PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 1. Vision An activist provincial Treasury that is a pioneer in financial management in South Africa 2. Mission We are a strategic, pro-active, professional and value adding Treasury that enables and promotes effective service delivery for the citizens of Gauteng through: sustainable funding that ensures developmentally focused allocation of resources and innovative revenue generation efficient cash management that ensures the liquidity of the province effective financial management and reporting that ensures responsible and transparent resource utilization and expenditure a well-structured governance framework and protocol that ensures accountability and fiscal discipline 3. Strategic Goals The key driving strategic objectives for the department are: To provide proactive strategic, administrative and political leadership to GPT, enabling delivery of the mandate To provide financial resource management services and ensure credible reporting for GPG To mobilise alternative funding sources to accelerate service delivery that stimulate inclusive economic growth and revenue generation To ensure sound corporate, financial and legislative governance and provide enforce effective financial management in Gauteng To ensure sustainable liquidity levels in GPG 4. Values Our core values support the vision, shape the culture and reflect what the department values; these in essence are what gives the department its identity. They serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave as individuals and as an organisation. Our values are part of our DNA. Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 1 4.1 Value employees We attract, motivate and retain talented people through career pathing, developing skills and empowering our employees. We also help them perform at consistently high levels by encouraging their professional and personal development. We reward their performance, treat them fairly, equally and we aim to be an employer of choice. 4.2 Honesty and Integrity We will represent information transparently and truthfully, will honour our commitments; firmly adhere to a code of moral and ethical principles and will display professionalism in the workplace by being non-biased and objective. 4.3 Service Excellence We place high value on our stakeholders and strive to meet their expectations and requirements by offering consistently good customer service, in both roles of support and / or oversight. 4.4 Team-work We align, collaborate and communicate within and across the business units to meet the needs of our customers/stakeholders. We are committed to information and knowledge sharing. 4.5 Respect and Dignity We will treat others with sensitivity, respect and have consideration for their uniqueness and personality differences and act within the law. 4.6 Accountability We take full responsibility and ownership of our actions, by not passing the buck. We will have a positive, professional and productive approach to our work. 5. Updated Situational Analysis The past term of office has seen the department successfully and strategically move the provincial finances from a position of a deficit to liquidity in a context of a global crisis. Gauteng government has adopted all 14 national priority outcomes to drive the desired service delivery improvements that seek to deliver on the “Better life for all” promise. This budget is another that was formulated after the adoption of the National development Plan (NDP).As the custodian of the provincial financial resources, the Provincial Treasury has become proactive and innovative in ensuring that available resources are directed towards ensuring long term fiscal sustainability, value for money and elevated inclusive economic growth in the province. Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 2 To safeguard fiscal sustainability, the Provincial Treasury will continue with its activist interventions by ring-fencing conditional grants and infrastructure funds to ensure that spending happens in-line with performance targets and equally important that suppliers are paid within 30 days of invoicing. The Provincial Treasury makes sure that there is a balance between the demands on the fiscus and the allocation of the limited resources by continuously improving the cash flow that ensures sustainable levels of liquidity. The department continues to coordinate and drive strategies that will place the province on sound financial footing through institutionalisation of Outcome-Based Budgeting while pursuing the efficient, economic and equitable utilisation of resources in GPG. National Treasury in its aim to actively fight against corruption has established the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO) which will improve the quality of spending of public funds. The OCPO will modernise the procurement system to authenticate that procurement must be fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective. In anticipation of the role and responsibilities of the CPO, Provincial Treasury has undertaken an additional role to strengthen contract management in the province by building capacity and reduce the province’s level of exposure to litigation. The department has therefore endeavored to be ready to implement this change by making sure that its strategy is aligned to the national strategy, the NDP and that the strategy is responsive to the 14 priority outcomes but also to the evolving economic environment. The introduction of the generic structures for treasuries poses an opportunity to confirm the alignment between the provincial and national treasury’s strategies and a prospect to ensure that the structure is inline and capacitated to be relevant to the challenges that emerge over time. 5.1 Performance Delivery Environment The 2014-15 financial year is the year that marks the 20 years of democracy and the beginning of a new term of governance. The Provincial Treasury is an enabler for effective service delivery in the province by ensuring that funds allocated for specific purposes are spent as intended and that the concept of value for money is realised. This we also do by actively developing initiatives that will sponsor and fasttrack the realisation of all 14 adopted provincial outcomes to ensure real impact to the citizenry. One of the focus areas over the MTEF period is providing support in the implementation of financial reforms and the institutionalisation of the PFMA and MFMA in the province. Infrastructure delivery remains a key priority and will be marked by the continuation of the implementation of the Infrastructure Delivery Management System (IDMS). This will ensure that GPT plays its role in actualising the delivery Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 3 of infrastructure to alleviate the myriad problems facing the province and contributes greatly towards job creation and poverty alleviation. Together with the provincial planning commission, a more focused approach will be undertaken with monitoring of the performance and governance agreements of key programmes of government and public entities in alignment with the priorities contained in the NDP and Gauteng Vision 2055 plan to ensure oversight structures function optimally and improve the quality of information and thus the quality of financial decision making in the province. 5.2 Organisational Environment Gauteng Provincial Treasury was re-established as a separate department with effect from the 1st April 2012. The re-establishment enabled the department to effectively carry out its mandate in terms of the various legislative requirements. In order to support the vision and mission of the department, an organisational strategy was developed and brought to life by developing an organisational structure, consulted with all relevant stakeholders, and approved by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA). During the financial year, the department fast tracked recruitment processes were followed to capacitate the structure also in an endeavor to reduce the vacancy rate to acceptable levels. The budget programme structure is as follows: PROGRAMME Programme 1: Administration Programme 2:SustainableResourceManagement Programme 3: Financial Governance Programme 4: Provincial Accounting Services SUB-PROGRAMME 1.1 Office of the MEC 1.2 Office of the HOD 1.3 Strategy Management 1.4 Corporate Services 1.5 Financial Management (CFO) 2.1 Budget Management 2.2 Fiscal Policy and Economic Analysis 2.3 Public Finance 2.4 Public Private Partnership 3.1 Norms and Standards 3.2 Local Government Financial Services 3.3 Enterprise Risk Management 3.4 Financial Business Systems 4.1 Financial Assets and Liabilities 4.2 Accounting Services 4.3 Statutory Deductions Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 4 6. Revision to Legislative and other Mandates Proclamation No.40,2009 was signed by the President of the Republic of South Africa on 22 June 2009 and published in the Government Gazette on 3July 2009. The Proclamation amends Schedule2 to the Public Service Act, 1994 with effect from date of publication, by substituting the designations of the Provincial Departments of inter alia Gauteng. The department is governed by the following legislation and policy directives: The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996) Public Finance Management Act (Act No. 1 of 1999, as amended) Municipal Finance Management Act (Act No. 56 of 2003) Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act No. 2 of 2000) Annual Division of Revenue Act (Act No. 12 of 2009) Provincial Appropriation Acts ( Act No. 2 of 2009) Provincial Internal Audit Act (Act No. 2 of 2001) Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act No. 5 of 2000) Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act (Act No. 13 of 2005) Borrowing Powers of Provincial Governments Act (Act No. 48 of 1996) Government Immovable Asset Management Act (Act No. 19 of 2007) Public Audit Act (Act No. 25 of 2004) Provincial Tax Regulation Process Act (Act No. 53 of 2001) Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 5 7. Overview of 2014/15 Budget and MTEF Estimates Expenditure Estimates Table 1: Summary of payments and estimates: Gauteng Provincial Treasury Main Adjusted Outcome appropriation appropriation R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Administration 55,722 47,417 59,768 72,601 75,522 Sustainable Resource 78,539 83,893 85,341 102,631 100,309 Management Financial 35,583 33,748 35,994 89,540 91,862 Governance Provincial Accounting 39,584 39,426 43,824 55,520 54,730 Services Total payments and 209,428 204,484 224,927 320,292 322,423 estimates: Revised estimate Medium-term estimates 78,728 2014/15 95,852 2015/16 100,990 2016/17 105,564 93,290 141,606 150,785 157,107 88,899 117,174 84,252 90,941 53,919 58,142 66,296 70,767 314,836 412,774 402,323 424,379 Table 2: Summary of provincial payments and estimates by economic classification: Gauteng Provincial Treasury Main Adjusted Revised Outcome Medium-term estimates appropriation appropriation estimate R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Current payments 154,467 151,595 173,246 268,986 268,690 Compensation of employees 126,878 126,663 141,098 188,365 Goods and services 27,589 24,867 32,148 80,621 Interest and rent on land 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 262,563 361,863 351,370 370,726 188,241 180,579 244,877 267,075 281,828 80,449 81,984 116,986 84,295 88,898 65 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 6 Transfers and subsidies to: 51,522 50,027 50,108 50,000 50,124 50,110 50,000 50,000 52,650 51,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 52,650 911 953 1,004 911 953 1,004 Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accounts Universities and Technikons Foreign governments and international organisations Public corporations and private enterprises 2 2 Non-profit institutions Households 22 25 108 Payments for capital assets 44 2,426 1,573 1,306 124 108 3,609 2,163 Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 1 44 2,426 1,559 1,306 3,467 2,019 Heritage Assets Specialised military assets Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 7 Biological assets Land and sub-soil assets Software and other intangible assets Payments for financial assets Total economic classification: 14 3,395 436 209,428 204,484 224,927 320,292 142 143 322,453 314,835 412,774 402,323 424,379 Relating Expenditure Trends to Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Total expenditure reduced from R209 million in 2010/11 to R204million in 2011/12 and increased to R225 million in 2012/13. The lower revised estimate of R315 million compared to an increase in the projections over MTEF is due to the department’s postponement of the development of planned electronic systems in order to streamline the systems development process to improve efficiency and value for money. The total budget is increase from R322 million in 2013/14 and over MTEF to R424 million in 2016/17 to fund the costs of increasing the capacity of the Department to deliver on its growing mandate and projects such as the intervention at the department of health and the operation clean audit initiatives. Compensation of employees has steadily increased for the period under review in particularly between the financial years 2010/11 to 2012/13 to R127 million to R141 million respectively, this was mainly due to higher-than-expected salary adjustments. The budget continues to grow from R188 million in 2013/14 to R245 million in 2014/15; this corresponds with the department’s plans to fully implement the approved structure. Provision for annual cost of living adjustment, notch progression and annual performance bonuses has been made. Goods and services increases from R81 million in 2013/14 to R117 million in 2014/15, the increase reflects R40 million allocation to the Health Intervention project and funds allocated to the expansion of the Identity Verification System (IVS) project. The department has allocated funds to the capacity building for the contract management for the province and maintenance of the current Municipal Support programme that aims at providing financial management support to municipalities across the province. The department continues to strengthen their initiatives in support of the Operation Clean Audit 2014 outcome. Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 8 PART B: PROGRAMME AND SUB-PROGRAMME PLANS PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME PURPOSE The programme aims to provide effective leadership, management and administrative support to the Member of Executive Authority, Head of Treasury and the Treasury Programmes. This is done in fulfilment of the mission and mandate of the Treasury. The aim is to provide an enabling environment for the implementation of the department’s mandate and promote innovative solutions that result in cutting-edge service delivery strategies which promote service excellence. Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objectives Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 To provide proactive strategic, administrative and political leadership to GPT, enabling delivery of the mandate Create an enabling environment for the implementation of the department’s mandate and achievement of the priority outcomes and strategic objectives Prioritised and implemented activities of the office of the executive authority 2011/12 Estimated Performance 2013/14 2012/13 OFFICE OF THE MEC Effective Provided Provided oversight oversight oversight support support to the support to the provided to the executive executive executive authority on authority on the authority on the implementation the implementation of the strategic implementation of the strategic objectives and of strategic objectives and outcomes objectives and outcomes outcomes Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Provide oversight support to the executive authority in the fulfilment of the department’s mandate Provide oversight support to the executive authority in the fulfilment of the department’s mandate Provide oversight support to the executive authority in the fulfilment of the department’s mandate Page 9 Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 1.1 Ensure all legislature matters and public queries are responded to within the prescribed timeframes Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 N/A N/A 2012/13 Responded to all legislature matters within the prescribed timeframes Responded to public queries within 3 working days Estimated Medium Term Targets Performance 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 OFFICE OF THE MEC Responded to all Respond to all Respond to all legislature matters legislature matters legislature matters according to the according to the according to the legislature legislature legislature timeframes timeframes timeframes Responded to public Respond to public Respond to public queries according to queries according to queries according to the the the presidential/premiers presidential/premiers presidential/premiers hotline (i.e. within 3 hotline (i.e. within 3 hotline (i.e. within 3 working days) working days) working days) 2016/17 Respond to all legislature matters according to the legislature timeframes Respond to public queries according to the presidential/premiers hotline (i.e. within 3 working days) Quarterly targets 2014/15 Performance Indicators 1.1.1 Ensure all legislature matters and public queries are responded to within the prescribed timeframes Reporting Period Annual Target Quarterly Respond to all legislature matters according to the legislature timeframes Respond to public queries according to the presidential/premiers hotline (i.e. within 3 working days) Quarterly Targets st nd rd 1 2 3 OFFICE OF THE MEC Respond to all Respond to all Respond to all legislature matters legislature matters legislature matters according to the according to the according to the legislature legislature legislature timeframes timeframes timeframes Respond to public Respond to public Respond to public queries according to queries according to queries according to the the the presidential/premiers presidential/premiers presidential/premiers hotline (i.e. within 3 hotline (i.e. within 3 hotline (i.e. within 3 working days) working days) working days) Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 4 th Respond to all legislature matters according to the legislature timeframes Respond to public queries according to the presidential/premiers hotline (i.e. within 3 working days) Page 10 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objectives Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 To provide proactive strategic, administrative and political leadership to GPT, enabling delivery of the mandate Create an enabling environment for the implementation of the department’s mandate and achievement of the priority outcomes and strategic objectives N/A Estimated Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 OFFICE OF THE HOD N/A N/A New target Medium Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Departmental performance monitored in line with EMC resolutions Departmental performance monitored in line with EMC resolutions Departmental performance monitored in line with EMC resolutions Oversight provided to the Gauteng Department of Health (GDOH) turnaround strategy in line with the agreed scope N/A N/A Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 1.2 Action lists reflecting the updated status of the EMC resolutions N/A 2011/12 N/A Estimated Medium Term Targets Performance 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 OFICE OF THE HOD N/A New indicator Action lists Action lists Action lists reflecting the reflecting the reflecting the updated status of updated status of updated status of the EMC the EMC the EMC resolutions resolutions resolutions Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 11 1.3 Progress reports submitted by the administrator N/A N/A N/A New indicator 4 progress reports submitted by the administrator N/A N/A Quarterly targets 2014/15 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target st 1.2.1 Action lists reflecting the updated status of the EMC resolutions Quarterly 1 OFFICE OF THE HOD Action lists reflecting Action lists reflecting the updated status of the updated status of the EMC resolutions the EMC resolutions 1.3.1 Progress reports submitted by the administrator Quarterly 4 1 Quarterly Targets nd rd 2 3 Action lists reflecting the updated status of the EMC resolutions 1 Action lists reflecting the updated status of the EMC resolutions 1 th 4 Action lists reflecting the updated status of the EMC resolutions 1 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objectives Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 To provide proactive strategic, administrative and political leadership to GPT, enabling delivery of the mandate Create an enabling environment for the implementation of the department’s mandate and achievement of the priority outcomes and N/A Estimated Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 STRATEGY MANAGEMENT Prepared Prepared Prepared and and and lodged lodged submitted legislated legislated legislated plans and plans and plans and reports to reports to reports to Legislature, Legislature, Legislature, Office of Office of the Office of the Premier, AG the Premier, and Provincial Premier, AG and Treasury AG and Provincial according to Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Implementation of the Strategy Management Operational Plan and the preparation of Risk Management reports Unqualified audit report on Implementation of the Strategy Management Operational and the preparation of Risk Management reports Unqualified audit report on Implementation of the Strategy Management Operational and the preparation of Risk Management reports Unqualified audit report on Page 12 strategic objectives Provincial Treasury according to set deadlines Treasury according to set deadlines set deadlines pre-determined objectives for 2013/14 FY pre-determined objectives for 2014/15 FY pre-determined objectives for 2015/16 FY Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 1.4 Approved legislative plans and reports according to prescribed timelines N/A 2011/12 1 Strategic Plan document reviewed, approved and lodged in time treasury Annual Performance Plan consolidated and submitted Annual report timeously Estimated Medium Term Targets Performance 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 STRATEGY MANAGEMENT Reviewed, Strategic Plan for Approved Approved Strategic Lodged an approved 2014 – 2019 Strategic Plan Plan submitted to approved and lodged submitted to submitted to Legislature strategic plan Strategic Legislature Legislature with provincial Plan with treasury and provincial Legislature treasury according to according to the the national national treasury treasury framework framework Developed, Annual Annual Annual Lodged an approved Performance Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan approved and lodged submitted at the submitted at the submitted at the annual APP with Legislature Legislature Legislature performance provincial plan with treasury according to provincial the national treasury and treasury Legislature framework according to the national treasury framework Prepared Prepared and Annual Report for Annual Report for Annual Report for and submitted 2013/14 tabled at 2014/15 tabled at 2015/16 tabled at submitted annual report by the Legislature the Legislature the Legislature Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 13 finalized according to the PFMA prescripts 4 quarterly performance reports prepared and submitted to treasury on time N/A 1.5 Unqualified audit report on pre-determined objectives N/A N/A annual report by 31 May 31 May to relevant stakeholders Prepared and submitted 4 QPRs to provincial treasury according to the treasury timeframes Developed, approved and implemented risk management plan in compliance with the timeframes stipulated in the plan N/A Prepared and submitted 4 QPR`s to provincial treasury and legislature in line with agreed timeframes Quarterly performance reports submitted to the MEC Quarterly performance reports submitted to the MEC Quarterly performance reports submitted to the MEC Implemented the approved risk management plan in compliance with the timeframes stipulated in the plan Quarterly reports on the departmental risk profile submitted to the Audit Management Committee and the Risk Management Committee Quarterly reports on the departmental risk profile submitted to the Audit Management Committee and the Risk Management Committee Quarterly reports on the departmental risk profile submitted to the Audit Management Committee and the Risk Management Committee New indicator Unqualified audit report on predetermined objectives for 2013/14 FY Unqualified audit report on predetermined objectives for 2014/15 FY Unqualified audit report on predetermined objectives for 2015/16 FY Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 14 Quarterly Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 1.4.1 1.5.1 Approved legislative plans and reports according to prescribed timelines Unqualified audit report on predetermined objectives for 2013/14 FY Reporting Period Annual Target st 1 STRATEGY MANAGEMENT Strategic Plan for N/A 2014 – 2019 submitted to Legislature N/A N/A Annually 1 Annually 1 Annually 1 N/A Quarterly 4 1 Approved quarterly performance report Quarterly 4 1 departmental risk report submitted Quarterly 4 Annually Unqualified audit report on predetermined objectives 1 Progress report on Auditor General findings N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Quarterly Targets rd 3 nd 2 th 4 N/A N/A N/A 1 Tabled Annual Report for 2013/14 1 Approved quarterly performance report 1 departmental risk report N/A Annual Performance Plan submitted to Legislature N/A 1 Approved quarterly performance report 1 Approved quarterly performance report 1 departmental risk report submitted 1 departmental risk report submitted 1 Progress report on Auditor General findings Unqualified audit report on predetermined objectives 1 Progress report on Auditor General findings N/A 1 Progress report on Auditor General findings N/A Page 15 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objectives Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 To provide proactive strategic, administrative and political leadership to GPT, enabling delivery of the mandate Create an enabling environment for the implementation of the department’s mandate and achievement of the priority outcomes and strategic objectives N/A 2011/12 N/A Estimated Performance 2012/13 2013/14 OFFICE OF THE CFO Unqualified Unqualified audit report on audit report on AFS with no AFS with no material material misstatements misstatements Medium Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 1.6 Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements N/A 2011/12 N/A Estimated Performance 2012/13 2013/14 OFFICE OF THE CFO N/A Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium Term Targets 2014/15 Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements 2015/16 Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements 2016/17 Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements Page 16 Quarterly Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 1.6.1 Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements Reporting Period Annually Annual Target Quarterly Targets nd rd 2 3 st 1 OFFICE OF THE CFO Unqualified audit N/A report on AFS with no material misstatements Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements th 4 N/A Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objectives Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 To provide proactive strategic, administrative and political leadership to GPT, enabling delivery of the mandate Create an enabling environment for the implementation of the department’s mandate and achievement of the priority outcomes and strategic objectives N/A Estimated Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 CORPORATE SERVICES N/A N/A New target Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Corporate Services reports prepared and submitted as per the agreed timeframes Corporate Services reports prepared and submitted as per the agreed timeframes Corporate Services reports prepared and submitted as per the agreed timeframes Page 17 Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance N/A N/A Estimated Medium Term Targets Performance 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 CORPORATE SERVICES N/A New indicator GEYODI reports GEYODI reports GEYODI reports submitted to the submitted to the submitted to the Office of the Office of the Office of the Premier according Premier according Premier according to the agreed to the agreed to the agreed timeframes timeframes timeframes N/A N/A N/A New indicator Implement ICT Services Standards Review and implement the approved ICT Service Standards Review and implement approved ICT Service Standards N/A N/A N/A New indicator 10% vacancy rate 10% vacancy rate 10% vacancy rate 2010/11 1.7 1.8 1.9 Number of GEYODI reports submitted to the Office of the Premier according to the agreed timeframes Number of ICT Service Standards compliance reports submitted Reduction of vacancy rate 2011/12 Quarterly Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 1.7.1 1.7.2 Number of GEYODI reports submitted to the Office of the Premier according to the agreed timeframes Number of ICT Service Standards compliance reports submitted Reporting Period Annual Target st Quarterly 4 Quarterly 4 1 CORPORATE SERVICES 1 1 1 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 1 Quarterly Targets nd rd 2 3 th 4 1 1 1 1 Page 18 1.7.3 Reduction of vacancy rate Annually Vacancy rate reduction N/A N/A N/A 10% vacancy rate Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF Table 2: Summary of payments and estimates: Programme 1: Administration Main Outcome appropriation Adjusted appropriation R thousand 2013/14 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Office of the MEC 6,013 6,715 6,385 6,665 6,465 Office of the HOD 2,679 2,376 6,607 8,444 Corporate Services 35,445 24,901 29,891 Financial Management 11,585 13,425 Total payments and estimates 55,722 47,417 Revised estimate Medium-term estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 7,173 7,386 7,719 8,188 8,674 8,237 14,391 15,523 16,565 34,525 39,934 42,541 52,968 55,703 57,358 16,885 22,967 20,449 20,777 21,107 22,045 23,453 59,768 72,601 75,522 78,728 95,852 100,990 105,564 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 19 Table 3: Summary of provincial payments and estimates by economic classification: Programme 1: Administration Main appropriation Outcome Adjusted appropriation R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Current payments 52,276 44,633 58,195 71,295 72,271 Compensation of employees 34,139 26,539 32,629 41,022 Goods and services 18,137 18,029 25,566 30,273 Interest and rent on land Transfers and subsidies to: Revised estimate 2013/14 Medium-term estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 76,997 94,941 100,037 104,561 40,968 45,485 66,568 70,610 74,370 31,303 31,512 28,373 29,427 30,191 54 50 65 7 22 Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accounts Higher education institutions Foreign governments and international organisations Public corporations and private enterprises 2 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 2 Page 20 Non-profit institutions Households Payments for capital assets 7 20 44 2,426 1,573 44 2,426 1,559 54 48 1,306 3,197 1,681 911 953 1,004 1,306 3,176 1,659 911 953 1,004 21 21 75,522 78,728 95,852 100,990 105,564 Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment Heritage Assets Specialised military assets Biological assets Land and sub-soil assets Software and other intangible assets 14 Payments for financial assets 3,395 336 Total economic classification 55,722 47,417 59,768 72,601 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 21 The budget for Administration reduced from R56 million in 2010/11 to R 47 million in 2011/12. The budget increases from R73 million in the 2013/14 financial year to R106 million in 2016/17 financial year. The main factor of increasing the budget is because of significant increase of personnel numbers to support a growing departmental structure. The decrease under Goods and services is due to decentralization of items such as training, catering, resettlement cost and venues and facilities Compensation of Employees decreased from R34 million in 2010/11 financial year to R33 million 2012/13. Compensation of employees increases from R 41 million in 2013/14 financial year to R74 million in the 2016/17 financial year. The increase in compensation of employees is due to the re-establishment of Gauteng Provincial Treasury after the demerger from the Gauteng Department of Finance and the implementation of the approved structure. The main factor which contributes to increase on compensation of employees is the annual notch progressions and personnel related costs such as performance bonus and service bonus as well as implementation of the approved structure and the re -grading of clerk posts. Over the MTEF, spending levels for administration programme are expected to stay within the baseline of R96 million, R101 million and R106 million for 201415; 2015/16; 2016/17 respectively. Administration main costs drivers are utilities, external audit, lease payments, communication and property payments. Over the MTEF, spending for payments for capital assets is expected to stay within the baseline an average baseline of R955 000 at R911 000, R953 000 and R1 million for 2014/15;2015/16;2016/17 financial years respectively. The computer refresh is expected to normalize in 2014/15 financial year as the department plans to put on stringed measures in order to avoid heavy expenditure as most of the procurement was done in 2013/14. Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 22 PROGRAMME 2: SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Programme Purpose The programme aims to optimise resources allocation, utilisation and revenue in order to maximise the social benefit to Gauteng’s citizens. Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic objective Strategic Plan target Audited/Actual performance 2010/11 To provide financial resource management services and ensure credible reporting for GPG To instill fiscal discipline and prudent use of resources in order to maximise efficiency gains and value for money Sectoral reports for all departments completed and consolidated report presented to EXCO and legislature Table Provincial infrastructure MTEF and adjustment Provincial infrastructure MTEF and adjustment budgets tabled and implemented 2011/12 2012/13 PUBLIC FINANCE Quarterly Conducted sectoral sector level reports GPG policy departments analysis in completed, order to consolidated maximise and efficiency presented to gains and EXCO and value for legislature money according to agreed timeframes Provincial infrastructure MTEF and adjustment budgets tabled and implemented Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Tabled provincial infrastructure MTEF and adjustment budgets Estimated performance 2013/14 Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Conducted sector level policy analysis in order to maximise efficiency gains and value for money according to agreed timeframes Conduct sector level policy analysis according to agreed timeframes Conduct sector level policy analysis according to agreed timeframes Conduct sector level policy analysis according to agreed timeframes Tabled infrastructure provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets in line with the Table infrastructure provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets in line with the Table infrastructure provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets in line with the Table infrastructure provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets in line with the Page 23 Strategic objective Strategic Plan target Audited/Actual performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated performance 2013/14 prescribed timeframes Medium-term targets 2014/15 prescribed timeframes 2015/16 prescribed timeframes 2016/17 prescribed timeframes Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 2010/11 2011/12 2.1 Number of consolidated ‘State of GPG Finances’ report submitted to the Office of the MEC (for EXCO) according to the agreed timeframes N/A N/A 2.2 Prepare and submit an analysis of conditional grants business plans to the HOD:GPT in the Division of Revenue Act N/A 1 Independent evaluation on yearly performance in compliance with the Division of Revenue Act prepared Estimated Performance 2012/13 2013/14 PUBLIC FINANCE 4 quarterly Prepared and expenditure submitted 4 and quarterly performance consolidated reports ‘State of GPG produced to Finances’ reports departments to the Office of the MEC (for EXCO) according to the agreed timeframes Medium – Term Target Audited /Actual Performance Prepared and submitted 1 Independent evaluation report on conditional grants performance in Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Submitted an annual analysis of conditional grants business plans, produce quarterly site visit and evaluation reports 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 4 4 4 1 1 1 Page 24 Performance Indicators Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Medium – Term Target Estimated Performance 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 accordance with DORA prescripts (DoRA) prescripts 2.3 Number of site visit reports submitted to the HOD:GPT to monitor implementation of projects funded by conditional grants and provincial equitable share N/A N/A N/A New indicator 4 4 4 2.4 Evaluation report on performance of conditional grants prepared and submitted to National Treasury according to the DoRA N/A N/A N/A Submitted an annual evaluation of conditional grant financial and non-financial performance to National Treasury in accordance with DoRA prescripts 1 1 1 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 25 Performance Indicators Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Submit Finance Lekgotla, MTEC and PBC reports according to the Provincial budget timelines Report to Premier Budget Committee on MTEC recommend ations Report to Premier Budget Committee on MTEC recommendatio ns Submitted consolidated MTEC report within the prescribed time frames 2.6 Number of IRM reports submitted to National Treasury by the nd 22 day after the end of the quarter IRM submitted to National Treasury IRM submitted to National Treasury 2.7 Table the Provincial Infrastructure MTEF and adjustment budgets according Infrastructur e Provincial budgets tabled Infrastructure Provincial budgets tabled Medium – Term Target Estimated Performance 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 prescripts 2.5 1 MTEF budget 1 MTEF budgets Prepared and submitted Finance Lekgotla report, MTEC and PBC report according to the Provincial budget timelines 1 Finance Lekgotla report 1Finance Lekgotla report 1 Finance Lekgotla report 1 MTEC report 1 MTEC report 1 MTEC report 1 PBC report 1 PBC report 1 PBC report 20 IRM reports compiled and submitted to National Treasury Prepared and submitted 20 IRM reports to National Treasury 24 24 24 Infrastructur e Provincial MTEF budget tabled February Tabled 1 MTEF infrastructure budget according to the Provincial budget timeframes Table Provincial Infrastructure MTEF budget according to the Provincial budget timeframes Table Provincial Infrastructure MTEF budget according to the Provincial budget Table Provincial Infrastructure MTEF budget according to the Provincial budget Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 26 Performance Indicators Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Medium – Term Target Estimated Performance 2013/14 2014/15 Provincial budget timeline Table Provincial Infrastructure Adjustment budget according to the Provincial budget timeframes 2015/16 2016/17 timeframes timeframes Table Provincial Infrastructure Adjustment budget according to the Provincial budget timeframes Table Provincial Infrastructure Adjustment budget according to the Provincial budget timeframes Quarterly targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st 2.1.1 Number of consolidated ‘State of GPG Finances’ reports to the Office of the MEC (for EXCO) according to the agreed timeframes Quarterly 2.1.2 Prepared and submitted an analysis of conditional grants business plans to the HOD:GPT in line with Annually 1 PUBLIC FINANCE Prepare and submit 1 consolidated ‘State of GPG Finances’ reports to the Office of the MEC (for EXCO) according to the agreed timeframes Prepare and submit an analysis of conditional grants business plans to the HOD:GPT in line with National Treasury Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 N/A nd rd 2 th 3 4 1 1 1 N/A N/A Prepare and submit an analysis of conditional grants business plans to the Page 27 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st nd 1 DoRA prescripts rd 2 3 timeframes th 4 HOD:GPT in line with National Treasury timeframes 2.1.3 Number of site visit reports submitted to the HOD:GPT to monitor implementation of projects funded by conditional grants and provincial equitable share Quarterly Prepare and submit 4 reports to the HOD:GPT on site visits to monitor the implementation of projects funded by conditional grants and provincial equitable share 1 1 1 1 2.1.4 Evaluation report on performance conditional grants submitted to National Treasury in accordance with DoRA prescripts Annually Prepare and submit 1 evaluation report on performance of conditional grants spending and nonfinancial performance in accordance with DoRA prescripts to National Treasury by 30 June 2014 Prepare and submit 1 evaluation report on performance of conditional grants spending and non-financial performance in accordance with DoRA prescripts to National Treasury by 30 June 2014 N/A N/A N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 28 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st 1 2.1.5 Submitted Finance Lekgotla, MTEC and PBC reports according to the Provincial budget timelines Annually Prepare and submit Finance Lekgotla report, MTEC and PBC reports according to the Provincial budget timelines nd rd th N/A 2 1 Finance Lekgotla report 3 N/A 4 N/A N/A 1 MTEC report N/A N/A N/A 1 PBC report N/A N/A 2.1.6 Number of IRM reports prepared and submitted to National nd Treasury by 22 day after the end of the quarter Quarterly 24 6 6 6 6 2.1.7 Prepared and submitted infrastructure MTEF and adjustment budgets according Provincial budget timeline Annually Table MTEF infrastructure budget according to the Provincial budget timeline N/A N/A N/A Table Provincial Infrastructure MTEF budget Annually Table infrastructure adjustment budget according to the Provincial budget timeline N/A N/A Table Provincial Infrastructure Adjustment budget N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 29 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic objective Strategic Plan target Audited/Actual performance Table Provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets according to the national prescripts Provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets tabled and implemented Estimated performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 BUDGET MANAGEMENT Provincial Provincial Tabled MTEF and MTEF and provincial adjustment adjustment MTEF and budgets budgets adjustment tabled and tabled and budgets implemented implemented according to the national treasury prescripts Submit relevant legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts Submitted legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts Submitted legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts 2010/11 To provide financial resource management services and ensure credible reporting for GPG Submitted legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Submitted legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts Medium-term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Table provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets according to the national prescripts Table provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets according to the national prescripts Table provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets according to the national prescripts Submit relevant legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts Submit relevant legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts Submit relevant legislative reports according to the national treasury prescripts Page 30 Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 2.8 2.9 Estimated Performance 2012/13 2013/14 BUDGET MANAGEMENT Provincial 1 Tabled 1 MTEF MTEF budget budget within 14 tabled in days after the February National Budget day Medium – Term Target Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 Table the provincial MTEF budget Provincial budget tabled 1 MTEF budget Provincial budgets tabled 2 MTEF budgets Table the provincial adjustment budget 1 Adjusted budget 2 Adjusted budgets 1 Adjustment budget tabled in November Number of legislated provincial reports produced according to the National Treasury (NT) timeframes Provincial reports submitted to NT per prescribed timeframes Provincial reports submitted to NT per prescribed timeframes Consolidated and submitted 12 I IYM reports to National Treasury by nd 22 day of each month Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 1 1 1 Tabled 1 Adjustment budget within 30 days after the National Adjustment budget day 1 1 1 Consolidated and submitted 12 IYM reports to National nd Treasury by 22 day of each month IYM reports submitted to National Treasury by 22nd day of each month IYM reports submitted to National Treasury by 22nd day of each month IYM reports submitted to National Treasury by 22nd day of each month Consolidated and submitted 4 QPRs in line with the NT timeframes 4 QPRs submitted according to the National Treasury (NT) timeframes 4 QPRs submitted according to the National Treasury (NT) timeframes 4 QPRs submitted according to the National Treasury (NT) timeframes Page 31 Quarterly targets 2014/15 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st 2.8.1 2.9.1 Tabled the provincial MTEF and adjustment budgets at the Legislature within the prescribed timeframes Annually Number of legislated provincial reports produced according to the national treasury (NT) timeframes Table 1 MTEF budget within 14 days after the National Budget day 1 BUDGET MANAGEMENT N/A N/A nd rd 2 th 3 4 N/A Table 1 MTEF budget within 14 days after the National Budget day Table 1 Adjustment budget within 30 days after the National Adjustment budget day N/A N/A Table 1 Adjustment budget within 30 days after the National Adjustment budget day N/A Monthly Prepare and submit 12 IYM reports to NT in line with the 2014/15 Gauteng Provincial Budget Process Schedule 3 3 3 3 Quarterly Prepare and submit 4 QPRs to NT within 30 days after the end of the quarter 1 1 1 1 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 32 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 To provide financial resource management services and ensure credible reporting for GPG To provide and coordinate economic and fiscal research and to ensure effective oversight over provincial revenue PERO, SERO, MTBPS produced and submitted Estimated Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 FISCAL POLICY & ECONOMIC ANALYSIS PERO, PERO, Provided SERO, SERO, advisory on MTBPS MTBPS economic and produced produced fiscal policy and and matters and submitted submitted the medium term fiscal framework (PERO, SERO & MTBPS) Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Provide advisory services on economic and fiscal policy matters and the medium term fiscal framework according to the prescribed timeframes Provide advisory services on economic and fiscal policy matters and the medium term fiscal framework according to the prescribed timeframes Provide advisory services on economic and fiscal policy matters and the medium term fiscal framework according to the prescribed timeframes Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 2.10 Number of own revenue analysis reports prepared and submitted Estimated Medium – Term Target Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 FISCAL POLICY AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Monthly Monthly Prepared and 4 quarterly 4 quarterly 4 quarterly timely, timely, submitted 16 own submissions for submissions for submissions for qualitative qualitative revenue input legislature legislature legislature and and accurate analysis reports accurate legislated to Cabinet legislated reports reports submitted Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 Monthly timely, qualitative and accurate legislated reports Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 33 Performance Indicators Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 submitted submitted 2012/13 Medium – Term Target Estimated Performance 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 N/A N/A New indicator 8 monthly submissions to departments 8 monthly submissions to departments 8 monthly submissions to departments N/A N/A New indicator 4 quarterly submissions to GPG departments 4 quarterly submissions to GPG departments 4 quarterly submissions to GPG departments 2.11 Number of own revenue forums conducted N/A N/A Conducted 6 forums on results of own revenue analysis Conducted 6 forums on results of own revenue analysis 6 6 6 2.12 Number of tariff submissions reviewed and approved N/A N/A N/A New Target 4 5 6 2.13 Tabling of SERO, PERO and MTBPS at Legislature according to the prescribed timeframes SERO, PERO and MTBPS tabled and published SERO, PERO and MTBPS tabled and published SERO, PERO and MTBPS tabled and published SERO, PERO and MTBPS tabled and published according to prescribed timeframes SERO in March 2015 SERO in March 2016 SERO in March 2017 PERO in October 2014 PERO in October 2015 PERO in October 2016 MTBPS in November 2014 MTBPS in November 2015 MTBPS in November 2016 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 34 Performance Indicators 2.14 2.15 Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 N/A 2012/13 Number of policies developed and reviewed N/A N/A Number of economic research conducted 1 impact study completed 1 impact study completed 1 impact study completed by 31 March 4 Quarterly Bulletins published 2 Quarterly Bulletins published 46 weekly newsletters published 46 weekly newsletters published Estimated Performance 2013/14 New indicator Medium – Term Target 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2 draft policies N/A N/A 2 policy reviews 4 4 1 impact study completed 1 impact study completed 1 impact study completed 1 impact study completed 3 Quarterly Bulletins published 2 Quarterly Bulletins published 2 Economic Bulletins published 2 Economic Bulletins published 2 Economic Bulletins published 48 weekly newsletters published 48 weekly newsletters published 47 weekly newsletters published 47 weekly newsletters published 47 weekly newsletters published Quarterly Targets 2014/15 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st 2.10.1 Number of own revenue reports prepared and produced to Quarterly nd 1 2 FISCAL POLICY & ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 4 quarterly 1 1 submissions for legislature Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 rd th 3 1 4 1 Page 35 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st nd 1 legislature rd 2 th 3 4 Quarterly 8 monthly submissions to departments 2 2 2 2 Quarterly 4 quarterly submissions to GPG departments 1 1 1 1 2.11.1 Number of own revenue forums conducted Quarterly Conduct 6 Revenue Forums for GPG departments in line with agreed timeframes 1 2 1 2 2.12.1 Number of tariff submissions reviewed and approved Annually Review and approve 3 tariffs by end of December 2014 N/A N/A 3 N/A 2.13.1 Tabling of SERO, PERO and MTBPS at Legislature according to the prescribed timeframes Annually Publish SERO in March 2015 N/A N/A N/A Publish SERO in March 2015 Publish PERO in November 2014 N/A N/A Publish PERO in November 2014 N/A Publish MTBPS in November 2014 N/A N/A Publish MTBPS in November 2014 N/A Number of policies developed and Annually Develop draft policies N/A N/A N/A 2 draft policies 2.14.1 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 36 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st nd 1 reviewed 2.15.1 Number of economic research conducted rd 2 3 th 4 2 policy reviews Review policies N/A N/A N/A Annually Publish 1 impact study March 2015 N/A N/A N/A Publish 1 impact study by 31 March 2015 Bi-Annually Publish 2 economic bulletins Publish 1 economic bulletin N/A N/A Publish 1 economic bulletin Weekly Publish 48 Weekly Economic Newsletters 13 13 11 11 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 To mobilise alternative funding sources to accelerate service delivery that stimulate inclusive economic growth and revenue generation Facilitate, manage and oversee successful PPP initiatives for the province Consolidated quarterly reports on regulatory advice on all stages of PPP projects Estimated Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Public- Private Partnership Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated quarterly quarterly quarterly reports on reports on reports on regulatory regulatory PPP projects advice on all advice on all to ensure stages of stages of compliance PPP projects PPP projects to legislative requirements for PPP Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Preparation of reports on PPP projects in compliance to legislative requirements for PPP Preparation of reports on PPP projects in compliance to legislative requirements for PPP Preparation of reports on PPP projects in compliance to legislative requirements for PPP Page 37 Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target To provide financial resource management services and ensure credible reporting for GPG Implementation of Contract Management system in GPG Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 N/A 2011/12 N/A 2012/13 N/A Estimated Performance 2013/14 New target Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 Inception, planning and development of contract management system for the Province 2015/16 Inception, planning and development of contract management system for the Province 2016/17 Inception, planning and development of contract management system for the Province Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 2.16 Monitoring and providing regulatory advice and support on PPP Projects in terms of Treasury Regulation 16. Estimated Medium – Term Target Performance 2012/13 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP N/A New Indicator Compliance to Compliance to Compliance to legislative legislative legislative requirements for requirements for requirements PPP Projects in PPP Projects in for PPP terms of monitoring terms of Projects in and providing monitoring and terms of regulatory advice providing monitoring and and support on regulatory providing PPP Projects advice and regulatory support on PPP advice and Projects support on PPP Projects Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 N/A 2011/12 N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 38 Performance Indicators 2.17 Inception, development and planning of contract management system for the Province Audited /Actual Performance 2010/11 N/A 2011/12 N/A Estimated Performance 2013/14 New Indicator 2012/13 N/A Medium – Term Target 2014/15 Inception, development and planning of contract management system for the Province 2015/16 Inception, development and planning of contract management system for the Province 2016/17 Inception, development and planning of contract management system for the Province Quarterly Targets 2014/15 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st 2.16.1 Monitoring and providing regulatory support and advice on PPP Projects in terms of Treasury Regulation 16 through the provision on inputs Quarterly 2.17.1 Inception, planning and development of contract TriAnnually nd 1 2 PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP Compliance to Inputs on Inputs on legislative compliance to compliance to requirements for legislative legislative PPP Projects in requirements for requirements for terms of PPP Projects in PPP Projects in monitoring and terms of monitoring terms of providing and providing monitoring and regulatory regulatory support providing support and and advice on PPP regulatory support advice on PPP Projects and advice on Projects PPP Projects Appoint service provider, establish project’s output and N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Appointment of service provider rd th 3 4 Inputs on compliance to legislative requirements for PPP Projects in terms of monitoring and providing regulatory support and advice on PPP Projects Inputs on compliance to legislative requirements for PPP Projects in terms of monitoring and providing regulatory support and advice on PPP Projects Compile a business plan for the implementation Submit a report on recommendations for changes in the Page 39 Performance Indicators Reporting Period Annual Target 2014/15 Quarterly Targets st nd 1 management system for the Province 2 specifications as well as Business Plan for delivery rd 3 of a contract management system th 4 province Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF Table 4: Summary of payments and estimates: Programme 2: Sustainable Resource Management Main Adjusted Revised Outcome appropriation appropriation estimate R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 SRM Programme Support 51,574 51,855 52,867 57,651 54,570 Fiscal Policy and Economic Analysis 5,081 7,925 7,610 9,293 Budget Management 6,806 10,006 10,959 Public Finance 10,799 10,587 Public Private Partnership 4,279 Total payments and estimate 78,539 Medium-term estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 55,401 79,154 82,551 85,269 9,554 7,736 10,176 10,489 11,237 17,019 17,442 13,241 22,983 25,327 26,860 10,921 15,579 15,654 13,829 25,828 28,691 29,625 3,520 2,984 3,089 3,089 3,083 3,465 3,727 4,116 83,893 85,341 102,631 100,309 93,290 141,606 150,785 157,107 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 40 Table 4: Summary of provincial payments and estimates by economic classification: Programme 2: Sustainable Resource Management Main Adjusted Revised Outcome Medium-term estimates appropriation appropriation estimate R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Current payments 28,539 33,793 35,311 52,631 50,289 43,258 91,606 100,785 104,457 Compensation of employees 26,756 30,305 32,594 44,959 44,939 37,912 62,263 68,077 71,864 Goods and services 1,783 3,488 2,717 7,672 5,350 5,346 29,343 32,708 32,593 50,000 50,000 50,030 50,000 50,020 50,032 50,000 50,000 52,650 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 52,650 20 32 Interest and rent on land Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accounts Higher education institutions Foreign governments and international organisations Public corporations and private enterprises Non-profit institutions Households 30 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 41 Payments for capital assets Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment Heritage Assets Specialised military assets Biological assets Land and sub-soil assets Software and other intangible assets Payments for financial assets Total economic classification 100 78,539 83,893 85,341 102,631 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 100,309 93,290 141,606 150,785 157,107 Page 42 The budget for Sustainable Resource Management increases from R79 million in 2010/11 financial year to R85 million in the 2012/2013 financial year. The budget increases from R 102 million in the 2013/14 financial year to R157 million in 2016/17 financial year. The main factor of increase the budget is because of allocation of additional funding for compensation of employees, capacity building project and systems development project and the inclusion of previously centralised items from Administration. Compensation of Employees increases from R27 million in 2010/11 financial year to R33 million in 2012/13 financial year. The budget increases from R45 million in the 2013/14 financial year to R72 million in the 2016/17 financial year. The increases in compensation of employees is due to filling of critical positions as per approved departmental structure and the also wages settlements that have been above the inflation over the period, as well as notch progressions. Goods and services increased from R2 million in 2010/11 financial year to R3 million in the 2012/2013 financial year. There is an increase of R25 million from R8 million in the 2013/14 financial year to R33 million in the 2016/17 financial year. The main cost drivers are capacity building projects, system development projects as well as the printing of provincial publications such as PERO, SERO, MTBPS, and EPRE. Transfers and subsidies to Gauteng Project Office over the MTEF is at R50 million, R50 million and R53 million over MTEF. The budget forms part of Programme Support allocation. Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 43 PROGRAMME 3: FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE Programme Purpose To implement best practices that will ensure sound corporate, financial management and legislative governance in the province and provide support to all GPG departments, entities and municipalities Strategic objective annual targets 2014/15 Strategic objectives To ensure sound corporate, financial and legislative governance and provide effective financial management services in Gauteng Enable improvement of ERM processes in municipalities ERM Process reviews conducted and support provided to municipalities Estimated performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT 39 ERM 36 ERM Conducted Process Process 36 ERM reviews reviews process conducted conducted reviews and and support and support provide provided to provided to support to municipalities municipalities municipalities as stipulated in the strategic support plan Enable improvement of ERM processes within GPG ERM Process review conducted 44 ERM Process review conducted Strategic Plan target Audited/Actual performance 2010/11 Conducted 52 ERM processes for GPG Departments Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Conducted 56 ERM process reviews in GPG Departments and provide support as stipulated in strategic support plan Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Conduct 36 ERM process reviews to provide support to Municipalities Conduct 36 ERM process reviews to provide support to Municipalities Conduct 36 ERM process reviews to provide support to Municipalities Conduct 56 ERM process reviews to provide support to GPG Departments Conduct 56 ERM process reviews to provide support to GPG Departments Conduct 56 ERM process reviews to provide support to GPG Departments Page 44 Ensure that GPG audit committees are operational and effective N/A 16 Strategic Risk Assessments facilitated Facilitated 14 strategic risk assessments Facilitated 14 strategic risk assessments in GPG departments Conduct 14 strategic risk assessment workshops in GPG Departments Conduct 14 strategic risk assessment workshops in GPG Departments Conduct 14 strategic risk assessment workshops in GPG Departments Implemented Audit Committee Charter Implemented Audit Committee Charter 20 Audit Committee Cluster Meetings held Implemented the approved GPG audit committee charter to ensure effectiveness Conduct 55 Audit Committee meetings Conduct 55 Audit Committee meetings Conduct 55 Audit Committee meetings Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 3.1 Number of ERM process reviews conducted in Municipalities ERM Process reviews conducted and support provided to municipalities 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated Performance 2013/14 ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT 39 ERM Conducted 36 Conducted 36 Process ERM process ERM process reviews reviews and reviews and conducted and provide support provide support to support to provided to municipalities municipalities municipalities as stipulated in the strategic support plan Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 36 2015/16 2016/17 36 36 Page 45 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated Performance 2013/14 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 3.2 Number of ERM process reviews conducted in GPG Departments ERM Process review conducted 44 ERM Process review conducted Conducted 52 ERM processes for GPG Departments Conducted 56 ERM process reviews in GPG Departments as stipulated in the strategic support plan 56 56 56 3.3 Number of strategic risk assessment workshops conducted in GPG Departments N/A 16 Strategic Risk Assessments facilitated. Facilitated 14 strategic risk assessments Facilitated 14 strategic risk assessments in GPG departments 14 14 14 3.4 Number of Audit Committee Meetings conducted N/A N/A 20 Audit Committee Cluster Meetings held Implemented the approved GPG audit committee charter to ensure effectiveness 55 55 55 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 46 Quarterly targets: 2014/15 Performance indicators Reporting Period Annual Target Quarterly target nd rd 2 3 st th 3.1.1 Number of ERM process reviews conducted in Municipalities Quarterly 1 ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT 36 9 3.2.1 Number of ERM process reviews conducted in GPG Departments Quarterly 56 14 14 14 14 3.3.1 Number of strategic risk assessment workshops conducted in GPG Departments Quarterly 14 2 2 4 6 3.4.1 Number of Audit Committee Meetings conducted Quarterly 55 12 21 5 17 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 4 9 9 9 Page 47 Strategic objective annual targets 2014/15 Strategic Objectives Strategic Plan Target To ensure sound corporate, financial and legislative governance and provide effective financial management services in Gauteng Unqualified audit opinion by 2014 Audited/Actual Performance Estimated Performanc 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 e 2013/14 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES 1 Improved Provided Provided municipalit Audit support and support and y received Outcomes guidance to guidance to a for 7 delegated 9 delegated disclaimer delegated municipaliti municipaliti 3 Municipaliti es towards es towards qualificatio es 9 achieving achieving ns 9 Unqualified prudent prudent financially 3 Qualified local local unqualified government government 1 Clean fiscal fiscal audit and manageme manageme 0 Adverse nt as per nt as per report monthly monthly support support plan plan Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Ensure the implementati on of and compliance with the MFMA Ensure the implementati on of and compliance with the MFMA Ensure the implementati on of and compliance with the MFMA Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 3.7 Number of municipal compliance MFMA reports prepared to the National Treasury and Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 Bi-annual MFMA reports produced Estimated Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES Bi-annual Prepared and Prepared and 2 MFMA reports submitted 2 bisubmitted 2 biproduced annual annual municipal municipal compliance compliance MFMA reports to MFMA reports the National to the National Treasury and the Treasury and MEC: Finance in Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2 2016/17 2 Page 48 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 the MEC: Finance as per the agreed timelines 2012/13 the MEC for Finance in line with agreed timeframes Estimated Performance 2013/14 line with agreed timeframes Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 3.8 Number of bi-annual municipal budget assessment reports submitted to NT and MEC: Finance Annual municipal budget assessment reports prepared Annual municipal budget assessment reports prepared Prepared and submitted 2 annual municipal budget assessment reports for the Draft and Final approved Budgets in line with agreed timeframes Prepared and submitted 2 biannual municipal budget assessment reports on all delegated municipalities for the draft and final approved budgets in line with agreed timeframes 2 2 2 3.9 Number of consolidated municipal budget statement gazetted and submitted to Provincial Legislature 45 days after the end of the quarter Improved monthly and quarterly reporting as legislated Improved monthly and quarterly reporting as legislated Prepared and published 4 consolidated municipal budget statement gazettes in line with the MFMA requirements Prepared and published 4 consolidated municipal budget statement gazettes on Provincial Treasury website within 30 days after end of quarter and submit to Provincial Legislature within 4 4 4 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 49 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated Performance 2013/14 45 days Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 3.10 Number of consolidated municipal budget statement published on Provincial Treasury website within 30 days after end of quarter Improved monthly and quarterly reporting as legislated Improved monthly and quarterly reporting as legislated Prepared and published 4 consolidated municipal budget statement gazettes in line with the MFMA requirements Prepared and published 4 consolidated municipal budget statement gazettes on Provincial Treasury website within 30 days after end of quarter and submit to Provincial Legislature within 45 days 4 4 4 3.11 Number of Provincial Gazettes on transfer to municipalities tabled in the legislature with provincial main budget 2 Provincial Gazettes on Transfers to municipalities included in the Provincial main and adjustment budget 2 Provincial Gazettes on Transfers to municipalities included in the Provincial main and adjustment budget Prepared and submitted Provincial Gazettes on Transfers to municipalities no later than when the provincial budget is tabled 2 Provincial Gazettes on transfer to municipalities tabled in the legislature with provincial main and adjustment budget in line with the communicated timeframes 1 1 1 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 50 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 3.12 Number of Provincial Gazettes on transfer to municipalities tabled in the legislature with provincial adjustment budget 2 Provincial Gazettes on Transfers to municipalities included in the Provincial main and adjustment budget 2 Provincial Gazettes on Transfers to municipalities included in the Provincial main and adjustment budget Prepared and submitted Provincial Gazettes on Transfers to municipalities no later than when the provincial budget is tabled 3.13 Number of Municipal Finance Indaba reports submitted to Cabinet and Premier Coordination Forum IGR forums reports produced IGR forums reports produced Hosted 3 Local Government Finance IGR forums and produced resolution reports to Cabinet and Premier Coordinating Forum 3.14 Number of report produced on annual financial statements N/A N/A N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Estimated Performance 2013/14 2 Provincial Gazettes on transfer to municipalities tabled in the legislature with provincial main and adjustment budget in line with the communicated timeframes Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 1 1 1 Hosted 3 Local Government Finance IGR forums and produce resolution reports to Cabinet and Premier Coordinating Forum 3 3 3 New indicator 1 1 1 Page 51 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated Performance 2013/14 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 review Quarterly targets: 2014/15 Performance indicators Reporting Annual Target st Period 1 LOCAL GOVERNMNET FINANCIAL SERVICES Bi-annually 2 N/A 1 3.7.1 Number of municipal compliance MFMA reports prepared to the National Treasury and the MEC: Finance as per the agreed timelines 3.8.1 Number of bi-annual municipal budget assessment reports submitted to NT and MEC: Finance Bi-annually 2 1 3.9.1 Number of consolidated municipal budget statement gazetted and submitted to Provincial Legislature 45 days after the end of the quarter Quarterly 4 3.10.1 Number of consolidated municipal budget statement published on Provincial Treasury website within 30 days Quarterly 4 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Quarterly target nd rd 2 3 th 4 N/A 1 1 N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 52 Performance indicators Reporting Period Annual Target Quarterly target nd rd 2 3 st 1 th 4 after end of quarter 3.11.1 Number of Provincial Gazette on transfer to municipalities tabled in the legislature with provincial main budget Annually 1 N/A N/A N/A 1 3.12.1 Number of Provincial Gazette on transfer to municipalities tabled in the legislature with provincial adjustment budget Annually 1 N/A N/A 1 N/A 3.13.1 Number of Local Government Finance IGR forums reports submitted to Cabinet and Premier Coordination Forum Tri-annually 3 1 1 1 N/A 3.14.1 Number of reports produced on annual financial statements review Annually 1 N/A 1 N/A N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 53 Strategic objective annual targets 2014/15 Strategic objectives To ensure sound corporate, financial and legislative governance and provide effective financial management services in Gauteng Strategic Plan target Audited/Actual performance 2010/11 Estimated performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 FINANCIAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 192 – Persal Trained 250 Trained a users trained GPG users minimum of 69 – BAS on transversal 250 GPG users trained system and users on 59 – SCOA identify transversal users trained existing users system who are not annually trained Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 250 GPG users on transversal system trained 350 GPG users on transversal system trained 450 GPG users on transversal system trained Ensure training for all GPG departments on transversal financial systems OR To ensure effective implementatio n of financial systems N/A Monitor departments compliance to SCOA guidelines and ensure exception reports are validated N/A N/A Prepared and submitted 4 consolidated quarterly reports reflecting misallocations submitted to all 14 departments Prepared and submitted 4 consolidated reports reflecting incorrect combinations between segments of the SCOA for all GPG departments st by 1 week after end of quarter 4 consolidated reports reflecting incorrect combinations between segments of the SCOA for all GPG departments 4 consolidate d reports reflecting incorrect combinatio ns between segments of the SCOA for all GPG department s 4 consolidate d reports reflecting incorrect combinatio ns between segments of the SCOA for all GPG department s N/A N/A N/A SAP modules implemented in Department of Health Implement SAP modules in 3 GPG departments Implement SAP modules in 3 GPG Implement SAP modules in Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 54 &Department of Housing in line with the project plan targets department s 3 GPG department s Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 Estimated Performance 2012/13 2013/14 FINANCIAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS Trained 250 Trained 250 GPG users on GPG users on transversal transversal system and system and identify existing identify existing users who are users who are not trained not trained 3.15 Number of trained GPG users on transversal systems N/A N/A 3.16 Number of consolidated reports reflecting incorrect combinations between segments of the SCOA N/A N/A Prepared and submitted 4 consolidated quarterly reports reflecting misallocations submitted to all 14 departments 3.17 Number of SAP modules implemented in 3 GPG N/A N/A N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 250 350 450 Prepared and submitted 4 consolidated quarterly reports reflecting misallocations submitted to all 14 departments 4 4 4 N/A 3 3 3 Page 55 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated Performance 2013/14 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 departments Quarterly targets: 2014/15 Performance Indicators 3.15.1 Number of trained GPG users on transversal systems Reporting Period Quarterly Annual Target Quarterly Target nd rd 2 3 st th 1 FINANCIAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 250 60 4 70 60 60 PERSAL : 170 BAS : 20 SCOA:60 PERSAL : 45 SCOA:15 PERSAL : 40 BAS : 10 SCOA:20 PERSAL : 45 BAS : 5 SCOA:10 PERSAL : 40 BAS : 5 SCOA:15 3.16.1 Number of consolidated reports reflecting incorrect combinations between segments of the SCOA Quarterly 4 1 1 1 1 3.17.1 Number of SAP modules implemented in GPG departments Quarterly 3 N/A N/A 3 N/A Health – 2 Central Hospitals Education – 3 Districts Transport – Head Office Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 56 Strategic objective annual targets 2014/15 Strategic Objectives Strategic Plan Target To ensure sound corporate, financial and legislative governance and provide effective financial management services in Gauteng Review compliance with applicable legislation, proceedings instituted and measures to ensure non-recurrence Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 N/A Estimated Performance 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 NORMS & STANDARDS GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE Quarterly Prepared Prepared and PFMA and submitted 4 compliance submitted PFMA performance quarterly compliance reports PFMA reports to the produced compliance HOD within a reports in month after line with the end of agreed the quarter timeframes Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Prepare and submit 4 PFMA Compliance Reports for GPG Departments, Public and Trading Entities, to Accounting Officer: GPT Prepare and submit 4 PFMA Compliance Reports for GPG Departments, Public and Trading Entities, to Accounting Officer: GPT Prepare and submit 4 PFMA Compliance Reports for GPG Departments, Public and Trading Entities, to Accounting Officer: GPT Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance indicators Audited/Actual performance 2010/11 2011/12 3.18 Number of PFMA compliance reports submitted to the Accounting Officer: GPT N/A N/A 3.19 Number of quarterly N/A N/A Estimated performance 2012/13 2013/14 NORMS & STANDARDS GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE Quarterly Prepared and PFMA submitted 4 performance PFMA reports compliance produced reports to the HOD within a month after the end of the quarter N/A New indicator Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium - term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 4 4 4 4 4 4 Page 57 Performance indicators Financial Misconduct Reports submitted Number of quarterly Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure Report submitted Number of annual governance arrangement report submitted 3.20 3.21 Audited/Actual performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated performance 2013/14 Medium - term targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 N/A N/A N/A New indicator 4 4 4 N/A N/A Annual governance arrangements reports prepared Prepared and submitted 01 Annual governance arrangement report to the MEC: Finance 1 1 1 Quarterly targets: 2014/15 Performance indicators 3.18.1 3.19.1 3.20.1 Number of PFMA compliance reports to the Accounting Officer: GPT Number of quarterly Financial Misconduct Reports submitted Number of quarterly Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure Reporting Period Annual Target Quarterly target nd rd 2 3 st 1 th 4 Quarterly NORMS & STANDARDS GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE 4 1 1 1 1 Quarterly 4 1 1 1 1 Quarterly 4 1 1 1 1 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 58 Performance indicators Reporting Period Annual Target Quarterly target nd rd 2 3 st 1 th 4 Report submitted 3.21.1 Number of annual governance arrangement report submitted Annually 1 1 N/A N/A N/A Strategic objective annual targets 2014/15 Audited/Actual performance Strategic objectives To ensure sound corporate, financial and legislative governance and provide effective financial management services in Gauteng Strategic Plan target To instill adherence to SCM prescripts GPG-wide 2010/11 N/A N/A 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated performance 2013/14 NORMS & STANDARDS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT N/A N/A New Target N/A Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 N/A New Target Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Submission of SCM compliance reports to the Accounting Officer - GPT Submission of SCM compliance reports to the Accounting Officer GPT Submission of SCM compliance reports to the Accounting Officer GPT Development of SCM policies and guidelines Review and update policies and guidelines Review and update policies and guidelines Page 59 Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 2011/12 Estimated Performance 2013/14 Medium - Term Targets Approved GPG SCM Model Policy Approved SCM frameworks for GPG Departments and Municipalities Number of SCM training sessions provided N/A N/A 2012/13 NORMS & STANDARDS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT N/A New indicator N/A N/A N/A New indicator 2 2 2 SCM training/wor kshop sessions conducted according to prescribed timeframes 6 SCM training/wor kshop sessions conducted Conducted 6 SCM training/work shop sessions to municipalities and GPG departments Conducted 6 SCM training/workshop sessions to municipalities and GPG departments 4 4 4 Number of SCM compliance reports submitted to the Accounting Officer: GPT for GPG Departments and Municipalities Number of SCM Forums coordinated for GPG Departments and Municipalities N/A N/A N/A New Target 8 8 8 N/A N/A N/A New Target 8 8 8 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 1 1 1 Page 60 Quarterly targets: 2014/15 Performance Indicators 3.22. 1 3.23. 1 3.24. 1 3.25. 1 3.26. 1 Reporting Period Quarterly Target Annual Target Approved GPG SCM Model Policy Approved SCM frameworks for GPG Departments and Municipalities Annually 1 Bi-Annually 2 Number of SCM training sessions provided Number of SCM compliance reports submitted to the Accounting Officer: GPT for GPG Departments and Municipalities Number of SCM Forums coordinated for GPG Departments and Municipalities Quarterly st 1 NORMS & STANDARDS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT N/A N/A N/A nd rd 2 th 3 4 N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Approved SCM frameworks for GPG Departments N/A 4 1 1 Approved SCM frameworks for Municipalities 1 Quarterly 8 2 2 2 2 Quarterly 8 2 2 2 2 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 1 Page 61 Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF Table 6: Summary of payments and estimates: Programme 3: Financial Governance Main appropriation Outcome R thousand Adjusted appropriation 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 517 857 1,746 31,955 31,955 Risk Management 11,494 8,429 7,587 12,481 Norms and Standards 2,642 3,505 3,300 Local Government Financial Services 16,885 16,532 Financial Business Systems 4,045 Total payments and estimates 35,583 FG Programme Support Revised estimate 2013/14 Medium-term estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 32,278 43,349 3,464 3,688 12,481 9,936 13,847 14,787 15,810 12,312 12,312 7,648 19,243 20,699 21,581 17,958 24,991 26,901 29,956 32,412 35,902 38,045 4,425 5,403 7,801 8,213 9,081 8,323 9,400 11,818 33,748 35,994 89,540 91,862 88,899 117,174 84,252 90,941 Table 7: Summary of provincial payments and estimates by economic classification: Programme 3: Financial Governance Main Adjusted Revised Outcome Medium-term estimates appropriation appropriation estimate R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Current payments 34,068 33,743 35,928 2013/14 89,540 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 91,420 88,472 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 117,174 84,252 90,941 Page 62 Compensation of employees 28,352 30,950 33,843 51,871 51,841 47,574 61,802 66,158 69,108 Goods and services 5,716 2,793 2,085 37,669 39,579 40,898 55,372 18,094 21,833 1,515 5 66 30 14 5 66 30 14 412 413 Interest and rent on land Transfers and subsidies to: Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accounts 1,500 Higher education institutions Foreign governments and international organisations Public corporations and private enterprises Non-profit institutions Households 15 Payments for capital assets Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 63 Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 291 291 121 122 91,862 88,899 Heritage Assets Specialised military assets Biological assets Land and sub-soil assets Software and other intangible assets Payments for financial assets Total economic classification 35,583 33,748 35,994 89,540 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 171,174 84,252 90,941 Page 64 The budget for Financial Governance has remained the same at R36 million from the 2011/12 to 2012/13 financial years. There was a further increase to R90 million in the 2013/14 financial year. Thereafter, the budget decreases from R117 million in the 2014/15 financial year to R91 million in the 2016/17 financial year. The decrease is due to the Health Intervention project expenditure which started in 2013/14 financial year and is expected to end in the 2014/15 financial year. Compensation of Employees increase from R28 million in 2010/11 financial year to R34 million 2012/13 financial year is due to filling of critical positions are per approved departmental structure and the also wages settlements that have been above inflation over the period, as well as notch progressions. The compensation of employee’s baseline has increased over MTEF compared to the previous financial due to the reprioritization from SRM. Goods and Services decrease from R6 million in 2010/11 financial year to R2 million 2012/13 financial year. Furthermore goods and services increase from R38 million in 2013/14 to R55 million in 2014/15, the increase is due to a once off allocation for the Health Intervention project for the 2014/15 financial year furthermore the programme will fund various municipal training, various forums conducted and the costs from the previous centralised items from Administration. Major cost drivers over MTEF for this programme are consultants and business advisory and training and development; an Administrator was appointed in the 2013/14 financial year to lead this project. Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 65 PROGRAMME 4: PROVINCIAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES Programme Purpose To provide strategic leadership, guidance and support to all GPG departments in terms of financial management, thus ensuring that there is transparent and effective financial management and reporting in the provincial departments and entities. Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objectives To provide financial resource management service and ensure credible reporting for GPG To ensure efficient sustainable liquidity levels in GPG Strategic Plan Target Credible and transparent financial management and reporting Cash outflow not exceeding fund available for the province Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 Effective accounting period processes 2011/12 Effective accounting period processes 2012/13 Effective accounting period processes Estimated Performance 2013/14 Ensured effective and efficient financial management reporting N/A N/A N/A New Target Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 Credible and transparent financial management and reporting in GPG 2015/16 Credible and transparent financial management and reporting in GPG 2016/17 Credible and transparent financial management and reporting in GPG Cash outflow not exceeding fund available for the province Cash outflow not exceeding fund available for the province Cash outflow not exceeding fund available for the province Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 4.1 Consolidated GPG Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 2011/12 Consolidated Financial Consolidated Financial Estimated Performance 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 ACCOUNTING SERVICES FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Consolidated Consolidated Consolidate Financial Financial Financial Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Medium - Term Targets 2015/16 Consolidate Financial 2016/17 Consolidate Financial Page 66 4.2 4.3 4.4 financial statements in line with the prescribed timeframe Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG departments 14 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG entities 14 working days after receipt Statements submitted by 30 June 2010 Statements submitted by 30 June 2011 Statements submitted by 30 June 2012 Statements submitted by 30 June 2013 Statements for the 2013/14 FY and submit by 30 June 2014 to the Auditor General Statements for the 2014/15 FY and submit by 30 June 2015 to the Auditor General Statements for the 2015/16 FY and submit by 30 June 2016 to the Auditor General N/A N/A N/A New indicator Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG departments 14 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG departments 14 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG departments 14 working days after receipt N/A N/A N/A New indicator Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG entities 14 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG entities 14 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG entities 14 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG departments 12 working days after receipt N/A N/A N/A New indicator Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG departments 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG departments 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG departments 12 working days after receipt Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 67 4.5 Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG entities 12 working days after receipt N/A N/A N/A New indicator Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG entities 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG entities 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG entities 12 working days after receipt Quarterly targets 2014/15 Performance Indicators Reporting Period 4.1.1 Consolidated GPG financial statements in line with the prescribed timeframe Annually 4.2.1 Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG departments 14 working days after receipt Tri-annually 4.3.1 Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG Tri-annually Annual Target Quarterly Targets nd rd 2 3 st 1 ACCOUNTING SERVICES FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Consolidate Financial Consolidate Financial Statements for the Statements for the 2013/14 FY and 2013/14 FY and submit by 30 June submit by 30 June 2014 to the Auditor 2014 to the Auditor General General Review reports Review reports submitted on the submitted on the interim financial interim financial statements for GPG statements for GPG departments 14 departments 14 working days after working days after receipt receipt Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG th 4 N/A N/A N/A Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG departments 14 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the interim financial statements for GPG departments 14 working days after receipt 1 Review reports submitted on the interim N/A Review reports submitted on the interim financial N/A Page 68 entities 14 working days after receipt 4.4.1 4.5.1 Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG departments 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG entities 12 working days after receipt Annually Annually entities 14 working days after receipt entities 14 working days after receipt statements for GPG entities 14 working days after receipt N/A financial statements for GPG entities 14 working days after receipt N/A Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG departments 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG entities 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG departments 12 working days after receipt Review reports submitted on the annual financial statements for GPG entities 12 working days after receipt N/A N/A N/A N/A Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 4.6 Analysis reports on the appropriation statement submitted to GPG departments 5 working days after period month-end closure N/A 2011/12 N/A Estimated Medium - Term Targets Performance 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 ACCOUNTING SERVICES GENERAL ACCOUNTING N/A New Target Analysis reports Analysis reports Analysis reports on on the on the the appropriation appropriation appropriation statement statement statement submitted to GPG submitted to GPG submitted to GPG departments 5 departments 5 departments 5 working days after working days after working days after period month-end period month-end period month-end closure closure closure Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 69 Quarterly targets 2014/15 Performance Indicators 4.6.1 Reporting Period Analysis reports on the appropriation statement submitted to GPG departments 5 working days after period month-end closure Quarterly Annual Target st 1 ACCOUNTING SERVICES GENERAL ACCOUNTING Quarterly appropriation statement analysis report Analysis reports on the appropriation statement submitted to GPG departments 5 working days after period month-end closure Quarterly Targets nd rd 2 3 Analysis reports on the appropriation statement submitted to GPG departments 5 working days after period month-end closure Analysis reports on the appropriation statement submitted to GPG departments 5 working days after period month-end closure th 4 Analysis reports on the appropriation statement submitted to GPG departments 5 working days after period month-end closure Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 4.7 Financially unqualified audit with no other matters for PRF N/A 2011/12 N/A Estimated Medium - Term Targets Performance 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES REVENUE FUND MANAGEMENT N/A New Target Financially Financially Financially Unqualified Audit Unqualified Audit Unqualified Audit with no other with no other with no other matters for PRF matters for PRF matters for PRF Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 70 Quarterly Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 4.7.1 Financially unqualified audit outcome for PRF Reporting Period Annually Annual Target Quarterly Targets nd rd 2 3 st 1 FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES REVENUE FUND MANAGEMENT Financially Unqualified Audit with no other matters for PRF N/A N/A th 4 Unqualified audit outcome for PRF N/A Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators Audited/Actual Performance 2010/11 4.8 Cash outflow not exceeding funds available for the province N/A 2011/12 N/A 2012/13 Estimated Performance 2013/14 Medium - Term Targets 2014/15 2015/16 FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES CASH MANAGEMENT N/A New Target Cash outflow not exceeding provincial revenue streams Cash outflow not exceeding provincial revenue streams 2016/17 Cash outflow not exceeding provincial revenue streams Quarterly Targets for 2014/15 Performance Indicators 4.8.1 Cash outflow not exceeding funds available for the province Reporting Period Quarterly Annual Target st 1 FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES CASH MANAGEMENT Cash outflow not Cash outflow not exceeding funds exceeding provincial available for the revenue streams province Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Quarterly Targets nd rd 2 3 Cash outflow not exceeding provincial revenue streams Cash outflow not exceeding provincial revenue streams th 4 Cash outflow not exceeding provincial revenue streams Page 71 Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF Table 8: Summary of payments and estimates: Programme 4: Provincial Accounting Services Main Adjusted Outcome appropriation appropriation R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 PAS Programme Support 1 438 1 792 2 303 5 530 2 783 Financial Assets and Liabilities 14 793 15 656 15 416 19 236 Accounting Services 15 388 13 552 15 513 Accounts Receivables Revised estimate 2013/14 Medium-term estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2,316 4 046 4,348 4,818 18 446 20 941 20 820 21 154 22,514 19 615 21 092 18 448 21 352 28 143 29,874 225 Statutory Deduction Management 7 965 8 426 10 367 11 139 12 409 12 214 11 924 12 651 13,561 Total payments and estimates 39 584 39 426 43 824 55 520 54 730 53 919 58 142 66 296 70,767 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 72 Table 9: Summary of provincial payments and estimates by economic classification: Programme 4: Provincial Accounting Services Main Adjusted Revised Outcome Medium-term estimates appropriation appropriation estimate R thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Current payments 39 584 39 426 43 812 55 520 54 710 53 836 58 142 66 296 70 767 Compensation of employees 37 631 38 869 42 032 50 513 50 493 49 608 54 244 62 230 66,485 Goods and services 1 953 557 1 780 5 007 4 217 4 228 3 898 4 066 4,281 20 14 Interest and rent on land Transfers and subsidies to: 12 Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accounts Higher education institutions Foreign governments and international organisations Public corporations and private enterprises Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 73 Non-profit institutions Households 12 20 Payments for capital assets 14 69 Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 69 Heritage Assets Specialised military assets Biological assets Land and sub-soil assets Software and other intangible assets Payments for financial assets Total economic classification 39 584 39 426 43 824 55 520 Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 54 730 53 919 58 142 66 296 70,767 Page 74 The programme expenditure increase from R40 million in 2010/11 financial year to R44 million in 2012/13 financial year. The programme shows a further increase of R13 million over the MTEF period from R58 million in 2014/15 to R71 million in the 2016/17 financial year. The largest portion of programme budget is allocated to compensation of employees. The compensation of employees reported expenditure of R38 million in 2010/11 to R42 million 2012/13 financial year. Compensation of employee’s budget is expected to increase from R54 million in 2014/15 to R66 million in 2016/17 financial year. The increased allocation on compensation of employees is to cover annual cost of living adjustment and implementation of the approved structure. Goods and services budget baseline is decreasing from R5 million in 2013/14 to R4 million in 2014/15 the decrease is as a result of reprioritization to scale up other departmental priorities such as the Health Intervention project and the Municipal Support project under the Financial Governance programme. Most of this programme’s activities are personnel based, hence the increase in personnel budget over MTEF Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 75 PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS 1. Links to the Long-Term Infrastructure and Other Capital Plans SRM outputs are informed by the provincial plans such as the User Asset Management Plans (U-AMPs), Gauteng Transport Improvement Plan (GTIP), for which the unit is responsible for allocating funds, and monitoring the effective utilisation of these resources. 2. Conditional Grants Gauteng Provincial Treasury is wholly-funded from the Provincial Equitable Share (PES) and does not receive any conditional grant funding. However, the department plays a monitoring and oversight role in the utilisation of conditional grant funds in line with the objectives set out in their business plans and Division of Revenue Act (DORA). 3. Public Entities The Gauteng Fund Agency (GFA) which operates as a trading entity reports to the Gauteng Provincial Treasury. The GFA aligns to the department’s key objectives in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and its objective is to raise capital to fund projects that cannot be financed from the provincial fiscus. 4. Public-Private Partnerships While Gauteng Provincial Treasury does not have any Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects, the department is responsible for oversight of PPP projects within the province. The PPP unit in GPT promotes a better understanding of the PPP ideology and how the implementation of PPP projects can add value to infrastructure regeneration which facilitates the creation of job opportunities in the province. Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 76 PART D: ANNEXURES 1. Key planning concepts – Annexure D Attached 2. Technical indicator descriptions and examples – Annexure E Attached Annual Performance Plan: Gauteng Provincial Treasury 2014/15 Page 77
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