DAIRYGOLD/TEAGASC DAIRY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2014 – 2017 Farm Walk On the Farm of Robert O’Dea, Ballyphilip, Kilteely, Co. Limerick. Grass Focus Farm Wednesday 22nd October, 2014 (By kind permission) Focus of the Programme: Delivering Profitable & Sustainable Dairying Today’s Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Outline of Farm Details. Farm Performance and Grassland Management in 2014. Soil Fertility on Farm. How Robert’s farm grew 13 ton grass DM/ha in 2014. Herd Fertility and Young Stock Performance and Management. Speakers and Contacts Sean Ryan Aileen Walsh Billy Cronin Dairygold Area Manager Teagasc, Kilmallock Dairygold Head of Transport & Milk Management Jack Cahill Dairygold Milk Quality Advisor John Maher Teagasc Dairy Specialist, Moorepark Adrian O’Callaghan Teagasc Joint Programme Advisor Scott Lovell Dairygold Technical Manager Dairygold Milk Quality and Quota Helpdesk 086 2461639 063 98049 025 24411 086 2628290 022 42244 087 9833679 086 2500137 1890 200 840 Farm Event Safety Notice Please take care entering and exiting the parking area and while crossing the road. Please take care during the Farm Walk, as you will be walking on farm roadways and concrete surfaces, which may be slippery. Be aware of livestock on the farm and avoid any unsafe movement in their vicinity. Please take care with wire fences, gates and doors. PLEASE DISINFECT FOOTWEAR 1 Dairygold/Teagasc Joint Programme 2014 - 2017 Delivering Profitable and Sustainable Dairying OBJECTIVES: 1. To ensure long-term Sustainability of Dairygold Co-op & Suppliers 2. To assist suppliers expand in milk production profitably 3. To increase efficiency of milk production 4. To ensure access to Teagasc Research & Technologies FH 2020 KPI’s Soil Fertility Grass Utilisation EBI/Fertility Financial Management Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme (SDAS) Programme Pillars: 1. 2. 3. 4. Special Interest Events-Workshops Discussion Groups Demonstration/Focus Farms Communication/Events 2 Farm Details Land Stock Details Land owned (ha) Land farmed (ha) 43 43 Milking platform (ha) SR on milking platform (ha) 43 2.5 Dairy cows 0-1 replacements 1-2 replacements 74 39 32 Herd Performance Milk Production 14/10/2014 Milk yield (litres/cow) Milk protein % Milk fat % Milk solids (kg/cow) Days in milk SCC(,000 cells/ml) Meal fed (kg/cow) 13.22 4.44 5.19 1.31 233 102 0 Financial Performance Robert O’Dea’s Costs 2013 Average Profit Monitors 2013 Dairy Output Feed Fertiliser Vet AI Contractor Other Variable Costs Total Variable Costs 41.09 5.05 2.96 1.6 1.14 1.79 2.09 14.63 40.42 6.7 2.89 1.17 0.59 1.81 1.94 15.08 Machinery Car, ESB, Phone Depreciation Hired Labour Other Fixed Costs Total Fixed Costs Total Costs Milk Solids kg/cow 1.43 1.18 3.21 1.58 2.66 10.06 24.69 435 1.64 1.45 2.16 1.03 3.72 10 25.08 397 3 Calving and Fertility Performance Year Cows Heifers Calving Start Date Median Calving Date Calving Period Calving Interval (Days) Spr 6 wk. Calving Rate (%) % Calved in Feb/Mar Calves/Cow/Year 6 wk. Submission Rate (%) Empty Rate (%) 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 29-Jan-2014 22-Feb-2014 13 wk. 3 d 371 74 83 0.99 88% 9% 28-Jan-2014 09- Feb-2014 12 wk. 5 d 94% 0% Main AI Sires used 2014 No. Straws OCP YGB RPA PBM AFD HKK Weighted Average EBI EBI (€) 20 14 14 13 12 10 95 Milk/Fert (€) 238 237 276 272 237 252 245 80/106 92/104 97/137 109/119 86/106 113/109 93/110 EBI Herd Summary Animal Group No. of Cows Milk Kg Fat % Protein % Surv % Milk Fertility Calv Beef Maint Mgmt Health EBI € €57 26.3% €82 37.4% €26 12% € -22 -10% €23 10.6% €3 1.2% € -5 -2.4% €164 €65 28% €81 35% € -23 -10.1% €25 10.6% €3 1.2% € -5 -2.2% €174 €52 25.8 €78 38.8% €30 12.9 % €28 14% € -18 -9% €18 9.1% €2 0.9% € -5 -2.4% €154 €58 25.7% €81 36.1% € -25 -11.3% €29 12.8% €3 1.4% € -6 -2.4% €164 €58 24.7% €85 36.2% € -27 -11.4% €31 13% €5 2.1% € -5 -2% €172 €50 25.7% €90 46% €23 10.3 % €25 10.5 % €18 9.1% € -16 -8% €15 7.4% €1 0.4% € -7 -3.3% €73 29.5% €93 37.5% € -20 -8% €22 8.8% €4 1.6% € -6 -2.5% €70 28.7% €89 36.7% €30 12.1 % €29 11.9 % € -22 -9.2% €55 10.4% €2 1% € -5 -2.1% CI Days Cows with EBI Missing EBI* Total Cows 1st Lactation 2nd Lactation 3rd Lactation 4th Lactation 5th Lactation(+) 74 0 74 23 21 11 11 8 -3 11.3 6.8 19 12.8 8.0 11 10.0 6.4 -30 11.0 6.6 -112 13.5 5.1 86 8.1 7.4 0.23 0.14 2.0 -4.7 0.23 0.14 2.0 -4.6 0.19 0.12 1.9 -4.4 0.25 0.15 2.0 -4.6 0.37 0.18 1.9 -5.1 0.09 0.09 2.2 -5.2 0.22 0.16 2.7 -4.9 €151 Dairy Young stock 14 Calves Missing EBI* Total Calves 13 Calves Missing EBI* Total Calves 39 30 55 13.0 9.8 17 14.6 8.5 0.28 0.16 2.3 -4.9 €197 €188 4 Grassland Management and Feed Budgeting Land improvement, reseeding, liming and appropriate fertiliser use are all management practices that can be applied on all farms to increase grassland productivity. Grass measurement and budgeting are the key components for successful grass management on farms. Teagasc provides grassland tools such as: Spring Grass Planner Autumn Grass Planner Manual Grass Wedge and Budgeting Sheets A Computer programme to generate grass wedges i.e. (PastureBase-Ireland). Which are available to all farmers to assist with grassland management. Robert is using both PastureBase-Ireland and Agrinet Grass computer programmes. Average Farm Cover (Kg DM/Ha) 14/10/14 Grass cover per cow (kg DM) 14/10/14 Grass growth rate 14/10/14 Turnout to grass (Day and Night) 2014 End 1st Rotation 2014 Tonnes grass grown 2013 Average grass production per ha to date in 2014 971 381 28 18th Feb & 25th Feb 6th April 2014 12 tonnes DM/Ha 13 tonnes DM/Ha The graph below gives an overview of grass production from paddocks on the farm during 2014. Growth rate determines production and 29 grass measurements were taken so far this year on Robert’s farm. After each grass walk an assessment is made of the grass supply and any actions such as baling or pre-cutting may be taken. Growth rates have been good on the farm this year effects of drought has reduced growth during August on the drier part of the farm. Grass supply and quality has been top priority in this quota year. Date Produced: 20-10-2014 PastureBase-Ireland Grass Measurement Report Group: Cultivar evaluation Cover Date: 14/10/2014 Farm: Robert O'Dea Management Decisions Rotation Length (days): Grass Allocation/Cow (kg DM/cow): 45 17.0 No. of Cows: 57 Concentrate Fed (kg/cow): 0.0 Silage Fed (kg DM/cow): 0.0 Residual Height (cm): 3.5 Growth Rate (kg/ha/day): 28 Farm Demand (kg DM/ha/day): 36 Cover Parameters Grass Allocation/LU (kg DM/LU): Total Livestock (LU): 14.2 111.5 Farm Cover (kg DM/ha): 971 Target Pre-grazing yield (kg DM/ha): 1629 Farm Cover (kg DM/LU): 381 Stocking Rate (LU/ha): 2.55 5 6 Overall Farm Stocking Rate Potential on Farms based on Grass Grown A Cow requires 5 ton of dry matter of feed per annum. If a cow consumes 0.5 tonne of meal then she will eat 4.5 ton dry matter of forage (grass & silage) At 2 cows per ha S.R = 9 tons grass utilised per ha = 11.25 tons grass grown per ha At 2.5 cows per ha S.R = 11.5 tons grass utilised per ha = 14 tons grass grown per ha How to Grow 14 Ton Grass DM/Ha Soil Fertility Reseeding Nitrogen Use Remove Young Stock YOUR GRASSLAND MANAGEMENT SKILLS The 14 TON MAP Growth Period Grass Grown (kg/ha) 1 Feb to 6 April 1 Oct to 15 Nov 1 Sept to 1 Oct 6 Aug to 1 Sept 7 April to 5 Aug Total Rotn Length(days) No. of Rotations Growth (kg/ha) required/day 910 65 1 14 1350 45 1 30 1650 30 1 55 1625 25 1 65 1400 20 6 70 13935 287 10 7 Replacement Rearing and Management Nationally a major focus has been placed on rearing of adequate replacements over the last 5 years. A realisable target is 35 replacements per 100 cows in a herd. This farm has potentially 40% replacements for 2015. Successful actions taken on farms to improve heifer management have been: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Compact Calving. Better calf rearing, plus separating and feeding light heifers Extra effort on parasite control and dosing regimes. Dairy calves and heifers have replaced beef cattle so more grass for heifers. Weighing scale on farms. Heifers were weighed on this farm on 4/10/14 EBI Average Weight 470 kg In calf Heifers €188 Target Weight 450 kg Average Age 19.4 months ADG from Birth 0.72 kg/day Some individual heifer’s details are shown below Tag No DOB 794 798 834 835 843 853 863 870 872 31/01/13 01/02/13 14/02/13 14/02/13 19/02/13 24/02/13 05/03/13 13/03/13 15/03/13 Breed 37% 62% 43% 43% 37% 47% 50% 50% JE HO HO FR JE HO JE HO JE 25% HO 37% FR 31% FR 34% HO 31% HO 31% FR 28% FR 50% JE Sire EBI Kg PYG TFT PYG KRB LXB KRB WSY WSY PYG 197 203 198 218 206 196 193 130 515 515 466 445 490 510 450 491 475 ADG Birth 0.77 0.77 0.71 0.67 0.75 0.79 0.70 0.78 0.76 Weights for replacement heifers at different stages during 24 month rearing period % Mature LW Birth 3 months 6 months 12 months 15 months 21 months 24 months 30% 60% 90% Hol. Fr 38 90 155-180 280 - 300 330-360 490-520 550 NZ/Br Fresian 36 85 148 267 315 470 525 Jersey x 34 80 138 250 295 437 490 A good target to remember is to multiply the age in months by the average weight gain needed for a month and add birth weight. For example 8 months old heifer (8months x 21kg) + 40kg birth weight = 208 kg You cannot hope to get all your heifers bred in 1st 3 weeks if they are not at target weight. 8 Soil Fertility on Robert O’Dea’s Farm P K Index 1 Very Low Index 4 Index 2 29% 32% Index 3 39% Index 2 Low Index 3 Medium Index 3 Index 2 Low 30% Index 2 70% Index 3 Medium Index 4 High Lime: 140 ton required. Steps to Soil Fertility Management Soil Testing – Why? Indicator of background soil fertility levels o Soil pH and Lime requirement o P&K o Extra 3 Ton Grass DM/Ha can be grown worth €400/ha o Improves Nitrogen Fertiliser Efficiency Tool to help plan nutrient applications o Fertilizer o Slurry / FYM 9 Soil pH and Liming Soil Index and Advice 10 Soil P and K build up – Grassland P K 10 kg/ha 30 kg/ha (24 units/acre) (8 units/acre) Index 2 16% P Muriate 50% K 25 Kg 25 Kg 20 kg/ha 60 kg/ha (16 units/acre) (48 units/acre) Index 1 Lost production in Index 1 & 2 Dairy Same Example o Dairy – 2 cows / ha o Index 3 advice (grazing) = 14 kg/ha P & 30 kg/ha K Production loss in Index 1 vs. Index 3 o Approximately 3 t/ha/yr of grass DM o Worth €400 /ha/yr Additional P and K for build up = 20 kg/ha P & 60 kg/ha K o Additional Cost = €100 ha/yr until soil P / K increases o Long-term investment – benefits of increasing to Index 3 11 Slurry Value 1000 gallons =?? 12
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