April 25, 1950 A. T. KOEHLER ET AL - 2,933,958 BAND SPLICER Filed May 28, 1956 5 Sheets-Sheet l i, ?ue are: I (a? JVQ avg/4% April 26, 1960 A. T. KOEHLER ETAL 2,933,958 BAND SPLICER Filed May 28, 1956 q' v 5 Sheets-Sheet 2 ‘TIE- I“ 1 I, | ' ‘ I‘? April 25, 1950 A. 'r. KOEHLER ET AL 2,933,958 BAND SPLICER Filed May 28, 1956 5 Sheets-Sheet 3 Iii .227 H 1/6 - I’ a April 26, 1960 A. T. KOEHLER ETAL 2,933,958 BAND SPLICER Filed May 28, 1956 5 Sheets-Sheet 4 15.2 DOWN April 26, 1960 A. T. KOEHLER ETAL 2,933,958 BAND SPLICER Filed May 28, 1956 5 Sheets-Sheet 5 @- >ZZ’?ZZ“% United States Patent 0 1 ‘2,933,958 Patented Apr. 26, v1960 2 Many other objects and advantages of the construction herein shown and described will be obvious to those skilled in the art from the disclosure herein given. To this end our invention consists in the novelcon struction, arrangement and combination of parts herein shown and described, and more particularly pointed out in the claims. In the drawings, wherein like reference characters in 2,933,958 BAND SPLICER Albert T. Koehler, Herbert Palmleaf, and Melvin E. Ross, Chicago, Ill., assignors to A. J. Gerrard 8: Com pany, Melrose Park, 111., a corporation of Illinois Application May 28, 1956, Serial No. 587,564 15 Claims. (Cl. 81-9.1) 10 dicate like or corresponding parts: Fig. 1 is a top plan view of a band splicing machine embodying the present invention, portions of the reel structure for holding a supply of seals in strip form, being omitted; Fig. 2 is a side elevational view of the machine illus The invention relates generally to scaling mechanisms 15 trated in Fig. 1; and more particularly to automatic seal attaching and Fig. 3 is a transverse sectional view taken approxi crimping mechanisms adapted to be used therewith. mately on line 3-3 of Fig. 1; The present invention has among its objects the pro Fig. 4 is a sectional view taken approximately onthe, duction of a seal attaching and crimping mechanism line 4-4 of Fig. 7; which may be automatic in operation to feed seals into Fig. 5 is a sectional view taken approximately on the the mechanism, and upon suitable actuation, crimp the line 5——5 of Fig. 3; seal about two strap ends. Thus where the novel mech anism is incorporated in a semi-automatic band splicing machine and the like, the operator may position two i Fig. 6 is a sectional view taken approximately on the line 6—-6 of Fig. 7; Fig. 7 is a sectional view taken approximatelyon the strap ends in operative relationship to the sealing jaws, 25 line 7—7 of Fig. 6; and upon actuation of the mechanism, the band ends will Fig. 8 is a sectional yiew taken approximately on the a be joined by a seal surrounding the same, the latter being line 8—8 of Fig. 7, illustrating the sealing mechanism crimped to provide an effective connection, following at the end of the crimping operation; which the mechanism is recycled to position a fresh seal in operative position to receive the next pair of strap 30 ends. Another object of the invention is the production of such a mechanism which is so designed that it will take various sized strapping, both as to width and thickness, within reasonable limits, and e?'ectively connect the same by a crimped seal, without requiring adjustment of the sealing mechanism, whereby a very e?icient connection may be achieved providing up to approximately 88% strength and tension of the banding material. Another object of the invention is the production of such a mechanism for splicing bands or the like, having very e?icient safety devices whereby the machine may be set in operation only when the operator’s hands are in Fig. 9 is a top plan view of a portion of the seal guiding structure taken approximately on the line 9—9 of Fig. 5, with the cover member therefor removed to show the details of the seal advancing and indexing, mechanism; Fig. 10 is an elevational view looking from right to, left as seen in Fig. 4, of the electrical control switch arrangement and actuating mechanism therefor; Fig. 11 is a perspective view of a portion of a strip of connected seals adapted to be used with the present invention; Fig. 12 is a perspective view of two strap ends joined together by means of a crimped seal as performed by the ' present invention; and Fig. 13 is a diagrammatic ?gure of the electrical cons I a predetermined safe position before the machine can be 'trol circuits, which may be utilized in the machine actuated. 45 illustrated. A further object of the invention is the production of _ While the novel ‘seal attaching and crimping means such a mechanism which is comparatively simple, hav - illustrated in the drawings may have considerable appli ing a minimum of moving parts, which is very rugged and cation in various types of automatic sealing mechanisms, thus dependable in operation, requiring minimum amount for the purposes of explanation, the mechanism is illus of maintenance. trated in conjunction with a novel machine designed to A further object of the invention is the production of splice sections of banding, as for example, where strap novel indexing means whereby partially formed seals material is to be reused, and short sections of the band may be fed from a coil of strip material, to insure ac ing are therefore spliced into longer, reusable lengths. curate positioning of the seal following its severance from Thus in the machine illustrated the seals are adapted to' the strip, novel means also being provided for auto 55 be automatically fed from a roll of seals into the crimp matically severing the seal during the operation of the machine. A further object of the invention is the production of a novel seal which is so shaped that it may be readily ing and attaching mechanism, and automatically posi tioned for engagement with a pair of strap ends, which may be manually positioned in operative relationship, fol lowing which the seal is crimped upon the band ends to . partially fabricated in strip form and subsequently securely attach the same together and the machine rc severed into individual seals, whereby the seal will be 60 cycled automatically to bring a following seal into opera-j severed from the strip without producing dangerous tive position for engagement with the next pair of strap sharp points or spiders which might result in injury to ends to be joined. persons handling the banding, such result being achieved The embodiment of the invention illustrated is adapted even though the severing means and seal indexing mech to be hydraulically actuated, a hydraulic pump driven by 65 anism may be slightly out of adjustment, thus eliminat an electric motor, and controlled through electrically ac‘r ing critical adjustments in the mechanism. tuated valve structure, may be employed with the crimp A further object of the invention is the production of ing mechanism to provide extremely dependable fast, such a mechanism which may be readily adapted to hy positive action which may be accurately controlled by draulic actuation with accurate electrical control, re the electrical means. sulting in a highly e?icient, fast acting, relatively easily 70 Referring to the drawings, and particularly Figs. 1 and adjusted mechanism. ' 2, the reference numeral 1 indicates generally a cabinet . ass-apes , . , 3 '42 . ' The sealer ‘ echanism typeebench having-a» top*2'on~'which is positioned a plate Referring to Figs. 3 through 8', the sealer mechanism 3, which forthe purposes; of reference will be'termed as mounting or base plate, secured to the top 2 by suitable 5 may comprise a pair of spaced substantially parallel side plates 21a and 21b, which extend through a more or means such as bolts 4. In the embodiment of the inven tion-illustrated; theemountinggplate-3w is 1 adapted to carry OI less rectangularly shaped opening 22 in the plate 3 and all wof/the» sealing: and- crimping ' mechani'smindicated rgcn~ may be supported by the latter by mounting bars 23 which erally by the, numeral 5, as-wellas the meansrfor- guiding may be secured to the plates 21a'and 21b by screws 24, the seals-in strip 'form, into the sealing mechanism, and a the bars in turn being secured to the plate 3 by suitable in ‘addition thereto is adapted to supporting guiding means: cap screws 25. As illustrated in Figs. 4 and ,6, each of for the bands to be joined and the manually actuatable 10 the side plates may be provided with a pair of vertically extending parallel slots 26, the slots 26 in the side plate control mechanism. , 21a being connected by a transversely extending slot 27, In the construction‘ illustrated-the guiding, means for,‘ the bands to be joined comprise-sfa'pair of‘verticallyjex the latter being positioned‘ intermediate the ends of the tending» standards 6 and'7, while the manual'control mech anismjncludeszapair of ‘switch 'actuatingmemb'erscom respective slots 26,, whereby the combined shape of the 15 slots 26 and 27 is in the form of a‘letter H. prising allevere8iand a'switch'ibutton 9." The seals-area The slots 26 may be closed adjacent the outer faces of the plates "adapted to, be supplied in. apontinuous rollt‘which" may‘ 21a and 2112 by plates 28a and 28b, the latter plates being be‘supported‘at the end ‘of the machine adjacentythe inlet for the seals .by suitable suppprtingstructureindicated‘. generally-by‘the numeral‘ 11, only a portion oti'the latter being illustrated in Figs‘. 1 and-2, and includinggaiseal' secured .to; the side plates ;21a- and 211;, respectively, by screws 2,9:adjacentthe upperedge of the plates 28a and 28b andat theinlowergpprtions; by the bar‘ 23‘ and'cap, 20 screwsi24. guide ‘member ‘12' illustrated as-b'eing of'more or less arcu—_. ate vshape. ~ ' I Extending between the ~side-plates21a- and 21b are a pair otpins 31 having their ends disposed incorrespond . The embodiment "of the-invention illustrated may‘ be. hydraulically actuated by a hydraulic cylinder,indicated ‘ ing; slots .26 as clearly illustrated in, Fig, 7, theplates 28a and128b forming ,retainingmernbers to prevent axial generally ‘by'the numeral 13; adapted to..receive suitable.» movementof the pins31. Pivotallymounted'on each oil under pressure to reciprocate a piston and piston rod‘ within the cylinder; The oil may be supplied from a pin;3\1 isjv a’ plurality of crimpingv jaws '32,_the particular construction illustrated utilizinglthree'such jaws on eachv of'ithe'pins. 31, and disposed intermediate'thejaws are tank or reservoir 14 by means, of a hydraulic‘ pump .15‘ driven‘ by- an electricmotor. 16,j the oil being controlled~ with respect'to the cylinder 13 bya suitable electro~mag~ netic valve structure 17, the various components being punchblocks 33, which as illustrated in Fig.- 8, are gen ,operatively connected by hoses indicated generally by; tal .portion 35 which terminatesin inclined faces 36; Positioned adjacent each of the side plates 21a and 21b are generally rectangular ‘plate-like members“ 37 and 38, which for the purpose of identi?cationwill be respec erally rectangular in shape,.and;provided at their‘ upper edge with a recess or notch ‘34, thereimhaving a horizon the. numeral 18. The arrangement issuch that,'during operation, a' seal " which‘ has previously been severed from the supply roll , will be positionedat the topof the sealing. mechanism 5, tively‘teimedthellower-cutter block. or bar and the seal where, a pairof strap ends may-be positioned on the seal - stop splate; Both ot;these~ plates may beprovidedwith and ‘by simultaneous actuation, of the lever..,8 an'dswitch. generally. "vertically extending * slots‘. i 39 ‘ therein. . through . . crimped. thereon... to -. securely join, the: .latter,.. following which“ the .jaws of the crimping mechanism will [open to. permit removal of the joined straps therefrom and?the machine will. complete .a recycling operation to. advance, may‘ inove vertically with respect .to ‘the pins. thus operat buttqu..9,theseallwilhbefolded around, the strap; endsgand' ' 40 which. the-;pins:31.extend; whereby-theplates37 and 38 ing'the jaws.'32.i vSuitable spacersf40 arer'disposed'be. tween ‘the ‘plates:v 37 and '38.anditherespectivejaws 32 ' adjacent thereto. a ‘successive seal into the sealing mechanism, sever the . 45 AsiIlustrated inIFig. 6, the ‘plate 37 may be provided with .ainotch 41 in its upper edge, forming a shearing edgei42, thelop'posite edgeportion of the plate 37 being ' the entire operation may be repeated. a relieved as indicated at 43, while’ the member 38 may‘ seallfroml the supply .roll, and position. the seal .for. en ' gagernentwith a subsequent pairv of. strap ends,.whereby _ - a » In. actual practice theoperator normally would hayea .be 'provided’with‘ al?at upper edge‘ without‘: a ‘similar ‘supply. of: pieces. of. strapping ,so. positioned .onxthe top 24 notch, as will‘ be vapparent'from a reference toi'Fig. 6. .or other supportingstructurethat. he may readily-grasp?‘0 Each of the jaws'32‘ may beyprovide'd'with a bore. one strap in hisright. hand andthe second strap in-his left; hand, the adjacent ends of the straps extending inop¢ ~ posedrelationrbetween the operator’sv hands. He may then' place the adjacent strap endsiinrproper relationship. on,,the seal,_which will bringhis leftshand directly above the. switch lever’ 8, and his righthand'directlyabove the 44-itherein1 in which are ‘positioned vpins, 45, vthe latter also extending through pairs of actuating links ‘46, each of ‘which’ are positioned between‘a respective pair of ja'ws' 32,1 and ‘thus positioned‘ below the punch blocks 33; asfwill'be clearly‘apparent from a reference tow/Fig. 8.‘ Also‘carriedby'each'of ‘the pins 45 adja'centthe side switch button 9, so that when the strap ends are in proper position he may readily apply- pressure to the lever 8 and . plates 21a and 21b are cylindrically shaped rollers 48 which‘ may cooperate with vertically extending ' guide rails . thecap 9. 49 having inclined top faces 50, positioned adjacent'the vertical edges'of the’ side plates 21a and 21b and secured Simultaneous actuation of these elements will result in the actuation of the crimping mechanism, fold ingthe seal over on the strap ends, crimping the sealto . 'thereto'v by suitable means such as cap screws 51. jointhe-ends and thereuponopening-the. jawsto permit thetoperator to remove the joined straps; and place them‘ be = pivotally connected'to ‘a1 clevis" block 52‘ rigidly mounted on the free end of the piston rod 53 of the hy» dr'aulic cylinder’ 13, the upper. end block 54 of the cyl inden'being secured: to the sideplates'21a and 21b by bolts or screws 55 passing through the side plates'and' mechanism will automatically recycle, feedinga new, seal a into the crimping mechanism, severing-the seal from the supply/roll, and bringing the severed'seal- intoposition; threaded into the block 54; " for operation engagement the» operator, with the mayv next pairof pickupstraps.’ the next. During pairgof‘ 70 straps and position the ends thereof upon theseal which ‘ operatorto perform/splices very rapidly and 'sixhun'dred spliccsper hour-may bereadily achieved. 1 ' 7 ~ As illustrated'in Fig. 8, the'free ends of'the links 46 may to.one. side. Following opening of the crimping jaws, the has been brought into. operative position in the‘ interim. The present invention thus enables aminexperienced. ~ ~ As will be apparent from a reference-to Fig. 3, the clevis block 52 is provided with slots 56- therein, each ‘adapted to receive the free ‘end of one of the links 46, the- pins: 57‘exte'nding through the links 46' and cooper ablei boresin‘the. block 52,. axialimovement' of” each pin - .175 57 being restricted by the side plates_21al:and;21b.1 2,933,958 " Carried by the side plate 21a and cooperable with the lower cutter bar 37 is an upper cutter block 58, portions of which are visible in Figs. 3, 4 and 8, the 6’ edges of the side walls or ?aps 66 of each seal may extend in the same direction as the lines of juncture 67, and the end edges may terminate in diagonally ex block 53 being generally L-shaped, having a vertically extending portion 59 and a horizontally extending por tending edge portions 71. tion 61 which, as illustrated in Fig. 3, is positioned in the cross slot 27 in the side plate 21a, the end face 62 portion 69 is su?'iciently long in the longitudinal direc 8 that the crimping assembly comprising the jaws 32, handling the strap and if the notch 68 was more or The construction of the seal is such that the web tion of the strap, that the severing of the leading seal of the portion 61 being positioned substantially in the from the remainder of the strip will always occur at the plane of the inner face of the side plate 21a and coop web 69 and thus insure a sheared edge that is free from erable with the cutting edge 42 of the lower cutter 37. 10 burrs or spiders, as they are called, which might cause It will be noted that the upper cutter block 53 is spaced injury to persons handling the strap. It will be appre from the bottom edge of the slot 27 to provide a pas ciated that in the event the shearing of the leading seal sageway 63 therebelow for the seals, as will hereinafter took place at a point where a portion of the side walls be described. or ?anges 66 were likewise sheared, the projecting cut 15 ting of such side walls would form a sharp pointed burr General operation of the crimping mechanism or the like which could readily cause injury to persons it will be appreciated from a study of Figs. 4, 6 and less V-shaped, with the apex terminating on the shear punch blocks 33, spacers 49, seal stop plate 38 and upper cutter block 37, together with the pins 31, links 46, pins 20 ing line 67, the severance would have to take place exactly at the apex or such a burr ‘or spider would be 47 and rollers 48, may be reciprocated in a vertical produced, necessitating extremely accurate and critical direction under the action of the piston rod 53. During adjustment of the feeding mechanism to insure cutting such movement the pins 31 are restricted by the slots exactly between the seals. However, by utilizing a 26 in the side plates from moving other than in a ver tical direction as de?ned by the slots. However, as the 25 notched arrangement such as that illustrated, the web 69 may be of de?nite length, as for example three pins 45 are not con?ned by the side plates 21:: and 21b, sixteenths of an inch, enabling the shearing action to take other than as to axial movement, the positioning and place anywhere along the web and at the same time pro movement of the pins 45 may be controlled by the rollers duce a uniform sheared edge on the seal free of burrs, etc. 48 and guide rails 49, whereby the movement of the Long strips of connected seals, such as that illustrated pins 45 is restricted to a vertical movement when the in Fig. 11, may be arranged in coiled form and supported rollers 48 are disposed along the inner vertical edges by a suitable supporting structure, indicated in general of the guide rails 49, but as the rollers reach the upper by the numeral 11 in Figs. 1 and 2, only a portion of such end of each guide rail they may move laterally outward structure being illustrated, whereby the leading end of above the upper end face of each guide rail, permitting the strip may be fed upwardly on the curved ramp 12 the jaws 32 to rotate about the pins 31 which at such to the seal advancing mechanism. point have approached the end of their travel in the slots Referring particularly to Figs. 3 and 5, mounted on 26 and are adapted to be seated on the upper end walls the base plate 3 is a pair of laterally spaced substantially of the latter. parallel seal guide rails or bars 72, forming a passage_ Thus assuming that the piston of the cylinder 13, and the piston rod 53 associated therewith, are at the end 40 way 73 therebetween adapted to receive the strip of seals as clearly illustrated in Figs. 3, 5 and 9. The rails 72 of their retractive movement, the crimping mechanism may be secured to the plate 3 by suitable means, as for Will substantially assume the relationships illustrated in' example, shouldered cap screws 74 (see Fig. 1), four Fig. 4, wherein the rollers 48 are disposed between the such screws being employed in the embodiment illustrated guide rails 4%, the jaws 32 being rotated into an open in the drawings, with such screws also being adapted position and the entire crimping assembly being with drawn downwardly between the side plates 21a and 211;. 45. to retain a cover plate 75 which is provided with a pair of longitudinally extending slots 76 adjacent the crimping As the rollers 48 reach the upper end faces of the guide mechanism 5 and a pair of key hole shaped openings rails 49 the links 46 will urge the pins 45 laterally out 77 adjacent the guide 12 for engagement with the screws 74. Thus the cover 75 may be removed from the rails the piston rod 53, the inclined top faces 58 of the guide 50 when desired, by sliding the cover to the left as viewed in ward to rotate the jaws into a closed position similar to that illustrated in 8. Upon return movement of rails 49 will urge the rollers 48 inwardly, whereupon the latter will be free to move downwardly as illustrated Fig. l to permit the disengagement of the right hand end of the cover from the adjacent screws '74, which will simultaneously position the heads of the opposite pairs of screws 74 in the enlarged portion of the key Seal feeding mechanism 55. hole slots 77, permitting the adjacent end of the cover As illustrated in Figs. 3, 4, 9, l1 and 12, the seal plate to be raised upwardly, with the heads of the screws indicated generally by the numeral 64, is formed from passing through the openings 77. The cover plate 75 in Fig. 4. suitable metal stock, as for example, strip material, and is provided with a base portion 65 having a pair of side may be locked in assembled relation on the guide rails 2 by suitable means, as for example, a bar lever 78 walls or ?anges 66 adapted to be folded over as illus 60 pivoted at 79 on a standard or column 81 mounted on trated in Fig. 12 to form a generally tubular structure the plate 3, the lever 73 being adapted to engage a locking in which the strap ends S and S’ may be positioned, stud 82 carried by the cover plate 75, thereby prevent the seal being partially severed as indicated at 67 and ing movement of the plate in a releasing direction when deformed out of the plane of the remaining portions of the lever 78 is in the position illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, the seal to form an interlock between the seal and the 65 but upon rotation of the lever upwardly to release the strap ends, such interlocking structure being generally stud 82, the cover may be removed as described. A stud old in the art. As illustrated in Fig. 11, the seals 64 are adapted to be fabricated in a continuous strip of connected seals, the latter being joined together at oppo 83 on the plate 3 is adapted to engage the opposite side of the lever 78 to guide the latter into locking engage ment with the stud 82. site ends of the respective base portions 65 as indicated 70 It will be noted from a reference to Figs. 4 and 5, by dotted lines 67 in Fig. 11. It will be noted that the which show the cross sectional shape of the partially strip forming the seals is notched as indicated at 68 on formed seal as it advances between the guide rails 72, that the lines of juncture 67 of adjoining seals, forming a the side walls 66 of the seal diverge outwardly and up connecting web portion 69 at which the individual seals wardly from their junction with the base 65, and dis are to be subsequently severed. As illustrated, the end 75. posed in thepassageway 73 between therguide rails 72 andisecured'toltheicoverrplate'75 bysuitable means such ._ asscrews 74', isan inner guiderail72' whichcooperates»: with the base 'plate'3, rails 72 and cover 75 toform a more or less C-shaped passageway for the strip ofseals adjacent‘the crimping mechanism 5. 7 of wmpressisaoi Quantities-i111, Which-1 are operative <10 bias-theshaftsr-ll?la d crossbar 107 in- a right-hand: directionras viewed-dd Fig. 3; The-cross, bar 107 may be connected to the lever-84 Si by suitable means, as foriexampl'e a stud 113 having one Referring to Figs. 3, 5 and 8, the means for advancing the strip of seals may include a rock lever 84‘ carried end threaded into the bar 107 intermediate the shafts 105' and locked in place by a nut 114. The oppositelend of the‘ stud'113 is adapted to extend through a trunnion by a shaft 85 supported by apair of spaced brackets 86,» block-115 pivotally carried by the lever 84, the latter which in turn may be carried by the plate 3, the brackets 10 (having a bifurcation 116 at the opposite side of the pin having flanges 37 thereon adapted to receive studs on between which bifurcation the block 115 may be piv which may be threaded nuts 89 for retaining; u: .i-Aiif} in position. T0 add rigidity to the structure the brackets otally supported by opposed bolts 117, threaded through the bifurcated portions 116.v Adjustment of the trunnion 86 may also be operativelyconnectedto the plate 21a block 115 along the stud 113 may be effected by adjust-v ashereinafter described, by a pair ‘of studs- 91rigidly» 15 ment of two, pairs of lock nuts 118. Rigidly mounted on connected to the vertically extending flanges 92 ofeachv shafts 1% are carn blocks 119, the latter being gen bracket by lock nuts 9,3rthreaded on the studs -?1. erally rectangular in shapeand havingv an inclined upper Carried by the lever-84st the-upper end which error top, face-121 engageable'withrollers 122 mounted on tends into'an ,openingin the plate 3'thereof is a seal en-. bushings 123 supported on a pin 124 which also passes gaging pawl 94 which maybe pivotally supported on a 20, through the block 52 and'piston rod 53, pinning the two pin $5 carried‘by thelever 84, the pawl being biased together, and provided with threaded end portions 125 in a counterclockwise direction about the pin 95, as and 126, respectively, the end 125 being provided with viewed in Fig. '3, by a torsion spring 96 having one end a washer‘127 and'nut 128 adapted to retain the bushing bearing onthe intermediate web 97 of the lever. and the 123'thereon. and in like manner the bushing 123 on its opposite end on the pawl. As illustrated in Figs. 3 and 25 end 126 may be retained by a nut 129. 5, the pawl 94- may be provided with an upwardly ex It will be apparent that-with this construction, as the tending portion 97, of generally triangular shape in cross section, havingrapairlof spaced ears or lugs 98 thereon adapted to enter'the slots‘ 63 of the. strip of seals, as clearly illustrated in. Figs, 3 and 5, whereby ‘rocking 30 movement of the lever 84 about the axis of the shaft 85 will result in reciprocation of the pawl 94. piston rod'53and structure carried thereby, including the'pin- 124'and rollers 122 carried thereby, approaches the end of its‘retracting movement, the rollers 122 will engage the inclined cam faces 121 of the blocks 119, urging the latter laterally and with its shafts 105 and cross bar 107, in' opposition to the springs 111, axial movement of the shafts 105 resulting in movement of the trunnion block 115 thereby rocking the lever 84 , Thus advancement of the strip of seals will take place when the lever 84 is rotated in a clockwise direction, whereas the lugs 98 of the pawl may move out of engage 35 about the axis of the shaft 85 to move the pawl 94 in a ment with the slots 68 of the strip of seals, in opposition to the biasing spring 06, so that no movement of the strip of seals will be effected upon the return movement of the lever 84. feeding direction toward the right as viewed in Fig. 3. The mechanism will normally be so adjusted that the lever 34 and pawl 94 will move the seals the desired amount to bring the junction of adjacent seals into en Suitable indexing'means for the strip of seals‘ may gagement with the index pins 99 as illustrated ‘in the also be provided, that illustrated in the embodiment of 40 drawings. , The pins 99 are so positioned with respect to the invention shown, comprising a pair of index pins 99 the face 62 of the upper cutter block 58 that the desired reciprocably mounted in bores 161 located in the respec point of severance of the leading seal will be positioned tive guide rails '72 and having threaded stems 102 ex in line with the face 62, and as the assembly carrying the tending through apertures in the bottom wall of the lower cutter blade 37 moves upwardly, the cutters Will bores 101, the pins 99 being urged inwardly by com H, pression springs 103, each having one end seated on the 4"" shear themetal at theweb 69 to sever the leading seal from the strip. , head of the pin 99 and the opposite end on the bottom ~ ' T he. control'mechanism wall of the bore 101, as clearly illustrated in Fig. 5, with inward movement of the pins being restricted by As ‘previously mentioned, theihydraulic valve structure lock nuts 104- on the threaded external ends of the 50-.vindicated generally‘ by the‘ numeral 17 in the drawings, is adapted to be electro-magnetically actuated whereby respective pins; the lock nuts also providing a means of adjustment for the indexing structure. As illustrated in the manually actuated controlling means may be in the Fig, 9, the heads of the pins 99 may be provided'with form of electric switches. Likewise the reciprocation of tapered or conical shaped edges 99’ which are adapted the hydraulic piston and pistonrod 53 may be accom to engage the inclined edges 71 of adjacent seals, opera 55E-plished by limit switches operated by the’ movement of tiveto accurately position or index the seal with respect the piston rod. to the mechanism 5. The indexing means also is op Referringto Figs; 3, 4, 8 and 10, carried by the plates 21a and 21b is a switch panel or plate 131 which may erative to insure retention of the advanced strip in posi tion, while the feeder pawl 94 returns to its original posi< be securedto the plates 21a and‘ 21b by’ respective bars tion following advancement of the strip. 60' 132, the latter being secured to the plates V21aand 21b by screws 133and the panel 131 in turn,_being secured The seal advancing mechanism is adapted, to be to the bars by screws 134. The adjacent bar 132, as will actuated by movement of the rod 53, with the details be apparent from a reference to Figs. 3 and 8, may also of such mechanism being illustrated in Figs. 3 and 8, and form the means for operatively connecting the studs 91, in bushings 106 carried by the plates 21a and 21b. Con 65.. to the plate 21a, the studs being threaded into bores in necting the ends of the shafts 105 adjacent the plate 21a the bar 132." including‘ a pair of axially movable shafts 105 supported is a cross bar 107 adapted to be rigidly connected to the Carried on the panel 131 is- an upper limit switch shafts by threaded end portions 108 on the latter passing 135T, an intermediate or neutral switch 135N, and a lower or bottom limit switch 1353. Also carried by the through the bar and secured by nuts 109, the cross bar being seated on shoulders de?ning the juncture’ of the 70 panel 131- is a pair of operating switches 136 and 137, threaded portion 108 withthe body of the shaft. Positioned at the opposite end of each shaft is a com pressionspring'111 bearing atone end on the adjacent’ bushing 106 and adapted to be. compressed by lock nuts the former being associated-with the operating lever 8 and‘ the latter with the cap member 9, whereby the switches maybe operated by their respective associated members, In, the embodiment of the invention illus , 112, the.latteLproviding-means for‘adjustingthesdegree 7n trated,»the-switches1136 and 137'are-mounted' on hurl-1 2,933,958 zontally extending brackets 138 and 139, respectively, NC of the switch 135B. In similar manner, one contact of the contact LI of the relay NR may be connected to carried by the panel 131. The switches 135T, 135N and 1353 are provided with operating levers 141T, 141N and 1413, respectively, each of which is provided at its the corresponding end of the associated relay winding and to the line x through normally open contact N0 of the free end with a roller 142. Cooperable with such roll switch 135N, normally open contacts of the switch 137 ers M2, as illustrated in Figs. 4 and 8, is an extension and normally open contacts of the switch 136, all of member threaded on the end 126 of the pin 124, a which are in series with the relay winding and the line x. lock washer or other suitable means 144 being interposed The other contact of the contact LI of the relay NR between the extension 143 and the nut 129, if desired. may be connected to the line through normally closed The free end of the extension 143 may terminate in a 10 contacts NC of the switch 135T. Provision is also made cylindrical portion 145 which is adapted to engage the for manually actuating the relay NR independently of rollers 1452 as the piston rod 53 is reciprocated, with the the switches 135 by a manually operable switch 147 which limit switches being operative to control the hydraulic connects the winding of the relay NR to the line x, cylinder, and thus the reciprocation of the crimping thereby actuating the same. The contacts LI of the relay mechanism 5. 15 BR are also connected in a similar manner, one contact Electrical control circuits Fig. 13 illustrates in diagrammatic form a suitable elec tric control system for the mechanism heretofore de scribed. Each of the switches 135T, N and B comprises 20 two pairs of cooperable contacts, one pair being desig nated NC and of normally closed construction, while the other pair is designated NO and of normally open construction, so that when the particular actuating lever 141 associated with any one of the switches is opera tively engaged by the extension member 143, the con being connected to the winding of the relay and also to the line x through the normally open contacts N0 of the switch 135B, while the other contact of the contacts L1 is operatively connected to the line 2: through normally closed contacts NC of the switch 135N. Operation The general operation of the machine may be visualized 25 from a reference to Figs. 3, 4, 6,8 and 10, Figs. 4, 6 and 8 illustrating different positions of the crimping mech anism and the seal therein. The master switch 146 is initially closed to actuate the NO closed, or in other words, the positions will be re versed to that illustrated in Fig. 13. motor 16 and pump 15, the latter being provided with The construction of the switch 135N and switch arm 30 a suitable by-pass for the ?ow of oil when the cylinder 13 is not actuated. Assuming there is no seal in the jaws 32 14114 is such that the switch is actuated only on upward movement of the actuating arm 141N and is inoperative as illustrated in Fig. 6, the operator may close the switch when the arm is moved downwardly as the piston rod 147, to actuate the relay NR, closure of the lock-in con 53 moves downward. tacts Ll of which will lock the winding to the line x Associated with each limit switch is a corresponding 35 to maintain the relay NR actuated. Actuation of the operating relay, the relay associated with the switch latter will also result in closing of the contacts U thereof 135T being designated as TR, indicating the top operat to actuate the valve 17 for upward movement of the ing relay, the switch 135N with the relay NR and'the piston rod 53 and crimping mechanism, which will con switch 1353 with the relay BR. Each of the relays in tinue to move upward until the portion 145 of the ex cludes two pair of normally open contacts and a relay 40 tension 143 carried by the pin 124 engages and actuates winding, one pair of contacts of each relay being desig the switch arm 141T of the top switch 135T, resulting in nated Li and being operative, as hereinafter described, actuation of such switch to close the contacts NO thereof and open the contacts NC thereof. to lock in the particular relay when the relay is initially actuated. The other pair of contacts of each relay is Opening of the latter contacts will thereby break the designated U or D, as the case may be, indicating that 45 lock-in circuit to the relay NR, permitting the latter to those particular contacts involve the actuation of the fall, While closing of the contacts N0 of the switch 1351‘ directional valve 17 to move the piston either up or down. will result in actuation of the relay TR, the latter being The motor 16 is diagrammatically illustrated in Fig. locked on the line x through the contacts LI of the relay 13 as being of a three phase type and adapted to be oper in series with the contacts NC of the switch 13513, and ativeiy connected to a three phase line I. through a suit 50 upon closing of the contacts D of the relay TR the valve able fused switch box indicated generally by the numeral 17 will be actuated to permit the piston to be moved 146, with lines y and x of the line L being utilized for downwardly, past the switch arm 141N, which will not operation of the relays and valve 17. actuate the switch 135N which action will continue until As illustrated, one side of both the “down” and “up” the extension 143 operatively engages the switch arm circuits for the valve 17 may be operatively connected to 55 14113 of the switch 135B to actuate the latter, opening the line y as may be one side of each of the relay wind the contacts NC thereof to permit the relay TR to fall, ings. The opposite side of the down circuit or" the valve and closing the contacts NO thereof to actuate the relay 17 is operatively connected to one of the contacts D of the BR. Upon such actuation the contacts LI thereof will tacts NC of such switch will be open and the contact relay TR, the other cooperable contact of the relay being be closed, locking the relay to the line x through the operatively connected to the line 3: of the power line, so 60 normally closed contacts NC of the switch 135N, and that when the relay TR is actuated the valve 17 will be at the same time closing the contacts U of the relay BR actuated to a position to permit downward movement of to reverse the valve 17, causing the piston to move up the piston and piston rod 53 of the cylinder 13. In wardly. similar manner one contact of the contacts U of the relay The piston rod 53 and crimping mechanism will move NR and one of the contacts U of the relay BR may 65 upwardly until the extension 143 engages the arm 141N be connected in parallel to the other side of the up circuit of the valve 17, the other contact of each pair being to actuate the switch 135N, opening the winding of the relay BR and permitting the latter to fall. Upon such actuation the piston and piston rod, as well as the crimp operatively connected to the line x, so that when either of the relays NR or BR is actuated, the valve 17 will be ing mechanism carried thereby, will stop its upward actuated to permit upward movement of the piston rod 53. 70 movement as the closing of the contacts N0 of the One contact of the contact LI of the relay TR may be switch 135N will be inoperative to continue movement connected to the opposite winding of the relay and through the contacts N0 of the switch 135T to the line x, while of the crimping mechanism until the switches 136 and 137 have been simultaneously closed to closethe circuit the other contact LI of the relay may be operatively con to the relay NR. Consequently the crimping mechanism nected to the line x through the normally closed contacts 75 will stop at the neutral position de?ned by the switch, assassin 11: ' 1351i. ~ However, upon: closing of the_:=swit,ches-.=136;~.and2; 12 ahly- adjpsted to: achievethe desired results, ther¢l2y Jre7 13.7, the'complete cycle will be repeated, the mechanism: moving‘upward until the switch 135T is actuated, then versingzthe direction of movement of the piston rod 53 and the, latter and associated crimping mechanism will downwardly until the switch 1358 is actuated, and up? wardly to the neutral position when switch 135N is therewith as ‘the rollers 12,2 begin disengagement from thereupon begin. to move upwardly. Simultaneously the cam blocks 119, the lever 84 will return to its original. position as illustrated in Fig.3, under action of the spring During the. cycle of operation the crimping and feed-. 111, the pins .99 retaining the strip of seals in advanced ing mechanism will complete a cycle as follows: The position, while the ‘pawl 94 rotates downwardly out of actuating arm 141N of the switch 135N is so adjusted engagement with the slots 68 and rides along the bottom .with respect to the extension 143 that actuation of the 10 ‘ wall 65 of the seal until it moves upwardly under action switch will take place when the'piston rod 53 has moved of the spring 96, when the lugs 93 on the pawl reach upwardly to bring the elements of the crimping mecha~ the juncture of the two seals immediately behind the pins nism into the position illustrated in Fig. 6. vIn this posi 99. actuated. . tion a single seal 64'will be supported on the horizon tally extending portions 148. of the, jaws 32, thegportions. 1.49 of the jaws engaging'the side walls 66 of'the seal adjacent the upper, edges‘ thereof, as clearly shown in. Fig.6, with the jaws beingslightly closed to exertpres sure. on the seal and thus hold it in place in the sealing mechanism. Referring to Fig. 6 it will be noted that when the mechanism is in suchlposition the rollers 48 have’ moved to a position to'pass above the ends of the guide rails 49 and at the same time have urged the lower cutter 37 and plate 38 upwardly,_whereby the pins 31v are positioned in the bottom of the slot 39 of‘ the respec tive members. ‘ Y The crimping jaws will thus’ be in an open position, holding a seal therein ready for the insertion of the strap ends to-be joined together, and upon the insertion of the strap ends in position directlyabove the seal, which would normally position the hands of the operator to permit them to readily depress the lever 8 and cap 9 to actuate the switches 136 and 137, the piston rodt53 will move upwardly until the extension 143 engages and actuates the arm 141T of the. switch 135T. During such upward movement the links 1&6 will rotate the jaws 32 into the As'the mechanism continues to move upwardly, upon. " the cutting edge of the .lower cutter block 37 reaching the connected seal, such cutter will cooperate with the upper block 58 to sheartheleading seal fromthe strip, Fig, 4 illustrating the parts as the lowercutter approaches. engagement with the, seal. To prevent springingmovement, etc. of the sealasit is severed from the strip andsthus possibly movement. out of the desired position for further operations thereon,. suitable means may be provided for preventing upward movement of the seal from the crimping mechanism at the timewof severance, such means in the embodiment illustrated, comprising a hold-down arm 150 pivotally sup ported ona pin 150’ carried by an uprightor standard 151 mounted on the plate 3, the arm, ISllbeing biased. in, a counterclockwise direction as viewed in Fig. 4 by a torsion spring 152. As illustrated, the arm 15%.is more or less C-shaped to provide clearance for the adjacent jaw v 33 ‘and is provided with a generally rectangular shaped portion 153, which may have rounded edges, engageable w1th>the seal to initially hold the seal in place. As will be. apparent from a reference to Figs._6. and, 8, as the. crimping mechanism continues to move upwardly, follow position illustrated in Fig. 8, resulting in a shearing and. ing: shearing of the seal, the adjacent'jaws v33 will engage deformation of the edges of the seals adjacent the punch. the- corner 154 of the army 150, camming the arm up" blocks 33, as clearly illustrated in Fig. 8, and at the. same 40. wardly out of, engagement with the seal and providing time the rollers 43 will have disengaged from the mem~ bers 37 and 33, which are free to move downwardly out of the way of the jaws and punch block. The arm 14115 is so adjusted with relation to the switching mechanism and the extension 143 that actuation of the switch 135T ~ " free access‘to-the seal, withthe strap ends to be joined after the mechanism has reached the position illustrated in. Fig, 6, following‘ which the structure isready for an~ other sealing cycle. ' .' ~ It Will-be noted that thecrimpingandadvancing mech anism all .Vmay bemountedron'the plate 3'which. may be will take place when the mechanism reaches theposition illustrated in Fig. 8, thereby reversing the movement of readily removed as a unit from the cabinet structure, the piston rod 53 and crimping mechanism5, the ?rst the‘topof which may be provided with an, openingunder action being the engagement of the rollers 48 with the’ neaththe plate 3 of a size to permit passage of the mech tople'd'ge 5% of the guide rails 49, followed by engagement anis'm' therethrough, with .the exception of the panel .131v of the rollers with the'adjacent portion of the respective 505 and associated structure which may be dismounted prior members 37 and 33, whereby continued movement of. to the removal of the mechanism from the cabinet. Thus the piston rod will result in the rollers 48 carnming the members 37 and 38 upwardly, having the effect of'push ing the crimped seal and straps off of the punch’ blocks 33 and out of the crimping mechanism. maintenance problemsare facilitated was one mechanism may bereadily substituted for another with relatively minor, substantially quickly‘ performed operations. ' It will‘b’e ‘noted. that as the side walls 66 of the, seal As the rollers 43 ride o? of the top edges of the guide are in initiallyopen position at the time the’ strap ends rails 49the'entire crimping mechanismmay move ,down- ' are inserted therein, the mechanism will readily fold over such side walls and effectively crimp the seal, even though wardly, the variousmembers approximating the positions the width or thicknesses of the straps may vary some illustrated in Fig. 4, and as the members 37, 38-andpor tions 35 of the punch blocks 33 pass below the lower 60... what, the action of. the ‘jaws tightly folding and wrapping edge of slot 27 which as previouslynoted'de?nes the bot the seal .over. upon theadjacent band ends, followed my the crimping of the. seals. It will be apparent from the‘ tom of the passageway 63, the rollers 122 will engage above description that we ‘have provided a novel cumin the inclined surfaceslZl of the cam blocks V119, urging ing mechanism in conjunction with novel advancing means the latter to the left as viewed in Fig. 3, resulting in axial , for seals in strip form, which construction 15 relatively movement of theshafts 1135 in the same direction, which simple in operation, very rugged and dependable and yet is operative ‘to rock the lever 84 in a clockwise direction as’viewed in Fig. 3, resulting in a feeding movement of may! be readily adjusted to insure satisfactory. e?icient the’ pawl 94, to advance the strip of seals'the length of a operation. single seal,-the pins 99 engaging the rear edge '71 of the second seal from the leading end and the leading edge '71- of the third seal, to accurately position. the leading’ 7 ‘Having, thus described our invention, it is obvious that ‘various immaterial modi?cations may be made in the same‘without departing from the spirit of our invention; hence we do not wish'to be understood as limiting our seal= above the crimping mechanism. Upon consumma selves to the exact‘form,construction, arrangement and tion of such advancing movement under the, action of theirollers' 123, the extension 143 will engage'the; actui 75; combination of parts herein shown and described, or uses atingl-arm 141B of the" switch 1358-, the arm being‘suit mentiOnedJ ' ' r i ' ' i ‘i i i i ' 13 2,933,958 What we claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: 1. In a sealing device for joining a pair of strap ends, the combination of a seal deforming mechanism com prising a base plate, having an opening therein, a pair of spaced parallel side plates associated with said base plate and extending through said opening therein, each having a pair of longitudinally extending parallel slots therein, the slots in one plate being laterally aligned with, the corresponding slots in the other plate, a pair of parallel pins extending between said plates with op posite ends positioned in aligned slots, a plurality of spaced crimping jaws carried by each pin, punchblocks interposed between adjacent jaws, a pair of members in-‘ terposed between said jaws and the respective side plates, one of said members having a cutting edge thereon, said pins extending through said punchblocks and through 14 van opening therein, a pair of ‘spaced parallel side plates associated with said base plate and extending through said opening therein, each having a pair of longitudinal ly extending parallel slots therein, the slots in one plate being laterally aligned with the corresponding slots in the other plate, a pair of parallel pins extending between said plates with opposite ends positioned in aligned slots, a plurality of spaced crimping jaws carried by each pin, punchblocks interposed between adjacent jaws, a pair 10 of members interposed between said jaws and the re spective side plates, one of said members having a cut ting edge thereon, said pins extending through said punch blocks and through slots in said members extending paral lel to the slots in said side plates whereby said members 15 may move relative to said pins, a reciprocable member positioned between said plates with its axis of movement extending parallel to the slots in said side plates, a plu slots in said members extending parallel to the slots in rality of links, each pivotally connected at one corre said side plates whereby said members may move rela sponding end to said reciprocable member, certain of tive to said pins, a reciprocable member positioned be 20 said links being connected by a pin to the jaws carried by tween said plates with its axis of movement extending one of the ?rst mentioned pins and the other links be parallel to the slots in said plates, a plurality of links, ing connected by another pin to the jaws carried by the each pivotally connected at one corresponding end to other of said ?rst-mentioned pins, said link connecting said reciprocable member, certain of said links being pins each extending parallel to the associated jaw carry connected by a pin to the jaws carried by one of the ?rst 25 ing pin and having rollers at each end positioned adja mentioned pins and the other links being connected by cent the respective side plate, and guide rails associated another pin to the jaws carriedby the other of said ?rst with the respective side plates cooperable with said mentioned pins, said link connecting pins each extend rollers to control the pivotal action of said jaws about ing parallel to the associated jaw carrying pin and hav eir axes whereby said jaws may move into seal-crimp ing rollers at each end positioned adjacent the respec 30 ing positions when said rollers pass beyond the outer tive side plate, guide rails associated with the respective ends of said rails, said slotted members having means side plates cooperable with said rollers to control the thereon engageable with said rollers operative to move pivotal action of said jaws about their axes whereby said said members toward the free ends of said jaws, during jaws may move into seal-crimping positions when said return movement of said mechanism following the crimp rollers pass beyond the outer ends of said rails, said 35 ing of a seal, for disengaging the same and straps con slotted members having means thereon engageable with nected thereby, from the punch blocks. said rollers operative to move said members toward the free ends of said jaws, during return movement of said 3. In a band sealing device, the combination of a seal deforming mechanism comprising a base plate, having an opening therein, a pair of spaced parallel side plates associated with said base plate and extending through said opening‘ therein, each having a pair of longitudinally extending parallel slots therein, the slots in one plate parallel slots therein, a cutter block mounted in said being laterally aligned with the corresponding slots in transverse slot, cooperable with said base plate to form the other plate, a pair of parallel pins extending be a passageway therebctween for a seal, and cooperable 45 tween said plates with opposite ends positioned in aligned with said cutter member when said sealing mechanism slots, a plurality of spaced crimping jaws carried by each is reciprocated, to shear a seal from a strip extending pin, punchblocks interposed between adjacent jaws, a from said passageway, a pair of seal guides and a remov pair of members interposed between said jaws and the able cover member cooperable with said base plate to respective side plates, one of said members having a mechanism following the crimping of a seal, for disen gaging the same and straps connected thereby, from the punch blocks, the side plate adjacent said cutter mem her having a slot therein extending transverse to the guide seals through said passageway into said mecha~ 50 cutting edge thereon, said pins extending through said nism, a lever pivotally carried by said base plate on an punchblocks and through slots in said members extend axis positioned below the latter, a seal engaging pawl ing parallel to the slots in said side plates whereby said pivotally carried by said lever, spring means urging said members may move relative to said pins, a reciprocable pawl in a seal engaging direction, cooperable means on member positioned between said plates with its axis of said lever and reciprocating member for transmitting 55 movement extending parallel to the slots in said side movement of the latter to said lever in a seal feeding plates, a plurality of links, each pivotally connected at direction as the member approaches the end of its move one corresponding end to said reciprocable member, cer ment in a direction away from the free ends of said side tain of said links being connected by a pin to the jaws plates, spring means operative to urge said lever in a carried by one of the ?rst mentioned pins and the other return direction, a hydraulic cylinder having a piston 60 links being connected by another pin to the jaws car operatively connected to said reciprocable member, elec ried by the other of said ?rst-mentioned pins, said link tro-rnagnetic valve means for controlling the ?ow of ?uid connecting pins each extending parallel to the associated to said cylinder, switch means for reversing the ?ow of jaw carrying pin and having rollers at each end posi ?uid to said cylinder at opposite ends of the travel of tioned adjacent the respective side plates, guide rails as said reciprocable member and for stopping the latter 65 sociated with the respective side plates cooperable with prior to seal crimping movement of said jaws to permit said rollers to control the pivotal action of said jaws engagement of the strap ends to be joined with a seal about their axes whereby said jaws may move into seal positioned in said jaws, means carried by said reciprocable crimping positions when said rollers pass beyond the member cooperable with said switch means for opera~ outer ends of said rails, said slotted members having tively actuating the latter, and manually actuatable 70 means thereon engageable with said rollers operative to switch means for actuating said valve means to initiate move said members toward the free ends of said jaws, movement of said mechanism toward the seal crimping during return movement of said mechanism following position thereof. the crimping of a seal, for disengaging the vsame and 2. In a band sealing device, the combination of a seal straps connected thereby, from the punch blocks, the deforming mechanism comprising a base plate, having 75 side plate adjacent said cutter member having a slot assassin. 161" therein. extendingptransverseto the pgrrallehslotstherein, _ and a. cutter block mounted in said'transyerse slot, coop:v means for; operatively ,7 actuating. said advancing means, erablerwith' said base plate to form'a passagewayjthere between for a seal, and cooperable with said cutter mem her when said sealing mechanism is reciprocated, to shear deforming mechanism, a reciprocable member operatively co‘nnected’to said deforming mechanism for actuating the asealfrom a strip extending from said passageway. connected to said‘ reciprocable member, electro-magnetic said severing means, and said deforming mechanism. 6. In a band sealing device, the combination of a seal latter, afli‘ydra'ulic ‘cylinder havingfa piston operatively 4. in a band sealing device, the combination of a seal deforming mechanism comprising a base plate, having an ~ valve means forl'controlling the ?ow of fluid to said cylin- v terposed between said jaws andthe respective side plates, ‘ 7.v In “a band .sealingvdevic'e, thecombination of a base derfswitch means for reversing the ?o'w offluid to said opening therein, a pair of spaced parallel side plates asso cylinder at‘ oppositeends of the travel of said reciprocable ciated with’ said base plate and extending through said 10 ‘ member and for stopping the latter prior to seal deform opening therein, each having’ a pair of longitudinally ex-V ing movement ofsaid mechanism to permit engagement tending parallel slots therein, the slots in one plate being of the strapends to be joined with a seal positioned. in laterally aligned with the correspondingslots in the other said mechanism, means carried by said reciprocable mem plate, apair of parallel pins extending between said plates ber cooperab'le‘with, said switch means for operatively 15. with opposite ends position in aligned slots, a plurality, actuating the'la'tten'and switchfmeans for actuating said of spaced crimping jaws carried by each pin, punchblocks v valve means to initiate movement of said mechanism to: interposedbetween adjacent. jaws, a pair of members in-v ward the seal deforming'po'sitio'n thereof. ' ' i one of said members having a cuttingvedge thereon, said having an‘ openingwtherein, a seal deformingmech pins extending through said punchblocks and through‘ 20, plate 'anism extending. through saido'pening, a reciprocable slots in saidrmembers extending parallel to the slots in I . said side plates whereby said members may move relative tovsaid pins, a reciprocable member positioned between said plates with its axis of movement extendingrparallel to, the slots in said side plates’, aplurality of links, each pivotally connected at one corresponding end to said re ciprocable member, certain of-said links being connected by a pin to the jaws carried by one of the ?rst mentioned pinsand the other links being connected by another pin .7 niemberopcratively connected -.to said deforming mech . anisrn for actuatingthe latterfa pair of seal guides and a 'removable'coveri member cooperable with said base plate to guide seals from asealsupply into said mech anism, ‘a lever pivotally- carried by said base plate on an axis positionedb'elow the. latter, a seal engaging pawl piv o'tally carried byfIsaid lever,ispring'~rneans urging said pawl in a seal engaging ,directionfcooperable means on said, lever andj'reciproc'atingfmember for transmitting to the jaws carried by the other of said ?rst-mentioned’ 30, movement of ‘the latter .tosaidlever in a seal feeding direc pins, said link connecting pins each extending parallel to tion as the member approaches the end of its movement . the. associated jaw carrying pin and having rollers at in a retroacting. direction, spring means operative to urge each end positioned adjacent the respective side plates,v saidlever in a returndirectiomand a pair of spring biased guiderailsrassociated with the respective side plates co index pins extending inwardly from said seal guides 35. operable with said rollers to control the pivotal action adapted to engagea 'sealto accurately position the lead of said jaws about their axeswhereby said jaws may move ing seal, following‘advanceof the strip, insaid deforming into seal-crimping positions'when said rollers pass beyond the outer ends of said rails, said slotted members having V 8. -In a sealing device for joining a pair of strap ends, means thereon engageable with said rollers'operative to the combination of aseal deforming mechanism movable move said. members toward the freerends of. said jaws, 40. froman inoperative position to a seal deforming position, during return movement of said mechanism following the areciprocable member operatively connected to‘ said de crimping of a seal, for disengaging’the same and straps forming mechanism forf'actuating the latter, means for connected thereby, from the punch blocks, the side plate feeding seals into said mechanismyactuating reversible adjacent said cutter member having'aslot therein extend-v means operatively connected to said reciprocable mem ing transverse to the parallel slots therein, a cutter block 45.. ber,’control me‘an'sforreversing,said actuating means at mechanism. mounted in said transverse slot, cooperable' with said. base plate to form a passageway therebetween for a seal, and coo'perable with said cutter member when said sealing mechanism ‘is reciprocated, to- shear'a seal from a strip extending from said passageway, 1a pairof seal guides and. a removable cover member cooperable with’ said;base plate to guide seals through said passageway into said r mechanism, a lever pivotally carried by said base plate . on an ‘axis positioned below the. latter, a seal engaging pawl pivotally carried by said lever, spring means urging said pawl in a seal engaging direction,’ cooperable means on said, lever and reciprocating member for transmitting ' " ‘ i ' ' i - ' . ' opposite endsof the travel of said reciprocating member, and. forlstopp'ing the latterprior to'seal deforming move ment ofjsaid'jmechanism' to- perrnit engagement of the strap'endsio bejoined with a seal positioned in said mech anism,_mefa_n's', carried, by, said reciprocable, member co-e operablejvith said control,yrrieansf , for operatively actuat ingthegl'atter, andjmea'ns for‘ initiatingmovement of said 'mechanism toward the seal deforming position thereof. ' 9. In'fa band'sealing device, the combination of a base plate havingan opening therein,‘ a seal deforming mech anism?extending, throughisaid opening, areciprocable memberoperativ'ely connectedfto, said deforming mech movement of the latter to saidlever in a. seal feedingv anism for actuatingthe latter, a pair of seal ‘guides and a direction as the member approaches the end of its move removable cover, member cooperable with said base plate 60. ment in a direction away from the free ends of ,said side vtov guide seals into' said-,mechanism, ajlever pivotally carried ,by said base. plate ‘on ‘an axis positioned below the latter, a seal engaging "pawl pivotally carried by said lever, spring means’ urging said pawl in a seal engaging 5. vIn a band sealing device, the combination of a seal direction, cooperable'ineans on 'said lever and reciprocat deforming mechanism, a reciprocable member operatively connected to said deforming mechanism for actuating 65, ing member. for transmitting movement'of the latter to said lever’in a seal feeding direction as thernember ap the latter, a seal guide voperative to guide seals into said proaches the end, of'its movement in a retroacting direc ' mechanism, means for advancing the leading seal of strips tion,‘ and spring means ioperativeto urge 'said'lever in a of connected seals into saidv mechanism, a pairof spring biased index pins extending inwardly from said seal guide, 10.- In 'a sealing'device forfjoining a pairof strap ends, adapted to engage said strip of seals intermediate two ad, the combination of abaseplate having an opening therein, jacent seals tov accurately position the leading. seal thereof plates, and spring means operative to urge said lever in a return direction. . retnrn following advanceof the‘ strip, in said deforming mech anism,_means for severing the leading seal from: the strips direction. ' i’ i V‘ " a’ seal deforming mechanism extending through saidiopenp ing, aireciprocable member operatively connected ,to said snbs'eqnent to’, its, insertion into saidv mechanism, andv 75 -. deforming mechanism; for- actuating_,the1atter, a Pair, of. 17 2,983,958 seal guides and a removable cover member cooperable with said base plate to guide successive seals connected together to form a strip into said mechanism, a lever pivotally carried by said base plate on an axis positioned manually actuatable control means at opposite sides of said sealing mechanism for controlling said power means, below the latter, a seal engaging pawl pivotally carried by said lever, spring means urging said pawl in a seal is operated. engaging direction, cooperable means on said lever and sealing mechanism including a pair of crimping jaws and arranged to require the means at each side to be simultaneously actuated before said sealing mechanism 14. In a band sealing device, the combination of a reciprocating member for transmitting movement of the ‘adapted to crimp a seal on a pair of band ends, said mech latter to said lever in a seal feeding direction as the mem anism being reciprocable along an axis, means for effect ber approaches the end of its movement in a retro'acting 10 ing partial closing of said jaws to support a seal therein direction, spring means operative to urge said lever in a when the sealing mechanism is in a ?rst predetermined return direction, a pair of spring biased index pins ex position on said axis, means for feeding a seal from a tending inwardly from said seal guides adapted to engage supply thereof to’ said mechanism when the latter is in a said strip of seals intermediate two adjacent seals to_ac second predetermined position on said axis, automatic curately position the leading seal thereof following ad 15 means for controlling the reciprocation of said sealing vance of the strip, in said deforming mechanism, a hydrau mechanism from the ?rst predetermined position to the lic cylinder having a piston operatively connected to said second predetermined position, and its return to‘ the ?rst reciprocable member, electro-magnetic valve means for predetermined position, and means for controlling the controlling the ?ow of ?uid to said cylinder, switch means seal crimping movement of said jaws when the mech~ for reversing the ?ow of ?uid to said cylinder at opposite 20 anism is in said ?rst predetermined position. ends of the travel of said reciprocable member and for 15. In a band sealing device, the combination of a stopping the latter prior to seal deforming movement of sealing mechanism adapted to crimp a seal on a pair of said mechanism to permit engagement of the strap ends aligned band ends, and including seal deforming means to be joined with a seal positioned in said mechanism, and a co'ope'rable pair of clamping jaws, said deforming means carried by said reciprocable member cooperable 25 means and jaws being reciprocable along an axis trans with said switch means for operatively actuating the latter, verse to the axis of said pair of band ends and said jaws and switch means for actuating said valve means to ini being supported for movement relative to said deforming tiate movement of said mechanism toward the seal de means for crimping a seal positioned on the latter, when forming position thereof. the sealing mechanism is in a predetermined position 11. In a power actuated band sealing device, the combi 30 relative to said strap axis, means for feeding a strip of nation of a reciprocable sealing mechanism, power means connected seals relative to said mechanism when the for actuating said mechanism, means for feeding a seal latter is in another predetermined position relative to said into said mechanism, independently operable means at strap axis, to position the leading seal of the strip in oper opposite sides of said sealing mechanism for controlling ative position in the sealing mechanism, means for sever said actuating means to crimp a seal therein, and addi 35 ing such seal from said strip when said sealing mechanism tional means for controlling said actuating means to re is moved from its position during seal feeding to an inter ciprocate the mechanism when desired. mediate positio'n, automatic means for controlling the reciprocation of said sealing mechanism from seal crimp 12. In a power actuated band sealing device, the com bination of a seal crimping mechanism, power means for actuating said mechanism, and independently operable manually aetuatable control means at opposite sides of ing position to seal feeding position, and its return to the 40 intermediate position, and manually actuatable means for said sealing mechanism ,for controlling said actuating means, and arranged to require the means at each side to be simultaneously manually actuated before said seal ing mechanism is operative, to crimp a seal therein, and 45 means for automatically feeding a seal into said mech anism subsequent to the crimping of a preceding seal. 13. In a power actuated band sealing device, the com bination of a seal crimping mechanism, po'wer means for actuating said mechanism, and independently operable 50 controlling the movement of said jaws into the seal crimping position from said intermediate position. References Cited in the ?le of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS 1,764,911 1,984,652 2,097,946 2,218,023 2,298,658 Treat _______________ .._ June 17, Ott _________________ __ Dec. 18, Childress _____________ -._ Nov. 2, Doolittle ____________ __ Oct. 15, Spencer ______________ __ Oct. 13, 1930 1934 1937 1940 1942
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