INDEX NO. 650921/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/24/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/24/2014 Exhibit A SUPREME COURT: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK COUNSEL FINANCIAL II. l.LC, AFFIDAVIT OF Plaintiff v. CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT BALESTRIERE PLLC, Index No.: JOHN BALESTRIERE and VTrTORIA FARIELLO, Defendants STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) )ss.: JOHN BALESTRIERE, being duly sworn, deposes and says the following: I am the managing member of Balestriere PLLC. a New York professional limited liability company, with offices located at 225 Broadway, Suite 2900, New York, New York 10007. 2. On behalf of Balestriere PLLC (the "Law Finn"). 1 hereby confess judgment against the Law Firm pursuant [o Section 3218 oftheNew York Civil Practice Law and Rules ("CI'LR") in favor of Counsel Financial II. LLC ("Plaintiff") in the sum of SI,700,000.01), plus interest on that sum from and alter Aprill^,,1 2012, al the interest rate set forth in ihat certain Fourth Amended and Restaleii Term Promissory Note (the "Note"") dated as of ApriirQ, 2012, in the maximum principal amount of SI,700,000.00, executed and delivered to Plaintiff by the Law Firm, which Note was guaranteed pursuant to a Guaranty of Payment and Performance dated as of April £J2O12, executed and delivered by John Balestriere and Vittoria Fariello (collectively. '■Guarantors") to Plaintiff (the ■■Guaranty"). The sum of SI, 700,000.00 consists of the outstanding principal amount of the Note plus amounts available to be drawn thereunder as of April /y 20! 2. 3. I hereby authorize Plaintiff, its assigns or successors, on or after the date on which this affidavit is executed, to enter judgment against the Law Firm in New York County, New York in the amount of SI,700,000.00 plus interest at the aforesaid rale from April [C$012 through the date such judgment is entered. The Law Firm resides in the Stale of New York and Co umy of New York. 41 Initials 4. In the event a judgment 'n entered against the Law Firm pursuant to this affidavit, the Law Firm shall be entitled lo an offset against the total amount herein confessed equal to the sum of all good payments Plaintiff receives from the Law Firm or the Guarantors or on behalf of any ofthem after the dale on which this affidavit is executed as of the date same are respectively received through iiie dale judgment is entered. 5. This confession ofjudgrnent ia for a debt which is justly due and owing by the Law Firm to Plaintiff pursuant lo the Note. 6. This confession ofjudgmentj»-fiSriHgde for ihe purpose of securing Plaintiff against a contingent liability; nor is it made in connection with an\insta!lmeniW STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF NEW YORK )ss.: On ihe l \yitnT?» the tiroiubilioii'tifp'LR Section 3201. /Way of April, 2012. before le personally came John Ualeslriere, to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is the managing member of Baleslriere PLLC, with ils principal offices localed al 225 Broadway. Suite 2900. New York. New York 10007. and that he is the individual described in and who executed the foregoing Affidavit of Confession of Judgment on behall'ofBalesiriere PLLC, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the managing member of Balestriere PLLC and that Ihe statements contained therein are true and correct. — MARC JUSTIN NATAlf . NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY Nolary Public UC. #01N«2«836 C0MM. EXP. 42 Initials / SUPREME COURT: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY 01-' WESTCHESTER COUNSEL FINANCIAL II, LLC. Plaintiff AFFIDAVIT OF v. CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT BALESTRIERE PLLC, Index No.: JOHN BALESTRIERE and V1TT0R1A PARIELLO, Defendants STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) )ss.: J01 IN BALESTRIERE, being duly sworn, deposes and says Ihe following; 1. I am Li resident of New York County, New York, residing at I 18 A Fulton Street. /M23,New York, New York I003S. 2. I hereby confess judgment pursuant to Section 32 IS of the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules fCPLR") in favor of Counsel Financial II. LLC ("Plaintiff) in the sum of 51,7(10,000.00, plus interest on that sum from and after April {0. 2012, at the interest rale set forth in that certain Fourth Amended and Restated Term Promissory Note (the "Note") dated as of April |C 2012, in the maximum principal amount of SI .700.000.00, executed and delivered to Plaintiff by Balestriere PLLC (the "Law Finn"), pursuant to Ihe Guaranty of Payment and Performance dated as of April _, 2012. executed and delivered by John [ialestriere and Vittoria Fanello (collectively, "Guarantore") to Plaintiff (the "Guaranty"). The sum of$1,700,000.00 consists of the principal amount of the Note outstanding or available to be drawn as of April [L/2012. 3. 1 hereby authorize Plaintiff, ils assigns or successors, on or alter the dale on whkh this affidavit is executed, 10 enterjudgment in New York County, New York against me in the amount of S1,7()(U)H(].OO plus interest at the aforesaid rale from ApripLJ 2012 through the dale such judgment is entered. 4. In UM evem a judgment is entered against me pursuant to Uiis affidavit.! shall be entitled to an olfset against the lotal amount herein confessed equal to the sum ofall good payments Plaintiffrecelves from the Law Firm or 43 Initials the Guarantors or on behalf of any of ihem after llie dale on which iliis affidavit is executed as of the dale same are respectively received through the date judgment is entered. 5. This confession ofjudgment is for a debt which is justly due and owing by your Affiant (as guarantor) io Plaintiff pursuant to the Guaranty. 6. This confession of judgment istlui made for ihe purpose of securing Plaintiff against a contingent liability; nor is it made in connection with an irtstallti en! contract wilhin thCpPtitubilion of Cl'l.K Section 3201. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) )ss.: On [he fDday of April, 2012, before nje personally cannjJohn Ualeslfiere, to me known who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at I ISA Fullon Street #123. New York, New York 10038,that he is the individual described in and who executed the foregoing Affidavit of Confession of Judgment, and duly acknowledged to me lliar he executed the same and that the statements contained therein are true and correct. Notary Public MARC JUSTIN NATALE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY UC. #01NAG244836 COMM. EXP 44 Initials SUPREME COURT: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTC! [ESTER COUNSEL FINANCIAL II, LLC, Plaintiff AFFIDAVIT OF v. CONFESSION OF JUDCMEN' BALESTRIEREPLLC, Index No.: JOHN BALESTR1ERE and VITTQRIA FARffiLLO, Defendants STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) )ss.: VITTORIA FAR1ELLO. being duly sworn, deposes and says ihe following: 1. 1 am a resident of New York County, New York, residing a( 118 A Fulton Street, "123, New York, New York 10038. 2. I hereby confess judgment pursuant to Section 3218 of the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules ("CPLR") in favor of Counsel Financial 11. LLC ("Plaintiff") in the sum of SI, 700,00(1.00. plus interest on thai sum from and after April /c), 2012. at the interest rale set forth in thai certain Fourth Amended and Restated Term Promissory Note (the "Note") dated us of April ©2012. in the maximum principal amount of SI.700.000.00. executed and delivered to Plaintiff by Buleslriere I'LLC (the "Law Firm"), pursuant to the Guaranty of Payment and Performance dated as of April JQ 2012, oxeculed and delivered by John Balestriere and Vittoria Fariello (collectively, "Guarantors") to Plaintiff (the ■■Guaranty"). The sum of SI, 700,000.00 consists of the principal amount of the Note outstanding or available to be drawn as of April. 3. , 2012. [ hereby authorize Plaintiff, iis assigns or successors, on or after the date on which this affidavit is executed, to enter judgment in New York County, New York against me in the amount of 51,700,000.00 plus interest at the aforesaid rate from .April _[W^0l2 through the date such judgment is entered. 4. In the event a judgment is entered against me pursuant to this affidavit, I shall be entitled to an offset against the total amount herein confessed equal to the sum ofall good payments RlaSnti A' receives from the Law Firm or t I ■ Initials the Guarantors or on behalf Of any of them after the date on which this affidavit is executed as of the d:ite same are respectively received through the dale judgment is entered. 5. This confession ofjudgment is for a debt which is justly due and owing by your Affiant (as guarantor) to Plaintiff pursuant to the Guaranty. 6. This confession of judgment is not made for the purpose of securing Plaintiff against a contingent liability: nor is it made in connection with an installment contract within the prohibition of CPLR Section 3201. VITfORIAFAllliLLO STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) )ss.: On the fyday of April, 2012, before me personally came John Balestriere. to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at 1 ISA Fulton Street #123, New York, New York 10038, that she is the individual described in and who executed the foregoing Affidavit of Confession of Judgment, and duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same and that the statements contained therein are true and correct. Nul;trv-Public UAflC JUSTIN NATALE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY UC.#01NA6244ffl6 COMM.HP / 46 Initials Exhibit B FOURTH AMENDED AND RESTATED REVOLVING PROMISSORY NOTE Counsel Financial II, LLC Delivered in Buffalo, New York SA1,7.??/?°L o April \U, 2012 1. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Note: a Borrower. The "Borrower" means Balestriere PLLC, aprofessional limited liability company organized under New York law, having its principal office located at 225 Broadway, Suite 2900, New York, NY 10007. b Collateral. "Collateral" means all ofBorrower's and any Guarantor's assets whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, contingent or accrued, now or hereafter existing or now owned or hereafter acquired and whether or not subject to the Uniform Commercial Code, including all Goods, Money, Instruments (including Promissory Notes), Accounts, Deposit Accounts, Inventory, Fixtures, Equipment, Contracts, Documents, Chattel Paper, Investment Property, Lettcr-of-Crcdit Rights, real property, and General Intangibles (including payment intangibles) and all interest, dividends and other distributions thereon paid and payable in cash or in property; and all replacements and substitutions for, and all accessions and additions to, and all products and proceeds of, all ofthe foregoing. All capitalized terms used in this definition and not otherwise defined in this Note shall have the meanings set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code. c. Credit. The "Credit" means arevolving credit facility made available by the Lender to the Borrower in the maximum principal amount equal to the Limiting Principal Amount. d. Event ofDefault. An "Event ofDefault" occurs or exists if: (0 the Borrower defaults in the payment when due, whether by acceleration or otherwise, ofany ofthe Outstanding Principal Amount or any interest or other amount payable pursuant to this Note; or Oi) the Borrower or any Guarantor defaults hi the observance or performance when due, whether by acceleration or otherwise, of any obligation (including, but not limited to, any obligation to pay any money except as described in clause (i) ofthis Section 1(d), whether for any principal, interest, fee, tax, charge, cost or expense or otherwise), whether now existing or hereafter arising or accruing, (a) under this Note or any agreement or arrangement now or hereafter entered into between the Borrower or any Guarantor and the Holder, (b) owed by Borrower to any third party, where the maturity of any such obligation is accelerated or there occurs or exists any event or condition that, whether immediately or after notice, lapse of tune or both notice and lapse oftime and whether or not waived, would constitute adefault with respect to or permit the acceleration of the maturity ofany such obligation, or (c) owed by Borrower to any governmental entity; or (iii) the Borrower or any Guarantor fails to provide the Holder with (A) copies ofthe Borrower's and Guarantor's annual federal tax returns to be delivered on the sooner of(i) three days after filing or (n) the 15" day ofthe tentli month ofeach fiscal year for the immediately preceding fiscal year; (B) an updated case and status list with respect to the clients and cases ofthe Borrower at least once each calendar quarter, (C) copies ot monthly bank statements ofthe Borrower from each ofits bank accoun^ej^jing and trust) Jtojjfluy settlement repoit and current and monthly reconciliation ofIOLTA account no later than the 10 day ofeach month (D) current updated financial statements ofBorrower, compiled by an independent third party accountant, not later than the 15th day ofeach calendar quarter in the form completed by Borrower and delivered to Holder on or before execution of this Note, (E) acurrent updated personal financial statement for each Guarantor to be delivered on or before April 15th and October 15th ofeach year in the :orm completed by the Guarantor and delivered to Holder on or before execution of this Note, (F) evidence of current malpractice insurance for the Borrower and life insurance coverage of John Balestriere on the anniversary date ofcoverage; (G) notice ofany material change in the business, clients or prospects ofthe Boirower, (H) copies of any notice ofcancellation, revocation or non-renewal ofany malpractice insurance or any life insurance policy assigned to Holder as part ofthe Collateral within five (5) business days after receipt thereof by the Borrower or the Guarantor, (I) copies of any default notice or notice of the existence of facts or circumstances that with the passage oftime will constitute adefault under any obligation ofBorrower that are received by Bonower, or (J) any documentation or information reasonably requested by the Holder that relates to the business or assets ofthe Borrower or any Guarantor; or (iv) the Bonower or any Guarantor is dissolved, ceases to exist, participates or agrees to participate in any mereer consolidation or other absorption (unless the Borrower or such Guarantor is the surviving entity with respect thereto), assigns or otherwise transfers or disposes ofamajority ofhis, her or its assets, ma«s or permits what might be afraudulent transfer or fraudulent conveyance of any ofhis, her or its assets becomes insolvent (however such insolvency is evidenced), generally fails to pay his, her or its debts as they become due fails to pay, withhold cr collect any tax as required by applicable law, suspends or ceases its business or has served, filed or recorded against him, her or it or any ofhis, her or its assets any judgment, order or award ofany court, other governmental authority or arbitrator or any lien; or (v) any Guarantor dies, becomes incompetent or purports to terminate his, her or its obligations pursuant to any guaranty or other agreement evidencing obligations of such Guarantor to the Holder; or John Balestriere fads to maintain in effect life insurance on his life in aminimum amount equal to g^J1****"^. assigned to the Holder and that is subject to an effective collateral assignment to the Holder ofthis Note at all umes while this Note is outstanding; or John Balestriere or Vittoria Fariello sells gifts, transfers or otherwise disposes of assets or incurs indebtedness that reduces the personal net worth (including his or her indirect interest in Borrower's assets and his or her interest in joint assets) ofsuch Guarantor to less than 55,100,000, or (vi) the Borrower or any Guarantor has any receiver, trustee, custodian or similar Person for him, heroritOfany ofhis her or its assets appointed (whether with or without his, her or its consent), makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors, admits in writing his, her or its inability to pay debts generally as they become due or commences or has commenced against him, her or itany bankruptcy or insolvency J"»rfta£"**"od or informal proceeding for the dissolution, liquidation or winding up ofthe affairs ofor the settlement of claims againsthim, her or it; or (vii) any representation or warranty heretofore made to the Lender or hereafter made to the Holder, or any C financial statement heretofore provided to the Lender or hereafter provided to tne Holder, by or on behalfof the Borrower or any Guarantor, proves, as ofthe date thereof, to have been incorrect or misleading; in any material respect, or before the execution and delivery to the Lender by the Borrower ofthis Note there occurred and was not disclosed to the Lender any materia! adverse change in any mformanor.disclosed inany such representation or warranty heretofore so made or in any such financial statement heretofore so provided; or (viii) Holder's estimate ofthe future aggregate legal fees collectible by Born^^i the Collateral^ time is 3 Initials less than EIGHT TIMES the Outstanding Principal Amount plus interest on this Note whether such estimate is based on (A) the actual client files ofBorrower from time to time, (B) the inclusion of an adjustment for the amount ofany indebtedness or obligation ofBorrower having priority over the collection rights ofHolder, or (C) any law, judicial decision, administrative order, or professional ethics opinion limiting the rights of law firms to sue clients for the collection of legal fees or expenses; or (ix) there occurs any change in the management of, or the beneficial ownership of any stock ofor other ownership interest in, the Borrower that is, in the opinion of the Holder, adverse to its interest and is not corrected to its full satisfaction within 30 days after it gives to the Borrower anotice that itconsiders such change adverse to its interest; or (x) there occurs any change in the value ofthe Collateral or Borrower's or any Guarantor's ownership interest in the Collateral, that is, in the opinion of the Holder, adverse to its interest and is not corrected to its full satisfaction within 10 days after itgives to the Borrower anotice that itconsiders such change adverse to its interest; or (xi) except for Permitted Indebtedness, Borrower or any Guarantor incurs after the date of this Note or repays after the date ofthis Note any indebtedness or liability, including any indebtedness or liability to any member or shareholder ofthe Bonower or any Guarantor or any affiliate of any Guarantor (for clarity, any future indebtedness ofBorrower or any Guarantor not included in Permitted Indebtedness requires the prior written consent ofHolder which consent may require that the proceeds ofsuch financing be used to repay this Note in whole or in part); or (xu) there occurs or exists any event or condition ofdefault, without the prior written cons cnt ofthe Holder, with respect to any (A) indebtedness or liability of Bonower or any Guarantor or (B) security agreement or other writing evidencing or relating toany Collateral; or (xiii) Borrower or any Guarantor creates, assumes or suffers to exist any mortgage, security interest, judgment or lien (including tax liens) on any of its assets now or hereafter acquired other than purchase money hens relating to the acquisition offixed assets or consumer debt; or (xiv) any Guarantor owns or hereafter acquires, without prior written consent ofthe Holder, an ownership interest cither direct or indirect, in any entity engaged in the practice oflaw other than Borrower; or (xv) Marc Natale is no longer employed by Bonower and Borrower has failed immediately to replace him with a controller or chieffinancial officer acceptable to Holder in its sole discretion; or (xvi) Borrower or any Guarantor fails upon the request ofthe Holder to sign aconfession ofjudgment or a replacement for apreviously signed confession ofjudgment with respect to this Note; or (xvi) any license to practice law held by Borrower or any Guarantor is suspended or revoked. e. Guarantor. "Guarantor" means, other than the Borrower, any Person (i) who or that is now or hereafter liable whether directly or indirectly or absolutely or contingently, for the payment of any ofthe Outstanding Principal Amount or any interest or other amount payable pursuant to this Note or (n) any asset of whom or which now or hereafter directly or indirectly secures the payment ofany ofthe Outstanding Principal Amountor any such interest or other amount. f Holder. The "Holder" means the Lender or any transferee ofthis Note^ Initials g Lender. The "Lender" means Counsel Financial II, LLC, aDelaware limited liability company having its chief executive office at 6400 Main Street, Suite 120, WiHiamsvillc, NY 14221, its successors and assigns, h. LIBOlt Rate. "LIBOR Rate" means the one-month London Interbank Offered Rate, as fixed by the British Bankers Association for United States dollar deposits in the London interbank market atapproximately 11:00 a.m. London, England time (or as soon thereafter as practicable) each day, as determined by the Lender from any broker, quoting service or commonly available source utilized by the Lender. i. Limiting Principal Amount. "Limiting Principal Amount" means $1,700,000, US currency. j. Loan. "Loan" means any loan by the Holder pursuant to the Credit. Ic Loan Request. "Loan Request" means any oral (including, but not limited to, telephonic), written or other (including, but not limited to, facsimile or email) request for aLoan. I. Maturity Date. The "Maturity Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 4ofthis Note. m. Outstanding Principal Amount. The "Outstanding Principal Amount" means the outstanding principal amount of this Note from time to time. n. Permitted Indebtedness. "Permitted Indebtedness" means indebtedness ofaPerson (A) to the Lender; (B) constituting unsecured normal trade debt incurred upon customary terms in the ordinary course ofsuch Person's business; (C) arising from the endorsement in the ordinary course ofsuch Person's business ofany check or other negotiable instrument for deposit or collection; (D) secured by aPermitted Lien as defined in the Security Agreement; or (E) consumer debt existing on the date ofthis Note. o. Person "Person" means (i) any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, trust or unincorporated association, (ii) any court or other governmental authority or (in) any other entity, body, organization or group. Security Agreement. "Security Agreement" means the Security Agreement described in Section 18 ofthis Note. Uniform Commercial Code. "Uniform Commercial Code" means the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect from time to time in the Stateof New York. 2, PROMISE TO PAY. For value received, the Borrower promises to pay to the order ofthe Holder in lawful money ofthe United States and immediately available funds at any ofthe offices ofthe Holder: The Outstanding Principal Amount and interest as described in Section 3of this Note by paying the amounts described in Section 4 of this Note; Ifany amount ofOutstanding Principal Amount or any payment ofinterest, including Mandatory Prepayments, payable pursuant to this Note is not paid by the date it becomes due, on demand by the Holder, amonthly late charge for each month or part thereofthat such overdue payment remains unpaid ofthe greater of(i)5% ofthe overdue payment or(ii) S50; Ifany document or information required to be provided to Holder under^ecti^ l(d)(iii) ofthis J4otc is not 5 Initials delivered when due or within 10 business days following request from the Holder, alate charge of$250 per month until such documentation has been provided toHolder; and d. On demand by the Holder, each cost and expense (including, but not limited to, the reasonable fees and disbursements ofcounsel, whether retained for advice, litigation or any other purpose) incurred by the Holder in endeavoring to (i) collect any ofthe Outstanding Principal Amount or any interest or other amount payable pursuant to this Note, (ii) preserve or exercise any right or remedy of the Holder pursuant to this Note or (iii) preserve or exercise any right or remedy ofthe Holder relating to any Collateral including the payment of unpaid insurance premiums, taxes, assessments or other obligations or incurrence of legal fees or court costs. 3 INTEREST. The Borrower shall pay interest, calculated on the basis ofa360 day year for the actual number of days ofeach year (365 or 366, as applicable), on the Outstanding Principal Amount from and including the date ofthis Note to but not including the date the Outstanding Principal Amount is paid mfull. On each day prior to the occurrence or existence of any Event of Default, the rate per year shall be Eighteen Percent (18%); provided, however, that if at any time the LIBOR Rate exceeds 2.5%, such interest rate shall, from time to time, increase by an amount equal to the difference between the LIBOR Rale and 2.5%. On the day of and on each day after the occurrence or existence ofany Event ofDefault, the rate per year shall be the lesser of(i) 24.9% or (n) the maximum rate permitted by applicable law ("Default Interest"). Default Interest shall be payable during any period ofdefault and up to and including the date of the next payment made after such period ofdefault. Default Interest, and not any rate set by statute, shall be computed in any entry ofjudgment pertaining to this Note, and further, shall be paid subsequent to the entry ofsuch judgment, and until actual satisfaction ofsaid judgment. The judgment shall include both the action and the obligation itself. In such event, the Default Interest rate shall continue up through and including all foreclosure proceedings and proceedings for payment ofmonies including but not limited to surplus money proceedings and shall be computed in the entry ofany judgment, and further, subsequent to the entry of any judgment, and until actual satisfaction ofthis Note and said judgment Notwithstanding the foregoing, (A) in no event shall such interest be payable at arate in excess ofthe maximum -ate permitted by applicable law and (B) solely to the extent necessary to result in such mterest not being payable at arate in excess ofsuch maximum rate, any amount that would be treated as part of such interest under afinal judicial interpretation of applicable law shall be deemed to have been amistake and automatically canceled, and, if received by the Holder, shall be refunded to the Borrower or applied to the Outstanding Principal Amount, as determined by the Holder, it being the intention ofthe Lender and the Borrower that such interest not be payable at a rate in excess of such maximum rate 4 PAYMENTS. In addition to the Mandatory Prepayment provisions of Section 9of this Note, the Borrower shall (a) pay the Outstanding Principal Amount in twenty-four (24) equal installment payments con^encing onMay 1 2014 and continuing monthly thereafter with the final payment due and payable on April 1, 2016 (the Maturity Date") and (b) pay monthly interest as described In Section 3of tills Note that has accrued on the Outstanding Principal Amount through the last day ofany calendar month, beginning with the calendar month containing the date ofthis Note, all such payments ofprincipal or interest by the 10th day ofthe succeeding calendar month. In addition, the Borrower shall at all times prior to the Maturity Date (a) maintain an interest reserve (the "Reserve") with the Holder equal to 30 days' interest based on the Outstanding Principal Amount on the later ofthe dale or the most recent Loan under this Note or the last day ofthe most recently ended calendar month during the term ot this Note and (b) maintain an authorization for electronic funds tranfer by the Holder at abank and account designated by Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Holder for payments under this Note. The Holder may, but shall not be obligated to, deduct from the proceeds of any Loan an amount sufficient to fund the Reserve, may commingle the Reserve with its other funds, shall have no obligation to pay any interest on the Reserve anc shall be entitled to set oft against the Reserve, or authorize an electronic funds transfer for, any amount that is not paid to the Holtowhen due i/r Initials under this Note. 5. LOAN REQUESTS. (a) At any time prior to May 1,2013, the Borrower may make aLoan Request, which Request shall be irrevocable that specifies (i) the amount requested as the principal amount of the Loan, (ii) the law firm purposes for the Loan and (iii) the business day of the Holder on which such Loan is requested to be made. All Loan Requests shall be for the sole purpose ofrefinancing Borrower's existing credit facilities with the Lender or making interest payments under this Note, except that the Lender will permit adraw ofup to 355,000 on the date ofthis Note to cover rent payments, provided that the Borrower provides supporting documentation satisfactory to the Lender in its sole discretion with the draw request form. Borrower shall maintain credit availability at all times under this Note in an amount equal to not less than 60 days interest based on the Outstanding Principal Amount on the later ofthe date of the most recent Loan under this Note or the last day ofthe most recently ended calendar month during the term ofthis Note No Loan Reoucsts may be made to fund the activities or operations ofBorrower (other than as specifically set : forth above), any Guarantor or any third party entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Loan shall be made with respect to any principal amount prepaid under Section 9of this Note until at least one (1) business day after the date ofsuch prepayment. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Note to the contrary, commencing May 1, 2013, Borrower shall not be permitted to make any further Loan Requests under this Note. (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Note to the contrary, the decision whether to honor such Loan Request and make such Loan shall be in the sole discretion of the Holder. The Holder may treat as made by the Borrower and rely upon, and the Borrower shall be bound by, any Loan Request that die Holder in good faith believes to be valid and to have been made in the name or on behalfofthe Borrower by any officer, manager, member partner or other individual authorized to act on behalfofthe Borrower, and the Holder shall not incur any liability to the Borrower or any other Person as adirect or indirect result ofhonoring such Loan Request and making such Loan. 6 LIMITATION ON OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL AMOUNT. The Borrower shall not at any time permit, and the Holder shall net at any time be obligated to permit, the Outstanding Principal Amount to exceed the Limitmg ! Principal Amount. 7 : I 1 SCHEDULE OF ADVANCES OR LOAN ACCOUNT. There shall be payable as principal pursuant to this Note only so much of the Limiting Principal Amount as shall have been advanced by the Holder as aLoan or Loans and is outstanding. The Holder shall set forth on aschedule or loan account (including but not limited to, any amount of each Loan, (b) the date and amount ofeach payment applied to tho Outstanding Principal Amount and (c) the Outstanding Principal Amount after each Loan and each such payment. Each such annotation shaU, mthe absence of manlest error, be conclusive and binding upon the Borrower. No failure by the Holder to make and no error by he Holder in making any annotation on such schedule or loan account shall affect the Borrower's obligation to repay the principal amount ofeach Loan, the Borrower's obligation to pay interest on the outstanding principal amount ofeach Loan or any other obligation ofthe Bonower to the Holder pursuant to this Note or otherwise. 8 OPTIONAL PREPAYMENT. The Bonower shall have the option ofprepaying, without penalty or oremium, the Outstanding Principal Amount to the Holder in full or part at any time and from time to time provided mat (a) the Outstanding Principal Amount must exceed $50,000 at all times during the first one hundred twenty (20) days after the date ofthis Note, and (b) upon prepaying the Outstanding Principal Amount in full, the Borrower shall pav to the Holder all interest and other amounts payable pursuant to this Note and remaining unpaid. With respect to prepayments made on or after May 1,2014, any partial prepayment shall not result in areduction mthe teim of mis schedule or loan account maintained in computerized records) annotations evidencing a) the date and principal Note, and the HoIder will recalculate the monthly principal amortization for the remaining term ofthe Note as ot the first day ofthe month Immediately following the dale of prepayment. 7 Initials 9 MANDATORY PREPAYMENT. In addition to payments set forth above, Bonower shall be required to pay the Holder amounts (collectively, the "Mandatory Prepayments") equal to (i) commencing on the date hereofand continuing until April 30, 2014, an amount each month equal to the greater of (A) $2,500 or (B) the sum of(I) 10% ofall revenues received by Borrower in the prior month up to $100,000, plus (II) 50% of all revenues received by Borrower msuch month in excess of$100,000, and (ii) on and after May 1, 2014 until the Outstanding Principal Amount and interest thereon has been paid in full, ifgreater than the amount ofprincipal required to bo paid in aparticular month pursuant to Section 4(a) of this Note, 30% of all Net Fees (as hereinafter defined) received by Borrower in the prior month. Any Mandatory Prepayment made pursuant to clause (i) ofthe preceding sentence will be applied first to accrued but unpaid interest and fees and then to Outstanding Principal Amount. Commencing May 1,2014, all Mandatory Prepayments shall be applied to repay Outstanding Principal Amount and shall not offset Borrower's obligat.on to make monthly interest payments. All Mandatory Prepayments must be paid to Holder within three (3) business days afterthe end ofeach month. For purposes ofthis section, "Net Fees" means all legal fees and reimbursed expenses resulting from any client representation or referral (whether contingent, hourly, fixed fee or other) after payment ofallamounts owing to third party lawyers (other than employees or partners ofBorrower) for assistance orreferralwith respectto such chen representation. Elementis remitted toHolder, any such funds payableto theBorrowershal be held inBoiTowers.rust account to the benefit of the Holder. Borrower shall continue to escrow any and all such funds received until payment of the mndatory amount is transmitted to Lender. Funds in Borrower's trust account in which the Holder has an mterest sha Z£f2 to anyone exceptHolder. With respectto prepayments made on or afterMay 12014, anypartialprepaymen sh II not result in areduction in the term ofthis Note, and Holder will recalculate the monthly principal amortization for me remaining term of the Note as ofthe first day ofthe month immediately following the date ofprepayment. l(1 PURPOSE OF LO ANS. The Borrower shall not obtain or use the proceeds ofany Loan for any purpose other than refinancing the Borrower's existing credit facilities with the Lender and funding; interest payments under t t £ S April 30,2013, except that the Lender will permit adraw ofup to $55,000 on the «***-*» to over ^1payments, provided that the Borrower provides supporting documentation satisfactory to the Lend . n ts sole discretion with the draw request form. The Borrower acknowledges, warrants and represents to, and agree, rtMMteflS•» Loan ProCCCdS bB "Sed bywarrants thB BOrrOWel ' f°r °ther than -il^dtSme of he Borrower. The Borrower further 3ha11 acknowledges, and represents to, and"I agrees"with, the Lende hat the Le de. ha not committed or promised to advance any funds or loans to the Borrower except in accordan; wft the tarn, and conditions and subject to the limitations set forth in this Note, the Security A^ent»d^ofter documents executed and delivered by the Borrower and Guarantors in connection herewith, and that the ^erhas made no representation to the Borrower regarding the adequacy ofthe Budget or ofany loans or**W«* made to the Borrower pursuant to this Note for purposes ofconducting the Borrower's legal or other business operations. 11 AMOUNTS IMMEDIATELY DUE. Upon or at any time or from time to time after the occurrence or existence ofany Event ofDefault other than, with respect to the Borrower, an Event ofDefaultdescribed in clause M"c^ he definition of Even, ofDefault set forth in Section 1(d) ofthis Note, the Outstanding Principal Amount and all interest and other amounts payable pursuant to this Note and remaining unpaid shall at the sole opt on of^the older and without any notice, demand, presentment or protest of any kind (each ofwhich is knowingly, voluntarily, iSttonSy and irrevocably waived by the Borrower), become immediately due. Upon the occurrence or existence f whrespect to the Borrower, any Event ofDefault described in such clause (v ), the Outstanding Principa Amount and all such interest and other amounts shall, without any notice, demand, presentment or Potest ofany kind (each of which is knowingly, voluntarily, intentionally and irrevocably waived by the Borrower), automatically become immediately due. 12 BOOKS AND RECORDS, The Borrower shal! maintain accurate books and records regarding its financial condition, including, but nol limited to, aged listings of accounts payable andaccoimts reccvable^all Initials expenses and disbursements, business operations, and the status and condition ofthe Collateral. Holder shall have the right at any time upon reasonable notice to inspect and audit such books, records, and accounts, and to make copies thereof. Ifafter the scheduling ofan audit, Borrower (i) cancels the audit within five (5) business days prior to the scheduled date or (ii) fails at the audit to provide Holder's representative with the necessary books and records to permit Holder's representative to complete the audit, Borrower shall promptly reimburse Holder for the costs associated with such cancelled orfailed audit, including all costs incurred by Holder with respect to its representative such as compensation and travel expenses, in an amount equal to the greater of$500 or actual costs. 13. CHANGES AND WAIVERS. No course ofconduct pursued, accepted oracquiesced in, and no oral, written or other agreement or representation made, by or on behalfof the Holder in the future will change this Note or waive any right or remedy ofthe Holder under or arising as aresult of this Note. Any change in this Note or waiver ofany right or remedy ofthe Holder under or arising as aresult of this Note must be made in awriting signed by or on behalf of the Holder. 14. GOVERNING LAW. This Note shall be governed by and construed, Interpreted and enforced in accordance with the internal laws ofdie State ofNew York, other than the conflict oflaw provisions ofsuch State, and, to the extent applicable, the federal law of the United States, without regard to the law ofany other jurisdiction. 15 CONSENT TOJURISDICTION. AS PART OFTHE CONSIDERATION FOR NEW VALUE RECEIVED AND REGARDLESS OF ANT PRESENT OR FUTURE DOMICILE OR PRLNCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS OF BORROWER OR HOLDER, BORROWER HEREBY CONSENTS AND AGREES THAT ANY CLAMS OR DISPUTES BETWEEN BORROWER AND HOLDER PERTAINING TO THIS NOTE OR TO ANY MATTER ARISLNG OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS NOTE SHALL BE BROUGHT ONLY IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK LOCATED IN THE COUNTY OF ERIE WHICH SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE THE COURT OF SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE VENUE FOR THE BRINGING OF Am' LEGA LACTION; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, HOLDER MAY AT ITS OPTION, COMMENCE ANY ACTION, SUIT OR PROCEEDING IN ANT OTHER APPROPRIATE FORUM OR JURISDICTION TO OBTAIN EQUITABLE RELIEF OR TO ENFORCE ANY JUDGMENT OR ORDER OBTAINED BY HOLDER AGAINST BORROWER, TO ENFORCE ANY OTHER RIGHT OR REMEDY UNDER THIS NOTE, OR TO OBTAIN ANY OTHER RELIEF DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY HOLDER. BORROWER EXPRESSLY SUBMITS AND CONSENTS LN ADVANCE TO SUCH JURISDICTION IN ANY ACTION OR SUIT COMMENCED IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK I OCATED IN ERIE COUNTY, AND BORROWER HEREBY WAIVES ANY OBJECTION WHICH BORROWER MAY HAVE BASED UPON LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION, IMPROPER VENUE OR FORUM NON CONVENIENS AND HEREBY CONSENTS TO THE GRANTING OF SUCH LEGAL OR EOUITABLE RELIEF AS IS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY SUCH NEW YORK COURT. BORROWER REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT IT HAS REVIEWED THIS CONSENT TO JURISDICTION PROVISION WITH ITS LEGAL COUNSEL, AND HAS MADE THIS WAIVER KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY. 16 WAIVER OF TRIAL BY JURY. THE BORROWER KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY, INTENTIONALLY AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVES EACH RIGHT THE BORROWER MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO (a) THE CREDIT, ANY LOAN OR COLLATERAL, THIS NOTE OR ANY OTHER WRITING HERETOFORE OR HERE AFTER EXECUTED LN CONNECTION WITH THE CREDIT OR ANY LOAN OR COLLATERAL, (b) ANY TRANSACTION ARISING OUT OF OR OTHERWISE RELATING TO THE CREDIT, ANY LOAN OR COLLATERAL, THIS NOTE OR ANY SUCH OTHER WRITING OR (c) ANY NEGOTIATION, ADMINISTRATION, PERFORMANCE OR ENFORCEMENT OFTHE CREDIT, ANY LOAN OR COLLATERAL, THIS NOTE OR ANY' SUCH Initials OTHER WRITING. 17 SERVICE OF PROCESS. PROCESS ON BORROWER IN ANY SUIT,ACTION OR PROCEEDING ARISING OUT OF THIS NOTE WILLBE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN WHEN GIVEN IN ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING WAYS: (I)PERSONALLY DELIVERED, (II) TWO BUSINESS DAYS AFTERDEPOSITED WITH A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED OVERNIGHT COURIER, POSTAGE PREPAID, THAT ROUTINELY ISSUES RECEIPTS, OR (TH) 4BUSINESS DAYS AFTER SENTBY CERTIFIED MAIL BY THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, POSTAGE PREPAED, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, ADDRESSED TO THE BORROWER AT THE ADDRESS SET FORTH IN SECTION l(n). Such service shall be deemed in every respect effective service ofprocess upon Borrower and shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be taken and held to be valid personal service upon the Borrower. Nothing in this Section shall affect the Holder's right to serve process in any other manner permitted by law. Borrower may add additional addresses orchange its address for purposes ofservice ofprocess by giving 10 days'prior written notice ofsuch change to the Holder in accordance with the notice provisions of the Security Agreement. 18. SECURITY AGREEMENT. This Note issecured by the terms ofa Security Agreement given by Borrower to Lender simultaneously herewith. 19. SOLVENCY. On the date hereof, and immediately prior to and after giving effect to the borrowing represented by this Note and the use ofthe proceeds thereof, Borrower's assets will exceed its liabilities and Borrower will be solvent, will be able topay its debts as they mature and will have capital sufficient to carry on its business as then constituted. 20. RENEWAL NOTE. This Note evidences but does not extinguish orsatisfy, and is not a novation of, a preexisting indebtedness evidenced by that certain Revolving Promissory Note executed by Borrower to Counsel Financial Services, LLC in the maximum principal amount of$600,000 dated January 16,2008, as amended and restated by the First Amended and Restated Revolving Promissory Note executed by Borrower to Counsel Financial Services, LLC in the maximum principal amount of$750,000 dated January 14,2009, all as subsequently assigned by Counsel Financial Services, LLC to Lender on September 17,2009, the Second Amended and Restated Revolving Promissory Note executed by Borrower to Lender in the maximum principal amount ofS925.000 dated January %2010, and the Third Amended and Restated Revolving Promissory Note executed by Borrower to Lender in the maximum principal amount of $1,275,000 dated July 13,2010 ("Prior Notes"). The Borrower hereby acknowledges that the outstaiding principalbalance under the Prior Notes immediately prior to the funding ofthis Note was / 3^> , f3 LzJiLg^ Dated: April ^, 2012 ACKNOWLEDGMENT/TOR NOT STATE OF NEW YORK 10 :SS. COUNTY OF On the Jfi day ofApril in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, anotary public in and for said state, personally appearedJohn Balestriere, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) executed the same in his (her) capacity as Managing Member ofBalestriere PLLC, and that by his (her) signature on the instrument, the individual, or other person upon behalf ofwhich the individual acted, executed the instrument. MARCJUSTIN HATALE NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY UC.#01NA9244836 C0MM.EXP.- ?/"/?0)> • ALLONGE TO FOURTH AMENDED AND RESTATED REVOLVING PROMISSORY NOTE, DATED APRIL JjQ, 2012, ISSUED BY BALESTRIERE PLLC . TO COUNSEL FINANCIAL H, LLC NOTICE- THIS NOTE IS SUBJECT TO ASECURITY INTEREST GRANTED BY COUNSEL FINANCIAL HOLDINGS, LLC AND ITS WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY COUNSEL FINANCIAL II LLC TO BANK OF AMERICA PURSUANT TO ACREDIT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 17, 2009, AMONG SUCH PARTIES, AS SUCH CREDIT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT MAY BE AMENDED, SUPPLEMENTED, REPLACED, RESTATED OR OTHERWISE MODIFIEDFROMTIME TO TIME 11 Initials
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