Concise Cardiology Course Syllabus

Concise Cardiology Course Syllabus
Clinical Assessment
Chest pain of recent onset
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Atrial fibrillation
Ventricular Tachycardia
Appreciate the role of History, Examination and investigation leading
toward a diagnosis
Understand the risk assessment process with chest pain
Define typical and atypical angina
Use NICE guidelines to request appropriate investigations: CT scoring,
Stress Echo, CMR, MPS
Refine the general technique
Understand the JVP waveform
Review heart sounds both physiological and pathological
Explain common difficulties with prosthetic valve sounds
To be able to use dynamic manoeuvres during assessment of heart
Review basic action potential physiology
Understand the origin of all part of the normal wave form
Appreciate the vectors represented on the ECG
Practice a systematic approach to reporting the ECG
Review the pathology of atherothrombosis
To be able to interpret the 12 lead ECG of inferior, anterior, lateral
and posterior ST elevation Myocardial infarction(STEMI)
Understand the stages of Thrombolysis
Have an overview of Primary PCI
Be able to manage complications following reperfusion
Initiate Antiplatelet, antithrombin, ACE inhibitor, beta blockers and
high dose statin
Appreciate many cause for a troponin rise
Review current NICE guidelines for NSTEMI
Use the GRACE score for risk stratification
Describe key features of SVT in the ECG
Manage the SVT pharmacologically or with DCCV
Describe the AV nodal slow and fast pathway
Recognise AVNRT and AVRT
Describe Pre-excitation and Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome
Be aware of method to determine location of accessory pathways
from the ECG
Recognise and treat pre-excited AF
Understand aberrancy
Define AF and the epidemiology
Understand the electrophysiology of AF: focal and multiple wavelet
Classify AF : Paroxysmal, Persistent and Permanent
Understand the role of echo and other lab studies
Differentiate between Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter
Understand rhythm and rate control strategies in AF
Describe the stages of safe DC cardioversion
Understand when to initiate anti-arrhythmic therapy and titrate
Use the CHADS2 and CHADS2 VASc score to assess risk
Be aware of options of Oral Anticoagulation therapy
Understand the non pharmacological interventions for AF
Recall the ECG criteria for VT
Bradycardia and syncope
Valvular heart disease
Infective Endocarditis
Heart failure
Pericardial Disease
Understand the electrophysiology of VT
Safely manage broad complex tachycardia both pharmacologically
and with DCCV
Appreciate the difficulties with differentiating between VT and SVT
with aberration
Recognise RBBB and LBBB
Describe other types of VT
Understand the role of available long term antiarrhythmic drugs
Describe the use of implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator(ICD)
Understand the role in primary and secondary prevention
Be able to recognise problems with ICD and initiate simple
Recognise long QT syndrome and describe the subtypes
Use the Bazzett formula for QTc
Recall features of Brugada Syndrome on the ECG
Recall all types of heart block
Define syncope and understand the physiological response
Be able to arrange appropriate basic and advanced investigations
Know how to manage bradycardic emergency
Outline steps in temporary transcutaneous and transvenous pacing
Use aortic stenosis as an example to understand valvular disease
Understand pathophysiology
Describe clinical, ECG and echocardiographic findings
Define variation in severity
Recall indications for surgery
Overview of Mitral and aortic regurgitation
Understand the TAVI approach
Understand the pathophysiology of vegetation formation
Recall the common organisms and culture negative culprits(HACEK)
Use the Dukes criteria
The role of ECG, transthoracic and transoesphageal echo(TOE)
Understand the differences in prosthetic valve endocarditis(PVE)
Know the indications for surgery
Be able to understand the Pressure Volume Curve
Discuss the spectrum of heart failure
Understand the neuroendocrine pathways
Describe responses of LV modelling
Review basic and advanced management of acute heart failure
including IABP
Be able to diagnose heart failure in accordance with NICE
Discuss the role of BNP, Echo, CMR in assessing heart failure
Understand the parts of the Neuroendocrine system that
pharmacological therapy targets.
Understand the aims of cardiac resynchronisation therapy(CRT) and
Be aware of the syndrome of heart failure with preserved
Define the ECG features of pericarditis
Initiate correct therapy and specific investigations
Understand the physiology of acute and chronic effusions
Discuss the pathophysiology of tamponade
Understand the key role of echocardiography in tamponade
To be aware of the steps of pericardiocentesis
To compare and contrast Constriction and tamponade
Discuss the key features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
prevalence, genetics, ECG, Echo
Outline treatment strategies for HCM
Overview of cardiac amyloidosis, dilated cardiomyopathy and
arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular cardiomyopathy