OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF COMMERCIAL No.1I1(III) 112/2010ICT., tt3~q TAXES, ODISHA, CUTTACK OUgl03/2014 NOTIFICATION Sub: List of dealers of Rourkela-I Circle, whose tax period shall comprise a 'month'. In exercise of powers conferred under sub-rule (3) of rule 34 of the Odisha Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, and in supersession subject, I, Sri Manoj Ahuja, I.A.S, Commissioner of all previous notifications issued on the of Sales Tax, Odisha, Cuttack, do hereby specify the names of the dealers of Rourkela-I Circle, Sundargarh Range, Sundargarh, whose tax period shall comprise a 'month' as referred in sub-rule (2) of rule 34 instead of a 'quarter'. This Notification shall come into force w.e. f.1 st April 2014. SCHEDULE SI No. TIN NAME 1 2 3 4 21875300376 21632004545 21032002353 21382007447 5 6 7 8 9 21342001178 21265300275 21822003713 21892000134 21312007437 10 21155300384 MIs JVL AGRO INDUSTRIES LIMITED 11 21632002411 MIs KONARK AUTOMOBILES 12 13 14 21022002116 21442002467 21022000176 15 21302000216 16 21482000214 17 21532007704 18 21492000257 MIs MIRTUNJAI UDYOG (Prop.VIKRAM KUMAR JAISWAL) MIs ORISSA FOREST DEVELOPMENT CORP. LTD MIs ORISSA MANGANEESE AND MINERALS (P) LTO MIs RAJESH AND COMPANY MIs RAJNIKANT BROTHERS MIs SRI SANJAY KUMAR JAISWAL MIs SWRAJ MOTORS 19 20 21222000260 21312004430 MIs TATA CYCLE & RICKSHAW CO. MIs THE BIG MART (A UNIT OF KOTHARI RETAIL Pvt. Ltd) MIs .SS STEELLOY P LTO St MIs 21 CENTURY FERRO ALLOYS (P) LTO (INDIA). Ws FL SMIDTH PRIVATE LIMITED MIs GARG AUTO DISTRIBUTORS (SRI DINESH KUMAR AGARWAL) MIs GHAR SANSAR RETAILS PVT. LIMITED MIs I.T.W. INDIA LTD. MIs INDERA'pLAZA PROP.INDERA GARMENTS (P) LTD. MIs JAGANNATH ENTERPRISES (TAPAN CHANDRA DEY) MIs EASTERN INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION " -sd/Commissioner of Sales Tax Odisha, Cuttack ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Memo No. Copy in duplicate Odisha Madhupatna, CT., is forwarded to the Director, Cuttack for publication published in an extra ordinary Gazette ! ,if Dated Printing, Stationery 103/2014 and Publication, in next issue of the Odisha Gazette. This may be & 25 copies of the same may please be supplied to this office. This may also be published in the next issue in the Odisha Commercial Tax Gazette. This is a statutory notification and shall bear SRO number. \y/~''\ Deputy CommiSSioner~'eo~mercial Taxes Memo No. '1751 (VAT) ICT., I 9 /0312014 Dated Copy forwarded to the Spl. C.C.T.(Enf.) I All Additional Commissioners Commissioner Enforcement (Vigilance) I JCCT s of all the Territorial Ranges IDeCTs (H.O)I Additional in charge of all the Ranges! Vig. Division/AIl DCCTsl ACCTsl CTOs in charge of Circles 1 Check gatesl Assessment Units 1 CTOs in charge of Investigation Units 1 all officers of H.O for information and \v~:}" necessary action. Deputy commissione~~~mmercial (VAT) • J Memo No. ~ '3 ~T., Taxes Dated I 3"/0312014 Copy forwarded to the ACCT (IT) 1 system analyst for information they are requested to take necessary -steps for placing the notification in the CTD web-site for general information. \"A~\" Deputy Commissione~r&;inmercial (VAT) 5 spare copies to Policy Section 5 spare copies to Library 2 spare copies to O.C.T. Gazette Taxes
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