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Parent Handbook
[September 2014 – June 2015]
JRR Parent Handbook
John Ross Robertson Parent Handbook
General Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................. 4
School Hours .............................................................................................................. 4
Arrival and Pick-up ................................................................................................... 4
Late arrival/early pick-up ....................................................................................... 4
Absences .................................................................................................................... 4
Transportation .......................................................................................................... 4
Lunch .......................................................................................................................... 5
Curriculum Night ....................................................................................................... 5
Teacher Conferences ................................................................................................. 5
Class Parents .............................................................................................................. 5
Field Trips .................................................................................................................. 5
Daily Physical Activity............................................................................................... 6
House Colours ............................................................................................................ 6
Lice Check .................................................................................................................. 6
Parking Lot ................................................................................................................. 6
Dogs in the Yard ........................................................................................................ 6
Parentalk and BlueNote Bulletins ............................................................................................... 6
French Curriculum ...................................................................................................................... 7
Extra-Curricular Programs .......................................................................................................... 7
Team Sports................................................................................................................................. 8
Daycare........................................................................................................................................ 9
After Four Program ..................................................................................................................... 9
Daily Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 9
School Events at a Glance .........................................................................................................10
Neighbourhood Parents Association (NPA)..............................................................................13
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JRR Parent Handbook
A Message from Our Principal
John Ross Robertson P.S. (JRR) is a K to 6 school in North Toronto of approximately
600 students with Full Day Kindergarten beginning in September 2014. The school's
motto is "Learning Together". The word “Learning” reflects the school's focus on high
academic standards and on helping students reach their full potential. “Together” reflects
the school's collaborative culture where students, teachers, parents and community
members work as a team. The mission of the school is "To build the best within ourselves
and find the good within each other."
The school was built in 1921 and is named after John Ross Robertson, a founder of the
Hospital for Sick Children and of the Evening Telegram newspaper. We honour
traditions and embrace innovation and creativity. Our school is a real community school,
with amazing students, outstanding staff, as well as strong family involvement. Our
students continue to achieve at very high academic levels because of the exemplary
teaching and learning facilitated by the partnership of teachers and parents in our
community. We believe that both academic and non-academic areas are related to longrange learning outcomes. “What young people know and can do, how they think of
themselves, and how they approach the world are intimately connected to their ability to
succeed – not just in school, but later in life as citizens, as workers, as leaders, and as
family members.” This is part of our core mission.
The success of our students is due to the expertise and commitment of our excellent staff.
The staff and families at John Ross Robertson have worked together to establish a safe
and caring environment at the school. Our Neighbourhood Parents Association (NPA)
organizes social events such as Welcome Back BBQs, a New Parent Breakfast, Family
Skate parties, Pizza/Bingo Night and a Fun Fair. The NPA produces the weekly email
Parentalk that keeps parents updated and informed as to what is happening at the school.
We also understand the value of integrating the arts across the curriculum. Many of our
children participate in the school Musical, sing in the choir, or participate in instrumental
music with our itinerant band and strings teachers. Orff instruments and recorders are
included in our strong classroom programs. We also have a very full physical education
program with many competitive sports teams. Character Education is an important aspect
of our program. Monthly assemblies focus on TDSB Character Traits and celebrate
outstanding achievements in our school. Some of our classes have the Roots of Empathy
program for the school year. Many of our grade 6 students are involved in our leadership
program, supporting various initiatives in the school. We reach out to others through our
support of the Toronto Foundation for Student Success as well as Global initiatives.
JRR is a dynamic place where we are all partners in the school’s success.
Chris Rzepa
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JRR Parent Handbook
General Policies and Procedures
School Hours
Arrival and Pick-up
Late arrival/early
9:00 – 3:35, Supervision begins at 8:45 a.m
Lunch is from 11:45 am – 12: 45 pm
There are two 15 min. recesses at 10:20 am* and 2:10 pm
(*times are subject to change based on TDSB scheduling)
Full Day Kindergarten hours are from 9:15 a.m. – 3:15
p.m., Lunch break is from 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Children are to be dropped off and picked up in the school
yard. Students are not to enter the building before school
begins, unless they have a pre-arranged appointment with a
teacher. Parents are asked to say “good-bye” to their
children outside. Kiss N’Ride is a curbside drop-off
program for drivers run by parent volunteers who escort
your children safely to the schoolyard (from Rosewell
If a child arrives at school after 9 a.m. or after 12:45 p.m.,
they are to enter the school through the main entrance on
Glengrove Ave. and report to the main office to sign in.
Alternatively, if a child needs to leave school early (for
appointments, sickness, emergency etc), Administrative
staff will call the appropriate classroom to have your child
dismissed. A parent or caregiver must sign them out at the
office. As a courtesy, please inform the classroom teacher
of an early departure by sending a signed, written note.
If your child is to be absent or late to school, please notify
the office at 416-393-9399 and leave a message. It is
available 24 hours and very much appreciated as the school
needs to know where your child is if they are not at school.
Even if the teacher has been informed, the office needs to
know as well.
Transportation is only available to children in our French
Immersion program living outside the catchment area for
John Ross Robertson.
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JRR Parent Handbook
Curriculum Night
Teacher Conferences
Class Parents
Field Trips
Children are welcome to either go home for lunch or stay
at school. If they stay, they bring their own nut-free,
litterless lunch which will be eaten indoors. The rest of the
time will be spent outdoors in the schoolyard. If weather is
an issue, children will remain in the gym. Pizza Lunch —
This is an optional, special lunch offered once every two
weeks. This is a fundraiser for the school. Children
receive 1, 2 or 3 slices of pizza, a drink and a piece of fruit
or a cookie. Pizza Lunch is being expanded to include Full
Day Kindergarten - their pizza will be served in their
classrooms. Forms go home at the beginning of the year
with info about how to sign up. Registration will be
automated with Pay Pal this year. Be sure to register each
child separately. For example if you have one child in
grade 2 and another in grade 4, you will need to register
twice for Pizza Lunch. Subsidies are available if payment
is not possible. Please send an email in confidence to
Keltie Ellwood, NPA Treasurer or enquire in person with
Mr. Rzepa. Pizza Lunch is run completely by parent
In the fall, Staff and Teachers make a curriculum
presentation in their classrooms and the Gym. This evening
is for parents only, please do not bring your children.
Teachers will discuss what and how the children will be
learning in the year to come.
Parent/Teacher Conferences take place in November and
February to coincide with the release of report cards.
Teachers are always available for personal meetings and
contact with them is encouraged at any time.
Each classroom has two class parents who serve as liaisons
between teacher and parents. They communicate primarily
through email regarding class parties/celebrations, field
trips, in-class help and any other requests the teacher may
have for parental help.
Classes go on field trips to enhance their curriculum
learning. If your child is scheduled for a field trip, you will
receive a permission slip to be signed and returned. Some
trips require fees for which the parents are responsible.
Subsidies are available if payment is not possible and
should be discussed privately with child’s teacher.
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JRR Parent Handbook
Daily Physical
Activity (DPA)
House Colours
Lice Check
Parking Lot
Dogs in the Yard
Mandatory physical activity for at least 20 minutes per day
as per the Ontario Ministry of Education.
All children are assigned a house colour (yellow, blue, red
or green) at the beginning of their school career. Siblings
are assigned to the same house.
All students are checked 3 times a year by an outside
company at the start of each term. A fee of $5/child will be
requested for the year TDSB policy requires students to be
free of lice or nits before they are readmitted to class.
Parents are required to indicate on a given form, which
treatment was used, and confirm that the child is free of
lice or nits.
The Parking Lot is for staff only. Please do not use the
Parking Lot or the Driveway for drop-off and pick-up. If
you drive to school please make use of the Kiss N’Ride
curbside drop-off program run by parent volunteers to
escort your children safely to the schoolyard.
Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times as not everyone is
comfortable with dogs. Please pick up after your dog.
Parentalk and BlueNote Bulletins
The John Ross Robertson Neighbourhood Parent Association (NPA) produces the weekly
email Parentalk that keeps parents updated and informed as to what is happening at the
school. Important dates, events and reminders, messages from teachers regarding teams
they coach, Choir, school teams as well as NPA volunteer opportunities, ongoing
fundraisers and community happenings. It is an invaluable resource for parents! To
ensure you’re on the list, email [email protected].
BlueNote Bulletin is an online advertising source for JRR families as well as local
businesses sharing an abundance of opportunities worthy of your interest. It goes home to
every JRR family and is distributed five times a year (September, November, January,
March and May). There is a cost of $10 per ad of 100 words. To advertise, please email
[email protected].
On-Going Fundraisers Bulletin is an online monthly listing of companies who
contribute a percentage of sales (typically 10-20%) back to JRR. These companies
include labels, grocery items, haircutting etc.
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JRR Parent Handbook
You may also visit the school’s website
French Curriculum
John Ross Robertson offers both a French Immersion program as well as a Core
French program.
French Immersion — This program begins in Grade 4 and continues through Grades 5
and 6. Students are with the same class for all three years.
There is an open house in November for Grade 3 parents and the application process
begins in December. Applications are done online and the Board decides placements.
Some students may qualify for bussing.
Core French — The TDSB requires students as of Grade 4 to receive 300 minutes of
French per year. Depending on scheduling, students may have French daily or in double
periods throughout the week.
Extra-Curricular Programs
Itinerant Strings – Taught by a traveling schoolteacher and available to Grades 5 and 6.
Practice is twice a week during school hours.
Itinerant Band – Taught by a traveling schoolteacher and available to Grades 5 and 6.
Practice is twice a week during school hours.
Tryouts occur in late September/early October. Both groups perform in Holiday and
Spring Concerts.
Junior Choir – Available to students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 and participation is voluntary.
Practices are twice a week (one at 8am and one at lunch).
Grade 3 Choir – All Grade 3 students participate in this as part of their regularly
scheduled music class.
Past productions include Pirates of Penzance and Annie. This event is run by
teachers/staff volunteering their time and therefore may not be offered each year.
Typically, auditions are held in the Fall with the show in the Spring.
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JRR Parent Handbook
Leadership/Peer Mentors
This is a program offered to students in Grade 6 only and provides them wonderful
opportunities to play a more active role in the school community.
They participate in office duties, make announcements, help out with Pizza Lunch,
fundraising, run our Primary Play Day, assist with Walk to School days, photography and
help with special events.
In addition to this, they will also help to mentor the new Grade 1 children with their
integration into the full day at JRR by running games and activities at recess and
lunchtime at the beginning of the year.
Clubs are 100% voluntary and may change from year to year based on Teacher
availability. Some of the Clubs that have been offered French, Folk Dance, Board Games.
Skipping, Environment, Girls Club (for girls in Grade 4 only). They meet once a week at
lunchtime and will be announced via Parentalk as the school year gets established.
International Languages
The TDSB sponsors language programs in its schools based on demand. At JRR, we offer
Greek, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish classes on Thursdays from 3:45-6:00.
Brochures are available outside the office. This program runs from the 3rd week of
September to the end of May.
Team Sports
Team sports are coached by teachers and parents and compete with other schools in their
district group. Most teams have tryouts are open to students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 except
for Cross Country, which is open to all grades. Here are some of the teams which have
been offered and may be offered, depending on teacher availability:
Fall: Cross Country, boys’ softball, girls’ slow-pitch, boys’ football, girls’ basketball,
and boys’ volleyball
Winter: Girls’ volleyball, co-ed hockey, co-ed volleyball, boys’ basketball
Spring: Slow-pitch baseball and T-Ball for all grades (this is completely coordinated by
the parents), boys’ and girls’ soccer, track & field
Some classrooms, depending on individual teachers, often do both skating at Otter Creek.
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JRR Parent Handbook
John Ross Robertson Child Centre is a school-based, non-profit daycare and nursery
school offering high-quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs. They offer a
variety of daycare options for Nursery School, Kindergarten and school age (Gr. 1–6)
children from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. There are before and after school care programs in child
care from 7:30 to 9:00 AM and 3:15-6:00. For more information on fees, curriculum,
registration and availability, please go to www.jrrcc.ca.
After Four Program
This program is run by the NPA. It is a fee-based program offered to students from
Grades 1–6 that runs from 3:45-4:45 pm. The cost of the program ranges from $100-$150
per 8 week program depending on the nature of the program. After Four is organized into
three sessions: Oct–Dec, Jan–March and April–May.
After Four offers many different choices for kids to explore such as art, music, drama,
keyboarding, cooking, DJ, babysitting course and more. All registration is done online
through a program called Quickenrollment. The After Four Guide is distributed through
Parentalk, our online school newsletter.
Daily Schedule
Office opens at 8 am each morning
Bell rings, children enter school from schoolyard
Classes begin
Morning recess
Lunch (children are dismissed for home or stay to eat lunch in
Bell rings, children enter school from schoolyard
Classes begin
Afternoon recess
Dismissal (children are picked up in schoolyard)
Office closes at 4:00 pm
Kindergarten Hours
Kindergarten classes begin at 9:15 AM, teachers will be on yard duty starting at 9:00 AM
in the small playground adjacent to the school parking lot to accept children as they
arrive. That way if you have older children attending school as well, you can drop off at
the Kindergarten playground and depart when the 8:57 bells rings. Your child will be
supervised to play in the enclosed Kindergarten playground until they go inside.
Kindergarten classes are from 9:15 AM to 3:15 PM., Lunch 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
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JRR Parent Handbook
School Events at a Glance
September/Early October
 New Parent Breakfast
 Lice Check
 Welcome Back Barbeque
 Curriculum Night (parents only)
 Terry Fox School Wide Walk/Run
 First Pizza Lunch
 Staff Appreciation Breakfast
 NPA Annual General Meeting and Budget – all are invited to attend!
 Parent Teacher Conferences
 Family Pizza Bingo Night
 Holiday Concert
 JRR Skate Party
 Lip Sync Performance- March 3 & 4 of student performances
Music Monday - All grade 1, 2 and 3 students as well as the Junior Choir perform
Adult Party (offsite alternating years)
Instrumental Concert-itinerant band and strings perform as well as Grade 4
recorders (Mr. Young’s class)
Possible Theatre Production-depending on the year and whether a production has
been undertaken
T-Ball, 3 Pitch & Softball for 6 weeks
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May continued
FUN FAIR-biggest fundraiser which is both indoors and outdoors on school
property. Occurs last Saturday in May after May long weekend
Folk Fest-folk dancing club joins other TDSB folk dancing clubs throughout the
city offsite
EQAO Testing for grade 3 & 6
JRR Open House (all students showcase their work)
Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Volunteer Tea for Parents to attend
Grade 6 overnight trip to Kilcoo
Grade 6 Graduation
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JRR Parent Handbook
TDSB School Year Calendar 2014 - 2015
October 13, 2014
Board-wide PA Day
November 14, 2014
Board-wide PA Day
December 5, 2014
Christmas Break
December 22, 2014 to
January 2, 2015 (inclusive)
School resumes
January 5, 2015
Elementary PA Day
January 23, 2015
Board-wide PA Day
February 13, 2015
Family Day
February 16, 2015
March Break
March 16 to 20, 2015
Good Friday
April 3, 2015
Easter Monday
April 6, 2015
Victoria Day
May 19, 2015
Elementary PA Day
June 5, 2015
Board-wide PA Day
June 26, 2015
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JRR Parent Handbook
Neighbourhood Parents Association (NPA)
The NPA is the parent group that raises funds to support school activities, enrichment
programs not supported by the TDSB and runs the many social events unique to the JRR
Receive the Parentalk email newsletter in your inbox and stay up to date. Send a
message to [email protected] to receive Parentalk. It’s your key to staying up to
date on school activities and events, the school office also uses Parentalk to communicate
with parents. The NPA Website is the central repository for all our information; weekly
issues of Parentalk are continually published on the website and our Blog has additional
information about school and NPA activities.
The JRR Neighbourhood Parent Association (NPA) also publishes a School Directory
for the exclusive personal use of JRR Staff and Families. It will not be distributed to
others nor will your personal information be used for political or commercial purposes.
Please be sure to update your contact info for the School Directory by writing to
[email protected]
The NPA fundraises so all the children can benefit from extracurricular programming.
Monies raised go to support programs such as Scientists in the School, Artists in the
Classroom, Learning Through the Arts, and fund purchases such as assistive
technologies, library books, computers, projectors, gym equipment, team uniforms and
much more. John Ross Robertson depends on this support to deliver quality education to
your children. There are so many ways to get involved and it is a great way to meet other
parents and connect with families at the school.
Volunteer Sign up
You can register to Volunteer with any of the programs and activities at
www.jrr-npa.org/getinvolved.html It could be for an hour at an event like The
Welcome Back BBQ, manning a bouncy Castle at Fun Fair or giving 20 minutes every
other week at Kiss N’Ride. We organize two Staff Appreciation events each year that we
need parents to prepare fresh food for, there are other low commitment (and quiet-!)
opportunities such as Library Support where you can help out checking and shelving
New Parent Breakfast
Usually the 2nd week after school begins, new parents are invited to attend a continental
style breakfast and listen to the principal and NPA Co-chair welcome newcomers with
information and a school tour.
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JRR Parent Handbook
Welcome Back BBQ
This very popular event is usually held on the third Wednesday after school begins from
5:30-7:30pm in the schoolyard or in the gym if it’s raining. Hot dog and hamburger meals
(includes chips, fruit and drink) are sold for $5 each and are supplemented by free
entertainment that starts around 6pm for 45 mins. Attendees are encouraged to bring
along a dessert for the pot luck dessert table.
Family Pizza Bingo
A nice way to help get through the winter. The evening begins with a pizza dinner
(includes drink and cookie) followed by raucous games of bingo with amazing prizes
donated by local businesses and JRR families.
JRR Skate Party
Another family tradition, the JRR Skate Party is held on a Sunday afternoon from 3-5pm
in February at Otter Creek. Families come out to skate and drink hot chocolate and eat
sweet treats. Families are asked to donate baked (or store bought) treats.
Lip Sync
A kid favourite, Lip Sync is held the first week of March over two nights. Groups of two
or more kids strut their stuff to 90 sec. portions of their favourite (age appropriate) songs.
Over 30 groups perform each night including the much loved teachers’ number which is
presented both nights.
Adult Party
With so many great family events, the adult party gives the grown-ups a chance to get out
and get to know one another. Held in a local watering hole, parents are encouraged to
come out and have fun with other JRR parents. A silent auction gives the evening a lowkey fundraising element but mainly it’s about building a sense of community.
This is organized by the NPA and is entirely parent-run and is available to all students
from SK through to Grade 6. T-Ball is for SK and Grade 1, Slow-Pitch is for Grades 2
and 3 and softball for Grades 4, 5 and 6. This takes place in May and June. A $30 fee is
required for softball only for shirts, trophies, equipment upgrades and last game ceremony.
Fun Fair
Who doesn’t love a fair and JRR has one of the best Fun Fairs going. Held the last
Saturday in May from 12-3 (4pm outdoors), this big event entails both floors of the
school plus the parking lot and the entire back playground. Everything from bouncy
castles and inflatable obstacles to book, bake and flower sales. There are cafés, pizza and
an amazing BBQ, it’s four hours of pure fun.
With so many events going on there are numerous opportunities to volunteer at JRR.
Volunteering is an excellent way to meet other parents, to help out and get to know a bit
more about the school community. You can give as much or as little time as you have.
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Volunteer sign-up sheets are sent out the first week of school. Please consider signing up
to help out on at least one event.
Holiday and End of Year Gift Giving
JRR has a tradition of giving group gifts to teachers and staff at the holidays and
again at the end of the year. Class parents will contact you at these times. Participation is
Acorn Custom Cards
Another popular fall (Sept/Oct) fundraiser is custom cards. Your children’s artwork can
be transformed into cards, placemats, or a calendar. Some teachers choose to have the
kids create the artwork in class while others send them home to be completed. The cards
are great for birthdays, Christmas or Hanukkah, thank yous, or just blank notes.
Grade 6 Yearbook
Each year a grade 6 yearbook is produced and is sold to graduates along with a
graduating class photo and a memento. The cost is approx $40 for the package. The
yearbook is about 40 pages and includes grad photos as well as photos from trips, events
and the classroom from throughout the year.
Grade 6 Graduation
The grad ceremony is held during the day (approx. 1-4pm) near the end of June. It is on
the lawn on the Rosewell side of the school or in the gym if it’s raining. There is a short
reception following the ceremony which is arranged by Grade 5 parents followed by a
dance in the gym for the grads. Over the last few years there has also been an overnight
off-site graduation trip to Kilcoo camp. Subsidies are available if payment is an issue and
should be discussed privately with your child’s teacher.
Neighbourhood Parents Association Executive
Co-Chairs……………………………………………Sue Fisher (Laguë)
Katie Waverman (Dolgin)
School Council Rep…………………………………Sue Fisher
Treasurer…………………………………………….Keltie Ellwood
Extracurricular VP’s……………………………….. Scottie Wildman (Blakely)
Kelly Malcolm
Cathy Tassie (Demeter)
Alison Platt (Hoogeveen)
VP Communications……………………………….. Lesley Chisholm
The NPA offers more than 30+ activities each year and all these events depend on parent
volunteers to operate. We invite everyone to get involved, it’s a great way to be engaged
in school life.
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JRR Parent Handbook
The complete list with Conveners contact information will be published in the paper
Directory that will be distributed to all households in October.
Remember you can register to Volunteer with any of the programs and activities at
www.jrr-npa.org/getinvolved.html You will receive a hot pink Volunteer Sign-up Sheet too.
These are some of the events the NPA coordinates at JRR:
Parentalk/Blue Note
Volunteer Coordinator
Directory & Class Lists
Pizza Lunch
Appreciation Coordinator
Kiss ‘N Ride
Class Parents
Library Support
After 4
Lost & Found
New Parent Breakfast
Welcome Back BBQ
Staff Appreciation Breakfast
On Going Fund Raisers
Merchandise & Spirit Wear
Special Guest Speaker Series
Popcorn Convener
Family Pizza Bingo
Skate Night
Lip Sync
T- Ball
Fun Fair
JRR Staff Luncheon
Grade 5 Grad Event Food
Grade 6 Graduation
Year Book
Lost and Found
Mabel’s Labels
With all the activities the JRR Neighbourhood Parent Association offers, it’s a fun and
perhaps more importantly, a truly beneficial way to get involved with your children’s
school. We invite everyone to get involved and look forward to seeing you out at
John Ross Robertson event this year!
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