ROSA RODRIGUEZ- MONGUIO, Ph.D. CURRICULUM VITAE Present Position: Associate Professor (with Tenure) Address: Health Policy and Management, Department of Public Health School of Public Health and Health Sciences University of Massachusetts, Amherst 715 N. Pleasant Street, 322 Arnold House; Amherst, MA 01003 Phone: 413 545 7427 E-mail: [email protected] Nationality: Spain; United States of America, Permanent Resident EDUCATION Ph.D., Health Economics (summa cum laude). University of Barcelona, Spain. April, 2001. B.S., Economics. University Carlos III, Madrid. Spain. June, 1994. FACULTY APPOINTMENTS Associate Professor (with Tenure). Health Policy and Management. School of Public Health and Health Sciences (SPHHS), University of Massachusetts, Amherst. June 2011- present Program Director; Health Policy and Management, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Sept. 2013-present Director joint program Master of Public Health/ Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPH/MPPA); Department of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Sept. 2013- present Assistant Professor. Health Policy and Management. School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Sept. 2007-May 2011. Associate Researcher. Institute for Global Health (IGH), University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Sept. 2007-present. Assistant Professor, Clinical. Health Services Management and Policy. College of Public Health, Ohio State University. January 2006- June 2007. Associate Researcher. Centre for Health Outcomes, Policy, and Evaluation Studies, (HOPES) College of Public Health. Ohio State University. May 2005- May 2007. Assistant Professor, Adjunct. Health Services Management and Policy. College of Public Health, Ohio State University. March 2004- December 2005. Assistant Professor, Adjunct. Department of Economics. Universidad Europea (UEM). Madrid, Spain. October 1996- October 2001. Assistant Professor, Adjunct. Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III. Madrid. Spain. February 1998- October 2001. Assistant Professor, Visiting. Department of Health Economics, Universidad Politécnica, Valencia. Master in Health Economics. Valencia, Spain. May 2000- May 2001. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Health Economists. The World Bank, Human Development Network; Health, Nutrition and Population. Pharmaceutical Policy. Washington, DC. October 2001- March 2003. Health Economists. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization, (PAHO-WHO) Public Health Policies and Systems. Washington, DC. October 2001- October 2003. RESEARCH PROJECTS University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Research Grants 1. Social and Economic Impact of Gambling and its related co-morbidities in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC-RA-2012). 04/01/2013-06/03/2014. Role: co-Investigator –Health Economists (20% FTE). Total Funded: $3.45 million 2. The Impact of Increasing Intellectual Property Regulations on the Pharmaceutical Sector: The Case of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. MFJ International, Washington, DC. 09/15/2012-2013. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $186,552. 3. Cost of Basic Combat Training Injuries in the U.S. Army. US Department of Defense. 06/01/201305/31/2015. Role: co-PI. Total Funded (Phase II): $464,830 4. Cost of Basic Combat Training Injuries in the U.S. Army. US Department of Defense. 09/23/201005/31/2013. Role: co-PI. Total Funded (Phase I): $274,337 5. Public Health Implications of Antimicrobial Drug Regulation in the US. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 12/01/2009-05/31/2011. Role: PI. Total Funded: $150,000 6. Access to Hospital Care of Obesity Related Co-Morbidities in Massachusetts: A Health Disparities Analysis. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. May 2008- May 2009. Role: PI. Total Funded: $10,000 7. The Economic Burden of Overweight and Obesity on Ethnic and Racial Minorities in Massachusetts: A Health Disparities Analysis. Massachusetts Department of Public Health. November 2007- June 2010. (with to 2 options to renew, for up to 2 years for each option). Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $35,335 8. Analysis of Health Services Delivery and Pharmaceuticals. University of La Rioja; Spain. Contract with the Spanish Ministry of Health. May 2008- October 2008. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $28,000 9. A Model to Assess the Impact of Mail Order and Community Pharmacy on Pharmaceutical Expenditures. University of Massachusetts, Pilot Research Grant Initiative. April 2008- March 2009. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $13,000 10. Present and Future of Health Care Delivery in Selected OECD Countries. University of La Rioja; Spain. Contract with the Spanish Ministry of Health. July 2007-November 2007. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $30,967 Ohio State University - Research Grants 1. An Economic Analysis of Adverse Events Associated with Flexible Cystoscopy and Endoscopy. Data Intelligence Consultants, LLC. November 2006-February 2007. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $15,000 2. Medication Management for Indigenous Americans. Saint Paul Foundation, Indian Health Board. February, 2007-April, 2007. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $15,000 3. Analysis of the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System Pharmaceutical Program. Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS). December 2005– Mach 2006. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $33,000 2 4. Alternatives for Reform of the Ohio Medicaid Pharmaceutical Program. Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. June 2004- December 2004. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $55,000 5. Impact of the Negotiation of HIV Drugs and Reactives in the Andean Countries. Pan American Health Organization- World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Washington, DC. November 2004-March 2005. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $20,000 6. Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products. Analysis of International Experiences. Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios), Ministry of Health, Government of Spain; Madrid, Spain. September- December 2005. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $16,375 7. Comparative Analysis the Pharmaceutical Sectors of the U.S. and Spain. Fundación Alternativas; Madrid, Spain. September 2003-June 2004. Role: Principal Investigator. Total Funded: $4,550 University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Research Grants under Review 1. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio (PI). Cost-Effectiveness of Community Health Workers Diabetes Management Intervention. NIH R15 04/01/15-03/31/18. Role: PI (20% FTE). Total Requested: $411.737. 2. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio (PD/PI). Center for Community Engaged Research and Practice for Health Equity. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 09/30/2014- 09/29/2019. Role: PI –Health economists (25% FTE). Total Requested: $4.37 million. 3. Unraveling the Market Failures behind Pharmaceutical Shortages: An Examination of the Causes, Trends, and Solutions Related to Shortage of Pediatric Cancer Drugs. National Science Foundation. Role: PI (20% FTE). Total Requested: $542,663. International Organizations Research Projects 1. Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products. Analysis of International Experiences. Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products, Ministry of Health, Government of Spain. Madrid, Spain. Sept.-Dec 2005. 2. Strengthening of the Pharmaceutical System of Guyana. Inter American Development Bank - Guyana’s Ministry of Health. (Contract: ATN/SF-5834-GY). August 2003-March 2004. 3. Comparative Analysis the Pharmaceutical Sectors of the United States and Spain. Fundación Alternativas (Spanish). Madrid, Spain. September 2003-June 2004. Total funded: €2,500 4. Pharmaceutical Clearinghouse of the Americas; Shared Agenda for Pharmaceuticals. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO) and The World Bank; Washington, DC. October 2001- October 2003. 5. Analysis of the Health Care System in Ecuador: Defining a National Health Insurance. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Quito, Ecuador. August 2003. 6. Definition of a Universal Health Insurance in Aruba. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Aruba. July 2003. 7. The National Health Insurance in the Bahamas. Blue Ribbon Commission on National Health Insurance. Government of Bahamas; Nassau, Bahamas. January 2004. 8. Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Lending by the World Bank. The World Bank; Washington, DC. October 2001- March 2003. 9. A Concerted Action Appraisal of Health System Performance in Central America, (IC18CT960115). INCODEV Program of the Commission of the European Community. September 2000-2003. 3 10. Cost Estimation and Analysis of the Argentinean Emergency Compulsory Health Care Insurance System. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2002. 11. Analysis of the Decrees of the Bolivian Health System Organization, Maternal and Infant Universal Health Care Coverage, and Drug Procurement System. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); La Paz, Bolivia. December 2002. 12. Analysis of the Health Care Reform in Chile. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Santiago de Chile, Chile. November 2002. 13. Analysis of the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Market. The World Bank. South Asia Region; Washington, DC. June-October 2002. 14. Definition and Implementation of a Universal Benefit Package in the Dominican Republic. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Dominican Republic. February-June 2002. 15. Analysis and Empirical Study of the Rationing of Medical Services in Europe. The European Commission Research Directorate General. Contract # QLG6-1999-00554. January 2000- 2002. 16. Strengthening Public Health Policies in Health Sector Reforms in Latin America. Contract # ICA4CT200030037. INCO-DC Program of the Commission of the European Community. October 2000-2002. 17. Analysis of the Financial Sustainability of the Health System in Colombia. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Bogotá, Colombia. December 2001. 18. Design and Implementation of a Health Insurance in Caazapá (Paraguay). Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Caazapá, Paraguay. November 2001. 19. The Implications of Health Sector Reform in Ecuador, Colombia and Nicaragua for Basic Health Programs. INCO-DC Program of the Commission of the European Community. Contract #: IC18CT98-0339. September 1998-2001. 20. Social Preferences for Health Services: A willingness to Pay Approach. University of Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain. April 2000- January 2001. 21. Adverse Drug Effects of Medicines: Willingness to Pay and Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs)”. Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS), Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Madrid. Spain. January 2000- 2002. 22. Chile Health Insurance Issues Old Age and Catastrophic Health Costs. The World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region; Washington, DC. June- September 1999. 23. Willingness to Pay for Avoiding Adverse Drug Effects. With Rovira J. Department of Economics, University of Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain. June 1999- 2000. Total funded: €12,000 24. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Tolterodina on Urinary Incontinence. Soikos SL, Centre d´Estudis en Economia de la Salut y de la Política Sanitaria; Barcelona, Spain. May-December 1999. 25. Monetary Value per Quality Adjusted Life Year Gained. Department of Economics, University Pompeu Fabra; Barcelona, Spain. December 1998- February 2000. 26. Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence among Spanish Elderly People Living at home. Department of Economics, University Carlos III; Madrid. Spain. October 1995–December 1997. 27. Pollution Added Tax and Employment. Department of Economics. University Carlos III; Madrid, Spain. November 1994 –February 1995. 28. Reduction of Social Quotations and Substitution by Indirect Taxes. Department of Economics. University Carlos III; Madrid, Spain. September- December 1994. 4 PUBLICATIONS Manuscripts in Peer-Reviewed Journals 1. Pellegrini LC*, Rodriguez-Monguio R.** Medicaid provisions and the US mental health industry composition. Journal of Mental Health. Forthcoming (Impact Factor: 1.389) 2. Bulzacchelli M, Sulsky S, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Karlsson L, Hill O. Injury during U.S. Army basic combat training: A systematic review of risk factor studies. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Forthcoming (Impact Factor: 3.945) 3. Pellegrini LC*, Rodriguez-Monguio R.**, Qian J. The US healthcare workforce and the labor market effect on healthcare spending and health outcomes. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics. 2014,14(2):127-141. (Impact Factor: 0.576) 4. Sulsky S. Karlsson L. Luippold R. Bulzacchelli M, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Bulathsinhala L. Hill O. Methodological challenges of using US Army administrative data to identify a cohort of basic combat trainees and descriptive analysis of trends in characteristics that are potential risk factors for training-related injury Military Medicine. Forthcoming 5. Rodriguez-Monguio R**, Spielberger K*, Seoane E. Examination of risk evaluation and mitigation strategies and drug safety in the US. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy. 2013 Apr 20. [Epub ahead of print] (Impact Factor: 2.35) 6. Outterson K, Powers JH, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Kesselheim A. Approval and Withdrawal of New Antibiotics and Other Antiinfectives in the U.S., 1980-2009. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 2013;41(3):688-696. (Impact Factor: 1.215) Paper selected for a special issue. 7. Pellegrini LC*, Rodriguez-Monguio R**. Unemployment, Medicaid provisions, the mental health industry, and suicide. Social Science Journal. 2013;50(4):482-490. (Impact Factor: 0.4). Paper selected for a special issue. 8. Jasinski CF*, Rodriguez-Monguio R.** Tonyushkina K and Allen H. Healthcare cost of type 1 diabetes mellitus in new-onset children in a hospital compared to an outpatient setting. BMC Pediatrics, 2013; 13:55 (Impact Factor: 1.98) 9. Balkhi B*, Araujo-Lama L*, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R**, Fox ER, Shortages of Systemic Antibiotics in the United States: How long can we wait?. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 2013;4(1): 13-17 10. Nguyen D*, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R**, Montagne M. Changes in FDA Enforcement Activities Following Changes in Federal Administration: The Case of Regulatory Letters Released to Pharmaceutical Companies. BMC Health Services Research, 2013;13:27 (Impact Factor: 1.77) 11. Zhang H*, Rodriguez-Monguio R**. Racial disparities in the risk of developing obesity- related diseases: A cross-sectional study. Ethnicity & Disease, 2012;22(3):308-16. (Impact Factor: 0.902) 12. Visaria J*, Seoane E, Szeinbach SL, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Comparing Community Pharmacy and MailOrder Pharmacy in a Large Retirement System. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2012;27(1):e41-50 (Impact Factor: 1.022) 13. Paul Le*, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Erin R. Fox, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Allen R. Dunehew, Michael Montagne. The Prevalence of Pharmaceutical Shortages in the United States. Journal of Generic Medicines, 2011;8(4):210-218 14. Qureshi Z*, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Stevenson K, Szeinbach SL. Market Withdrawal of New Molecular Entities Approved in the United States from 1980 to 2009. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2011;20(7):772-7 (Impact Factor: 2.527). 5 15. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Access to essential drugs in Guyana: a public health challenge. International Journal of Health Planning and Management (Impact Factor: 1.022), 2010;25(1):2-16 16. Szeinbach SL, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Baran RW, and Williams PB. Respiratory disease, Sleep Disorders, and other Co-morbidities in Patients with Chronic Constipation. The Open Allergy Journal,2010;3:29-34 17. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E, Antoñanzas Villar F. Health Policy in Canada: Challenges and opportunities. Electronic Journal of Biomedicine, 2009;2:66-75. 18. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Szeinbach SL, Beyer A, Visaria J. Analysis of the Impact of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act on Pharmaceutical Patents. Food and Drug Law Journal (Impact Factor 0.765), 2009;64(1):171-182. 19. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. The Patent Life of Antiretroviral Drugs Approved by the FDA between 1987 and 2007. AIDS Care (Impact Factor: 1.466), 2009;21(6):760-768. 20. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Szeinbach SL, Visaria J. Incentives for Orphan Drug Research and Development in the United States. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (Impact factor: 3.143), 2008;3(33):17. Available at: 21. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Endoscopy-Related Infections: A Relic of the Past? Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases (Impact Factor: 4.350), 2008; 21(4):362-6. 22. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Rovira J and Seoane E. Analysis of the World Bank Pharmaceutical Lending. Health Policy (Impact Factor 1.141), 2007; 81(1):102-16. 23. Valluri S*, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. and Szeinbach S.L. Drug utilization and cost in a Medicaid population: A simulation study of community vs. mail order pharmacy. BMC Health Services Research, (Impact Factor 1.358), 2007;7(1):122-131. 24. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Visaria J. and Carlson A. Endoscopy-Related Infections and Toxic Reactions: An International Comparison. Endoscopy, (Impact Factor 4.166), 2007; 39: 742-746. 25. Seoane E and Rodriguez-Monguio R. Negotiating Antiretroviral Drug Prices: The Experience of the Andean Countries. Health Policy and Planning, (Impact Factor 1.653), 2007; 22(2):63-72. 26. Rodriguez-Monguio R and Antoñanzas F. Health Care Rationing in Spain: Framework, Descriptive Analysis and Consequences. PharmacoEconomics, (Impact Factor 2.623), 2006; 24:537-548. 27. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Visaria J and Carlson A. Exogenous Endoscopy-Related Infections, Pseudo-infections and Toxic Reactions in the U.S.: Clinical and Economic Burden. Current Medical Research and Opinion, (Impact Factor 3.062), 2006; 22(10):2007-2021. 28. Costa-Font J, Costa M, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Rovira J, and Sandiford P. Financial Challenges of Health Care Reform in Nicaragua. International Journal of Economic Development, 2004;6(2):139-161. 29. Rodriguez-Monguio R. and Infante Campos A. Universal Health Care for Colombians Ten Years after Law 100: Challenges and Opportunities. Health Policy, (Impact Factor 1.201), 2004; 68:129-142. 30. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Otero MJ, and Rovira J. Assessing the Economic Impact of Adverse Drug Effects. PharmacoEconomics, (Impact Factor 2.623), 2003; 21,9:623-650. 31. Costa J. and Rodriguez-Monguio R. Controversial Implications of the Application of Quality-Adjusted-LifeYears (QALY). (Spanish). Hacienda Pública Española, 2000;153(2):31-44. 32. Rodriguez-Monguio R. and Rovira J. Measuring Health in Economic Evaluation (Spanish). Farmacia Profesional, 1999:18-23. * Student under supervision; ** Corresponding author 6 Manuscripts Submitted for Peer-review 1. Rodriguez-Monguio R**, and Seoane E. Potentially inappropriate antipsychotic use in a nationally representative US nursing homes sample: A safety concern. Under review 2. Pellegrini LC*, Rodriguez-Monguio R.**, Gerald F. Unemployment, social welfare programs and public health policies, and suicide, 1999-2009 Under review. * Student under supervision; ** Corresponding author Manuscripts in preparation 1. Hao J,* Rodriguez-Monguio R**. Public Health Implications and Economics of Combination Drugs approved in the US from 1980 to 2010 2. Okunna N,* Rodriguez-Monguio R**, Smelson D. Gambling, Behavioral and Mental Health Disorders: A Cross-sectional Analysis from the Massachusetts BRFSS 3. Pellegrini LC*, Rodriguez-Monguio R.** Gambling and Mental Health Disorders; The Role of Health Insurance Coverage and Primary Care Physician Access 4. Hao J,* Rodriguez-Monguio R**. Regulatory changes and New Molecular Entities (NMEs) approvals, and patent life 5. Saad Alqahtani, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Nasser Alshehri, Ebtissam Badawoud. Priority review of new drugs approved by the FDA and the EMA; A comparative analysis. 6. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Snyder SE. Access to health care: closing the gap between the economic and the public health approaches. Health Care Analysis. * Student under supervision; ** Corresponding author Published Technical Reports 1. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane, Fernando Antoñanzas Villar, Roberto Rodríguez, Carmelo Juárez Castelló, Mariola Pinillos. Situation and Trends in Health Care Delivery in Spain. Spanish. Logroño: University of La Rioja. Sep 2008. 201 pp. 2. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane, Fernando Antoñanzas Villar, Roberto Rodríguez, Carmelo Juárez Castelló, Mariola Pinillos. Present and Future of the Provision of Health Care Services in Spain and Selected OECD Countries. Spanish. Logroño: University of La Rioja. June 2007. 66 pp. 3. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Improving Access to Pharmaceuticals and Medication Therapy Management for American Indians. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Indian Health Board of Minneapolis. March 30, 2007. 191 pp. 4. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products. Analysis of International Experiences. Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products, Ministry of Health, Government of Spain. Madrid, Spain. Sept.-Dec 2005. 5. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Analysis of the Andean Countries Price Negotiation of HIV drugs and reactives. (Spanish). Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Washington, DC. March 25, 2005. 150 pp. Available at: 6. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Joan Rovira. An Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Lending by the World Bank. The World Bank. Health Nutrition and Population; Washington DC. January 2005. 56 pp. Available at: 7 7. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Analysis of the Ohio Public Employees Retirements System Pharmaceutical Program. Confidential Report Prepared for the Ohio Public Employees Retirements System. Columbus: Ohio State University. March 2005. 8. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Joe E. Crea, et al. Alternatives for Reform of the Ohio Medicaid Pharmaceutical Sector: I. Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Program. Prepared for the Ohio Commission to Reform Medicaid. Columbus: Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, December 30, 2004. 128 pp. Available 9. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Joe E. Crea, et al. Alternatives for Reform of the Ohio Medicaid Pharmaceutical Sector: II. Alternatives for Reform. Prepared for the Ohio Commission to Reform Medicaid. Columbus: Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, December 30, 2004. 129 pp. Available at: 10. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio Blue Ribbon Commission on National Health Insurance. Nassau, Bahamas. January 31, 2004. 125 pp. Available at: 11. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Stephanie Xueref, Richard J. Shakarchi. Pharmaceutical Sector Profile. Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization–World Health Organization, Feb 28, 2003.13 pp 12. Joan Rovira, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane, Felix Lobo. Analysis of the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Market. The World Bank; Washington DC. October 2002. Books and Books Chapters 1. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane. Comparative Analysis the Pharmaceutical Sectors of the United States and Spain. Fundacion Alternativas (Spanish). Madrid, December 2004. ISBN 84-96204-57-X. 91pp. 2. Fernando Antoñanzas, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Rationing of Medical Services in Europe: An Empirical Study. Edited by J. Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg and Michael Blanke. Centre of Health Economics and Health Services Research, University of Hannover, Germany. IOS Press. 2004. ISBN 1-58603-465-0. 197250pp. 3. Joan Rovira, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Fernando Antoñanzas. Health Benefits Package: Objectives, Design and Implementation. Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO); Washington, DC, 2003. ISBN 92-75-32443-3. (Published in English and Spanish). 140pp. 4. Maria Velasco, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Methodology and Utilization in Health Care Decision-Making. (Spanish) With Velasco M. In: Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Research: Principles and Practice. Ed. Alfonso Dominguez-Gil Hurle; Javier Soto Alvarez. Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, 2002. ISBN 850-2002. 237-260pp. 5. Jose Luis Pinto, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. How Much Should We Spend to Gain a Quality-Adjusted-LifeYear? An Empirical Study (Spanish). Spanish Ministry of Health; Springer, 2001. ISBN 84-07-00235-X. Peer-Reviewed Abstracts 1. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Zaina Qureshi, Sheryl Szeinbach. A Trend Analysis of New Molecular Entities Withdrawn for Safety Reasons from 1980 to 2009 in the United States. Value in Health 2011;14(3):A29. Abstract Book. 2. Kevin Outterson, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, John Powers. Analysis of Systemic th Antibiotics Approved in the U.S. between 1980 and 2009. 138 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, November 8, 2010. Abstract Book. 3. Zaina P. Qureshi, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Market Discontinuation of Pharmaceuticals In the United States: Analysis of Drugs Approved by the FDA from 1939 to 2008. Value in Health 2009;12(3):A81-A82 8 4. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Analysis of the Orphan Drug Designations and Approvals Granted by the EMEA and the USA FDA between 2000 and 2007. ISPOR 11th Annual European Congress, 2009. Abstract Book. 5. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane. Economic Incentives for Orphan Drug Research and Development in the U.S. and Europe. International Health Economist Association. 7th World Congress on Health Economics, 2009. Abstract Book. 6. Jay Visaria, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Judith Schwartzbaum, Sheryl Szeinbach. Evaluating Differences in Drug Reimbursement between Mail-Order and Community Pharmacy. Value in Health 2009;12(3):A88-A89. 7. Seoane-Vazquez E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Analysis of the Orphan Drug Designations and Approvals Granted by the EMEA and the USA FDA between 2000 and 2007. Value in Health 2009;11(6): A359-A360. 8. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane, Jay Visaria. 25 Years of the Orphan Drug Act: Analysis of the Orphan Drugs Designated and Approved by the US FDA between 1983 and 2007. 136th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, 2008. Abstract Book. Available at: 9. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane. Public Procurement and Price Discrimination of Antiretroviral Therapy. 6th World Congress. International Health Economics Association (iHEA) Copenhagen, 2007. Abstract Book. Available at: 10. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Effective Patent Life of Antiretroviral Drugs in the U.S. 19872006. 6th World Congress. International Health Economics Association (iHEA). Copenhagen, 2007. Abstract Book. Available at: 11. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Jay Visaria, Enrique Seoane. 25 years of the Orphan Drug Act: Analysis of the new Orphan Drugs approved between 1983 and 2007. Value in Health 2008;11(3):A11. 12. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Jay Visaria. The Impact of Mail Order Pharmacy in Drug Utilization and Reimbursement in a Large Retirement System. Value in Health, 2007:10(3):A24. 13. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Effective Patent Life of Antiretroviral Drugs in the U.S 19872006: A Public Health Perspective. American Public Health Association (APHA). Washington, DC, 2007. Abstract Book. Available at: 14. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Jay Visaria. Effect of Manufacturers’ Rebates on Ohio Medicaid Pharmaceutical Expenditures. American Society of Health Economists (ASHE); Madison, WI, 2006. Abstract Book. Available at: 15. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Consistency between Willingness to Pay for Reducing the Risk of Adverse Drug Events and the Associated Health-Related Utility Gain. American Society of Health Economists (ASHE); Madison, WI, 2006. 16. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane. Negotiating Antiretroviral Drug Prices to Increase Access: The Experience of the Andean Countries. American Public Health Association (APHA). Boston, MA, 2006. Abstract Book. Available at: 17. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Jay Visaria, Angeline Carlson. Economic burden of endoscopyrelated infections, pseudo-infections and toxic reactions. Value in Health, May/Jun 2006; 9(3):A46. 18. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Negotiating Antiretroviral Drug Prices to Increase Access: Challenges and Opportunities. XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006. Abstract Book. Available at: 19. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. International and U.S. Experiences of Health Technology 9 Assessment of Pharmaceuticals: Implications for the U.S. Health Care Sector. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, 2006. Abstract Book. Available at: 20. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane, Joe E. Crea. Potential Savings from Expanding Use of Generic Drugs in the Ohio Medicaid Program. International Health Economics Association (iHEA), Abstract Book. 2005. Jul 13th, 2005:365. 21. Satish Valluri, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane. Modeling the Cost and Utilization of Mail Order vs. Community Pharmacy in a Medicaid Population. Value in Health, May/Jun 2005;8(3):287-8. 22. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Joe E. Crea, et al. Reforming the Ohio Medicaid Pharmaceutical Program. AcademyHealth, State Health Research and Policy Interest Group Meeting, 2005. Abstract Book. Available at: 23. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. How is the World Bank’s Pharmaceutical Lending Spent? 4th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA); San Francisco, 2003. 24. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Willingness to Pay to Avoid NSAID Adverse Drug Events. With Rovira J. XX Health Economics Annual Meeting. Spanish Health Economics Association. Palma de Mallorca, Spain 2000. Peer-reviewed Published Proceeding of Symposia and Conferences 1. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Negotiating Antiretroviral Drug Prices to Increase Access: Challenges and Opportunities. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto, 2006. Abstract available at: / Presentation available at: PRESENTATIONS Peer-reviewed Podium Presentations 1. Pellegrini LC, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Understanding the associations between unemployment, Medicaid, st social welfare programs, and suicides, 1999-2009. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 2. Gholmie J, Abraham P, Seoane-Vazquez E and Rodriguez-Monguio, R. Regulation of medical devices in the st European union and USA: The case of coronary drug-eluting stents. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 3. Alqahtani S, Alshehri N, Badawoud E, Seoane-Vazquez E and Rodriguez-Monguio R. A comparison of new st drugs approved by the EMA and the FDA in 1999-2011. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 4. Pellegrini LC, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Impact of the labor market on Medicaid, the industrial and occupational st composition of the US healthcare industry and mortality, 1999-2009. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 5. Saad Alqahtani, Nasser Alshehri, Ebtissam Badawoud, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. A st comparison of new drugs approved by the EMA and the FDA in 1999-2011. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 10 6. Joanna Gholmie, Pranav Abraham, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Regulation of st medical devices in the European Union and USA: The case of coronary drug-eluting stents. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 292809.html. 7. Pellegrini LC, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Impact of the labor market on Medicaid, the industrial and occupational st composition of the US healthcare industry and mortality, 1999-2009. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 8. Pellegrini LC, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Unemployment and health outcomes: Medicare’s impact on the US health care industry. The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making. Baltimore, MD, October 19, 2013 9. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Sheryl L. Szeinbach. Generic Competition in the United States and New Zealand Pharmaceutical Markets: A Comparative Analysis. International Health Economist Association. 9th World Congress on Health Economics. Sydney, Australia, July 10, 2013. 10. Pellegrini LC, Rodriguez-Monguio R,. The Impact of Unemployment, Social Welfare and Medicaid Provisions and the Mental Health Industry on Suicides" International Health Economist Association. 9th World Congress on Health Economics. Sydney, Australia, July 10, 2013. 11. Hao J, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Analysis of Combination Drugs Approved in the US from 1980 to 2010. International Health Economist Association. 9th World Congress on Health Economics. Sydney, Australia, July 10, 2013. 12. Hao J, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Public Health Implications and Economics of Combination Drugs. th 140 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, October 29, 2012. 13. Spielberger K, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies: Who is th Responsible for Drug Safety in the US? 140 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, October 29, 2012. 14. Hao J, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Exploring the Relationship between Drug Patent Life and Drug th Approvals. 139 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, October 31, 2011. 15. Nguyen D, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Montagne M. Pharmaceutical-Related Warning Letters and Letters of Violation Released by the FDA between 1997 and 2010: Were they affected by Changes in the th Federal Administration? 139 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, October 31, 2011. 16. Le P, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Montagne M. Factors Associated with Drug Shortages in the US. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists - Northeast Regional Discussion Group. 2011 Summer Conference. Boston, MA, Sep 2, 2011. 17. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Outterson K. Systemic Antibacterial Utilization in Canada, Mexico and USA: The Need for Regional Policies. Third International Conference for Improving Use of Medicines. Alexandria, Egypt, April 10, 2011. [Accepted; conference cancelled]. 18. Outterson K, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E, et al. Analysis of Systemic Antibiotics Approved in the U.S. between 1980 and 2009. 138th APHA Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, November 6-10, 2010. 19. Zhang H, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Ethnic and Racial disparities in overweight and obesity related co-morbidities in Massachusetts. 137th APHA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, November 10, 2009. 20. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Impact of the Waxman-Hatch Act of 1984 on Generic Competition in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Market. 137th APHA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, November 11, 2009. 11 21. Mullins D, Lemgruber A, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Health Technology Assessment and Pharmaceutical Pricing: Cause or Consequence? Issue Panel Presentation. ISPOR 2nd Latin America Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 11, 2009. 22. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Economic Incentives for Orphan Drug Research and Development in the U.S. and Europe. International Health Economist Association. 7th World Congress on Health Economics. Beijing, China, July 12, 2009. 23. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Analysis of the Orphan Drug Designations and Approvals Granted by the EMEA and the USA FDA between 2000 and 2007. ISPOR 11th Annual European Congress. Athens, Greece, November 10, 2008. 24. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E, Visaria J. 25 Years of the Orphan Drug Act: Analysis of the orphan drugs designated and approved by the US FDA between 1983 and 2007. 136th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition. San Diego, CA, October 29, 2008. 25. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Visaria J, Seoane E. 25 years of the Orphan Drug Act: Analysis of the new orphan drugs approved between 1983 and 2007. ISPOR 13th Annual International Meeting. Toronto, Canada 2008. 26. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Effective Patent Life of Antiretroviral Drugs in the U.S. 1987-2006. 6th World Congress. International Health Economics Association (iHEA). Copenhagen, 2007. 27. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Effective Patent Life of Antiretroviral Drugs in the U.S. 1987-2006: A th Public Health Perspective. American Public Health Association (APHA). 135 Annual Meeting; Washington, DC, 2007. 28. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Public Procurement and Price Discrimination of Antiretroviral Therapy. 6th World Congress. International Health Economics Association (iHEA). Copenhagen, 2007. 29. Visaria J, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Antiretroviral Price Negotiations in the Andean Countries: The Role of Indian Generic Manufacturers. 58th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress 2006. Bombay, 2006. 30. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Visaria J. Effect of Manufacturers’ Rebates on Ohio Medicaid Pharmaceutical Expenditures. American Society of Health Economists (ASHE); Madison, WI, 2006. 31. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Consistency between Willingness to Pay for Reducing the Risk of Adverse Drug Events and the Associated Health-Related Utility Gain. American Society of Health Economists (ASHE); Madison, WI, 2006. 32. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Negotiating Antiretroviral Drug Prices to Increase Access: The Experience th of the Andean Countries. American Public Health Association (APHA). 134 Annual Meeting; Boston, MA, 2006. 33. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Visaria J. Effect of Mail Order Pharmacy in Drug Utilization: Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Program of Ohio PERS. AMCP's 2006 Educational Conference. Chicago, 2006. 34. Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Negotiating Antiretroviral Drug Prices to Increase Access: Challenges and Opportunities. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto, Canada 2006. 35. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E, Crea J. Potential Savings from Expanding Use of Generic Drugs in the Ohio Medicaid Program. International Health Economist Association (iHEA). Barcelona, Spain. July 10-13, 2005:365. 36. Garcia Prado A, Rodriguez-Monguio R. Decentralization Policies in Health Care: Lessons from the Argentinean Health Care Reform. 5th European Conference on Health Economics, London School of Economics (LSE); London, United Kingdom, 2004 37. Rodriguez-Monguio R. How is the World Bank’s Pharmaceutical Lending Spent? 4th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA); San Francisco, 2003. 12 38. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Drug Access: Role of Generic Drugs. First Argentina-Brazil Conference on Generic Drugs. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2002. 39. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Monetary Value per Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY). Health Economists Study Group, (HESG); City University, London, 2001. 40. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Monetary Value per Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY) (Spanish). IV Encuentro de Economia Aplicada. University of Reus, Spain, 2001. 41. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Benefit Package of Health Services: Design, Definition and Implementation. International Health Economics Association, (iHEA). Third International Conference; University of York, United Kingdom, 2001. 42. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Willingness to Pay for Avoiding Adverse Drugs Effects of NSAID. (Spanish). XX Annual Meeting Health Economics. Spanish Health Economics Association; Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2000. 43. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Monetary Valuations of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs). XXIV Annual Meeting in Economics. University of Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain, 1999. 44. Rodriguez-Monguio R. Willingness to Pay for Avoiding Adverse Drugs Effects. (Spanish). XIX Annual Meeting Health Economics. Spanish Health Economics Association; Zaragoza, Spain, 1999. Invited Presentations 1. Hospital acquired infections: Public Health Implications of Antibiotic Resistance. Baystate Medical Center; Center for Quality of Care Research. Springfield, MA, January 20, 2010. 2. Price Regulation in the U.S. First Pan-American Seminar on Economic Regulation of Pharmaceuticals. Brazilian FDA (ANVISA) and Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization. Brasilia, Brazil. March 19, 2009. 3. Drug Access: Role of Generic Drugs. Ministry of Health. Madrid, Spain, 2003. 4. Systems and Alternatives for Health Care Insurance and Financing: The Spanish Experience. Chilean Health Care Department and Pan American Health Organization. Santiago, Chile, 2002. 5. Benefit Package of Health Services as Health Insurance Mechanism in the Latin American and Caribbean Countries. National Institute of Public Health. Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2002. Peer-Reviewed Posters 1. Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. Pharmaceutical Companies Pricing Strategies after Generic Entry into the New Zealand Market. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 19th Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 31 - June 4, 2014 2. Alshehri N, Alqahatani S, Alghamdi AA, Alharbi AM, Al-Mutairi RD, Alotaibi AF, Alshahrani A, Alsumali A, Badawoud EM, Bin Sawad A, Turkistani FA, Seoane E, Rodriguez‐Monguio R. Analysis of Average Manufacturer Prices of New Drugs Approved in the US (1990-2012). International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 19th Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 31 - June 4, 2014 3. Abraham P, Gholmie J, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Seoane E. A Comparison of the Medicare Average Sales Price and the Average Wholesaler Price. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 19th Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 31 - June 4, 2014 4. Alsheikh M, Ghazawi K, Felemban D, Seoane E, Rodriguez‐Monguio R, Fox ER, Szeinbach SL. Shortages of Drugs with Approved Orphan Indications in the US. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 19th Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 31 - June 4, 2014 13 5. Greene N, Turkistani FA, Seoane-Vazquez E, Rodriguez‐Monguio R. Trends in Approvals and Prices of Oncology Drugs in the US (1990-2013). International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 19th Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 31 - June 4, 2014 6. Karlsson L, Sulsky S, Luippold R, Bulzacchelli MT, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Bulathsinhala L and Hill O. Time trends in characteristics of US Αrmy Βasic Τrainees: A descriptive analysis to support identification of risk st factors for training-related injuries. 141 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA November 5, 2013. Abstract published in: Abstract Book 2013. Available at: 7. Nasser Alshehri, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. A Comparison of New Drugs Approved by the EMA and the FDA in 2006-2011. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 18th Annual International Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 18-22, 2013. 8. Aseel Bin Sawad, Ali Alshahrani, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Analysis of the Waxman-Hatch Act Pharmaceutical Patent Extensions (1984-2012). International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 18th Annual International Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 18-22, 2013. 9. Pranav Abraham, Joanna Gholmie, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Pre-Marketing Authorization of New Medical Devices in the European Union and the United States. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 18th Annual International Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 18-22, 2013. 10. Fatema Turkistani, Nupur Greene, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Sheryl L. Szeinbach. Approvals and Market Discontinuations of Oncology Drugs in the United States (1980-2012). International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 18th Annual International Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 18-22, 2013. 11. Reem Almutairi, Ahmad Alghamdi, Doaa Felemban, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Sheryl Szeinbach. Analysis of Orphan Drug Designations and Approvals in the United States and the European th Union. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 18 Annual International Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 18-22, 2013. 12. Stacey Lindberg-Springs, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Mitchell Doucette. Assessing Impact of BCPA and PREA on Pediatric Systemic Antibiotic Drug Approvals and Labeling Information in the US. AAPS-NERDG Annual Meeting. Rocky Hill, CT. April 19, 2013. 13. Nupur Greene, Fatema A. Turkistani, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Erin R. Fox, Sheryl L. Szeinbach. Oncology Drug Approvals and Shortages in the United States. AAPS-NERDG Annual Meeting. Rocky Hill, CT. April 19, 2013. 14. Ali Alshahrani, Aseel Bin Sawad, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Analysis of the Effect of Patent Extensions in the Effective Patent Life of New Pharmaceuticals Approved in the United States (1985-2012). AAPS-NERDG Annual Meeting. Rocky Hill, CT. April 19, 2013. 15. Doaa Felemban, Ahmad Alghamdi, Reem Almutairi, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Sheryl L. Szeinbach. A Comparison of Orphan Drugs Approvals and Designations in the United States and the European Union in 2000-2011. AAPS-NERDG Annual Meeting. Rocky Hill, CT. April 19, 2013. 16. Pellegrini LC, Rodriguez-Monguio R. The economy and suicides: Medicaid impact on the mental health industry. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making. October 17-20, 2012. Phoenix, AZ. 17. Bulzacchelli M, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Sulsky S, Luippold R and Hill O. Measuring the health and economic impact of basic combat training injuries in the U.S. Army. 140th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, October 29, 2012. 14 18. Bander B, Araujo-Lama L, Seoane E, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Fox E, Szeinbach S. Shortages of Systemic Antibiotics in the United States: A Public Health Concern. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 17th Annual International Meeting. Washington, DC, Jun 4, 2012 19. Jing Hao, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Analysis of the Generic Drugs Approved by the US FDA from 1980 to 2009. Westlake Forum III Emory University, Atlanta, GA, April 10-12, 2011 20. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Zaina Qureshi, Sheryl Szeinbach. A Trend Analysis of New Molecular Entities Withdrawn for Safety Reasons from 1980 to 2009 in the United States. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 16th Annual International Meeting. Baltimore, MD, May 21-25, 2011 21. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Jing Hao. Analysis of the Generic Drugs Approved by the US FDA between 1980 and 2009. 138th APHA Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, November 6-10, 2010. 22. Zaina Qureshi, Sheryl Szeinbach, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Market Discontinuation of Pharmaceuticals in the United States: Analysis of Drugs Approved by the FDA from 1939 to 2008. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 14th Annual International Meeting. Tampa, Florida. May 19, 2009. 23. Jay Visaria, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Judith Schwartzbaum, Sheryl Szeinbach. Evaluating Differences in Drug Reimbursement between Mail-Order and Community Pharmacy. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 14th Annual International Meeting. Tampa, Florida. May 19, 2009. 24. Enrique C. Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Jay Visaria. The Impact of Mail Order Pharmacy in Drug Utilization and Reimbursement in a Large Retirement System. ISPOR, 12th Annual International Meeting; Arlington, Virginia, 2007. 25. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. International and U.S. Experiences of Health Technology Assessment of Pharmaceuticals: Implications for the U.S. Health Care Sector. AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting; Seattle, Washington, 2006. 26. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Satish Valluri, Sheryl L. Szeinbach. Modeling the Impact in Drug Cost and Utilization of the Implementation of Mail Order Pharmacy in a Dual-Eligible Population. AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting; Seattle, Washington, 2006. 27. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Jay Visaria. Economic Burden of Endoscopy-Related Infections, Pseudo-Infections and Toxic Reactions. ISPOR, 11th Annual International Meeting; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006. 28. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Joe E. Crea, et al. Reforming the Ohio Medicaid Pharmaceutical Program. AcademyHealth, State Health Research and Policy Interest Group Meeting; Boston, Massachusetts, 2005. 29. Satish Valluri, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane. Modeling the Cost and Utilization of Mail Order vs. Community Pharmacy in a Medicaid Population. ISPOR, 10th Annual International Meeting; Washington DC, 2005. 30. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio and Joan Rovira. Willingness to Pay for Avoiding Adverse Drugs Effects. ISPOR, rd 3 Annual European Conference; Antwerp, Belgium, 2000. 15 TEACHING Course Instructor - University of Massachusetts, Amherst PUBBHLTH 726: Health Economics (3 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor; Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o PUBBHLTH 892: Doctoral seminar (3 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor; Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Spring 2011: 4.2; Fall 2009: 3.3 (Highest 5.0). PUBBHLTH 690EE: Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs and Services (3 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor. Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Fall 2012: 4.7; Fall 2011:4.4; Fall 2009: 4.3; Fall 2008: 4.8; Fall 2007: 4.4 (Highest 5.0). PUBBHLTH 490C: Introduction to Health Economics (3 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Spring 2014: 4.4; Fall 2012: 5.0; Fall 2011: 4.6 (Highest 5.0) PUBBHLTH 580: Comparative Health Care Systems (3 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor; Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Spring 2013: 5.0 (Highest 5.0) PUBBHLTH 620: US Health Care System (3 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor; Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Fall 2013: 4.7; Spring 2010: 4.1; Spring 2009: 4.6; Spring 2008: 4.6 (Highest 5.0) Spring 2010: 4.3; Spring 2009: 4.5 (Highest 5.0) PUBBHLTH 800A: Advanced Research Topics in Health Policy and Management (3 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor; Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Fall 2008: 5.0 (Highest 5.0) Course Instructor - Ohio State University HSMP 870.01: Health Care Systems and Policy: An International Perspective (4 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor. Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o (Highest 5.0) HSMP 550: Health Care in America: Economics and Policy. (4 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor. Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Spring 2007: 4.8; Spring 2006: 5.0; Spring 2005: 4.8; Spring 2004: 4.4 Spring 2007: 4.8 (Highest 5.0) HSMP 694: United States Health Care System. (4 Credit Hours). Students Evaluation of Instructor. Overall rating of instructor’s teaching o Spring 2006: 5.0 (Highest 5.0) Course Instructor - Spanish Universities Microeconomics I (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid. 1 Group. Academic Course: 2000- 2001. Spanish Economy (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Courses: 1998- 2001. 16 Public Economics (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Courses: 1996- 1999. Theory of Public Expenditure (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Courses: 1997- 1999. Public Economics II (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Courses: 1997- 2000. International Economics (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Courses: 1998- 2000. The World Economy (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Course: 1998- 1999. Growth and Economic Systems (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Course: 1998- 1999. Public Indicators and Management Methods (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Course: 19981999. Microeconomics II (6 Credit Hours). Undergraduate Course. Department of Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Europea, Madrid. 2 Groups. Academic Course: 1999- 2000. Health Economics (4 Credit Hours) Graduate Course. Department of Economy and Social Science, Universidad Politecnica, Valencia. Master in Health Economics. Valencia, Spain. May 2000- May 2001. Participation in Courses - Ohio State University The United States Health Care System: Comparison with selected OECD countries. College of Medicine, Ohio State University. Spring Quarter 2007. The United States Health Care System: What can we learn from Europe and Canada? Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. Spring Quarter 2007. Health Care Systems: Facts & Figures vs. Myths & Misrepresentations. Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. Spring Quarter 2005 and 2006. 17 AWARDS AND HONORS Fellowship Appointments The World Bank, Washington DC; Dutch Trust Fund, October 2001- 2002. Ministry of Health, Spain (SEC98-0296-C04-01). December 1998- February 2000. Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Fellowship, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid. Spain. Awarded January 2000- 2002. The World Bank, Washington DC. Summer Inter, June- September 1999. Awards and Honors Graduate School and Graduate Council, Nominee, 2013-2014 Graduate School’s Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award University of Massachusetts, Amherst Nominee, 2013-2014 Distinguished Teaching Award School of Public Health and Health Sciences Nominee, 2013-2014 College Outstanding Teacher Award Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) 2013 Lee Lusted Awards. Pellegrini LC.* Unemployment and health outcomes: Medicare's impact on the US healthcare industry. October 2013, Baltimore, MD AcademyHealth and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2013. Scholarship for outstanding work in Public Health Systems Research (PHSR) Student Scholarship Hao J.* Analysis of Combination Drugs Approved in the US from 1980 to 2010. Available at: American Public Health Association’s (APHA) 2013 Medical Care Student Session Award. Pellegrini LC.* The Impact of the Labor Market on Medicaid, the Industrial and Occupational Composition of the US Healthcare Industry and Mortality, 1999-2009. November 2013, Boston, MA Nominee, SPHHS 2012-2013 College Outstanding Teacher Award. American Public Health Association’s (APHA) 2012 Medical Care Student Session Award. Hao J.* Public Health Implications and Economics of Combination Drugs. October 2012, San Francisco, CA Nominee, 2010 American Public Health Association/Pfizer Young Investigator Research Award Nominee, SPHHS 2009-2010 College Outstanding Teacher Award Fellow Award Recipient. Willingness to pay to avoid adverse drug events. Bayer. June 1999- 2000 * Student under supervision 18 GRADUATE STUDENTS PhD. Students Dissertation Advisor Jennifer Bowdoin, Ph.D. Health Policy and Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Fall 2013– present Lawrence C. Pellegrini, Ph.D. Health Policy and Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Fall 2012–present Jing Hao, Ph.D. Health Policy and Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2009–present Nene Okunna, Ph.D Health Policy and Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Spring 2013– present Ph.D. Students Advisor Lawrence C. Pellegrini, Health Policy and Management SPHHS. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Spring 2012–present. Jing Hao, Health Policy and Management SPHHS. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Fall 2009– present. Nene Okunna, Ph.D Health Policy and Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2009– present. Cristina Huebner, Health Policy and Management SPHHS. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Fall 2010–Fall 2011. Akay Altug, Health Policy and Management SPHHS. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Fall 2009–2010. Ph.D. Students Dissertation Committee Member Mario Arturo González Mariño Ph.D. in Public Health, School of Public Health, University of Valladolid, Spain 2013. Cost-effectiveness of mammography screening for Colombian women 50 to 69 years of age. Visaria, J. Pathak Fellow. Ph.D. in Pharmacy Administration, College of Pharmacy, Ohio State University, 2008. Crea, J. Ph.D. in Pharmacy Administration. College of Pharmacy, Ohio State University, 2006. Master’s Thesis Advisor Luise Weber; Improving Substance Use Treatment Outcomes in Northwest Alaska: Recovery-Oriented Strategies for the Integration of Informal Recovery Supports into Behavioral Health Programs; Spring 2014 Emily Chi. A comparison between military and civilian health care systems in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries: Implications for costs; Spring 2013. Vincent Rome. Nursing homes characteristics associated with antipsychotic drug utilization; Spring 2013. Christopher F. Jasinski. Cost-effectiveness analysis of the Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus education program at Baystate Medical Center; Spring 2012. Oluwatomisin D. Olayinka. Regionalization of local boards of health to enhance and aid in delivery of adequate public health services in the Hampshire county, Massachusetts; Fall 2011. Nwamaka I. Ifionu. Reducing the maternal mortality rate in Nigeria by 2015: A situational analysis, major challenges and route map to accomplish the Millennium Development Goal 5 in the country; Spring 2010. Nene C. Okunna. Improving access to primary health care in rural communities in Nigeria through community based insurance; Spring 2009. 19 Carolyn Joyce. Preschool obesity in Springfield: An assessment of parent and child eating behaviors at two child care centers; Spring 2009. Jennifer Andrade. Raising awareness and increasing community participation in water quality testing program in Eastham, Massachusetts: A public health challenge; Spring 2009. Jing Hao. Community interventions addressing adolescent obesity in Western Springfield, Massachusetts; Spring 2009. Masters Students Advisor Sarah Kofke-Egger; joint program Master of Public Health/ Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPH/MPPA); Fall 2013- present Laura Sylvester; joint program Master of Public Health/ Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPH/MPPA); Spring 2013- present Guerrero Eriliza; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2013- present Ashley Metellus; Master of Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2012- present Luise Weber; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2012- present Roseric Azondekon; Master of Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2012- Fall 2013 Ann Dougherty Heather; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2011- Spring 2013. Manuel Mantilla; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2011- Spring 2013. Travis Gagen; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2011- Spring 2013. Yara Youssef; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2010- Spring 2012. Meghan Lemay; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2010- Spring 2012. Okunna, Nene; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2009- Spring 2010. Jessica Crowe; Master of Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2009- Spring 2010. Dan B. Bresnahan; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2008-2009. Jing Hao; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2007- Spring 2009. Jennifer Andrade; Master of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2008- Spring 2009. Independent Studies Advisor Lawrence C. Pellegrini. Ph.D. student, SPHHS. Unemployment, Medicaid provisions, the mental health industry, and suicide. Spring 2013. PH796; 3 Credits Mitchell Doucette. Maters student. SPHHS. Pediatric oncology Drugs. Spring 2013 PH969; 3 Credits Lawrence C. Pellegrini. Ph.D. student, SPHHS. The economics of mental health and its public health impact. Fall 2011 & Spring 2012. PH896; 5 Credits each Amy Meehan. Maters student. SPHHS. Cost- Effectiveness Analysis of an Integrated Electronic Medical Record in a Hospital Setting. Fall 2011 & Spring 2012. PH969; 3 Credits each Yara Youssef. Ph.D. student, SPHHS. Inappropriate use of health care economics information by pharmaceutical companies. Fall 2010. PH969; 3 Credits Jing Hao; Ph.D. student, SPHHS. Analysis of the generic drugs approved by the US FDA between 1980 and 20 2009. Spring 2010 & Fall 2011. PH969; 3 Credits each Cristina Huebner; Ph.D. student, SPHHS. Wellness model to increase access to health promotion services among lower income, diverse communities. Fall 2010. PH969; 3 Credits John Park. Undergraduate student, SHPHS. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea health care system: Challenges and opportunities. Spring 2011. PH969; 3 Credits Komal Walia; Undergraduate student, SHPHS. Obesity among minority children and adolescents in the US: Strategies to increase access to affordable healthy nutrition habits. Fall 2009. PH969; 3 Credits Mariam Irshad; Undergraduate student, SHPHS. An investigation of whether maternal obesity increases risks in pregnancy and birth complications in the United States. Fall 2009. PH969; 3 Credits Member Thesis Committees Laura Gulla; Capstone Project; Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2013. Dental Insurance Reimbursement Structures: The Impact of Adverse Incentives on Clinical Recommendations Katherine Cole; Capstone Project; Public Health, Commonwealth College, Fall 2011 & Spring 2012. Shiri Avraham; Capstone Project; Public Health, Commonwealth College, Spring 2010. Kamellia Keo; Capstone Project; Public Health, Commonwealth College, Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. Megan Cole; Honors Thesis; Public Health, Commonwealth College, Fall 2008 & Spring 2009. Parekh, A. Master in Pharmacy Administration. College of Pharmacy, Ohio State University, 2006. Research Assistants Advisor Lawrence C. Pellegrini. Ph.D. student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Summer 2013; Fall 2013- Yara Youssef; Ph.D. student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2010. Hong Zhang; Masters student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. Chong Zhang; Masters student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Spring 2009. Yan Qiao; Masters student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Spring 2009. Jennifer Bowdoin; Ph.D. student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Spring 2008. SERVICE Selected Service – School of Public Health and Health Sciences (SPHHS) Program Head; Health Policy and Management, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2013present Director joint program Master of Public Health/ Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPH/MPPA); Department of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2013- present Study Abroad Faculty Advisor for the Undergraduate Program in Public Health Sciences; Department of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2011-Spring 2013 Chair Search Committee; Health Policy and Management, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Spring 2014-2015 Chair Personnel Committee; Department of Public Health; Division of Community Health Studies, Spring 2013 - present 21 Admissions Director; Health Policy and Management, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Spring 2012- 2013 SPHHS Research Committee. SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2013- Search Committee Member, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2012- Spring 2013; Chair for Department for Public Health, University of Massachusetts Co-Chair Search Committee; Health Policy and Management, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2012- Spring 2013 (2 positions) Chair Search Committee; Health Policy and Management, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2011- Spring 2012 Search Committee Member; Health Policy and Management, SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2010- Spring 2011 Curriculum Committee; School of Public Health and Health Sciences, Fall 2010-Spring 2011 Strategic Planning and Evaluation Committee; School of Public Health and Health Sciences, Fall 2009Spring 2010 Curriculum Committee; Department of Public Health; Division of Community Health Studies, Fall 2008-2012 Personnel Committee; Department of Public Health; Division of Community Health Studies, Fall 2009,2011present Finance Committee; Department of Public Health; Division of Community Health Studies, Fall 2008-2013 Member Faculty Senate Council - University of Massachusetts, Amherst UMass-Ace Joint Task Force on Internationalization (JFTI); Subcommittee on Research and Strategic Partnerships; University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2013- present International Studies Council (ISC); University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2008-Fall 2012 Status of Women Council (SOWC); University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Spring 2009- Spring 2013 Council for Education in Public Health (CEPH) Committee. SPHHS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2013- present American Public Health Association (APHA); Leadership group Medical Care Section. Fall 2013- present Other Service - University of Massachusetts, Amherst Reviewer Faculty Research Grant proposals University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Office of Research Development; Spring 2014-present Associate Researcher, Institute for Global Health (IGH), University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Fall 2007present Associate Faculty, The Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies (CLACLS), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2007- present Peer Reviewer - Peer Review Journals American Journal of Public Health Medical Care European Journal of Public Health Health Promotion International The European Journal of Health Economics Social Science Journal Health Policy Bulletin of the World Health Organization 22 Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs ISRN Endoscopy Obesity AIDS Care Ethnicity & Disease BMJ Open Diabetes Care Drug Safety Member Editorial Board - Peer Review Journals Electron J Biomed ISRN Endoscopy Peer Reviewer - Federal Agencies Associations of Schools of Public Health/ Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fellowship Program; Review Panel Member Academic Years 2009 & 2010 Peer Reviewer - Scientific Committee Member Member of the Scientific Committee; International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). 19th Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 31 - June 4, 2014 Member of the Scientific Committee; International Health Economics Association (iHEA). 9 World Congress on Health Economics. Sydney, Australia July 7-10, 2013 Member of the Scientific Committee; European Conference in Health Economics (ECHE). 7 World Congress on Health Economics. Zürich, Switzerland July 18-21, 2012 Member of the Scientific Committee; 20 International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference. Geneva, Switzerland July 11‐15, 2010. Member of the Scientific Committee; International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research th (ISPOR). 15 Annual International Meeting. Atlanta, GA, May 15-19, 2010 Member of the Scientific Committee; International Health Economics Association (iHEA). 8 World Congress on Health Economics. Toronto, Canada July 10-13, 2011 Member of the Scientific Committee; International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research nd (ISPOR). 2 Latin America Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10-12 September , 2009 Member of the Scientific Committee; International Health Economics Association (iHEA). 7 World Congress on Health Economics. Beijing, China July 12-15, 2009 Chair, Panel Issue Effect of Health; International Health Economics Association (iHEA). 7 World Congress on Health Economics. Beijing, China July 12-15, 2009 Member of the Scientific Committee; International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research th (ISPOR). 12 Annual European Congress. Paris, France 24-27 October 2009 Member of the Scientific Committee; International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research th (ISPOR). 14 Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL, May 16-20, 2009 Member of the Scientific Committee; International Health Economics Association (iHEA). 6 World Congress. Copenhagen, July 8-11, 2007 Chair, Health Care Financing; International Health Economics Association (iHEA). 6 World Congress. Copenhagen, July 8-11, 2007 th th th th th th th th 2 Member - Professional Associations American Public Health Association (APHA) American Society of Health Economists (ASHE) International Health Economists Association (iHEA) International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2
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