MARDI Res.Bull., (1985)13,3: (225-217) SHADE TOLERANCE POTENTIAL OF SOME TROPICAL FORAGESFOR INTEGRATION WITH PLANTATIONS 1. GRASSES C.C. WONG*, H. RAHIM* and M.A. MOHD. SHARUDIN. Keywords: Shade, Nitrogen, Dry matter productivity, Tillering, Grasses,Tropical forages. RINGKASAN .12 jenis rumput tropika telah dinilaikan dengan menggunakan Ketahanan terhadap naungan bagi naungan buatan di dalam rumahkaca pada kadar 64Vo, 30%, 78Vo dan 97c cahaya yang sesuai untuk fotosintisis (photosynthetic quantum flux - PHAR) berbanding dengan cahaya matahari sepenuhnya. I n i d i i k u t i d e n g a n p e r c u b a a nd i l a d a n g u n t u k m e n i l a i k e u p a y a a ne n a m j e n i s r u m p u t t e r p i l i h p a d a k a d a r cahaya l00To (kawalan), 60Vo. 34Vo dan 18Vc PHAR daripada cahaya matahari sepenuhnya dan dipotong setiap enam minggu dan sepuluh minggu. D a l a m k a j i a n d i r u m a h k a c a , n a u n g a n m e n g u r a n g k a n p e n g e l u a r a na n a k r u m p u t ( t i l l e r ) , h a s i l bahan kering bagi pucuk, daun. batang, tunggul dan akar dengan berkesan (P<0.01), tetapi menambahkan keluasan permukaan daun. Dalam keadaan naungan, pembahagian bahan kering kepada komponen daun yang melebihi akar memberikan peningkatan nisbah pucuk/akar dan daun/ batang. Purata pengurangan hasil bahan kering di antara rumput-rumput ialah 28.7%,63.3Vo dan 82.4Vo betbanding dengan kawalan bagi pengurangan cahaya sebanyak 44Va,66Va dan 827o daripada cahaya PHAR di dalam rumahkaca. Rumput-rumput yang terbaik dan sesuai di bawah naungan ialah Panicum maximum, P. maximum cv. Tanganyika, Digitaria setivalva dan Brachiaria decumbens' Spesies-spesiesSetaria sphacelald cv. Kazungula, Digitaria decumbens cv. Transvala dan B. ruziziensis sangat kurang ketahanannya terhadap naungan. Pada naungan yang banyak (97o PHAR), rumputrumput tempat an iaitu Paspalum conjugatum dan Axonopus compressusdisenaraikan di tempat ketujuh dan keempat selepas rumput spesies-spesiesPanicum. Bagi percubaan di ladang pula, P. maximum dan B. decumbens memberikan hasil yang tertinggi pada semua paras naungan. Pengurangan hasil purata bahan kering terhadap enam jenis rumput ialah 23.1% dan 37.67c t:erbanding dengan kawalan bagi cahaya 667o dan 82% PHAR daripada cahaya matahari sepenuhnya. Axonopus compressus dan P. maximum var. trichoglunre menghasilkan bahan kering yang tertinggi pada paras naungan sederhana dan dipotong setiap enam minggu atau sepuluh minggu. Rumput-rumput tegak di bawah naungan yang dipotong setiap sepuluh minggu memberikan pengeluaran anak rumput dan hasil bahan kering yang tinggi. Sementara itu potongan setiap enam minggu memberikan hasil yang tinggi bagi rumput-rumput yang bukan berjenis tegak seperti ,4. compressus dan P. conjugatum. Bagi rumput-rumput di bawah naungan yang banyak adalah dicadangkan supaya jangka masa potongan dipanjangkan untuk meninggikan lagi kandungan botani dan kadar penghidupannya. Pada amnya, kandungan nitrogen bertambah mengikut kadar naungan dan jangka masa potongan yang lebih pendek. Rumput-rumput yang kurang penghasilannya, seperti S. sphacelata cv. Kazungula dan ,4. compressus, mempunyai kandungan nitrogen yang tinggi. Panicum maximum var. trichoglume mengandungi paras nitrogen yang terendah. Keputusan-keputusan lain dibandingkan dalam hubungan terhadap pengurusan pastura di dalam tanaman perladangan. production potential of tropical forage and pasture grassesunder a wide range of light regimes as encountered at different stagesof plantation crop development in the humid tropics. The problems of integrating pastures, livestock and tree crops have been high- INTRODUCTION With the current increasinginterestin multiple land use incorporatingcrops such as pastures with plantation agriculture, there is a void of information on the relative *Livestock Research Division, MARDI, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. 225 lighted by THot'lns (1978). Shading experiments had been attempted to identify shadetolerant species (WHIreltnN, BosonQusz 1,978; ERtxsEN and and Raxecou, WHrrNp,v, 1981). Results from a grazing trial on some improved tropical forages in 5-year-old oil palm at Serdang indicated few improved species of legumes which were tolerant to very low light regimes (CHeN, CHING, A:m and HASSTN, 1978). As the grasses were planted under an already closed canopy, the light limitation and root competition from the existing oil palms could have posed constraints to effective establishment. design was a Randomized Complete Block in a split-plot arrangement with three replications. Soil belonging to Tropeptic Haplorthox series was collected from 0-40 cm depth and mixed with one third by volume of fine sand. The mixture was then sieved through a 0.5 x 0.5 cm screenand air-dried. To each cubic metre of the mixture, 2 kg NPK compound fertilizer (I4:1.4:I4) were added and mixed thoroughly before potting. Plastic pots, measuring 16.5 cm in diameter, were each filled with 2.5 kg of the air-dried soil mixture and planted with two or three tillers of the grassesunder study. In newly established plantations, the interrows are generally wide and receive almost complete or full solar radiation. It is at this early stage of plantation development that the potential for forage integration with plantation crops could be exploited for subsequent utilization in the later years when light gradually becomes limiting. Dead tillers were replaced until completed establishmentwas obtained. The established grasses were then allowed to grow for four weeks before a uniform cutting at 5-cm stubble height was undertaken to promote tillering. A second uniform cutting was imposed four weeks later just prior to the introduction of shade levels obtained by varying the density of shadescreens.The photosyntheticquantum flux (PHAR) of the transmitted light through the shade screens was measured around noon by a Lambda Li-185 light meter (Table 2). In order to screen for grass species better adapted to growth in a wide range of light levels that are reflective of the fluctuating light environment as experienced in plantations, two trials were initiated to evaluate tropical grass species for a wide spectrum of shade tolerance. In the first experiment, the effect of different shade levels on the growth and performance of 12 tropical grasses was determined under greenhouse environment. The second trial was to compare the performance of six tropical speciesin the field under four shade regimes and at 6- and lO-weekly defoliation Research Station, intervals at MARDI Serdang. The pots were randomized weekly and watered twice daily to field capacity. All grasses were harvested to a 5-cm stubble height on 24 February,27 April and lastly on 7 June 1982,giving a L0-weeklyregrowth in the first two harvests and 6-weekly regrowth in the third harvest. After each harvest, NPK fertilizer equivalent to 50 kg N, 20 kg P and 50 kg I(/ha was applied. Tiller counts were taken prior to each harvest. MATERIALS AND METHODS Pot Trial Under Greenhouse Environment The experiment was initiated in October 1981 to assessthe performance of 12 tropical grasses (Table 1/ under four shade levels (inclusive of a control) in a soilpot culture at Serdang. The experimental The harvestedmaterials were separated into leaf and stem fractions. The leaf samples were subsampled for leaf area determination in the first and second harvests using an electronic leaf area meter. The leaf and stem fractions were then dried in an oven at 80"C for 48 hours and weighed for dry 226 Table 1. The 12 tropical grassesselectedfor study Botanical name Common name Axonopus compressus(Sw.) Beauv. Carpet grass Signalgrass B rachiaria decumbens Stapf . Congograss MARDI digit Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain & Evrard D igitaria setiv alv a Stent. Transvaladigit 'Rumput pahit' Digitaria decumbens cv. Transvala (Stent) Ottochloa nodosa (Ktnth) Dandy Green panic Commonguinea Tanganyika guinea Tee grass Panicum maximum var. trichoglume (Eyles) Panicum maximum lacq. Panicum maximum cv. Tansanvika Paspalum conj ugatum Berg. Setaria sphacelata var. sericea cv. Kazungula (Schumach) Stapf. & C.E. Hubb Setaria sphacelata var. splendida (Stapf.) Kazungula setaria Splendidasetaria Table 2. Light levels under various shade screens in the pot trial Density of shadescreen(layers) Shade level % PHAR PHAR (ME/m'?ls) In greenhouse I SGO SG1 I 350 760 2 3 SG2 SG3 460 0 215 100 56 34 18 Outside greenhouse 64 30 18 9 PHAR at full sunlight-- 2130ME/m'ls measured2 x 2 metres. The shade levels (Table 3) were obtained by using different densities of shade screen mounted on a wooden frame2 m aboveground level. The four sidesof each main plot were covered from the top to about 1 m from the ground to minimize morning and evening light transmission. matter (DM) determination. The root and stubble dry weights were recorded at the end of the last harvest. Field Trial Another trial was conducted on a similar soil (Tropeptic Haplorthox) at Serdang to determine shade tolerance and defoliation effects on the performance of six selected tropical grassesof different growth habits under field conditions. The six grasses were Carpet grass, Signal grass, Common guinea, Green panic, Tee grass and Kazungula setaria. All the grasseswere initially establishedfrom vegetativecuttings(3-4 tillers per plantingpoint) and plantedat 0.5 x 0.5 m spacing.Basalfertilizerscomprising50 kg N/ha as Nitro 26,30 kg P/ha as triple superphosphateand 50 kg l(ha as muriate of potash were applied after planting. The maintenancefertilizer rateswere 150kg N, 40 kg P and 100kg lUha/yr asNitro 26, triple superphosphateand muriate of potash respectively,and were split-appliedtwice annually. All plots received two uniform The experimental design was a splitsplit plot with shade as the main plot, defoliation frequencies as the sub-plot and the grasses as the sub-sub-plot treatment with three replications. Each sub-sub-plot 227 Table 3. Light levelsunder the variousshadescreensin the field Densityof shade screen(layers) 0 I 2 J Shade level PHAR(ME/m2ls) ' SFO SF1 2 300 I 380 sF2 780 420 SF3 defoliationsat 15-cmstubbleheightprior to of the shadetreatment,and commencement defoliationat 6- and l0-weeklv cuts. in ?,1"o,1, full sunlieht 100 60 34 18 StatisticalAnalysis Data were subjectedto an analysisof variancefor a split plot design in the pot trial and a split-splitplot in the field trial. The meanswere ranked for shade-tolerant performance. All plots were harvested by hand, weighed fresh and sub-sampledfor dry matter yield determination. The dried sampleswere ground to pass through a 1mm meshsteelscreen,and nitrogencontent was determined on the bulked plant tops using Kjeldahl analysis. RESULTS Environmental Conditions Pot trial Tiller countswere taken in June 1980 and again in November 1981 from five randomquadrats(20 x20 cm) in eachplot. Leaf water potential of the most recently expandedleaves of the grassesunder the shadelevelswas determinedusing a pressure chamber. Soil moisture was determined gravimetricallyfrom soil coresof 0-15 cm depth. At the end of the experiment,roots were sampledfrom soil cores,each20 cm2x 30 cm deepwith the crown root in the centre of the core. The soil coreswere washedand the roots collectedand oven-driedfor dry weight determination. Mean daily air temperature and relativehumidity at 9 am and 3 pm aswell as instantaneousPHAR around noon under the different shade screensin the greenhouseare given in Table4. The meandaily temperatureunder the shadescreensgenerallydecreasedby about 1oC and the mean daily relative humidity increasedby 3% to 6Vacomparedwith the control. Mean instantaneous PHAR were in the ratio of tffiVa : 56Vo: 34Vo: lSVoof the control for the shade treatments in the greenhouseor equivalentto 64Vo: 30Vo : 18Vo : 9Vo of PHAR in full sunlight (outsidegreenhouse). MeteorologicalData Field trial Temperature and relative humidity were recordedby thermohydrographsplaced in Stevensonscreensin the four shadelevels of Replicate1. Rainfallwasobtainedfrom a meteorologicalsite some 100 m from the experimental site. On several cloudless days,diurnal variationsof the PHAR of the transmitted light under the shade levels were measuredat hourly intervals with a Lambda Li-185 light meter. 228 In the field trial, the environmental conditionswere best depicted by a typical diurnal variationin PHAR, air temperature and relativehumidity percentagebetween8 am and 6 pm under variousshadelevelsat Serdangon a clear day (1,0.2.82)(Figures Ia, Ib and 1c). The mean daily air temperatures under the shadescreenswere also lowered photosynthetic Table 4. Mean daily temperaturesand relative humidity and instantaneous quantumflux under 4 shadeintensitiesin greenhouse Mean daily temp. ('C) PHAR Instantaneous Density shade screen(layers) Shade treatment 70 PHAR ln tull daylrght Quantity zo PHAR in , (ME/m'zls) -g r e e n n o u s e SGO 0 1 350 SG1 SG2 SG3 I 2 3 760 460 245 100 56 34 18 64 30 18 o Relative humidity (%) 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 27.3 26.4 26.8 2'7.0 32.0 32.0 32.5 32.r 96 b4 96 96 67 67 70 96 PHAR : PhotosYnthetic quantum flux Gravimetric measurements of the soil moisture from 0-15 cm depth, and leaf water potential of the six tropical grasses, increasedwith shade intensity. 30 (/ :o ) R 2 a 1 6 AR in full sunlight - . S F 0= 1 0 0 % - -SF l :606/c -.SF 2 : 34% -.-SF3=1ll% E t2 f/ 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 am Pm Timc of daY Figure1a. Diurnal variationsin air tempera' ture under 4 shadeintensitiesin the field. t00 Monthly rainfall at Serdang for the experimental period could be described as normal and favourable for plant growth except for a short dry spell in June 1981 (Figure Id). Dry matter yield and rainfall were not correlated but it was evident that period of high rainfall usually coincided with period of high DM production, particularly at the higher irradiance levels. PHAR in full sunlight +SF0:100% ---sFl:60olc :e -SF *SF Establishment With adequate water, nutrients and favourable temperature, all the grasses in the greenhouse showed excellent growth. Similarly. in the field trial, the six grasses established well from the vegetatively propagated tillers except for Tee grass. At commencement of the shade treatments, all pots had good growth of grasses,and in the field, the plots comprised almost purely planted grasses. 2:34c/c, 3 : 18% E .: 6t) v 't am 9 l1 13 15 Time of day t7 19 2l pm Figure 1b. Diurnal variations in relative humidity under 4 shadelevelsin thefield. Tillering by about 1'C compared with that of the control. The mean relative humidity increasedby 37o-7% in increasingshade densities.Phyotosyntheticquantum fluxes were in the ratio of l00Vo : 60Vo: 34Vo: 1.8Vofor the four shadelevels (inclusiveof the control). Shade generally increased the stature of tillers (visual observation as height was not taken), the difference being greater between SG 0 and the other levels (SG 1 SG 3) than between the shade levels themselves. Cumulative tiller production over the three harvests in the 12 grasses was 229 Date: 10-2-82 PHAR in full sunlight *-.-SF0=100o/o -.-.-SF1=60o/c .--.SF2=347c -SF3=l8o/o o tz SF2 -b'r., a,,-- TJ 1 / sF3 I ./'' .r' 7 am ,.' 9 i / ./ ll 13 Time of day l5 1'7 19 Pm Figure 1c. Diurnal variations in instantaneousphotosyntheticquantumfluxes under 4 shade levels. 500 400 300 2N 100 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F l98l 1980 A S O N D J F M A l 9u2 Figure Id. Monthly rainfall at MARDI ResearchStation, Serdangduring the experimental period (January 1980to April 1982). reduced significantly (P<0.01) by shade intensity (Figure2). The overall mean tiller number of the 12 grassesdeclinedfrom 131.5at SG 0 to 26.6 at SG 3 (Table 5/. Tiller production also decreased(P<0.01) with each successiveharvestirrespectiveof shadeintensityin the greenhouse.The stoloniferousgrasses were generally higher in tiller production acrossall shadelevels.Carpet grassranked the highest(P<0.05) with over 162 tillers/ 230 pot followed by MARDI digit (114 tillers/ pot), Transvaladigit (112 tillers/pot)and 'Rumput pahit' (100 tillers/pot). The Panicumspp. and Signal grasswere intermediate in tillering capacityunder shade. Congo grassand Splendidasetariagavethe lowesttiller production (Table5). In the field trial, the tillering response to shadewas similar to that in the pot trial. Tillering also declined with time and was higher (P<0.05) for the lO-weeklycut than the 6-weeklycut (Table6). N t t O C t rtNo\O ) A r n\ C - (r) q 6 A A - AA)A \ F F .-o " \ ; b * F = 't r= s e t -- a Ei ^2 = 6^ io.E u t - t r -; ! = j j { * = i ". i 7. t= ij s I " s { a.o: = ; o > : - s = = - c c .:1,::83. l )ar)2F :-L ,/ t t t t l l - N - $ n € r U 1r a A r h C ) c h t D € l 3 - >. L' : o . , i P E ; . I : ; Y.- av , c i v a l l ) = = Z = ? ^ l ? n ? u= a : q \s c\ ! L \ F i s R ':'i C - N F A A v ! > - F s \ s q ) C)(t(h(hA + N O r : ; : o \ * c ! s \ ) (tod73) tq8ram ,{:p loo.r a^tlelnunJ u 9 ' >s i w. t 3 \ n $ F € 6 a au) a.€ r a6 t, : * s i s s N a 9 e o = a L too > q r bU \ ? ) q4 a. O ? : ; s I S o o =g t : h^ g+ .- = v A 9 i d S 9 f i q - J s F e.i € \ ; , $ E 3 = E (todTsralllt ;o ou) raqunu rallrl e^uelnunJ lJl € O t v i € * r I =f rt L| .: Jr ' r J : * F F q) N - € r : i i - O O s E n c q . l * x = - r t r 3 - r d € i J L € l S ! >^3 c:: a O O A C - a i r : -: c ^ - ;5 : F : 1 9 r g 1 5 C € - n C r 6 E bo() d - , n - 6 1 . - q ? a t v, J ? ? v i. : ? q : t - s I n R r I f , a S = t C ! - F ^ d X d d - E z I r - i i + -l . X ! -r , a+ aN na r S: N a r t t , C ^r i. - - a ) - r - - , i ? X j , 3 : t , - ri . X . ,", ! ! - ij r \ e 3 (.) e F ? a . Y ( J a . = 9 o - E c 6 ; N + € N N * N 6 € 5 . i . j , r - i 3 ' i d E bq.)o d o a b o o 3 w 0 ) ^ ; - o ; ! - r A J o u i ! ! r - L - ' . 1 v i \ ' : a a R . l q r : n - € n - - r = * r i I E . : € s € ? 8 F - : t s 3 K lr . i - r < i 3 q.) € n . l n q . g q g c i n q n - -r ,- - €- r- 5- , a ?a ; r r _ e € - n a a l € a i - r i . a - , t c - - n = - q n n 1 i 9 . 9 = r 3 - N - d - i j l i < o r i E * ! - ! ! t ' J - = ) 3 X 1 r | : t . - : . j f . c i o i - , - - - r a r t 7 7 * , r A . € - " € € " € - 3 - - E i . t q 9 8 h 3 - , r / N .10 ! .l d o n .: 6 € r N = v: i =. € Z - E J c9 r: cj - - r : v: =l r . - t ? x i . - "l z r c a * , ' L t - - . . i - z - 4 = t ! ^ 1 - $ f 4 J - = - , r: r .'.1 a 1 . l l N rr r .t r: c c. t q) - - - o 3 . i i i ' _ r i () d N ! ! r r € q n c q ! o q" a " : oq \€ = r 9 . 1 o - ^ - 8 - i o r i r i c ;.5 F f. . - - J N j - . t - c s = v N ) x - N - c al ar; () la I 4 7 a < . o - 3 c Y x o d al'::!'t3-F zF,zo v l A Y a - o - - ' - - 9 = tr = n c ! ql .l - E F e A i r a r g ; 1E.; " F S E I E V a b E F i E € + 6 Y 4 - / - = ? v : - N - P ll € 9 9 9 2 t f r. EF . : i a s s ? , . iE . = : * J v 6 9 L-)./, - J Y A - 2 - s - J q N ? E r 6 O ^ t\ .C : Fa - a €1 n: .- ; : ; 5 F .x . c ) i N N n 6 $ r r 6 o c c € 3 - q = ! q 5 o - N l - ! F - Q ! . + F o - i q F 0 9 \ e q : J " . j " . j : d fr u F \a ; c) z o o r - c * N n r c C t . j J - i c i - j - P c A J o c - r 7 ,A ^ - c 6 - j - - o j 6 i f c i € u 6 6 c - i O 6 i r * c e 6 i - : F x - o . 'F .v ' c I \ .A l - , ( ) a.9 o = . n € t - l ^l - O N I A tl r - t ? + : € 3 € ^ t - ooo slE i q ) - 9 O Y o C \ 6 r € n O $ 6 r $ o \ n \ C n c S f N - , € n 0 c i F * o O 6 I € r m € N - N r n x r 6 n r N -xb ll - t r3 n o F c O ? C - 0 F C N j : F o - - + O o ' a € . c - 6 9 O r -o N N F F 9 ! \ , - s € . s - < 6 - € € - a 6 - N € N t 9 - r N 3 € . 9 6 l - \ - , - - q O € ,q n o + r G F A - O * N 6 € F - F * - 3 q $ r € h - , 6 € N -E 6 ! 6\ a oO q, ' ? 9 O r N N - - \ o \ o d c o o ; d r - J r r o B l d n t - t ) , \ O * - F - O O \ n O F \ O F \ 9 a o c q q n l C o N U . 0 o \ C O A F N r o - j a i O , a O \ O @ O O . h F n a o i d ; . + J ' c i . c t € r c c a ; I ' O ( ) \ 6 a I> I O d € C € 6 € € n n 9n 9F 9n J - 6 F - r n * 9 n 9 q 9 c l \ \ - \ C € @ F n r r F o o . f , t n l r ] . j ; - - - - lr L 6 : ; (.) r G ) - G F - - . , a l F n n , \ o r i o . c o r o \ - N F F >r.r O l . v st+ r € - n \ € t -I c.) - , * O € t @ 6 r 6 6 \ C s - ;\ F - c | 1 - - o \ F . it tl > a C € o -> |l : =o tt a' N O 6 C € h r . O O n F . - $ O C l C \ O \ O o c R - = o , O l ' - O . N h m O \ o @ N r n - + O , o O C < f O \ f - \ O C { C a q) (.) ' >l - l ' I'b \ - C c r ' r O \ c ) O c C C a € Q - - t r € 6 n , O I o s A o F a ! I (,) a o^ \ :F frl '; 0) t- i L E a 4 3 I ^ ^ ^ 0 - e tr . i lo =- -€- g- a c E !9 g 6 A : ' -'3-.9 9 a c d 6 3 o Y E L l v < d - +., -i =' 3 * F + f E F 5 0 = E " . - - N 6 6 F - ! : c . E U o f i 4 , n s E : i . € . 5< e . EJ r ' b i i : E ' a a a ' . z w , L 6 v zJ-', l l q F 6 Plant Parts Composition In the pot trial, shadegreatly affected the distribution of dry matter in the plant parts. The root dry weight (DW) was significantly(P<0.01) depressedby shade levels resultingin a decreasingroot DW percentage of the whole plant but a higher shoot/root ratio (Table 5 and Figure 2). The root DW at SG 1, SG 2 and SG 3 comPrised and6.7Vaof the control(SG0). 46.7Vo,13.3% were higherin root The erect grasses DW than the stoloniferousgrasses.Setaria spp. producedthe highestmean root DW (13.8g/pot) at all shadelevels,followedby Panicumspp.(8.6g/pot),MARDI digit (7.4 g/pot),Congograssand Signalgrass(4.6 g/ pot). 'Rumput pahit' (2.a glpot) and Tee grass(2.5 g/pot), both with shallowroots, had the lowestroot DW (Table5). the whole plant increased with shade intensity up to SG 2 before it declined at SG 3 (Figure 3 and Table 5). The leaf DW reduction from SG 0 to S G 1 , S G 2 a n d S G 3 w e r e 2 6 V o , 5 8 V oa n d 797a of the control respectively. As a consequence of the higher increase in leaf composition of the total plant, the leaf/stem ratio of the grasses under shading was e n h a n c e df r o m 1 . 1 a t S G 0 t o 1 . 8 a t S G 3 (Table 5). The high yielding grasses, namely Common guinea and Tanganyika guinea, produced significantly (P<0.01) the highest total leaf DW (22.0 g/pot) than the other grasses (Table 5). This was followed by MARDI digit (19.7 gipot), Green panic and Signal grass (13.9 g/pot). Carpet grass averagedabout 8.9 gipot and Tee grass 7.7 g/pot. Although these two grasses were lowest in leaf DW, they were ranked fourth and fifth respectively at SG 3. Transvala digit and Congo grass were the poorest yielders in leaf DW (< 1.0 g/pot) at SG 3. In the field environment,root DW responsesto shadeintensitywere similar. Ten-weekly defoliation produced higher (P<0.05) root DW than the 6-weeklycut (Table6). Leaf Area and Specific Leaf Area The stem bW dectined significantly (P<0.01) with increasingshade intensity (Figure 3) but stem DW percentage of whole plant increased slightly until it declined at SG 3 (Table 5) except for Transvaladigit, MARDI digit, Tee grass and 'Rumput pahit' which had reductionin stem DW percentageat all shadelevels. Overall mean reductionsin stem DW from SG 0 to SG 1, SG 2 and SG 3 were 33Vo,70Voand 87Voof that of the control (SG 0). Surprisingly, Greenpanic(16g/pot) and Transvaladigit (15 g/pot) emergedthe highest in stem DW, followed closely by Signalgrass(14 dpo|. Commonguinea(12 g/pot)rankedfourthand'Rumputpahit'(l I g/pot) was fifth. The stoloniferousgrasses like Carpet grass, and Congo grass were lowestin stem DW (Table5). Leaf DW declined with increasing of shade(P<0.01)but leaf DW percentage ./-J1 Leaf area usually increasedfrom SG 0 to SG 1 and then declined non-significantly with further shade increase except at SG 3 where leaf area was significantly (P<0.05) lower than those at the other shade levels (Figure 4/. Common guinea produced significantly (P<0.05) the highest leaf area (32 'Rumput p^ahit' and dm2/pot) followed by Green panic, each with 26 dm'lpot and Tanganyika guinea and Signal grass, each with 24 dm2/pot (Table 5). In the field trial, the leaf area index (LAI) increased non-significantly with shading but declined at SF 3 (Table 6,). As expected, Common guinea produced the highest LAI while the stoloniferous grasses viz. Tee grass and Carpet grass were the lowest. The specific leaf area which was the ratio of leaf area to leaf DW presents a measure of leafiness of a srass under shade d U) U) a(t u) : N : \ F h . F " s o . E F d ; > R o b v 3 - ' s o x s - t >\ s ., i: + ! _- p -a -*''= : > < s s u \ q ) E A s s \J '€> $ d (rod73) lq81am,{:p ;ue1 a^rlelnunJ : * U) N r a 3 -' C IO. \C N i-.1+ -"O F J Q E s s I -=&hh h7h s') s oo \ ^ ' : \ ^ - s l- o" o) 3 oo q) €s i o3 '; : 6 \ q--l r ! v ' { ? . \ : - ^! g E _:_i 5p :! . ^ a , : f E . , * = 2 2 2 . € : 3 : _ 9& o { b"S";"x*;e;sESE E = n = Z = c . i - ; * = = * E " 3 zl rEsEE J ; W . h l ) z F - U F l , t t t t l t t l F N O S 6 \ C F - O O . N F F F C - N A ( h C t A ( a t t ( h A q ( 4 ( a A N (tod73) tq8ra,n ,{.tp ruats e^rlelnulnJ 235 ^ F > : q O 3 €s E th s F\ ii U S O ;{& Sp8 S n l Sn l? Sp9 Sp'1 E Sn l1 Spl0 Spl Sp7 J Spl-Carpetgrass Sp2-Signalgrass Sp3-Congograss Sp4-MARDIdigit Sp5-Transvaladigit Sp6-'Rumputpahit' Sp7-Greenpanic Sp8-Tanganyikaguinea Sp9-Commonguinea Sp l0 - Tee grass S p l l - K a z u n g u l as e t a r i a S p 1 2 - S p l e n d i d as e t a r i a Shade levels (o/c PHAR in greenhouse) Figure 4. The influence of shading on leaf areaproduction of 12 tropical grassesgrown undergreenhouse environment. as an adaptivesensitivityto reducedlight. Specificleaf area increased(P<0.01) with shading but was negatively correlated to DM yield(r : -0.96). 'Rumputpahit'and Tee grasswere highestin specificleaf area comparedto the Panicum spp. and Digitaria spp. (Table 5). Nevertheless,specific leaf area increasewas greatestin the Panicum spp. (datanot shown). centageof the plant tops acrossthe grasses were30.4Vo, 23.3Vo19.jVo andl6.lVo at SG 0, SG 1, SG 2 and SG 3 respectively. CumulativeDM yieldsof the plant topsover the three harvests among the grassesat different shadeintensitiesare illustratedby their regression curves (Figure 5) and regressionequations(Table 7). Dry Matter Production Under the greenhouseenvironment, the DM yield of the 12 tropical grasses declinedsignificantly(P<0.01) with shade intensity (Table 5,). The mean DM per- 236 Overall mean DM yield of the plant tops in the 12 grassesat SG 1, SG 2 and SG 3 were 7LVo,37Vaand 18Vorespectively of that obtainedin control (SG 0). At SG 0, Signal grassproduced the highestcumulative DM yield (60.8 g/pot) followed by Tanganyikaguinea(51.6 g/pot), Transvala Treatment Shadc. '' Grassess'' G r a s s e sw i t h i n s h a d e * " Shadewithin grasscs"'" e60 bo Spl-Carpetgrass Sp2-Srgnalgrass Sp4-MARDIdigit Sp5-Transvaladigit Sp6-'Rumputpahit' Sp7-Greenpanic LSD (0.01) 2.90 3.73 7.46 7.61 guinea Sp t3- Tanganyika Sp9-Commonguinea Sp l0 - Tee grass Sp ll - Kazungulasctaria sctaria Sp l2 - Splendida ,/ _-.-.-'-'-'-' SP'i -.. --y':'*- 1; - --.*-** - - ] ) u L lt f, +o U .= t ) S h a d e l e v e l s( ? ; P H A R i n f u l l s u n l i g h t ) Figure 5. Regressioncurves of the effect of shadingon the cumulativedry matteryield of grownunder greenhouseconditions. Species 3 the top growth in 11 tropical grasses (Congo grass)was omitted. Table 7. Regressionequationsfor dry matter yield of the tropical grassesas affectedby shade Cumulativedry matter yield (g/pot) Regressionequation Carpet grass Signal grass MARDI digit Transvaladigit 'Rumput pahit' Green panic Common guinea Tanganyikaguinea Tee grass Kazungulasetaria Splendidasetaria Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= Y: Y= Y= 6.34+ 0.325- 0.0009s'z - 0.001652 -1.62+ 1.085 -13.46+ 2.375- 0.0021s'z -11.5 + 1.535- 0.0089s'z -0.,10+ 0.915- 0.004752 -3.12+ 2.015- 0.02Sr 7.30+t.37S-0.011s'? 7.87+ r.53S- 0.0145s': 2.57+ 0.525- 0.000952 - 0.0217s'? -12.11+ 2.0365 -6.75 + 1.435- 0.0105s': Y : Yield, S : Shadelevel (Va PHAR outsidegreenhouse) *Significant(P = 0.05) '*Significant (P : 0.01) zJt Correlationof determination(12) 0.71'. 0.98" 0.93.* 0.93" 0.93*' 0.69" * 0.90* 0.81" 0.96'0.60' 0.92" of dry matter. Carpet grass performed poorly at SF 0 but its DM yield increasedto 7.9 tlhalyr at SF 1 and 7.4 tlhalyr at SF 2. Tee grass behaved in similar way under shade but was less persistent and less productive. digit (49.6g/pot)and MARDI digit (49.5g/ pot). The indigenous grasses namelyCarpet grass(21.7g/pot)and Tee grass(32.3glpot) were the lowestyieldersat SG 0. However, under heavyshade(SG 3), they rankedon par with Signalgrassbut were higheryielding than the Setariaspp. and Digitaria spp. (Figure 5). Plant Survival and Botanical Composition At the end of the pot trial, all grasses in the three replicatessurvived at SG 0 and SG 1 but under heavy shade (SG 3), mortality of grassesin all the replicateswas evident. Green panic, Common guinea and Carpet grass were the only three grasses which had 100% survival in all replicatesat SG 2 and SG 3. Tanganyika guinea had 700Vo mortality in one replicate at each shade level, SG 2 and SG 3, while Signal grass and 'Rumput pahit' each had 100% mortality in two replicates at SG 3. Congo grass died out completely in all the replicates at SG 2 and SG 3. The Setaria spp., Digitaria spp. and Tee grass did not survive in all replicates at SG 3, indicating poor tolerance of these grasses to heavy shade. At moderateshadelevels(SG 1 and SG 2), the Panicumspp.continuedto be the bestyieldersparticularlyTanganyikaguinea and Common guinea. This was closely followedby MARDI digit, However,Signal grassshoweda markeddeclinein DM yield from SG 1 onwards.Transvaladigit performedpoorly undershadeand wasranked 11th at SG 2 and SG 3. MARDI digit yieldedpoorly at SG 3 while the indigenous grassescontinuedto be poor in DM production.Nevertheless, the indigenousgrass persistedwell at SG 3, especiallyCarpet grassbut not'Rumput pahit'. In the field trial, the annualDM yields of the six grasses at 6- and 1O-weekly cutting intervalsin four shadelevelsare shownin Figure6. CumulativeDM yield was highest at 6-weeklycut comparedto 10-weeklycuts for Carpet grass,Green panic, Tee grass and Kazungulasetaria.In contrast,Signal grass and Common guinea maintaineda higherDM productionunder the 10-weekly cut. Across all the shade levels, Signal grasswasthe highestyielderat both cutting frequencieswith 16.1 tlhalyr at 6-weekly cuts and 19.3 tlhalyr at 1O-weeklycuts. Commonguineaproducedan averageyield of 15.1tlhalyr at 6-weeklycutsand 77.6 tlhal yr at 10-weekly cuts. Kazungula setaria yielded about 9 tlhalyr for both cutting intervalswhile Green panic producedabout 6 tlhalyr and was sensitiveto 6-weeklycuts under heavyshade(SF 3). The two indigenousgrasses,Carpet grassand Tee grass,were the lowestyielders In the field, the botanical composition (as DWTo) of the six grasseswere almost 700Vopure in the swards at commencement of trial. After 28 months of defoliation, the planted grass composition declined with shade intensity (Table 6). However, at 10-weekly cuts, the botanical composition of the planted grasses was generally higher than that of the 6-weekly cuts. On the other hand, Carpet grass increased tremendously in botanical composition with shade level, indicating its adaptation to lower irradiance. At 6-weekly cuts, Carpet grass composition increased from 267o at SF 0 to almost 100% at SF 3 while at 10-weeklycuts, its composition was enhanced to 96Vo at SG 2 but declined to 5 2 V oa t S G 3 . Botanical composition of Signal grass declined from I007o at SF 0 to 50Vo in the 6-weekly cuts and to 75Voin the 10-weekly 23n < € L oo t ? o / / c o E d a \ E U I \ .v i N j o o .. tF F t 4 q t o = = il t q \i N ( : , { 7 e q 4 )p l a l ^ n C ; e^r}elnunJ \ T > !!' a bO = 2 ! A - = c o q 4 - ta) ; G c c O 3 V r c' (r) A h U s : 6 (:,{7eqp) ptal,thlc a^r}elnurnJ \cj \J oo q 239 grassand Green panic were the lowest of all the grassesin shade tolerance at SG 0. cuts at SG 3. Common guinea and Kazungula setaria also showed similar declines with shade intensity. Green panic, not being persistent at 6-weekly cuts, died out under heavy shade(SG 3). Tee grasswas generally poor in botanical composition at all shade levels and at both cutting intervals, reflecting its instability in such environmental and managementconditions. At moderate shade (SG 1), both Tanganyika guinea and Common guinea becamethe top two in shadetolerancewhile MARDI digit was ranked third, followed by Green panic and Signal grass. Poorest performance was from Congo grass and Tee grass, but Carpet grass improved to rank number nine. Generally, the weed component increased with shading. The weed species were mainly Nephrolepis biserrata, Lygodium flexuosum, Imperata cylindrica, Phymatodes scolopendria, Mikania cordatq, Melastoma malabathricum and Lantana camara. At SG 2, Common guinea and Tanganyika guinea continued to rank at the 'Rumput pahit' top in shade tolerance with and Green panic being ranked third. Congo grass, Transvala digit and Tee grass were the lowest in shadetolerancerating at SG 2. Overall Assessmentof Shade Tolerance Under heavy shade (SG 3), the Panicum spp. again ranked top with Carpet grass following after. Signal grass and Tee grass were ranked fifth and seventh respectively. The lowest were from Congo grass, Transvala digit and Kazungula setaria. There was great similarity in the responsesto shade of the grassesin the pot trial and in the field. N{ost of the agronomic attributes responded in a similar pattern to shading. Correlation coefficients between the DM yield, tillering and root dry weight of the pot trial with those of the field e x p e r i m e n tw e r e 0 . 9 2 , 0 . 9 7 a n d 0 . 8 5 r e s p e c tively (significant at P : 0.01). Hence, the overall assessmentof shade tolerance in the grasseswas based on the pot trial results. Nitrogen Content The percentage of nitrogen in the dried forages of the six tropical grasses increased significantly (P<0.01) with increasingshade intensity. The grasseswere also significantly different (P<0.01) from each other in N content (Table 6). Kazungula setaria and Carpet grass had significantly higher (P<0.01) nitrogen content than the other grasses.Green panic had the lowest nitrogen content. The overall comparison of the grass performance under various shade levels was by rank comparison and mean rank. If all best to the grasses were ranked (1 12 : worst, with respect to each of the desirable attributes), the grasseswere thus selectedto ascertainthe best compromising attributes for tolerance to different shade intensities. The best grassesare those that have the lowest mean rank. The shade tolerance of the grasses ranked from the nine agronomic attributes at four shade levels is illustrated in Appendix 1. Of the 12 grassesstudied, the Panicum spp. emerged the best at all four shadelevelsGable 8/. At SC 0 (control). Signal grass ranked first followed by digit. Common guinea and MARDI grass Tee were Tanganyika guinea and respectively. Carpet ranked fourth and fifth There were also significantdifferences (P<0.01) in defoliation intervals on nitrogen content as well as defoliation x grassinteraction (Table 6). The 6-weekly cuts gave higher nitrogen content in dry matter than t h e 1 0 - w e e k l yc u t s . 2.10 DISCUSSION From data on all the agronomic attributes measured in the 12 grassesfor shade tolerance, many of the grassesbehave like sun plants. All seemed to make the best Table 8. Ranking of 12 tropical grassesgrown under 4 shadelevelsunder greenhouse environmentfor overallshadetolerancebasedon the meanrank scoreof 9 agronomicattributes Shade levels (Eo PHAR in greenhouse) Ranking sGo (r00) sG 1 (s6) sG 2 (34) s G3 ( r 8 ) I Signal grass Tanganyika guinea Common guinea Tanganyika guinea 2 3 4 5 Common guinea Common guinea Tanganyika guinea Green pantc MARDI MARDI Common guinea Tanganyika guinea Green panic Green panic 'Rumput pahit' Tee grass 'Rumput pahit' Signal grass MARDI Sptendida setaria Signal grass Signal grass 'Rumput pahit' 7 Splendida setaria Tee grass Transvala digit Kazungula setaria 'Rumput pahit' Carpet grass I 9 10 Kazungula setaria MARDI Congo grass Carpet grass Splendida setaria Splendida setaria Kazungula setaria Transvala digit Tee grass Kazungula setaria 11 12 Carpet grass Tee grass Transvala digit Transvala digit Green panic Congo grass Congo grass Congo grass b digit digit digit Carpet grass digit enable tropical grassesto fully exploit the incoming radiation in the full sunlight (EnrxseN and WutrNnY, 1981). growth at or close to full sunlight except for Kazungula setaria,MARDI digit and Green panic with projected optimum DM production around 50% full sunlight. The mean yield reductions across the grasses were 28.77o, 63.3% and 82.47o of that of the control (SG 0) f.or a 44Vo, 66Vo and 827o PHAR reduction in the sreenhouse respectively. Water stress could limit the general growth of the grassesin full sunlight, as partially shaded plants were under less water stress (Table 5). The leaf water potential of the six grassesunder shadewere generally higher than those in full sunlight (control). Soil moisture under shade was higher, possibly due to lower evapotranspiration brought about by reduced solar radiation on the shadedplants. Hence, maximal yields were achieved under partial shade in a low nutrient input system. Tillering capacity and leaf, stem and root growths were greatly depressed by shade intensity in both experiments. In the field experiment, a similar PHAR percentage reduction at higher irradiance also resulted in DM yield reduction but the degree of reduction was not commensurate with the intensity of PHAR reduction especiallyat the higher light level (from SF 0 to SF 1). By contrast, two grasses,namely Carpet grass and Green panic, produced maximal yields under partial shade (SF 1 and SF 2). It appeared that there were constraints that militated against productivity and the realization of maximal yield potential in full sunlight. Of the 12 grasses evaluated, the Panicum spp. and Signal grassranked top in DM production at the various shade intensities in both experiments. The l0-weekly cuts of the field trial produced a higher (42%) overall DM production than the 6weekly cuts at SF 3. Nonetheless, Signal grassoutyielded the other grassesat SG 0 in the pot trial and at full sunlight in the field. Average DM yields of 21 and 24 tlhalyr at 6' and 10-weekly cuts were obtained respectively. Such yields were comparableto those recorded in earlier cutting experiments at Serdang (WoNc, 1980). The current fertilizer rate of 150 kg N/ halyr could be inadequate to support maximum yield potential as a rate of 365 kg N/ha/yr has been quoted as insufficient to 141 Even at moderate shade (SF 1), the yield of Signal grasswas still high (20-24 tl haiyr). At SF 2, 13-16tlha/yr were obtained. Despite the yield decline with shade intensity, Signal grasscontinued to show its superiority in DM yield over the other grassesexcept for the Panicum spp. even at S F 3 . H o w e v e r . u n d e r h e a v y s h a d e( S F 3 ) . its growth, vigour and persistence were reduced as indicated by the low tillering capacity,marked leaf area decline, low root DW and finally poor botanical composition in the swards especiallyunder the 6-weekly cutting management. Poor performance of Signal grass under heavy shade had also been reported in Solomon Islands (Snatru and WHrreMAN, 1983) and at Serdang (CHrN and BoNc, 1984). Its sensitivity to heavy shade and at short cutting frequency could thus only favour its use in moderate s h a d ea n d u n d e r l a x c u t t i n g o r g r a z i n g . Common guinea, like Signal grass, maintained high DM yield across all shade levels,with 21 -28 tlhalyr for both 6- and 10weekly cuts iespectivelyat SF 0, 17-20 t/ha/ yr at SF 1 and SF 2, 8-10 tlhalyr at SF 3. The prolonged cutting (1O-week) interval enhanced DM yield, tillering and botanical composition in swards at SF 3. Green panic performed poorly in the field experiment despite its better growth under shade. Its average yield was about one-third that of Signal grass or Common guinea. It was rather sensitive to 6-weekly cuts under heavy shade. Its poor performance could be attributed to its poor adaptation to the humid tropics. Tanganyikaguinea in many respects was similar to Common guinea in shade responsesexcept its ranking was better than Common guinea under heavy shade. CHeN and Bonc (1984) reported best growth of Tanganyika guinea at 4-monthly cutting interval under a closedoil palm canopy. The potential of this grassunder shade deserves further attention. The genus, Panicum has been known to have species adapted to shaded habitats 1 1') (Bnowr, 1977). Good growth from Panicum spp. under light shade had been reported and (SaNrHtnesecARAM, FenotNeNoez GooNnsercenn, 1969). In this study, even at SF 3, the DM yield was about one-third that of the control and two to three times more than those of the indigenous grasses, indicating that the Panicum spp. were still by far the higher yielding and better adapted grassesunder shade. This could be attributed to the erect habit of the grassas well as the morphological adaptive changes in their shoot/root ratio and larger leaf area WtlsoN and under shade (Luolow, He,slEHunsr, 7974). Furthermore, WoNG and WtlsoN (1980) indicated that the stature of a Panicurn sp. under shade was taller and leaf area well-distributedthroughout the canopy, resulting in low light extinction coefficients.All these could thus contribute to its better performance than the other grasses under heavy shade. Its ability to persist.undergrazingin plantation had been proven (Surnt, RosvewRrt and MusnoorN 1982). The more prostrate grassessuch as Carpet grass and Tee grass, were the lowest yielders at all shade levels but they were ranked fourth and seventh respectively, at SG 3. They generally preferred shorter cutting intervals (6-weekly cuts). However, under partial shade, Tee grass in the field experiment was not as aggressive in growth as Carpet grass. Although both specieswere highlighted as persistent grasses under heavy shade ( < I 5 % s u n l i g h t )b y C H e Na n d B o N c ( 1 9 8 4 ) , DM production of Tee grass was generally 40Vo lower than that of Carpet grass in the field trial. No Tee grass plants survived ai SG 3 in all three replicates in the greenhouse. Even in the field, its botanical composition was low (<I07o) whereas, in the case of Carpet grass, growth improved with shade. Higher botanical composition in a sward was obtained at 6-weekly cuts and under moderate to heavy shade. In Solomon Islands, Carpet grass was also found to be the most common grass under coconut (Svnu and WuIteueN, 1983). It was not surprising that at SF 3, its tents, ranging from 1.46% to 2.44Vo, wete considerablyhigher than those reported by WoNc (1980) for grassesfertilized at 400 kg N/ha/yr at Serdang.The enhancednitrogen content of the shaded grassescould be an advantagein otherwise low-nitrogen tropical grassesreceivinglittle nitrogen fertilization. Increased nitrogen content in the tropical grassesunder shading had also been recorded e l s e w h e r e( E n r r s e N a n d W H I T N E v , 1 9 8 1 ; SvtrH and WHtrevnN, 1983).Nevertheless, the nutritive value of the grassesneedsto be studied as forage quality could be reduced by shade (WImoN and WoNc, 1982). DM yield was at least 307o of that of the control and thus was a favoured grass for intense shade. Its tillering was the highest among the grasses assessed.Due to its shallow rooting system,Carpet grassis thus prone to environmental stressand hence it performed better under partial shade. 'Rumput pahit' vgasalso noted for its luxuriant growth under moderate shade but did not persistwell in SG 3, where only one replicate survived. Its rapid decline in leaf area with shading and low root DW probably contributed to its poor shade tolerance. It was ranked sixth at SG 3. Agronomic Implications With the exception of the Poor Performance of Kazungula setaria at SG 0, the Setaria spp. in the pot trial were generally average in their responses of DM yield, tillering, specific leaf area and leaf area to moderate shade. Under SG 3, they were among the least shade-tolerant grasses (Table 5). The results indicate that improved grasses,particularly Panicum spp. and Signal grass, have maximum potential in forage production during the juvenile stages of plantation crops and could be further extended for utilization in plantations until the light levels (abour30%) become a major limiting factor to their DM production. Below this light level, indigenous grasses such as Carpet grasscould take over through weed invasion until total solar radiation is cut off by the closed canopy. The Digitarlc spp. generally grew well at SG 0 but Transvala digit was sensitiveto shading, resulting in poor ranking at SG 2 and SG 3 (Table 8). By contrast, MARDI digit remained good in growth up to SG 2, but produced poorly in DM Yield and tillering at SG 3. Similar responseswere also reported in Mealani digit in Hawaii where yield was markedly depressedunder heavy shade (27% sunlight) (Enlxseru anc WHITNEy, 1981). The forage potential for MARDI digit would be for utilization under moderate shade only. The nitrogen contents in the grasses were above the critical level (74lo crude protein) below which DM intake of the grasses would be affected (Mtlrono and MrNSoN, 1966). In fact, nitrogen content increasedwith shade intensity, with 6-weekly cuts giving a higher percentage than the l0-weekly cuts in all the six grassesassessed (Table 6). Tropical grassesare generally known for their low crude protein content and the shadedgrasseswith enhancednitrogen con- _ +-l Although these trials were carried oul under artificial shade without competitive effects of the establishedplantation crops, the findings on the spectrum of shade tolerancein the grassescould be adopted for further verification in plantations. Nevertheless, the grasses identified had been shown in field trial elsewhereto be suitable for integration with plantation crops (Surnl et al., 1982). Since the DM yield declined with shading,the carrying capacityof the grasses under shade would also decrease.Based on the DM production of the grassesunder various shade levels. and the estimated DM intake of 9 kg DM per cattle per day, the projected stocking rate of the promising grasseswould be about 4 heads/haat 60c/c 3 heads/haaI 34o/c:and 2 headslha at 19% light. However, the loss of ground spaceby the standing tree crops should be taken into consideration in the extrapolation of the possible carrying capacity of the shaded pasture. In view of the declining DM yield with shade and the sensitivity of improved grasses to defoliation under shade, careful management of the grassesis necessaryto ensure the continual DM productivity and persistence of the grasses.Limited grazing at low stocking rates or lenient cutting would be recommended to ensure that consumption by the cattle per unit area does not exceed DM productivity under the varying shade l e v e l s . U n d e r s u c h c i r c u m s t a n c e sv, a r y i n g the stocking rate according to the shade intensity would be the best approach to promote efficient utilization of the available pasturesin the plantation as well as to avoid damage to the main crops, especiallyduring the juvenile stage, as often, feed shortageis the main causeof such destruction. Finally, the need to look at other shade-tolerant species (ferns) at low light levels (<10% sunlight) besidesgrassesand legumes as possible feeds for livestock deservesimmediate attention. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express their appreciation to the field staff for their assistanceand to Mr. Ahmad Shokri Hj. Othman for statistical analyses and the Central Analytical Services for nitrogen analvses. ABSTRACT S h a d e t o l e r a n c e o f l 2 t r o p i c a l g r a s s c sw a s e v a l u a t c d u n d e r a r t i f i c i a l s h a d e i n g r e e n h o u s e c o n d i t i o n sw i t h t r a n s m i s s i o no f 6 4 7 a . 3 0 % . 1 8 c / ca n d 9 c i p h o t o s v n t h e t i cq u a n t u m f l u x ( P H A R ) o f t h e f u l l s u n l i g h t f b l l o w e d b v a f i e l d e x p c r i m e n t t o a s s e s st h e p e r f o r m a n c eo f s i x s e l e c t e dg r a s s e su n d e r l i g h t t r a n s m i s s i o no f 1 0 0 ' u Z( c o n t r o l ) . 6 0 l c , 3 4 c r c a n d 1 8 9 i o f P H A R o f t h e f u l l s u n l i s h t a n d d e f o l i a t e d a t 6 a n d 1 O - w e e k l yc u t t i n g i n t e r v a l s . I r l t h e g r c e n h o u s et r i a l . s h a d i n gs i g n i f i c a n t l v( P < 0 . 0 1 ) r e d u c e d t i l l e r p r o d u c t i o n . c u m u l a t i y ed r y matter vields of shoot. leaf, stem. stubble and root, but enhanced specific lcaf area. Increased p a r t i t i o n i n g o f d r y m a t t c r t o t h e l e a f c o m p o n c n t a t t h e e x p e n s eo f r o o t u n d e r s h a d er e s u l t e d i n h i g h e r s h o o t / r o o t a n d l e a f / s t e mr a t i o s . M e a n d r v m a t t e r v i e l d r e d u c t i o n a c r o s st h e g r a s s e sw c r e 2g.7c/r.633% and 82.4c/cof that of the control for a 4411. 66lt and 827o reduction in PHAR in the greenhouse trial. The best shade-tolerant grasses were Panicum marimum, P. maximum cv. Tanginyika , Digitaria setivalva an<1Brachiaria decumbens. The least shade-tolerant species were Setaria sphacetita cv. Kazungula, Digitaria decumbenscv. Transvala and B. ruziziensri. However, at dense sfraae 1lA PURR transmission). the indigenous grasses, Paspalum conjugatum and Axonopus compressus were ranked s e v e n t ha n d f o u r t h r e s p e c t i v e l y . In thc field experiment, P. maximum and B. decumbens were the best yielders across all shadc levels. Mean dry mattcr (DM) yield reduction of the six grasseswere 23.lVc and 3j .6o/cof the control for a 667c and tl2% PHAR reduction in full sunlight. Axonopus compressus and P. maximum var. trichoglume produced higher DM at moderate shade under both defoliation intervals. The 10-weekly cut g a v e h i g h e r D M y i e l d a n d t i l l e r p r o d u c t i o n u n d e r s h a d e i n t h e e r e c t g r a s s e s ,w h i l e t h e 6 - w e e k l y cut resulted in higher yield for the prostrate grasses.viz. A. compressrs and p. conjugatum. P r o l o n g e d c u t t i n g i n t e r v a l sw e r e p r c f e r r e d u n d e r h c a v v s h a d et o c n h a n c c s u r v i v a l a n < jb o t a n i c a l compositionof the sown grassesT . h e n i t r o g e n c o n t e n t o f t h e g r a s s e sg e n e r a l l y i n c r e a s e dw i t h s h a d i n g a n d u n d e r s h o r t e r c u t t i n g i n t e r v a l . L o w - y i e l d i n g g r a s s e s ,n a m e l y S . s p h a c e l a t ac v . K a z u n g u l a a n d , 4 . compressus, had higher nitrogen contents while P. maximum var. trichoglume had the lowest. T h e s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t h e f i n d i n g s w a s d i s c u s s e di n r e l a t i o n t o p a s t u r e m a n a g e m c n t u n d e r plantations. REFERENCES BnowN, w.V. (1977). The Kranz syndrome and its subtypes in grass systematics.Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 23, 1-97. tropical foragesunder the closedcanopy of oilpalm. L Grasses. MARDI Res. Bull. 11.21g63. Csrn. C.P. and BoNc, J.l. (1934). Performance of C S E N .C . P . . C H e N c , K . C . . A : r r , S . S .a n d H A S S A NW . -)t I -++ S u K R I ,M . , R o s u e w r t t , O . a n d M u s r o o t N , K . ( 1 9 8 2 ) . Integration of Kedah-Kelantan cattle with oilpalms - A preliminary repotl. MARDI Res. Bull. 10,436-41. (1978). Pasture and animal production under five-year-old oil palms at Serdang. Proc. 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( 1 9 8 2 ) .E f f e c t s o f s h a d e on some factors influencing nutritive quality of Green panic and Siratro pastures. Aust. J. agric. 425-33. Res.33.937-49. Mrlrono, R. and MINsoN, D.J. (1966). Intake of tropical pasture species. Proc. 9th Int. Grassld. Congress, Sao Paulo, 1965, pp.815-22. . r o d u c t i v i t y a n d c h e m i c a lc o m p o WoNc C.C. (.1980)P sition of twenty improved tropical grassesin the h u m i d t r o p i c s . M A R D I R e s .B u l l . 8 , 1 6 3 - 7 3 . SexrstnlsecnRAM, K., FenolNnNoez, D.E'F. and GooNnsexpnr, G.C.M. (1969). Fodder grass cultivation under coconut. Ceylon Cocon. Plrs. Rev.9. 1ffi-7. WoNc, C.C. and WtlsoN, J.R. (1980). Effects of shading on the growth and nitrogen content ot Green panic and Siratro in pure and mixed swards defoliated at two frequencies. Aust. J. agric. Res.31,269-85. S M I T H ,M . A . a n d W u t r E u r N , P . C . ( 1 9 8 3 ) . E v a l u a t i o n of tropical grasses in increasing shade under coconut canopies. Expl. Agric. 19,153-6t. Acceptedfor publicationon 18th May, 1985' 245 Appendix 1. The overall mean and agronomicattribute ranking for the 12 tropical grasses grown under4 shadelevelsin a greenhouse Shadelevel SLA Dry matter Leaf area Root sG 0 (100%PHAR) Carpetgrass J 2 10 3 5 8 12 2 Green panic 9 l l Common guinea 8 Signal grass 7 Congo grass 4 MARDI digit Transvala digit 'Rumput pahit' 12 10 8 Leaf ratio 2 9 5 2 2 4 7 6 8 4 1 7 t2 '7 1 1 Shoot/roor Leaflstem Stem 2 0 1 1 0 1 I 11 9 3 9 8 10 6 4 5 6 1 2 7 9 4 2 t2 10 o 3 Tillering DM yield 1 Mean rank t2 8.22 7 1 4.44 10 9 7.22 J 3 5.22 2 3 6.78 5 I 6.67 1t 6 8.33 8 2 4.78 Tanganyika 11 7 3 3 9 8 1 o 5 5.89 1 4 12 11 4 3 10 4 l0 6.55 setana 5 9 2 7 1l It 5 o 11 7. 7 8 Splendida setaria o 6 1 5 10 8 12 7 6.78 Carpet grass 4 1l 8 Signal grass o 5 Congo grass 5 12 l0 9 o 5 Transvala digit 'Rumput pahit' o 12 7 1 2 Green panic 8 8 l0 1 t1 3 t 2 9 lr setaria 7 1 Splendida setaria 3 guinea Tee grass Kazungula 6 sG | (s6%PHAR) MARDI digit Common guinea 1 8 1 2 4 1 11 7. 1 1 0 6 4 2 8 9 6 6.22 8 8 12 o 12 9 8.78 1 9 7 1 2 4 5.22 4 12 2 8 7.44 1 1 2 12 10 10 I 9 4 10 6.56 6 4 1 6 11 8 2 6.m + 3 ) 8 3 5 J 4.O/ o 9 I 6 1 4.55 12 11 3 l0 7 t2 8.56 3 5 7 10 5 6.33 7 3 7 10 1 11 5 11 7 6.22 Tanganyika guinea Tee grass z Kazungula SLA = SpecificLeaf Area, Rankinq:1 = Best and 12 = Worst 246 Appendix 1. Contd. Shade level SLA Dry matter Leaf area Root Leaf Stem Shoot/root Leaf/stem Tillerine ratio ratio DM vield Mean rank SG 2 (34Vo PHAR) Carpet grass Signal grass Congo grass MARDI digit Transvala digit 'Rumput pahit' 2 3 12 10 7 5 12 2 6 ll I Green panic 7 Common guinea 9 3 4 ,l 5 8 ll l0 1 e ll 5 3 1 t2 12 12 t2 3 2 9 a 8 11 10 5 J 9 6 4 2 A 7 4 1 ll t) 2 1 2 0 5 3 4 10 8 '7 6 7 9 12 1 3 2 12 8 6 1 o 12 2 9 s t2 4 II 6 3 2 6.33 5.56 12.00 4.56 8.44 4.78 4.78 3.78 1 9 5.00 7.78 7 8 7.22 7.67 6 4 12 r0 ll 7 3 2 5.33 6.11 1 0 .11 6.88 9.6'7 6.22 3.78 3.88 1 4 3.78 6.55 9 8 8.ll 7.00 Tanganyika gulnea Tee grass 11 o A t0 4 1 3 0 Kazungula 8 setafla Splendida setaria 8 o 1 5 0 'l 7 o 6 6 7 1l sG 3 (18% PHAR) carpet grass a b 9 4 4 8 8 Signal grass 1 9 6 Congo grass 11 11 6 11 5 2 8 6 9 2 12 t2 5 5 11 6 10 6 a 2 5 3 6 I 1 2 7 10 3 z 4 12 MARDI digit Transvala digit 'Rumput pahit' Green panic Common guinea 1 0 1 2 Tanganyika gulnea Tee grass t 5 11 7 11 2 8 '7 J I 8 3 5 l1 4 5 o 10 10 Kazungula setaria 7 10 3 Splendida setaria 3 7 3 1 0 7 1 2 9 SLA = SpecificLeaf Area. Ranking: 1 : Best and 12 : Worst. ", ,11
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