PRINCIPAI'S PE 17 July 2014 Dear Parents, Welcome to the first edition of our school newsletter for Term 3. This term, like all school terms, is set to be very big as we prepare to celebrate our fifty years of secondary education in September. I would like to draw your attention to our recent staff changes. On Monday this week each of our families received a Ietter congratulating Mrs Kelly Newton on her successful appointment to the position of Principal at Wandoan State School. As I highlighted on Monday, this appointment is a direct result of Mrs Newton's hard work, determination and success as the Head of Curriculum here at Taroom P-10 State School. Mrs Angela Heslin has been appointed to the position of Head of Curriculum and will share her year 4t5 class with our new teacher, Miss Michelle Peall. Michelle is teaching year 415, year 7, and year 9/10. Michelle joins us from the Sunshine Coast. Please join me in welcoming Michelle Peall to Taroom, and in congratulating both Kelly Newton and Angela Heslin. You will have noticed when dropping off your students that we are again being blessed by the painters. We have now had the Administration building, the staffroom, the JMS building, the primary toilets, the walkways and the Prep building painted. I have to say that the school is looking fantastic and it is a true credit to all our staff and parent helpers. This week Mr Brannan has been busy installing our new school signs. Each of the offices in the Administration area have new signs on the doors, there are a number of signs highlighting the location of the Administration area (which is always helpful) and we now have our three school rules, 'Focused on Learning, Focused on Respect and Focused on Safety' displayed around the school. These new signs are a constant visual reminder to our students that our core business is learning, and that respect and safety is paramount to learning success, which of course at the end of the day is what we are all about, success! Rodeo Dress-up (Tomorrow) This year marks 60 years of rodeo in Taroom, and to help celebrate this milestone all our students are being encouraged to dress-up in their favourite rodeo outfits as cowboys and cowgirls, and to wear them with pride at school tomorrow. This is not a fundraising event; we simply wish to show our support for our local rodeo. Please encourage all our students to come dressed for this special occasion. Tomorrow the Australian Rodeo Queen will be visiting our school to chat with our students. 50 Years Cetebrations (Registration) - As part of our 50th celebrations we are asking every family and community member who is intending on coming to please complete the attached registration form and return it to the school as soon as possible. lt is vital to our forward planning that everyone registers for the event so that we can accurately cater and put in place different initiatives on the day. PIEASE, PtEASE, PLEASE, REGISTER TODAYI (Commemonatlve Paver Frojeet) This is the Iast eall for paver orders! All orders must be in to Lisa in the office by Tuesday. I have managed to get one extension on the due date from Signature Engraving in Melbourne. However, they have informed us that if orders are not received by Wednesday next week then the pavers will not be dispatched for the 6rh of September, Please note that this project is not jusi for secondary students. This initiative is for all students past and present regardless of year level and for all community members associated with our school. Urget[ Fleasc finalise your orden today. Josh Arnold Project Josh Arnold will be returning to our schoolon August the 12th. Josh will again be working with all our students to create a new round of school and community songs. This visit Josh will aiso be creating"a short documentary on life in Taroom. As part of this process .losn witt biinterviewing staff, students and com[runity members, both in the lead up to our celebrations and on the day itself. lf you haie a great story to share please send it in with your details attached and we will forward it to Josh to consider for i-he documentary. .losn is also keen to hear from families who are long term enrolments through many generations. lf your tamily has been involved in our for generations we would love to hear youistory, Rt6ase send them in. ln the lead up to our concert on ;chggt the 6"' of September we are asking all students to begin practising their songs from last year. please encourage students to dust off their copy of 'Let's Rise Together Taioom', oimore appfupriately, genfly remove it from thit prized position on the trophy cabinet, and begin singing our songs once more. All students will have a new song to learn in very short timelines, so please Uegin pra-tising our ol-der songs as soon as possible. Feel like a trip down memory lane? Fancy a dig through.those old photo albums? Preparations for a 50'n Anniversary commemorative book and photographic display are well underuvay. ln order to provide a comprehensive history of our Secondary Department wJ would like todisplay all of the oificial class and staff photographs from over the 50 years. We hive searched the many boxes, storage cupboards and files throughout the school; however we are missing a number of important ptrotos from throu-ghouithe years. We are missing.... Year 965 1967 1 968 1 969 1970 1972 1 1973 1974 1975 1976 't9 1 /7 983 I Missing Photos Staff Staff, Year B, Year g, Year 10 Siaff, Year 8, Year g, Year 10 Staff, Year 8, Year g, Year 10 Staff, Year 8, Year g, Year 10 Staff Staff Staff Staff, Year B, Year g, Year 10 Staff, Year B, Year 9, Year 10 Staff, Year B. Year 9. Year 10 Year 10 Year 1987 ootr ,{ 996 1997 1 998 1 999 1 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2010 Year 8 Staff, Staff, Staff, Staff, Staff, Staff, Staff, Year Year Year Year Year Year Year I Year 8, Year 9, Year B, Year 9, Year 8, Year 9, Year 8, Year 9. Year B, Year 9, 10 10 10 10 10 9, Year 10 8, Year 9. Year 10 Staff Year B, Year 9, Year'10 Year B Staff, Year B, Year 9, Year 10 lf you think you may have copies of any of these photos we would really appreciate you sharing them with us. Drop them to the school office or to Dee Hay and we will scan them and ensure theii safe return. For the techno sawy, simply can scan them yourself, save the image as a JPEG file and emailthem to [email protected] Deadlines for the publication of our commemorative book are looming so please, start digging! - to look for on the Sth and e @r Focused on Literacy Parade " . . . * "* u ' Taroom Public Speaking Competition saturday 6"' of September Market Stalls Josh Arnold Concert Time Capsule Merchandise Sales Class Group Photos Classroom Stalls Bar Evening DJ 6th of $eptember: . ' o CommunityMorning-Tea Under Bs Day Celebrations . lnter-house Softball Championships Commemorative Tree o . * . Lazer-tag Official Opening 1 1:00am Commemorative Book And Much More. Planting " , . o * . . * Reading Around the Classrooms Bright and Colourful Costumes Commemorative Paver Display Memorabilia Display Early Years Performance Family Portraits Registration from g:00am Evening Meals ft $NIN6 f'd#fflfff# * &ffifi{trIw# rx{milfl{tgf Happy Birthday Archer Coutts -19th July SCHOOL'SUPPORTERS' SH!RTS Mr Mohr and the Year Six Tallebudgera students have designed a supporter shirt as a fundraiser for our Tallebudgera families. The shirts will have the school logo on the front and Let's Rise Taroom written on the back. Shirts are on sale for $25 each with profits going towards the camp costs. We have a range of sizes displayed outside of the Office, so come in and check them out. Fundraising Raffle (P & C supported) Fundraising for Tallebudgera & Northern Territory Trips ve hit te Drawn early August Prize - Family Webber BBQ & 40 L Engel Fridge Buv tickets from students in Years 5 -7 and 8 -9 Please return all raffle tickets and money to Lisa in the office as soon as possible so we can begin finalising the fundraising efforts for our Northern Territory Trip - which is only 9 weeks away. lf you haven't been able to sell your tickets please send them in also. Thank you very much for your ongoing support with this initiative and we look fonruard to sending off our happy campers shortly! National Consistent Data Gollection about school students with disabilitv AllAustralian governments have agreed to work together on the annual collection of data on school students with disability. The collection of this data will assist teachers, principals and education authorities support the participation of students with disability in schooling on the same basis as students without disability. |n2015, the full national collection of data on school students with disability will be required in all Australian schools. This new national data collection will reinforce the actions required of schools under the national Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. This year, the Department of Education, Training and Employment is phasing in the collection of the data, stafting with the collection of data from 10 per cent of Queensland's state schools. ln this first year of phasing in the colleetion, Queensland state schools will only be providing aggregate level information, which will not identify any individual student. ln future years, the collection will require individual student information and information will be forwarded to parents at that time to allow them to make an informed choice about whether they want their child's information to be included or not in the national reporting activity. Taroom P-10 State Sehool is partieipating in this data collection next week. lf you would like to discuss this data collection, or if you would like to not participate in the collection please contact the office as soon as possible. The collection will be completed by Friday the 25th of July. Further information and a fact sheet for parents/carers is available from the Department's website: http://education.qld.oov.aulcurriculum/disabilitv-data-collection.html. ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The Athletics Carnival is on the Friday 1't August. The students will need to be at school by 8:15 am to begin the day at 8:30 am. Programs wiil be ln the newsletter closer to the date. ATHTETIGS TRAINING Athletics training is on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3 - 4 pm. Mrs Adamson has kindly offered her time on Thursday for High jump. Thank you Mrs Adamson. \rq 't. I './ tn )r,! I Lris I /o; .l f q k, ! *i tr .i;t, \t ''eq 1t t t- tronflralnla{ions ffeebail and soltfrattersl f#Jtrf/ysfl##Sfl#g#*##ddtrftrSffXlitrfrfutrtr{fff ********************************************* ** * .^- {vw * * % F#-%@ru*fumm ffirymffiffi 5F ffir w*& W@-J(.!t,fl dffij K,,ffiffiruffi $ait * W: ti * e ,99wlffi%te Fo wi*4*& rxffi*xx r" ffim ff,;; 7: ". 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All in all the night was a success and we hope you enjoyed itl Our new focus is I have High Expectations. Teachers will be looking for students who: n . n n Have strong values and are goal orientated Set clear achievable goals Have a plan to achieve their goals Want to succeed TOUGH FOOTBALL AND CHESS COMPETITIONS The Student Council is organising touch football and chess competitions to be held during the lunch break in early Term 3. Students have been asked to nominate to play and the Student Council will organise the teams. P&EGENERALMEETIAIG The next P & C Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 12 August at 3.15 pm in the school library. TUEKSHCIP Workers Week 2 23 July Leanne Woodard Tina Hay Claire Waters eooks Tara Lovett Kirsty Sommers Anita Fitzgerald TOKENS At this week's P & C meeting it was tabled and unanimously voted to phase out the tuckshop tokens. Tokens that are current in circulation can still be used through our normal processes; however our tuckshop is now accepting cash. Please ensure that you include the correct amount of money with your child's order. The P & C Association would like to take this opportunity to welcome Miss Michelle Peall and her son Kendall Peall, who joins our year one class. We would also like to welcome to the year one class Hayley Turner Honnery. We also welcome Sharna Johnson who joins our year ten class. Seouf Group: /mferesf Nigttt After a short respite to allow for leader training scouting will again be starting up in Taroom. Any people interested in Scouting as helpers or parents of children interested in Joey, Cubs or Scouts join us for an information night next Wednesday 23d July at 6:30pm at the Den (near the showgrounds). Questions answered by Group Leader, Regional Commissioner, John Flynn and Scouting Queensland Development Officer, Gillian Hall. Come along and find out what scouting is all about. lt's fifty years of Scouting in Taroom this year - let's help keep scouting alive! fipfiil{il& w,fffi{il$# * &fri{frNfr rXffIIIiltE! The Semester One History Unit for year-One is called .At this rnoment in time.' In this uni! students have investigated how we describe the sequence of time. The Year. One's have been putting together their life story and are now preparing to perfor.rn their first public speaking activity! Invitation To: What: Where: When: Friends and Family of year Talks 'AII About Me, The Year 1 Classroom Thursday the 2pm - 3pm" Z4th of July. l. TAROOM P*fl,(' STATE SCHOOL SECONDARY DEPARTMENT GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY CETEBRATIONS REGISTRATION FORM You are invited to register for the Taroom P-1.0 State School's, Secondary Department Golden Anniversary Celebrations to be the hetd on Sth and 6th Septembe r 2AL4. By registering for the celebrations, we will be able to keep you updated about the celebrations via email or post. Registration will also provide us with an indication of how many people will be attending the celebrations. Please complete this form and return it to: Taroom s0th Celebrations: aPO Box 201, TAROOM QLD 4420 aFax (07) 4528 93000 sEmail: info@ta u Name: Mnaiden/Pnevious name : Address: Phone: Email: E Past student What years did you attend school here? E Past Teacher/Staff What was your role E Member (Eg What years did you work here? - Principa!, Teacher, Teacher Aide, Cleanen, Janitor)? Current Stude nt/Staff/Fam ily Names of other people attending with your (Eg - Husband/wife/children): 1,. 2. 3. 4. fttrumrber Eay & date atteriding Activity eost Literacy Parade - within the Community and morning tea in the park FnEday, Sth Septermben Open class participation Evening Evening Evening Reception for Past and presesrt staff Name of accounti B5B: Money - Reception for Past and Present Staff Meal- hot payment Details Order Taroorn State School 064 409 Referenee: Transaction U Free adrnission Bicentena ry Celebrations Evening Concert Sate,rrday, 4th Aurgust U cheque El Direct Deposit - / /20L4 - Details below) Free admission $t5 - tickets $to each. (Cheques and Money orA"r. Eank: Commonwealth Bank frlo: An'lount: nrea! {Pavment at the event) 100 887 68 (Your name) 50th Tickets Date: $to meal (Prepayment Free admissiosa dish and dessert Aceount Fnee admission S ln September we celebrate our Secondary Department's 50th Anniversary, To honour this milestone, we would like to establish a Commemorative Pavement in the front of our new restaurant in the secondary area. To help fund this major works project, the school is selling engraved commemorative pavers. By pafticipating your name will become a permanent parl of the school's environment and you will celebrate and remember your family's time as members of our school community. Stleet l i jNY. "...r,..,'.-,-','-. P.iist Goiie .,., i rr. :.r'. : i i1 to and during the weekend celebrations, and will subsequently be installed after the event. Piease cop.y ancl pass on to any friends & fanrily, ti'!r= i'lEEts Yr0rUr{ SUPPOFiT! Paver Payment Name of - Direct Deposit account: BSB: school 064 409 Reference: Transaction Taroom state (Your name) Pavers Date: I t2014 , Bank: corron*.rlth Brnk Account No: 100 BB7 68 Arnount: $ HNGRAVIruG METAIL$ S!NGtE PAVER * MAX f 4 CE{ARACTERS PER. tINE Please print clearly using ALL CAPITAL IETTERS. Three lines per paver. Each box represents a character (letter, number, punctuation mark or space). No hand drawings. Liele A a LEare 2 Line J MUtTIPLE PAVER: MAX {2 CHARACTERS PER LINE Please print clearly using AtL CAPITAL !-ETTERS. Three lines per paver. Each box represents a character (letter, number, punctuation mark or space). No hand drawings. LBr:e A fl LEme 2 4-4 trqJ rmre LEme { Lsme n w LsBic -iq 2 mei LBa?e ( == [-* d HAND DRAWN PAVERS PLEASE FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE STEPS WHEN CREATING YOUR IMAGE. 1. ONE NAME PER PAVER. 2, Draw your image using a good quality medium thickness black marker pen (about 2mnn thick). egArtline 70 'High Performance' marker. Ds not use a ballpoint p€f,, eoloured texta or peneils! 3. Make sure you rub out any pencil lines as these will show up on the finished paver. 4. Do not include computer-generated or pasted pictures. The hand drawn image engraving process is set up to engrave hand drawn images only. SAMPI.E SAMPLE 3 SAMPLE 2 1 Enrtitg freidinl F a f *.* 6 /eqrs ord 2:014 THrs rs ox { . Good clean writing . simple illustrations .Yl** g"*' tg1 x RVff:fl^.*" THts ts Nor oK x names detailed lost . Too many . lllustrations too . lnformation gets ,r ilr ni( Yo* 91lt-^* \ THls ls Nor oKx . Do not include computer-generated or pasted pictures . The process is set up to engrave hand drawn images only Administrator note: Please photocopy this page for your records, cut out the drawing below and send the ORIGINAL to Signature Engraving. k PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR DRAWING DOES NOT TOUCH CIR GO OUTSIDE OF THE BORDER 1O0mirr high :<'i90mrn wicie Nfarket StaIIs As part of our anniversary celebrations we will be having market stalls operating during the aetivities on the Saturday (6tn September) and we would like to extend an invitation to all community members and eommunity groups to participate in these. We are charging a $fO site fee (for a space approximatety gr') and the markets will operate from 1"0.30 am - 5.00 pm. lf you are interested in participating in our markets, or have any questions, please eontact either of us through the below means. We are losking forward to hearing from you. Da i le Magner Pam eahill nfo @ta ro0mss.eq. ed u.a u 50th eelebration Faeilitator pea hi3 @eq "ed u "a u Mlarket Faeilitator We will also be updating our web page as more information becomes available http I ltaroomss. eq.ed u.a u : Phone: A746 289 333 I Fax: A746 289 3000
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