Cardiovascular Assessment (Telemetry) of the Göttingen Minipig Andrea Greiter-Wilke Head Safety Pharmacology, Roche Outline • Setup of minipig as research animal at Roche • Cardiovascular specialties • Minipig telemetry with reference compounds and cross species comparison • Roche compound: Body temperature and QT • Summary 2 Minipigs at Roche • Up to 2010: General tox and safety pharm studies in house used to be performed in dogs as large animal species • 2010: Decision to move from dogs to minipigs for ethical reasons • Q3/ 2011: Göttingen Minipig established for toxicity, PK and telemetry studies (first 6 female animals instrumented with transmitters). Animals pair housed with enrichment provided by toys, straw, brushes and daily “free” run out of kennel 3 Species Differences in Heart Rates Minipig, Cynomolgus Monkey, Dog dosing bleeding, feeding Minipigs more quiet after handling than dogs and monkeys, but more influenced by food! feeding should occur before compound administration! 4 Other ECG Specialties • QT interval ~320 ms, longer than in dogs or monkeys • No background arrhythmia seen so far (no reports using telemetry in literature), confirmed by other companies using the minipig • Analysis of CV data takes longer due to more frequent changes in T wave morphology requiring adaption of the ECG analysis algorithm (Ponemah) 5 Moxifloxacin Validation Telemetry Study Telemetry: Acquisition of cardiovascular data from instrumented animals via radio waves - several hours of undisturbed ECG data acquisition possible. Moxifloxacin: known to prolong the QT Interval, reference compound used in clinical studies. QT interval prolongation as marker for potential arrhythmias (torsades de pointes) Study design: N=6 10, 30, 100 mg/kg moxifloxacin QT interval Data acquisition by telemetry for 20 h: - Heart rate, aortic and left ventricular blood pressure, ECG parameters, body temperature (BT), QT individually corrected (QTca) Plasma samples for bioanalytical analysis: 0, 4, and 24 hours post dose 6 Effect on Heart Rate Corrected QT (QTca) 440 Minipig:+58 ms at 100 mg/kg QTca 420 400 QTca (ms) 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 0 mg 10 mg 30 mg 100 mg 240 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (h) 12 14 16 18 20 22 QTca 30 m g/kg 280 Long duration with low peak in minipig, steeper curve in dog V eh 30 m pk 270 ms 260 250 240 Dog: +33 ms at 30 mg/kg 230 220 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hours 12 14 16 18 20 7 Moxifloxacin Kinetics • Exposure rather flat with slow elimination, reflected in long PD effect. • Minipigs can keep food in their stomach for several hours, may affect PK parameters even after overnight fasting (gastric emptying times of >24 h documented in the Yucatan minipigs) • Housing on straw will also increase amount of food in the stomach More efforts ongoing to evaluate ADME Properties in the minipig 8 Species Comparison of PK/PD Effects Moxifloxacin Dose Minipig Exposure ng/ml Peak QTc increase Monkey Exposure ng/ml 3 mg/kg - 10 mg/kg 290 +11 ms (n.s.) 860 30 mg/kg 860 +16 ms 100 mg/kg 3870 +58 ms Peak QTc increase - Dog Human* Exposure Peak QTc ng/ml increase 610 n.s. +10 ms (n.s.) 2030 +15 ms 2800 +20 ms 5870 +33 ms 7300 +35 ms - - 400 mg ~ 5 mg/kg 200010-15 ms 3000 n.s. Not significant All species suitable to detect human relevant QT effects *Florian et al. 2011, Population pharmacokinetic and concentration-QTc models for moxifloxacin: Pooled analysis of 20 thorough QT studies 9 Change in QTca relative to moxifloxacin exposure – species comparison Minipig suitable to detect QT prolongation 10 Compound RO123 in Minipig Telemetry 5, 15, 30 mg/kg (CNS indication) Design: 3 male, 3 female minipigs, ascending dose design Data acquisition: Heart rate, blood pressure, ECG and body temperature measured for 24 h QT individually corrected (QTca, probabilistic method, Holzgrefe) Blood samples for TK assessment at 4 h post dose Free exposure: 5 mg/kg: 17 ng/ml 15 mg/kg: 41 ng/ml 30 mg/kg: 105 ng/ml hERG IC20: 0.17 μM (= 81 ng/ml) 11 Results: QTca and Body Temperature QTca +50 ms Temp -2°C 12 Individual Animal QTca and Body Temperature QTca Temp 13 The Issues with Body Temperature and QT A decrease in body temperature leads to QT prolongation (and vice versa), demonstrated in several species (e.g. dog, man, minipig) • Dog: QT correction for temperature: 14 ms per °C (Van der Linde, 2008) • Anesthetized minipig: 19 ms per °C (Laursen, 2010) • Internal study with TRPV1 in conscious minipigs showed evidence for a 18 ms increase in QTca per degree drop in body temperature 14 RO123: Dog Telemetry Study 5, 10, 30 mg/kg Design: 3 male, 3 female dogs, each animal its own control Crossover dose design Data acquisition: Heart rate, blood pressure, ECG and body temperature measured for 20 h ITS transmitters, QT individually corrected with probabilistic method (QTca) 5 min consecutive mean values reported, TK samples at 3 hours Free exposure at 3 h: 5 mg/kg: 7 ng/ml 10 mg/kg: 9 ng/ml 30 mg/kg: 117 ng/ml hERG IC20: 0.17 μM (= 81 ng/ml) 15 Effect on QTca and Body Temperature QTca Shortening in QTca (-20 ms) due to high heart rates Body temp no change in Body Temp 16 Attempt to Correct QTca for Temp Changes RO123 in minipigs QTcaBT= QTca -18 (38.5-BT) 1 degree temp decrease may increase the QT interval by ~18 ms Is this a true QT-effect? 17 Outlook: Jacketed ECG and Respiratory Assessment ECG equipment: Self adhesive electrodes attached to skin; covered by undershirt and jacket with pockets to carry transmitter Parameters: ECG, heart rate Respiratory equipment: RIP belts (Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography), attached to abdomen and chest. Parameters: respiration rate, tidal volume, minute volume 18 Jacketed ECG and Respiratory assessment In house demonstration by vendor this summer Proposed studies: Compare JET (Jacketed external telemetry) with instrumented telemetry testing reference compounds - Non-invasive technique - Enables incorporation of safety pharmacology end-points into tox studies (ECG and respiration) - pre-study training of animals required - No blood pressure measurement, but could be added via minimally invasive surgery - Enables assessment of potential tachyphylaxis after repeat dosing 19 Summary and Conclusion The Minipig in Cardiovascular Safety Pharmacology • The minipig needs more manpower and time for handling and ECG analysis but is reacting less sensitive to disturbances (except food!) • More sensitive to body temperature changes but less prone to CNS driven heart rate changes than the dog • PK/PD may be different to dog or monkey due to potentially longer gastric emptying time and other ADME properties • The minipig is suitable to detect QT prolongation at relevant concentrations as shown with moxifloxacin and thioridazine The minipig is a well recognized and valuable species in safety pharmacology and raises less ethical concerns than the dog or monkey 20 Acknowledgements Roche Pharmaceutical Sciences Roland Jenni David Waiz Sonia Roberts Eva Maria Amen Alessandra Bergadano Anne Eichinger Silvan Aegerter Georg Schmitt Claudia Sünderhauf Neil Parrot Thierry Lavé Thomas Weiser Thomas Singer Charles River Laboratories Henry Holzgrefe 21 Doing now what patients need next 22 Suitability as Species for Cardiovascular Assessment • High degree of anatomical, physiological, and pathophysiological correspondence to man use of swine in basic cardiovascular research has a long history • Göttingen minipig established between 1961-1964 by a combination of Minnesota, Vietnamese pot bellied pig, and German Landrace best characterized breed • Minipig increasingly utilized in toxicology and safety pharmacology studies (Lu, Remeysen, Somers, Saels, & De Clerck, 2001; Lu, Vlaminckx, Cools, & Gallacher, 2012) 23 Some Weird Things…no Drug on Board Heart Rate and Body Temperature 24
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