New Mexico Breastfeeding Taskforce ph. (505) 933-9163 Name Breastfeeding Resource Directory Online Resources and Websites Website Notes Professional Resources and Organiza8ons AAP: Breas*eeding and the Use of Human Milk (RE9729) hAp:// Academy of Breas*eeding Medicine (ABM) hAp:// American Academy of Pediatrics hAp:// Baby Friendly Hospital IniHaHve, USA hAp:// Breas*eeding LegislaHve Updates Breas*eeding Taskforce of Greater Los Angeles www.breas* Dr. Jack Newman hAp://www.breas* Drugs and LactaHon Database (LactMed) hAp:// Emergency NutriHon Network: Documents on Infant & Young Child Feeding in hAp://‐Em/Emergency‐NutriHon‐ Emergencies Network.html FDA Healthy People 2020 NaHonal ObjecHves hAp:// Human Milk Banking AssociaHon of North America (HMBANA) hAp:// Infant Risk Center hAp:// Dr. Thomas Hale’s website hAp:// InternaHonal Code of MarkeHng of Breast‐Milk SubsHtutes FAQ 2/en/index.html InternaHonal LactaHon Consultant AssociaHon (ILCA) hAp:// Kelly Mom hAp:// Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC La Leche League InternaHonal hAp:// Maternal and Child Health Library hAp:// NaHonal Alliance for Breas*eeding Advocacy hAp://www.naba‐breas* New Mexico Breas*eeding Taskforce www.breas* Postpartum Depression Dr. Katherine‐Kendall TackeA San Diego Breas*eeding CoaliHon www.breas* Texas Department of Health Breas*eeding Homepage hAp:// U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health hAp://*eeding/ United NaHons Children Fund United States Breas*eeding CommiAee (USBC) hAp://www.usbreas* United States LactaHon Consultant AssociaHon (USLCA) hAp:// USDA Economic Benefits of Breas*eeding hAp:// WHO Global Data Bank on Breas*eeding hAp://*eeding/en/index.html WIC/Food and NutriHon Services of the USDA hAp:// World Health OrganizaHon hAp:// Resources for Parents Babies at Work Best for Babes Breas* ByMomsForMoms Dr. Jack Newman Kelly Mom La Leche League InternaHonal Midwifery Today hAp://www.bes* hAps://breas* hAp:// hAp://www.breas* hAp:// hAp:// hAp:// The Motherwear Blog New Mexico Breas*eeding Taskforce Where to File a Complaint…. Work and Pump hAp://breas* Offers “resources and assistance for the successful, sustainable implementaHon A new mother‐to‐mother support group The Breas*eeding Blog Sponsored by Lansinoh‐news, arHcles, interviews Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC This blog has been disconHnued, but the content, posted by one of the best writers on the ‘net, Tanya Lieberman, IBCLC, is sHll available. There are great links for breas*eeding help on the leq column of her blog, and she has covered incredibly diver www.breas* hAp:// hAp:// Where to file a complaint when an employer doesn’t provide accommodaHons informaHon on returning to work This directory was compiled by the New Mexico Breastfeeding Taskforce. For more information contact: Cindy Chavez [email protected] New Mexico Breastfeeding Taskforce ph. (505) 933-9163 Breastfeeding Resource Directory Online Resources and Websites Online Breastpump Rentals Ameda Direct Medela Inc. hAp:// hAp://www.medelabreas* Childbirth and Doula Organiza8ons Birthing From Within BirthWorks Childbirth and Postpartum Professional AssociaHon CoaliHon to Improve Maternity Services (CIMS) Doulas of North America Hypnobirthing InternaHonal Birth and Wellness Project InternaHonal Center for TradiiHonal Childbearing (ICTC) InternaHonal Childbirth EducaHon AssociaHon Lamaze InternaHonal, Inc. OperaHon Special Delivery Links en Español Grupo de apoyo a la lactancia materna de San Carlos de Bariloche Liga "La Leche" en Espanol hAp:// hAp:// Ayudamos a las madres en el proceso de establecimiento de la lactancia, acompanandolos en las premeras etapas,brindando informacion y buscando soluciones para los problemas que puedan surgir. This directory was compiled by the New Mexico Breastfeeding Taskforce. For more information contact: Cindy Chavez [email protected]
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