Vilnius, 6.2.2013 Nuclear energy for Baltic region Grzegorz Wrochna National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland [email protected] BRILLIANT project 1 Nuclear power development What will be the futre after Fukushima earthquake? End of the atom era, [email protected] or nuclear renesans? BRILLIANT project 2 Earthquake reported as „atomkatastrophe” [email protected] BRILLIANT project 3 Lessons from Fukushima earthquake Public (mis)perception: „Nuclear disaster” happened in Fukushima There was a danger of nuclear explosion Release of radioactivity threatened the lives of thousands of people Nuclear power plants can explode any time We better get rid of them all together, at any cost [email protected] Facts: In spite of terrible natural disasters which lead to damage of 6 reactors, no one was seriously hurt 40 reactors provided electricity while other type of plants could not It was „experimental” proof of nuclear safety Stress tests checked gen. II reactors Safety features already implemented in gen. III BRILLIANT project 4 Nuclear power plans Continuation Hesitation Freezing Phase-out [email protected] BRILLIANT project 5 Nuclear reactors 3.2011-9.2013 20 reactors shut down Germany 8, Japan 4, UK 3, USA 4, Canada 1 10 - connected to grid China 5, South Korea 2, Iran 1, Pakistan 1, Russia 1 14 - construction started China 4, India 2, South Korea 2, Pakistan 2, USA 2, Arab Emirates 1, Russia 1 Currently 69 reactors under constrution all over the world [email protected] BRILLIANT project 6 Why the world still attached to NP? Physics constraints (independent off technology): Uranium (nuclear power) – huge energy density Gas, oil, biomass (chemical en.) – medium density Wind, solar – very low energy density Fuel for GW/year (1 big power plant) needs: Poland 36 GW, Lithuania 5 GW, EU27 650 GW Biomass 2 000 km2 fields Wind 486 km2 area 2700 windmills of 1,5 MW Solar 23 km2 panels at equator 2555 football fields Biogas 20 000 000 pigs Natural gas 45 MJ/kg 1,2 km3 Oil 46 MJ/kg 1 400 000 tons 10 000 000 barrels Coal 10-30 MJ/kg 2 500 000 tons 26 260 rail cars = 2 trains / day Uranim 500 000 MJ/kg 35 tons of UO2 a few trucks [email protected] BRILLIANT project 7 Electricity demand in Poland will grow [email protected] BRILLIANT project 8 Age structure of power plants in Poland [email protected] BRILLIANT project 9 Electric energy mix in Poland TWh 180 160 nuclear 140 120 100 5% 5% 80 20 wind+bio+hydro 17% nat.gas+oil 11% 35% lignite 60 40 17% 55% hard coal 34% 21% 0 2008 2030 Energy mix fixed ±5% by available resources Keep coal ~constant: new plants to replace old, ○ more lignite, less hard coal Match increase of demand by more gas, wind & nuclear [email protected] BRILLIANT project 10 Polish Nuclear Power Programme Decision taken 13.01.2009: PGE indicated as the first investor ○ largest Polish energy company 2 plants, 3000 MW each, by 2030 ○ the first unit by 2020, now delayed to 2024 Program approved 28.01.2014: Plan for the first unit: 2015 – technology choice 2016 – request for permit 2018 – licence issued 2024 – in operation [email protected] BRILLIANT project 11 Polish Nuclear Power Programme 5 (five!) years from the decision to the program approval Why so long? There was public acceptane ~60% There was political consensus Similar situation is in other countries of the region What are the barriers? [email protected] BRILLIANT project 12 Bariers for nuclear programs Bariers specific to the Baltic region: Relatively small power systems ○ Not suitable for >1000 MW reactors (except Poland) ○ Amount of spend fuel & nuclear waste too small to justify reprocessing and repositories in each country Post-industrial landscape (closed shipyards etc) ○ Basic technical level of heavy industry & diminishing number of qualified workers Weak research sector ○ Poor nuclear research infrastructure ○ Competence gap between old and new nuclear programs [email protected] BRILLIANT project 13 Think regionaly! Local problems Relatively small power systems No justification for autonomous handling of nuclear wastes Basic technical level of heavy industry & diminishing number of qualified workers Poor nuclear research infrastructure & competence gap between old and new nuclear programs [email protected] require regional solutions Analysis of electric power systems Regional cooperation on nuclear waste and fuel cycle Macroeconomic impact of nuclear programs Nuclear R&D capacity building BRILLIANT project 14 Countries involved: ○ Estonia, ○ Latvia, ○ Lithuania, ○ Poland, ○ Sweden Goal: Identify bariers in developing nuclear power, specific to the Baltic region. Find regional solutions for local problems. [email protected] BRILLIANT project 15 Brilliant in Euratom The BRILLIANT idea was officialy presented at Euratom conferece FISA 2013 in Vilnius under Lithuanian EU presidency Ministerial letters from Lithuania, Poland and Hungary have been sent to the EU Commision in support for regional nuclear initiatives In response, EC modified the 2014-2015 Euratom Workprogramme to inlcude dedicated topic for such initiatives Call for proposals was announced Dec 2013 with submision deadline September 2014 [email protected] BRILLIANT project 16 Euratom Fission 2007-2011 EST Are we in the same continent? [email protected] BRILLIANT project 17 Euratom Workprogramme 2014-2015 Regional initiative aiming at nuclear research and training capacity building Specific challenge: Maintaining competence in fission safety remains of interest for a number of Member States especially in the Baltic and Eastern European region. Discussions have started at these various regional levels with the aim to develop jointly sustainable applications of fission for e.g. new and safer research reactor technology, radio-active waste management and training and education in these fields. [email protected] BRILLIANT project 18 Euratom Workprogramme 2014-2015 Scope: The aim is to support the exchange of scientific staff and the sharing of equipment, knowledge and competences between private and/or public research laboratories within the region and with similar organisations in other EU Member States. This action should take advantage of and develop synergies with ongoing and future Euratom projects in particular those offering access to research infrastructures in conjunction with education and training. A strong involvement of appropriate public bodies from the Member States concerned is essential, as well as links with relevant platforms such as SNETP and IGD-TP. This action should also aim at examining how Structural Funds could possibly be mobilised to further develop regional cooperation in the area. [email protected] BRILLIANT project 19 Euratom Workprogramme 2014-2015 Expected impact: The capacity building at regional level for nuclear research and training through cooperation and networking will reduce regional disparity in the European Union. Such effort will reinforce the EU excellence in fission relevant applications and in particular in nuclear safety and radioactive waste management. Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions. Additional information: In line with the nature of the action, the Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the Euratom of between EUR 1 and 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. [email protected] BRILLIANT project 20 Brilliant proposal WP0. Coordination ○ leader: LEI Lithuania. WP1. Nuclear Research Capacity building ○ leader: NCBJ Poland WP2. Regional cooperation on nuclear waste and fuel cycle ○ leader: Estonia/ KTH Sweden WP3. Macroeconomic impact of nuclear programs ○ leader: Latvia LU/LE WP4. Study of energy system issues for deployment of nuclear energy ○ ○ leader: LEI Lithuania possible invitation for Fortum, Finland to provide their input WP5. Public Communication ○ leader: KTH Sweden [email protected] BRILLIANT project 21 Brilliant proposal WP1. Nuclear Research Capacity building Education and training Mobility of researchers and students Access to research infrastructures Upgrade of research infrastructures Research programs on issues listed in WP2 and WP4 Concept of regional training centre for advanced nuclear technologies [email protected] BRILLIANT project 22 Brilliant proposal WP2. Regional cooperation on nuclear waste and fuel cycle Regional forecast of the need for nuclear waste treatment Conceptual study of regional fuel reprocessing center Study on regional scheme of close fuel cycle with gen.4 reactors Identification of regulatory issues. [email protected] BRILLIANT project 23 Brilliant proposal WP3. Macroeconomic impact of nuclear programs Estimation of possible participation level of national and regional industries in the nuclear power programs in the region Analysis of different properties of nuclear programs (financing options, regional cooperation etc.) and their impacts Assessment of macroeconomic impact of nuclear programs implementation Training programs for workers to grow new competencies and for companies to meet most demanding certification for large steel structures fabrication. [email protected] BRILLIANT project 24 Brilliant proposal WP4. Study of energy system issues for deployment of nuclear energy Behavior of electric power systems with operation ≥1000 MW units Optimization of unit flexibility for different power systems, grid analysis. Study of interplay between power systems in Baltic countries [email protected] BRILLIANT project 25 National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Reactor MARIA 1100 employees [email protected] [email protected], Nuclear research in Poland Nuclear Centre at Swierk 30 km from Warsaw 44 ha area BRILLIANT project Washington, 2010-06-23 26 Research reactor MARIA at Świerk neutron beam research, material irradiation, radioisotope production 99Mo for medical use 18% of world production export of radioisotopes to 78 countries worldwide built 1974, upgrade 1992 pool type H2O, Be moderated 30 MW thermal power neutron flux: ○ thermal 4·1014 n/cm2s ○ fast 2·1014 n/cm2s [email protected] BRILLIANT project 27 NCBJ - material research Hot cells Reactor MARIA for irradiation 30 MW, high n flux Structural analysis and modelling 50000 30000 10 20000 5 vierge 0 400 4 2 600 800 6 8 10 -2 2 cm 1 12 10000 10 COUNTS 40000 0 RAMAN SHIFT (cm -1 ) [email protected] BRILLIANT project 28 Nuclear Energy Division Safety Analyses: ○ ○ New Reactor Technologies: ○ ○ ○ ○ Spectrometrical Laboratory Nuclear fuel composition measurement Environmental tests Detection of composition of archeological objects and geological materials Participation in radiological waste repository planning and design program IPPA Project Centre of Excellence MANHAZ; ○ Participation in Thorium project; Transmutation of a nuclear wastes – collaboration with JINR Dubna; Use of ADS and fast reactors; Radiochemistry and Environmental Analyses: ○ Calculation done for polish research reactor MARIA; Validation of neutronic calcultaion in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory; Nuclear Fuel Cycle; ○ ○ Polish projects: HTR PL; International projects: Allegro, NC2I-R (Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative); Reactor Core Neutronic Analyses: ○ ○ DSA (Currently used codes: CATHARE 2 v25_2 mod8.1, RELAP5 – projects made in collaboration with IAEA and CEA experts) PSA (work done for NAEA) Modelling of the weather, atmospheric releases of hazardous substances (RODOS system) and radioactive ground contamination, CFD calculations; CIŚ – high performance computing centre; [email protected] BRILLIANT project 29 In the nuclear world we have common goals [email protected] BRILLIANT project 30
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