Jefferson Hospital INTRAVENOUS MEDICATIONS ADMINISTRATION GUIDELINES (Note the usual adult dose refers to common uses and routes, not all indications/uses and routes may be listed) DESIGNATED BRAND GENERIC NAME ROUTE NURSING RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS NAME STAFF Abciximab Reopro INF IVP A 1 Maintenance infusion: Prevention of restenosis in PCI: 0.125 mcg/kg/min (max=10 mcg/min) for 12 hours. For the prevention of cardiac ischemic complications in patients with unstable angina: 10mcg/min X 18-24hrs Acetazolamide Diamox IVP IVF B Over 2-3 min Infusion over 15 min Acetylcysteine Acetadote IVF B First bag over 1 hr, 2nd over 4 hrs, 3rd over 16 hrs Acyclovir Zovirax INF C Infuse over 1 hour Adenosine Adenocard IVP A 1 Rapid bolus For treatment of PSVT: 6mg rapid IV bolus over 1-2 seconds. Follow IV bolus with rapid flush of NSS If no conversion in 1 to 2 minutes may give additional 12mg dose. May repeat 12mg dose in 1 to 2 minutes if needed. Albumin SPA Plasmanate INF B For hypovolemic shock: Infuse 5%solution as rapidly as tolerated. As blood volume approaches normal, infusion rate should be slowed. •For hypoproteinemic patients: The infusion rate should not exceed 2—3 ml/minute for the25% solution. Drug must be filtered through a 0.22-micron low protein-binding filter. Maintenance infusion made with 7.2mg in 250ml NSS. Bolus can be given undiluted from a vial, but must be filtered using 0.22micron filter. Administer via a separate line; do not mix with other drugs Unused portion should be discarded Dilute each 500mg in 5ml sterile water. For use in metabolic alkalosis, adjust per pH. May also be given as infusion in 50ml over 15 minutes. Mix in D5W. Use limited to acetaminophen toxicity only. Infusion of 3 bags over a total of 21 hours. 3rd bag may be repeated after the initial 21 hours. Weight-based dosing maxed at 100kg. Dilute in D5W: 250mg/50ml; 500mg/100ml; 750mg/150 ml, or to a maximum concentration of 7mg/ml. Can also be used in thallium tomography for diagnostic purposes (Adenoscan). When administering rapid bolus adenosine (Adenocard®) for the treatment of PSVT the dose should be administered via a peripheral line as proximal to the trunk as possible followed by a rapid saline flush. If administered via a central line a reduced dose is recommended. . Available as 5% and 25%. Use 5% for hypovolemia, fluid resuscitation. Use 25% solution to increase oncotic pressure. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 1 of 25 GENERIC NAME Alteplase BRAND NAME Activase/TPA ROUTE INF DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF ICU/CVU/ER only (see special considerations) CathFlo RATE Ischemic Stroke: Adults: 0.9 mg/kg total dose administered via IV infusion, with 10% of the total dose administered as an initial IV loading dose over 1 minute, and the remainder administered over 60 minutes. Maximum dose is 90mg. Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Adults: 100 mg IV infusion over 2 hours. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Caution: Thrombolytic! Use infusion device and flow stop tubing. Peripheral Arterial Occlusion: See Atleplase Peripheral Arterial Thrombolysis order sheet. For Ischemic stroke dosing: Calculate total dose (bolus plus infusion), subtract total dose from amount in bag and discard excess. Cathflo: Dilute to 1mg/ml with Sterile Water. Only RN’s who have completed competency for catheter clearance can administer Cathflo. May repeat dose in 120 minutes if needed. Amikacin Amikin INF C Infuse over 30 – 60 minutes Aminocaproic acid Amicar INF B Loading dose: Over 60 minutes INF C Loading dose: over 30 minutes Infusion: use caution with rate >= 30mg/hr. Do not exceed 40mg/hr Aminophylline Amiodarone Cordarone INF A 1 Bolus: over 10 min. Do not exceed recommended infusion rate due to risk of hypotension. Dosage adjustment required in patients with decreased renal function. Target Peak 20-30mcg/ml, Trough < 10mcg/ml. Max conc. for IV infusion: 5 mg/ml. Mix in D5W Dilute 5gm in 250 ml NSS or D5W do not exceed 30 gm per day. For prevention of subarachnoid hemorrhage may give 36gm/24 hours. Infusion concentration may range from 20mg/ml to 100mg/ml Loading dose should be diluted in 50ml of solution. Mix infusion in 500ml of solution to concentration of 1mg/ml or 2mg/ml. 500mg Aminophylline = 400mg Theophylline Use Ideal Body Weight when calculating dos Must be delivered via infusion pump with inline filter. May give supplemental infusions of 150mg over 10 min. Central line required for conc. > 2mg/ml. Mix 450mg/250ml D5W. For cardiac arrest due to refractory VF/pulseless VT give 300mg IV push as recommended in 2010 ACLS guidelines. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 2 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Amphotericin B (Liposomal) AmBisome INF C Over 2 hours Amphotericin-B Fungizone INF C Over 2 to 6 hours INF C Over 15 to 30 minutes GENERIC NAME Ampicillin RATE Ampicillin/Sulbactam Unasyn INF C Over 15 to 30 minutes. Antihemophilic Factor/ Von Willebrand Factor Complex Humate-P IVP B Over not faster than 4ml/minute. Antivenin CroFab INF A Over 60 minutes, starting slow at 25 m l/hr for first 10 minutes. INF B Titrate based upon aPTT INF C Over 15 min as IVPB; do not exceed 250mg/min Argatroban Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Dilute in 250ml D5W Flush the IV Line with Dextrose 5% Water 10 mL IV q24h Prior to Each Ambisome dose. Stable for 6 hours at room temperature. Injection should commence within 6 hours of diluting amphotericin B liposome in Dextrose 5% Water Do NOT interchange with other forms of amphotericin B. Restricted to Infectious Disease Test dose of 1mg/D5W 50ml over 20-30 minutes before initial dose. Dilute to conc. of 0.1mg/ml with D5W. Do not mix with saline containing solutions. Do not use final filter on administration set. Must use infusion device. Monitor renal function. Do NOT interchange with other forms of amphotericin B Adjust dose for severe renal impairment. Dilute in NSS to 1gm/50ml, 2gm/100ml Reduce dose for renal impairment. Dilute with NSS to 1.5gm/50ml, 3gm/100ml Reconstitute under room temperature, using manufacture-provided diluent. Draw the required dose up into a syringe to be administered as an IV push. Do not refrigerate, and use within 3 hours of reconstitution. For detailed information, refer to “Humate-P” document available from Pharmacy department. Initial dose is 4-6 vials (same as 4-6 grams) over 1 hour. Start by mixing 3 vials in 100ml NSS (total volume 150ml) and infuse at 25ml/hr for first 10 minutes; If no allergic reaction, then increase rate to 300ml/hr. While the first bag is infusing, the remainder of the dose should be mixed in 100ml on NSS (total volume 150ml) and start immediately after completion of the 1st bag at rate of 300ml/hr. Do not mix 2nd bag until ensured that pt not having acute reaction to CroFab. Total dose should be infused over 1 hr. Use with caution in patients with liver dysfunction. Dilute in NSS or D5W to a final conc of 1 mg/ml (250mg in 250ml) May be given as IVPB (1gm in D5W 50ml) or as large volume infusion (i.e.TPN). DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 3 of 25 GENERIC NAME Atracurium BRAND NAME ROUTE Tracrium IVP/INF DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF RATE A SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Patient MUST BE mechanically ventilated and sedated. Mix 100mg in 250ml of D5W or NSS. Atropine IVP/ INF A 1 2 Oncology nurse may give for hospice pt only (to dry secretions or 0.25mg for Camptosar intractable diarrhea) Azithromycin Zithromax INF C Over 60 minutes Aztreonam Azactam INF C Over 30 to 60 minutes Benztropine Cogentin IVP A IVP Over 2-3 min Bivalirudin Angiomax INF A 1 See dosing Bumetanide Bumex IVP INF B IVP: Over 2-3 min INF: 2mg/hr Buprenorphine Buprenex IVP B Over 3 to 5 min Butorphanol Stadol IVP B Over 3 to 5 min BP should be monitored q15 min. for 1st hr. Has partial antagonist properties and may cause withdrawal symptoms. INF B Over 60 to 90 minutes Dilute 500mg in 500ml of D5W, NSS or LR Caffeine sodium benzoate Encourage change to PO azithromycin if patient tolerating oral medications. Dilute in 250ml NSS Adjust dose for renal impairment. Dilute with D5W. Premix 1-2gm/50ml, 1gm/50ml 2gm/100ml. IM administration is the preferred route, but can be given IV for severe symptoms. Mix 250mg vial with 5 ml Sterile Water. Standard concentration 5mg/ml (dilute in 50 ml D5W or NSS). May dilute in 500 ml D5W or NSS to 0.5 mg/ml if specified or otherwise required. At the discretion of the prescriber, the infusion can be continued for up to 4 hours post-procedure. A low-dose, IV infusion of 0.2 mg/kg/hr can be administered for an additional 20 hours, if necessary. Time of end of infusion must be specified prior to transfer to floor. Total dose should not exceed 10mg /24 hrs (in some cases 20mg/24hr have been used). May be given as continuous infusion – dilute in 100ml NSS. **Light protect** 1mg Bumetanide = 40mg Furosemide Decrease dose by 50% if increased risk of respiratory depression. May cause withdrawal symptoms. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 4 of 25 GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME ROUTE DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF Calcium chloride IVP A B –emergency only Calcium Gluconate IVP INF Cefepime Ancef Kefzol Maxipime IVP INF INF Cefoxitin Mefoxin Cefotaxime RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS No > than 1.5 mEq/MIN Emergency use: 250-500 mg IVP over 2 min & repeat every 10 min if needed (125-250 mg for digitalized patients). Caution with extravasation; sloughing may occur. Three times more potent than calcium gluconate. B Infuse 1gm over 15-30min C Over 15 to 30 minutes For calcium replacement, dilute 1gm in 100ml. IVP method not preferred due to hemodynamic instability with fast infusions. Mix in D5W 50ml. May also dilute in NSS. C Over 30 minutes INF C Over 15 to 30 minutes Claforan INF C Over 30 to 60 minutes Ceftazidime Fortaz INF C Over 15 to 30 minutes Ceftriaxone Rocephin INF C Over 15 to 30 minutes Cefuroxime Zinacef INF C Over 15 to 30 minutes Chloramphenicol Chloromycetin INF C Over 30 minutes. Chlorpromazine Thorazine IVP INF B 25mg over 30 min 50mg over 1 hour Chlorthiazide Diuril IVP INF B Ciprofloxacin Cipro INF C IVP: Over 5 min INF: 500mg/50ml over 15 min; 1000mg/100ml infuse over 30 min Over 60 minutes Cefazolin Adjust dose for patients with decreased renal function. Mix in NSS: 1gm/50ml 2gm/100ml or to a conc. of 20mg/ml. May also be mixed in D5W. Adjust dose in patients with decreased renal function. Maximum recommended dose in elderly patients 2gm q 8hrs. Dilute in D5W: 1-2 gm/50 ml. Also stable in NSS. Mix in 50ml NSS. May also be mixed in D5W. Use instead of Ceftriaxone in pediatric patients. Adjust dose for patients with decreased renal function. Dilute in NSS: 1 gm/50 ml 2 gm 100 ml. Also dilute in D5W. Total daily dose should not exceed 4gm. Dilute in D5W: 1-2 gm/50 ml or to a max conc. of 40 mg/ml. Can also be mixed in NSS. Do not mix with IV calcium-containing solutions and/or administered via the same IV line as IV calcium-containing products. Adjust dose for patients for patients with decreased renal function. Dilute in D5W 50ml. Can also be mixed in NSS. Dilute in 50 of D5W. Can also be mixed in NSS. May cause serious anemias, thrombocytopenia, and/or granulocytopenia. Monitor blood counts. Dilute 25mg in 50ml and 50mg in 100ml of NSS. Monitor BP and pulse before, during and after administration. IM route preferred. PROTECT from light Dilute with at least 18 ml of NSS or D5W Adjust dose for patients with decreased renal function. Dilute in D5W: 200 mg/ 100 ml 400mg/200 ml. Can also be mixed in NSS. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 5 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Cisatracurium Nimbex IVP/INF A INF: 0.5-10 mcg/kg/min. Clindamycin Cleocin INF C Over 30 minutes Colistin (Colistimethate) Coly-Mycin INF C Over 30 minutes Conivaptan Vaprisol INF A 1 2 Loading dose: over 30 min. Infusion: 20mg over 24 hours for up to 4 days. GENERIC NAME RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Standard Infusion: 200mg/200ml D5W. Patient MUST BE mechanically ventilated and sedated. Use train of four to assess effect. Only give as IV infusion in D5W or NSS: 300-600mg/50ml: 900 mg/150 ml: Do not give as IV push. Dose based upon colistin base activity. Dilute in 50ml NSS; once diluted in 50ml use within 8 hours. Must be administered via a central line. Available as premixed bag of 20mg/100ml D5W. Administration and Monitoring Guidelines: Conivaptan will be automatically discontinued at 48 hours. Physician may reorder for an additional 48 hours if appropriate. Maximum duration of therapy is four days. For serum Na = or < 125mmol/L (at time of initiation of treatment) Patient must be on a monitored unit. Serum Na levels monitored every 4 hours. Prescriber to be notified if Na increases by more than 2mmol in any 4 hours. For serum Na > 125mmol/L (at time of initiation of treatment) Can be administered on non-monitored unit. Serum Na levels to be ordered by prescriber. Conjugated estrogen Premarin IVP B Over 5-6 min. Cosyntropin Cortrosyn IVP/INF B IVP: Over 2-3 min Give slow to avoid flushing Monitor BP regularly Dilute IV push dose with 2-5ml of NSS; dilute infusion in D5W or NSS. See Cosyntropin Stimulation Test Protocol for more details. Draw cortisol levels just before Cosyntropin administration and 30 & 60 minutes after administration. Patients who fail to increase their serum cortisol level by greater than 9mcg/dl over baseline at 30 or 60 minutes may be considered adrenally insufficient. B Cyclosporine Sandimmune INF Over 2 to 6 hrs IV dose =1/3 oral dose Dilute in 100ml D5W or NSS. Prepare in AVIVA bag with low sorption See: CHEMOTHERAPY/BIOLOGICAL MEDICATIONS INTRAVENOUS AND ORAL ADMINISTRATION GUIDELINES tubing. Stable for 12 hrs in NSS; stable 24hrs in D5W. for more information Monitor patients for any signs of reaction. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 6 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Dantrolene Revonto IVP/INF A Over 60 minutes Daptomycin Cubicin INF B Over 30 minutes Deferoxamine Desferal INF C No > than 15mg/kg/hr DEFINITY® (Perflutren Lipid Microsphere) Definity IVP Over 30-60 seconds Desmopressin DDAVP IVP INF Nurses trained to administer Definity® IVP – A Dilute with 60 ml of SWFI (without preservative). Use continuous infusion for treatment of malignant hyperthermia. Reversal of hyperthermia is usually achieved with a cumulative dose of 2.5mg/Kg. Change to oral when patient tolerating PO. Protect from light. Stable for 6 hours. Restricted to Infectious Disease Physicians only Dilute in 50ml to 100ml NSS. Dilute 1000mg in 250ml of NSS or D5W. Dilute in NSS, D5W. Do not exceed 6gm in 24 hours. Reconstitute with Sterile Water; can give IM, IV, or SQ Agitate solution for 10 seconds before each injection. INF: over 30 min, IVP: over 5 minutes IVP - Dilute in 5 ml NSS and inject over 5 minutes. For IV infusion, dilute in 50 ml NSS and administer over 30min. Dexamethasone Decadron IVP INF IVP: Over 2-3 min INF: Doses > 10mg give as INF in 50ml NSS over 15 – 30 min. For infusion, dilute in 50ml of D5W or NSS. Dexmedetomidine Precedex INF A Loading dose (optional ) over 1020 minutes Infusion 0.2 - 0.7 mcg/kg/hr, at max rate of 1.4 mcg/kg/hr Dexrazoxane Totect INF Chemotherapy trained nurses Infuse IV over 1 to 2 hours in a large caliber vein in an extremity/area other than the one affected by the extravasation. Drug has no amnesic effect; therefore another sedative should be added if pt is on a paralytic. Can be discontinued anytime within 24 hours of initiation without weaning; if longer, wean by reducing rate by 50% every 2 hours. Infusion for > 24hrs is not recommended. Should be diluted in NSS to 4mcg/ml for infusion, and loading dose should be mixed in 50 ml NSS. Indicated for the treatment of anthracycline extravasation. GENERIC NAME INF - B B RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Infusions on days 2 and 3 should start at the same hour (+/- 3 hours) as on the first day. Handle as cytotoxic. Dextrose 50% . IVP B Over 10 min Dose should be reduced by 50% in patients with creatinine clearance values <40 mL/min. Inject through running IV line. Watch for phlebitis DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 7 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Diazepam Valium IVP B 5 mg/min Modify dose in renal and hepatic impairment Digoxin Lanoxin IVP B Over 1-2 min Digoxin Immune Fab DigiFab INF A 1 Over 30 minutes. May be given as IVP if cardiac arrest imminent. Notify MD if pulse <60 Adjust for renal dysfunction Should be reserved for patients who show signs of Digoxin toxicity. After administration may cause falsely elevated serum Dig levels. Do not readminister digoxin until DigiFab eliminated – may take several days. No filter needed with DigiFab. Mix each vial with 4 ml Sterile Water, then dilute in 50ml of NSS. Dihydroergotamine D.H.E. IVP B Over 2-3 min Total weekly dose should not exceed 6 mg. Monitor vital signs and observe for peripheral vasoconstriction. Diltiazem Cardizem IVP/INF A 1 Give loading dose over 2 min. Standard. 1mg/ml (125mg/125ml) Infusion duration longer than 24hrs and infusion rates > 15mg/hr are not recommended. Dilute 125mg diltiazem in 100ml D5W or NSS (gives final concentration of 125mg/125ml 1mg/ml). Should be used with continuous cardiac monitoring of EKG/BP. Diphenhydramine Benadryl IVP B Over 2 to 3 minutes Total dose 24-hour dosage should not exceed 400mg. Avoid extravasation. Reduce dosage in elderly or debilitated patients. Dobutamine Dobutrex INF A 1 2 B* No evidence to support doses greater than 40mcg/kg/min May be titrated only in intensive care setting. Infusion device and flow stop tubing required. May administer unmonitored if rate is 5mcg/kg/min. or less. If extravasation occurs, notify MD - Regitine injections into area as antidote. Standard concentration: 500mg/D5W 250ml** B* - may be administered on non-monitored units at specific non-titrated doses. GENERIC NAME RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 8 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Dopamine Intropin INF A 1 2 B* Doxycycline Vibramycin INF C Edrophonium Tensilon A Enalaprilat Vasotec IVP INF IVP B Over 1 hour 100mg over 1 hour 200mg over 2 hrs Over 15 to 30 seconds. May use as infusion. Over 5 min IVP A Over 5 min Do not exceed 150mg per 24 hours GENERIC NAME Ephedrine RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Standard concentration: 400mg/D5W 250ml** May be titrated only in intensive care setting, 3 South or 5 West for postop carotid endarterectomy patients (may titrate only between 3 – 5 mcg/kg/min on 3 South and 5 West). May administer unmonitored if rate is 5mcg/kg/min or less. Infusion device and flow stop tubing required. If extravasation occurs, notify MD - Regitine injections into area as antidote. Do not add to NaHCO3 or other alkaline solutions B* - may be administered on non-monitored units at specific non-titrated doses Protect from light. Dilute in D5W to 100mg/150ml; 200mg/250ml. Frequent blood pressure monitoring required. Monitor BP and respiration every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Epinephrine Adrenalin IVP INF A IVP over 1 min Infusion: no greater than 20mcg/min Standard concentration 4mg/D5W 250ml**. For infusion in critical care areas only. Usual initial infusion rate of 3-4 mcg/min – use flow stop tubing. Epoetin alfa IVP B Over 2-3 minutes May also be given subcutaneously. Eptifibatide Procrit Epogen Integrilin IVP/INF A 1 Bolus over 1-2 min Pre-mixed infusion of 75mg in 100ml. Decrease infusion rates to 1mcg/kg/min for patients with serum creatinine of 2 – 4, or CCl less than 50ml/min. No information for patients with serum creatinine > 4. Max bolus dose (180mcg/kg) for pts > 121kg: 22.6mg, Max infusion rate for pts > 121kg: 15mg/hr Ertapenem Invanz INF B Over 30 minutes INF C Over 1 - 2 hours Adjust dose for renal dysfunction Mix 1gm in 50ml NSS May give over 60 minutes if central line. Recommended dilution in NSS (500mg/150ml; 1000mg/250ml). Erythromycin DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 9 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Esmolol Brevibloc IVP/INF A Bolus – over 1 min For infusion dilute 2.5 grams in 250 ml D5W. Max conc 10 mg/ml Ethacrynic acid Edecrin IVF B Infuse slowly IV over 20—30 minutes through the tubing of a freely running IV infusion or inject directly over several minutes Dilute with D5W or NSS for a 1mg/ml (50mg/50ml) concentration Avoid in renal disease with GFR less than 10 ml/min due to ototoxicity Factor VII Recombinant NovoSeven IVP B Over 2 to 5 minutes Famotidine Pepcid IVP INF IVP – B Restricted to Hematology/Oncology and CardioThoracic Surgeons. Order MUST include indication. Should be used within 3 hrs of reconstitution. For more details, refer to “NovoSeven Guidelines” under policy #0202800. For doses > 20mg, dilute 40mg in 100ml NSS. Adjust dose for renal dysfunction; CrCl < 50 ml/min: reduce recommended Fenoldopam Corlopam INF Fentanyl Sublimaze IVP INF GENERIC NAME RATE INF – C A 1 IVP: 10mg/min INF: doses > 20mg to be given over 30min Titrate dose by 0.5 to 0.1mcg/kg/min Titrate dose to no greater than 1.6 mcg/kg/min IVP – B IVP: Over 2-3 minutes Cautiously titrate dose for patient response. If being used for Moderate Sedation refer to Moderate sedation policy for further monitoring. Over 1 to 2 hours Administer 125mg in 100ml NSS over 1 hour; 150mg in 150ml NSS over 90 minutes; 250mg in 250ml NSS over 2 hours. May administer test dose of 25mg/50ml NSS over 60 minutes prior to start of therapeutic doses. Test dose not required. Note: Doses of 250mg given over 60 min have been reported to be safe. INF – B Ferric Gluconate Ferrlecit INF SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS B dose by 50% For use as in hypertensive crisis in renally compromised patients. Dilute 10mg/NSS 250ml Proven ineffective for prevention of Radio Contrast Induced Nephropathy. Monitor BP every 15 min; only for short term use (up to 48 hrs) Parenteral Iron Therapy Options; Am. J. Hematol. 76:74–78, 2004. Fluconazole Diflucan INF C Not to exceed 200mg/hour Adjust dose for patients with renal impairment. Dilute in NSS: 100 mg/50 ml; 200 mg/100 ml; 400 mg/200 ml. Flumazenil Romazicon IVP B Over 15 seconds No more than 3mg total dose should be given in any one hour. Repeat treatment may be given no more than once every 20 min. Watch for return sedation. Folic Acid INF C Over 30 minutes Compatible with D5W, NSS, and LR; administer only through a freely running IV infusion into a large vein Dilute in 50ml of NSS or D5W. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 10 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Fomepizole Antizol INF A Over 30 minutes Fosaprepitant Emend INF B Fosphenytoin Cerebyx IVP INF A 1 2 115mg: 15 minutes 150mg: 30 minutes Maximum rate of infusion: 150mg PE/min Furosemide Lasix IVP/INF B IVP: Over 1-2 minutes. INF: 2-20mg/hr For infusions mix 1mg/ml in NSS (100mg/100ml) – protect from light. Ganciclovir Cytovene INF B Over 1 hour Mix in 100ml D5W or NSS. Refrigerate. Use an in-line filter. Handle as cytotoxic (chemo) agent. Max conc 10 mg/ml Dose must be individualized based upon patient’s infection, weight (IBW or AdjBW), age, and renal status. When drawing Peak level draw sample 30 minutes after completion of infusion. Draw Trough levels 30 minutes before beginning infusion. Dilute in D5W: <150 mg/ 50 ml; 151-300mg/100 ml; >300 mg/150 ml. May also be mixed in NSS. For infusion, mix 10mg in 100ml or to conc. of 0.1mg/ml for smaller doses. 1 unit = 1mg. If the patient does not respond within 20 minutes, may repeat dose. Should not exceed 2 units per dose. Can give IM, IV, or SQ Surgery: up to 0.1mg. Reversal of neuromuscular blockade: 0.2mg for each 1mg neostigmine or 5mg pyridostigmine. Antisectretory: 0.1 – 0.2mg every 4 to 8 hours. Maximum single dose 0.2mg. Maximum 24 hour dose 0.8mg. Telemetry RNs can give when used with Neostigmine protocol GENERIC NAME RATE See: CHEMOTHERAPY/BIOLOGICAL MEDICATIONS INTRAVENOUS AND ORAL ADMINISTRATION GUIDELINES for more information Gentamicin Garamycin Glucagon Glycopyrrolate Robinul INF C Over 30 - 90 minutes IVP INF B IVP: Over 2-3 min INF: 0.5-7mg/hr IVP A 1 2 Over 2 to 3 minutes B (for Palliative Care Use) Granisetron Kytril IVP INF B Over at least 30 seconds (undiluted) INF: over 15 min SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Mix in 100 ml of solution. The dose increases from 10 to 15 mg/kg because the fomepizole induces its own metabolism. Restricted to use in chemotherapy patients only. Mix to final conc. of 1mg/ml (i.e. 115mg/110ml) PE= phenytoin equivalents May be mixed in NSS or D5W. Dilute to 1.5 to 25mgPE/ml. Patient must monitored for hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias Give 30 min prior to initiation of chemotherapy. May be diluted in 50ml of D5W or NSS. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 11 of 25 GENERIC NAME Haloperidol lactate . BRAND NAME ROUTE Haldol IVP/INF DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF IVP – B RATE Over 2 to 3 minutes Monitor for extra-pyramidal effects, hypotension. Dilute with NSS to a concentration of 1mg/ml and administer over 2-3 minutes. Flush before and after administration. Available as 25,000 units/250 ml D5W. Must use infusion device. INF – A Heparin sodium SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IVP/INF B IVP: over 2 to 3 minutes INF: 500 – 1500 units/hr Hetastarch Hespan, Hextend INF B 20ml/kg/hour Hydralazine Apresoline IVP B over 2 to 4 minutes, not to exceed 5mg/min Hydrocortisone Solucortef IVP/INF B Hydromorphone HCl Dilaudid IVP INF B Over 3-5 minutes INF: 250mg over 30 min 500mg over 1hour Over 2 to 3 minutes Ibutilide Corvert IVP/INF A 1 Over 10 minutes Onset of action 5 to 15 minutes. Vital signs to be monitored every 15 minutes for 1 hour after each administered dose. For infusion dilute in NSS to 1mg/ml conc. (250mg/250ml, 500mg/500ml). Reconstitute with bacteriostatic water for injection Can be given as continuous infusion. Reduce initial dose in renal and hepatic impairment and in geriatrics. PCA concentration 0.2mg/ml. If compounding drip in IV bag use 1mg/ml concentration. Can cause life-threatening arrhythmias. Should be monitored for four hours Can be given undiluted or dilute in 50 ml D5W or NSS Imipenen /Cilastatin Primaxin INF C Over 30 – 60 minutes Adjust dose for patients with decreased renal function. Dilute in NSS; 250-500mg/100ml, 750 mg/150ml, 1000mg/250ml DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 12 of 25 GENERIC NAME Immune Globulin Infliximab BRAND NAME ROUTE IGIV, Privigen Gamimune, Gammagard, Venoglobulin, Sandoglobulin Carrimune Polygam S/D Gammagard S/D INF Remicade INF DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF RATE B See Policy 60.1.70 Regular Insulin Intralipids Vital signs every 15 minutes for 1 hour, then every 30 minutes for 1 hour, then hourly thereafter if stable and after infusion is completed. If side effects develop, reduce rate or interrupt the infusion until symptoms subside. Restart the infusion at a more tolerable rate. Possible systemic effects include urticaria, angioedema, rigors, emesis, chills, fever, lethargy, chest tightness, and nausea. Anaphylactic reaction may occur especially if highly allergic. Venoglobilin does not need to be filtered. Filter using Pall Microaggregate Blood filter to administration set (Orange blood filter) Polygam S/D and/or Gammagard S/D should be reserved for patients with IgA deficiency Over 2 hours See: HEMOTHERAPY/BIOLOGICAL MEDICATIONS INTRAVENOUS AND ORAL ADMINISTRATION GUIDELINES for more information Insulin SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Infusion concentration ranges 0.4 - 4mg/ml. Use in-line low-protein-binding filter. Do not shake solution. Begin administration within 3 hours of preparation. Start slowly and increase rate if patient has no reaction. Dilute to total volume of 250 ml NSS; reconstitute with 10 ml Sterile Water INF B For insulin drip use 150 units of regular insulin in 150ml NSS (conc. of 1unit/ml). Use infusion device with flow stop tubing. INF B For cardiotoxicity of local anesthetics may repeat bolus every 3 – 5 minutes; continue infusion until hemodynamic stability is restored. Iron Dextran Infed IVP/INF B IVP: may give undiluted over 1 minute or more (no greater than 50mg/min). INF: over 2-6 hrs. Iron Sucrose Venofer IVP/INF B IVP: 100-200mg slowly over 2 to 5 minutes INF: over 1.5-4 hrs * accessed 7/13/11 For treatment of Local Anesthetic cardiotoxicity*: 20%: 1.5 mL/kg over 1 minute, followed immediately by an infusion of 0.25 mL/kg/minute (continue chest compressions - lipid must circulate). Repeat bolus every 3 – 5 minutes up to 3ml/kg until circulation is restored. Continue infusion until hemodynamic stability is restored. Increase the infusion rate to 0.5 mL/kg/minute if BP declines. Test dose of 25mg over 5 min –dilute test dose in 50ml NSS. No dilution required, however can dilute in 500 ml of NSS for infusion. Use an infusion device for infusion. DO NOT FILTER. Must have test dose prior to first infusion. 250mg can be diluted in 150ml NSS. Doses of > 250mg should be diluted in 250-500 ml NSS or to a maximum conc. of 2mg/ml DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 13 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Isoproterenol Isuprel INF A Titrate Standard concentration:1mg/D5W 250ml (4mcg/ml)**. Must use infusion device. Ketorolac Toradol IVP B Over 2 to 3 minutes Patients > 65yrs, or wt less than 50kg should receive 15mg q 6hrs prn max dose of 60mg in 24 hours. Pharmacy to adjust dose per P&T. Pts < 65yrs max dose 120mg/24 hrs. 5-day maximum treatment (all routes combined). Labetalol Normodyne IVP/INF A 1 2 B* Titrate to effect INF: 400mg/200ml NSS (2mg/ml). Patient must be monitored according to Beta-blocker policy. Use with caution in patients with bronchospastic disease. *When given on Med-Surg must have been maintained on med prior to current orders and unable to take PO. Lacosamide Vimpat INF B Infuse over 60 minutes Leucovorin Leucovorin IVP/INF/ ORAL B At least 3 minutes IV push Mix with 50ml NSS Adjust dose for severe renal impairment. Controlled substance. Mix in 100-500 ml D5W or NSS. Protect from light. Do not prime the tubing. For doses > than 10 mg/m2 avoid reconstituting with benzyl alcohol preservative. Start 6-24 hours after methotrexate. Maximum rate 160 mg/min. Oral doses > 25 mg should not be given. GENERIC NAME RATE 15-120 minutes infusion Levetiracetam Keppra INF B Over 15 minutes Levofloxacin Levaquin INF B Levothyroxine Synthroid IVP B Over 60 minutes (90 min for 750 mg) Over 2 to 3 minutes Zyvox IVP INF INF A 1 B Lidocaine Linezolid SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Expiriation: 24 hours Dilute 500mg in NSS 100ml. Not to exceed 3000mg/day. Reduce dose for renal dysfunction. Dilute in D5W: 250mg/ 50ml; 500 mg/100 ml; 750 mg/150 ml Dilute 200mcg with 5ml NSS without preservatives (conc = 100mcg/2.5ml). IV dose is approximately ½ of the oral dose. Over 2 minutes Standard infusion: 2gm/250ml premixed Over 30 to 120 minutes Restricted to Infectious Disease Physicians only. Dilute in D5W: 600mg/300ml. Lipids (See Intralipids) DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 14 of 25 GENERIC NAME Lorazepam BRAND NAME Ativan ROUTE IVP INF DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF IVP – B RATE IVP: Over 2 to 3 minutes INF: Titrate to effect Dilute with equal amount of D5W or NSS prior to injection. If used for preop sedation, refer to conscious sedation policy for further monitoring. May be given as INF in critical care areas only; may be given on general floors for hospice patients. Standard concentration 50mg/D5W 250ml. If needed may be concentrated to 1mg/ml (must watch for precipitation). Continuous infusion must be filtered. Use only 10%-20% solutions for IVP. Infusion must be on infusion device. For infusion dilute in 50 ml. Rapid administration may cause hypotension. 15% solutions or greater, must be infused through a final filter. 25% solutions administered IVP must be drawn up through a filter needle. If crystals are present, return to Pharmacy. Dilute to a concentration of 10mg/ml. Not recommend for use in patients with renal dysfunction, or elderly patients. If used as conscious sedation refer to conscious sedation policy. Reduce dose for renal impairment. Dilute in NSS 100ml. Can also mix in D5W. Do not exceed 3gm/day for 3 days. May be given as INF 1gm in 250ml D5W or NSS. May cause phlebitis or sloughing if extravasation occurs. Keep patient recumbent for 15 minutes to avoid postural hypotension. Do not refrigerate Dilute 250mg/100ml and 500mg/250ml D5W. MD must give parameters. Elderly patients are more likely to have an increased sensitivity to methyldopa effects (e.g., orthostatic hypotension, sedation). Consider alternative agent or reduced dose. Dilute in 50ml NSS. Methemoglobinemia: 1 to 2mg/kg over several minutes; may repeat in 1 hour if needed Hypotension associated with cardiac surgery: 1.5 to 2mg/kg over 20 -60 minutes. May take 1 – 2 hours for effect IVP recommended for emergency situations only INF – A Magnesium sulfate IVP INF B Up to 150 mg/min, may be administered faster in emergent situations. Mannitol INF B Over 30 to 90 minutes. For elevated ICP give over 5 min. Meperidine Demerol IVP B Over 2 to 3 minutes Meropenem Merrem INF C Over 30 minutes Methocarbamol Robaxin IVP/INF A Give IVP at a rate no greater than 300mg/min. INF: 1gm over 1 hr Methyldopa Aldomet INF B Over 60 min INF B See usual adult dose IVP A Over 2 to 3 minutes Methylene Blue Methylergonovine Methergine SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 15 of 25 GENERIC NAME Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate BRAND NAME ROUTE Solumedrol IVP/INF DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF B RATE IVP: Over 2 to 3 minutes INF: Dilute in NSS. Infuse over 15—60 minutes. Large doses (e.g., >= 500 mg) should be administered over at least 60-120 minutes SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS High dose therapy for acute spinal cord injury: 30mg/kg IV over 15 minutes followed in 45 minutes by 23 hour infusion of 5.4mg/kg/hr. Dilute 1gm in 250ml NSS. Do not confuse with Depomedrol Metoclopramide Reglan IVP/INF B Over 2 to 3 minutes INF: > 10mg over 15 min If dose > 10mg dilute in 50 ml of solution and infuse over 15 min. Reduce dose for patients with renal insufficiency. Metoprolol Lopressor IVP A 1 2 B* Over 2 to 3 minutes Patient must be monitored according to Beta-blocker policy. Use with caution in patients with bronchospastic disease. *When given on Med-Surg must have been maintained on med prior to current orders and unable to take PO. Metronidazole Flagyl INF C Over 60 minutes Do not exceed 4gm/day. Available as premixed bag in NSS 500mg/100ml. Do NOT refrigerate Micafungin Mycamine INF B Over 1 hour Midazolam Versed IVP B See comments Dilute in 100ml NSS. Protect from ligh. Use lower dose in elderly patients. Refer to moderate sedation policy for further monitoring. For infusion, dilute 50mg in 100ml of NSS. Must be in ICU/CVU for continuous infusion For moderate sedation can only be given by nurses trained in the administration of moderate sedation. Milrinone Primacor IVP/INF A B* 1 2 Loading dose: over 10 minutes IVP/INF B Over 2 to 3 minutes INF C Morphine Multivitamin MVI Over 2 to 3 minutes Standard conc. - 200mcg/ml** (20mg/100ml). Use infusion device and flow stop tubing. Mix loading dose in 50ml to be given over 10 min. Dose must be adjusted for renal function. Compatible in D5W or NSS *CAN ADMINISTER unmonitored ONLY IF GIVEN BEFORE ON A MONITORED UNIT Infusion: Use PCA on continuous infusion mode. Use flow-stop tubing. If used as conscious sedation refer to conscious sedation policy. PCA concentration 1mg/ml. If compounding drip in IV bag use 1mg/ml concentration. Must be diluted in at least 500 ml of solution DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 16 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Nalbuphine Nubain IVP B Over 2 to 3 minutes Maximum dose 160mg over 24 hrs Has partial antagonist properties and may cause withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone Narcan IVP INF B Over 2 to 3 minutes Onset of action: 2 minutes; duration: 1 to 4 hours. Infusion: 2mg/500ml administer at 0.4mg/hr, titrate to response. If non-urgent reversal needed then administer Naloxone 0.4mg amp in 10cc saline; give 2ml IV push q 1 minute, titrating to avoid withdrawal, seizures, pain. Neostigmine Prostigmin IVP A 1 2 Over 2 to 3 minutes Nicardipine Cardene INF A Max rate 15mg/hr 5mg is normal maximum dose. Must be on cardiac monitor if used for post-op ileus and have Glycopyrrolate 0.4mg immediately available. See Neostigmine Post-op ileus orders for monitoring requirements. Concentration 0.1mg/ml (25mg/D5W 250ml) For pts on oral nicardipine who can not tolerate PO meds (or in which PO meds are contraindicated) initiate infusion based upon oral dose: 20mg PO q8h = 0.5mg/hr; 30mg PO q8h = 1.2mg/hr; 40mg POq8h = 2mg/hr. GENERIC NAME RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Rapid BP reduction: 5mg/hr, rate may be increased by 2.5mg/hr q 5 minutes until desired BP achieved. Max rate 15mg/hr. Gradual BP reduction: 5mg/hr, rate may be increased by 2.5mg/hr q 15 minutes until desired BP achieved. Max rate 15mg/hr. Nitroglycerin INF A 1 Titrate Nitroprusside Nipride INF A Titrate, but not to exceed 10 mcg/kg/min Norepinephrine Levophed INF A Titrate. Max recommended rate 30mcg/min Infusion device and flow stop tubing required. Standard concentration 25mg/D5W 250ml** (100mcg/ml) Premixed solution. Maximum concentration 400mcg/ml. Use non-PVC tubing Standard infusion: 50mg/250ml D5W** Infusion device and flow stop tubing required. Protect from light. Use with caution in patients with renal insufficiency. Standard infusion: 8mg/250ml D5W (32mcg/ml)** Avoid extravasation; must gradually taper doses NovoSeven (see Factor VII Recombinant) DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 17 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Octreotide Sandostatin INF B IV bolus: over 15-30 minutes. Continuous infusion: usual dose 25mcg/hr Ondansetron Zofran INF IVP B INF: over 15 minutes beginning 30 min prior to chemo IVP: Over 2 to 3 minutes Orphenadrine Norflex IVP A Over 3 to 5 minutes INF C Over 30 minutes GENERIC NAME Oxacillin RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Dilute 250mcg in 250ml D5W or NSS or 1mcg/ml concentration for infusion. Bolus 50mcg should be diluted in 50ml solution. Do not use Sandostatin LAR® Depot intravenously. For doses > 4mg, dilute in 50ml NSS. Post-op NV: A single dose of 4 mg IV injected immediately prior to anesthesia induction or once post-operatively if patient experiences nausea/vomiting shortly after surgery. Per the manufacturer, repeat dosing does not provide additional benefit to the patient. Patient should be in a supine position for administration and for 10 min thereafter. Adjust dose for severe renal impairment. Max dose 12 gm/day. Dilute in NSS: 1 gm/50 ml; >1 gm/100 ml. Can also mix in D5W. Oxymorphone Numoprhan IVP B Over 2 to 5 minutes Oxytocin Pitocin INF A Response dependant Palonosetron Aloxi IVP INF B IVP: Over 30 seconds 30 min before chemotherapy Pamidronate Aredia C Over 2 to 24 hours Dilute in 500ml of NSS or D5W. Not compatible with calcium containing IV solutions or ringer’s solution. To allow time for full effect, wait 7 days before retreatment; Pancuronium Pavulon A IVP: Over 2 to 3 minutes INF: 0.06-0.1mg/kg/hr Patient must be mechanically ventilated. Use proper sedative regimen IVP/INF Mix 40 units in 1000ml of NSS, LR, or D5W. Use of oxytocin during pregnancy can precipitate uterine contractions and abortion. Black box warning: oxytocin is not indicated for elective induction of labor (Prod Info PITOCIN(R) intravenous solution, 2004). Restricted to use in chemotherapy patients only. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 18 of 25 GENERIC NAME Pantoprazole BRAND NAME ROUTE Protonix INF/IVP Papaverine Paricalcitol Zemplar Penicillin - G DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF B (IVP and Infusion) C (Infusion only) RATE IVP: Over 2 minutes INF: Over 15 minutes or as a continuous infusion SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IVP: mix in 10ml NSS Bolus: Dilute 80mg in 100ml NSS. Infusion: 80mg in 500ml NSS. May be used as INF for patients with GI bleed. Doses for GI bleed 80mg/day or as continuous infusion of 8mg/hr – preceded by an 80mg bolus dose. May give undiluted or mixed with equal volume of sterile water for injection. Monitor BP frequently IVP A Over 2 to 3 minutes IVP B Over 2 to 3 minutes Give during dialysis. INF C Over 1 to 2 hours May give as continuous infusion. Mix in NSS: 1MU / 50 ml; 2-3 MU /100 ml; 4-7 MU / 150 ml >8 MU / 250 ml. Can also mix in D5W. Dilute to 50-250ml of D5W. Must infuse over at least 1 hour. Patient should be lying flat during infusion. BP should be taken immediately prior to infusion, every 15 minutes during infusion, every 30 minutes for the first hour following infusion and then every 4 hours. Pentamadine Pentam INF C Over 1-2 hrs Pentazocine Talwin IVP B Over 5 to 6 minutes Total dose should not exceed 360mg/ day. Has partial opiate antagonist properties and may cause withdrawal symptoms. IVP B Not to exceed 60mg/min Total daily dose should not exceed 600 mg. Phenobarbital Phentolamine Regitine IVP B Over 2 to 3 minutes Also use intradermally for catecholamine extravasation – see extravasation procedure for more information. Phenylephrine Neosynephrine IVP/INF A IVP: Over 30 to 60 seconds INF: Titrate For IVP: Dilute 10mg (1ml) in 9ml Sterile Water for injection (final conc. 1mg/ml). INF: 50mg/D5W 250ml** (200mcg/ml), can be mixed in NSS. Light protect DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 19 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Phenytoin Dilantin IVP/INF B 50mg/minute Doses of 750mg or greater placed in 250ml NSS and infused over one hour. If the peripheral IV route is used, the nurse must monitor and document the condition of the IV site every 10 minutes during the entire infusion. Doses less than 750mg may give as slow IVP, or mixed in NSS, not to exceed 50mg/minute and given through 150ml NSS infusing at 50ml/hr. Give IVP via injection port of tubing closest to the patient. Flush before and after administration with at least 20ml NSS. Infusion must be filtered. Not compatible with Dextrose. For IV use ONLY Phosphate Potassium Phosphate And/or Sodium Phosphate Antilirium INF B Recommend over 6 hours. IVP A Over 1 to 3 minutes Caution: too rapid infusion may lead to rapid decrease in serum calcium. Consider potassium/sodium content when infusing – may need to adjust infusion time. Infuse via infusion device with flow stop tubing. Suggest dilution in D5W Atropine and resuscitation equipment should be available; frequently monitor BP, RR, pulse, and neurological status during administration. Do not administer rapidly. Rapid administration may lead to bradycardia, increased salivation (which may lead to respiratory distress), or seizures Phytonadione Vitamin K Aquamephyton INF B Not faster than 1mg/minute Piperacillin/Tazobactam Polymyxin-B Zosyn INF INF C C Over 30 minutes Over 60 to 90 minutes INF B Max rate of 10mEq/hr (may be up to 20mEq/hr under specific situations – see Potassium Replacement guidelines for more information). GENERIC NAME Physostigmine Potassium Acetate RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Dose will be diluted in 50 ml of D5W or NSS to be run over 20 to 30 min. Can cause decrease in blood pressure, diaphoresis and transient flushing Do BPs pre-infusion, during and post infusion Protect from light Adjust dose for renal insufficiency. Mix in D5W 50ml. Dilute 500,000 units in 500 ml of D5W or to a concentration of 1,667 units/mL. Total daily dose should not exceed 2 million or 25,000 units/kg. Large Volume Parenteral: Central line: dilute to a maximum concentration of 25mEq/100ml. Peripheral line: maximum concentration 10mEq/100ml Small Volume Parenteral: Central Line: 20mEq/100ml Peripheral Line: 10mEq/100ml See Potassium Replacement guidelines for more information. No concentrated Potassium vials will be dispensed or stored outside the Pharmacy. Infuse via infusion device. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 20 of 25 GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME Potassium Chloride ROUTE INF DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF B RATE Max rate of 10mEq/hr (may be up to 20mEq/hr under specific situations – see Potassium Replacement guidelines for more information). SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Large Volume Parenteral (> 250ml): Peripheral Line: The maximum concentration of potassium permitted to be infused via a peripheral line is 0.1mEq/ml (i.e. 10mEq/100ml), including peripheral parenteral nutrition, at a rate not to exceed 10mEq/hr. Central Line: The maximum concentration of potassium permitted to be infused via a central line is 0.25mEq/ml (i.e .25mEq/100ml)(including parenteral nutrition) at a rate not to exceed 20mEq/hr*. Small Volume Parenteral (up to 250ml): All orders for small volume parenterals for Potassium Chloride replacement will be dispensed as individual bags containing 10mEq (i.e. an order for Potassium Chloride 30mEq/300ml D5W would be dispensed as 3 X 10mEq/100ml Sterile Water). Peripheral Line: The maximum allowable IVPB concentration for peripheral vein administration will be 0.1mEq/ml (10 mEq/100 ml) to be administered via “Y” site to a running primary IV at a rate not to exceed 10mEq/hr. Central Line:The maximum allowable IVPB concentration for central line administration will be 0.2mEq/ml (10mEq/50 ml) at a rate not to exceed 20mEq/hr*. See Potassium Replacement guidelines for more information. No concentrated Potassium vials will be dispensed or stored outside the Pharmacy. Infuse via infusion device. *Patient must be on a cardiac monitor in order to receive potassium at a rate higher than 10mEq/hr. Pralidoxime Protopam INF A Procainamide Pronestyl IVP/INF A 1 Prochlorperazine Compazine IVP B Over 15-30 min., Do not exceed 200mg/min IVP: Not to exceed 50mg/min every 5 min until effect or 1000mg given Loading dose: 1gm over at least 20 min Over 2 to 3 minutes Dilute 1 to 2 gm in 100 ml Loading dose: 1000mg in 100ml D5W Standard infusion: 2gm/500ml D5W. Infusion device and flow stop tubing is required. Dilute each 5mg in 9ml of NSS Dose not to exceed 40 mg/day. Dose to be adjusted to 5mg in patients greater than 65yrs per P&T. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 21 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Propofol Diprivan IVP/INF A IVP: Over 2 to 3 minutes. Must change bottle and tubing every 12 hours. Patient must be mechanically ventilated if receiving as infusion. Refer to conscious sedation policy for use in procedures. Lipid suspension – may lead to hypertriglyceridemia. Contains 1Kcal/ml of lipids. Not recommended for use greater than 48 hours. Propranolol Inderal IVP B* 1mg/min Patient must be monitored according to Beta-blocker policy. *When given on Med-Surg must have been maintained on med prior to current orders and unable to take PO. Use with caution in patients with bronchospastic disease. IVP INF B IVP: over 1-3 min. INF: over 15 min for small bag or 300mg/hr. Dilute in an equal volume of NSS prior to IVP. For infusion, 50mg can be diluted in 50ml and 250mg in 250ml of No more than 50 mg should be administered in a 10-minute period Use 1mg protamine for every 100 units unfractionated heparin (dose needs to be adjusted based on length of time heparin was stopped). Use 1mg protamine for every 1mg enoxaparin. For neuromuscular blockade reversal. GENERIC NAME Protamine RATE SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS D5W or NSS. Pyridostigmine Mestinon IVP A Over 2 to 3 minutes Pyridoxine B6 IVP INF B No greater than 50mg/minute. IVP: May give undiluted. INF: May be added to IV fluids. Quinidine gluconate Quinupristin/Dalfopristin Synercid INF INF A C 16mg/minute Over 60 minutes Rasburicase Elitek INF B Over 30 minutes Over 1 hour or 16mg/minute Mix in 250 ml D5W (can administer in 100 ml D5W if administered via a central line). Restricted to Infectious Disease Physicians only Reconstitute only with the diluent provided Mix with 0.9% sterile sodium chloride for injection to achieve a final volume of 50 ml. Remifentanil Ultiva INF Anesthesia Only Variable [Larson LA, Pui CH, Tumor Lysis Syndrome. In UpToDate, Savarese D (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2011, accessed 2/14/11] Ordering of remifentanil is restricted to Anesthesia only. Mix 2 mg in 100ml NSS. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 22 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Retavase Reteplase IVP A Over 2 minutes Caution: Thrombolytic! Incompatible with heparin Do not shake For DVT/PAO recommend Alteplase RhO(D) Immune Globulin WinRho IVP B Over 3 to 5 minutes Rifampin Rifadin INF C Scopolamine IVP B Over 30 minutes (Over 3 hrs if in 500 ml) Over 2 to 3 minutes Dilute with NSS. Do not shake. 5 International Units = 1mcg Administer separately from other IV fluids. May cause intravascular hemolysis (IVH) watch for back pain, shaking chills, fever, discolored urine or hematuria. Contact prescriber for any of the above. Monitor closely for at least 8 hours after administering. Mix in minimum of 100 ml NSS. Can also be mixed in 500 ml NSS. NSS diluent is preferred due to extended product stability in NSS. Dilute with equal volume of sterile water for injection Sodium acetate INF C Over at least 2 hours Must be added to a large volume IV solution Sodium bicarbonate IVP/INF B Over 5 to10 minutes Incompatible with TPN solutions Flush IV line before and after administration Sodium Chloride 3% INF A 1 2 GENERIC NAME RATE Succinylcholine Anectine IVP/INF A IVP: Over 10 to 30 seconds Sulfamethoxazole – Trimethoprim Bactrim INF C Over 60 to 90 minutes. INF C Over 5 minutes INF C Over 60 minutes Thiamine (B1) Tigecycline Tygacil SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Administration via a central line preferred; may be administered via a peripheral line in emergent situations for a limited time. Rates of hypertonic sodium chloride infusions should not exceed 1 mEq/kg/hr. Monitor serum sodium closely. For INF: add to 250- 1000 ml of D5W or NSS. Patient MUST BE mechanically ventilated and sedated. Adjust dose for renal impairment. Dose depends on infection. Mix in D5W. Dilute each 5ml in 125 ml D5W (75 ml in fluid restricted pts) Add to 50ml of compatible solution Dilute in NSS 100ml. Restricted to Infectious Disease Physicians only. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 23 of 25 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF BRAND NAME ROUTE Tobramycin Nebcin INF C Over 30 – 90min Torsemide Demadex IVP B Over 2 minutes Valproate Sodium Depacon INF B Over 60 minutes; may be given as fast as over 5 to 10 minutes Dilute dose in 50ml of NSS INF C Doses < = 1gm to be infused over 60 minutes; doses 1gm to 1500mg over 90 minutes. 2gm should be infused over 3 hrs Dose must be adjusted for renal insufficiency. Mix in NSS: 500mg/150 ml; 501-1250mg/250ml; 1251 – 1500mg/300 ml; > 1500mg/500ml. Concentrations above 5mg/ml are not recommended. In fluid restricted patients a concentration of 10mg/ml may be used (see package insert for details). GENERIC NAME Vancomycin RATE Vasopressin Pitressin IVP/INF A Vecuronium Norcuron IVP INF A IVP: Over 2 to 3 minutes IVP A 1 2 Over 2 to 3 minutes Give over 5 min in elderly patients. Verapamil HCl SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Dose must be individualized based upon patient’s infection, weight, age, and renal status. When drawing Peak level draw sample 30 minutes after completion of infusion. Draw Trough levels 30 minutes before beginning infusion. Dilute in D5W: <150 mg/ 50 ml; 151-300mg/100 ml; >300 mg/150 ml. May also be mixed in NSS. No dilution necessary if given as a slow IV injection Standard infusion: 150 units/250ml D5W (0.6 units/ml). Can also mix in NSS Must use an infusion device with flow stop tubing. Patient MUST BE mechanically ventilated and sedated. Standard concentration 0.5mg/ml (50mg/100ml total volume) D5W or NSS Use IBW when calculating the dose. Vitramin K (see Phytonadione) Voriconazole V-Fend INF B Infuse over 1 to 2 hours (max rate of 3 mg/kg/hr) In patients with CCl < 50ml/min intravenous voriconazole should be avoided. Dilute in D5W to a concentration no greater than 5mg/ml. Restricted to Infectious Disease Physicians only Zoledronic Acid Zometa INF B Infuse over 15 minutes Dilute in 100ml NSS. Single doses should not exceed 4 mg and the duration of the infusion should be no less than 15 minutes. Monitor renal function. DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 24 of 25 References: Drugs Facts and Comparisons, Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, Mo. 2002. MICROMEDEX® Healthcare Series: MICROMEDEX, Greenwood Village, Colorado Handbook of Critical Drug Therapy, 2nd Edition, 1998, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD Handbook of Evidenced-Based Critical Care, 2001, Springer-Verlag, NY. 2005 Intravenous Medication, 21st edition, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo. 2000 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers, American Heart Association, Pharmacotherapy, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1999 Gold Standard, Inc. Clinical Pharmacology [database online]. Available at: Accessed: 5/12/13 Larson LA, Pui CH, Tumor Lysis Syndrome. In UpToDate, Savarese D (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2011, accessed 2/14/11 DESIGNATED NURSING STAFF: ROUTE ABBREVIATIONS A = Critical Care RNs IVP = IV Push B = All RNs INF = IV Infusion C = All RNs and LPN IVP/INF = IV Push or IV Infusion 1 = Telemetry Class 1 (PCCU – 5W, MPCU – 5S, Observation – 3N, Neuro 3S) 2 = Telemetry Class 2 (Respiratory – 5N, Oncology – 4N, Bariatric Surg – 4W, Renal – 5E, Rehab – 3E) ** = See Standard Concentrations of Cardiovascular Medications for further dilution information 1/2015 Page 25 of 25
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