July - Rayle EMC

Rayle Lines
Member Newsletter
July 2014
The Official Newsletter of Rayle Electric Membership Corporation
ayle EMC prides itself in giving
back to its consumers in
various ways throughout the
year. One of the ways Rayle EMC
chose to give back in 2014 was by
awarding scholarships to students
in its service area. General Manager
Tony Griffin is proud to announce
that Rayle EMC awarded seven
students in Rayle EMC’s service
area each a $1,000 scholarship at
the Annual Meeting on June 19, 2014,
at the Pope Center in Washington. Students
receiving the scholarships were Symone Bennett, Taliaferro
County; Ariel Brown, Wilkes County; Joseph Cobb, Lincoln
County; Elizabeth Cronan, Greene County; Katie Pilson,
Oglethorpe County; Jordan Pringle, Oglethorpe County; and
Tabatha Welch, Wilkes County.
Symone Bennett
Symone Bennett,
salutatorian, Taliaferro
County High School
July 2014
Symone Bennett, daughter of Valerie Moore of
Crawfordville, graduated as salutatorian from Taliaferro County High School with a 3.89 grade point
average (GPA). She was a member of Jobs for
Georgia Graduates (JGG) and served as president,
and a member of Future Business Leaders of
America (FBLA). She was also an honor roll student and played on the basketball team.
Following graduation, Symone plans to attend
Georgia Gwinnett College, with a career goal of
becoming a forensic scientist/criminal investigator.
Continued on page 26B
Rayle EMC Newsletter
Rayle EMC awards scholarships
to seven local students
Official Publication
Rayle EMC
Tony Griffin, General Manager
Marshall Sherrer, President
Fred McWhorter, Vice President
Wm. Richard Dingler, Sr.,
Jackie Copelan
James Mathews
Maurice Mathews
Herbert Powell
Linton Scott
Wayne Williams
Rayle EMC
Office Locations:
Headquarters Office
P.O. Box 1090
616 Lexington Rd.
Washington, GA 30673
(706) 678-2116
1461 Highway 15 South
Greensboro, GA 30642
(706) 453-2268
Sparta Exchange (706) 444-5100
Madison Exchange (706) 342-9851
786 Athens Rd.
Lexington, GA 30648
(706) 743-8107
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Rayle EMC serves Wilkes, Lincoln,
Oglethorpe, Greene, Taliaferro and
parts of Hancock, Morgan, Clarke,
Madison and Oconee counties.
Rayle EMC awards scholars
Ariel Brown
Ariel Brown graduated from Washington-Wilkes Comprehensive High
School with a 3.85 GPA. She is the daughter of Brian and Robin Tyler of
Tignall. While in high school Airel was a member of FBLA; FFA; Key
Club, serving as Lieutenant Governor in
2011; performing arts team; dance; Interact
Club and the yearbook staff, serving as editor from 2012-2014. She was also a volunteer
at the historic site of the Robert Toombs
Ariel’s honors and recognitions include
United States Achievement Academy National Mathematics Award in 2013, University
of Georgia Certificate of Merit in 2013, Who’s
Who Among All-American Scholars in 20122013, the National Society of High School
Ariel Brown, WashingtonScholars in 2012-2013 and the National SociWilkes Comprehensive
ety for the Gifted and Talented in 2012.
High School
She will be attending the University of
Georgia in the fall, majoring in psychology, with future plans of going to
a medical school to get an M.D. in psychiatry, specializing in adolescent
and teen psychiatry.
Joseph Cobb
Joseph Cobb is the son of Joe and Naomi
Cobb of Lincolnton. He graduated from Lincoln County High School with a 4.0 GPA in
May 2013 and is currently a freshman at the
University of Georgia enrolled in the Warnell
School of Forestry and Natural Resources.
While in high school, Joseph was a member of the Senior Beta Club, FFA and Students
Against Destructive Decisions (SADD). His
honors included graduating fifth in his high
school class, and he was an honor student
throughout high school.
Joseph Cobb,
University of Georgia
Elizabeth Cronan
Elizabeth Cronan, daughter of Charles and Myra Cronan of Greensboro, graduated as salutatorian from Greene County High School with a
4.0 GPA. While in high school, Elizabeth was a member of FFA, president
of FBLA, member of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
(FCCLA), secretary of Beta Club, co-president of UGA Leadership, member of Interact Club and president of National Technical Honor Society.
Rayle EMC Newsletter
Jordan Pringle
Continued from page 26B
Elizabeth’s honors included the Georgia Certificate of Merit, November
Rotary Student of the Month,
Talented Ten Award, highest
average in accelerated Math
I, honors chemistry and honors civics. She played softball
all four years of high school
and was captain of the team
her junior and senior year.
She is dual-enrolled with
Elizabeth Cronan,
Athens Technical College.
salutatorian, Greene
Following graduation,
County High School
Elizabeth plans to attend
Georgia College and State University, pursuing a career
in Mass Communications and Public Relations.
Katie Pilson
Katie Pilson graduated as
salutatorian from Oglethorpe
County High School with a
4.0 GPA. She is the daughter
of Don and Elizabeth Pilson
of Crawford. While in high
school she was a member of
Key Club, Interact Club,
Youth Alive, president of the
National Honor Society and
Beta Club and served on the
State Superintendent’s StuKatie Pilson, salutatorian,
dent Advisory Council. She
Oglethorpe County High
also played varsity soccer,
serving as captain her senior
Her honors include University of Georgia Certificate
of Merit Scholar, AP U.S. History Student of the Year, AP
Language and Composition Most Outstanding, Varsity
Soccer Coach’s Award and Most Improved Offensive
Player, Rotary Student of the Month, Marching Band
Step Up Award, Senior Superlative—Most Intelligent
and Most Involved and DAR Good Citizenship Award.
Katie plans to attend the University of Georgia in
the fall, but she has not declared a major at this time.
She enjoys working with children and is considering a
degree in education.
July 2014
Jordan Pringle, daughter of Dean and Jeni Pringle
of Crawford, graduated as
valedictorian from
Oglethorpe County High
School with a 4.0 GPA. She
was a member of varsity
soccer and served as captain of varsity cross country,
treasurer of National Honor
Jordan Pringle, valedictoSociety (NHS), and member
rian, Oglethorpe County
of Beta Club, marching
High School
band, Key Club, Interact
Club, Youth Alive, FFA and FBLA.
Jordan’s honors include Rookie Runner of the Year
in 2011, Cross Country Coach’s Award in 2012, Most
Outstanding Physics Student of the Year in 2013, Most
Outstanding Math Student in 2013 and Georgia Certificate of Merit.
Following graduation, Jordan plans to attend the
University of Georgia to pursue a degree in medicine,
with the ultimate goal of graduating from medical
Tabatha Welch
Tabatha Welch graduated from WashingtonWilkes Comprehensive High
School with a 4.0 GPA. She
is the daughter of Robert
and Charlotte Welch of
Rayle. While in high school,
Tabatha was a member of
4-H and served as vice president, secretary, reporter and
board member; vice presiTabatha Welch, Washingtondent of FBLA; member of
Wilkes Comprehensive
High School
Health Occupations Students
of America (HOSA), NHS,
Interact Club and FFA; treasurer of Drama Club; and
president, vice president and secretary of Key Club.
Her honors include Georgia Key Award, Gold
Clover Award, Most Outstanding HOSA member in
2013, Young Georgia Outdoors winner in 2012, student
of the month and honor rolls.
Tabatha has been accepted to the University of
Georgia for the fall and plans to major in psychology,
with further plans to become a psychiatrist.
Rayle EMC Newsletter
David Armour honored at retirement
avid Armour of
Washington was
Rayle EMC Manager
honored with a retirement
Tony Griffin thanked Arreception on May 22,
mour for his continuous,
2014, at the Rayle EMC
loyal and dedicated years
headquarters office in
of service and presented
him with a plaque and a
Armour retired May
monetary gift from Rayle
23, 2014, after 43 years of
EMC, as well as a moneservice to Rayle EMC. He
tary gift from the embegan his career in 1970
as a pole truck helper/
Family members atlineman working out of
tending the reception inthe headquarters office in
cluded David’s wife,
Chris; his father, Marvin
David was promoted
Armour, and his wife,
in 1982 to First Class LineEdythe; and his uncle
Rayle EMC General Manager Tony Griffin, left, preman and in 1983, he was
and Rayle EMC retiree,
sents a plaque to David Armour in recognition of his
promoted to Lead LineJack Armour. Director
years of service.
man; in 1991, Journeyman
Linton Scott and other
Lead Lineman; and 1998
retirees PeeWee Armour
to District Foreman, which is the position he held
and his wife, Cathy, Simon Bridges, Melvin Crawuntil his retirement.
ford, Mary Glidewell, Doug Mathews and Johnny
An arrangement of fresh cut flowers decorated
Patton also attended.
the refreshment table. His retirement cake was decoDavid plans to enjoy his retirement by spendrated with the NRECA mascot, Willie Wiredhand.
ing time with his grandchildren, participating in
Everyone enjoyed an assortment of party foods and
Civil War reenactments, hunting, fishing and riding
For sale by sealed bid
ayle EMC has three vehicles for sale by
sealed bid. Items for sale may be inspected
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays at the Rayle EMC
office in Washington, Ga. Bid sheets can be
picked up at any Rayle EMC office location. Mail
all bids to:
Tony Griffin, Bids
Rayle EMC
P.O. Box 1090
Washington, GA 30673
• #52 1999 Ford F-250 – Super Duty, 4WD,
265,916 miles, A/C, 5-speed, Manual Transmission, gas
Bids must be received by noon on Wednesday, July 23, 2014. Everything will be sold “as is,”
with no warranties implied or intended. Each bid
amount must include sales tax.
A 10 percent deposit of the bid being made
will be required on each vehicle bid and must be
submitted with the bid. The deposit will be refunded to unsuccessful bidders. If a bid is
successful, but the bidder chooses
not to purchase the item, the 10 percent deposit will be forfeited.
Rayle EMC reserves the right to
reject all bids.
• #24 1999 Ford F-250 – Super Duty, 199,104
miles, A/C, 5-speed, Manual Transmission, gas
• #7 2003 Ford Crown Victoria – 92,995 miles,
A/C, Automatic Transmission, gas
Rayle EMC Newsletter