l)eccnmber 16, 1952, whenm the patienst was five years of age (Fig. 4-A), aimd 5)15 Aitgitst 9. 1958, win(’ns the (‘imild as ten 1515(1 a half (Fig. 4-B). Noto’ tinat. 501555’ straigimteniinsg of this’ kypisosis isad s)s’(’ltrr(’(l (Iltritng this interval of five anmd a half years. t’sitmg tlsese roenmt gs’nmogranims, we deternsinmed the inmcrease1inheight of t iso’ fus.esl ansd the imnifinss’d nns)rnmal verto’h)ra(’, (‘nssployitsg first our method anmd timen that of Hallock, IEratn(’is, anal Jon(’s. 1’). our tsiethsod tue fuss’d area (the six tmtm(lafliaged epipisyseal l)latcs) betweeli ths(’ t(’tmth tinor:u’ie ati(l sscOti(l ltmtmshar vs’rts’hrae inscrease(I as follows: 12, 16, 52 I )istatnre betmveetn Immid-bo(lies J)istance betweens Imii(1-pe(Iicles :tniol time unfused sacral vertei)rae area (six iincnease(l uimdamaged as follows: e)i)hiyseal 6 . 9 clii. 7.2 cm. 1)lates) between 7, 9, 58 time 12,16/52 Itnerease (lid’ cent 7 . 5 (‘tim. 9 7.9 cnmm. 10 third lunmhasr anmd this’ 7, 9, 55 Inicreas(’ ( per cent 8 . 7 cm. 30 8.0 ens. 33 By the Franmcis, and Jones, vertebrae, Imseasured fronmm t lie top of the nilmtlm thot’acic to tise h)ottom of the eleventh thoracic vertebra alm(l from time top Of tine se(’Oii(l lumbar to tise l)Ottofl1 of the third lunmihar vertebra., illcreased 1(5 follows: 12 16/52 7/9/58 Inicrease (per cermt ‘I’9 to ‘FL 1 4.7 ens. 5.6 ‘nmm. 1k.) L2 to L; 4 . 0 ens. 4 . 9 (‘1mm. 22 anid time unfusesi hmealthiv vertebrae, nseasured frons time top of tine fourth lunmmhan veltebra ts tins’ hottons of the first sacral vertel)ra, iflcrease(l 1(5 follows: 144 to Si 6.0 cm. 8.0 (‘Iii. 33 (per (‘dm1 Similarly, by their metho(l, time total fusion area, immeasured 1)0th fronmm the top of time ninth thoracic to the bottonmm of time tisird lumbar vertebra anmd fronm time superior marginm of time pedicle of the nintls tlsora(’ic to the inmferior margin of the pedicle of time third lunmbar vertebra, iimcrease(1 as follows: Distance i)etweeis 1)istaisce between nmet.ho(1 mid-bo(Iies mid-pedicles of Hallork, first 6 . 7 cm. 6.0 cm. tIsefused healthy 12/16/52 Bodies, Pedicles, T9 to L3 T9 to L3 12 . 0 cm. 13 . 7 ens. 12.2 13.5 TIlE Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 Inscrease 7/9/58 cm. JOURNAL OF BONE cnm. AND (rer cenmt) 14 11 JOINT SURGERY BONE GRO\VTH iFTER sn’IxF: . FIG. 1401 FUSION 5-A ‘ ‘ Ftc.. 5-B I ). 1{.., tuhei’culosis of I Ins’ sminne ilnvolvinmg tine lift ii :tlnd sixt is I iiI:teir vs’nts’I n:ns. ( )tn Junme I 6, 1 950, a nimassive I Iihhs fusiotm, m’einmfon’ced with l’ibl)OIs grafts frotmm t hie tibia, (ase as Pt”fornmmed fronmm t ime fourt h to 1 ime t enst Im t hmoracic vertel na. l(oentgenogranss :mt yearly inntenvals thereafter inmdis’ated timat time graft :ss solid I hnroughnsntt its enmt ire extent . TIme l’oetntgennogranmss us(’d for nmeasurenmenst were obtained onm I )es’enmsi er 12, 1 mvimens time 1)atielit \:ts eight years olsI (Fig. .5-A), and on Juime 2, 1955, whets tine (mull \\05 t\V5lV(’ :115(1 a half (Fig. 5-B). Using these roenntgelsogranmms, ve (leterninne(l time iticrease in height of tue fused annsl tIne unnftnsed Imornmsal vertebrae ensmmdoyiisg first. our nmethod atsd then that of Ilallock, Fralseis, atnd .Jomses. By our nmethod time fused area (six undani:mged epipinysea.1 1)lates) betweelm tine fifth :Lfl(I nninnthi I hmoracic vertei)rae ilss’rease(i as fi )llows: 12/12,50 I )ist ann’s’ I st (‘(‘nn J)ist.anns’c anm(I tue ven’tehras’ 1550 1-1 iodies ls’t tmmi)l-l)e(lis’les unnfused area (six tmornsal ini(’Ie:nse)I :ns foIlovs: epipiisea1 1)lates) 62/55 7 . 3 (‘1mm. 7 . 5 ens, betweemm time tennth 12/1250 Inncreasc ( 1s’r edit I 1 S . 0 (nm. 7 thmom’acic 011(1 tine first S . 1 elms. 6/2/55 hetweenm h)ettveeIs immid-bodies mmiid-pesliels’s 7 . 1 (‘niL 7. . S (nm. an Innrr(’asc ( i’n 1)ist.almce 1)istanss’e lunml 10 . 4 c.Imm 1 1 . 0 (‘lit. s’emmt -11 1I t lie nii(’t Ii 1(1 s)f I I aIls ck , I’I:n l1(i5, :1.1)5 1 .Js ons’s, t he fusesl hiealt hny vent ci )n:tc, Iim(’:nsInl(’ I fn uin I I of t ise sevennt ii t monaco’ I 5) t lie hot t onmm of t inc tenit is I hiOIa(’i(’ ventei)ra, inmcreas(’sI as follomvs T7 to T10 7 . 8 (‘nfl. 9 . 1 sImm, 21 (per c(’tnt Ln5(L t Ins’ unnfusesl niortisal vert (‘lmr:se, nsmeasure(l frons t he 15)1) of time eleveimt h 1 isoracis 1 o I lie I ot t onnm s)f t lie first hurts) etn vs’rtehn’a, inoneasesl as follows: ‘l.’l I Is) L I 7 . 2 cnmm. 10 . 2 cnn. 12 (pet (‘(‘nit ts)1) Sitmmihatly, 1iy t heir thmoras’ic to tine bottonis of the fourt hi t hmor:ncic :is follows: nnethmod, t lie of tise tenth to the inferior total fusion area, mmmeasured thoracic vertei)ra and from n:mrgin of t lie pe(li(’le of the I2/h2/.(1 both froni t Inc t op the superior margits teimth I lmon:u’ic ventel sf i, 255 Imncrease I inc (mxn’(‘CIII Boslis’s,14 l o ‘1’ 1 (1 vs )L. 42-A. N) 0. 12 Tl0 Pedis’les, ‘l’I to 0 Dt . 12.5 i:mn tiER l)6() Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 6 sims. (nm. 15 14.1 . 1 clii. (‘lii. fount of the peslis’le rtt, inm(neasesl 20 1 in 1402 J. T. H. JOHNSON AND W. 0. SOUTH\VICK (‘ase B. A. S., tuberculosis of the spine irmvolviimg the third and fourth lunshar vertebrae. (mm Fehm’uan’v 17, 1950, a 5l)ilme fusion from the first lunsh)ar to the fifths lunmhar vertebra was attensmpte(l, lout l)seu(lartlsroses developed between the tlsird aImd fourths anmd hetwecim time fourths amnsl fifth lunimbar vertebrae. Oni Februan’v 9, 1951 , these pseudarthroses were repaired su(’s’essfully. Iloweven’, a l)seu(Iarthmrosis timat hind beens overlooked iii scvei’al roemntgelms)granms was sUbseqU(’Iitly seen betweens tise first amnd seconmsl lumbar vertel)rae. \earlv roelltg(’nis)granms timereafter revealed that time graft was solid frons the se(’olmd lunmmbar to time se(’ond sacral vertebra. Time roentgenograms used for Imieasurenmelst by both our nmetiiod alnsl that of Ilallock, Fn’aimcis, and Jones were oI)tairmed omi Julie 15, 1951, when the (‘hmild was seveim years 01(1 (Fig. 6-A), 1Usd on April 11, 1958, mhens time child wa.s fourteen (Fig. 6-B). B:’ OUr nmmetiso(I tine ani(l first sacral vertebrae area ili(’rease(l fused (four as unn(Ianmaged epi)Isysea1 I)lates) betwcenm time fourth lunmsbar follows: 6 15 51 4 1 1 58 Inms’reass’ (‘elst 5 . 7 cnmm. 6 . 2 (Iii. 9 4 . 9 cmii. 5 . 3 (‘1mm. S hetweeim I lie s’levent Is I hmor:ncic amnd I lie ( l)(’r 1)istamnce 1)istaisce betweens hetveeis Immi(I-bO(lies nmmid-pedicles hme unfinsed area (four v(’1t &‘lt’:u’ itms’n’ease(I anmsl t luimml 1:5 n tmornmal epiphsvseal as plates ) 15 (‘I Distance 1)istannce 1. to1) the of betweemi between Immi(l-h)odies immid-pediches nmetho(l of ilallock, lumbar to time se(’ommd Fraiscis, amid Jones, time fused the 1)ottons of the third lumbar of T12 time unfused first nsornmal lunmbar vertebrae, vertebra, measured increased :ts from the met mod, of the of to secon(I lutmsbar time tine first inmferioi’ limcrease (‘dm1) 7 . 3 ctms. 7 . 3 (‘1mm. top (‘oS .f . S clii. Siimmilamly, I y t ineir lutsmbar 15) tine bottons 1 1 55 ( Pr” follows: to Li time 4 33 healtimy vertebrae, mmieasured fronm time vertebra, increased as follows: cm. 6.2 cm. 29 (per cemmt) of the twelfth timora(’ic to time bottom 4.8 time 51 5 . 2 cmmm. 5 . .5 cnm. L2 to L3 alm(l first follomvs . ctmm. 42 (per (‘emit total sacral fusioim are:n , isme:nsured both fronmm tue t op sf 1 ha’ second vertel)ra and from time superior immamgimm of tine I)edi(’le mmsam’gimm of time l)edi(’ls’ of time first sacral vertebra, incrs’as(’sl as follows: (‘1 13 i1 4 1 1, ‘55 lnl(’re:nse (per Bo(Iies, Pedicles, L2 to Si L2 to Si 12.5 cm. 11 .5 cm. THE Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 JOURNAL OF cenit) 15.0 ens. 20 13.5 ens. 17 BONE AND JOINT SURGERY BONE GROWTH AFTER SPINE 1103 FUSiON FIG. 7-A FIG. 7-B Case tuberculosis of time spine involving the timir(I, foiirtim, :115(1 fifth lunmbar vertebrae. AIn Albee fusions fronm time first lumbar to time first sa(’ral vertebra was attenmpte(I 5)15 August 14, 1942, msiien tue Iatiellt as four years old. PSeU(1:trtiiroses (levelol)esl betw(’els tine se(’onnd almd third and between time thmin’d anm(l fourths lulmmh)am’ vertebrae. These pseudartlmroses were repaired on .Jatmuarv 26, i943. Year1’ roenmtgenogranmms thereafter revealed tue fusionn to be solid frstmm time first lunmmhar to time S(’(’5)Ii(1 sacral of Ilallock, (Fig. 7-A), Jh s)ur anid Time rs)entgenogralmms vertebra. Frans(’is, ali(l Jonnes anisl onm August 25, niietins)5I, first area inscr(’ased time sas’ral were 1949, fusesl vertebrae used for Immeasurenmemnt l)y h)otis our netisod the patient was five obtaume(I 015 .July 1, 1943, mimen when time s’iiilsi was elevens (Fig. (four as uisdanmm:mgesi follows: epipisvseal plates) hetweenn time second S 25-19 1)istannee hetws’emn hetweeni 1)istance isornmal of the first lumbar Li to 142 anid time UIifUse(l twelfths thmorasic TlO to Fi2 to imormal vertebra, Francis, tIme bot.tonm vertel)rae, innereased ansi of Jones time nseasured as follows: time second froni of the itmferior time to . 8 ens. ; . clii. tenth amid S 25 #{149}.19Immcrease 4 . 2 eni. 4 . 3 cm. 3 . 9 cnmm. 5 . 8 (nm. fused lumbar ( ler Isealtisy vertebrae, vertebra, 4.5 clii. time top of dim. 6.0 the temmth Li Pedicles, VOL. 42-A. 35 as cnms. to the fronis the follows: 33 (per cent) bottom of time S. 5 elms. 42 (per ceist) nmmetimod, tue total fusions area, nmmeasured bothm fI’olmm the to1) of time first lttnmmbar first sacral vertebra and fronim the superior niargini of the pedicle of tue first niargini of time pecli(’le of time first sacral vertebra, increased as follows: 7143 8. 25/49 Increase to Si Li to Si NO. cent.) nmeasuned nmcreased tinom’acic 40 (per Bodies, (‘emit) hO 10 twelfth 7,. 1 , .13 6.0 timeir Sinsmilarly, to time bottonm lunmibar to time Plates) nmid-bsxlies Issi(1-I)edicles 1fr. time nmmetiiod of hiallock, ts)1) el)iI)iivseal 6 . 2 (nm. 6 .: bet.mveemm lunsmI)ar Itmcrease ( per het.weens nmid-bodies betweenm nmi(l-I)edicles tmnnfused area (four inns’reased as follows: old 7-B). 7, 1, 43 1)istanmre 1)istannce and this’ vs’rtehras’ aln(I that years 8, DECE%IBER 10.5 ens. 12.3 ens. cezmt) 17 10.0 cm. 11.5 cm. 15 1900 Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 1404 J. Case U.N., A two-stage tuberculosis T. of H. time JOHNSON spine AND inmvolvimmg (tue first otm 1)ecember 8, 1950, thss)racie to the’elfth t.horacic the third \VtS SOli(I fn’otms time third inn April 1951 , but. there fronsm our nimetimod, thoracic the fused vertebrae had the time 0. SOUTHWI(’K sixths, and the vertebra sevelsth, eighth amid thiorarir vertei)mae. fusioni secolm(I olm J:umuam’y 26, 1951 ) Ilihhs was attempted, usinmg bansk honne. Fusions thoracic vertel)ra, as evidelm(’ed by a roelmtgelms)gm’almm nsia(Ie was pseudarthrosis betmveen time eleveisth anmd twelfths timora(’ic vem’tehmae. 1(oenstgennogm’anmss were obtained frequently during the follosvinmg two years. Flowever, there \V:LS thenn a two-year l:tpse; the next roentgenogram was not made until 1955. At timis tinme timere was evi(Ience t ina1. time pseudartlmrosis had healed spoistaneously, without treatnsent . \Ieasur(’nmseimts 1y both or nmmethod mumd that of Hallock, Franmeis, and Jones vere niade on time I)asiS of time inmitiallv solid fusioni extenmding fronm time third to time eleventh thoracic vertebra. Time roelstgelsoglams us(’sI svere oh)tainned 015 August 6, 1951, wheis the patienmt was five years 01(1 (Fig. 8-A ), :115(1 011 JUI1(’ 7, 1955, vlmets (lie (‘Imild was tsine (Fig. 8-B). In time interval l)etweens these roenitgenmognanmms tIne kyphosis had dinmmilsishmed slightly. By tenmth to W. eleventh area (eight increased undamaged epi)hmysea1 plates) hetmveemn S 6 51 l)istance betweeni Distance between and the unfused isad increased as nornmal epiphyseal 6 7 35 8 . 5 ciii. 8 . 7 cist 10 . 0 cnmm. 10 . 2 elms. betweeim time first alnd fifths Immid-i)odies nmid-pedicles area (eiglmt. follows: thi(’ fountin plates) 8 6 51 6 7 Ilicrease (iei edit.) 2 2 lunsmhar vertebrae 55 lnncne:tse (leI l)istansce 1)istansce By to1) of bet.weems betweels 10 . 5 sImm. #{182} . 9 (‘Iii, nmid-bodies nmid-pedicles to tine hottons of time fifth thoracic vertei)ra, inn(’rease(I 8 6 51 T9toTil 5.3cm. T3toT5 and the unfused the third lunmbar Li to L3 4.7cm. Sinsilarly, thioracic I)edi(’le itss’reased by nornsal vertebra, vertel)t’ae, increased 12 nmeasured as follows: fronmm time tot) 11 method, the 2 s’nms. 6/7 total fusion area, to time bottom of the elevenmth thmoracic of time third thon’acic to the insferior margin as follows: 55 Insenease (per edit) 13 6.0cm. 5.2eiss. of the first nmeasured vertebra and of the pediele S. 1 both 11 lunmmbar tue ts (I)5. from time top fronms time superior of the elevemmthm S 6 51 6 7 f5 T3 to Ti I T3 to Ti! 12 . 0 cmmm. 1 2 . 9 clii. 14.0 clii. 13. THE Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 1 cims. JOURNAL OF BONE hottonns 14 (per (elit of timird time vertebra, thoracic lnncrease ANI) of mimargimi of time (ix’r Bodies, Pedicles, (‘emnt ) 16 . :ts follows: 7. 1 cm. thmeir . 0 (‘155. 1 I a.Imd ,Jommes, time fused imealtimy vettehi:ne, nme:nsulesl from t lns’ of the eleventim thiora(’i(’ vertel)ra annsl fnonmi the ts)1) of tlninsl time nmethod of Hallock, Francis, the tiiimtim timora(’ic to the bottom timor:tcic alnd as follows: cent) 7 7 J5)INT 5(.)((;y GISOWTH h3()Nh AFTER SPINE 1405 FUSION ( ‘ase \\ . H .. t ui)erculosis of I he spinse ilsvolvinmg t lie fourths timid fift It lunsl)ar vert ehrae. ( )tn 1ehruarv .1, 1949, a I Iihhs fusionm, reiniforced mvith tibial honie, mas perfornmed fronim tue first limnmhar ts) t Ine ses’s)nsd saen’al vertebra. Fusiolm becanmie solid from time secommd lunsbar to tine se’onnsl sas’ral vertel)ra, vitim pseudartimrosis bet.weenm the first anm(I Se(’OIid lunmbar vertebrae. Thereafter, roenntgenogranmms were obtainmed at least. once yearly uist ii I 955. The roent gelsogranms usesi for nmmeasuretmmetmt I)y both our method anmd that. of hiahlock, Frals(’is, tusd ,Joties were Ol)taitls’(I slIm .Juime 7, 1949, mvlmeim t lne pat ienmt was seven years old (Fig. 9-A ), atsd On June 6, 1 955, winels 1 hns’ rhnild was t hsirteeti (1ig. (J_I ). I:t the VCItel)Iae fusesl area inm(’rs’asesl 5)1I’ Immetle)d, :tnisl first. sact’:il unnslatnmags’sl epiphmyseal (fstr as 1)1:515’s ) l)(’t\v((’nn tIne tlnirsl 6 7 6 6 ‘55 P.) IltCl(’:ns(’ (per I )ist.atnee between I)etweens unfused ins’re:ue(I 1)istanmce the vertel)l’ae :511(1 7 ens. 6 . 2 ctn. nssid-hodies nmi(l-pe(licl(’s area (four as follows: (‘I tss)rlmsal lunishar fshlsmvs (pi)hnVseal tlates) 7.1 einm. 6..! ens. tent Ii lund . l)etweenm the 67,49 s’ennt 6 : twelfth 6 6, 55 tisoras’i( Increase cent) (per I )ist alice 1)etweens I )ist :mnsre I’eii nmmisl-bodies nmmid-1)esh(’les lh’ time nmmethmod of Hallock, tot) of time lumbar second 5.1 5:3 Fralmeis, alid Jones the bottonmm of the timird fused lumbar tue to 6.5 (i.8 cnsm. imealthy vertebra, s’nmm. 25 cnn. 28 vertebrae, increased 6/7/49 nsea.sure(1 from as follows: 66/55 Increase (per L2 to :05(1 the unfusesi nnorlmmal vertebrae, of tue twelftlm tiioracic vertebra, ‘I’ 10 ts) T12 Sinmilarly, I)y their nmetimO(I, nseasured frons inmcrettseol as follows: time Bodies, Pedicles, 42-A, I2 Si to L2 NO. to Si 8, DECEMBER total sacral tnargins fusions area, vertebra and of pedicle the measured frons time telith of tue timoraci(’ 9 hotim the sacral vertebra, 11.7cm. 12.8cm. 10.3cm. 11.0cm. the botts)nml 30 (pet’ time top nmargin 66’55 Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 to I sm. fronm superior first . 6, 7/49 tYOO (‘ent) 22 6 . 7 cnsm. 7 . 0 enms. lumbar to the l)ottOnsm of the first the seeotmd lunshar to time inmferior follows: VOL. 5 . 5 ens. time top of [43 tine of (‘ennt time secolid of time pedicle increase(I Increase (per cent) 9 7 of as 1406 .r. Epiphyseal more growth active allowing lolsg fusions causes area law. i)eyonsd the isot botse Weinmann also with be or excessive true pressure, due sufficient to loss of continuity, Ths thems allow cause consequent bending stated overcorrection or betsditsg CLINICAL This study requiritmg culosis, was long spine poliomyelitis, subjecting effects of Such child effects is essential the of fusion. Although be the that seensed Therefore, to were the were solidity of a fusiomm rotationt the area is extremely Hibbs years anmd of with age In especially plate could almost fusioms ansd These defects culosis, follow-up such This “. Could to produce growth, resorption graft in one area? it what you will problem of as idiopathic is certainly know possible the young long-terns, amid, itt a slower but spine Childremm, of clinical with accurate as well effects. perhaps, the as of bone growth the desirable the type literature, seetsss a substamstial to the basic laws the clitsical material Crippled A wealth tuberbefore umsdesirable extemit as expressed at children scoliosis, importatst, long-terns the fusiotm, is contrary evaluate significant, rate, it of bomse physiology. at the Childremi’s both its Baltitssore, Immaterial was available to imsass after spinme fusioti for to judge by roemst.gemiogram scohiosis. Furthernmore, nmeasuremssent of if the the lemmgth of difficult. fusions for tsext studied. of the spine but be clearly 75 per they seen, cent. tuberculosis of the Roentgenograms were often did different the spine ins childrenm of the available healed not incidence Often, seem they did interfere roentgenograms genograms-twenty of its in the spines two ummder of 400 hospitals, tent childrems yet it was how few could be properly evaluated with respect to bomme growth after mammy cases, it was extremely difficult to judge the solidity of the fusiots, the Hibbs fusion in the thoracic region. In spinmes its which the fusion amazing was botie or t.ensiont due accurate knowledge its a givemi situatiotm, opinion, after are Albee were tuberculosis fusions. to any mm a t.horacic ansd may clinical determinimmg Icermman Hospital for in actual situatiomis. curvature fusiomi the many lotsg-term follow-ups. to determimie the growth of the fusion unn’esvardiiig. It is almost impossible Attemmmpts s(’OhiOSiS persists the is, however, anseurysnss. tetisiomm, a graft. operation, majority this concept decided to amid the there recent and excessive diverse reasotss anomalies. It an in still happemied of outweigh vital growth hospital amid will us that it was see what to such is also of resorption of continuity of the or stress fracture-call of the procedure. An to evaluate whether, operation knowledge by or INVESTIGATION because fusions for such atmd congenital a small the short-term after fusions to initiated borne of pressure tumors and pressure There of boise of the a lomig increased occur. of scoliosis, loss of stretmgth not certain pressure Hueter-Volkmann that “Increase its which an actual pseudarthrosis, shaft greater does that: by fusions, stretching the states to destruction caused to of increased to the which that leads in spine area But law, and Sicher pressure of bone -may result and SOUTHWICK in an growth. Wolff’s of tolerance occurs this the 0. pressure-according through to W. suppressed formation with limits ol)viously be AND of decreased responds of stress, another JOHNSON bending plate inicreased the H. will in an area law-thus T. years technique of pseudart.hrosis these pseudarthroses spontaneously, to as interfere showis by with the greatly with growth and records. evaluation. Finally, the or more fusion-seemed that after it was its otse were extremely near or nsore the later ends areas of the roetstgenogrammss. healing of the tuber- Many cases had incomplete long-term follow-up roemstso grossly difficult to magnified make and accurate comparisons. TEE Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 JOURNAL OF DONE AND JOINT SURGERY BONE these problems amid Jommes more With F’ramicis, criteria and additiotsal rate bUt were bone grafts or if the metits tiisse made after Their of the above l)ody and the cud 1, 1) normal diseased of the omme of the other etsd grams of of the four area, bottom fusiomi. fusions lumbar patients, areas. thus was criteria by surgical exploration. but vertebrae area. The included normal plates by the beiisg inscluded within of the exact top of the top 1 to 4 in Fig. in the region (Fig. 1, narrowed, occurs 4) , the disc of the disc immdividual ammd does not extetit two vertebral 1). Thus, measured fusion, and hence at least nseasured could be expected segments the usually (Fig. 25 per cent to occur. space in the of the At the roentgeno- as noted by Hallock, Francis, because of bone replacement vertebral growth the was accu- the vertebrae, would Sl5OW of in Measure- roentgenograms, space is largely replaced by using the vertebral end-plate expemise nmade Kyphosis making disc nsat.erial. At any rate, the disc vertebral bodies and any measurement the is were successful in all patients were used to determine were measured from the vertebral body (as from epiphyseal measured normal fusion older patients is markedly amid this narrowing probably Jones, spine Seven fusion “ by Hahlock, in detail the mso mentiotm areas. verified of the whole completely unaffected growth of the segments is other postoperative were of the or below the to the bottom after paper gives mmot stated. tsieasuremetsts fusions was the that fusion; in thoracolumbar or in thirteen of fifteen “early was to review only one Hibbs from of fusion 1407 FUSiON measurements They stated that what roentgenographic from operation SPINE by taken were severe presence were growth treated being difficult. mention AVFER it was decided since this is the for all area, and eight to moderately measurensent they did iiot this, used patients thoracic nioderate in mind, closely, techniques Their GROWTH body, imidicate but growth this of the the adjacemmt its this way growth fused amid of the may be segmetmt at. as a ss’hole. Measurement the of whole fused area dependitig oms the length of fusion) tets or twelve) that are not restricted the mmormal growth of these msot its the least itsfluemmced time pedicles uppermost adjacent area rrh presetmce Fratscis, found bone six or seven by the fusion. of the on of pedicle fused vertebrae Measurement may subsequenst. pseudarthrosis amid Jones. In close examinatiomm. especially genograns, the roenstgenogranss. roemitgeisogranss, t511ti5(’t’OUS sary the to 10 or from 1 expand 1 to 12, out cent of of plates (two 15 to 20 per will take place of the distammce atsyway, between to a lesser degree. rfhie width, especially if the of the pedicles with it. somewhat at the expense of ligaments. Ilallock, were 1, from is subject to the same consideration, although or lowermost pedicles are free to grow in vertebral body grows and pulls the periosteum Ins a fused aolj aceist (Fig. will immclude two growth by the fusion. Hetsce, to rule omme made Ins but subsequeistly roemstgenogranms of the out adequately was either never our series, Sometimes, early other the after immstatices same memstioised numerous these operation, they a (Fig. period founmd itm the 2). A of time of defects bY fusion plates iii omse roemmt- were presemst or the absensce possibility its the visible l)ut were healed spotst.ammeously fusiotm over a long presetice as defects were tsot on early study of is neces- its the fusioms. Fimsally, the ages of the childrets in the early postoperative roetstgenograms are not given by Hallock, Francis, and Jones. Presumably, these children were frons four to six years old ansd probably weighed about fifty pounds. The average follow-up was comparisoms magnification were VOL. the 42-A, twenty-onme were of factor same NO. 8, years; adults to be (thirty-six DECEMBER hensce, the who presunmably expected from inches), would be follow-up roent.genograms used weighed these, if the about 150 tube-to-target pounds. The distatsces 17 per 1900 Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 cent (Fig. 3). for 1408 J. To 2.8 illustrate, to 3.4 let and are JOHNSON an enlarged AND that W. area whets the correction 1 1 per 0. a fused unfused made first uSinsg the By measurements H. us suppose centimeters by roentgetmograms he was an adult. T. SOUTHWICK area from patient factors cetst growth to 4.1 iticreases centimeters, frons as showti was a small child atmd later whets shown its Figure 3, the childisood Whets . during 2.4 corrected, these will be chaniged from 2.8 to 2.52 centimeters and from 2.4 to 2.16 centimeters. Th adult measurememits are emmiarged 28 per ceist and hensce, whets corrected, will be chamsged from 3.4 to 2.65 ceimtimet.ers and from 4.1 to 3.2 cemitinseters. Thus, after corre(’tiomm for tmsagisification, we find that nseters, or 4 per cemst growth, or 45 per cemit growth. inssignmificant atsd well purposes no sigmsificant per cent growth Using fusion area grew 170 calculated 50 per has the fused amid the Now, 0.13 centimeter, or 4 per cemst growth, is statistically within the limits of error in measurememmt, so for practical growth has taken place iii the fused area, amid about 45 taken these same grew 120 place in the figures Hallock, cent, a change per per cent, a change of 70 the growth by subtracting cent. real these evidence figures fused area. less area has growns frotms 2.52 to 2.65 cetstiunifused area from 2. 16 to 3.2 cemmtitmseters, growth in the unfused area. Framscis, of 20 per one fusion Jotses estinmated cemmt., amid that. cent.. Using these value from the area; that the fusion area grew is that the unfused portion aisd per whereas, values, other. imm point that the the mmornmal these The area authors result. of fact, was there is iso at all. The only evidence provided grew somewhat its comparisotm with by the METHOD 1mm our tioned fusion Hibbs series lumbar and pseudarthroses sidered thoracolumbar in the unless until the fusion itscorporated; particular, may Spine measured on both the interval. The third sets getiograms, that tut.ed plate made criterion before at least and these all port.n)lt beimsg of tine mmseasure(1 urememst would itselude the Furthermore, iso measurements this surgery again yet have patients the entire found spontaneously showed no had the 5J)1h1( variable factors just mmsets- cases were with comm- nseasured immterval. may years area. Aim Albee break later numerous should have period of measurensemst its pseudart.hroses had its numerous also because whereas other roentto he sinre requirememmt pseudarthroses was insstihad ole- sonme roemstgemmoroetstgemsograimms defects. area to he measured should plates, all well vithims the fused area he eotsspat’(’(l atm equal isutisbet no)t. comstaims an emsd vertel)ra of with gnosvtls THE JOURNAL OF BONE ANt) itmelude hinsits of that of ams 1)Iat(’s. ‘Elms’ sitsee growth of an end-plate ummrestraimmed should be made from the end-plates Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 graft, dow’ts later. A may look solid had and defects, the fusion epiphyseal of this but many coistaimsitig should All cases the time. This in which demonstrated letsgt.h evaluated. aisd no throughout during during was that vertebral fusiomm msmass, amid that area that a year, healed reasons Visible after and and was after the first measurement should imot. be made A graft takes several motmths to heconse occur had remained solid the a number of cases were had avoid the most. easily were discarded, clearly may once fourth criterion four umidamaged snufused to that the surgery. solid shortly after surgery preferably and then for techtiical The were area was was after growth look shortly made of roentgenograms the fusion because ‘e1oped grams fused was set of criteria. First to be itmcluded was that a solid visible on the roentgenograms. This ruled out. immost new bone had beets added. Albee operatiomss its the area measured The second criterion at least four months solidly the atm attempt by setting up a rigid plate had to be clearly fusions, unless extensive smelt by a incus- time fusiomm. since mmseas- JoINT 5URGERY BONE tti’(’nii(’tsts 5 )f hi(’ t 5 #{176}l :1.i I S 1 1s I ulj t liese frons I asi’n tmsi(l-l)( s )l ‘ I nI 5 (‘xl)(’(’t (‘(I t 0 discs I relat amid ((.)iIst eemstral the spamsmied of the of pedicles, as the unrestraitseol I)Iit(’(’ at. I h(’ t 5 sh(BiI(l bo(lies ii boise si t’el)laeetiietst i)eing about area, but area, rather I equal the t ls(’ of frotis I ISP 1s \‘oul(1 1)(‘ he irit (‘rv(’rteb)ral (Fig. 1). These disease than I5(’ tItit(IP 1)011) of disease grow’th (‘xp(’i he I h(’s(’ ttd(’ poitnts iimvolved posterior visualized amid losver were elensemmts its the borders imseasurensmemsts of the grossly lateral ‘as quiescemit destructiomi, further shosv the significant growth of t he physique tmiagmiificationt may the 1940) (sitmce in ehild of Its the atsd as those that the used mid-points than from the rather of markers these other measurements of the posterior between the the cenmters of the vertebral bodies. period should be lommg enmough to areas, but tiot too long, because the radically and Only to frons betweems follow-up roetstgenograms. w’ere nsade absetmce even uimfused change were roentgenogram pedicles. itiaccurate, pe(1i(’Ies s’ere isot so accurate ‘l’he fifth criterion was era s’it the I a kes (}5 (‘brat rust include ti5(’ItSltt(’t5i(’i) ‘ert I ( )tti tlieso’ restitutiomi M(’asurelssemsts ttpper ively ivlsi , 1409 FUSION rule. time the I iist (‘IRI I )( )t I #{176}P1115(1 SPINE nsight. (‘I m’al I)111t (5 (lisds. sometinses cases s’as us’ AFTER referemsce of \‘(‘l’t 1115(1 i)eloW’ al)ove all 01,55 ei)ral i’(’tiittiti msseasurememits its points )t t i is t (‘i’\’(’it GROWTH make cause gross differences roetmtgenograms sure that the made in its the the roentgenographic modern techniques Were fairly well stammdardized. Spimses with excessive kyphoses or scolioses were avoided, sinmee these deformities make measurement difficult.; omsly omie of the cases finally ac(’epted for study had more than a mild kyphosis. A range of of frons four nsade duritsg follow-up genograrns of the spimme amid thus miificatiots occurred patiemmt s’ere comparal)le cenmtinmseter ss’ill be with reasomm or COlle(’t. otsly for These such the (‘ases cases associates. the standardized, obtainmed embedded hut from system svere The results reprodinctioms majority the the roetmt.growth some degree posit.iomiitsg of magof the roetstgenogranss to it were reviewed. hospitals which roentgenograms the variable necessary was of cases two avoid to It was fulfilled measured by our owms system of these measurements of the and with yearly the gradual as nearly without. some commstant factor, such as its the graft.. It is hoped that. future a marker great sitmce, to follow Undoubtedly, techniques so difficult at presetit. were so exactimig that another, six approved possible unmdue distortiotm. roemmtgetmographic msot (‘otsspletely dOtidll(ted tiotied. avoid amid the as could be issetal marker remmoi(’r imsterpretatiomi These criteria amid to eight years was this interval, it was used all factors discard, the its this study. that for possible ansd also by are recorded of the roemstgemmograimss were made at. the same dist.ammce each pair so that measurensenmts of these photographs percemstage d ifferems (Cs as t he original roentgen ograms. a omseseries one finally to criteria that iii men- of Hallock the legemmds photographs rfhe and magnification should give the for same RESULTS Time percentages average time six cases studied 1. Our criteria: issid-body measurements nsent.s area, of the 30 fusion per time top bottom V5)L. 42-A, area, amid top ummfttsed of the NO. 7 per Francis, of the (‘enmt. ; imorimsal time of the fused amid umsfused vertebrae in methods. of 32 the fusiomm area, per (‘emit ; mid-pedicle cemmt ; ansd niid-pedicle nieasurememits 8 per cetmt; measureof the normal ceimt. 2. Hallock, from of growth were det.ermimied by two mid-body measuremetmts of the isormal area, S. DECEMBER Jomses’ vertebra vertebrae, bottom vertebra, to criteria: the nseasitred :34 per msornsal bottommm frons cent 1900 Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 fused vertebrae, of time bottom the ; total top fusioti of nseasured vertebra, the area, top 21 per vertel)ra nmseasured to frons 1410 J. T. H. JOHNSON the atsd top of the top vertebra to total fusions area measured top vertei)flt to t lie inferior AND W. the bottom from the tisargims 0. SOUTHWICK of the superior of the bottom margins pedicle vertebra, of the of I he loot I out 14 per cent; pediele of the 1 2 i)em vertebra. (‘emst. it. is apparemit tort.ionm, the by mid-body the that growth, measurements and vertebrae outside the without the included fusions. areas used for the in the fusion The whole the area fused the vertebral vertebral grew tsormal. be made direct We believe to reduce by Hahlock shorter (for reasons should When growth the and cent as much much inference, 63 per vertebral bodies and 77 per cent as the and Jones. ss’as definitely these smaller Although tiomm for excluded cent in of normal. that this difference in our cases. criteria the of miormal imormal vertebrae grew -11 per cemit normal vertebral the follow-up However, 37 per cent less bodies within bodies. Similarly, 23 per cent less thamm was 77 per cent of the every and should make a still persists. those its the series period the effort then in our percetstage series Similarly, the is five or fifteems years. measuremetst of vertebral of the vertebral bodies in amount of growth area was 62 per cent in the series studied are not too that in the cases Hallock was, by of the mmormal of normal in our series by Hallock, Francis, far apart, the rate of growth other series. We believe that is that intercurrent Among the fifteen is of growth of normal. In the series reported by in the fused area of their patients in the fusion by inference, results than as much mid-pedicle the spines, degree of inaccuracy comparable with previously). 41 per cent of growth included of normal, the fusion area grew that the vertebral studies of vertebral growth magnification to a minimum associates area was the amount same (Its- or censt With as much as the top to bottom be relatively comparable, whether the follow-up Hallock, Francis, and Jones’ technique for the was used in this series, the amount of growth whole fusion associates, per by areas. the fusion area grow is that their growth that a certain are not directly mentioned 25 bodies and 35 per cent as much its the regiotm unfused areas. did not specifically state that the rate of growth percentage of the normal rate. However, their that in future distortion and and as of these 62 per cent area from bodies within the inference comparisoms, admitting The cases its this series studied cent nnagmiificatioii only unfused bodies of the entire bodies seems to imply 63 per if the normal vertebral imormal vertebral bodies, per the for was measurement grew fusion much anteriorly in the vertebral of the pedicles as did the adjacent Hallock, Francis, and Jones in the fused area was a certain that normal in correction criteria, 23 as as statement than the our and fused associates atsy by measurements in Hallock even as measured pseudart.hroses studied by have Hallock its our series the explansabeen carefully and associates, the amount of growth of the fused normal vertebrae was 100 per cent of normal its two, less than 50 per cent in three, and between 50 and 100 per cent in the remaining cases. This rather wide variation in the amount of growth in otse series suggests some difference that. difference could in well the restraining be explained SUMMARY exerted AND magnification small suggests amount some and of growth. bending other technical The of the the fusion plate-a pseudarthroses. CONCLUSIONS factors, slight decrease fusion mass. Downloaded From: by a SERIALS/BIOMED LIB 0699 User on 05/15/2014 by transitory It was concluded from these cases that when a spine and fairly massive, there is little increase in length increase that most of the cases we studied showed solid sniall by force by unrecognized but in fusion is unquestionably of the fused area. could be accounted it. is impossible the No definite THE JOURNAL kyphos in to two rule of pseudarthroses OF BONE AND The for out our could JOINT a cases SURGERY be BONE SPCI5 the 0mm imot. be roemstgenograms ruled out.. AF1ER the nsechatsismss occurs. Iii that from bonie defects and perhaps grafts were childhood the ends of the segment plate. Pseudarthroses opinion, growing immipression spitse growth of a fused or at the site in spitme fusions than is generally suspected epiphyseal cartilages, as pseudarthroses rfhe or stress under the stress govern bone opinion no of growth growth such thing as feniora that of they methods. associates amid of younmg could is valuable what will that coissiderable happems may degree. spine can occur rnotiotm. apply interstitial the growth of spume by the motion. or grossly believe we bone that visible; The break the fusions. at fusioms in our forces exerted caused by microscopic Fimsally, to only defects in the more frequent, tension stresses be occurs etscouraged on the basis spine fusiomms its yoummg completely solid fusion its of gross or microscopic its children are much because of the well as theusual growth we believe, to allow all that is kmsowmm about at any time and heal spotmtatseously. less chance there will be that it will in general us t rite losses nsiCroscopic , l)e umifortunate, familiar with to a significant segmetmt of the fractures they may occur spotmtatseously tmsassive the fusiots plate, the or any fusioms its early childhood. However, their data authors previously meistioned commvey an its- segmetst. It would since surgeotss not will impair that growth We believe by comssidered poimmt of view, growth of the spitse after spine fusion might be falsely of published data to perform longer and more massive children. Our study suggests that a long, massive, and early could are its the distal of such a nature clitsical uimintemstiommal a solidly fused spine this impressioms to persist lIt pseudarthroses in lengths or roentgenographic of Hallock and his practical, to the average pat.iemmt after spitme anmd the observations of the other accurate or more pseudarthroses by which amiy real itserease our experimetmt.aI studies clinical study the 1411 FUSION of one tratnsiemit by standard the end-result it indicates, SPINE presence atsd comstitmuity its trammsepiphyseal were detnonstrated. These msot be demonstrated Ins our opinion, itt but Microscopic I 5) be time nsost likely (‘isamige its atsgulatiomm I)Otie rabbits GROWTH nsore dowms laws There that is in our of bomme. REFERENCES 1. J. D., and BISGARD, Correction; 1036, 2. 4. CLEVELAND, MATHER; for HAAS, Spine American Fusion M. : Scoliosis. of Vertebral of HALFORD, HALLOCK, in Fusion and of in the on Number Inquiry Glasgow, Cartilage J. T. H., Bone. Transplanted 41-A: f. Kim. LACKUM, Treatment 12. C.; and Gilder. ODELBERG-JOHNSON, 42-A, in Longitudinal NO. and In Acta 8, Sons, Growth 1029- 70: SMYRNIS, Joint Surg., Growth of of the Spine. Patients. PANAYIOTIS: Study. J. the Fusion Proceedings In 39-A: Vertebrae. and 1957. Arch. An End-Result Bone of 701, June Joint Surg., Study Surg., of 36-A: Reference Spine Fusion to Growth in Young Children. A J. Bone and Joust Effects. ‘3 Experiments Growth. Acta on Animals, Chir. of Scandinavica, Osteogenesis. Bone. the Role Played by 95: 156-166, 1947. 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