May 2014 newsletter - Wimberley Presbyterian Church

Wimberley Presbyterian
Church Newsletter
May 2014
P. O. Box 1854
956 RR 2325
Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone: 512-847-5292
Fax: 512-847-9715
Rev. Clint Regen
[email protected]
Janice Herreth,
Office Administrator
[email protected]
Calendar of Upcoming Events..
“Cookies for Teachers”
Highway trash pick-up
Youth Picnic at Landa Park
Potluck-Guest Speaker
Cabin cleanup at JKR
PW Spring Luncheon
Youth Meal Auction Fundraiser
The June Newsletter will be published
June 2
All articles need to be submitted by
May 22
On the Inside...
Please e-mail your announcements
or articles to the office at
[email protected].
Page 2
Page 3
New Members
Page 4
Page 5, 6
Birthdays &
Page 7
I have had the privilege of volunteering for an hour a week in Johnna Dennis’ 5th grade class this winter and spring. Walking into the
office at Jacob’s Well Elementary School on Tuesday I noticed a
small chalkboard sign announcing: “3 More Mondays till Summer.”
That got my attention. Summer is right around the corner and with
it comes changes in routines, perhaps a chance to get away, and
chances to volunteer. Let me tell you about two.
First off, there is our own Vacation Bible School Monday,
July 21 through Thursday, July 24. We have opportunities for class
assistants, guides, crafts, games, construction project among
others. You can see the insert for that in the bulletin beginning this
Secondly, there is a new community offering called Good
Sam. It is a summer school offering for high risk elementary students 1-3 grades. This will be the first year that Wimberley has
offered this program that has been highly successful for many
years in the Rio Grande Valley area.
Of course community financial support is necessary for such
a program but they are going to need almost 2,000 volunteer hours
this summer to make it happen. There will be a presentation about
the Good Sam program at the upcoming Church Potluck on
Wednesday, May 14. And there will be information in the bulletin
as well. So I hope you’ll come and hear about the program and I
hope you will give some summer hours to Good Sam and to
WPC’s Vacation Bible School.
In Christ,
Pastor Clint
Barbara Barks
Sally Pool
WPC Newsletter
Page 2
April 2014
Your Council met on April 15, 2014 for its regular stated meeting.
Council enthusiastically approved the proposed landscaping plans from the Property Committee
and moving forward with the first phase of that plan.
Council also approved use of the WPC van for the Emily Ann Butterfly release and by John Knox
 Council heard plans for the youth meal auction in May, presentation by the Good Sam program
at the May 14 potluck supper, and an upcoming dinner celebrating the history of WPC and all
the elders in our church.
David Junkin
Clerk of Council
Average Sunday School Attendance
May 20
7:00 PM
Be sure to take a look at our
new website!
Much thanks to Valerie Chandler
for all her hard work.
If you have pictures or information
for the website please email Janice
at [email protected]
Pre K - 6
K-2nd - 3
3rd to 5th - 3
6th to 12th - 2
Youth Events - 5
Adult - 10
Average Worship Attendance
Church Financial News
April to Date Giving
2014 Jan-Mar Giving - $76,601
2013 Jan-Mar Giving - $58,730
Average Monthly Operation Requirement $24,200
WPC Newsletter
Page 3
Liturgist for the Month…
Ushers for the Month…
Rob Peyton
John Wilton & Vance McCracken
Bill Hull
Marissa & Travis Terreo
Eric Eskelund
Betty Jo & Bob Slider
Gay Wilkerson
Peggy & Jackie Sherrill
Head Usher for the
Paul Barrows
Greeters for the Month…
Hostess for the Month…
Laura Peyton
Pam Tannahill & Ansley Kolar
Lynn Williams
Betty Jo Slider & Enell Bunting
Gay Wilkerson
PW Luncheon
Sandra Gregg
Youth Meal Auction
Potluck May 14, 6pm
Last Names:
A-H bring Sides
I-P bring Desserts
Q-Z bring Main Dish
Guest Speakers: Judy Holmes and Darelle Jordan
are coming to speak on behalf of the community-wide
Good Sam program being launched this summer in
Wimberley ISD. Opportunities Galore. Join Us!!!!
WPC Newsletter
Page 4
New Members….
Charla and Vance McCracken
Charla and Vance moved to Wimberley from Abilene after they bought
a house last July. They have been coming here on a part-time basis for
five years. They joined WPC by way of transfer from First Central
Presbyterian Church in Abilene.
They both are birders and have joined the Wimberley Bird Society.
They like to travel having just returned from London. Vance likes to
play bridge and has an interest in the symphony. Charla is an avid
Peggy and Jackie Sherrill
Peggy has been coming to Wimberley her whole life. In 2002, they
bought property in Blanco and found their Wimberley place which was
used as a retreat for 7 to 8 years. When Jackie retired from football
coaching, they moved to Memphis to help with grandchildren. In 2009,
they came "home" to Wimberley and remolded.
Peggy walks 4 miles every day, and owns The Wooden Spoon on the
square. Jackie bikes and owns a nutrition products company. He is
very active in the 12th Man Organization. They have five children living
in Wimberley, Dallas, Birmingham and Nashville. Daniel and Jackson
are their two grandchildren with another on the way.
When asked how they found WPC, Peggy relayed the following explanation: She had been feeling God's tapping her on the shoulder and
saying "Stop Here" as they past our church from time to time. On one
occasion as they were passing by, she said "Turn around", they did and
they felt perfectly at home the minute they stepped out of the car.
Marissa and Travis Terreo
Travis began attending WPC when he and Marissa Nino became engaged. (Marissa was the first baby to be baptized in our church.) He
has been attending the Sheriff's Academy and is now employed with
Hays County Sheriffs' Office. Reading is his main pass time.
WPC Newsletter
Page 5
Cookies for Teachers
It is cookie time again.....we will shower the teachers with our good cookies on May 5 so
get your aprons on and bake. Leave the cookies marked for teachers in the kitchen on the
4th or have them there before 9:00am on Monday.
Cabin Cleaning Day
If you don't cook and like the outdoors, come to John Knox on the 17th of May and help
clean the cabins we have adopted. Bring your gloves, and any cleaning supplies you like
and give us a hand. Meet at the church and we can go together or just meet us there.
Thanks, the Outreach Committee
Fundraiser for Mission Trip - Meal Auction May 25, 2014
I’m going to explain how the Meal Auction works from the host perspective.
As a host, I am going to donate a meal for 6 people to come to our home at a time which
will be determined by the winning bidders and the host. We will serve a menu that will be
shared at the auction event.
At the Meal Auction on May 25 after church the auctioneer will auction all the donated
meals. For the meal that we are donating, 6 people might want to go together and bid on
our meal. Alternatively an individual might want to bid on the meal then invite others to
attend to fill the chairs allotted. It is assumed that the cost of the meal will be divided
among those attending.
Hosts can donate more than one meal if you wish and can be creative about format.
If you are unable to attend the Meal Auction, you can still donate a meal to be auctioned.
There are meal donation forms in the narthex for you to fill out and turn in to the church
If you have any questions, contact Joel Barks or Sally Pool.
This is a wonderful opportunity to provide funds for our Youth Ministries and for the Youth
to travel to Summer Mission Trips or Midwinters Conference at Mo Ranch; and at the same
time share delicious meals and fellowship with one another.
Joel Barks
Highway Trash Pick-up
Volunteers are needed for the bi-annual trash pick up along 2325 in the area designated by
the adopt a highway signs for Wimberley Presbyterian Church. The date is May 10 and
volunteers will meet in the fellowship hall for a breakfast burrito, juice and coffee beginning
at 8:30am. We will begin the pick up at 9:00am. The trash pick up was originally done by
our youth group, but now there are not enough youth of age 13 and above in the congregation to undertake this task. For those who may have a sensitivity to allergies, we would
appreciate assistance in tending to any youngsters that would be at the church so thereby
allowing parents to participate in the roadside work. Please contact Eric Eskelund, Joyce
Hendrix or Sandra Zlatkovich and let us know if you will help us out in this effort and so we
can determine how many breakfast burritos will be needed.
WPC Newsletter
Page 6
You are invited to Come Take a Sacred Journey
with the Women’s Wednesday Night Bible Study Group
Journey Dates and Time
June 11 – July 16
Wednesday’s 6:30-8 p.m., WPC Library
This 6-week study will cover the same path as the book, Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown.
You're invited to travel with four women as they arrive at a retreat center and find themselves drawn
out of their separate stories and into a collective journey of spiritual practice, mutual support and
personal revelation.
Contact Teresa Ward, [email protected], if you wish to purchase a book, cost $8; or if you have
“Breaking Bread & Building Bridges”
Potluck Luncheon
June 1, 2014
A community event, sponsored by
Amigo de Jesủs,
to bring families together to celebrate our
rich ethnic cultures.
Watch for posters & future newsletters for details.
WPC Newsletter
Page 7
Janet Casper
Trevor Richter
Tom Gabrielsen
Judy Padgett
Margaret Kimbell
Bill Ward
Charla McCracken
Amber Boggs
Hannah Boggs
Kendall Kidd
Nita Bagby
Ginny Butterfield
Catherine Regen
Enzo Perez
Sarah & Bobby Hernandez
Melanie & Jason Cagle
Teresa & David Junkin
Joyce & Jon Hendrix
Mary & Jerry Hilton
Barbara & Joel Barks
Mary & Joe Northern
Rosalie & Dallas Laumbach
Don’t forget!
Each Communion Sunday
we collect for
Crisis Bread Basket.
So pick up your bags in
the narthex or in the
Fellowship Hall.
The Sweet Mother Hubbards went to the cupboard
To fetch treats for the Fellowship Table
But when we got there, the cupboard was bare.
SO, friends, as often as you’re able,
Please bring offerings to the Fellowship Table!!
Community Support
ed t ents
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Mon & Fri - Library
12 Noon
Thurs - Library
5:30 pm
7:30 pm
1st Wed - FH
Quilters Guild
12:00 to 3:30 pm
2nd Wed - Library
Quilters Guild
11:00 to 3:00 pm
3rd Wed - FH
Herb Group
9:00 to 12:00 pm
1st Thurs - Library
Alzheimer Support
1:00 pm
P. O. Box 1854
Wimberley, TX 78676
Laura Peyton,
Eric Eskelund
Building & Grounds
Sarah Badal
David Junkin
Clerk of Council
Sandra Gregg, Judy Nichols
Congregational Care
Jon Hendrix, Janet Casper
Tony Gibbs
Gay Wilkerson
John Myers
Jimmy Connell
Sandra Gregg, Jon Hendrix
Together we worship and
serve, living God’s Word
and sharing God’s love.
Adult Sunday School ………………………………………………...9:45 AM
Youth Sunday School………………………………………………...9:45 AM
(6 - 8th Grade)
Elementary Sunday School………………………………………….9:45 AM
(K - 5th Grade)
Pre-School Children’s Church……………………………………..10:45 AM
(0 - 5 yrs.)
Children’s Church……………………………………………………11:00 AM
(Pre K - 5th Grade-except Communion Sunday)
Worship Service…………………………………………………….. 11:00 AM
(Followed by Fellowship & Refreshments)
Prayer Group………………………………………………Monday, 10:30 AM
Youth “Mystery Bus” Bible Study………………….Wednesday, 6:30 PM
(Grades 6-12)
WPC Staff
Rev. Clint Regen………………………………………………………………….Pastor
Rev. Conway Wharton………………………………………………Pastor Emeritus
Mr. Tom Gabrielsen, Ms. Maria Mullins………………….Music Director, Pianist
Ms. Janice Herreth………………………………………………….……….Secretary
Ms. Emily Junkin, Teri Carter……………………………………...…...…...Nursery
Mr. Robert Miller……………………………………………………...…………Sexton
Ms. Sandra Haney……………………………………………………………Treasurer
This edition produced by Janice Herreth.