2014_IAQ_DR_052 INDOOR AIR QUALITY ASSESSMENT DETAILED REPORT COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF LABORATORY RESULTS PREPARED FOR: FRENCH EMBASSY SCHOOL 1/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. Recognised as the global benchmark for quality and integrity, We provide innovative services and solutions for every part of the environmental industry. Our global network of offices and laboratories, alongside our dedicated team, allows us to respond to your needs, when and where they occur. INDOOR AIR QUALITY ASSESSMENT DETAILED REPORT COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF LABORATORY RESULTS 2014_IAQ_DR_052 05/015/2014 NEW DELHI Prepared by Prepared for SGS INDIA French Embassy School 2, Aurangzeb Road New Delhi 110011 This report is approved by ----------------------------------------------------------Dimpy Daroch Senior Executive ----------------------------------------------------------Suhaas Mathur Executive 2/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 CONTACTS French Embassy School Harjeet Luthra 2, Aurangzeb Road New Delhi 110011 SGS India Private Limited Dimpy Daroch 226, Udyog Vihar Phase 1 Gurgaon - 122016 Haryana 3/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 INDEX REPORT CONTENT 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 8 2 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ...................................................................................... 9 2.1 ASSESSMENT DETAILS............................................................................................................. 9 2.2 OBJECTIVE OF ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................. 9 2.3 SCOPE OF ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................... 10 3 TESTING METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................... 11 4 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 11 4.1 RESPIRABLE SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (RSPM SIZE 10 AND SIZE 2.5) ......... 11 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.1.1 Sources ............................................................................................................................ 11 4.1.2 Health effects .................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.3 Results.............................................................................................................................. 12 4.1.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 12 CARBON MONOXIDE ............................................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Sources ............................................................................................................................ 15 4.2.2 Health impacts .................................................................................................................. 15 4.2.3 Results.............................................................................................................................. 15 4.2.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 16 SULPHUR DIOXIDE .................................................................................................................. 17 4.3.1 Sources ............................................................................................................................ 17 4.3.2 Health effects .................................................................................................................... 17 4.3.3 Results.............................................................................................................................. 17 4.3.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 18 OXIDES OF NITROGEN ............................................................................................................ 20 4.4.1 Sources ............................................................................................................................ 20 4.4.2 Health effects .................................................................................................................... 20 4.4.3 Results.............................................................................................................................. 20 4.4.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 20 4/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.5 NOISE ........................................................................................................................................ 22 4.5.1 Health Effects ................................................................................................................... 22 4.5.2 Results.............................................................................................................................. 22 4.5.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 23 5 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 24 6 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................................. 24 6.1 GENERIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DUST CONTROL ........................................................ 24 7 DESIGNING SCHOOLS FOR GOOD INDOOR AIR QUALITY .................................................. 25 7.1 ENSURE THE DESIGN TEAM KNOWS ABOUT IAQ ............................................................... 25 7.2 PREPARE AN INDOOR POLLUTANT SOURCE CONTROL PLAN ......................................... 25 7.3 ADHERE TO ALL IAQ CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................. 25 7.4 PROVIDE FUNDING AND SCHEDULE FOR IAQ ..................................................................... 26 7.5 PLAN THE SITE AND BUILDING FOR IAQ .............................................................................. 26 7.6 DESIGN FOR CONTROL OF SEWER GAS .............................................................................. 26 7.7 DESIGN AN EFFECTIVE ENTRY MAT SYSTEM ...................................................................... 26 7.8 PROTECT THE QUALITY OF AIR NEAR AIR INTAKES .......................................................... 27 7.9 SIZE HVAC FOR MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY ACCORDING TO STANDARDS .......................... 27 7.10 TAKE SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS WHEN USING NATURAL VENTILATION ............................ 27 7.11 PROVIDE EXHAUST FOR SPECIAL USE AREAS ................................................................... 28 7.12 CONTROL INTERIOR TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY AND OTHER CONDITIONS .................... 28 7.13 TARGET AND EVALUATE MATERIALS, FINISHES, AND FURNISHINGS ............................. 29 7.14 IDENTIFY AND ELIMINATE CANCER-CAUSING AGENTS AND REPRODUCTIVE TOXINS . 29 8 APPENDICES TO REPORT ...................................................................................................... 30 5/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 LIST OF T ABLES Table 1: Parameters in scope ............................................................................................... 10 Table 2: Outdoor Air Ventilation Requirements .................................................................. 27 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: The summary of results .......................................................................................... 8 Figure 2: RSPM 10 results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. Three peaks can be observed, as mentioned in the conclusion above. ................................................. 13 Figure 4: Carbon monoxide results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. ... 16 Figure 5: Sulphur dioxide results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. ... 19 Figure 6: Oxides of Nitrogen results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. ... 21 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1: List of abbreviations 6/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 This document is issued by the Company under its General Conditions of Service accessible at http://www.sgs.com/en/Terms-and-Conditions.aspx. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 7/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document details out the laboratory results for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessment conducted at French Embassy School’s facilty. The tests were conducted on 05 May 2014. The results were reported on 09 May 2014. The facility displayed satisfactory results for Indoor Air Quality Assessment except for RSPM (PM10 & PM2.5). The analysis included Six (6) parameters to be tested at Three rooms – One sportsroom and two classrooms covering total of 15 samples per parameter. The following parameters were tested: 1. Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter [RSPM] (PM 10) 2. Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter [RSPM] (PM 2.5) 3. Sulphur dioxide [as SO2] 4. Oxides of nitrogen [as NOx] 5. Carbon Monoxide [CO] 6. Noise The average results for RSPM (PM10) was noted to be non compliant with the standard limits. Recommendations are suggested at the end of the report. Rest of the parameters were within the limits The graph below summarizes the results. Summary of results 100 80 75.0 60.0 65 50 10.0 15 9 0.0 RSPM (PM 10) RSPM (PM 2.5) 0.0 Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide Reults 0.0 Oxides of Nitrogen Limits Figure 1: The summary of results 8/30 Noise 2014_IAQ_DR_052 2 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Indoor air pollution has been said to pose a greater threat to human health than outdoor air pollution due to high rate of contaminant build up. According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) (Standard 62.1.2007), air in which there are no known contaminants at harmful concentrations, as determined by cognizant authorities, and to which a substantial majority (80%) or more of the people exposed do not express dissatisfaction, is considered acceptable. Indoor Air Quality is a key factor in ensuring health, safety and well being of the occupants of the buildings. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concedes that about 30% of new or renovated buildings have serious Indoor Air Quality problems and ranks IAQ as the most prominent environmental problem. There is growing concern about the quality of air we breathe and the concepts of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and Building Related Illness (BRI) are gaining attention each day. Therefore, as people are spending more than 90 percent of their time indoors, it is recommended that the air for human consumption be analysed periodically and systematically, with the purpose of minimizing any noxious effects. 2.1 ASSESSMENT DETAILS SGS India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as SGS), India, undertook analysis of Indoor Air Quality samples collected from The French Embassy School located in New Delhi. Sampling activities were undertaken and at the site by SGS in the month of May. Findings of the ensuing report are based on the results generated by the general labs of SGS. 2.2 OBJECTIVE OF ASSESSMENT The objective of an Indoor Air Quality Inspection is to collect information regarding the levels of various indoor pollutants present (if any) and to suggest corrective and preventive actions for improvement of the Indoor Air Quality. So far in India there are no Indoor Air Quality guidelines; hence all the Indoor Air Quality results for this project are compared with international norms such as ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) and other available recognized international standards like OSHA (U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration), American Conference of Industrialist Hygienists (ACGIH) and World Health Organization. Suggestions to improve the Indoor Air Quality system have been provided at the end of report; their implementation however, entirely depends on the Client. 9/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 2.3 SCOPE OF ASSESSMENT The facility was assessed for the following parameters at 15 sampling points within the building and outside the building. Table 1: Parameters in scope PARAMETER UNIT PROTOCOL Carbon monoxide ppm NDIR Principle based sensor µg/m3 Laser Counting Principle Sulphur dioxide [as SO2] mg/m3 Electrochemical Sensor Oxides of nitrogen [as NOx] mg/m3 Electrochemical Sensor Noise dB Sound level meter Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter [RSPM] (PM 10 and2.5) The samples were located such that representative results could be achieved. 10/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 3 TESTING METHODOLOGY Indoor air quality assessments were done as per the international protocols from USEPA and NIOSH. The parameters and the protocols are given in the table below. The standard operating procedure maintained was as follows 1. Sampling media was prepared as per the protocol for the particular parameter in the lab a day prior to the assessment 2. The sampling media are labelled, stacked and stored for monitoring. 3. The operations executive carries media and the instruments to site on the mutually agreed schedule 4. The assessment is conducted for 24 hours 5. The samples are booked in the lab the same day 6. Samples sent to lab for analysis For online parameters the following methodology was followed 1. Online instrument was switched on at the sampling point 1 and was allowed to stabilize 2. Reading 1 noted at sampling point 1 3. Step 1-2 repeated thrice for each sampling location 4. The results were noted and compared with the walkthrough inspection observations Specific to the case, different samples were taken at a certain time interval in the three rooms (sportsroom, classroom 1 and classroom 2). Apart from the time variation, the purifier levels were too varied during different samples. 4 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS This section has parameter wise analysis of results with the description of each parameter, its sources and the adverse effects on health. 4.1 RESPIRABLE SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (RSPM SIZE 10 AND SIZE 2.5) RSPM is the respirable fraction of suspended particulate matter of size less than 10 microns. Particulate matter (PM) is a complex mixture of very small particles and other non-gaseous materials suspended in the air. 4.1.1 Sources Indoor particle sources include air inlets, papers, carpets, duct insulation, HVAC filters, housekeeping, etc. Indoor particles also include fibrous materials, pollen, mold spores & fragments, and tracked-in soil particles. Pollen and mold can trigger allergies and asthma. They can also enter the lungs and result 11/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 in various other ailments like discomfort, sneezing, asthma, cancer, heart attacks, migraine, ailments, etc. 4.1.2 Health effects Particulate matter is reported to cause eye, nose, and throat irritation; respiratory infections and bronchitis; lung cancer. 4.1.3 Results Location Sampling point identification Time Sports Room Class Room 1 Class Room 2 Ambient Air Results 4.1.4 Level PM10 PM2.5 Limits (µg/m3) Results(µg/m3) Results(µg/m3) 7:40 AM OFF 12 3.5 8:40 AM Level 6 16 4 9:20 AM Level 6 35.3 8 10:40 AM OFF 14 5 11:30 AM OFF 48.3 7.6 7:45 AM OFF 32.33 11.66 8:30 AM Level 6 214 16.33 50 and 15 10:10 AM Level 6 347 29.66 (ASHRAE 10:50 AM Level 6 221.6 18.66 62.1 2007) 11:45 AM OFF 32 9 8:00 AM OFF 31 9.66 9:00 AM Level 6 43 4 10:30 AM Level 6 21 3.33 11:15 AM Level 3 29 5 12:10 PM OFF 24.66 6 60 7:30 AM NA 74 48.37 & respectively (NAAQS) Conclusion The results for particulate matter were noted to be within the stipulated limits except for Three (3) sampling points (marked red) in class room 1. The ambient results for RSPM (10 & 2.5) values were not within the limits specified by NAAQS India. 12/30 40 2014_IAQ_DR_052 RSPM 10 Concentration 400 Concentration (µg/m3) 350 300 250 200 RSPM[PM 10] Limits 150 RSPM[PM 10] Results 100 50 0 OFF Level 6 Level 6 OFF OFF OFF Level 6 Level 6 Level 6 OFF OFF Level 6 Level 6 Level 3 OFF 7:40 AM 11:30 AM 7:45 AM 8:00 AM 8:40 AM 9:20 AM 10:40 AM Sports Room 8:30 AM 10:10 AM 10:50 AM 11:45 AM Class Room 1 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:15 AM 12:10 PM Class Room 2 Figure 2: RSPM 10 results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. Three peaks can be observed, as mentioned in the conclusion above. 13/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 RSPM 2.5 Concentration 35 Concentration (µg/m3) 30 25 20 15 RSPM [PM 2.5] Limits RSPM[PM 2.5] 10 5 0 OFF Level 6 Level 6 OFF OFF OFF Level 6 Level 6 Level 6 OFF OFF Level 6 Level 6 Level 3 OFF 7:40 AM 11:30 AM 7:45 AM 8:00 AM 8:40 AM 9:20 AM 10:40 AM Sports Room 8:30 AM 10:10 10:50 AM AM 11:45 AM Class Room 1 9:00 AM 10:30 11:15 AM AM 12:10 PM Class Room 2 Figure 3 RSPM 2.5 results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. Three peaks can be observed, as mentioned in the conclusion above. 14/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.2 CARBON MONOXIDE Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, practically odourless and tasteless gas or liquid. It results from incomplete oxidation of carbon in combustion. CO gas is poisonous to air-breathing animals and forms during the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels. 2C + O2 4.2.1 2CO Sources Its sources include unvented kerosene and gas space heaters; leaking chimneys and furnaces; backdrafting from furnaces, gas water heaters, wood stoves, and fireplaces; gas stoves; generators and other gasoline powered equipments; automobile exhaust from attached garages; and tobacco smoke. 4.2.2 Health impacts CO reacts with haemoglobin in the red blood cells and reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen to body cells and tissues. This impairs perception and thinking; slows reflexes; causes headaches, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea; can trigger heart attacks and angina; damages the development of foetuses and young children; and aggravates chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and anaemia. At high levels, it causes collapse, coma, irreversible brain cell damage and death. 4.2.3 S No Results Sampling point identification Results (ppm) 1. Sports room – 7:40 am ND 2. Sports room – 8:40 am ND 3. Sports room – 9:20 am ND 4. Sports room – 10:40 am ND 5. Sports room – 11:30 am ND 6. Class room 1 – 7:45 am ND 7. Class room 1 – 8:30 am ND 8. Class room 1 – 10:10 am ND 9. Class room 1- 10:50 am ND 10. Class room 1 -11:45 am ND 11. Class room 2 – 8:00 am ND 12. Class room 2 – 9:00 am ND 13. Class room 2 – 10:30 am ND 14. Class room 2 – 11:15 am ND 15. Class room 2 – 12:10 am ND 16. Ambient Air 0.001 mg/m3 15/30 Limits (ppm) 9 (ASHRAE 62.1 2007) 2 mg/m3 (NAAQS) 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.2.4 Conclusion Carbon monoxide was noted to be below the stipulated limit by ASHRAE at all the sampling points including the ambient air. Carbon Monoxide [CO] 10 Concentration (ppm) 9 8 7 6 5 4 CARBON MONOXIDE [CO] LIMITS 3 CARBON MONOXIDE [CO] 2 1 0 OFF Level Level OFF OFF OFF Level Level Level OFF OFF Level Level Level OFF 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 7:40 8:40 9:20 10:40 11:30 7:45 8:30 10:10 10:50 11:45 8:00 9:00 10:30 11:15 12:10 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM Sports Room Class Room 1 Class Room 2 Figure 3: Carbon monoxide results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. 16/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.3 SULPHUR DIOXIDE Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is a colourless gas and smells like burnt matches. It can be oxidized to sulphur trioxide, which in the presence of water vapour is readily transformed to sulphuric acid mist. SO2 can be oxidized to form acid aerosols. SO2 is a precursor to sulphates, which are one of the main components of respirable particles in the atmosphere. 4.3.1 Sources SO2 sources include iron and steel mills, petroleum refineries and pulp & paper mills. Small sources include residential, commercial and industrial space heating. 4.3.2 Health effects Health effects caused by exposure to high levels of SO2 include breathing problems, respiratory illness, changes in the lung's defences and worsening respiratory and cardiovascular disease. People with asthma, chronic lung or heart disease are most sensitive to SO2. 4.3.3 S No Results Results (mg/m3) Sampling point identification 1. Sports room – 7:40 am ND 2. Sports room – 8:40 am ND 3. Sports room – 9:20 am ND 4. Sports room – 10:40 am ND 5. Sports room – 11:30 am ND 6. Class room 1 – 7:45 am ND 7. Class room 1 – 8:30 am ND 8. Class room 1 – 10:10 am ND 9. Class room 1- 10:50 am ND 10. Class room 1 -11:45 am ND 11. Class room 2 – 8:00 am ND 12. Class room 2 – 9:00 am ND 13. Class room 2 – 10:30 am ND 14. Class room 2 – 11:15 am ND 15. Class room 2 – 12:10 am ND 16. Ambient Air 15.06 ug/m3 17/30 Limits (mg/m3) 80 (ASHRAE 62.1 2007) 50 ug/m3 (NAAQS) 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.3.4 Conclusion No Sulphur dioxide concentrations were detected in the indoor sample points. The ambient air concentration of sulphur dioxide were within the limits as per the NAAQS India standard. 18/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 Sulphur Dioxide 90 Concentration (mg/m3) 80 70 60 50 40 SULPHUR DIOXIDE [SOX] Limit 30 SULPHUR DIOXIDE [SOX] 20 10 0 OFF Level Level OFF OFF OFF Level Level Level OFF OFF Level Level Level OFF 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 7:40 AM 8:40 AM 9:20 10:40 11:30 7:45 AM AM AM AM Sports Room 8:30 10:10 10:50 11:45 8:00 AM AM AM AM AM 9:00 10:30 11:15 12:10 AM AM AM PM Class Room 1 Class Room 2 Figure 4: Sulphur dioxide results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. 19/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.4 OXIDES OF NITROGEN The two most prevalent oxides of nitrogen are nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO). Both are toxic gases, with NO2 being a highly reactive oxidant and corrosive. 4.4.1 Sources The primary sources indoors are combustion processes, such as unvented combustion appliances, e.g. gas stoves, vented appliances with defective installations, welding, and tobacco smoke. 4.4.2 Health effects Health effects caused include eye, nose and throat irritation. Exposure may also cause impaired lung function and increased respiratory infections in young children. 4.4.3 S No Results Results (mg/m3) Sampling point identification 1. Sports room – 7:40 am ND 2. Sports room – 8:40 am ND 3. Sports room – 9:20 am ND 4. Sports room – 10:40 am ND 5. Sports room – 11:30 am ND 6. Class room 1 – 7:45 am ND 7. Class room 1 – 8:30 am ND 8. Class room 1 – 10:10 am ND 9. Class room 1- 10:50 am ND 10. Class room 1 -11:45 am ND 11. Class room 2 – 8:00 am ND 12. Class room 2 – 9:00 am ND 13. Class room 2 – 10:30 am ND 14. Class room 2 – 11:15 am ND 15. Class room 2 – 12:10 am ND 16. 4.4.4 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY RESULTS 100 (ASHRAE 62.1 2007) 3 24.32 ug/m Conclusion Oxides of Nitrogen were not detected during sampling and monitoring activity. 20/30 Limits (mg/m3) 40 ug/m3 (NAAQS) 2014_IAQ_DR_052 Oxides of Nitrogen Concentration CONCENTRATION (mg/m3) 120 100 80 60 OXIDES OF NITROGEN [NOX] LIMITS 40 OXIDES OF NITROGEN [NOX] 20 0 OFF Level Level OFF OFF OFF Level Level Level OFF OFF Level Level Level OFF 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 7:40 8:40 9:20 10:40 11:30 7:45 8:30 10:10 10:50 11:45 8:00 9:00 10:30 11:15 12:10 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM Sports Room Class Room 1 Class Room 2 Figure 5: Oxides of Nitrogen results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by ASHRAE and the grey line represents the results observed. 21/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.5 NOISE Noise is often defined as unwanted sound. It has human and environmental health effects. 4.5.1 Health Effects Noise health effects are both health and behavioral in nature. Noise can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects. Furthermore, stress and hypertension are the leading causes to health problems, whereas tinnitus can lead to forgetfulness, severe depression and at times panic attacks. Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss. Older males exposed to significant occupational noise demonstrate significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-exposed peers, though differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and the two groups are indistinguishable by age 79. High noise levels can also contribute to cardiovascular problems and exposure to moderately high levels during a single eight hour period causes a statistical rise in blood pressure of five to ten points and an increase in stress and vasoconstriction leading to the increased blood pressure noted above as well as to increased incidence of coronary artery disease. Noise pollution is also a well known cause of annoyance. 4.5.2 S No Results Sampling point identification Results (dB) 1. Sports room – 7:40 am 47.5 2. Sports room – 8:40 am 54 3. Sports room – 9:20 am 57 4. Sports room – 10:40 am 53.9 5. Sports room – 11:30 am 68.9 6. Class room 1 – 7:45 am 49.23 7. Class room 1 – 8:30 am 82 8. Class room 1 – 10:10 am 58.3 9. Class room 1- 10:50 am 67 10. Class room 1 -11:45 am 58.5 11. Class room 2 – 8:00 am 52.6 12. Class room 2 – 9:00 am 69.3 13. Class room 2 – 10:30 am 63.3 14. Class room 2 – 11:15 am 55.1 15. Class room 2 – 12:10 am 63.33 22/30 Limits (dB) 65 (ASHRAE 62.1 2007) 2014_IAQ_DR_052 4.5.3 Conclusion Noise levels were observed to be within the stipulated limit for all sampling points except for four points highlighted in the table. Noise Levels 90 80 Noise Level (dB) 70 60 50 40 NOISE LIMITS 30 NOISE RESULTS 20 10 0 OFF Level 6Level 6 OFF 7:40 AM 8:40 AM OFF OFF Level 6Level 6Level 6 OFF 9:20 10:40 11:30 7:45 AM AM AM AM Sports Room 8:30 10:10 10:50 11:45 AM AM AM AM Class Room 1 OFF Level 6Level 6Level 3 OFF 8:00 AM 9:00 10:30 11:15 12:10 AM AM AM PM Class Room 2 Figure 7: Noise results are presented in the graph above. The orange line represents the limits by NBC and the grey line represents the results observed. 23/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 5 CONCLUSION The results noted in the above report conclude that the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in terms of the parameters tested at the facility is compliant for all except RSPM 10 & 2.5. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS All parameters that were tested were within the limits specified in the respective standards. An exception is the unexpected high values of concentration of RSPM (10 & 2.5) in class room 1 (when the air purifier was on at level 6). These high values have pushed up the overall average of the RSPM 10 concentration, as shown in figure 1. Besides the exception, the RSPM values in all other locations (both when the air purifier was switched on & when it was switched off) were found to be within the limits. It is advised that the client consult the vendor of the air purifier placed in class room 1 to figure out if there is something wrong with it. 6.1 • GENERIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DUST CONTROL Pesticides should only be applied when the building is unoccupied. School should be thoroughly ventilated before students return to the building. Use of less toxic pesticides such as boric acid for cockroaches may be appropriate. • Use electro statically charged cleaning cloths and mops which attract and hold the dust to keep it from becoming airborne. • Remove carpets and as many dust producing and dust catching items from your building as possible. Select closed book cases and curio cabinets instead of open shelves. Books and magazines are dust catchers. • Vacuum frequently with a machine equipped with a High Efficiency Air Filter. • Use wooden, glass, or plastic furniture where possible rather than upholstered items. Antiques often contain high amounts of dust. • Use washable curtains or window shades instead of Venetian blinds and heavy draperies. 24/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 7 DESIGNING SCHOOLS FOR GOOD INDOOR AIR QUALITY Recommended Practices for School Design 7.1 ENSURE THE DESIGN TEAM KNOWS ABOUT IAQ The design team consists of school district representatives, architects, engineers, site council representatives, interior designers, specification writers, specialized consultants, and construction experts. The design team will also consult with building material, equipment, and furnishing manufacturers and suppliers to obtain information on product emissions. This information will be used to define materials specifications to reduce contaminant emissions in the occupied building. 7.2 PREPARE AN INDOOR POLLUTANT SOURCE CONTROL PLAN The project designer and/or school district should prepare and implement an indoor pollutant source control plan. The pollutant source control plan should address the elements of building design and construction relevant to indoor air quality as outlined below. • Site and facility planning—including setbacks, landscaping, bird-proofing, building shape and orientation, infiltration protection, parking and loading patterns, roof design, and management of other on-site contaminant sources • HVAC design—including location of outdoor air intakes and exhausts; HVAC sizing and air flow requirements; compatibility with uses and potential changes over time; use of natural ventilation; control of microbial growth space planning and ventilation for special use areas; duct insulation; air filtration and cleaning; control of interior temperature, humidity, and other air quality conditions; selection and placement of control systems; type of HVAC system selected; and measures to be taken to facilitate operation and maintenance • Selection of materials, interior finishes, and furnishings to reduce building emissions— targeting materials and products, collecting product information, using emission rate guidelines, obtaining test data for product emissions, pre-conditioning of furnishings and materials, air flushing of the building before occupancy, controlled application of wet materials, and disclosure requirements for cancer-causing agents and reproductive toxins 7.3 ADHERE TO ALL IAQ CODES AND STANDARDS Compliance with codes and standards is essential during school siting, design, construction, and operation. ASHRAE has produced several standards and guidelines specifically directed at indoor air quality. Standards for indoor air contaminant levels have not been established specifically for children 25/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 in schools. However, various governmental agencies and professional organizations have recommended concentration limits for various contaminants for affected populations. 7.4 PROVIDE FUNDING AND SCHEDULE FOR IAQ Expenses for managing indoor air quality should be budgeted for school development, renovation, and operation and maintenance. Caution should be used in preparing and interpreting cost estimates for addressing indoor air quality concerns. Higher initial capital and related costs may be offset by reduced replacement costs, lower long-term operation and maintenance costs (including energy costs), fewer unanticipated costs for correcting indoor air quality problems, and higher employee and student productivity. It is important to estimate all the costs (consider life cycle costs) before making purchasing decisions that may influence indoor air quality. 7.5 PLAN THE SITE AND BUILDING FOR IAQ Major elements of site design that can improve indoor air quality include setbacks, bird proofing, landscaping, shape and orientation of the building shell, parking and vehicle circulation, roofing design, and management of other contaminant sources in the vicinity of the site. Examples of protective measures include consolidating and containing contaminated soil under buildings, paved surfaces, or landscaping berms; removing and replacing contaminated soil; installing a geotextile fabric barrier and surfacing material such as wood chips, mulch, or grass over contaminated soil in play areas. 7.6 DESIGN FOR CONTROL OF SEWER GAS Sewer gas in buildings can cause health effects such as irritation of the eyes, nose and throat and breathing difficulty. This gas can enter buildings through locating vents too close to air intakes or through drain traps that have lost their water seal due to evaporation. These problems can be avoided through proper placement of vents and installation of automatic drain trap primers. 7.7 DESIGN AN EFFECTIVE ENTRY MAT SYSTEM Controlling dirt tracked into the school on people’s shoes can significantly reduce the amount of dirt entering the building. A properly designed entry mat system can remove most of this dirt and associated pollutants and moisture. This also helps with overall appearance and reduces the wear on flooring. 26/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 7.8 PROTECT THE QUALITY OF AIR NEAR AIR INTAKES The building outside air supply intakes should be located so that they do not receive air released from building exhausts, loading docks, or nearby buildings. 7.9 SIZE HVAC FOR MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY ACCORDING TO STANDARDS The HVAC delivery system should be sized to provide adequate ventilation to the building population, based upon maximum occupancy loads as specified by state and local building codes. In other words, to the extent feasible, it is important to design for potential increases in student enrolment, so that the building HVAC system will be able to provide sufficient ventilation to all building occupants, even in classrooms housing more students than originally expected or desired. Table 2: Outdoor Air Ventilation Requirements Estimated Max. Occupancy Area 2 2 Outdoor Air Requirements 3 (per/1000 ft or 100m ) (ft /min/person) Classroom 50 15 Labs 30 20 shop 30 20 Music room 50 15 Auditoriums 150 15 Gymnasium spectator areas 150 15 Library 20 15 7.10 TAKE SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS WHEN USING NATURAL VENTILATION Windows that open and close allow natural ventilation. This can enhance the occupants’ sense of wellbeing and feeling of control over their environment. Unfortunately, there is little research measuring the effectiveness of natural ventilation on reducing indoor contaminant levels. If natural ventilation will be used to supplement mechanical ventilation, several building design issues should be addressed. Openings for outdoor air should be below head height (three to six feet) in the occupied zone. Windows, ventilating sash, and other openings in the exterior walls should be selected to minimize drafts on occupants seated nearby. In addition, they must be adjustable and close tightly. These practices are recommended to enhance the effectiveness of natural ventilation • Orient major facades toward prevailing winds. • Provide exterior exposure for all occupied spaces. 27/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 • To the extent possible, design exterior openings on opposite faces of the building to create cross circulation. • Limit building depth. • Avoid the intrusion of traffic or other noise through wall openings. • Screen to prevent the entry of insects, birds, and rodents • Avoid using natural ventilation where dust-free environments are vital, such as computer rooms • Avoid placing windows next to industrial process venting, odor sources, urban traffic, and building exhausts 7.11 PROVIDE EXHAUST FOR SPECIAL USE AREAS The overall design of the building exhaust system should ensure direct exhaust of areas where odors, dust, and other contaminants are created. Areas requiring direct, local exhaust should also be maintained under negative pressure to help prevent the leakage of pollutants into other occupied areas of the building. These areas should be located where emissions can be isolated and controlled. Activities for which local exhaust is necessary include science demonstrations and projects, chemical and housekeeping material storage, kiln firing, welding, internal combustion engine use, spray painting, cutting and milling, cooking, photo processing, some photocopying operations, rest room exhaust, and dryers. Particulate and gaseous contaminants from local sources should be captured, collected, and removed as close to the source as practical. This includes bench and hood exhausts in chemistry laboratories, cleaning supply rooms, photography darkrooms, art studios, and vocational shops. 7.12 CONTROL INTERIOR TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY AND OTHER CONDITIONS Comfort in school buildings is affected by a number of factors. These include temperature, thermal radiation (such as heat from direct sunlight), humidity, the speed of the air, the occupants’ level of activity, the ages, sex, and physical conditions of the occupants, and the type and quantity of clothing occupants are wearing. ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, recommends temperature ranges that should be maintained to keep building occupants comfortable. In winter, the recommended temperature range is 68 to 75 degrees F. for people doing light, primarily sedentary activities. In the summer ASHRAE recommends a temperature range of 73 to 79 degrees F. Properly select and place control systems. Building spaces with dissimilar heating and cooling load characteristics, such as amount of window exposure, occupancy patterns, and internal energy sources should have independent means of temperature control. Interior spaces generally should not be on the same temperature control zone as spaces on the perimeter of the building. In winter, interior spaces may require cooling while perimeter 28/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 spaces may require cooling or heating. Interior spaces such as offices may be grouped on a common zone when the thermal load characteristics and occupancy profiles are quite similar. Classrooms, libraries, and gymnasiums should be zoned separately. Systems should monitor temperatures in each occupied space to ensure satisfactory thermal performance. 7.13 TARGET AND EVALUATE MATERIALS, FINISHES, AND FURNISHINGS It is important to evaluate building materials, interior finishes, and furnishings to determine the extent to which they may contribute to indoor air quality problems once the building is occupied. Preferred products can then be specified, procured, and integrated into the building while contributing to a healthy indoor environment. 7.14 IDENTIFY AND ELIMINATE CANCER-CAUSING AGENTS AND REPRODUCTIVE TOXINS It is useful for each school district to be aware of any building products, materials, furnishings, or finishes which may contain cancer-causing agents or reproductive toxins. This information can assist the district in identifying the level of risk, and selecting alternative products where appropriate. Where possible, use of these products should be avoided, or if required, occupant exposure should be prevented or minimized. Building contractors and suppliers should be required to disclose in writing any detectable amounts of carcinogens (substances which are proven to cause cancer), mutagens (substances which are proven to alter DNA), or teratogens (substances which are proven to cause birth defects) which are likely to be emitted into the indoor air from any materials, furnishings and finishes they propose to install. 29/30 2014_IAQ_DR_052 8 APPENDICES TO REPORT Appendix 1: List of abbreviations ASHRAE American Society for Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers WHO World Health Organization CFU Colony Forming Units ND Not Detected IAQ Indoor Air Quality OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health USEPA United States Environment Protection Agency ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists RSPM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter BDL Below Detection Limit 30/30
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