Dynamique de recrutement, connectivité génétique, et stress environnemental entre populations de poissons clowns des Iles Eparses Suzanne Mills et Ricardo Beldade CRIOBE USR 3278 CNRS EPHE UPVD Giacomo Bernardi et Jimmy O’Donnell Objectives 1. Relate the PLD, geographic range and FST 2. Connectivity between the isles Eparses 1. Maternal contribution to dispersal (stress & temperature) PLD context Connectivity context • Understand how species disperse • Inform about size and location of MPAs • Inform about resilience potential -10 -5 Sites and species -15 GLO -20 JDN BAS -25 EUR 30 35 40 45 50 55 Pelagic larval duration A. akallopisos n PLD Widespread A. allardi (semi)Endemic GLO JDN BAS EUR GLO JDN BAS EUR 5 6 1 1 1 2 - - 14 14 9 10 13.8 14.3 n.s. PLD Model species (II) PLD = 7-14 days PLD = 21-28 days -10 -5 Model species (II) -15 GLO G L O 32 45 J D N 37 32 B A S 33 9 E U R 8 33 -20 JDN BAS -25 EUR 30 35 40 45 50 55 Genetic markers Microsatellites = 9 Average number of alleles = 16 Assumptions (HW, LD) Microsatellites = 13 Average number of alleles = 23 Assumptions (HW, LD) Analysis -12 3 distinct clusters -14 Results Population structure Population Structure between the: -22 -20 -18 -16 •North (Glorieuses) •Center (Juan de Nova) •South (Europa and Bassas) 38 40 42 44 46 Estimated cluster membership 48 Results Population structure 1 single cluster No Population Structure -10 -5 Results past migration rate GLO -15 14 34 -20 19 Θ1 = 1603 11 JDN 56 Θ2 = 127 22 BAS Θ3 = 1080 -25 EUR 30 35 40 45 50 55 -10 -5 Results past migration rate Θ1 > 10000 -15 GLO -20 JDN Θ2 > 10000 BAS Θ3 > 10000 -25 EUR 30 35 40 45 50 55 Conclusions • Evidence of population structure for Amphiprion akallopisos but NOT for Dascyllus trimaculatus – MPA context • Effective population sizes smaller in JDN; • past migration rates smaller between Center and North and South l’avenir… 1. Determine SELF-RECRUITMENT 2. Epinephelus tukula Population connectivity Size at Maturity Size at Sex change Animals and plants exhibit a range of dispersal strategies Local environment Does local environment affect larval dispersal? Physiology Conditional dispersal strategy: flexible dispersal, sensitive to habitat type, local population type and other predictors of local fitness. Californian endemic sea slug Alderia willowi Anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus HIGH SST CORAL *BLEACHING EFFECTS ON STRESS RESPONSE OF BREEDERS MATERNAL EFFECTS ON OFFSPRING DISPERSAL ? Amphiprion akallopisos Stress response, cortisol GLORIEUSES x INDIAN OCEAN x JUAN DE NOVA x * x x x * EUROPA * x x Stress-induced cortisol Sea surface temperatures (SST) SST anomalies 1993 - 2011 Cortisol? BioReCIE team Pascale Chabanet (CoReUs, IRD) Lionel Bigot (ECOMAR, Reunion) How can the stress response be adjusted? Mircoevolution Phenotypic plasticity Ecological or physiological processes irreversibly modify the phenotype and stress response Early life Adult High chronic stress during gestation Induces a persistent lifelong increased responsiveness of the HPA axis Life-long reduced response: efficacy of -ve feedback, ACTH receptor desensitization, hyperactivity exhausts HPA axis. = Sensitisation or hypersecretion = Desensitization or downregulation Are skunk anemonefish in the South down-regulating their cortisol levels? Common frog, Rana temporaria Latitude Time-constrained high-latitude populations evolved lower CORT response to chronic stress to maintain higher growth under stressful conditions BUT, differences in growth and reproductive season are unlikely across the Iles Eparses Were the populations in the North exposed to an environmental stressor that was absent in Europa? Glorieuses Juan de Nova Europa SST anomalies have increased more in the last 5 years in the North Populations in the North exposed to higher SST anomalies Recent high SST anomalies in the North induced a life-long increased responsiveness of the HPA axis resulting in higher cortisol response to stress as adults What are the consequences of these elevated cortisol levels? Field manipulations to induce conspecific stress: Amphiprion chrysopterus Moorea, French Polynesia Cortisol levels Fecundity Dispersal ? Future : Egg size Lipids Fatty acids Conclusions • Climate warming not only affects biodiversity and abundance, but also physiology: fish stress responses, which may reduce their reproduction and ultimately survival. • Populations in Europa, whose temperatures have increased at a slower rate, are not similarly affected. • Coral cover is high in Europa as are fish populations in general. It is important to identify resistant regions or regions more likely to persist as the climate changes. Europa (and other southern islands) should be considered such high priority islands. Bilan: Formation par la recherche : 2011-2012 DANIELLE BERGAZIN 2012-2013 HEATHER WILLIAMS 2011-2013 JAMES O’DONNELL B.Sc. M.SC. Ph.D. SFYI International School Oceanologie UCSC, Santa Cruz, Californie UCSC, Santa Cruz, Californie Communications dans des conférences internationaux. 2012 Williams, H.E., O’Donnell, J.L, Beldade, R., Mills, S.C., & Bernardi, G. Cross-amplification of 9 microsatellite loci for studies of population connectivity among populations of the Skunk Anemonefish in the Mozambique Channel. PhD Students meeting, KAUST, Saudi Arabia. 2012 O’Donnell, J.L, Beldade, R., Williams, H.E., Mills, S.C., & Bernardi, G. Connectivity of damselfish populations in the Mozambique Channel inferred from microsatellite analysis. 1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Ottawa, Canada. 2013 Mills, S.C., Beldade, R., Bernardi, G., Bigot, L., Chabanet, P., Holles, S., Mourier, J., O’Donnell, J., Planes, S., Radford, A. & Simpson, S. Anthropogenic disturbances on the development and physiology of marine species 14th Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), Lisbon, Portugal. Bilan: Articles publiés, soumis, en préparation. S. C. MILLS, R. BELDADE, P. CHABANET, L. BIGOT, J. O’DONNELL AND G. BERNARDI Climate change and fish stress response in the Iles Eparses In revision à Coral Reefs S. C. MILLS, R. BELDADE, J. O’DONNELL AND G. BERNARDI Group size determines steroid levels in the skunk clownfish, Amphiprion akallopisos, from the Iles Eparses Soumis O’DONNELL, J.L, BELDADE, R., WILLIAMS, H.E., MILLS, S.C., & BERNARDI, G. Connectivity of damselfish populations in the Mozambique Channel inferred from microsatellite and DNA sequence analysis. In prep MERCI : Marion Dufresne Inventive Jean-Bernard Galves, Jean-Francois Gros, Jose Parodi Organisateurs sur place Cedric Marteaux Zoë Glenard Sophie Marinesque Students Hannah E. Williams (UCSC) Danielle Bergazin (SFYI) BioReCIE team Pascale Chabanet, Lionel Bigot, Pierre Barroil, Christophe Cadet, Patrick Durville, Eric Hoarau, Jean-Benoît Nicet, Emmanuel Tessier, Thierry Mulochau Maternal effects: transfer of maternal hormones to embryos allows a mother to alter embryonic and larval development as a function of her local environment Dispersal or self recruitment
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