CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS, RIDGE ROAD, JABALPUR (M.P)-482001 SUPPLY OF LUMP SUM SERVICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL, HYGIENE & MAINTENANCE/ESSENTIAL SUPPORT SERVICES AT PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS,JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. Tender Notice No. AN/III/1711/CONT/CONS /2014-15 Dated: 10/07/2014 Sealed tenders are invited under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid and Commercial Bid in separate covers from reputed , experienced and financially sound Jabalpur based registered Labour Contractor Agencies for:SUPPLY OF LUMP SUM SERVICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL, HYGIENE & MAINTENANCE/ESSENTIAL SUPPORT SERVICES AT PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. Tender documents may be obtained on request in writing from Assistant Controller of Defence Accounts (AN), Office of the Controller of Defence Accounts, Ridge Road, Jabalpur (M.P) -482001 or can be downloaded from the web Interested Agencies may drop the sealed bid covers, complete in all respects along with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and other requisite documents, in the Tender Box kept in the office of the Controller of Defence Accounts, Ridge Road, Jabalpur (M.P) on or before 3.00 P.M. ON 24/07/2014 as indicated in tender documents. BY ORDER Asstt. Controller (AN) REGD NO.AN/III/1711/CONTRACT/CONS. OFFICE OF THE CDA RIDGE ROAD, JABALPUR Date: ----/-----/ 2014 To, M/S ( IN CASEOF INABILITY TO QUOTE THE TENDER, YOU ARE REQUESTED TO RETURN THE TENDER DOCUMENTS TO THE UNDERSIGNED, YOUR COORPERATION IN THIS REGARD WILL BE APPRECIATED) Subject:- Tender Enquiry for Supply of Lump Sum Services for Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. ********* Sir, The Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur is interested to invite offer for Supply of Lump Sum Services for Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI.Please give your final offer in Tender Form enclosed (Annexure-I). Submission of Tender Documents:1. The following points will be strictly adhered to while filling up the Tender Form (enclosed) : (a) Only the enclosed tender Form will be used. Tenderer will affix their stamp in space provided at the bottom of each sheet and authorized signatory must sign on each page. Additional sheets, duly authenticated may be attached to elucidate specifications or to clarify a point. (b) Minimum wages as notified by the Office of Commissioner of Labour (Central) should be paid and tender quotation should confirm to the minimum wages as envisaged by Commissioner of Labour (Central). Hence the tender should take this fact into account while quoting for various works. If the rate quoted is not meeting the minimum requirement it will be summarily rejected. (c) Rates quoted per month in column should include all charges, levies, taxes etc. (d) The total amount must be quoted both in figures and words and amount thus quoted in words will be taken as final in case of difference in the amount quoted in figures and words. (e) Tender Form (Annexure-I) is to be filled up after carefully reading the terms and conditions, scope of work as per Annexure –VI & VII. (f) The tenderer should be registered under relevant State Government Shop & Establishment Act. An attested copy of the same shall invariably be enclosed, in the absence of which the bid shall be liable to be rejected. 2. Separate Tender Document is to be prepared for Technical and Financial bids as per the details explained below :(a) The Technical Bid should contain all the sheets of Tender documents and certificates as per Annexure-II. (b) The Financial Bid (Annexure- III) in the separate wax sealed envelope should contain complete information in Tender form. The above said two covers(Technical and Financial Bid) should be kept in a common cover duly wax sealed. 3. Sealed quotations (Technical Bid) will be opened by Board Of Officers on due date. The date of opening of Commercial (Financial) Bid will be intimated after acceptance of Technical Bids. 4. In case your firm is not willing to quote due to any reasons, your regret should be sent well before the due date, failing which your firm can be de-listed from the contractor list. 5. Commercial (Financial) offers will be opened only of those firms, whose technical offers have been found suitable after technical evaluation. 6. L-1 firm will decoded on sum total of services (including all taxes) with material and without materials. Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 15,000/-(Rs. Fifteen thousand only) will be deposited along with your offer for Supply of Lump Sum Services for Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. in the form of Bank Draft payable to CDA, Jabalpur. The EMD will be refundable to unsuccessful bidders. 7. Security Deposit : The successful tenderers shall furnish a Security Deposit equal to one month payment in the form of Bank Guarantee in favour of CDA, Jabalpur valid for a period of 18 months from any nationalized bank as per specimen provided by this office. In case of termination of the services, the amount due to the Government will be deducted from this amount of Security Deposit. 8. The tenderer is requested to indicate his ability to supply the same based on the scope and work and terms and conditions. 10. Duration of Contract : The services shall remain in force for a period of 12 months from the date of signing of agreement by both the parties or from the specific date mentioned therein and CDA Jabalpur reserves the right to terminate the services, if not provided satisfactory services during the currency of this period. The period of services may be extended for a period of six months, if required at the discretion of the Competent Authority in user organization with the same rate, term sand conditions. 11. Submission of Offers :Tenderer are requested to put their offers in envelope i.e. “ Offer for Supply of Lump Sum Services for Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. The sealed envelope will be addressed to with : Label : (To be opened by addressee only) Shri D. L. Meena, IDAS Asstt. C.D.A. (AN-III) Office of The Controller of Defence Accounts, Ridge Road, Jabalpur. 12. Tender Form received incomplete or ambiguous is likely to be rejected at the discretion of Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur without recourse to further clarifications. The Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur also reserve the right to seek clarifications with one or more vendors if considered necessary and also not to accept any offer at all in case they are not reasonably priced. 13. The Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof. The decisions of Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur will be final and binding on all concerned in this regard. 14. Laws Governing the Services: a. This services shall be governed by the laws of India for time being in force. b. Jurisdiction of Court: The court of the place from where the acceptance of tender has been issued ,shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any dispute arising out of or in respect of the contract i.e. Jabalpur. c. Penalty Clause: Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur reserves the right to terminate the services by giving One Months Notice if the vendor is not providing satisfactory services during the currency of the services and in such case the vendor is liable for penalty and decision of Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur is final. 15. The tenderer should give a certificate that none of his/her near relative is working in the CDA organization at Jabalpur as defined below: The near relatives for this purpose are defined as : (a) Members of Hindu Undivided Family. (b) They are husband and wife. (c) The one is related to other in manner as father,mother,son(s) & son’s wife(Daughter-inlaw), daughter(s) & daughter’s husband,(son-in-law), brother(s) & brother’s wife/sister-inlaw, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother-in-law). 16. The vendor should strictly abide by the provisions of various Acts of the State in force in connection with the employment of Contract Labour viz- Contract Labour R & A Act 1970, Workmen’s Compensation Act and EFP Act, Service Tax, Employees State Insurance, etc. applicable. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure minimum wages, as per Minimum Wages Act and notify the by the Commissioner of Labour (Central). The vendor may attach under taking accordingly. 17. EMD amount of successful tenderer will be forfeited to the Office of The Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur on the following grounds: a. If the successful tenderer fails to carry out the job after acceptance of Tender in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the tender as mentioned in schedule of works. b. If the tenderer withdraws from the work during the currency of tender period. c. Any damages caused to any of the property of the Office of Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur and delay in carrying out the work as per Tender Terms. d. If the tenderer fails to remit Security Deposit within the due date from the date of intimation. This may further warrant imposition of liquidate damages and /or terminating of the contract. 18. Vendor shall maintain complete personal data of the persons employed by him such as Name, father’s Name, Date of Birth, Permanent Address, Village,Taluka, District, Police Station Concerned, Signature and Finger prints etc. The incumbent should have undergone character and antecedents verification through the Police. 19. The vendor should be responsible for Welfare of his persons as per various State and central 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Government Acts and Regulations such as Minimum Wages Act, Employees State Insurance and may other regulations covering Labour Contract. No Child Labour will be permitted. The vendor should employ the persons of age group between 21 and 50 years. The Vendor will be solely responsible for the payment of salaries, allowances and other benefits of his employees. The payment of salaries must be done on or before 5 th Day of the following month and the department shall in no way be responsible for the same. The vendor should not wait for the Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur’s payment to pay to his employees. In case of additional requirement of Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at above said offices, agency should be in a position to supply them at same rates only without delay. In case it is found that any property or materials of the Offices as mentioned at subject, is lost or put to loss/damage due to the negligence of the agency, the agency will held fully responsible and should reimburse the cost of loss/damage so incurred. The decision of Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur will be final. In case any workman of the agency suffers injury/damage or meets with an accident during the discharge of duty, the entire cost of compensation should be borne by the agency and CDA, Jabalpur will stand indemnified against any claims/damage/compensation. The payment will be made by the o/o CDA Jabalpur at the accepted rates to the vendor on completion of a month’s work. The successful tenderer will required to execute an agreement on a stamped paper of Rs.100/to abide by the Terms and Conditions stipulated in tender form before any other order placed. The last date of submission of Tender Documents is ---/---/ 2014 by 15.00 hrs. Tenders will be opened by B.O.Os. at 16.00 hrs on ---/---/ 2014 in the chamber of Shri D. L. Meena, IDAS, ACDA (AN-III) , Office of The CDA , Ridge Road, Jabalpur in the presence of such tenderer or their authorized agents who may be present at that time. The authorized representative should bring a letter of authority from the tenderer. Encl: Annexure I to X Yours truly, (D. L. Meena) ACDA (AN-III) ANNEXURE-I TENDER FORM 1. Name of the Contract : Supply of Lump Sum Services for Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. 2. Name & Address of Tenderer 3. Scope of Work : : As per Annexure – VI attached Amount (Rs.) 4. (a) Amount per month (with out material) for services to be Rendered by the Labour as mentioned below : Unskilled : Skilled : (b) Amount per month (with material) for services to be Rendered by the Labour as mentioned below : Unskilled : Skilled : (c) Margin money per month : 5. Labour Office License No.(Central) : Registration No./ Date 6. EPF Registration no. : 7. E.S.I. Registration : 8. Bank Name & Account No. : 9. Registration no. of Service Tax : 10. Copy of Registration for establishment Of firm Under State/Municipal Corporation : 11. Details of agencies to which the similar services are being provided by the contractor (Annexure-IV) : Certify that I have fully understood the terms and conditions of the Contract. Signature of the Vendor with date and seal. Annexure-II TECHNICAL BID Attested copy of: 1. Valid Registration Certificate under relevant State Government/Municipal Corporation Shop & Establishment Act/ Labour Commissioner (Central). 2. License for providing such services from the Licensing Authority i. e. Labour Commissioner.. 3. Experience Certificate in concerned field for last two years. 4. DD for EMD i.e. Rs.15,000/5. Income tax Return of the firm for last 3 years. 6. Service Tax Registration Certificate and ST Code No., if applicable 7. Copy of Registration with Employees State Insurance Corporation. 8. Copy of Registration with Employees Provident Fund Commissioner. 9. Undertaking to the effect that no criminal case (s ) is /are against the Tenderer. 10. Average turnover of last three years should be minimum 25% of the estimated value. The relevant documents for confirming the turnover should be submitted. 11. The contractor should submit copy of balance sheet of last three years along with the quotation. The contractor should submit document towards proof of working capital of 25% of the contract value in the form of FDR/OD limit/Credit limit/Solvency certificate issued by bank. 12. The bidder/Company/Firm/Agency should have minimum Twenty-Five Lakhs financial turnover for at least three years in the last five years. Signature of the Tenderer with seal Annexure –III FINANCIAL BID All wages will be mandatory subject to compliance with the Minimum Wages Act and will be calculated in compliance of the same as laid down by the Commissioner of Labour (Central). Sl.No. Particulars 01 Un-skilled Labour (Full- Time) 02 Skilled Labour (Full Time) 03 Cost of Material 04 Profit Margin Rate per EPF day(Rounded to nearest rupee) ESI Total month Cost per Total Cost per Annum Total Grand Total Rs…………………. Per Month and Rs. ---------------------- Per Annum. (Rs…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Per Month) (Rs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per Annum) I hereby declare that I have read the tender terms and conditions and agree to the terms and conditions and accordingly quoted the rate above. Date : Place : Signature of the tenderer with seal Annexure – IV List of Organizations where such services are being provided S.No. Name of Organization Details of Contract Contact person of the organization with Telephone Number for confirmation Signature of the tenderer with Seal Annexure- V (A) CATEGORY OF MANPOWER Sl.No. Category of Manpower 01 02 03 Skilled Semi Skilled Un-skilled Qty. Rate/Day (in Rs.) Amount per month(in Rs.) Signature of the Tenderer with Seal Annexure- VI AREA COVERED FOR provision of Supply of Lump Sum Services for Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SINGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. (A) ALL PAO’S: Cleaning of all the open area inside and out side the building including all the toilets by 9 AM and all toilets should be cleaned at least twice a day with phenyl and other cleaning materials. . It may be ensured that all above campuses are cleaned and hygiene at all times. Annexure- VII GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The Vendor shall not be entitled for any additional payment during the tenure of this Services. Income Tax , Education Cess, Surcharge and postage charges will be recoverable from the vendor’s monthly bill as per rules. Personal bag and baggage of the vendor’s personnel this services shall be liable for physical check both at the time of entry into the campus and passing out at security gate. In case of any theft or breakage of the Office Property by the vendor’s personnel, the cost will be borne by the vendor. Any breakage found prior to the date of such work shall be brought to the notice of Service Monitoring Officer or his representative. Payment through cheque will be made in arrears on monthly basis on submission of the bill duly-receipted and stamped by the vendor in prescribed form after satisfactory completion of work. The vendor shall make his own arrangement for transport of the garbage at nearest place earmarked by coordinator/representative of the service Monitoring Officer. The Controller of Defence Accounts or his sub offices shall not be responsible for any injury or loss of life which may take place while on said job. Any compensation or expenditure towards treatment for such injury or loss of life shall be the sole responsibility of the Vendor. The waste paper shall not be transported outside the office campus where services are render and will be burnt in the incinerator existing in the campus. The garbage etc. shall not be loaded in the vehicle except in the presence of representative of Service Monitoring Officer. The Vendor shall not allow or permit his workers to participate in any Trade Union Activities or agitation in the premises of the respective offices. The services shall remain valid for a period of twelve months from the date of agreement. The agreement shall be liable for termination on giving one month’s notice by either side. During the period of notice both parties shall continue to discharge their duties and obligations. The vendor on receiving any complaints shall attend to do it and complete the job immediately. In case of exigencies of services, the vendor’s personnel may be required at times even on a holiday and Saturday/Sunday at no extra cost, for which advance notice of 24 hrs will be given to vendor. The vendor shall provide a Bank Guarantee of one-month payment in favour of Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur from any nationalized bank towards security deposit valid for 18 months agreement. All the laborers should be in proper uniform. The vendor shall obtain a valid license under Contract Labour (R & A) Act.1970 and Rules framed there under, if applicable, before the commencement of the work and continue to hold it till completion of the contract. The vendor shall ensure the provision of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act.1970 and the rules framed under Section 10 of the Act are not to be violated.Sl.No The contractor’s personnel shall be neat and have proper identification badge which will be provided by Contractor itself. If the attendance falls short of the services, number of persons, the amount to have been paid to the person (to be calculated based on Minimum Wages Act and paid to the person as per prevailing Govt. Rate.) for the duration shall be deducted from his bill along with an additional penalty of 10 % of the amount so deducted. 21. In case any necessity arises the vendor will provide extra Labour with same rate and terms/conditions. Similarly, in case any change occurs in scope of work the Labour may be decreased accordingly at same rate and terms/conditions. 22. No criminal case is registered or under investigation against the Contractor. 23. Skilled labour also required for electrical, plumbing and carpentry works. Signature of Tenderer with Seal Annexure- VIII Material supplied by Service Provider (Every Month) Sl. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Item Phenyl (Doctor Brand) Odonil Naphthalene Ball Harpic (Liquid) Lizol Vim Powder Colin Bleaching powder Broom Stick Commode Brush Sweeping brush Phool Jadhu Duster Cloth Mop Wiper Quantity Annexure-IX CERTIFICATE 1. Certified that the Services for Environmental Control, Hygiene & Maintenance/Essential Support Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SIGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI have been completed per during the period mentioned below as per terms and conditions of the Agreement. Reference No.: Description: Services of Environmental Control, Hygiene & maintenance/Essential Services at PAO (ORs) GRC,JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) JAK RIFILES, JABALPUR, PAO (ORs) CORPS OF SIGNALS, JABALPUR AND OUT STATION PAO (ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO (ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI Duration/ Period: Reference to Firm’s Bill No. ACDA/ AO I/C OFFICE OF THE CDA, RIDGE ROAD, JABALPUR (M.P) LUMP SUM SERVICE CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL, HYGIENE & MAINTENANCE/ESSENTIAL SUPPORT SERVICES AT CONTROL, HYGIENE & MAINTENANCE/ESSENTIAL SUPPORT SERVICES AT PAO(ORs) GRC, JABALPUR, PAO(ORs) JAK RIFLES, JABALPUR, PAO(ORs) CORPS OF SIGNALS, JABALPUR & OUTSTATION PAO(ORs) MRC, SAUGOR AND PAO(ORs) AEC, PACHMARHI. Proposed dates for acceptance of the Competent Authority for the following events in the Tender Process:- Sl. Events No. 1. Publication of Tender Notice 2. Issue of Tender Papers to the interested Firms/agencies 3. 4. Closing date for receipt of filled tender form Opening of Technical Bids 5. Opening of Financial Bids Proposed Dates 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 To 24/07/2014 (1.00 PM) 24/07/2014 (3.00 PM) 24/07/2014 (4.00 PM) To be intimated later
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