QSIL introduces: December 2014 an electrically fused quartz of outstanding purity with a “flame-fused bubble content” ilmasil PQ ilmasil PQ is an electrically fused, clear quartz, manufactured by fusing high purity quartz sand using QSIL’s propritary plasma melting process. With a sum of 5 ppm for all typical trace elements the purity of ilmasil PQ falls below the values of highest purity level of any fused quartz materials manufactured from natural sand. Its outstanding bubble content together with the low OHcontent make ilmasil PQ a perfect choice for sensitive semiconductor applications. Same as other ilmasil fused quartz grades, ilmasil PQ is available in hollow cylinder form. This near net shape makes it a perfect starting material for the fabrication of rings, flanges and other rotation-symmetric parts. Standard grade electrically fused quartz Ilmasil PQ Purity Typical Trace Elements (ppm by weight oxide) Element Al Ca Cr Cu Fe K Li Mn Na Ni Ti Zr OH- ilmasil® PQ 4 0,1 <0,01 0,01 0,1 0,05 0,5 <0,01 0,1 0,01 0,1 <0,02 30 ilmasil® PL 8 0,7 < 0,05 < 0,03 0,2 0,2 0,2 < 0,01 0,2 < 0,01 1,4 1 30 ilmasil® PI 8 0,8 < 0,05 < 0,03 0,3 0,4 0,2 <0,01 1,0 < 0,01 1,4 1,3 30 ilmasil® PN 15 0,8 <0,05 <0,03 0,3 0,7 0,5 0,05 1,0 <0,02 1,5 1,5 30 Bubble Content ilmasil PQ ilmasil PL ilmasil PI ilmasil PN TBCS1 TBCS1 TBCS1 TBCS1 in mm² / 100 cm³ in mm² / 100 cm³ in mm² / 100 cm³ in mm² / 100 cm³ 1,0 5,5 5,5 7,5 Number per 1000 cm³ Number per 1000 cm³ Number per 1000 cm³ Number per 1000 cm³ 2 1 - 3 1 0,1 - 3 1 0,1 - 3 1 0,1 - Bubble size ∅ mm < 0.3 0.3 – 0.5 > 0.5 – 1 >1–2 >2 1TBCS: Total Bubble Cross Section: The sum of all cross sectional area in specified glass volume Thermal Properties Annealing Point in °C ilmasil PQ 1210 ilmasil PL 1213 ilmasil PI 1180 ilmasil PN 1204 1100 1060 1048 1054 1715 1730 1730 1730 1700 – 2100 1700 – 2100 1700 – 2100 1700 – 2100 1100 1300 1100 1300 1100 1300 1100 1300 (lg η (in dPas) = 13.0) Strain Point in °C (lg η (in dPas) = 14.5) Softening Point in °C (lg η (in dPas) = 7.6) Processing Range in °C (lg η (in dPas) = 5 - 8 ) Max. Usable Temperature °C Long term Short term Viscosity at 1280 °C lg η ≈ 11.8 dPa s QSIL GmbH Quarzschmelze Ilmenau for USA: QSIL Corp. Gewerbering 8 98704 Langewiesen - Germany 45461 Fremont Blvd. Unit 6 Fremont, CA 94538 contact person: contact person: Stefan Voigt PHONE: FAX: E-Mail: +49 3677 641541 +49 3677 641542 [email protected] Tobias Jecht PHONE: FAX: E-Mail: +1 510 657 7094 +1 510 657 3970 [email protected]
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