Call the College hotline on: 01244 656555 or visit Call 01244 656555 We work with over 1000 employers and over 90% experience an increase in performance and productivity 95% of 16-18 young people achieve a pass or above across all qualifications Our state-of-the- art campuses have the latest facilities and equipment 93% of adults achieve a pass or above across all qualifications New Year, New You! Aged 16 to 18 PART-TIME COURSES and worried that you’ve made the wrong choice about where to study? APPLIED SCIENCE It’s not too late to change your mind. Perhaps you’ve decided that school isn’t for you - whatever your reason, we have a range of options starting in January that can help you get back on track. Code Day Start Date Time Pharmaceutical Science EDEXCEL Certificate Level 2 Chester Campus 373H Thu 27-Feb 2:15-4:45 Practical Horticulture Skills C&G Certificate Level 1 Chester Campus 090U Wed & Thu15-Jan 10:00-2:30 Practical Horticulture Skills C&G Award Level 1 Chester Campus 089U Thu 16-Jan 6:00-9:00 An exciting cee n e ri e p x e ce to pla Wks 35 20 Plan and Schedule Water Regulations Inspections Chester Campus 829Q Tue 21-Jan 09:00-5:00 1 830Q Wed 12-Mar 09:00-5:00 1 831Q Thu 22-May 09:00-5:00 1 832Q Fri 20-Jun 09:00-5:00 1 BUSINESS Code Code Access to Day Start Date Time Wks e ject you lov sign, Retail, , Games De b ia d u e s M a s, rt n A Focus o sters starting in January in cial Care, Horticulture, Hospitality urism. We have ta Health & So n, Travel & To , Childcare, ty tio u c a ru e st B n & o ir C Ha ort, Enterprise, Sp & Catering, Parents Did you know Day Start Date Time Wks Design and Create Advanced Websites C&G Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 364K Tue 07-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 Website Software C&G Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 629H Thu 09-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 Code ? It is a legal requirement for all young people to remain in some form of learning or training up to 17 years of age. This does not mean young people have to stay in school - it is important to think about all the different options available.. Come along for an informal evening of information, advice and guidance. We have full and part-time options and e Apprenticeships across all areas. If you’re d not sure what you want to do come and have a go and see what’s right for you. No need to book, just drop in. Ellesmere Port Campus 8 January, 5-7:30pm Chester Campus 9 January, 5-7:30pm For information, advice and guidance call: 01244 656440 Introduction to Electrical Installation Skills C&G Certificate Level 1 Chester Campus 096U Tue 25-Mar 4:00-9:00 20 Code CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING SERVICES It’s not too late to change! Principles of Fuel Consumption in the Home C&G Award Level 1 Chester Campus 097U Tue 21-Jan 2:00-5:00 1 098U Tue 28-Jan 4:00-9:00 1 099U Tue 25-Feb 2:00-5:00 1 ART, DESIGN AND FASHION COMPUTING quipment Management Requirements for the Maintenance of Electrical Equipment C&G Award Level 3 Chester Campus 884Q Mon-Fri 07-Apr 09:00-5:00 1 20 Business BTEC Certificate Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 064U Mon & Tue 13-Jan 09:00-4:00 20 ndard e industry sta Initial Verification and Certification of Electrical Installations C&G Award Level 3 Chester Campus 839Q Thu 09-Jan 6:00-9:00 1 Day Start Date Time Wks Introducing Sustainable Energy Efficiency to Potential Customers BTEC Award Level 1 Chester Campus 834Q Thu 23-Jan 09:00-5:00 835Q Wed 12-Mar 09:00-5:00 836Q Tue 20-May 09:00-5:00 837Q Mon 16-Jun 09:00-5:00 1 1 1 1 Construction Skills BTEC Certificate Level 1 Chester Campus 088U Thu 15-Jan 09:00-4:00 20 Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations C&G Award Level 3 Chester Campus 085U Mon 06-Jan 1:00-6:00 6 794K Mon-Fri 17-Feb 09:00-5:00 1 086U Mon 24-Feb 3:00-6:00 6 Requirements for Electrical Installation BS7671: June 2008 (2011) C&G Award Level 3 Chester Campus 087U Tue 07-Jan 6:00-9:00 088U Tue-Fri 17-Feb 09:00-5:00 972Q Tue-Fri 08-Apr 09:00-5:00 8 1 1 Day Start Date Time Wks Creative Media Production - Web Technology BTEC Certificate Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 035U Thu & 16-Jan 2:00-5:00 20 Fri 17-Jan 09:00-5:00 20 Ceramics Workshop Ellesmere Port Campus 559D Tue 14-Jan 7:00-9:00 319Q Tue 22-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 8 Decorative Glass Workshop Ellesmere Port Campus 458Q Tue 22-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 Fashion and Theatre Costume Workshop Ellesmere Port Campus 554Q Tue 14-Jan 7:00-9:00 555Q Tue 22-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 8 Laser Cutting and New Technology in Textiles Ellesmere Port Campus 557Q Wed 08-Jan 7:00-9:00 8 558Q Wed 23-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 Creative Craft (Ceramics) NCFE Certificate Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 570D Fri 17-Jan 09:30-3:30 MEDIA AND GAMES DEVELOPMENT Code Day Start Date Time Wks Build your own Business Website Ellesmere Port Campus 571Q Mon 13-Jan 7:00-9:00 572Q Tue 22-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 8 Digital Photography Ellesmere Port Campus 552Q Tue 22-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 Exploring Digital Photography Ellesmere Port Campus 805S Tue 21-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Introduction to 3D Graphics Ellesmere Port Campus 569Q Tue 22-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 Introduction to Illustrator Ellesmere Port Campus 567Q Thu 24-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 Introduction to Photoshop Ellesmere Port Campus 565Q Wed 23-Apr 7:00-9:00 8 Day Start Date This will affect how much you will pay for your course. You may be entitled to a reduction in your course fees, or help towards paying for your course fees, depending on your circumstances. To find out what you are entitled to call: 01244 656555 DEAF STUDIES Code Funding has changed this year… Time Wks British Sign Language - Introduction to Level 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 878E Tue 07-Jan 6:00-8:00 5 British Sign Language - Introduction to Level 2 Chester Campus 715D Mon 03-Feb 12:30-5:30 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 809J Wed 05-Feb 12:30-5:30 2 Lip Reading (free to hard of hearing ONLY) Ellesmere Port Campus 113B Mon 06-Jan 1:30-3:30 10 16 English, Maths, IT and ESOL Develop your English and Maths skills Interested in improving your English and Maths? Would you like to study towards a recognised qualification? Courses are available throughout the week so call 01244 656363 or 01244 656486. Develop your ESOL skills (English for Speakers of Other Languages) City & Guilds Adult English and Adult Maths - Skills Building for Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2 are available according to your level. The skills are delivered in a workshop environment at a pace appropriate to you. Courses are delivered in a supportive environment at a pace to suit you. Looking for an ESOL class? Study towards a recognised qualification at an appropriate level for you. Call 01244 656486 to book an assessment. Improve your IT skills Thinking of improving your IT skills? Get in touch to find out about the range of courses available from beginners to advanced level at our Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses. Call 01244 656363 to book an interview. The courses are delivered in a workshop environment at a pace appropriate to you. To book an appointment with the Skills for Life Team please call: 01244 656486. HAIR AND BEAUTY ENGINEERING Code Day Start Date Time Wks Cycle Mechanics C&G Award Entry 3 Chester Campus 093U Thu 16-Feb 6:00-9:00 8 Cycle Mechanics C&G Award Level 1 Chester Campus 094U Thu 16-Feb 6:00-9:00 8 Welding Introductory Manual Metal Arc (MMA), Metal Inert Gas (MIG), Oxy-Acetylene, Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) C&G Award Level 1 Chester Campus 067M Mon 27-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 070M Mon 27-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 068M Mon 27-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 066M Mon 27-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 823Q Tue 28-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 824Q Tue 28-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 825Q Tue 28-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 826Q Tue 28-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 Welding Skills Intermediate - Manual Metal Arc, Metal Inert Gas, Oxy Acetylene, Tungsten Inert Gas C&G 3268-02 Award Level 2 Chester Campus 071M Thu 30-Jan 6:00-9:00 16 074M Thu 30-Jan 6:00-9:00 16 073M Thu 30-Jan 6:00-9:00 16 072M Thu 30-Jan 6:00-9:00 16 Welding Skills Intermediate C&G 3268-02 Award Level 2 Chester Campus 104U Mon 06-Jan 2:00-5:00 12 106U Fri 10-Jan 2:00-5:00 12 105U Wed 08-Feb 2:00-5:00 12 Engineering Technology EAL First Certificate Level 2 Chester Campus 092U Thu & 16-Jan 1:00-9:00 Fri 17-Jan 09:00-1:00 20 20 CELTA/EFL Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) CELTA is an ideal qualification if you wish to teach ESOL in the UK or abroad. The next course takes place on 20 June 2014, 9-5pm on Thursdays for 20 weeks. You will need a Disclosure and Barring Service check as part of this course. First Certificate in English (FCE) / Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) / Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) courses take place at locations in the Chester and Ellesmere Port areas. All qualifications are internationally-recognised. We also offer tailor-made language courses for employers. If your business has English language learning needs, we can help. We can provide language classes to meet the needs of different community groups. Please contact us to discuss your needs. For further information call: 01244 656555 or email: [email protected] Code Day Start Date Time Wks Barbering - Clippering and Cutting Work Ellesmere Port Campus 506M Mon 13-Jan 6:00-9:00 9 476Q Tue 22-Apr 6:00-9:00 9 Hairdressing Refresher Ellesmere Port Campus 480Q Tue 04-Feb 6:00-9:00 Red Carpet Hair Ellesmere Port Campus 518M Tue 14-Jan 6:00-9:00 Setting and Dressing Hair C&G Level 2 Award Ellesmere Port Campus 802S Mon 13-Jan 6:00-9:00 11 Minx Nails Ellesmere Port Campus 489Q Wed 09-Apr 1:30-4:30 1 Exploring Hair and Beauty Ellesmere Port Campus 803S Tue 07-Jan 09:00-1:30 Thu & 08-Jan 09:00-1:00 Fri 09-Jan 09:00-4:30 15 Individual Lash Extensions Ellesmere Port Campus 483Q Thu & 26-Jun 09:30-3:00 Fri 15 Thai Massage Ellesmere Port Campus 042U Fri 28-Feb 09:00-4:00 1 6 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 1 1 1 Day Start Date Time Supervising Food Safety in Catering CIEH Award Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 0269 Thu, Fri 02-Jan 09:00-3:30 1 & Mon HR, PROFESSIONAL AND MANAGEMENT Code Day Start Date Time Wks Food and Beverage Service NVQ Diploma Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 061U flexible 21 Food Safety in Catering CIEH Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 2941 Tue 25-Feb 09:00-4:00 1 2942 Tue 03-Jun 09:00-4:00 1 Hospitality Supervision and Leadership NVQ Diploma Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 055U flexible 21 Professional Cookery - Preparation and Cooking NVQ Diploma Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 058U Mon, Wed & Thu 06-Jan TBC 28 Portuguese Beginners Plus Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 969F Mon 06-Jan 7:00-9:00 IT Users (Start IT - ITQ) C&G Certificate Entry 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 083U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-12noon 17 IT Users (ITQ) C&G Award Level 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 079U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-12noon 19 IT Users (ITQ) C&G Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 081U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-12noon 18 AAT Certificate in Book-keeping Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 463Q Thu 09-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 460Q Fri 10-Jan 09:00-12noon 12 461Q Fri 25-Apr 09:00-12noon 12 Online Basics (Start IT - ITQ) C&G Award Entry 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 084U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-11:00 5 AAT Diploma in Accounting Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 470Q Wed 08-Jan 09:00-4:00 2 LANGUAGES Code Wks IT Users (Start IT - ITQ) C&G Award Entry 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 082U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-11:30 12 AAT Certificate in Accounting Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 904A Mon 06-Jan 09:00-4:00 20 Code Day Start Date Time Wks French Beginners Plus Year 1 Caldy Valley Adult Centre 995S Fri 10-Jan 10:00-12noon 10 IT HOSPITALITY AND CATERING Code Nail Technology C&G Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 004M Tue 25-Feb 6:00-9:00 15 Shellac Ellesmere Port Campus 707D Wed 19-Feb 10:00-1:00 487Q Wed 09-Apr 10:00-1:00 987M Wed 28-May 10:00-1:00 488Q Wed 25-Jun 6:00-8:00 Shellac Swarovski Crystal Toes Ellesmere Port Campus 518D Wed 19-Feb 1:30-4:30 6 Nail Art and Make-up Level 1 Award Ellesmere Port Campus 801S Mon 03-Feb 6:00-9:00 15 Nail Art C&G Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 393M Mon 03-Mar 6:00-9:00 1 Female Waxing Ellesmere Port Campus 841Q Tue 24-Jun 09:30-4:00 Gel Application and Maintenance Ellesmere Port Campus 490Q Wed & 16-Apr 09:30-4:00 1 Thu Manicure C&G Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 003M Thu 16-Jan 6:00-9:00 Shellac Nail Art and Style Ellesmere Port Campus 668N Thu 10-Apr 10:00-4:30 Day Start Date Time Wks E-Safety (ITQ) C&G Award Level 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 080U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-11:30 8 IT User Skills (ECDL Essentials - ITQ) BCS Award Level 1 Chester Campus 078U Wed 08-Jan 09:30-12noon 12 077U Thu 09-Jan 6:00-8:30 12 Ellesmere Port Campus 075U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-11:30 12 076U Wed 08-Jan 6:00-8:30 12 IT User Skills (ECDL Extra - ITQ) BCS Certificate Level 2 Chester Campus 074U Wed 08-Jan 09:30-12noon 19 073U Thu 09-Jan 6:00-8:30 19 Ellesmere Port Campus 071U Mon 06-Jan 09:00-11:30 17 072U Wed 08-Jan 6:00-8:30 19 How the funding changes could affect you... John is 19 years old and has previously completed a Level 2 sports course at the College. He is currently unemployed and is now considering a career in construction, specifically joinery. He is about to start a Level 2 course which he will not have to pay for as he is unemployed and on benefits. He will also not have to pay if he finds a job whilst on the course. He may have to pay for his PPE costs (Personal Protection Equipment) but there may also be help with this from the College’s Learner Support Fund. Sarah is 29 years old and is coming back to College now her children have all started school. She plans to go on to university and would like to do an Access to HE: Health and Social Care course. To pay for the course she has a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan through the Student Loans Company with a view to paying it back when she is earning £21,000. However, if she goes on to complete her degree at university, the loan she used to pay for her Access course will be cleared by the Student Loans Company and she will not have to pay this back. If you are in a similar situation to John and Sarah, call our Finance and Funding Team for more information on: 01244 656200 French Beginners Plus Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 785F Tue 07-Jan 7:00-9:00 744S Thu 09-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 10 French Improvers Plus Year 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 241D Wed 08-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 German Beginners Plus Year 1 Caldy Valley Adult Centre 952F Tue 07-Jan 1:00-3:00 10 German Beginners Plus Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 747S Mon 06-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 German Improvers Plus Year 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 314D Thu 09-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 German Intermediate Plus Term 2 - Year 4 Ellesmere Port Campus 753S Wed 08-Jan 7:00-9:00 Russian Beginners Plus Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 751S Tue 07-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Teaching Pilates Diploma Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 138U Wed 08-Jan 6:00-9:00 12 & Thu Russian Intermediate Term 2 - Year 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 754S Thu 09-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 10 10 10 Spanish Beginners Plus Year 1 Chester Campus 756S Fri 10-Jan 4:00-6:00 10 Spanish Beginners Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 761S Mon 06-Jan 5:00-7:00 10 Spanish Improvers Plus Year 1 Chester Campus 312D Fri 10-Jan 10:00-12noon 10 Spanish Improvers Plus Year 2 Chester Campus 195Q Tue 07-Jan 10:00-12noon 10 194D Tue 07-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Spanish Intermediate Plus Term 2 Year 4 Ellesmere Port Campus 752S Mon 13-Jan 4:15-6:15 10 Spanish Intermediate Term 2 Year 3 Chester Campus 002U Thu 09-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Conversational Spanish Advanced Term 2 Caldy Valley Adult Centre 994S Mon 06-Jan 09:45-11:45 10 10 10 Greek Beginners Plus Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 309D Mon 06-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Greek Improvers Plus Year 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 923E Wed 08-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 RETAIL Code Day Start Date Time Wks Retail Knowledge ABC Certificate Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 559Q Wed & 08-Jan 09:00-12noon 12 Thu 561Q Wed & 30-Apr 09:00-12noon 12 Thu SPORT 10 Italian Beginners Plus Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 755S Thu 09-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Italian Improvers Plus Year 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 195D Mon 06-Jan 7:00-9:00 310D Wed 08-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 10 Italian Intermediate Term 2 Year 3 Chester Campus 999S Tue 07-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Japanese Improvers Plus Year 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 913F Tue 07-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Mandarin Beginners Year 1 Chester Campus 796S Thu 09-Jan 7:00-9:00 10 Code Day Start Date Time Day Start Date Time Wks Assessing Competence in the Work Environment C&G Award Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 486M Tue & 21-Jan 09:00-5:00 33 Fri 487M Tue & 18-Mar 09:00-5:00 33 Fri Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement C&G Award Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 488M Tue & 21-Jan 09:00-5:00 33 Fri 489M Tue & 18-Mar 09:00-5:00 33 Fri Understanding the Principles and Practice of Assessment C&G Award Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 575L Tue & 21-Jan 09:00-5:00 23 Fri 576L Tue & 18-Mar 09:00-5:00 33 Fri Counselling Skills for Working with Children - Access CPCAB Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 674Q Thu 09-Jan 12:30-5:15 19 Counselling Skills Introduction CPCAB Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 495M Thu 09-Jan 6:00-9:00 10 496M Thu 27-Mar 6:00-9:00 10 Counselling Skills CPCAB Certificate Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 575J Fri 10-Jan 09:00-1:00 20 Psychotherapeutic Counselling CPCAB Diploma Level 5 Ellesmere Port Campus 290J Mon 06-Jan 09:30-4:30 19 TRAVEL AND TOURISM Code Day Start Date Time Travel Services BTEC Certificate Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 053U Wed & 20-Jan 09:00-5:00 Thu 434K Thu 06-Feb 09:30-2:30 Wks 12 12 Travel and Tourism BTEC Certificate Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 067U Thu 13-Jan 09:00-4:00 20 & Fri Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector C&G Award Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 667Q Wed 05-Feb 1:00-4:00 16 The information in this brochure was, to the best of our knowledge, accurate at the time of going to print. We are constantly reviewing our facilities and the courses we offer and details, including fee information, may change. How the funding changes could affect you... Mary is 23 years old and about to enrol on a part-time Level 4 AAT course. She is employed full-time and wants to achieve this qualification to help her progress in her career. She will pay the course fees, however, there is a government subsidy for this course, which is taken into account when setting the fees. If you are in a similar situation to Mary, call our Finance and Funding Team for more information on 01244 656200. Wks Circuit Training CYQ Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 715F Tue & 28-Jan 6:00-9:00 6 Thu Exercise Referrals Diploma Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 137U Thu 24-Apr 6:00-9:00 8 Fitness Instructing CYQ Certificate Level 2 - Exercise to Music Ellesmere Port Campus 440L Tue & 11-Mar 6:00-9:00 13 Wed Fitness Instructing CYQ Certificate Level 2 - Gym Based Ellesmere Port Campus 657D Tue & 11-Mar 6:00-9:00 13 Wed Instructing Outdoor Fitness CYQ Award Level 3 Ellesmere Port Campus 768L Thu 15-May 6:00-9:00 TRAINING, ASSESSING AND COUNSELLING Code Spanish Beginners Plus Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 001U Mon 06-Jan 7:00-9:00 311D Tue 07-Jan 7:00-9:00 746S Wed 08-Jan 4:15-6:15 Turkish Beginners Year 1 Chester Campus 797S Thu 09-Jan 7:00-9:00 Conversational German Advanced Term 2 Year 6 Chester Campus 997S Tue 07-Jan 6:15-8:15 10 998S Wed 08-Jan 10:00-12noon 10 Italian Beginners Year 1 Ellesmere Port Campus 762S Fri 10-Jan 1:30-3:30 10 Step Exercise to Music CYQ Award Level 2 Ellesmere Port Campus 400L Thu 16-Jan 6:00-9:00 6 5 We value all learners equally and believe that everyone should be supported to achieve their full potential. sWe understand everyone is unique and we celebrate diversity sWe are all-inclusive and recognise the potential in everybody sWe are committed to providing opportunities for learners who might not otherwise participate in education or training so that they improve their life chances sWe are committed to implementing equality of opportunity in all activities and services which we provide for staff, students and visitors to the College Call the College hotline on: 01244 656555 or visit Free training for businesses and voluntary organisations. Eligibility criteria We understand that employers struggle with tight budgets, particularly in the current climate. We’re here to help… We can help you as an employer, with less than 250 staff, to access training across all sectors and subject areas. You can book your staff on to any of the following training sessions. We also provide a FREE training needs analysis to enable us to develop a training programme to suit your specific needs. Businesses and voluntary organisations accessing this funding must employ less than 250 staff Trainees benefitting from the provision must be aged 19+ and living in England If accessing funding for Level 4 training the employer must employ no more than 49 staff The training is available to employers in Cheshire and Warrington only These details are a guide only. We advise contacting our experienced team directly to check your eligibility. *EP = Ellesmere Port Campus, CH = Chester Campus Course Start date Times Duration *Location Patisserie Level 3 (5 units) Patisserie Level 2 (2 units) Patisserie Level 3 (2 units) 1SPGFTTJPOBM$PPLFSZ/72-FWFM 'PPEBOE#FWFSBHF4FSWJDF/72-FWFM )PTQJUBMJUZ4FSWJDFT/72-FWFM Food Safety CIEH Award Level 2 6 Jan 7 Jan, 25 Feb, 22 Apr 6 Jan, 28 Feb, 6 Jun Flexible dates Flexible dates/times Flexible dates/times 7 Jan, 21 Jan, 4 Feb, 25 Feb, 4 Mar, 18 Mar, 15 Apr, 6 May, 20 May, 3 Jun, 17 Jun 4 Mar 23 Apr Work-based Work-based 3:30-6:30pm 12noon-3pm 12noon-3pm 3-8:30pm 9am-4:30pm 21 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 30 Weeks 30 Weeks 30 Weeks 1 Day EP EP EP EP EP EP EP 4-7pm 3-6pm 3hrs/week 10hrs 10 weeks 10 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks EP EP EP EP Work-based 10hrs 4 weeks EP 21 Jan 7 Jan, 10 Feb 13 Jan, 20 Mar, 19 May 7 Feb, 14 Mar, 8 Apr 29 Apr, 17 Mar 23 Jan, 11 Mar, 24 Apr, 13 May Flexible dates/times 28 Jan, 6 Mar 9:30am-3pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm various various various 12 weeks 1 day 1 day 1/2 Day 1/2 day 1/2 day EP EP EP EP EP EP 1/2 day 1 day EP EP Healthier Food & Special Diets Level 2 Basic Cookery Skills Level 1 Catering & Hospitality Customer Service Level 2 Principles of Food Safety Supervision for Catering Level 3 Hospitality Supervision & Leadership Principles Award Level 3 5SBWFM4FSWJDFT$FSUJţDBUF-FWFM Emergency First Aid Award Level 2 Moving & Handling session Equality & Diversity NCFE Award Level 2 Substance Misuse NCFE Award Level 1 Business Administration Award NCFE Award Level 2 Customer Service Level 2 Cleaning Principles Award NCFE Award Level 2 Call the SSW hotline on 01244 9:30am3:30pm 656300, email [email protected] or visit Course Start date Times Duration *Location IOSH Working Safely Prevention & Control of Infection Award Level 2 17 Feb, 21 Feb 25 Feb, 9 May 9am-4:30pm various 1 day 1/2 day EP EP IOSH Managing Safely Principles of Working with Individuals with -FBSOJOH%JTBCJMJUJFT$FSUJţDBUF-FWFM Awareness of Dementia NCFE Award Level 2 18 Mar Flexible days/times 9am-4:30pm 4 days 1/2 day EP EP 30 Jan, 28 Feb, 25 Mar various 1/2 day EP 9am-4pm 1 day EP EP 9am-4pm 1 day EP 3-6 months 1 day 6-9 months EP EP EP 6-9pm 11 weeks EP ILM Award Level 3 in Leadership and Management 13 Jan, 15 Jan, 24 Mar, 26 Mar, 24 Apr *-."XBSE-FWFMJO&ŢFDUJWF5FBN.FNCFS4LJMMT 16 Jan, 20 Mar ILM Award Level 3 in Coaching 21 Jan, 23 Jan, 4 Mar, 6 Mar, 22 Apr, 24 Apr ILM Level 3 Award in Mentoring 21 Jan, 23 Jan, 4 Mar, 6 Mar, 22 Apr, 24 Apr Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning 5 Feb Sector Level 3 various 8 weeks EP various 6-9pm 6 weeks 11 weeks EP EP 2-5pm 5 weeks EP 1-4pm 16 weeks EP Introduction to Counselling Skills Award 9 Jan, 17 Mar, 19 Mar, 27 Mar 12 Mar various 8 weeks EP 6-9pm 11 weeks EP 28 Jan 6-9pm 6 weeks EP $:2$FSUJţDBUF-FWFMJO'JUOFTT*OTUSVDUJOH(ZN 12 Mar 6-9pm 11 weeks EP CYQ Level 2 Award in Circuit Training 28 Jan 6-9pm 6 weeks EP CYQ Award in Instructing Outdoor Fitness Level 3 Teaching Pilates Diploma Level 3 Exercise Referral Diploma Level 3 1FSJPEJD*OTQFDUJPO5FTUJOH$FSUJţDBUJPOPG Electrical Installations C&G Award Level 3 15 May 8 Jan 24 Apr 6 Jan, 24 Feb 6-9pm 6-9pm 6-9pm 1-6pm 5 weeks 14 weeks 8 weeks 6 weeks EP EP EP CH 1FSJPEJD*OTQFDUJPO5FTUJOH$FSUJţDBUJPOPG Electrical Installations C&G Award Level 3 17-21 Feb 9am-5pm 1 week CH Requirements for Electrical Installation BS7671: June 2008 (2011) City & Guilds Award 7 Jan, 17 Feb, 8 Apr various 1 or 8 weeks CH Welding Skills City & Guilds Award Level 1 6 Jan, 8 Jan, 10 Jan various 12 weeks CH Welding Skills City & Guilds Award Level 2 6 Jan, 8 Jan, 10 Jan various 12 weeks CH &OHJOFFSJOH5FDIOPMPHZ&"-'JSTU$FSUJţDBUF-FWFM 16 Jan various 20 weeks CH In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment (PAT) Award 16 Jan various 10 weeks CH Introduction to Electrical Installation Skills $JUZ(VJMET-FWFM$FSUJţDBUF Installing Computer Hardware and Software 15 Jan 10am-2:30pm 20 weeks CH 15 Jan 6-9pm 10 weeks CH Setting Up and Securing an IT Network 2 Apr 6-9pm 10 weeks CH IT Support, Fault Diagnosis & Remedy 15 Jan 6-9pm 10 weeks CH IT Skills Workshops Flexible days/times Awareness of End of Life Care NCFE Award Level 2 Please call for details Web Page Design 24 Jan, 14 Feb 21 Mar, 25 Apr, 23 May Social Media for Business 31 Jan, 28 Feb, 28 Mar, 2 May 3FUBJM4LJMMT$FSUJţDBUF-FWFM Flexible days/times Problem Solving and Team Working Award Level 2 Flexible days/times 3FUBJM4LJMMT-FWFM$FSUJţDBUFQBUIXBZTJO7JTVBM Flexible days/times Merchandising/Management/Sales Professional Computerised Accounting SAGE IAB Award $:2$FSUJţDBUF-FWFMJO'JUOFTT*OTUSVDUJOH (ETM) CYQ Award Level 2 in Step Exercise to Music 6 Jan, 24 Mar The Skills Support for the Workforce course offer is constantly changing. Please call us for details of the latest courses. EP and CH Awards Success Over 100 students from across the region celebrated their achievements at West Cheshire College’s Higher Education and Professional Awards Ceremony at Chester Cathedral. The ceremony welcomed Steve Whitfield, Managing Director of Cheshire based education and activity travel group, Holidaybreak, to present the certificates to students who achieved in a range of HE qualifications. Graeme Scanlan, 26, from Wirral was named as Student of the Year for his hard work and dedication during his Foundation Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He said: “I’m really proud to have won this award out of so many people. Being at the College has been such an enjoyable experience and I’m now going to do a top-up year to get a full degree. Steve Whitfield, Managing Director of Holidaybreak who presented the HE awards said: “It was a pleasure to see so many students be awarded during the evening, they should all be very proud of their successes and I wish them all of the best for the future.” Janine McLeod, 33, from North Wales studied a CIPD Advanced Diploma in HR alongside her full-time role as a HR Manager. She said: “The course has really benefitted me as I have received two promotions at work since starting studying three years ago. The course has improved my knowledge and given me a lot of credibility in the workplace.” Earn while you learn with an Apprenticeship Apprenticeships are open to all ages and offer opportunities across a variety of sectors, from accounting, creative and digital media, through to retail, pharmacy and team leading and management. You receive on the job training and gain the experience and qualifications that employers want and need. They enable you to collect UCAS points, study for technical certificates, go on to Higher Education or carry on working and progressing in your career. Great employers. Great opportunities. Great prospects. Apprenticeships deliver. Mitchell Hughes, 21, from Flintshire studied a Foundation Degree in Mechanical Engineering to further his career at Magellan Aerospace. He said: “I did my BTEC through the College when I started my job at Magellan and when I completed the course I gained a full-time job as a CNC machinist making aeroplane parts. “I realised how valuable getting qualifications was and how much you get out of it so I did the foundation degree course to further my career at Magellan.” Christina Baxter, 21, from Ellesmere Port completed an ABC Diploma in Art, Design and Media - Fashion Design Level 4. Graeme Scanlan, Student of the Year, receiving his award from Chris Haslam, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Chester She said: “I decided to do the course as it was something I have always been interested in. The course was fabulous and the tutors were very knowledgeable and helpful. “Since finishing at the College, I have come to University College London to study fashion design.” College hotline: 01244 656555 At West Cheshire College we can develop training programmes to meet your business needs :HZRUNZLWK\RXWRXQGHUWDNHDIXOOWUDLQLQJQHHGVDQDO\VLVDQGOLVWHQWR\RXUREMHFWLYHVDQGZKDW\RX QHHGWRDFKLHYHEHIRUHSXWWLQJDSURJUDPPHWRJHWKHU2XU&RPPHUFLDO7HDPKDVYDVWH[SHULHQFHRI GHYHORSLQJEHVSRNHWUDLQLQJSDFNDJHVWDLORUHGWR\RXUQHHGVDQG\RXUEXGJHW1RWZREXVLQHVVHVDUHWKH VDPHDQGWKDWLVUHÁHFWHGLQRXUÁH[LEOHDSSURDFK &RPELQLQJEHVSRNHWUDLQLQJZLWKRXUNQRZOHGJHRI¶RIIWKHSHJ·VROXWLRQV$SSUHQWLFHVKLSVDQGDYDLODEOH IXQGLQJDQGLQFHQWLYHVZHZLOOHQVXUH\RXJHWWKHEHVWSDFNDJHDWWKHPRVWDIIRUGDEOHSULFH At West Cheshire College we pride ourselves on doing things differently. Are you ready to do something different too? :HZRUNZLWKRYHUHPSOR\HUVDQGRYHUH[SHULHQFHDQLQFUHDVHLQSHUIRUPDQFHDQGSURGXFWLYLW\ Marks & Spencer Cheshire Oaks Vauxhall ´7KHWUDLQLQJGHOLYHUHGE\ :HVW&KHVKLUH&ROOHJH QRWRQO\KHOSHG SDUWLFLSDQWVJHWWKHULJKW VNLOOVDQGH[SHULHQFHEXW LWERRVWHGWKHLUFRQÀGHQFHDVZHOOµ /RXLVH&DVVLG\+5%XVLQHVV3DUWQHU ´7KHWUDLQLQJKDVEHHQDYHU\ SRVLWLYHH[SHULHQFHIRUWKH LQGLYLGXDOVWDNLQJSDUWDQGKDV JHQHUDWHGDORWRILQWHUHVWIURP RWKHUVWRSDUWLFLSDWHµ 9DO7KRPDV3ODQW3HUVRQQHO0DQDJHU McArthurGlen Cheshire Oaks ´:HDUHDEVROXWHO\GHOLJKWHGWRKDYHJDLQHGWKH XQLTXHDFKLHYHPHQWRIEHLQJWKH8.·V)LUVW5HWDLO :RUOG+RVW'HVWLQDWLRQ7KH WUDLQLQJGHOLYHUHGE\:HVW &KHVKLUH&ROOHJHZDV H[HPSODU\DQGZDVGHVLJQHG WRPHHWWKHQHHGVRIWKH GLIIHUHQWEUDQGVDQGOHDUQHUV SDUWLFLSDWLQJµ -R\5HHG5HWDLO0DQDJHU Unilever ´7KHVSHFLDOLVHGWUDLQLQJWKDWLVGHOLYHUHGWRGD\E\ RXUVHOYHVDQG:HVW&KHVKLUH&ROOHJH XOWLPDWHO\PHDQVZHKDYHDKLJKHU FDOLEUHHPSOR\HHWUDLQHGLQRXUV\VWHPV DQGSURFHGXUHVIRUWKHIXWXUHµ 5XVVHOO)URVW6LWH(QJLQHHULQJ 7UDLQHUDQG8.$SSUHQWLFH 'HYHORSPHQW/HDGHU CLS Group ´7KH&ROOHJHLVYHU\ÁH[LEOHDQG DGDSWDEOHWRRXUQHHGV(YHU\\HDU ZHKDYHDURXQGWZRKXQGUHGSHRSOH FRPSOHWLQJTXDOLÀFDWLRQVZKLFKWKH &ROOHJHPDQDJHVVHDPOHVVO\%HFDXVH RIWKLVKLJKYROXPHZHKDYHEHHQDEOHWRJHWPRUH TXDOLÀFDWLRQVFRPSOHWHGRYHUDTXLFNHUWLPHIUDPHDQG VHHQDVLJQLÀFDQWUHWXUQRQLQYHVWPHQWµ 3KLO2UWRQ+HDGRI3HRSOH0DQDJHPHQWDQG'HYHORSPHQW Ten Ten Systems ´$SSUHQWLFHVKLSVKDYHKHOSHGXV WRHIIHFWLYHO\LPSURYHRXURYHUDOO SURGXFWLYLW\DQGLQFUHDVHGRXU SURÀWDELOLW\E\ÀYHSHUFHQWµ 6WHYH%LUNV0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU Call the employer hotline on: 01244 656499 'HOLYHULQJUHVXOWVGULYHQWUDLQLQJWR maximise\RXUbudget Call the College hotline on: 01244 656555 or visit Ellesmere Port Campus off Sutton Way Ellesmere Port CH65 7BF Chester Campus Eaton Road Handbridge Chester CH4 7ER Over 520 people achieve a Higher Education or professional qualification each year College hotline 01244 656555 Fax 01244 656543 over 12,000 learners Email [email protected] Web a specialist College with an innovative approach to teaching and learning We have Last year 77% of our learners made it into the university of their choice
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