ARB 509 第一級総合無線通信士「英会話」試験問題

ARB 709
XRB 709
YRB 709
ZRB 709
(注)解答方法: 選択肢の中から最も適切な答えを一つ選び、その番号に対応する答案用紙のマーク欄
Your co-worker says that there are several deadlines on his project this week.
How do you think he is going to spend this week?
1. I think he will take a day off.
2. I think he will take a long break.
3. I think he will leave the office soon.
4. I think he will have a lot of things to do.
Most of the water we use in daily life in Japan comes from rivers and lakes. If we
don’t have much rain in summer, what sorts of problem might we expect?
1. We will have many storms.
2. We might suffer from flooding.
3. We might have more water in the lakes.
4. We will have trouble with the water supply.
You keep your valuable data at work on your computer. How should you protect
your data?
1. By backing it up.
2. By preparing a computer manual.
3. By turning the computer off sometimes.
4. By keeping the computer on all of the time.
You are in charge of some school students on a training ship. What should you
tell them to do on deck on a rainy day?
1. I should tell them not to wear their life jackets.
2. I should tell them to put their hands into their pockets if they feel cold.
3. I should tell them to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sunshine.
4. I should tell them to wear their raincoats and walk more carefully on the
slippery deck.
You are the captain of a ship leaving port and about to weigh anchor. What order
will you issue to the deck officers regarding the anchors?
1. I will tell them to leave the anchors.
2. I will tell them to drop the anchors.
3. I will tell them to heave up the anchors.
4. I will tell them to switch on the anchor lights.
You are the port master. You find a ship proceeding in the fairway at a dangerous
speed. What should you tell the vessel?
1. I will tell it that it must increase speed to the maximum.
2. I will tell it that it must reduce speed in order not to endanger other ships.
3. I will tell it that it must establish radio communications with the coast station.
4. I will tell it that it must report the draught and number of crew on board.
You are the radio operator of a ship. When you cannot catch a message
transmitted due to low signal strength, what might you say?
1. I am always ready to stand by on Channel 16.
2. Your speech is too fast. Please speak more slowly.
3. Your radio signal is weak. Repeat your message, please.
4. I cannot understand your language well. Repeat your message in English,