Dear Parents Page 1 & 2 • From the Principal’s Desk Page 3 • Pre-Reception News Page 4 • Year 2 News Page 5 • Year 5 News Page 6 • High School News • SANCCOB News Page 7 • Outside Achievements Page 8 • Birthdays • Weekly Diary • Uniform Shop Hours • Banking Details • New Speed Bump • Some Humour There is great excitement around Blouberg International and it is impacting on all our scholars. With the completion of our ‘top’ floor, we have started to move some of the classrooms. The builders are busy with the cloakrooms on the first floor and this has necessitated the move in order that the cloakrooms are ready for the beginning of next year. The purpose of my insert in this week’s newsletter is to keep everyone up to speed with developments for 2015. Next year we have some minor changes with our staff and the location of their classrooms. Due to the fact that Monday is Transfer Day I thought it pertinent to share where you will be able to find your child’s class teacher and where the classrooms will be situated. YEAR TEACHER TEACHER AIDE ROOM # LOCATION Mrs Hayley du Plessis Miss Kayla Lombard Miss Sumeen van Niekerk 6 7 JNR CAMPUS JNR CAMPUS 8 JNR CAMPUS FOUNDATION STAGE PR PR Miss Kim Hahn Mrs Cindy Nunan R Mrs Wendy Menton R Mrs Bronwen Hartburg Miss Martie van Dyk 9 JNR CAMPUS R Miss Monique Crawley Mrs Yolande Bender 10 JNR CAMPUS 1 1 1 Mrs Ann Cordner Mrs Kim Coetzer Miss Jessica de Wet 1 2 3 2 Mrs Liezl du Preez 8 2 Miss Lauren Joynt 10 2 Miss Amber Crake 7 JNR CAMPUS JNR CAMPUS JNR CAMPUS SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR KEY STAGE 1 KEY STAGE 2 COMPILED AND CREATED BY: Marcelle Curry 3 Mrs Amanda Hack 12 3 Miss Yvette Fourie 14 3 Mrs Desiree Pieterse 9 4 Mrs Gayle Norris 13 4 Mrs Danni Wood 11 4 Miss Kate Sissons 15 5 Mrs Kerryn Ackermann 16 6 Mrs Jackie Matthee 18 6 Mrs Donna Calhau 17 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR SNR CAMPUS GROUND FLOOR 1 Key Stage 3 and 4 as well as the specialised classrooms will be housed on the first and second floors. With all the remodelling taking place room numbers are not yet available and numbers will be assigned once the builders have finished. SUBJECT Geography History Business Studies Mathematics ICT Mathematics Spanish German Afrikaans English English Library Art Biology Science Senior Lab Junior Lab Music STAFF MEMBER Miss Janine van Niekerk Miss Marie-Rose Slabbert Ms Edna Carolissen Mrs Jorita Ackermann Mrs Carol Jeal Mrs Carol Jeal Mrs Elena Berger Miss Lize Britz Miss Carmen van Dyk Mrs Alice Hauslaib Mrs Charlene van de Westhuizen Miss Jana Langenegger Mr Julian Harrison Mr Neil Coller Mr Johann Smal LOCATION FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR We look forward to welcoming our new scholars to Blouberg International on Monday as they join us for Transfer Day and I know that they will be warmly welcomed into our Blouberg Family. MR ANDREW NORRIS PRINCIPAL 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] 2 Old McDonald Had A Farm… In Pre-Reception we have been learning all about the farm. We discussed the different animals that live on the farm and the students were all very excited when we had some farm animals visit the school. On Friday, 21 November all the Pre-Reception students came to school dressed as little farmers ready for their very exciting day. We started by having a big farm breakfast. Our little farmers all lined up for breakfast, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Next we all lined up to enter the petting zoo, where each student got the chance to pet some of the animals, which included, kittens, chicks, ducklings, bunnies and piglets. We all had a fantastic day and we would like to thank Farmer Mark for bringing his animals to visit. Ms Crawley Pre Reception Callie McClelland 4yrs Kate Hinrichsen 4yrs Kourtney Jones 4yrs Helene Greeff 5yrs Zac Luyt 4yrs Lily Mawaya 4yrs 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] 3 Our Electric Inting Our budding little Scientists Kiara Hall and Kgothalo Teemane The Year 2’s have been learning about Electricity during their science lessons this term and we were lucky enough to welcome Experi Buddies into our classrooms on Friday 21st November for a special lesson on Electricity. The students were able to wear their own lab coats and experiment with electrical circuits, investigating switches, insulators and conductors. Danielle Khoza-Bennett, Precious Phaswana and Sithara Naidoo A variety of fun experiments were demonstrated by the Experi Buddies teachers, who also allowed the students to get involved, keeping them alert and on their toes. We explored static electricity using a balloon and polystyrene balls, conductivity through salt water, and created a human circuit to light up a ball! Lighting up The properties of insulators such as plastic were investigated. The students also learned about Alessandro Volta and the invention of the battery. At the conclusion of the lesson, each student received an activity pack to take home and build their own electrical circuit. The lesson was thoroughly enjoyed and inspired young minds to further pursue scientific enquiry. Scientist, Savanna Muller Learning all about static electricity 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] By Miss Amber Crake Year 2 Teacher 4 Rainforest Art Mackenzie Gardner 11yrs The Year 5’s have been learning about rainforests this term. The students had to research a rainforest animal and create a poster including information about the animal’s habitat, way of life, food and adaptations. The Year 5’s worked extremely hard on their projects and the end results were beautiful bright posters with interesting information. Our Year 5 group created their own pastel/water paint masterpieces inspired by Henri Rousseau. The students enjoyed learning about the artist, and created striking paintings with bright colours. The Year 5’s also created their own rainforest animals. Max Ha 11yrs By Ms Kate Sissons Year 5 Teacher Chloe Goldman & Kiera Hailwood Mickenzie Buret 10yrs Gabrielle Luyt’s artwork Trent Nelson 11yrs Kiera Hailwood 10yrs James Oelefse 11yrs Gabrielle Luyt 10yrs Jodi Barnwell 11yrs Chloe Goldman 11yrs Henri Rousseau inspired paintings 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] 5 What is a vision board? A vision board is something you create to remind yourself of your own, personal goals. Whether you wish to get better grades in school, make new friends or land a summer job, your vision board represents a collection of your greatest dreams and desires. Once you’ve made your vision board, you’ll be able to look at it and use it as a reminder of the things you want to achieve most. The Year 9 students made interesting pieces in the Afrikaans class on the topic: “My toekomsdrome” Mrs Carmen van Dyk HS Afrikaans Teacher 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] 6 Blouberg International School Girls ensemble: Performance at a Christmas Carol concert on 23 November On Sunday, 23 November 2014 Shaylee Brandt, Kazimla Dyakalashe, René Lafember, Isabella Hart and S’lindokuhle Kweyama went to Milnerton D.R. Church to sing three songs at a Christmas Carol evening. The songs were “All things bright and beautiful, Lullaby and Silent night”. They also joined the congregation and sang a lot of songs in Afrikaans and they were very good. Well done, girls! Written by S’lindokuhle Kweyama On the 23rd November I sang at the Milnerton Church. I sang 3 songs “All things bright and beautiful, Lullaby and Silent night”. I really enjoyed it as it was my first performance out of school, without the choir. I will remember it forever. The girls worked very hard and sacrificed about 8 breaks and a couple of afternoons. The feedback was positive and they were good ambassadors for our school. I am proud of them for both their behaviour and outstanding singing. Written by Kazimla Dyakalashe Mr Smal Music Teacher Piano exams Six of my Piano students played their piano exams during October and November. They were examined by an examiner from Trinity College of Music in London. I am proud to announce the following results: » » » » » S’Lindokuhle Kweyama received 87% (Distinction) Sally Barber received 87% (Distinction) Matthew Petersen received 83% (Merit) Joab Kloppers received 81% (Merit)Darshan Naidoo received 76% (Merit) , and Buhle Madikane received 72%. She came from the High School camp and directly went to play her piano exam. Well done, Everyone! I am so proud of you. Mr Johann Smal Music Teacher Joab Kloppers, Darshan Naidoo, Matthew Petersen, S’Lindokuhle Kweyama & Sally Barber Oarona Mgayiya, Jodi Barnwell, Lukhanyo Voyiya, Vallarie Fodson, Kazimla Dayakalashe showing off their gymnastics awards from GIANTS Gymnastics 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] 7 Weekly Diary High School Monday Exams 1 Dec Rec to Y6 New student induction day Tuesday 2 Dec High School Exams Wednesday 3 Dec High School Exams High School Exams End Thursday 4 Dec KS2 Prize Giving KS1 Prize Giving NOVEMBER Wiese, Rebecca Zhang, Annabelle Macey, Ronan Van Zijl, Maxine Maccioni, Chiara Frank, Sadie Lombard, Christian Mntonintshi, Nani Buthelezi, Khanyisa Morrison, Jamie Calhau, Ethan Barnwell, Jodi Schlacher, Matthew Burger, Eugenie Mpambane, Milani Zurnamer, Michael Brandt, Shaylee Drummond, Tiffany Seager, Kathleen Dougall, Liam Hart, Keelyn Franconi, Valentino 2 Nov 3 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 4 Nov 6 Nov 7 Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 12 Nov 12 Nov 17 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 20 Nov 20 Nov 22 Nov 23 Nov 28 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nov 30 Nov Friday 5 Dec Extra murals end FS to KS2 Moonlight Market 18h00 PA Thank you Tea Uniform/Supplies Shop Hours OPEN Wednesday & Thursday 08:00 – 10:30 & 13:00 – 15:30 CLOSED Monday, Tuesday & Friday Please note that as per IES policy, uniforms may only be purchased upon receipt of tuition fees! WEEKLY ASSEMBLY Monday 8am High School Senior Hall Tuesday 8.30 PR - Y2 Junior Hall Thursday 8am Y3 – Y6 Senior Hall BANK DETAILS IES International Blouberg School First National Bank Current Account: 62335707694 Tygerberg Branch: 201410 Please reference ALL payments with your child’s NAME & SURNAME Wonderful news; we now have our very own ‘speed bump’. 74 Ringwood Drive, Parklands, 7441, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 557 9071- Fax: +27 (0) 21 557 9027 - E-mail: [email protected] We would like to thank Mrs Cresna Theart, mother of Maurice Y8, Nuan Y6 and Keno Y3 for her tireless two-year battle with the Blaauwberg council. We are eternally grateful for her determination in keeping our children as safe a possible. 8
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