James Fisher Nuclear ROI Case Study - May 2014 V1_Layout 1 10/06/2014 11:48 Page 1 Return on Investment for Skills for Nuclear This case study demonstrates the benefits of membership to the National Skills Academy for Nuclear, the lead strategic skills body for the Nuclear industry in the UK. James Fisher Nuclear: Costs of Membership Pictured (l-r): Steve Ellison, Head of Technical and Dr Paul Read, Managing Director James Fisher Nuclear (JFN) is an established, niche supplier of specialist services and equipment, including design, manufacture, testing, and inspection to a diverse range of nuclear customers who operate across the nuclear sector in new build, decommissioning, fuel manufacturing, and generation. JFN make a significant investment in membership of the Skills Academy, both in terms of cash (investment of which this year will be approximately £11,000 including VAT), and in terms of officer time attending meetings both with Skills Academy staff and with other Skills Academy member organisations. The investment of time made by JFN’s staff in this relationship through conversations with Regional Manager Alli Hunt is valued at an estimated £500, and factoring in quarterly regional meetings could be a further £1,000. Finally the purchase of Triple Bar training brings with it a small cost. In total, JFN’s investment in the Skills Academy currently runs at approximately £13,500 per annum. JFN employs approximately 400 full-time equivalent workers in the UK nuclear sector, which Managing Director Dr Paul Read estimates accounts for approximately 60% of their total business turnover. His initial motivations for getting involved in the Skills Academy were commercial, as he describes: Per Annum Cost : Membership Cost : Officer Time 1 Cost : Triple Bar Training 2 Total Costs £11,000 £1,500 £1,080 £13,580 Benefits in 2014 Benefit : Sales 3 Benefit : Sector Insight Benefit : Triple Bar productivity benefits 4 Total Benefit “Initially it was all about increased visibility, leading to us doing more business – it seemed to be important to a number of our key customers.” In addition to this commercial motivation, MB Faber (a company which was subsequently incorporated into JFN) was involved in the first and second years of the Community Apprenticeship Scheme and keen to see how the Skills Academy could support them. James Fisher Nuclear £54,000 £3,000 £12,240 £69,240 Return on Investment Ratio for James Fisher Nuclear £1 invested : £5.10 return 1 Estimated cost of officer time spent getting the most out of Membership The estimated cost of the time for 18 workers to complete Triple Bar (Existing Sites) Training 3 Attribution of 0.5% of nuclear turnover to the National Skills Academy for Nuclear – based on at least one major client scoring 1% of their Pre-qualification Questionnaires for Skills Academy membership. 2 JFN are now involved in the Skills Academy through a number of routes, including the Employer Ownership Funded Give2Gain project, Triple Bar training, the Nuclear Skills Passport, and regional meetings in Wales. 4 Based on increased speed to access of nuclear sites Led by over 120 Nuclear organisations James Fisher Nuclear ROI Case Study - May 2014 V1 Copyright © National Skills Academy for Nuclear 2014 James Fisher Nuclear ROI Case Study - May 2014 V1_Layout 1 10/06/2014 11:48 Page 2 Skills Benefits Membership of the National Skills Academy for Nuclear appears to be associated with real commercial benefits for its members which can exceed the costs of membership substantially. Every aspect of Skills Academy membership used by this business appears to pay back more than the investment they make in it. The Benefits of Membership JFN received approximately £40,000 of CAS funding for seven Apprentices starting in 2008 and 2009. As the Community Apprenticeship Scheme is now closed, this benefit has not been factored in to the Return on Investment calculations, but we note that this funding on its own equates to over three years of James Fisher Nuclear’s membership. Commercial Benefits It is possible to identify direct commercial benefits from membership of the Skills Academy; at least one of JFN’s major Site Licence Company clients scores 1% of their Pre-Qualification Questionnaires to Skills Academy membership, and based on this proxy we estimate 0.5% of their nuclear turnover could be attributable to that relationship. Based on the value of that one relationship, Skills Academy membership appears to have contributed approximately £54,000 to JFN’s turnover over the last 12 months. Productivity Benefits In the last 12 months JFN have put 18 members of staff through the Triple Bar (Existing Sites). This has cost approximately £60 per employee. However, it has led to significant cost benefits in the view of Rob Watson of JFN, who believes that the increased efficiency of induction through this programme enables each of these members of staff to access the site one day quicker than they were previously able to. This increases the amount of billable work they can do, and as this work is valued at £680 per day brings about total benefits across this cohort in excess of £12,000. Paul also believes that the Skills Academy has helped JFN to understand and correct skills gaps. “We have a formal process in place now to identify skills gaps and then identify appropriate training for individuals which could be technical training or personal skills; the Skills Academy adds weight to that programme and gives us an awareness of the training opportunities out there to deal with gaps.” Insight Benefits JFN supports aspiring engineers through work placements and sponsorship through university, and has an extensive programme of recruitment of new blood as apprentices and new graduates to support the company’s business growth ambitions. Developing these new recruits requires additional training. Paul and Steve agree that the relationship they have with the Skills Academy, and specifically with their Regional Manager, provides value in terms of helping them to formulate their views around training requirements for the industry which otherwise they would have to invest time and resource informing. “She gives us a focal point in terms of thinking about our skills and development needs…we do a reasonable job of training but in recent years we’ve decided that we need to increase our level of training quite substantially and Alli has acted as a sounding board around that. Looking to the future we are recruiting a new training co-ordinator and we imagine they will have quite a lot of interaction with her.” In total, Paul estimates that the value of the insight they get from the relationship with the Skills Academy is equivalent to approximately 5% of a director-level individual’s working year. He estimates the value to the business of this time at approximately £3,000 (based on the costs to the business of that individual rather than the opportunity cost). For more information: T 01900 898120 E [email protected] W nuclear.nsacademy.co.uk
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