비부착 강연선에 대한 포스트텐션 정착구 개발 및 성능 시험

비부착 강연선에 대한
포스트텐션 정착구 개발 및 성능 시험
Development and Performance Test
for Unbonded Post-Tensioned Anchor
조 아 서*
Cho, Ah Sir
조 영 욱**
Jo, Yeong Wook
전 병 갑***
강 현 구****
Jeon, Byong Kap Kang, Thomas H.-K.
An unbonded post-tensioned anchor for a 15.2 mm diameter 7-wire strand was developed
based on finite element analyses. To evaluate its performance, static load tests and load transfer
tests were conducted following KCI-PS101.
요 약
이 연구에서는 유한요소해석을 통해 직경 15.2mm 비부착 강연선을 사용하는 단일 포스트텐션 정착
구를 개발하였으며, 콘크리트 표준시방서에 따라 KCI-PS101에 제시된 정하중시험과 하중전달시험을
통해 그 성능을 시험하였다.
1. Introduction
Currently Korean markets for unbonded post-tensioned (PT) anchors fully depend on imports
from European countries or the U.S. However, because the price of the imported anchors and
their accessories is quite expensive, the use of PT systems is not preferred by Korean
practicing industry. In this study, given the overpriced PT anchor in Korean construction
market, a post-tensioned anchor for an unbonded single strand is attempted to be developed
through finite element analyses, and its structural performance is experimentally verified.
2. Anchor Development based on Finite Element Analysis
As GCD 500-7 is a typical material used for PT anchors, it is assumed to yield at 400
N/mm2 and have an elastic modulus of 200,000 MPa. Parametric analysis is performed for each
variable, during which the maximum von Mises values are monitored. From the analysis, final
design is determined considering both optimization and practicality, as shown in Fig. 1.
서울대학교 건축학과 석사과정
삼성물산주식회사 건설부문 주택ENG팀 차장
삼성물산주식회사 건설부문 주택ENG팀 부장
서울대학교 건축학과 교수
한국콘크리트학회 2014 봄 학술대회 논문집
Fig. 1 3D model and test product of developed anchor
Fig. 2 Details of static load test specimen
Fig. 3 Details and test set-up of load
(All units: mm)
transfer test specimen (All units: mm)
3. Methods
Static load tests and load transfer tests are conducted following KCI-PS101.1) The static load
test is to verify the performance of anchorage system, while the load transfer test is to
determine reinforcing details ahead of the PT anchor and confirm the interaction between the
PT anchor and reinforcement. Details of specimens are shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
4. Conclusions
Based on the analysis and test results, it is found that the developed anchor has a capacity
exceeding the nominal tensile strength of the strand and that a PT force of up to 1.6 times the
nominal strength is transferred from the anchor to the un-reinforced anchorage zone with no
evidence of deterioration or damage. As such, the interaction between the developed anchor and
reinforcement is adequate so that no additional reinforcing bars are necessary to reinforce the
anchorage zone.
Supports provided by Samsung C&T, NRF of Korea (No. 2012-005905), and Smart Civil
Infrastructure Research Program (13SCIPA02) of MOLIT are highly appreciated.
1. Korea Concrete Institute, Standard Specification for Concrete and Commentary, Korea Concrete
Institute, 2010, 762pp.