Journal Catalog Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2014 SIAM JOURNALS Your Link to the World of Applied Mathematics How to Order All subscriptions are on a calendar-year basis. Back issues will be mailed on orders received after January 1. Prior year subscriptions will be charged at the current year’s prices. Subscriber numbers (when known) should be used on all orders, inquiries, and correspondence. If an order is to be billed, it must be accompanied by a purchase order. SIAM accepts VISA, MasterCard, and American Express, as well as checks. Payments may also be made by wire transfer to SIAM’s bank. Contact SIAM Customer Service to get bank information for wire transfer payment. Send orders and correspondence to: SIAM 3600 Market Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USA Fax +1-215-386-7999 E-mail [email protected] Or call +1-215-382-9800 1-800-447-SIAM (USA/Canada) Complete ordering information, editorial boards and editorial policies, and information about optional air freight and photocopying of articles are available at journals/ subscribe.php. Have Questions? Subscriptions, claims, payments, and electronic access: 1-800-447-SIAM (U.S. and Canada) fax: 1-215-386-7999 e-mail: [email protected] 2 SIAM Journals Online (SJO), 1997 to Present SIAM’s electronic journals offer full-text articles in PDF format for subscribers; the tables of contents and abstracts can be searched and browsed free of charge by anyone with Web access. Archives Locus (access to articles published prior to 1997) Ease of Use Features • BiBTeX • e-first article RSS feeds • linked references • online broad access and use conditions • pay-per-view • sophisticated searching • TOC mail alerts Pairing Locus with a subscription to SIAM Journals Online provides you with immediate, uninterrupted access to all SIAM journal content published from the beginning (1953) through today, and beyond. Perpetual access to Locus is available to institutions for a one-time fee (non-member $4,275; members $3,470). A $100 annual maintenance fee begins in year two. Institutions may also subscribe to Locus (non-member $1,100/ annually; members $880/annually). See for ordering information. Portico SIAM has partnered with Portico ( to provide a reliable means to secure post-cancellation access. Important Subscription Information List prices include access to the electronic editions, from 1997 forward (15 years of research!), plus a current print subscription where applicable and desired. Electronic-only subscriptions are 95% of the North American print list price for journals available in both formats. Given the accelerated nature of the electronic editions, your subscription to SIAM Journals Online includes access to considerably more material than is available with a print-only subscription. A completed and signed Online Journal Subscription Agreement (available at must be on file before an institution will receive electronic access. Individual access is by ID and password. Institutional subscribers access journals by IP address. Editorial board listings reflect members at the time this catalog was published and are subject to change. Trial Subscriptions: Free 30-day trial access is available to institutions considering subscribing; please contact [email protected]. Replacement Policy: Claims for missing print issues must be made in writing within six months of the publication date. Cancellations: Subscription cancellations will not be eligible for refunds after April 1 of the subscription year. Refunds: The number of issues which have been mailed at the single-copy cost will be prorated. Journals cannot be returned. Back-Volumes: For orders and inquiries, contact SIAM Customer Service or go to New customers in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Philippines, and Australia can order locally through SIAM’s exclusive agent, iGroup. To get started, send e-mail to Jennifer Yong at [email protected]. New customers in Latin America and the Caribbean can order locally through ITMS/Systems Link International. Those who are interested in more information or free trial access can contact Raquel Mendoza at [email protected]. Abstracting and Indexing Sources that include SIAM journals (partial list): • • • • • • • • ABI/INFORM Global (American Business Information) Applied Science and Technology Abstracts Book Review Index Compendex (COMputerized Engineering InDEX) Computing Reviews Current Contents Current Index to Statistics (Online) Inspec • • • • • • • Mathematical Reviews MathSciNet ProQuest Research Library PubMed Scopus Web of Science Zentralblatt MATH Institutional discounts are available. See page 19. All SIAM print journals are produced in the USA on acid-free paper and meet the ANSI requirements for permanence. SIAM/ASA Journal on UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION Mathematical, statistical, algorithmic, and application advances in uncertainty quantification and related fields Publishes research articles presenting Submit your work at significant Senior Editor Max Gunzburger Florida State University mathematical, statistical, algorithmic, and application advances in uncertainty quantification and related fields such as sensitivity analysis, model validation, model calibration, data assimilation, and code verification. The Editor-in-Chief James Berger journal also solicits papers describing new ideas that could lead to significant progress in methodology for uncertainty Duke University quantification as well as review articles on particular aspects. The journal is dedicated to nurturing synergistic interactions between the mathematical, statistical, computational, and applications communities involved in uncertainty quantification and related areas. Editor-in-Chief Donald Estep Information about editorial policy and the editorial board is available at Colorado State University or email [email protected]. Associate Editors JUQ is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 2166-2525 Frequency: electronic, continuous Year established: 2013 Available format: online 2014 volume number: 2 Complimentary access through 2014 Copublished by: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Marvin Adams Mihai Anitescu H.T. Banks Susie Bayarri Leonid V. Berlyand Derek Bingham Liliana Borcea Amy Braverman Julia Charrier Colin Fox Roger Ghanem Mircea Grigoriu David Higdon Chris Johnson Karen Kafadar Omar Knio Angela Kunoth Stig Larsson Gabriel Lord Bani Mallick Hermann Matthies Vijay Nair Jeremy Oakley George Papanicolaou Catherine Powell Boris Rozovskiî Gianluigi Rozza Stephan Sain Adrian Sandu John Shadid Ralph Smith Philip Stark David Steinberg Andrew Stuart Daniel Tartakovsky Clayton Webster Will Welch Darren Wilkinson Alyson Wilson 3 SIAM REVIEW The Flagship Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Editor-in-Chief C. T. Kelley SIAM Review consists of five sections, all containing articles of North Carolina State University broad interest. Survey and Review features papers with a deliberately integrative and up-to-date perspective on a major SURVEY and REVIEW topic in applied or computational mathematics or scientific Desmond Higham, Section Editor Associate Editors Chris Budd J. T. Chayes Irene Fonseca Margot Gerritsen Mark Lewis Anders Lindquist Juan Meza Beatrice Pelloni Jesús María Sanz-Serna Andy Wathen RESEARCH SPOTLIGHTS computing. Research Spotlights publishes research papers of moderate length in applied and computational mathematics that will appeal to SIAM Review’s diverse audience. The section publishes both traditional articles and, for example, papers about software, focused survey articles, or timely communications. SIGEST highlights a recent paper from one of SIAM’s specialized research journals, chosen on the basis of exceptional interest to the entire SIAM community and revised and condensed as needed for greater accessibility. Education consists primarily of individual modules that are selfcontained presentations of specific topics in applied mathematics, scientific computation, or Stephen J. Wright, Section Editor their applications; each module provides the primary material needed to teach a given topic Associate Editors L. Pamela Cook Ilse C. F. Ipsen Grigorios A. Pavliotis Alex Pothen Evelyn Sander Dongbin Xiu provides an overview of several books in a subject area. Shorter reviews of individual books EDUCATION Louis F. Rossi, Section Editor Associate Editors Ricardo Cortez Darinka Dentcheva Steve Kirkland Dianne P. O’Leary Mary Silber Chad M. Topaz as well as supplementary material. The Book Reviews section contains a featured review that are also included. SIREV is published at Publication information ISSN: 0036-1445 (print) / 1095-7200 (electronic) Frequency: print, quarterly / electronic, quarterly Year established: 1959 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 56 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $450 USA, Canada, Mexico / $539 overseas BOOK REVIEWS Electronic-only access: $427.50 Robert O’Malley, Jr., Section Editor 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 5.952 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 1/247 4 All volumes of SIAM Review up to five years from the present are available through JSTOR ( These volumes can be accessed through participating libraries from the JSTOR website: MULTISCALE MODELING & SIMULATION A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal Communicating Across All Sciences Editor-in-Chief Jack Xin MMS features research articles that focus on the fundamental University of California, Irvine modeling and computational principles underlying various multiscale methods. Multiscale modeling is highly Associate Editors interdisciplinary, with developments occurring indepen-dently across fields. Research papers and survey articles that augment the fundamental ways we model and predict multiscale phenomena are featured. Particularly emphasized is the interplay between analysis and modeling, modeling and simulation, and mathematics and various applications. Papers bridge the gap in multiscale research between mathematics and various application disciplines, including biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, fluid dynamics, geophysics, information science, materials science, and physical science. MMS is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 1540-3459 (print) / 1540-3467 (electronic) Frequency: print, quarterly / electronic, continuous Year established: 2003 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 12 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $539 USA, Canada, Mexico / $629 overseas Electronic-only access: $512.05 2012 JCR Mathematics/Interdisciplinary Edition Impact Factor: 1.562 2012 JCR Mathematics/Interdisciplinary Edition Rank: 23/92 M. Avellaneda G. Bal A. L. Bertozzi L. Borcea R. E. Caflisch E. Cancès H. D. Ceniceros J. H. Chen L. Chen T. Chou D. T. Crommelin Y. Efendiev A. C. Fannjiang S. J. Friedlander G. Friesecke I. Gamba R. G. Ghanem S. C. Glotzer T. Y. Hou P. Jenny R. Kornhuber F. Legoll R. P. Lipton J. Lowengrub M. Luskin P. A. Markowich A. B. Movchan B. Niethammer S. J. Osher L. Pareschi G. Pavliotis P. Plechac C. Schuette Z. Shen M. Silber P. Smereka J. Sneyd J. Tanner H. Tchelepi R. Tsai M. E. Tuckerman L. Vese M. I. Weinstein 5 SIAM Journal on APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Communicating and Visualizing Dynamics Editor-In-Chief Björn Sandstede SIADS publishes research articles on the mathematical analysis Brown University and modeling of dynamical systems and its application to Associate Editors Réka Albert Dwight Barkley Carson C. Chow Harry Dankowicz Timothy C. Elston Bard Ermentrout Barbara Gentz Marty Golubitsky John Guckenheimer Jeff Hasty Philip Holmes Tasso J. Kaper Edgar Knobloch Hiroshi Kokubu Eric Kostelich Yasumasa Nishiura Hinke M. Osinga Keith Promislow Mary Pugh Vered Rom-Kedar Evelyn Sander Timothy Sauer Arnd Scheel Daniel J. Scheeres Tere M. Seara Steven Shaw Jan Sieber James Sneyd Andrew M. Stuart Jan Bouwe van den Berg C. E. Wayne Claudia Wulff the physical, engineering, life, and social sciences. Submitted articles contribute to the theory of dynamical systems, to the understanding of dynamical systems phenomena through experiment or numerical simulation, or to the use of dynamical systems methods in applications. Contributions can be of a theoretical, computational, or experimental nature. SIADS is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 1536-0040 Frequency: electronic, continuous Year established: 2002 Available format: online 2014 volume number: 13 Multimedia format 2014 Rates Electronic-only access: $273 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 1.453 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 36/247 Your Source for All Things Dynamic — DSWeb is your source for up-to-date information on all aspects of dynamical systems and its applications. SIAM encourages submissions to DSWeb. Editor-in-Chief: Peter van Heijster, Queensland University of Technology 6 SIAM Journal on APPLIED MATHEMATICS Solving Scientific Problems with Mathematical Methods Editor-in-Chief Michael J. Miksis Contains research articles that treat scientific problems using Northwestern University methods that are of mathematical interest. Subject areas include the physical, engineering, financial, and life sciences. Examples Section Editors are problems in fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, elasticity, P. A. Martin H. L. Smith electromagnetic theory and optics, mathematical biology, Associate Editors linear and nonlinear wave propagation, inverse problems, nonlinear dynamics, stochastic processes, signal processing, and image processing. Mathematical techniques include asymptotic methods, bifurcation theory, dynamical systems theory, and probabilistic and statistical methods. SIAP is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 0036-1399 (print) / 1095-712X (electronic) Frequency: print, bimonthly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1953 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 74 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $741 USA, Canada, Mexico / $875 overseas Electronic-only access: $703.95 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 1.577 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 29/247 All volumes of SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics up to five years from the present are available through JSTOR. These volumes can be accessed through participating libraries from the JSTOR website: G. Bao M. Z. Bazant J. R. Birge R. J. Braun S. J. Chapman L. P. Cook Q. Du J. J. Feng Z. Feng M. G. Forest E. Fried J. Garnier T. Hillen S. Jin W. Kath J. R. King N. Komarova R. Kuske J. N. Kutz S. M. Lenhart S. G. Llewellyn Smith Y. Lou G. Lythe J. L. Mueller A. Nachbin A. A. Nepomnyashchy N. Nigam A. N. Norris J. E. Rubin J. Rubinstein S. P. Shipman M. Siegel J. S. H. van Leeuwaarden V. A. Volpert J. Wu 7 SIAM Journal on COMPUTING Applying Mathematical Principles to Computing Applications Editor-in-Chief Leonard J. Schulman Provides coverage of the most significant work taking place in California Institute of Technology the mathematical and formal aspects of computer science and nonnumerical computing. Topics include but are not limited to Associate Editors P. K. Agarwal J. Aspnes H. Attiya N. Bansal A. M. Childs S. Fortune L. A. Goldberg V. Guruswami N. Immerman P. Indyk Y. Ishai S. Khanna R. Kleinberg R. Krauthgamer C. Mathieu D. van Melkebeek Y. Rabani O. Regev O. Reingold D. Ron T. Roughgarden A. Shpilka K. Talwar M. Thorup S. Vadhan J. Vondrak analysis and design of algorithms, algorithmic game theory, data structures, computational complexity, computational algebra, computational aspects of combinatorics and graph theory, computational biology, computational geometry, computational robotics, the mathematical aspects of programming languages, artificial intelligence, computational learning, databases, information retrieval, cryptography, networks, distributed computing, parallel algorithms, and computer architecture. SICOMP is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 0097-5397 (print) / 1095-7111 (electronic) Frequency: print, bimonthly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1972 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 43 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $773 USA, Canada, Mexico / $904 overseas Electronic-only access: $734.35 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 0.803 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 110/247 8 SIAM Journal on CONTROL and OPTIMIZATION Capturing Examples in Mathematical Control Editor-in-Chief Anthony M. Bloch Contains research articles on the mathematics and applications University of Michigan of control theory and on those parts of optimization theory Corresponding Editors concerned with the dynamics of deterministic or stochastic systems in continuous or discrete time or otherwise dealing SICON treats the mathematical foundations of control and optimization J. Baillieul H. Frankowska H. Glüsing-Lürssen K. Kunisch H. Nijmeijer S. P. Sethi Q. Zhang as well as disciplines like mathematical finance that these have Associate Editors spawned. Y. Achdou S. B. Andersson E. Bayraktar T. R. Bielecki U. Boscain A. Budhiraja X. Chen J. Cortés D. D’Alessandro M. A. Demetriou A. Dontchev F. Dufour E. Fridman O. Glass S. Guerrero D. Hernández-Hernández K. Ito F. Jean M. R. Jovanovic M. Leok G. R. Leugering J.-S. Li J. Ma M. Malisoff H. Özbay B. Piccoli J.-P. Raymond L. Rosier P. Rouchon J. Shen J. Sokołowski G. Tessitore F. Tröltzsch M. E. Valcher C. Z. Xu G. Yin T. Zariphopoulou D. V. Zenkov X. Y. Zhou with differential equations, dynamics, infinite-dimensional spaces, or fundamental issues in variational analysis and geometry. SICON is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 0363-0129 (print) / 1095-7138 (electronic) Frequency: print, bimonthly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1962 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 52 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $914 USA, Canada, Mexico / $1,046 overseas Electronic-only access: $868.30 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 1.379 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 41/247 9 SIAM Journal on DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Publishing Algorithmic and Computational Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, and Graph Theory Contains research articles on a broad range of topics from Editor-in-Chief David P. Williamson pure and applied mathematics including combinatorics and graph theory, discrete optimization and operations research, Cornell University theoretical computer science, and coding and communication Associate Editors J. Balogh N. Bansal A. Barg A. Barvinok T. Bohman S. Chawla M. Chudnovsky H. Cohn E. Croot J. A. De Loera F. V. Fomin J. Griggs M. Grohe B. Guenin P. L. Hersh S. Iwata T. Jordán M. Kang K. Kawarabayashi J. H. Kim M. Kiwi D. Kral I. Laba M. Laurent F. Luca E. N. Miller B. Mohar M. S. O. Molloy C. Moore D. Mubayi R. O’Donnell J. G. Oxley J. Pach A. Postnikov R. M. Roth T. Roughgarden A. Samorodnitsky D. Sankoff J.-S. Sereni J. Solymosi F. Sottile B. Sudakov L. A. Székely P. Tetali J. Verstraete N. Wormald X. Yu 10 theory. SIDMA has the broadest coverage of any of the leading international journals in discrete mathematics, including combinatorics, graph theory, algorithms, information and coding theory, combinatorial optimization, and their applications. SIDMA is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 0895-4801 (print) / 1095-7146 (electronic) Frequency: print, quarterly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1988 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 28 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $640 USA, Canada, Mexico / $729 overseas Electronic-only access: $608.00 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 0.662 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 151/247 SIAM Journal on FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS Theoretical Developments and Computational Challenges in Financial Mathematics Brings together works on theoretical developments in financial mathematics as well as breakthroughs in the computational challenges they encompass. By publishing papers of high quality and originality, it serves as an essential resource for academic Editors-in-Chief René Carmona, finance researchers and practitioners alike. The journal offers a conduit for the publication of articles in any of these branches Princeton University of financial mathematics. It also provides a common platform Ronnie Sircar, for scholars interested in the mathematical theory of finance Princeton University as well as practitioners interested in rigorous treatments of the Associate Editors scientific computational issues related to implementation. Y. Ait-Sahalia P. Bank F. E. Benth P. Cheridito D. Filipovic J.-P. Fouque J. Gatheral K. Giesecke M. B. Giles P. Glasserman V. Henderson U. Horst S. Jaimungal A. Kohatsu-Higa R. Lee M. Ludkovski J. Ma S. Peng P. Protter L. C. G. Rogers A. Schied H. M. Soner A. Sulem P. Tankov M. R. Tehranchi N. Touzi T. Zariphopoulou X. Y. Zhou On the theoretical side, the journal seeks papers with demonstrable mathematical developments motivated by models of modern finance. On the computational side, it publishes works introducing new methods and algorithms representing significant (as opposed to incremental) improvements on the existing state of affairs of modern numerical implementations of applied financial mathematics. Information about editorial policy, peer review, manuscript submission, and production is available at or email [email protected]. SIFIN is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 1945-497X Frequency: electronic, continuous Year established: 2010 Available format: online 2014 volume number: 5 2014 Rates Electronic-only access: $274 11 SIAM Journal on IMAGING SCIENCES Mathematical and Computational Imaging Science Editor-in-Chief Jean-Michel Morel This all-electronic journal covers all areas of imaging sciences, CMLA broadly interpreted. Manuscripts published in SIIMS include Associate Editors 12 Luis Alvarez Francis Bach Marcelo Bertalmío Andrea L. Bertozzi Laure Blanc-Féraud Alfred M. Bruckstein Robert Calderbank Lawrence Carin Antonin Chambolle Raymond Chan Frederic Chazal Rama Chellappa Yunmei Chen Bartomeu Coll Daniel Cremers Nira Dyn Michael Elad Jalal Fadili Adel Faridani Olivier Faugeras Mario Figueiredo Alejandro F. Frangi Leo Grady Kirk Jordan Ron Kimmel Stacey E. Levine Alfred K. Louis Yi Ma Peyman Milanfar M. Nielsen Mila Nikolova Stanley Osher Xavier Pennec Gabriel Peyré Thomas Pock Konrad Polthier Fatih Porikli Todd Quinto Justin Romberg Martin Rumpf Guillermo Sapiro Otmar Scherzer Amit Singer Stefano Soatto Jean-Luc Starck Alain Trouvé Chrysoula Tsogka Michael Unser René Vidal J. Weickert Rebecca Willett Birsen Yazici formal approaches, at the level of mathematics and/or computations, as well as state-of-the-art practical results. SIIMS provides a broad authoritative source for fundamental results in imaging sciences, with a unique combination of mathematics and applications. SIIMS is mathematically and computationally based, and offers a unique forum to highlight the commonality of methodology, models, and algorithms among diverse application areas of imaging sciences. SIIMS covers a broad range of areas, including but not limited to image formation, image processing, image analysis, computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, image understanding, pattern analysis, machine intelligence, remote sensing, geoscience, signal processing, medical and biomedical imaging, and seismic imaging. SIIMS is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 1936-4954 Frequency: electronic, continuous Year established: 2008 Available format: online 2014 volume number: 7 Multimedia format 2014 Rates Electronic-only access: $398 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 2.966 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 3/247 SIAM Journal on MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS Using Mathematical Methods and Innovative Analytical Techniques Editor-in-Chief Arnd Scheel Features research articles of the highest quality employing University of Minnesota innovative analytical techniques to treat problems in the natural Corresponding Editors sciences. Every paper has content that is primarily analytical and G. Dolzmann S. Serfaty M. Shearer A. E. Tzavaras C. E. Wayne that employs mathematical methods in such areas as partial differential equations, the calculus of variations, functional analysis, approximation theory, harmonic and wavelet analysis, or Associate Editors dynamical systems. Additionally, every paper relates to a model for natural phenomena in such areas as fluid mechanics, materials science, quantum mechanics, biomathematics, and mathematical physics, or to the computational analysis of such phenomena. SIMA is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 0036-1410 (print) / 1095-7154 (electronic) Frequency: print, bimonthly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1970 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 46 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $1,032 USA, Canada, Mexico / $1,158 overseas Electronic-only access: $980.40 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 1.573 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 30/247 G. Auchmuty P. W. Bates M. I. Belishev A. L. Bertozzi J. A. Carrillo G. Dal Maso E. Feireisl M. Feldman I. Fonseca N. Fusco W. D. Gangbo Y. Guo P. E. Jabin R. Jerrard A. Jüngel M. A. Katsoulakis B. Kirchheim H. Koch T. Krisztin D. Lannes M. Lewicka R. Lipton C. Liu M. Lopes Filho S. V. Lototsky N. Masmoudi R. J. McCann G. Menon P. D. Miller D. Nualart H. J. Nussenzveig Lopes R. L. Pego P. Petrushev K. Promislow B. Sandstede D. Serre Z. Shen V. P. Smyshlyaev W. A. Strauss J. Sylvester E. Tadmor K. Trivisa S. M. Verduyn Lunel M. Vogelius D. Wang M. I. Weinstein E. Yanagida K. Zumbrun 13 SIAM Journal on MATRIX ANALYSIS and APPLICATIONS Researching Applications in Numerical Linear Algebra Editor-in-Chief Dianne P. O’Leary Contains research articles in matrix analysis and its applications University of Maryland and papers of interest to the numerical linear algebra community. Associate Editors P.-A. Absil J. L. Barlow P. Benner M. Benzi D. A. Bini D. L. Boley P. Comon L. De Lathauwer F. M. Dopico S. C. Eisenstat M. P. Friedlander A. Frommer L. Giraud L. Grasedyck C.-H. Guo B. Hendrickson M. Hochbruck I. C. F. Ipsen M. E. Kilmer T. G. Kolda D. Kressner S. Le Borne J. Liesen W. –W. Lin K. Meerbergen J. G. Nagy D. Orban M. L. Overton V. Simoncini T. Stykel B. Sutton D. B. Szyld F. Tisseur J. Tropp M. Van Barel 14 Applications include such areas as signal processing, systems and control theory, statistics, Markov chains, and mathematical biology. Also contains papers that are of a theoretical nature but have a possible impact on applications. SIMAX is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 0895-4798 (print) / 1095-7162 (electronic) Frequency: print, quarterly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1980 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 35 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $707 USA, Canada, Mexico / $792 overseas Electronic-only access: $671.65 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 1.342 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 44/247 SIAM Journal on NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Developing and Analyzing Numerical Methods Editor-in-Chief Pavel Bochev Contains research articles on the development and analysis Sandia National Laboratories of numerical methods. Topics include the rigorous study of convergence of algorithms, their accuracy, their stability, and Associate Editors their computational complexity. Also included are results in mathematical analysis that contribute to algorithm analysis, and computational results that demonstrate algorithm behavior and applicability. SINUM is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 0036-1429 (print) /1095-7170 (electronic) Frequency: print, bimonthly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1964 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 52 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $815 USA, Canada, Mexico / $946 overseas Electronic-only access: $774.25 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 1.484 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 34/247 All volumes of SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis up to five years from the present are available through JSTOR. These volumes can be accessed through participating libraries from the JSTOR website: M. Ainsworth A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia S. C. Brenner H. Brunner Z. Cai S. Canic C. Canuto Y. Cao X. Chen Z. Chen S. H. Christiansen A. M. Cohen R. Cools D. Estep G. N. Gatica S. Gottlieb N. Guglielmi M. D. Gunzburger T. Hagstrom N. Heuer F. J. Hickernell M. Hintermüller L. Ju K. H. Karlsen C. T. Kelley K. Kunisch A. Kunoth W. Layton R. B. Lehoucq Ch. Lubich T. Manteuffel W. McLean A. J. Meir M. J. Melenk M. L. Minion F. J. Narcowich L. Olson M. Peszynska G. Petrova P. Plechácˇ A. Prohl S. Reich D. Ridzal B. Riviere M. Shashkov V. Simoncini G. Starke M. Torrilhon M. Vohralik C. Webster T. P. Wihler B. Wohlmuth I. Yotov L. T. Zikatanov 15 SIAM Journal on OPTIMIZATION Linking Optimization Applications, Algorithms, Software, and Computational Practice Editor-in-Chief Jorge Nocedal Contains research articles on the theory and practice of Northwestern University optimization. The areas addressed include linear and quadratic programming, convex programming, nonlinear programming, Associate Editors M. Anitescu L. T. Biegler R. I. Bot¸ R. S. Burachik S. Burer P. L. Combettes A. d’Aspremont E. de Klerk D. Dentcheva F. Eisenbrand M. C. Ferris M. P. Friedlander N. I. M. Gould W. W. Hager R. Henrion D. Klatte M. Kocvara M. Laurent B. S. Mordukhovich A. Nedich K. F. Ng V. Norkin J.-S. Pang J. Peña W. Römisch A. Ruszczynski K. Scheinberg M. V. Solodov D. F. Sun K.-C. Toh L. Tunçel S. Ulbrich L. N. Vicente A. Wächter H. Wolkowicz S. J. Wright W. Yin Y. X. Yuan S. Zhang 16 complementarity problems, stochastic optimization, combinatorial optimization, integer programming, and convex, nonsmooth and variational analysis. Contributions may emphasize optimization theory, algorithms, software, computational practice, applications, or the links between these subjects. SIOPT is published article by article at Publication information ISSN: 1052-6234 print / 1095-7189 (electronic) Frequency: print, quarterly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1991 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 24 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $655 USA, Canada, Mexico / $740 overseas Electronic-only access: $622.25 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 2.076 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 10/247 SIAM Journal on SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING Computational Results for Scientific and Engineering Problems Contains research articles on numerical methods and techniques for scientific computation. Papers address computational issues relevant to the solution of scientific or engineering problems and include computational results demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. There are three distinct sections in each issue. Authors should state at submission which of the categories their works fits best. The sections are: Methods and Algorithms for Scientific Computing. Papers in this category may include theoretical analysis, provided that the relevance to applications in science and engineering is demonstrated. They should contain meaningful computational results and theoretical results or strong heuristics supporting the performance of new algorithms. Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. Papers in this section will typically describe novel methodologies for solving a specific problem in computational science or engineering. They should contain enough information about the application to orient other computational scientists but should omit details of interest mainly to the applications specialist Software and High-Performance Computing. Papers in this category should concern the novel design and development of computational methods and high-quality software, parallel algorithms, high-performance computing issues, new architectures, data analysis, or visualization. The primary focus should be on computational methods that have potentially large impact for an important class of scientific or engineering problems. SISC is published article by article at Publication information ISSN 1064-8275 (print) / 1095-7197 (electronic) Frequency: print, bimonthly / electronic, continuous Year established: 1980 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online 2014 volume number: 36 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $908 USA, Canada, Mexico / $1,058 overseas Electronic-only access: $862.60 2012 JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 1.949 2012 JCR Science Edition Rank: 12/247 Editor-in-Chief Hans Petter Langtangen Simula Research Laboratory Section Editors J. S. Hesthaven T. G. Kolda K. Willcox Associate Editors A. Abdulle M. Ainsworth M. Anitescu U. Ascher W. Bangerth W. Bao R. H. Bisseling S. Boerm O. P. Bruno E. Cancès E. Chow E. Constantinescu T. A. Davis H. De Sterck H. Elman A. Ern N. J. Ford L. Formaggia J. E. Frank M. P. Friedlander M. J. Gander A. Gelb C. Greif J.-L. Guermond G. Haase E. Haber L. Halpern P. C. Hansen M. Heroux M. Hintermüller P. K. Jimack C. R. Johnson M. E. Kilmer R. Krause M. G. Larson F. Li J.-R. Li R. Li G. J. Lord A. Lumsdaine L.-S. Luo S. P. MacLachlan P. G. Martinsson J. G. Nagy Y. Notay M. Ohlberger L. Olson I. Perugia A. Pinar J.-F. Remacle E.M. Rønquist U. Rüde O. Schenk R. Schreiber V. Schulz A. Stathopoulos D. M. Tartakovsky T. J. Tautges R. Tempone M. V. Tretyakov K. Urban C. Vázquez Cendón C. Vuik T. Warburton D. White C. S. Woodward M. Wright D. Xiu C. Yang U. M. Yang I. Yavneh W. Yin L. Ying A. Zhou 17 Theory of PROBABILITY and ITS APPLICATIONS Timely Translation of Russian Probability Research Translation Edited by Boris Kheyfets A translation of the Russian journal Consulting Editors . Contains papers on the theory and Joanne Elliott S. R. S. Varadhan application of probability, statistics, and stochastic processes. Russian Editorial Board TVP is published at Editor-in-Chief A. N. Shiryaev Publication information ISSN 0040-585X (print) / 1095-7219 (electronic) Deputy Editors-in-Chief D . M. Chibisov A. S. Kholevo Frequency: print, quarterly / electronic, quarterly Year established: 1956 Available formats: print (6” x 9”), online Executive Secretary P. A. Yaskov Editors AA. A. Borovkov A. V. Bulinskii A. A. Gushchin I. A. Ibragimov Yu. M. Kabanov V. Yu. Korolev M. A. Lifshits Ya. G. Sinai V. G. Spokoinyi N. N. Vakhania V. A. Vatutin A. M. Zubkov 18 2014 volume number: 58 2014 Rates Print with electronic access: $975 USA, Canada, Mexico / $1,062 overseas Electronic-only access: $926.25 SIAM INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIPS More than 500 colleges, universities, corporations, and research and government laboratories throughout the world are institutional members of SIAM, providing a valuable service to the applied mathematics communities and enjoying a wide range of benefits. 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