0614 PROCESSNEWS Follow us on... A Newsletter from Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology (OIPT) @oxinst Welcome to this issue of PROCESSNEWS LED, MEMS, Power Semiconductors and Graphene are just a few of the many applications our suite of tools can handle. Process articles within this Spring 2014 issue cover several of these and more, with contributions from our customers and also our applications specialists. /oxinst IN THIS ISSUE 2/3 The winner of our SEM Competition 4 Low damage plasma processes for compound semiconductor applications 5 Nano-patterning silicon carbide by Ga+ resistless lithography and subsequent reactive ion etching 6/7 New advances in Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (ICPCVD) 7 Multi-million pound cluster system order will improve the energy efficiency performance of electronic and optoelectronic devices 8 Tsinghua University buys multiple plasma systems for quantum computing 8/9 Nanoscale high aspect ratio Deep Silicon Etching using the Bosch process 10 Optoelectronics – The Light Fantastic 11 New heater option for the PlasmaPro System400 sputter module 12/13 Low Cost Polysilicon Nanoribbon Biosensor by Thin Film Technology 14 Aluminium Oxide by Pulsed-flow ICPCVD for Passivation of Silicon Solar Cells 15 Looking towards the future of MEMS and NEMS created lively discussions at IEMN, Lille 16 New VP appointed to head Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology USA 16 On-site training, and off-site courses for 2014. We can come to you! We’ve recently launched videos about some of our key application areas, and they’re available on our website now. LED – Power Semiconductors – MEMS – Graphene Go to www.oxford-instruments.com/plasma-videos and click on the links PROCESSNEWS 1 COMPETITION And the winner of our SEM Competition was… ’The World’s Smallest Coin’ 0614 Made from diamond to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II By Andrew Greer, Glasgow University Excellent selection of entries We asked our customers to send us interesting SEM images resulting from work done on their Oxford Instruments plasma systems. We received a really high number of entries and some of them are shown here. Created using an Oxford Instruments Plasmalab System 100 ICP RIE. Yi Chen, University of Illinois Self assembled nano flowers of HOBT by water evaporation, Ravula Thirupathi, Indian Institute of Science Polka Dots and Planets, H M Davies, UWS Microfluidic flow-induced nanoporous scaffolds Amy Shen, University of Washington Rod shaped silica nanoparticles Brijitta J, Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,Sathyabama University, Chennai Waveguide-coupled metal-cavity nanolaserVictor Manuel Dolores CalzadillaEindhoven University of Technology Silicon Corals, Albert Hutterer, University of Applied Sciences Regensburg Nano Olympic torch, Using the Oxford Plasmalab 65 ICP system. Peter Kremer , Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh Scotland Screwed carbon fiber looks like Rudyard’s Kipling snake Kaa, Vladislav Sudin, Lomonosov Moscow State University Thanks to everyone who entered the competition! How it was created Micro mirrors. Created using an Oxford Instruments Plasmalab System100 ICPRIE. Lavendra Vadav Mandyam, Indian Institute of Science An epitaxial diamond layer above Si was nanopatterned and etched to produce a diamond coin upon a Si back plate to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. HSQ was exposed using an e-beam to define the details of the coin’s face. Secondly PMMA was spin coated above the HSQ and exposed with an e-beam to define the perimeter of the coin. Al was evaporated to act as the diamond etch mask and etching was performed with an Oxford Instruments PlasmaPro System100 100 RIE tool. The Al was then removed and the HSQ details transferred to the diamond using the same etch tool. Congratulations to Andrew who received Amazon vouchers, and thank you to all who entered, please browse through the top entries on these pages. 2 PROCESSNEWS Array of Microlenses, Andrew Bezinger, National Research Council of Canada. PROCESSNEWS 3 Low damage plasma processes for compound semiconductor applications Nano-patterning silicon carbide by Ga+ resistless lithography and subsequent reactive ion etching Mathias Rommel, Susanne Beuer, Anke Haas, Maximilian Rumler Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology, Erlangen, Germany Chris Hodson, Product Manager, Oxford Instruments A growing number of compound semiconductor applications have highly sensitive interfaces where damage is easily induced. Applications sensitive to damage include GaN and SiC wide band gap power devices and front side etch of GaAs RF devices. This presents many challenges for plasma based etch and deposition processes where thermal, ion or photon induced damage can occur unless steps are taken to minimise their impact. For example the passivation of an AlGaN/GaN surface in a power HEMT requires careful control of the plasma deposition process conditions to minimise ion energy and avoid damage to the interface associated with trapped charge and defect states. Some ion energy, however, may be beneficial for the film properties, e.g. densification of the film. To find out more watch our webinar that reviews the control of plasma conditions through process and hardware parameters in deposition processes such as PECVD and ALD, and review etch parameters necessary to produce smooth features to enable low leakage devices. Also watch our new Power Semi video www.oxford-instruments.com/plasma 4 PROCESSNEWS Silicon carbide (SiC), due to its wide bandgap, high breakdown electric field, high thermal conductivity, and its excellent chemical and mechanical stability is superior to silicon for high temperature, high power, high frequency or optoelectronic applications. A versatile and fast micro- and nano-structuring method with high dimensional stability on flat and even pronounced topographies can strongly improve the development and optimization of corresponding devices such as actuators, sensors, and MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) by enabling fast prototyping. A process consisting of Ga+ resistless lithography (GaRL) and subsequent reactive ion etching (RIE) offers these capabilities. GaRL is based on local Ga implantation by focused ion beam (FIB) with very low doses (compared to FIB direct milling) which results in strongly retarded etching rates for the implanted regions for wet etching and RIE (see figure 1). This patterning approach is interesting for a large variety of applications as GaRL has already been successfully applied to various materials, among them Si [1], SiO2 [2], and diamond [3]. If RIE processes are already established for the materials of interest, the etch mask fabrication using GaRL is straightforward because the GaRL step only needs minor adaption for different materials. In addition, as the ion beam is controlled similar to an electron beam in Figure 1 Patterning by e-beam lithography, the etch GaRL and subsequent RIE mask definition itself is maskless (schematic) and very flexible (e.g., by using 0614 Figure 2 SEM image (tilted by 52 °) of an array of FIB irradiated areas (each of 3x3 μm²) after RIE. Each area was implanted with a different dose as indicated (dose in 1015 cm-2) in the image starting. bitmap images for pattern definition). Thus, it is well suited for prototyping of structures or devices. Finally, the highly focused ion beam allows addressing similar dimensions as an electron beam offering final masking dimensions down to the sub-100 nm regime [1]. In this contribution, it is shown that GaRL and Figure 3 SEM images (tilted by 52 °) of micro- and nanostructures in 4H-SiC fabricated by GaRL and subsequent RIE. subsequent RIE can also successfully be applied for the flexible patterning of SiC down to the nano-regime. The results were first presented at the International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering in London in 2013 (MNE 2013). All FIB experiments were performed with a FEI Helios Nanolab 600 FIB using a beam energy of 30 keV. Doses ranging from approximately 1·1015 - 7·1017 cm-2 were implanted to investigate the dose dependence of the masking behavior of the implanted region and the superposition of masking and direct milling effects where the latter start to dominate for doses exceeding 2·1017 cm-2. The distance between the raster pixels (beam overlap) was set to 50% of the nominal beam diameter which is 17 nm for the applied current. The experiments were performed on n-doped 4H-SiC samples. For RIE, an Oxford Instruments PlasmaPro® System100 system was used with a mixture of SF6 and O2 as process gases (18 sccm SF6, 9 sccm O2) at a gas pressure of 4 mTorr. The chuck temperature was 50 °C. To result in an efficient etch mask, only the implanted Ga dose has to be optimized. From Fig. 2 it can clearly be observed that different Ga doses lead to significantly different structures after RIE. Most important, doses in the range of 2 - 7·1016 cm-2 are optimum as etch mask. For that dose range nearly identical structures with smooth surfaces were obtained with a height of approximately 135 nm. For smaller doses, the masking effect is obviously not sufficiently effective (see e.g., structures with doses of 8·1015 cm-2 and 1.1·1016 cm-2 where the masking layer virtually starts to “peel off” after RIE) whereas for higher doses FIB implantation is already accompanied by FIB material removal (i.e., FIB milling). With such optimized masking doses, GaRL and subsequent RIE could be successfully applied to fabricate very flexibly microand nano-structures in 4H-SiC as shown in Fig. 3. For some applications, the remaining Ga-rich masking layer might be undesirable. In such cases, e.g. a purely physical Ar sputtering process might be used to remove that layer [1]. The presented results clearly demonstrate that GaRL and subsequent RIE are a viable option for flexible nano-patterning of silicon carbide. [1] Rommel, M.; Rumler, M.; Haas, A.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L.: Processing of silicon nanostructures by Ga+ resistless lithography and reactive ion etching, Microelectronic Engineering 110, 177182 (2013) [2] Rumler, M.; Fader, R.; Haas, A.; Rommel, M.; Bauer, A.J.; Frey, L.: Evaluation of resistless Ga+ beam lithography for UV NIL stamp fabrication, Nanotechnology 24, 365302 (2013) [3] McKenzie, W.; Pethica, J.; Cross, G.: A direct-write, resistless hard mask for rapid nanoscale patterning of diamond, Diamond & Related Materials 20, 707 (2011) PROCESSNEWS 5 New advances in Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (ICPCVD) Dr. Owain Thomas, Applications Team Leader, Oxford Instruments Considerable interest has been directed towards the ability to deposit high density dielectric films at low temperatures (<150 °C), especially in temperature-sensitive devices such as organic LED’s. By using ICP-CVD technique, we at Oxford Instruments have developed deposition processes in which high quality films can be deposited with high density plasma, low deposition pressures and temperatures. These result in advantages of minimizing film contamination, promoting film stoichiometry, reducing radiation damage by direct ion-surface interaction, and eliminating device degradation at high temperatures. requirement for substrate heating or post-deposition annealing. Therefore this limits some of the application of poly-crystalline TiO2 especially for temperature sensitive substrate materials e.g. polymers. We have utilised the ICPCVD technique in order to deposit amorphous TiO2 at temperatures <1000C. The TiO2 layer has been deposited using Titanium (IV) Isopropoxide (TTIP) as the source of Ti together with O2. Various film properties have been measured and the results are shown in figure and table 2 below. Further work is planned to look at depositing layers as low as room temperature. Previously ICP-CVD has been used to deposit materials using silane gas as the silicon source. Recently we at Oxford Instruments have combined our experience in ICPCVD and our capability in dealing with non gaseous precursors in developing new processes and materials at low temperatures (<150oC). TEOS based SiO2 in ICPCVD Silicon dioxide deposition plays an important role in the fabrication of devices; and can be already deposited by using several methods, including APCVD, LPCVD and PECVD. The SiO2 layer is normally deposited using silane and N2O - the use of pure oxygen is avoided due to its highly reactive properties with SiH4. PECVD-deposited SiO2 layers from silane are widely employed when conformality is not critical. Good conformal coverage is then achieved by the use of TEOS (tetraethoxysilane, tetraethyl orthosilicate) instead of silane. In particular, TEOSbased PECVD enables approximately 85% conformal step coverage, and the ability to control the degree of step coverage by controlling the oxygen radicals within the plasma to vary deposition directionality. In a similar manner we have used the ICPCVD in order to deposit SiO2 using TEOS and O2 at much lower temperatures (<150oC) compared to PECVD. In addition ICPCVD gives the added ability to coat higher aspect ratio structures by using lower pressures and with the potential of adding RF bias to the lower electrode. The TEOS based SiO2 film stress can also be controlled from tensile to compressive by adjusting ICP/RF power. Typical results are shown in figure and table 1 opposite. TiO2 deposition using ICPCVD Titanium dioxide films have several applications, which include: ultra-thin film high-k insulators in integrated circuits (ICs), 6 PROCESSNEWS 0614 Figure 1: SEM showing ICPCVD TEOS based SiO2 deposited at 100oC on structures with trench width of ~12µm, depth of ~50µm, and hence aspect ratio of ~4:1. Process Parameter TEOS based SiO2 Deposition Rate >15nm/min Film thickness Uniformity <+/-5% (150mm) Refractive Index 1.46 Film Stress ±300MPa Wet Etch rates (10:1 BHF, 20oC) <1.5µm/min at deposition temperature 100oC These recent advances have shown the capability of ICPCVD in achieving high quality films at low temperatures. Therefore due these additional benefits of ICPCVD several manufacturers are now considering the ICPCVD technique as an alternative to conventional PECVD. Multi-million pound cluster system order will improve the energy efficiency performance of electronic and optoelectronic devices We recently received a multi-million pound order for a complex deposition and analysis cluster system from the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre at the University of Glasgow. The system will enable development to improve the energy efficiency performance of electronic and optoelectronic devices for a large range of applications. Our Plasma Technology and Omicron Nanoscience businesses were able to provide the broad range of technologies necessary for this ‘Powerhouse’ multichamber and multi-function system. This four chamber cluster system combines: FlexAL Atomic Layer Deposition tool used for depositing very thin films of metals, oxides and nitrides using both thermal and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) ALD processes, a PlasmaPro System100 ICP for etching of compound semiconductor materials and a Table 1 ICPCVD TEOS based SiO2 - Typical film properties surface passivation and biocompatible coatings due to their chemical and thermal resistance. In addition due to the high refractive index of TiO2 it is commonly used for antireflection coatings on glass. It has also been proposed as a photoanode layer in nanocrystalline solar cells and also as a photocatalytic surface property. The most common form is poly-crystalline TiO2. High quality poly-crystalline TiO2 films are usually formed using various vapour deposition techniques. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is considered to offer the advantage of comparably low film growth temperatures. However, anatase and rutile are formed at 350°C and 800°C, respectively, hence the Figure 2: SEM showing ICPCVD TiO2 deposited at 80oC on a structure with an isolated~1µm step height Process Parameter TiO2 at <100oC Deposition Rate 3-6nm/min Refractive Index 1.8-2.1 Film Stress -200MPa compressive to +400MPa tensile PlasmaPro System100 ICP for High-Density PECVD deposition system providing for low damage, low temperature thin films; plus the Omicron Nanoscience NanoSAM LAB, for surface sensitive chemical analysis and high resolution imaging of small (micro and nano) structures by Scanning Auger Microscopy (SAM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). These systems will be combined in a unique configuration and is a very exciting development for us. Table 2 TiO2 - Typical film properties PROCESSNEWS 7 Tsinghua University buys multiple plasma systems for quantum computing Research into the emergent field of quantum computing will be carried out at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), at Tsinghua University in Beijing using our plasma systems. The IIIS is currently installing a new cleanroom, and has selected our tools to to undertake this key research, The PlasmaPro 100 etch system, PlasmaPro100 PECVD deposition system with TEOS, and a FlexAL ALD system, are all ideal for this type of research due to their high performance, flexibility and ease of service. Dr. Song, Associate Researcher from Tsinghua University said, “We chose these systems after a stringent tendering process, comparing system functionality and cost. Our decision to purchase its plasma etch and deposition tools was due to Oxford Instruments’ wide range of processes and applications, the suite of systems available from this one global supplier, and the excellent service and support available to customers. We are anticipating excellent results from our cutting edge research.” Nanoscale high aspect ratio Deep Silicon Etching using the Bosch process Katarzyna Korwin-Mikke, Zhong Ren, Mark McNie, Colin Welch Oxford Instruments Current trends in silicon devices demand shrinking etch dimensions and higher aspect ratio features. In conventional Bosch deep silicon etch (DSiE) processes, the finite size of scallops and mask undercut (Figure 1) from the alternating sequence of deposition and etch steps are significant at the nanoscale. High aspect ratio etching is challenging as the transport of neutral species becomes increasingly limited as the number of sidewall collisions increase. With increasing aspect ratio, microloading effects appear and the balance between sidewall passivation and etching becomes critical to maintaining good profile control. The high rate and selectivity capability at the microscale were traded for improved control at the nanoscale on the PlasmaPro 100 Estrelas system by moving to a process window utilising fast switching, low pressures and low powers. A multi-stage recipe allowed for adjustments in process parameters with increasing aspect ratio. Figures 2 and 3 show 100nm features etched with good profile and undercut control with an aspect ratio 20:1 and 45:1 respectively. The etch rate achieved was more than 200nm/ min with a selectivity to the oxide mask in excess of 20:1. By comparison, the cryogenic process offers smooth sidewalls and smaller minimum feature size capability (10nm) at slightly higher rate and selectivity but is not capable of such high aspect ratios (typically being limited to < 30:1). [1]. Acknowledgement This article is a summary of a recently presented paper at MNE 2013 [2]. For more information www.oxford-instruments.com/plasma 8 PROCESSNEWS The authors would like to thank the MIT Space Nanotechnology Laboratory for providing samples for nanoscale etching at Oxford Instruments and for granting permission to publish the results. 0614 133nm 122nm 507nm 136nm 5.1nm Figure 1 Undercut and scalloping in the Bosch process (1µm trench). 111nm Figure 3 SEM of 200nm pitch trenches (AR » 45). 89nm 2.5nm Figure 2 SEM of 200nm pitch trenches (AR >20). References [1] C C Welch, D L Olynick, Z Liu, A Holmberg, C Peroz, A P G Robinson, M D Henry, A Scherer, T Mollenhauer, V Genova, D K T Ng, “Formation of nanoscale structures by inductively coupled plasma etching”, Proc. SPIE-8700, 2012 [2] K Korwin-Mikke, Z Ren, M E McNie, C C Welch, “High Aspect Ratio Deep Silicon Etching in the Bosch Process at the Micro/Nanoscale”, Proc. MNE, 2013 Want to know more about the PlasmaPro 100 Estrelas? Contact [email protected] for a brochure PROCESSNEWS 9 Optoelectronics – The Light Fantastic New heater option for the PlasmaPro System400 sputter module Dr Mark Dineen, Product Manager, Oxford Instruments Cigang Xu, Robert Teagle, David Bradley, Louise Bailey, Gary Proudfoot, Suidong Yang and Mike Cooke, Oxford Instruments Wikipedia describes Optoelectronics as the study and application of electronic devices that source, detect and control light. While this is factually correct, it doesn’t even begin to describe the importance and potential of these devices in today’s world. For example light as a medium for communicating has been around for a long time, watch towers on the Great Wall of China used fire to signal warnings to each other. Fast forward a thousand years and you have fibre optic cables running from New York to London capable of transferring a signal across the Atlantic in 0.06 seconds. Technology that enables the internet, technology that people of my generation find life changing, technology that my 5 year old son will take for granted. Below I describe just some of the multitude of devices that Optoelectronics encompasses: Solid State Lasers (SSLs) SSLs allow information in the form of an electronic signal to be translated into light. The devices are in various forms; VCSELS, bars etc and these require plasma etching and passivation to create them. III-V materials such as GaAs, AlGaAs, InP are used as the light creation semiconductor and it is etching of these materials smoothly and efficiently that makes the best devices. Waveguides Waveguides act as junction boxes, beam splitters and other essential components in the movement and manipulation of light. They require very specific SiO2 base layers to be deposited and shaped to allow this manipulation with minimal loss of signal strength. Plasma deposition is used to create material which has incredible control on the film properties often through film doping and plasma etch forms the required shapes. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Through modern LEDs we can generate light much more efficiently than previous standard technology. LEDs are made from GaN (Blue light) or AlGaInP (Red light) both these materials need to be dry etched as part of the manufacturing process. Also prior to GaN growth the sapphire substrates used need to be patterned (Patterned Sapphire Substrates or PSS) these days in sharp, pyramid like features. Then the devices need to have a protective layer, or passivation, which is created by PECVD. Oxford Instruments has supplied major LED manufacturers for many years with the etch and deposition equipment essential to making LEDs. Photovoltaics (PVs) While LEDs make light, PV devices capture and convert it into electricity - harvesting the sun's energy. PV devices are commonly made from Si and plasma processing allows surfaces optimised and electrical contacts to be positioned. Oxford Instruments has extensive experience in controlling substrate temperature, with different wafer tables capable of operating between -150oC and 800oC or above. We have recently extended the heating capability of the 400 sputter module from a previous maximum of 300oC, to a new high of 900oC. This has been implemented as a high temperature radiant heating station, taking the place of one magnetron position. It uses the same core heater as the proven Nanofab 800 design, which is a graphite/ boron nitride assembly (Figure 1). The heater option extends the process capabilities of the tool, satisfying the requirements of applications such as amorphous film annealing to change crystallinity of the film and annealing ultra-thin films to form nanoparticles. In the PlasmaPro System400 module, annealing can be done under vacuum or a low pressure gas environment. The work was partially funded by EC FP7 nanoPV project, in which the annealing function is required to be integrated with other hardware to make overall process flow continuous for the development of new generation nanostructure-based solar cells. The design was validated using a multi-physics package to check the temperature rise in heat shields, as well as the wafer temperature. Figure 4 shows the heating up and cooling down of Figure 1 Core heating element the heater module installed in the PlasmaPro System400 sputtering tool, using a K-type thermocouple on the surface of a graphite susceptor. The graphite susceptor reached 900°C in less than 30 minutes for an input power of 1.1 kW. The way that the heater module was installed means that the wafer sample, which was placed on top of graphite susceptor, may have higher temperature than the surface temperature of graphite susceptor. It is expected that wafer temperatures close to 1000°C will be achievable. One of the areas of greatest interest is for the production of nanoparticle layers of aluminium and gold by insitu annealing of nanometer thick films deposited in the PlasmaPro System400. Other complex oxides and Figure 3 Thermal simulation of radiant oxy-nitrides will form heater assembly part of our future activity. Acknowledgement This work was partly funded by the European commission 7th framework program under grant agreement no. 246331 (NanoPV). Figure 4 (a) Heating up curve from room temperature up to 900oC, (b) Cooling down curve from 900oC to 100oC Heater module Sample Susceptor So Optoelectronics is: controlling/distributing information; creating illumination and generating energy all at the speed of light! Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology continues to enable people to harness The Light Fantastic. Figure 2 The schematic graph to show the heater module in PlasmaPro System400 sputtering tool 10 PROCESSNEWS PROCESSNEWS 11 Low Cost Polysilicon Nanoribbon Biosensor by Thin Film Technology Dr Kai Sun, Dr Ioannis Zeimpekis and Prof Peter Ashburn, Southampton Nanofabrication Centre, University of Southampton The ultimate aim of the project is to develop a low-cost Si biosensor technology using Thin Film Transistor technology (TFT) for healthcare applications. The application requires a very low cost disposable device. Si nanowires have been widely researched for biochemical sensors as they offer the advantage of high surface-to-volume ratio. Currently, nanowires are fabricated by bottom-up methods using self-assembly or top-down techniques employing electron beam/ deep UV lithography on SOI substrates. However, the bottom-up approaches are unsuitable for mass production whilst the CMOS-compatible top-down approaches require high cost advanced lithography and expensive SOI wafers. In our work, we develop polysilicon nanoribbons using TFT techniques as an alternative to nanowires, which can take benefit of large panel production. Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology systems play a key role in the nanoribbon fabrication. Our top-down nanoribbon fabrication flow using only a three-mask process is schematically shown in Fig. 1. Plasmalab System 100 PECVD was used to deposit 45 nm in-situ doped n-type amorphous silicon on an insulator at 200ºC. We have successfully deposited Si films down to 25 nm in thickness. This in-situ doping could eliminate the expensive ion implantation process and effectively reduce the fabrication cost. After a lithography, the Oxford Instruments System100 Cobra was used to anisotropically etch the Si film to form nanoribbons. The Si film was recrystallized and consequently TiN contacts and an SU8 passivation layer were formed. A fabricated device is shown in Fig. 1(d). Figure 1 Schematic illustration of the Nanoribbon biosensor fabrication for (a) poly-Si formation and patterning, (b) TiN sputtering and lift-off and (c) SU-8 passivation and sensing window formation. (d) Micrograph of a fabricated Nanoribbon biosensor, with an inset of an SEM micrograph of the nanoribbon. 12 PROCESSNEWS 0614 Figure 2 Sheet resistance as a function of PH3 flow for in-situ doped polysilicon layers deposited as amorphous silicon at 200ºC and then annealed at 900ºC for 10 minutes in dry O2 to crystallize to polysilicon and activate the phosphorus dopant. Figure 4 Titration curve obtained using the low doped nanoribbon biosensor for the reaction of CRP in 0.1 mM buffer (red curve). Detection of CRP using an ELISA in 0.1 mM phosphate buffer at pH7 is also shown for comparison (blue curve). Fig. 2 shows the sheet resistance after a 900°C oxidation as a function of PH3 flow. A sheet resistance of 140 kΩ/sq is obtained for a PH3 flow of 4 sccm, which then drops to 1.8 kΩ/sq for a PH3 flow of 40 sccm. The Hall Effect measurement shows that the average concentrations for a PH3 flow of 4 and 20 sccm are around 4×1017 cm-3 and 3×1019 cm-3, respectively. Device performance is investigated using pH sensing and shown in Fig. 3, where normalized conductance change is plotted against the pH value of the applied buffers. A conductance change of just below 6% is obtained at a pH of 3 for the low doped biosensor and around 4% for the high doped biosensor. This shows that both highly and lowly doped devices work well but the low doped ones give a higher sensitivity. Figure 3 Graph of normalized biosensor conductance change as a function of pH for two junctionless nanoribbon biosensors with a low doping concentration (PH3 flow of 4 sccm) and two with a high concentration (PH3 flow of 20 sccm). The channel length was 74 µm and the width was 6.4 µm. No n+ source/drain pads were used on the biosensors. To demonstrate the operation as a biosensor, low doped nanoribbon biosensors were functionalized with anti-CRP antibody to create a biosensor for CRP sensing. Fig. 4 (red curve) shows the percentage electric signal change (conductance change ∆G/G0%) versus CRP concentration. The percentage conduction change is indicated in the graph as a percentage coverage change (coverage %) so that the affinity titration curve can be compared with the standard enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for CRP (blue curve). In this case the percentage coverage corresponds to the optical absorbance signal change of the ELISA. The agreement between the biosensor and ELISA results is reasonably good, indicating that the change in conductance seen in the nanoribbon biosensor is consistent with protein binding. In summary, we have presented a nanoribbon biosensor technology based on TFT technology for application in Point of Care diagnostics. The polysilicon was in-situ doped to avoid the requirement for ion implantation and SOI substrates. This technology is simple, low-cost and suitable for the mass manufacture of disposable biosensors. PROCESSNEWS 13 Aluminium Oxide by Pulsed-flow ICPCVD for Passivation of Silicon Solar Cells Looking towards the future of MEMS and NEMS created lively discussions at IEMN, Lille Dr Christopher Pugh, Oxford Instruments 'Nanoscale Processing for NEMS and MEMS' The photovoltaic industry is constantly striving to improve the efficiency of solar cell devices, with significant levels of research involved in the field. One of the key pathways to increasing cell efficiency is to reduce recombinative losses. Surface passivation can reduce recombination within the cell structure, leading to improved minority carriers lifetimes. This in turn improves the efficiency of the overall cell, leading to more electricity being generated. A lot of interest in the photovoltaic industry and research is going into aluminium oxide films, which have been shown to deliver excellent surface passivation of silicon using atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes1. These films lead to low interface defect densities in conjunction with a strong field effect passivation by negative charges near the interface that reduce the electron density. The recombination rate of charge carriers at the silicon surface is reduced as a result. Through work carried out at Eindhoven University of Technology2 (TUe), Oxford Instruments equipment has been used to demonstrate that equally impressive surface passivation can be achieved using inductively coupled plasma chemical vapour deposition (ICP-CVD). A novel approach to the technique involves ultrashort pulsed injection of tri-methyl aluminium (TMA) into a continuous oxygen plasma. The deposition process is governed by Figure 1 Schematic representation of the growth mechanism during pulsed-flow ICPCVD 14 PROCESSNEWS an initial growth period in which the TMA is depleted within the chamber; this is followed by an oxidation and densification of the film (Figure 1). After a specified interval the next pulse of TMA is administered. Through varying the pulse length of the TMA it is possible to control film properties such as the deposition rate and refractive index (Figure 2 ). The novel technique enjoys the benefits of the film quality associated with atomic layer deposition, whilst obtaining the rates achievable with ICPCVD. Furthermore through adjustment of the pulse interval a degree of control of the minority carrier lifetimes of the samples has been demonstrated, with increased pulse interval leading to increased effective minority carrier lifetime (Figure 3). The group at TUe has deposited aluminium oxide onto 3.5Ω-cm n-type c-Si wafers. After annealing at 400°C for 10 minutes, ultra low surface recombination velocity values of <1cm/s have been observed and excellent minority carrier lifetime values of 8.8ms have been obtained, which are similar to results achieved by ALD. These results show that a wide range processes can be used to achieve surface passivation depending on required processing properties and speed. Professor Erwin Kessels of the Eindhoven University of Technology summarized and said: “It is possible to deposit high quality Al2O3 thin films with OIPT equipment, either by thermal ALD, plasma ALD and even by ICPCVD, in all cases yielding excellent An interactive, one day technical seminar focused on practical applications, techniques and advances in ‘Nanoscale Processing for NEMS and MEMS’ at Oxford Instruments’ technical workshop, hosted in conjunction with the Institute of Electronics Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN) in Lille, France. Attracting participants from key establishments in Germany, Netherlands and France, this one day event included talks from guest speakers and Oxford Instruments process specialists, keeping participants abreast of the latest technologies and trends in these hot industry research topics including: Figure 2 (a) Deposition rate R, (b) growth rate per pulse, GPP and refractive index, n, as a function of the pulse interval Δt during PECVD (tTMA =10ms). surface passivation of silicon wafers.” [1] G. Dingemans, R. Seguin, P. Engelhar, M.C.M van de Sanden, W. M.M. Kessels, Phys Status Solidi RRL 4, 10 (2010) [2] Dingemans, M. C. M. van de Sanden, W. M. M. Kessels, Plasma Process. Polym. 9, 761-771, (2012) •‘Looking towards the next generation of MEMS devices’ Dr.Eric Mounier Senior Analyst, MEMS Devices & Technologies, Yole Développement •‘Transformational electronics – a powerful futuristic paradigm on and for Oxford Instruments’ Galo Torres Sevilla, Integrated Nanotechnology Lab, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia 0614 •‘Etch and Deposition Plasma Processes for MEMS and TSV’, ‘ALD for MEMS’,’Nanoscale Etch’ understandable. Presentations were very accessible for people interested in the technologies presented.’ •‘MEMS & NEMS Micro-technological processes for sensors, energy harvesting and energy management’ Professor Laurent Montes, Associate Prof, Grenoble INP ‘Other suppliers do not care too much about what happens after sales, I appreciate the effort made by Oxford Instruments and that is the kind of thing people remember when making the next purchase.’ •‘A microwave induced remote afterglow reactor for the deposition of Organosilicon plasma polymers’ Garrett Curley, IEMN •‘MEMS research applications and results’ Steve Arscot, IEMN Many positive comments resulted from the event: ‘It was a very interesting state of the art event about plasma processes, and the aims for the future have been well presented’ ‘Globally, the content was of high quality.’ ‘Even if I am not a specialist of plasma technologies, almost everything was Francois Neuilly, Micro and Nano Fabrication Fab Manager at IEMN commented, “This event attracted a high calibre audience to IEMN and we were very pleased to host at our facility. It offered a good opportunity for the wider European plasma processing community to meet and share their experiences and vision for the future of this exciting area. It was great to learn from leading international experts in their field, both through the presentations and the networking opportunity the event created.” Figure 3 Injection-level-dependent effective lifetime for Al2O3 films deposited using various pulse intervals Δt. PROCESSNEWS 15 Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology focuses for the future New VP appointed to head Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology USA We recently announced the appointment of Andrew McQuarrie to the role of VP of Sales & Service in the USA. Andy has more than 28 years experience in semiconductor and related high technology businesses, including Surface Technology Systems, Lam Research and Applied Materials, as well as previous employment with Oxford Plasma Technology. He has a successful track record throughout this period of establishing, developing and leading businesses, with an in-depth understanding of the technologies employed. Andy’s key objectives are to further develop our North and South American business, in industrial and research markets, leading the sales and service teams and establishing relationships with significant current and potential customers. On-site training, and off-site courses for 2014. We can come to you! We offer a programme of System User Maintenance and Process Courses to help train customers’ applications laboratory staff as part of our commitment to customer support at Oxford Instruments. These courses can take place at your premises, on your own Oxford Instruments system. Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology For more information please email: [email protected] UK Yatton Tel: +44 (0) 1934 837000 Germany Wiesbaden Tel: +49 (0) 6122 937 161 India Mumbai Tel: +91 22 4253 5100 Japan Tokyo Tel: +81 3 5245 3261 PR China Shanghai Tel: +86 21 6132 9688 Beijing Tel: +86 10 6518 8160/1/2 Singapore Tel: +65 6337 6848 Taiwan Tel: +886 3 5788696 US, Canada & Latin America Concord, MA TOLLFREE: +1 800 447 4717 • We can provide on site training for up to 6 people at one time, please contact us to book • On-site course content will be specially tailored to meet with your engineers’ needs and expectations • Standard Maintenance Training courses are available at our facilities in Yatton, UK, please download our course dates flyer from our website for more information www.oxford-instruments.com/plasma for more information or scan the code... 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