Tunnels and ITS 2015

Tunnels and ITS 2015
Call for Papers
After the great successes in 2011 and 2013, ITS Norway and the Norwegian
Public Roads Administration proudly welcome you to the third international
symposium on Tunnels and ITS in Bergen.
Illustration: Arsvågen in Bokn (Norwegian
Public Roads Administration/COWI as)
17-18 June 2015, Hotel Scandic Bergen City, Bergen
Welcome to the Tunnels and ITS Symposium 2015
After the great successes in 2011 and 2013, ITS Norway and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration
proudly welcome you to the third international symposium on Tunnels and ITS in Bergen.
This third symposium continues the ever-important focus on
tunnel safety. Safety is the key driver behind rehabilitation, planning and operation of tunnels. Over the last years we have seen a
number of tunnel incidents and accidents. Even though most of
them have been non-fatal, they clearly demonstrate the need to
enhance the safety systems. Further to this, the implementation of
new tunnel directives and fresh incident reports will help us keep
the right focus. During the symposium, reports of past incidents
and the coming directives will be presented and discussed. The
symposium will take up a number of ITS related issues like ventilation, fire ventilation, sensors, ITS-stations, communication and
warning and emergency systems for travellers.
This might be instrumentation and/or simulation for the Rogfast
scenario. We also plan to demonstrate infrastructure-to-vehicle
and vehicle-to-vehicle communications together with carmakers.
For more information about the Knappen-tunnel; see: http://www.
In 2015, Rogfast, the proposed 28 km sub-sea tunnel just north
of the city of Stavanger will be in its final stage of planning. The
symposium will make use of Rogfast as a workshop for innovative tunnel instrumentation and safety structures. As call for
paper we’ll invite the participants of the symposium to prepare
papers on innovative safety solution for this complicated tunnel. We would like the papers to suggest means to reduce the
number of false alarms without compromising maximum security.
Based on the suggestions, papers and presentations, there will be
debates and discussions aimed at finding good safety solution
for Rogfast. If everything goes as planned, call for tenders for the
instrumentation of the tunnel will be due in 2018. This implies that
the workshop might influence the real tenders for the tunnel. For
more information about Rogfast, see: http://www.vegvesen.no/
Thus “ITS and Tunnels 2015” will contain both a workshop for a
planned tunnel and perform live demonstration in a soon-to-be
open tunnel.
By attending this symposium you will be able to suggest solutions,
learn more about other initiatives and meet fellow experts
The organizing committee will been chaired by the Norwegian
Public Roads Administration with ITS Norway/Tekna as secretariat
for the paper selection.
Vallavik Tunnel | Photo: Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Live demonstrations for the workshop is planned to take place
in the not-yet opened Knappen-tunnel. This tunnel will be in
the pre-opening phase during the Symposium. As part of call for
papers, you’ll be invited to suggest demonstrations for this tunnel.
Hotel Scandic Bergen City, Bergen, 17-18 June 2015
Trond Hovland, ITS Norway
Øystein Olsen, Tekna: [email protected]
We ask you to forward the list to collegues so we are able to reach as
many contributors as possible.
The committee asks for drafts to be delivered by 1 November 2014. The
draft should be maximum 1 A4 page font 12, and be sent to oystein.
[email protected].
By 1 February 2015 the speakers will be informed if the papers are accepted. Full papers should then be received by 1 May, and powerpoints
for oral presentations by 1 June. The conference language is English.
• www.itstunnels.no/
• [email protected]
Vallavik Tunnel | Photo: Norwegian Public Roads Administration