The Arc of Wilson County....................................................1101
Mental Health Association...................................................1102
Wesley Shelter Inc. .............................................................1103
Flynn Christian Fellowship Home........................................1104
American Red Cross...........................................................1105
Salvation Army....................................................................1106
Wilson Co. Office of Senior Citizen Affairs..........................1107
Diversified Opportunities, Inc. ............................................1108
Wilson Crisis Center............................................................1109
Girl Scouts...........................................................................1110
Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club....................................... 1111
Y.O.U.T.H. of Wilson............................................................1112
Wilson Youth United - The SPOT........................................1113
St. John Community Development Corporation, Inc. .........1114
United Way Campaign Pledge Card Codes
When you support the United Way, you support a network of local human service agencies and
organizations working year round to bring about positive changes in Wilson County. Among them,
United Way dollars are at work training adults with disabilities for competitive employment, feeding the
homebound elderly, guiding children to make wiser choices, sheltering abused women and children or
providing free / reduced healthcare.
of undesignated
United Way
dollars stay in our
National State
per week can provide 2 children with a learning environment and recreational experience
keeping them safe and off of the streets.
per week shelters someone who is homeless for one night and provides food to someone
who is hungry.
per week provides 12 elderly homebound senior citizens a hot, nutritious meal through the
home delivered meals program.
per week provides three meals a day for a shelter mom and two children for 34 days.
per week can send 6 children with developmental disabilities to summer day camp where
they can swim, sing, snack, participate in arts and crafts and receive a hug every day.
per week provides a domestic violence or homeless shelter resident three meals a day for
48 days.
You can make a real difference in someone's
life....in the life of our community....in your own
life. Pledge your support through the United
Way of Wilson County. United, our gifts change
lives. 98% of your contribution stays in our
community. The money raised here stays here.
Your voice can make change happen. Learn about
the United Way Agencies, take a tour, meet our
program participants and share the United Way
story. Contact the United Way to schedule an
agency tour or to have an agency speaker provide
you with information about one of our agencies.
You can make a difference, you can change
lives and inspire others through volunteering.
All it takes is a little time. You can volunteer
one hour a month by delivering a warm meal,
mentoring a child or making phone calls to
the elderly. Contact any of our United Way
Agencies to find out how you can volunteer.
United Way
of Wilson County
509 West Nash Street - P.O. Box 1147
Wilson, NC 27894-1147
email: [email protected]
United Way of Wilson County Partner Agencies
Red Cross
1105 American
703 - B Nash St., Wilson, NC 27893
The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club
1111 316 S. Tarboro St., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Lynwood Roberson, 252-237-2171
The American Red Cross is charged by Congress with
providing relief for victims of disasters and helping people
prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. Red Cross
volunteers respond to disasters ranging from single-family fires to
hurricanes and earthquakes. Red Cross health and safety classes
help individuals and organizations prepare for emergencies through
first aid, CPR, and other training. Red Cross also collects blood
and handles communications between military personnel and their
families. From July 1, 2012 through June 2013, Red Cross volunteers
responded to 46 house fires in Wilson County, aiding 141 residents
at a cost of $15,000 in direct benefits, and an additional $10,000 in
sheltering expenses. Red Cross collected more than 5,000 units
of blood, touched over 12,000 people with our Preparedness and
Health and Safety training courses, and digital and social media
and handled 77 military communications in Wilson County. The Red
Cross is not a government agency and depends on local donations
to provide these services. Website: www.turnageredcross.org.
The Arc of Wilson County
1101 509 W. Nash St., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Michael Stanford, 252-237-8266
Advocacy for the rights of individuals with
intellectual/developmental disabilities in our community.
Services include 6 dances annually for over 350 adults, a 4
week summer camp program for 100 school age children with
special needs. Surrogate Parent for Wilson County Schools for
students' Individualized Education Programs each semester in
foster care. Coordinates an Annual Easter Egg Hunt for area
Exceptional Children. Developed a Self-Advocacy Program
(Noah’s Friends) for over 100 adults with disabilities & trained
them to be a self-supporting group. A sponsor of the Hope
Singers, a choral group of 25 adults with disabilities, and a
sponsor for a 32 week Bowling League for 45 participants.
A lending library with resources is available for parents and
others who want more information on a variety of disabilities.
Website: www.arcofwilsonnc.org
opportunities, Inc.
1108 diversified
1010 Herring Ave., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Cindy Dixon, 252-291-0378
Email: [email protected]
Established in1975, DOI is a full service Community Rehabilitation
Program that offers comprehensive vocational training and life skills
services to persons with disabilities age 16 and over so that they
may live and work as independently as possible. Programs include
Vocational Evaluation, Work Adjustment & Job Coaching, Supported
Employment, Long Term Vocational Support and Adult Developmental
Vocational Program. Hands-on vocational training is accomplished by
subcontracting production work from area businesses by offering hand
assembly, packaging, inspecting, sorting and bulk mailing. Nationally
accredited by CARF. Website: www.diversifiedopportunitiesinc.com
Christian Fellowship Home
1104 Flynn
209 N. Goldsboro St., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Peter Wilkins, 252- 236-1475 or 252- 237-8320
Email: [email protected]
Providing shelter and assistance to recovering alcoholic or drug
dependent men for over 44 years. Many men feeling desperate
and without hope have been given a second chance from the
encouragement and support through the Flynn Home.
Girl Scouts-North Carolina Coastal Pines
1110 108 East Lockhaven Dr., Goldsboro, NC 27534.
CEO: Lisa Jones. Wilson Contacts: Jennifer Smith (Staff)
252 560-5860 or 800-284-4475 Founded in 1912, Girl Scouts
is the preeminent leadership development organization for
girls and is the leading authority on girls' healthy development. In
partnership with more than 10,000 adult volunteers, Girl Scouts - North
Carolina Coastal Pines serves more than 33,000 girls in 41 central and
eastern North Carolina counties - building girls of courage, confidence,
and character, who make the world a better place. These girls are
served through local troops, outreach programs, and Head Start.
Mental Health Association in Wilson County
1102 509 W. Nash St., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Janelle Clevinger, 252-243-2773
Email: [email protected]
Chartered in 1957, the Mental Health Association in Wilson
County promotes mental wellness, educates the public on
mental illnesses, and advocates for increased service funding and
improved care of the mentally ill. Educational efforts include seminars,
workshops, a lending library, a twice-monthly Alzheimer’s family
support group, and inclusion in health fairs and other community
events that benefit over 3,500 citizens. Provides assistance and
referrals to almost 2,000 individuals each year, distributes upwards of
20,000 pieces of educational materials, publishes newspaper articles,
a quarterly newsletter, and runs radio and television public service
announcements. Operation Santa Claus distributes over 2,000 gifts
to persons in area mental health facilities.
Salvation Army
1106 The
316 S. Tarboro St., Wilson, NC 27893
Major Fred Thornhill, Commanding Officer, 252-243-2696
Assists individuals with rent, utilities, medicine, food, clothing,
and provided character building programs for children and
adults. Christmas assistance provided to individuals. Also assisted
in sending kids to summer camp.
Director:Charmaine Harris, 252-243-5443
Now operating at one location with two Units. The main
unit on Tarboro Street is serving K-8th grade and THE
CLUB, Teen Center, which serves ages 13-19, is in the gymnasium.
Currently over 300 members participate in programs supported by
10 professional staff and over 30 volunteers. The club provides
year-round programs including After - School, Summer Camp, and
sport leagues in basketball, football and cheerleading. The mission
is "To inspire and enable all young people, especially those that need
us most, to realize their full potential as productive responsible and
caring citizens." The B&G Club serves youth through -- Education &
Technology, Sports & Recreation, Character & Leadership, and the
Arts & Spiritual Development.
St. John Community Development Corporation, Inc.
1114 119 E. Pender St., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Dr. Michael S. Bell, 252-265-9764 The St.
John CDC provides educational, vocational, economic,
and social support to the residents of Wilson through
its S.A.Y.-Save A Youth afterschool, vocational, gang
prevention, and summer camp programs; community food
pantry, weekly community meals and transitional housing for the
homeless. Website: www.stjohncdcwilson.org.
106 E. Vance St., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Lynne White, 252-291-2344
Wesley Shelter provides the following services to
our community: Domestic Violence and Sexual
Assault Services, Emergency Shelter, 24 Hour Crisis Line, Displaced
Homemaker Program, Spanish Outreach Mission, and The Clothes
Line. In 2012, 5184 shelter nights were provided to 98 women & 64
children who were victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or
homelessness. In addition, 15,552 meals were provided. 553 victims
were served through court advocacy, safety planning and temporary
restraining orders. 48 sexual assault victims were served and 96
individuals received counseling. 266 women and 140 children were
served by our Hispanic Outreach Mission. Wesley Shelter helped 53
women secure either full time or part time employment. 41 educational
presentations and trainings were made to the community. Hundreds of
community members donated to The Clothes Line. Volunteers assist
in all programs. Website: www.wesleyshelter.org
1501 Boy Scouts, East Carolina Council, P.O. Box 1698, Kinston,
NC 28503-1698 252-522-1521 Works through community groups to instill values
in youth 6 - 21, necessary to make ethical life-long decisions using outdoor
settings. Website: www.eccbsa.org
1502 Wilson Community Health Center, 303 E. Green St., Wilson,
NC 27893 252-243-9800 Providing a full range of Medical services. Dispensing
Pharmacy on-site. Free Delivery. Dental Care available off-site. Affordable
Care Act Enrollment Specialists available to assist community residents in
choosing an appropriate health insurance plan. Owned and operated by
Carolina Family Health Centers, Inc.
1503 Children's Home Society of NC, P.O. Box 14608, Greensboro,
NC. 27415 800-632-1400 A leader in transforming families and communities
so children can thrive. Programs include: Adoption, foster care, birth parent
services, family life education, teen pregnancy prevention and family support.
203, Wilson, NC 27893 252-291-0816. Wilson Area Habitat for Humanity is
a Christian housing ministry that builds, rehabs or repairs decent, affordable
housing for qualified low income families. Website: www.wilsonhabitat.org
1505 HOPE STATION (Wilson County Interfaith Services, Inc.)
309 Goldsboro St. E., Wilson, NC 27893 252-291-7278 Provides food for persons
who are hungry, shelter for men who are homeless, financial assistance for
persons in crisis, GED classes, and Christmas toys for hundreds of children.
Website: www.hopestation-wilson.org
E. Nash St., Wilson, NC 27893 252-291-5113. Provides hands-on
science activities and educational opportunities to citizens of eastern
North Carolina. Website: www.imaginescience.org
1507 Opportunities Industrialization Center of Wilson, Inc.
(O.I.C.), 801 Reid St. E., Wilson, NC 27893 252-291-0038. A multifaceted
community resource center with programs designed to foster self-sufficiency.
Website: www.oicwilson.com
1508 SPECIAL OLYMPICS - Wilson 500 Sunset Rd., Wilson, NC 27893,
252-399-2285. Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in
a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual
disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness
and to demonstrate courage.
Wilson County Office of Senior Citizen Affairs
1107 2306 Cedar Run Pl., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Debbie Raper, 252-237-1303
60,132 meals were served by volunteers to 255 homebound
individuals, while 120 individuals were fed 16,475 meals
at congregate sites. Transportation was also provided to
17 seniors for 3,392 trips to congregate sites.
Crisis Center
1109 Wilson
P.O. Box 8026, Wilson, NC 27894
Director: Nancy Sallenger, 252-237-5156
50 volunteers per week provide 24/7 telephone assistance
to callers needing information, referrals, or someone
who will listen and care. Telephone number for AA, NA,
Al-Anon, and an after-hours connection to services for
domestic violence, rape, and mental health emergencies. Incoming
calls for 2012 totaled 10,304. A separate Teen Help Line provided
assistance to 2,416 callers. The 24-hr Spanish information hotline,
Centro De Crisis/Linea De Ayuda Hispaña, answered 1,261 calls.
Daily Reassurance Calls were made to 602 senior citizens or disabled
adults each day for a telephone visit, safety check, or reminder to
take medications resulting in over 213,226 outgoing calls for 2012.
Wilson Youth United -The SPOT
1113 910 Tarboro St., Wilson, NC. 27893
Director: Matt Edwards, 252-991-4018 S-haring
P-ositive O-utcomes T-ogether with kids and
families in Wilson. The SPOT serves at-risk youth
in a dedicated 30,000 sq. ft. facility. 7 professional
staff, serving youth ages 5-18 in a structured program environment,
make up our team. The SPOT is a 21st Century learning site, home
to a Teen Center, 2 Technology labs, 8 classrooms, Music Room,
Art Room, and Gymnasium with emphasis on education, health &
physical fitness, and decreasing risk factors for our kids in Wilson
County. Year round programs include Summer Camps, After School,
Sport Leagues, and Outreach Programs targeting gang and youth
violence prevention. Website: www.thewilsonspot.org
Y.O.U.T.H. of Wilson
1112 701 S. Tarboro St., Wilson, NC 27893
Director: Tammy Daniel, 252-243-3675
A Referral Only agency that provides
prevention and intervention services to youth ages 6 - 17. These
services include: One-on-One/Couple Mentoring, Community
Service/Restitution for Juvenile Court, Psychological Services
and Gang Graffiti Removal. Referral sources include Division of
Juvenile Justice, Department of Social Services, Wilson County
Schools, Law Enforcement Agencies, Teen Court, and other youth
serving agencies. In 2012, this agency served over 400 youth,
included over 3,000 community service hours performed and over
$4,000 in restitution paid to victims. Our mission includes positively
developing our youth to be successful youth today and as adults,
rehabilitating youth offenders and compensating victims of juvenile
crimes. Website: www.youthofwilson.org
Designations (minimum $25.00) may also be made to the following Designation-Only Agencies