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Case report with rosacea papulo pustuloza
Bachevski, Petar* MD Dermatovenerologist
*Medical Centre – Ohrid R.Macedonia
*Founder and lead developer of Dr.Bacheff Apimell
December 2014
Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of Rosacea cream and to give a simple, cheap and
effective treatment for chronic- recurrent dermatitis
Methods: Direct examination KOH and NaCl, Demodex foliculorum, Pytirosporum
ovale, Candida albicans, Helicobacter pylori, Life style assessment
Results: After one week there was an evident regression of symptoms, skin
disorders disappeared completly in the course of two months. No recidives of the
disease in next 12 months.
Conclusion: Rosacea Cream is a simple, cheap and effective treatment for
chronic- recurrent dermatitis.
Rosacea papulo pustuloza
• Acne Rosacea is chronic dermatitis of the face with redness and
teleangiectasiae (rosacea erythematosa), may be papules (rosacea
papulosa), nodules and pustules (rosacea pustulosa) and also Rhinophima
in men
• Ethiopathology is unclear
• Costitutional weakness of capilars, chormonal disorders, dieting, disorders
of vegetative nerve system, gastrointestinal disorders, infections
(Demodex folliculorum), photosensitivity
• There are many treatments and shemes for treating rosaceae, but all of
them are long-termed and frustrating for the patients. The long-term use
of antibiotics and corticosteroids lead to short-term improvement,
masking the symptoms in the moment and finaly manifest many side
effects (steroid dermatitis).
Materials and methods
• Over 500 patients were included in the study
• Direct examination KOH and NaCl, Helicobacter pylori, Demodex
foliculorum and Pytirosporum ovaletesting , Life style assessment
• 50% of all patient tested positive for H. pylory. Eradication therapy was
• 5% tested positive for Demodex foliculorum.
• Non tested positive for Tinea faciei
• Patients have been treated with Rosacea Cream containing hidrosoluble
propolis extract (specialized extraction process to remove allergens) and
essential oils
• Application: twice per day – in the morning and in the evening
• Patients were vsisited after 7, 15, 30, 60 and 120 days and after one year.
Before treatment
After 15 days
After 15 day
After 30 days
After 30 days
After 60 days
After treatment
Before treatment
After treatment
After treatment
Before treatment
After treatment
Before treatment
After treatment
Before treatment
After 7 days of treatment
After treatment
Before treatment
After 15 days of treatment
After 30 days of treatment
After treatment
Three year visit
Other effects of Rosacea Cream
• Hypoallergenic properties
Local anesthetic effect
Radio-protective etc.
• After one week there was an evident regression of symptoms, skin
disorders disappeared completly in the course of a month. No recidives of
the disease in the next 12 months.
• These results were due to the anti-inflammatory, photo-protective and
anti-aggregation effect of propolis.
• Of all patient included in the study, only one suffered from contact
dermatitis. This was due to the multiple topical therapies the patient
applied by himself (arteficial dermatitis).
Perioral dermatitis
Before treatment
Perioral dermatitis
After 15 days
Perioral dermatitis
After 30 days
Rosacea represents a Gordian knot of factors determining the course of
the disease, it’s prognosis and its resolution. Unraveling this problem is
something that we, as a company, are working continuously. After many
years of development, we finally have success.