AGENDA Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board Tuesday, May 6, 2014 5:30 pm CRA Office 802 NW 5th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601 A. ROLL CALL B. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – Minutes from March 4, 2014 D. REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD E. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Chair’s Report 2. Director’s Report 3. CRA Talent Update SW 6th Street 30% Design Update (B) On October 18, 2012 the City Commission approved the recommendation to award the design of the SW 6 th Street Project to Comprehensive Engineering Services. The project limits are W 6th Street from SW 5th Avenue to NW 3rd Avenue. On July 2, 2013 the Basis of Design was presented to the 5th Avenue / Pleasant Street Advisory Board. On September 10, 2013 the Basis of Design was presented to the general public. The back-up provides an updated schedule and scope for the project as well as an opportunity to provide comments. ..Fiscal Note This project is funded by the CIP for $1,500,000 for roadway modifications and $300,000 for stormwater pipe upgrades. A.Q. Jones House Museum –Staff is currently under contract with JMJ Consulting Engineering and Sustainable Design Group Architects. Staff expects the engineering and architecture design to be complete in the summer with the final deliverable being 100% construction documents, for more information about the A. Quinn Jones Museum go to FAPS Sidewalks - CRA staff is proceeding with the project following the direction provided by the CRA Board at the April 21st meeting. Neighborhood Spruce Up Program – The second round of the FAPS Residential Paint Voucher Program is now open and accepting applications. The program provides an eligible applicant with a voucher for paint and painting supplies up to $500 to be used for the exterior painting of their home. The program is available to all residences in the Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Area. Applications can be picked up in the CRA office. Seminary Lane - The CRA Attorney created an Option Agreement for The Purchase and Sale of Land, which provides monetary consideration to the Seller (GFHC) and provides the CRA with the ability to perform all necessary due diligence in determining the best use and future development of the parcel. The option also provides the CRA with the “Right of First Refusal” and the “Option to Purchase” the Seminary Lane Parcel. A Memorandum of Option Agreement was also created to be recorded and provide notice that the CRA and GFHC have entered into a written option agreement and agree to the terms of the document. Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board Agenda May 7, 2014 CRA staff met with the GFHC Board in January and February to discuss the agreements and any other considerations that need to be addressed. Both the CRA staff and GFHC continue to negotiate the terms of an agreement that both parties are satisfied with. Additionally there are 4 parcels contiguous to the Seminary lane site that offer a tremendous opportunity for redevelopment, three of which are owned by the City (Parking lot, tot lot, & former Moms Kitchen) and one by the CRA. CRA staff and the CRA Attorney are preparing a City Commission item requesting the City to enter into an option agreement with the CRA, enabling the CRA to begin the process of redeveloping the parcels along with the Seminary Lane development. F. OLD BUSINESS 1) Neighborhood Improvement Program – FAPS Residential Paint Voucher Program (B) ..Explanation During the June 2012 CRA Board meeting the Board approved the FAPS Residential Paint Voucher Program for existing residential structures within the Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street redevelopment area. The FAPS redevelopment area is overwhelmingly comprised of residential properties. The program was developed to encourage residents of the FAPS Redevelopment Area to improve the exterior of their structures, therefore improving the aesthetics of the community. The program provides a voucher for paint and painting supplies up to $500 to be used for the exterior painting of their home. Under the program policy applicant(s) will be responsible for turning in a complete application with required attachments, pressure washing the exterior of their home, meeting with staff and paint supply company to determine colors, quantities of paint and painting supplies needed to complete an exterior paint job as well as completing the paint job. Upon completion of their paint job and CRA inspection the applicant will record a Façade Preservation Easement insuring the property owner will maintain the paint job without any material change for five years. Staff received and approved 3 applications during the second program application cycle, with three additional applications on hold. Nine homes have been completed since October in the FAPS redevelopment area. ..Fiscal Note None ..Recommendation CRA Staff to Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board: Hear presentation from staff 2) FAPS Budget Preparation (B) ..Explanation The CRA Board embarked on a thorough Strategic Planning in 2013 that set the stage for more focused Community Initiatives in each of its Redevelopment Areas. A Workplan was presented and approved and the FY14 Adopted and Amendatory budget cycles were completed with the goal of ensuring the budget supported the Workplan. At today’s meeting Staff will review projects completed in FAPS as an update for new Advisory Board members; review highlights from the Strategic Planning process and recap FY14 Adopted and Amendatory Budgets in preparation for the July 1 st meeting. ..Fiscal Note None ..Recommendation CRA Staff to FAPS Advisory Board: Hear presentation from staff Page 2 of 3 Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board Agenda May 7, 2014 G. NEW BUSINESS 1) Annual Report (B) ..Explanation Each fiscal year, the CRA is required, in accordance with Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes, to file with taxing authorities, a report of its activities by March 31 st. CRA staff has completed the 2013 Annual Report and is pleased to present it to the Eastside Redevelopment Advisory Board and general public. The vision of the Annual Report is to illustrate the CRA’s activities in 2013 while also highlighting the concepts of the Strategic Work Plan of Being Different and Thinking Different. Copies of the report will be provided to the ERAB and will also be available to the general public during regular business hours at the CRA office located at 802 NW 5 th Avenue, Suite 200, Gainesville FL, or in the office of the City Clerk, City of Gainesville, at 200 E University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601. An electronic copy may also be viewed at the Gainesville CRA website. ..Fiscal Note None at this time ..Recommendation CRA Staff to Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board: Receive Annual Report H. REPORT OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES I. BOARD MEMBER COMMENT J. PUBLIC COMMENT K. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 3 MINUTES Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:30 pm CRA Office 802 NW 5th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601 A. ROLL CALL Chair Parks called the meeting to order at 5:38 pm. Members Present Russell Ingram Melanie Barr Roberta Parks Robert Pearce Members Absent Carl Rose Staff Present Malcolm Kiner Andrew Meeker Stephanie Seawright Guests Dotty Faibisy Jennifer Adamson B. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Board unanimously passed the motion made by Member Ingram, seconded by Member Pearce. Recommendation: Adopt Agenda as presented. C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Board unanimously passed the motion made by Member Pearce, seconded by Member Ingram. Recommendation: Approve Minutes of January 7, 2014 as presented. D. REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD Nkwanda Jah, of the Cultural Arts Coalition discussed the Fifth Avenue Arts Festival to be held April 26 – 27, 2014. There will be a reception held on April 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm at the A. Quinn Jones School Auditorium. The Board unanimously passed the motion made by Member Ingram, seconded by Member Barr. Recommendation: Approve annual sponsorship of $2,500 for the Fifth Avenue Arts Festival. E. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Chair’s Report No report 2. CRA Director’s Report No report 3. CRA Staff Update Staff apprised members that board appointments for new members will be going before the CRA Board on March 17, 2014. A.Q. Jones House Museum –Staff is currently finalizing a contract for Civil Engineering services, while interviewing Architects for the interior stabilization of the house museum. Staff expects engineering to last 4 to 6 weeks with final deliverable being site development plan package, Utility engineering and permitting, photometric plans, geotechnical study, and code compliant landscaping plans. For more information about the A. Quinn Jones Museum go to Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board Minutes March 4, 2014 FAPS Sidewalks – On Agenda Neighborhood Spruce Up Program – The second round of the FAPS Residential Paint Voucher Program is now open and accepting applications. The program provides an eligible applicant with a voucher for paint and painting supplies up to $500 to be used for the exterior painting of their home. The program is available to all residences in the Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Area. Applications can be picked up in the CRA office. Seminary Lane - The CRA Attorney created an Option Agreement for The Purchase and Sale of Land, which provides monetary consideration to the Seller (GFHC) and provides the CRA with the ability to perform all necessary due diligence in determining the best use and future development of the parcel. The option also provides the CRA with the “Right of First Refusal” and the “Option to Purchase” the Seminary Lane Parcel. A Memorandum of Option Agreement was also created to be recorded and provide notice that the CRA and GFHC have entered into a written option agreement and agree to the terms of the document. CRA staff met with the GFHC Board in January and February to discuss the agreements and any other considerations that need to be addressed. Both the CRA staff and GFHC continue to negotiate the terms of an agreement that both parties are satisfied with. Additionally there are 4 parcels contiguous to the Seminary lane site that offer a tremendous opportunity for redevelopment, three of which are owned by the City (Parking lot, tot lot, & former Moms Kitchen) and one by the CRA. CRA staff and the CRA Attorney are preparing a City Commission item requesting the City to enter into an option agreement with the CRA, enabling the CRA to begin the process of redeveloping the parcels along with the Seminary Lane development. F. OLD BUSINESS i. NW 3rd Ave. Sidewalks Since CRA staff presented a project update to the FAPS Board in January 2014, the project engineering consultant and staff has continued work on the Feasibility Study to incorporate the feedback provided by the Board. One specific item of focus was the Board’s desire to locate any new sidewalks along the southern side of the NW 3rd Ave. to provide continuity with the existing sidewalk segment along the corridor. As a result of input provided by the FAPS Board and the Public Works Department, the Feasibility Study is recommending a 5’ sidewalk be located along the southern side of NW 3 rd Ave. This alignment and route will preserve all existing on-street parking, not require any private property sidewalk easements, and provide a contiguous sidewalk along the corridor by connecting to the other existing sidewalk segments along the southern side of the street. The Feasibility Report and presentation outlines the various design and cost alternatives of sidewalk placement. Based on the preliminary design and layout within the Feasibility Report, it is estimated that the sidewalk construction will cost approximately $162,000. These estimates will be confirmed and refined throughout the Construction Document development process. Ultimately the Department of Public Works has the authority and jurisdictional responsibility to approve any proposed construction through a Right-ofWay Permit and the proposed preferred cross-sections and alignment fulfill their desires based on numerous technical review meetings. The following is a summary of anticipated expenses for the development of Construction Documentation and which CRA District would provide funding. 1. 300’ of additional survey along NW 3rd Ave. between NW 12th Dr. & NW 13th St. = $1,475 CPUH 2. Construction & Bid Document Development = $16,110 NW 3rd Ave. $14,820 = CPUH NW 8th St. $1,289 = FAPS 3. Construction = $162,500 (***Estimate) Amount to be refined and confirmed following Construction & Bid Documents Development. The Board unanimously passed the motion made by Member Pearce, seconded by Member Ingram. Page 2 of 3 Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board Minutes March 4, 2014 Recommendation: 1). Endorse NW 3rd Ave. Sidewalk Feasibility Study; and 2). Support the development of NW 3rd Ave. & NW 8th St. Sidewalk Construction & Bid Documents G. NEW BUSINESS No new business H. REPORT OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES N/A I. BOARD MEMBER COMMENT Member Pearce asked members to not support the A. Quinn Jones Museum. He feels that the numbers of the budget reflects that more money than we have will be spent on a project that brings no value to the community. He feels that it should be a Cultural Affairs Project and FAPS spend no additional monies on it. He took the liberty of sending a letter stating this, after he met with each Commissioner. Ms. Parks, Chairperson of the Board asked who authorized the letter as she doesn’t recall that it came back to the board to do so. Mr. Pearce stated that he felt from previous discussions that other members felt as he did. After much discussion by the members they decided to send an additional letter to the CRA Board. Staff stated that many of the funding and budget information that Mr. Pearce has provided is incorrect. Member Barr who is in agreement with Mr. Pearce, felt that the letter needed to be constructed by staff omitting some of the original language that Mr. Pearce had and forwarded to the Commission. Staff stated they will continue to support the A Quinn Jones Museum project as it is one of the areas Community Initiatives. The Board unanimously passed the motion made by Member Barr, seconded by Member Ingram. Recommendation: Have staff send letter to the City Commissioner on behalf of the FAPS Board recommending that financial responsibility be transferred from the CRA to the City and the project removed from the CRA Initiatives. J. PUBLIC COMMENT K. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 3 GAINESVILLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FAPS FY2014 BUDGET Presented 9-3-2013 FAPS REVENUES FY2014 Projected Tax Increment $ 554,761 Community Initiatives Community Partnerships/Programming Economic Development Maintenance $ 144,176 $ 15,000 $ 5,500 $ 15,785 Total Community Initiative Funding $ 180,461 PRIOR INVESTMENTS Development Agreement Obligations University House TIF Payment Total CRA Development Agreement Obligations $ $ 127,813 127,813 Loan Repayments FAPS Model Block Note 5th Ave Commercial Building Retail Note Total Loan Repayments (From Fund 111) $ $ $ 52,037 26,015 78,052 SALARY AND BENEFITS CRA Staff Salary and Benefits City Attorney Salary and Benefits City Clerk Salary and Benefits 9897 - Transfer to OPEB Pension Debt Service 9911 - Transfer to POB Pension Debt Service Total Salary and Benefits $ $ $ $ $ $ 134,486 5,482 104 3,880 1,686 145,638 $ 9% 22,797 COMMUNITY INITIATIVES OPERATING EXPENSES Total Operating Expenses Total Payroll and Operating Expenses Operating and Payroll = % of Tax Increment $ 168,435 30.36% SW 6TH STREET PROJECT 30% DESIGN UPDATE PRESENTED BY: STEFAN BROADUS – PUBLIC WORKS OUTLINE 1. BASIS OF 2. CHANGES DESIGN PROPOSALS IN 30% DESIGN 3. UPDATED FLYTHROUGH 4. SCHEDULE 5. QUESTIONS / COMMENTS 1. BASIS OF DESIGN PROPOSALS BASIS OF DESIGN PROPOSALS APPROVED CITY COMMISSION 10/17/2013 BY THE ON BASIS OF DESIGN PROPOSALS BASIS OF DESIGN PROPOSALS BASIS OF DESIGN PROPOSALS 2. CHANGES FROM BASIS OF DESIGN CHANGES FROM BASIS OF DESIGN 1. REMOVED THE ADDITION OF LEFT TURN LANES AT UNIVERSITY AVENUE. 2. ADDED UMU-2 COMPLIANT SIDEWALK & LANDSCAPE ZONE TO WEST SIDE. 3. UPDATED FLYTHROUGH 4. SCHEDULE 5. QUESTIONS / COMMENTS
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